HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-05-14, Page 1VOL. XXXII. NO. 1631.
— 01'
Sala cornices
Saturday Afternoon; May 16th
Al 2 o'clock.
;..Saie alto; in evening at 7.30
o'clock and continue every
-.`„- afternoon at 2 OtelOOk
Holub Bros
Sign of the Big Bear.
tamed by PRANK PAyEasost, No. SS Vic • ria
street. Winghain. Ont. No wituessesrequired.
Capital paid up, $2,94010 0
Reserve Fund and
" Undivided profits $3,260,000_
Farrnere' Notts disowned.
Deets sold on 114 points in Canada,
. the United States an Europe.
allowed on deposits of $1 and upwarele,
and added to principall3Oth June and 8Ist
December each year.
A. E. GIBSON,- Manager.
St.Vanstone, Solicitor. '
Capital path up, imoo,000.00.
Uoserva Fend, $1,000,000.00.
Vice-Fresiderit-A. G. Beersv.
John Proctor, Gro. Itottch, Wm. (ibson, Mee
A. T, Weed, M. P. A. B. Lee (Toronto),
Genera Manager -4. NKILL.
alevlsegs Biluak-,Rours N to 3; Saturdny, 10
tat 1. Deposit4 of $1 and upwordareeeived.
tweet allOWid, find computed on tho SOth No -
ember and 31st May each year and added to
Speaial Deposits A180 received at current
eaten of 1ntert
-• Darts on Great firitain and the 'United
*tette Bonght and &dd,
ttratelirre are minified that theBenk of Hann
ilton end its Brenehes lento riar Initeeof
Xational Provineial Bonk of 11.1 lend, Limited,
which ran be earthed velment e ergo or tron..
ble iti any part erthe world.
W. C011,11011.tete Agent
Petit111/3 Ole' et ItufAtItS, solicitors,
100 -PIECE sms
All kletiklu's ware ; and of cOUrSe
they are the best milkers in Euglaud.
Wenott't niarle our goods like some
others. For instance, when a set is
only worth $10.00 we don't nark it
$18.00; or ti3 CO and mark it $15.30,
or $0.50 and inark it $9.60; but we
mark our goods as close as we
possibly can so as to live by the
111 A1 Hutchison
G1100.0nIEs AND 01t00Z.EnY
Prompt Delivery. . Phone 53.
• Who Wants a. Farm ?
'have over 4,000 acres of choice farm lands
for sale, in 50, 75, 100, 150 and 200 acres, lots in
Kinloss, Greenock. 13ruce, Kincardine. Huron
and AshtIeld Toe-net:tips. Good lands with
good buildings to be old(' client, on easy terms.
Also a good WMill for sale, almost for a song.
Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in con-
nection) doing a good business, for sale cheap.
A hotel doing good heftiness for sale cheap.
Also a VI' agonshop. A general store with large
trade, lire village. Also a large amount of
money to loan at• a per cent. Nor further par:•
neuters apply to
3, A. leteelettzeB,
• Insurance Anentarrood.
Notice to Farmers.
Are you antis& d with your preseut farm ?
If not, why not exchange it for one that. will
snit you ? I have numerous farmers who wish
to exchange their farms , some for larger one4
anti Home feetentiller. Now thaeseeding is over
twilit) time for you te cheese your farm. If
you are liretoldehse.vonie,-to, me and haVe
a took at my liet een, fee. lee nett see°. ;sere
propertiee. Pete% reale. wow mops ni town
O. J. $1.A.GUIEE, Deal Estate Agent.
(Office upstairs in Vanstone block.)
See Halsey Park's advertiseir.ent.
Canspbell's Headache Wafers guaran-
teed to cure headache.
Pair T
M. Roht. Maga
le1oreig, bas a mare
gave birth to a pa
urday last. The c
doing nicely and t
as healthy and str
colt. (This is said
Furniehed roo
park. Apply to
The Ontario G
report Saturday
ply. It estimate
$35,000,000. Th
reference to the
peat. It estimat
$4 a ton equals
in Colts.
e, of tbe ist line ,of
23 years of age that
of twin colts on Sat.
Its and mother are
colts appear to be
ng as any ordinary
to be' a very rare
s to let, convenient to
mica' HILL.
Fuel Supply.
eminent published a
n the (Mintier fuel sup -
Ontario's fuel bill at
report is with special
innufacture of Ontario
e that Qatari° peat at
thraeite at ea a ton.
MONEY eo LOAN at 4e,e, per dent. on
easy terms of repayment. Apply to A
Dulmage, Kent Block, Wingham.
No Camp
The first stateree
would be it. tamp
turns out tti he un
ba a camp at Nia
Western Ontario r
Rented, and cern
&stem Ontario cj
at Lenden,
t Sent Mit, that there
t London this year,
undsd. Thep wiIl
ara, at which the
iments will berepre- e
at Kingston for the a
Wear Oneare Shees antl lighters.
Gen+Iernen, I ou are Baltis
See Prof. Doreuw rid's Art Ooveringe
in Wigs and s, were on thou-
sands of heads. T y are a protection
against Colds, Oat rrb, etc., and gives
a most natural a d youoger appear.
Imo to the faze, ying ou and demoue
strafing the seperi r art of these goodie
free •of charge. /I will beat Winghtun,
Brunswick Rotel, oriday, May 22nd.
Fish-lereeb 1'181 Tuesday's and Fri-
days at Buckley, •o per lbee
Game Wardens
Below eve give a list of the game
evardens for the C Ivey of num. Wo
notice that Wit ham has no gatne
warden. The lis m as followsi-S. A,
Anderson, Seafort ;Jas. Oreech,Exeter;
John Currie, derieh ; john
Exeter; John Re itt, Bre; Peter
MoKay, Chiselbu t; C. J. S. NOM',
Gotterich ; Joseph ider, Clinton; John
Sands, SaItford ; A ;sander Scott West.
Good tsecond-h id 'bicycle for sale,
cheap. Apply to Buoy HILL.
ApprentiOe watit to team thebaking
trade. Good oh e t*- for a good boy.
Apply to A. J. Nie olls.
The $1 Excur ion to Detroit.
We have receive void from E. II
Ayer, the popular, e ursion egenteof the
White Star Line, of etroit, that it is
the intention to run he usual extension
from Goderiali to De reit ou Wednesday,
Tune 17th, The tri will be by the line
n lw steamer, Greyli und, leaving God -
grit% at 8.80 a. ne here will also be
the usual "moonlight ' tho Croderich
Mariue band ou Trios y evening, June
16th. These trips ere among the most
pleasant events of the miner.
Fon SAL13-8 buggies, 1 new, apply to
0. J. Moot
Card of Thanks
Mr, E. II. Kaiser desires threeighithe
columus the te express his grat-
itude to the menthe , of Maitland Ledge, 60
PlUkCit;thka 01:der of, Celafeliewi, ftsi, di
their kind attend() to him deriughis re-
cant accedent. Mr Kaiser ie a member
of the Walker ton dge, and approiates
very much the fr. erne snide shosvu
him by the Wing am brethren. The
fraternal end ben voleht societies are
doing a good work mei among them the
L O.O. V.eranks ell to the front.
Sate of Sfeek a
Unreserved aucti
and implententa a 1
(Bluenale road) on
tit 1 o'clock. See la
for partioulars. P
his fano and ever
jos. lifaxwell, propri
0 implements.
sale of farm etock
t It con 1, Morris
turday, May 10th,
/ bills and dodger,/
Orietor has rented
hing to be sal.
tor; Meal wen,
eed peae.witbout bugs, at T. A. Mills',.
WANTED-Tw sniert bo s t 1
The inembere of t
less than fifteen nit
neatness nt the regi
day night, Mei
Chanel/au Ileum h and Mows, Doug-
lass, Griffin, raitant and Button,
Minutes of prev us meeting were read
and approved.
The Principal' report for April show
ed a total of 218 oys and 233 girls with
lance of 401. Protno-
aele follows:-PrombirdSenior,
bird Senior, 20; Seniar
r Third, 21; Junior
20; Part II to junior
to Part .11', 20 making
a motionOof Meson'.
glass the Prineleare
e echool board were
utes transacting the
ar meeting on Tame
hers present were
upheisterine% .A.pply at Walker &Clegg's au average twat
tiplmierering factory,
A Protest
The new regulatio s issued by the
Proviuclut Governm t respecting scar-
let fever are receiyin the at tendon of
the fraternal orge leetious turd D.
Seard received re lution passed ly
CotirtOceident of tl e Canadian. Order
of Foresters protest' against the re-
goiretileut of the re oval of children
from their mothera.
OliAYON PoltTEArr„-Life size, for
82,004, tit Anuatrtnig & studio.
Mrs. en, offers speciel
valise he lung black plumes and tie e.
Next door to Smith's liable
Clyclegniale and Tt otting Stallion.
The etydestiale stall .u,Priuoe
s ands at Brotedwayet tel stables every
Tuesday -night Ron,. cards wore prin.
e at the TfatEA office Ins weelc for this
oend alee.for tix imported trotting
stallioe, Zeeo, who s stand for tire
season at hle mauage s stable in Holy -
rood. " Mr. 3. T. cPtierson is
niauager td tbeee tw horses.
Bit Snits yon att tit Bros.
auction side on Sate
Electric H _dlights.
The 0. P. R. is ad ting electric head-
lig,hts mettle passeti .r eugiues through-
out the entire syste , so says an ex-
change. Tbey hav been iu use for
seine timelan the tern divisiott and.
they are now befog- radually introduced
.t.11(3 b ween Toronto end
eYeudsor. .The lig/ s are very posverful
tt can. semi a unroll greater
stance JratctitOsg style. of lights.
Seed peas, without bugs, at T.A. Mills'.
Pine apples are ree weeks earlier
this year. Now is • e time to put 'damn
down, order from Buckley.
Game i
The Ontario Ga
jest issued the repo
In this there is expl
the propagation of q
more extiuet every
Litrabton, Eesex,
Counties are to be e
of propagation. Th
kilied last Sear was
bounty of $15 per h
715. There were 6,1
160 moose licenses a
e Corntnissiou has
ts for the year 1902.
ined a scheme for
ail, whioh is become
year. Reserves ba
iddlesex and Kent
Wished as places
number of wolveS
81, evhich, with a
d, test Ontario $2,-
deerlicenses issued
d 200 to non-resi-
Presbyterial Mi skmary Society.
The annual meeti g of the Presbyter-
ial Missionery Socie y of the Presbytery
of Maitland will bet clog in the Winghant
Presbyterian chum onenneeday next.
A session will be he in the afternoon
and a public motto will be- held in the
evenieg when addr ses e ill be deliver
ea by Rev. Mr.lieitcl 11, n, returned 11111sionary, tied Mrs. (3.in Fletcher, beside
short eddresses It other clergymen
These meetings pro Ise. to be very inter.
sting and profitabl, This moiety does
good work for nil Siena and the meet-
ings should be large y attended.
WANTED -100 cases eges weekl , 14e.
Corn! . We are soen selling age: tile
country for. the only Oh' B ey Corn
-the best silo corn of tittjlay. Potatoes
-we have the heaviest tropper out -6
lbs $5.00, special prices by the ).'Cr.
GEO. E. Kmo.
Anniversary Sere
The anniversary s
tiara Presbyterian el
Sunday next. Rev.
of Knox church,.
special sermons ate
Special collections
services. On Mond
West:tested lecture
through the Scottis
trated with beantifu
light views, will be
ter Moffat, of Loud
pices of the Ladies
following hymns an
and illustrated:-"
"Rock of Ages,"
Loch Lpmond." M
ed by the church ch
ership of Mr. Ge W.
is a very entertainin
treat may be expect
es and Lecture
vices Of the Wing -
roll will be held ou
. S. Hurdle, pastor
towel will preach
a. rn. and 7 p. 111.
11 be taken at both
eevenieg next en
lL bieyole tour
Highlands," Wes-
tland painted lime
iven by Rev. Wel
n, under the aus
Aid Society. The
acmes will be sung
ad, Kindly Light,'
o Bonnie Banks of
sic will be Punish -
r, under the lead.
ie. This lecture
one and a rare
• The admission
to the lecture is 25 es Its.
Dr. Ovens, of London, Singeour teen -
list enitSpeeittlist. Eye, Ear, Nose- and
Throat, will be at Wingbein on Mon-
day, .Tune ist; Mia, June 29th.
1 Glatsees properly flitted. Office at Camp-
. Irs lbw mts3"Viughain'
Second•hend b y earrings for sale.
Carriage can be t riled inns a go-cart;
also Mullen for n e in winter. Apply
at Thais °elec.
Butler, specialist in the diseases
of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes
tested and glasses supplied. Office op-
posite St. Andrew's church, Londoil,
Wingham Fall Fele.
The directors of he Turnberry A
cultural Society a e 'already t
making preparatio s /or Whigh
fair. The fair thi year Proxix's
pass all previous f irs. Tho •vision
the prize list lifts een apportioned
three committees rid these committees I th
have held "'meth* and gone over their ja
Work. Many eba ges will be made in
the prize lists this ear and additions will
ale° be mule to it. The epeeist attrae-
tion committee he it meth g a fow
nights ago and nt ters are being pat in
shape. There will several good Mime.
tions pot on this r. The
glen Anther par •nlars itt comnietion Att
:Ali fait futine ISENS.
Onittxr-Car of Durham moment lust
arrived. Parties who !Weed using
cement soon will do the wise act if they
buy it now, as cement will 'likely ad-
vance in price before lohg. We are also
agents for Minoru, cement.
• A. Youxo $ Sox.
Lacrosee Schedule.
On Monday after, oon a meeting of
presentatives of t e Astir dubs in Dis.
lot No.. 4, Caeadi n Laeresati Aesoeia-
oa ivits-held in W ngham. I3ert John.
05, of TMtowe Chase Bober, o.
Jas, A. oitzell,of Itincardine,
d R. A, Donal se, Wi ham were
he representat The following
at ldstowel.
12-Rincardi in at Wingliatti,
I9-4.istowel at Lacknow.
itd-tmesnoi at Ifineardine.
ly -Wingha at Lacknow.
10--Itincattli le at Lucknote.
17-,Lueltuoi At Listowel.
21-Liniknol at Vitingbani.
24 -Listowel at Rineardine.
31.---Littowe at WIN:than'.
1-Wing/tit at Itincardine.
14-Itincaftli oat Listowel.
LYE-Gillet's, Elliot's Alkali or
Lyintin's Ino can, 3 for e6
TROYER 25e per bottle re.
dirtied to 1.0e
OA-VS*6 SOBA 100 can, 3 for 2,5c
MIL/DB LIME per package
5,„ 10c and Itie
trust and Optician
N.,xt 10 Pett Ofilee.
Mona had been
Third. Junior to
Second to Jun
Second to Seeon
Second, 31; Par
a total of 133.
Griffin and Do
r4port was adopt
Qi tnotion o
Button the lieu()
supplies. $1.91,
Supply Co., Tor
were ordered to b
Messrs, Abrah
that inotion Of
bulIiztg fence be
Waltman be tee
feece and platfo
Oa motion of
Abraham the t
salaries were orde
Board adjourned.
Messrs. Griffin and
nts of 3. D. Burnes
ea Map and Soho( I
to, supplies, $28 73,
t and Griffin moved
revione meeting re
•seinded, and that the
ucted to leave the
properly repaired.
essrs. Douglass and
achers and &nous
d to bo paid, and the
wANTED-T0 buy it lin
1f0 acre farms. Apply t
Real Estate Agent.
The reembera of
football club journ
Monday and play
juniors iu the
game was about
was vers- interest
fever of Wingliam
the goal being sco
the game. Mr. E
the referee. Last
very interesting, fr
ed on the park her
and Winghara len
boys wore again t
of 8 to 0. We un
by have dropp
mediate series
juniors wilt play 1
Briissels on Taos.
Tho mutes af t
tOlvel--.-Wing !lain
Gabel G
Bricker. )
Stewart ....
G -ant her....
Hacking „ .)
Riggs Fo
Zit tifiX
Bamford .
Spectee-10 d
entered parasoles
$1.50 to V, for $
iber f gond
the Wingham junior
yed to Listowel ori
d it game with the
F. A. series. The
verily, oontested aucl
ig and resulted in
y a score of 1 to 0.
d near tile earl of
pore of town was
hersdny evening a
lidlysame was play -
between the Myth
oretenne. -The tienete
winters by a sccre.
rstaud that the local
vie special mu
conducted by Rev,
the Methodist cher
and are proviug bel
a, iritual life of el
creating it/ ,many
higher life. On 8
addressed a large g
opera house, the
Power of Parity."
by the an orettestr
of Mr. J. A, Mort
At the same hon
ed itgatheeing.of
church on the en
Mr. and Mrs,
hive their whole'
whish they have
Their messages to
tioakand plain, au
can !lenity Nil to
All the young
vicinity are cordi
meeting on Frid
will be discussed'
that has brought
of people.
Subject -"Fac Vaitb, and Feeling."
WIG services being
. Russell, D. , itt
It are well attended
it; awakening the
until met/Vera end
ers a desire for the
tday last Mr. Russell
thering of men in the
subject being "The
Music was furnish -
under the leadership
Mrs. Russell addrees•
dies in the Methodist
eget of "Prait-Lemr.
Ruesell undoubtedly
hearts in the work
en called to engage.
ho people are prim -
those who hear them
a benelitted.
ople of the town and
ly invited to a great
y eight. A subject
by Evangelist liaseelt
blessing to thousands
10 a. 01,-Prei
11 a ne-Evan
Subject -"Se
4 p, ne-Mr,
grand Ladies M
Subject -" T1
4 p.
Mesmeric Mem
Subject -"
Music f aruish
7 p. nre-A Sti
Subject -"PA
Special the uko
for the evaugeli
, "A Sum
To these wbo
outing and seeki
tures new, 80113
out of • the Ian it -
r this season. The
next series game at
ty evening next
e players in the I is -
match are as follows:
, „ Den cations will be
eans Handsome, illue
Ic.ks on application t
..... 31Pislarozrol t,reitatseyhsr Pass. A g t Gr
wards . . Mitchell
. Me(illivary
1... • ..
cast rare aside a
tive nat nes, wh
ever brightly,
blow and great
safely premised
.g 11)1 les of the
m ..es north
Mighlands of
sea level), they
en ladje4 black end
tldjbpThr&Ias: regular
00. Ritelde & Camp -
Fon SAtet-TWO story brick cottage
on north side of 3 -tabu street, between
Shu ter and Frances streets. Good stable
end one fifth acre of land. Apply to Its
mut. SERVioES.
e and Testimony Abet-
elist Russell will spotlit.
ration and Serviee,"
asset will address a
ting in die Methodist
A ttitudo of Power."
assell ail! give another
e to Men, in. the town
estie letaubood."
d by Male Orchestra.
ring Message by the
ine Preaching
ering at all the services
lc fund.
er raieetand"
re 'planning a summer
"green fields and pas -1
place wbere they may
commune with prinai-
e, Om' tho suu shines
breezes always Imported CI
at Isunknown, it is
Corae to Dorateees, Tan Dnuctorsr,
for eli bluffs of
Flower and Garden Seeds
Over 30 dtffereut colors and 'art-
etiee of Sweet P,.'it�i ohoose
year niixture front
B LEIS ---"`"417
Anything we have Hot in stock will
be procured At catalogue priee.
A epeelal prize of $5.00 is being
given by nie at the Wiegbaln feir ter
the best eolleetion of Ro-te and
Vegetables grois n from my Peed
The Druggis,
Office G. N. W. Telegrph.
OUle 1101TO:
"High Grade Work
Our graduates readily secure good
positious because 4,0111 high grad
training prepares thew to render !lest-
eiase services. Bittij,ss5 111(41 waut
first class workers and have -no time
to waste upon. the other kind. OM-
inence a course now and be leady for
ft position in the fell, Wae- for
handserne cataogue.
hat among the rocks Dering the week
Iuskoka district, about priuted at the Ti.
Toronto, situate in the bra ted clyd
d esdale
tario, (1000 feet above Morning, the pre
will finenchantment.
ted, descriptive peen. Pattereo, 01 Blue
t free to any address big is a son of the
dTrenk Ry.,
fall by Mr. Oswal
This hOrSe is a
oHli, OH NOTES. stables every Sat
D. eleDenakieDist. and was importe
St. Paul's Pr byterian Church, Bren
doe, Man, has xteeded a call to Rev
R. W. Dickie, • Orangeville, Ont.
The Goclerich
held in Ontario
Tuesday and
of May. Ther
meeting 30 dele
Methodists w
tenary of theta'
June 23th, Will
Dea h of Rev. day of thank
special feud of
is to be raised.
The death of
Moorhouse Whio
eve Joseph Hopkins
occurred at London
ng, will be deeply re-
• R. T. h
. potatoes now
order early at hi
A Spa
strict meeting will be
treet church,Olin to»,en
dnesday, 19th and 20111
are expected at this
ates froth. outside places.
1 celebrate the becat-
tit of Wesley, Sunday
be observed as a special
250000 for mission work
giviug and prayer. ee! affords. The
'with ease and
number of his old seugers throu
scenery On e
pastor of the IL:gal:1,1118. Baptist$4.lacehltlireelv 1.411, rdeeicroiE telly
and vicinit, as w 11 preach his /rt sermon, on Sundaynye
Own be Was likd. !next. Rees E. Cameron, of Tiverton I
S oely in his 54th oectipied the pit pit la the Baptist church
There is no
the Western
life and perfe
Urn the fa mo
o the •,}lig.
100 miles /tor
is ono of the
oa Saturday flier Rev. 3. .
grated by a limn
friends in Vtiringli
wherever he was k
Mr. Moorhouse
year, and playsicall
the matter with
duties of his office
hira and he wag ta
evening. April 26th
taticin. ken' 26 ye
ministry, and lat3t
first in that time t
Sanday service.
Toweship, Lam
yoinigest son of
Moot:muse, he wa
Collegiate Institute
Then he entered Tr
ing ottialued in 187
was admitted tepri
first parish wag at
pen SululeY last.
there was nothing !
iitn. Howerer the Rev. S. Al.
vere a strein upon Helens 1ns been
en ill on Stintiey , weeks past and
with nervous pros. 1 he Mr. S. twice
s he Intel been iu the
nday week was the
at he ever missed a
mit in Euphemia
Ott ' 00tIllty0 tilO
Methodist chart
We are pleased
is improving an
in usual vigor.
The annual Di
holey, B. A. of St.
iu poor health for some
is Work is being taken
, a graduate of Queen's,
learn that MrWbaly
trust he will soon be
:riot meeting of the
ho late Col. Joseph Winghata te.striotd
will be held le L ektioW on Wednesday
edueated at Galt an 1 Th d f next week. An hour
discussing the John
mil celebration whieh
under De. Trieste. will be devoted
ity University, be- Watley bi-Cente
The next year be con e on *tune
st orders and his
this For S trm-lious
er.dale Stallion. -- -
ate card-, have been
office for the clt/-
stallion, Pride of
erty of ear. Archy
le. Pride of 11,farn-
Baan'. Pride
S`etetland last
SoitYr of Guelph.
Broadway's hotel
day aftethoon.
eeial line ot seed
and. Leave your
sm a n etca,
ore delightful place ixz
elnisphere for ont-door
sport with rod and gun
s Muskoka Lakes region
antis of Ontaio" about
h of Toronto. Canoeing
any pleasnres the district
Grand Truer roaches it
omfort, whirling its paa-
Fh of the grandest
th. Handsom, Alastrat-
metre)/ sent free to au
pliatinto S. D. Warn.,
Pasernger .Agent, Grand
Wingham's leading Shoo Slue
little place he staye lot on the tor-
he removed to Gr tird etrets.
for six years, when ner ofPtriek and
e for the next four pIy to 13' .T 1
years. Following t nit he was the rettor
of St. Paul's at Ingham for three C.71"tliaml 'merit zit
years and thou at
Iegersoll. After
there where he wa
the people of that t
call to -Christ Chu
has been there sow
time he had becom
congregation as -we
voith *whom be ea
WAS recognized as 11
elerygmen of the
WAS married Mont
the ministry and hi
his only son, Mr. II
is left to tnourn
t. Jams' Cirarh, cement soon will do thTwi:eteanclif
tear years service brty 110W aS eelnent 'WM Ificely art-
h)ghly, thought oe by, velem prite before long. We are also
wn, lie accepted the rents tor I/allover (lenient.
of London, and he
nine years. In that The Singer Me ufacturing Co. has
vbere a full line tif
ing machines and a
achines will always
il five and ten vents
les it per d02e11.
vveek or month. AU
paired at a moderate
etti"Wlhavefbee°v ant le*�
A. Yorxei &Sox.
beloved by a largo
As Well as by others
in Contact. lie
of the leading
y of London, lie a bettIe and nee
le Hirai 10 eitier.xl gtiebineS vented h
kinds of reed/Ines
widow es well as
- eharge, but no
'bell J. lifoorhOnac, Anger 'beehives
than 10 yeas.
Opened a Stern in
the Temlyn block
their celebrated se
complete stock of
for all makes of
be tent in 'stock.
he Jater hoe
The Hagar Shoe
ror WOMN,
hers splendid reputations 'behind
them -find they twee the qualities Oti
maintain and increase thrir repottions.
You ean't put $3 00 or $3 Zeta itUrbetter
use than %reting it in these Shoots, for
they stand without a Ivor in the shell
See our barain, ttble!D *ft%
do GRE