HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-05-07, Page 851 LEADERS IN Black Taffeta, Black Japan Taffeta, Black Gros - rain, Peau-de-Soie, Satin Meruv, Black Satins. •ire have these different qualities and weaves in large quantities, prices from 5oc to $1.50 a yd. 14•00.1,11011010 Black Silk Grenadines, 5oc to $3.00 a yd. Bek and colored Lustres 50c to $r. Go a yd. .r Broadcloths 70c to $2.Oo a yd. Hosiery' Silk--Catton—Lisle Thread—Cashmere— Embroidered and Lace Effects. Corsets Short fronts with long hip, in white and • • drab. Prices, per pair, 50c to $1.50 Embroideries Large assortment—all prices. Also Embroidered Medallions, suitable for trimming white dress goods, 3c to J5c. Good values at - $ RITCHIE CAS PBELL9 S11 Mi.NOR LOCALS. —Brussels horse races will be held on Aug. 1.9111 and 20th. —There will be no baseball club in Clinton this season. --The front of Ball's factory has bee given a fresh coat of paint. —Chealey has a population of 118t and a total assessmect of $1,00,325. —Regular meeting of Court Maitland, U. O. F. on Friday evening of this week. —W. F. VunStoner shipped a double heck car iced of bogs to Toronto o Monday.—Mr. Wm. Nicholson received a car- load of choice pine lumber from Cargill this week. TILE VV'INGIT .. TIMES, MAY 7, 1903 —Work has been. resumed this week on Messrs. Geo. McKenzie and Thera the building; of the Holmes block and vest will be pushed forward as rapidly as possible. —In a league game of football on Mouday evening;, Brussels juniors won from Listowel j majors by a scorn of 1 to Dat I3russels. --Blyth and Wingham football clubs Will play a gauze on the part;, this (Thurs• day) evening. Game called at 6.30 sharp. A good game may be expected. —Mr. Warder of Bluevale flour mills, bas opened a flour and feed store next to Mr. J, R. MacMath's harness and him - ming shop. Mr. R. J. Tindall will have charge of the store. Mr. Warder has en advt. iu this issue. Read it. —Mr. Win. Clegg has this weak sold his residence on Edward street to Mr. Wm. Armour. Mr. Armour has secured a good property and he will now bo very convenient to his egg emporium. Mr. Clegg iuteuds moving to Manitoba. --We notice that R. N. Barrett, for- merly of Brussels, has been elected President of the new Baud being organ- ized in Wingham, "Dick" has been associated with brass bands for a good many years and will mako a good official.—Brussels Post. -The regular monthly mee_teng of the School Board well be het on Tuesday evening nest. Have you triee1l P Sold by J. Mac 1l1 ' —Horsemen will field a largo assort- ment ofhorse cuts at the TIMES office. We print bills and route cards promptly d at right prices. —Charlie Zilliox, one of the Listowel junior football players had his leg broken while playing against Milverton on Wed- nesday of last week. —Mr. J. A. McLean was confined to his home for a few days though illness, but wo aro pleased to learn that he is able to be oat again. —All arrangements are now completed for the excursions via boat to Detroit is June and August. The dates will be announcement in due time. —The •Presbytery of Maitland• will meet lu Wingham Presbyterian church, i2ne lay, May 1i?th. —Hens sols iilerebants are now closin their strree t* 7 o'olccle p. m., every everting:except Saturday. —Mr. Thos.;a,riendship, a former real - dent of Wingham, has' purchased a grocery business in Teeswater. -Mr. John Haines, forman of they Blyth glove works was at his home here, all last week, ill with la grippe. —Messrs. Swarts &Dore, of the Wing Ilam carriage works shipped a car load Of buggies to Manitoba this week. —Mr. W. G. Paton has given up i1f3 eoutract of drilling an artesian well in X',istowel iu connection with their water- works. aterworks. —Mr. A. S. Curry, of Seaforth has been appointed Bailiff of the Secon 'Division Court of Huron, succeeding 3oseph P. 13rine. Thank you We thank our many customers for their kind patronage which has made this business what it is to -day, Saturday's cash receipts compared se itll those of ayear ago show a gain of 20005. Where is there another groeer that can beat this record?• -s - Why is it? We try to use every customer right and guarantee every- thing we sell to be first quality or money back. Again we say Thank You and trust you will continue to give ets a share of your custom. We appreciate it. UY YOUR PINEAPPLES able week as the price is advancing. We littve the largest and most coln- �lete aeeortment. Prices range 8e. =bit Reclpath's granrllated sugar $1. Tu hop 's Store cell—Deans Bread. Gregory left yesterday afternoon on a business trip to Manitoba. They will visit different points in Manitoba and expect to be away for several weeks. Rev, Father Corcoran and Mr, Verson of Teeswater were in town on Tuesday. arranging with the Wingham ' lacrosse club to play a game at the Catholic Vic:.. tie in'1'ceswater ou 'Victoria Day. nitre N, LENNox--In Win llatn, on April•29th, the wife of John T. Lennox; a son. Braun—In Brosse s, on Agri' 28th, the wite of (x, F. Blair; a son. Torus—In Wingham, on bfay 4th, the wife of GPO. Jones: a dueghter. WnsT—At "The Meese," Bluevale, on April 30th, the wife of Rev. W, J. West a sots Mositae—In L or,iwirh, • on April 26th, the wife of .Tesse Unsure; a son. LuoNAen-1n Howicec, on April 25th, the wife of Wm. H. Leonard a tit ughter. MA7 BII.II GRt i.n'wAY—GANN rT—At St. Paul's rec. tory, Wingham, April 27th, by Rev. Win. Lowe, , Miss Margaret A. Greenway to Samuel, Augustus (xaunett, both of Bluevale, Dino STs.. MARui—In Howick, on April 20th, Alex- ander Edward, son of Alex, Ste. Marie, aged 1 year and 6 months. Salient --At Nilo, nn April 28th, Albert Snitth aged 75 years and 3 months. Swnrr,ow—In McKilhlp, on April 25th, John HHlalt Swallow. need 78years.otAIGrey, on pril2Oth, Miss Mary Howard, d, `aged 87 years. You NG—At Auburn, on April 27th,. Isabella Clark, relict of the late George Young, aged 81 years, Po v rr.—In Turnberry, on May Ord. Join, Powell, aged. 80 years, 11 .months and 17 days —Work was commenced on the lay- ing of the granolithic walks on Monday morning, Mr. F. Paterson, the f oretnau for the Forest City Paving Co., has a large number of men at worst. The walk on Victoria street to Lower Wing - ham is the first one to be built. —The delivery boys for the Winghain butchers came out in grand style on Wednesday morning. with dandy new delivery wagons. T. T. Field and W. F. VanStone are bound to keep to the front. Tho wagons were built by Messrs. Swarts & Dore, of the Winghain carriage works. —Mr. P. Cummins, late of the National hotel here has sold the Walker House at Walkerton to Mr. Henry Hauck, late of the Commercial Hotel, at Mildmay. The price paid was $7,000 and the new proprietor got possession on the ist of May. We understand that Mr. Cummins will move to the West. —At the adjourned meeting of the West Huron License Commissioners Mr, N. G. Boggs, of the Carlow hotel was re- fused a license. Tho burniug of tho Clarendon hotel in Clinton caused a va- cancy in the number of licenses allowed to that town, and it was decided to issue one to S. Pike, whose application was re- fused at a previous meeting. —The assessor of Wingham receives a salary of $1.25. His duties evidently include snore than copying the previous year's roll.—Chesley Enterprise. —As a result of a recent combination of California growers and shippers. the price of merges from that state has ad vanced from 25 to 50 cents a box. —Grand Trunk Railway trackmen, have received an increase of wages., The new scale, dating from 1st of April gives foremen $50 a month and laborers $1.30 per day. —The Wingham school football club went to Blyth on Friday last and played a game with the school club 111 that town. The score was '7 to 0 in favor of the Blyth boys. —Quite a number of local sports visited the neighboring trout streams on Friday last. The weather was too cold for successful fishing and fish yarns were not very numerous on Saturday. NOTICE. Take notice that the Municipal Council of the corporation of the Town of Wingham intend to carry out the following local improvements, namely : No. 69. The construction of a concrete side- walk, four feet wide, on the south side of Pet- rick street, from Carling Terrace to the west side of Josephine street. The estimated cost of this work is $904.50, of which$323.00 is to be provided out of the gener- al funds of the municipality. No. 70. The construction of a concrete side- walk, walk, four feet wide, on the west side of Ed- ward a1 d street, from a point in a strai line with the northerly limit of Lot No. Award Follev's survey, to the north sid of Victoria street. The estimated cost •i this ork is $133.00, of which $24,(41N to he nvi. • . oat of the general fundis of the Itlnntei ill No. 71. The const ion of a concrete side- walk, four feet wide, on the west side of Cath- erine street, from the north side of Victoria street to a point opposite the southerly limit of lot No. 118, Leet and McKay's survey. The estimated cost of this work is $222.50, of which $2.450 is to be provided out of the general funds of the mmnicialility. • And to assess the final costs of the said works upon the properties abutting thereon and to bo benefitted thereby respectively, and that 0 statement showing the lands liable to pay the said assessments and the navies of the owners thereof so far as they can be ascertained from the last revised assessment roll is now filed in the ofltee of the Clerk of the Municipality and is open for inspection during ofilee hours. A Court of Revision will be held on Tuesday, the 20th day of May. A , D., WOO, at 8 o'clock, p. 1n, at the town hall, Wingham, for the purpose of hearing complalnt3 against the proposed assessment or accuracy of the frontage meas- urements or any other complaint which per- sons interested may desire to make and which is by law cognizable by the Court,. Any person wishing to petition the council against any of the proposed undertakings shrnkl do so within one month after the last }publication of th's notice, which last publica- tion shall be on the 14th day of May, MOO . Cl T. B. FERGUSON, Town erk. Town Clerk's Office, Wingluutn, Miiy 7th, 1903. —Messrs. Currie & Davidson, well drillers have recently finished drilling a well for Mr. Robt. Haines, of Fordyce. It was necessary to drill 185 feet in order to secure a good flow of water. Mr. Haines says he now has sufficient water to supply a good sized town. Currie & Davidson always do good work. —Messrs. Vasbinder & Rodwcll, of the Wingham machine shop have a new advt. in this issue. These gentlemen are practical machinists and give general satisfaction in all work. They recently built a lawn roller for the Wingham bowlers which is giving splendid satis- faction. If you require any new work or repairing call at their shop on Victoria. street. —It saves money and trouble to send the TIStES to friends at a distance whether in Canada, the United States or Great Britain. Only $1.00 a year for a weekly letter, or COo'to Jan. 1st, 1004. —A splendid job was done, under the direction of Frank Paterson, of Wing - ham, in levelling and re -sodding Brussels Bowling Club lawn. It will be in better shape than ever this season. ---Brussels Post. —Mr. Frank Ashton of Morris town- ship has sold his 100 acre farm to John Nethery of the same township for $4,500. The transfer of this property %vas ne- gotiated by C. 3. Maguire, real estate agent. —Rev. J. H. Moorhouse, a former rector of St. Paul's church, 'Wingham, has been seriously ill at his hone in London daring the past week. We are pleased to hear that at last accounts he was improving. —The 'J IMES its pleased to learn that Mr. John Hardie, of Culross has nicely recovered from the effete Of`anaccident of seine four weeks age. Mr. Hardie was moving a fence and part of it fell n n crushed one of his legs. d gs. PERSONALS. Mr. T. E. Cornyn was calling friends in town this week. $43.70—Wingham to Nelson, Robson, Trait, Hossland, Greenwood, Midway, Vancouver, Victoria, New Westminster, B.C.; Seattle and Tacoma, %Vasil.; Port- land, Ore. $41.20—Wingham to Spokane, Wash, $40.70--Wingliam to Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Colo ; Pocatello, Idaho; Ogden and salt Lake, Utab; Helena, Butte, Anaconda, Alissorea, ICaiispell, Mont. One-way Second -Class Colonist Tickets on sale until June 15th. On Old Proportionately low rates to other Points. Messrs. Wilson and McCreight, of Ripley were in town on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Popo and children of Wroxeter were visiting in town on Wednesday. • Mr. and Mrs. P. Brown, of Lakelet were visitors with Wingham friends oyer Sunday. Mr, Harry Hession, of Toronto was calling on. Wingham friends for a few days this week. Dr. J. S. Jerome, of Blyth, was call- ing on old Wingham friends for a cbuple of days this week. Mr. R. W. McKenzie, of Goderich, visited with his brother, Mr. Geo. Mc- u- Kenzie, o Monday. —The work on the Griffin block is al- most finished. The glass was plated in the front on Saturday. This new Grit- Toronto where she has secured a eitua- 1n•Vanetone block makes a great differ- tion. Miss Cody has been operator at erne in the appearance of that portion Of the Central telephone office for the past Josephine street. Mr. Griffin will iliove eight years aiirl trade a hotlt of frietnns w o �tvi11 h+t pleaaatl to hear of her future, Mr E. H. Kaiser and daughter, Miss Della, spent a few days during the past week visiting with his mother near Tor- onto, points Mr. John Baxter left last week for emaisO1tss NAVIGATION Co. Stratford, where he hits sedered 8' sit- ' Steamer leatesMuskbka Wharf 2 m., daily nation. John will -be much missed in except Sunday for Bala, Port Sanaeld, Roseau nd en Tne.da s i to int a 5 and mternled a po s, , y the Baptist church where he was an Thursdays and Saturdays to Port Cockburn active worker. and points on Lake St. fosnph. HUNTSVILLE & LAKE Cs' BAYS NAVIGA- TION CO. Steamer leaves Huntsville 7.15 a. m. and 3.15 T). m. Tuesdays,. Thursdays and Saturdays for Dorset and intermediate ports. TROUT- FIS.ZING. Season for Trout Flailing iy now open, For tickets, information and illtistratedliter- ature of summer resorts in Highlands of On- tario, apply to L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham. 11111 particulars.from your nearest Can- adian Pacific argent, or A. H: NOTMAN, Assistant General Passenger Agent 1 King St. East. Toronto A I L W pV: I PtI%U 1 flULWi RSYSTEM' Navigation Now Open on Lakes NORTH WEST TRANSPORTATION CO. Steamer leaves Sarnia Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays o p in. for Sault Ste Marie, Port Arthur, Fort Williarrolud Duluth (Wednesday steamer runs to Fort William only.) NORTHERN NAVIGATION CO. Steamer leaves Collingwood 1.80 p. nn, Owen Sound 11 p. in. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur- days for Sault Ste Marie and intermediate Everyone Door it -YOU DO ----WE D0 When we enter a room, wo im- mediately glance at the wall paper. We do it instinctively, for while the wall decoration is seemingly insignificant and unobtrusive, it lays the foundation for the beauty of the room. With inartistic paper you may work forever, and there will be something wrong about the rooms. While the right paper —well it will almost furnish all empty room. Nowhere else will you find so much beauty for so little money as here. Ito EXCELLENT VALUES at 10 121 15 to 25 cents a roll, Special prices on remnants in lots of from 6 to 20 rolls, some of which are be- ing sold as low as 2; 4 and 3 cents a roll. ALL PAPER TRIMMED FREE. o REPLACE YOUR OLD WIN- DOW SHADES with some of our reliable opaque shades, guaran- toed to neither fade, crack nor curl, mounted on guaranteed roll- ers and decorated with choice pat- terns in lace and fringe. Special value on small lots of shades that are being cleared out. WE TACKLE 'FISHERMEN as well as other sports, and give you the best values procurable in La - crosses, Baseball goods, Cricket goods, Tennis goods or any other supplies you may require. Your trade solicited. qr Cooper &Co. WINGIIAM. 1 It. N. and Mrs.Barrett and Miss Ruth, of Wingham, were here last Sunday. Their daughter, Grace, has recently re- covered from an attack of typhoid fever. —Brussels Post. Mr. Thos. Lind left on Tuesday for Shoal Lake, Man., where he will spend the next few months with one of his son's. The Son is building a new house on his farm property and Mr. Lind will assist him in the work. Mrs. Sleeman and Mrs. Snell of Wing - ham, danghtere of the late John McGee of Goderich township, were in town this week on their y home from. attending the funeral of Mrs. George Brownlee of Tuckersmith,--Clinton News -Record. Mr, and Mrs. R. S. McGee, of Owen Sound, camp to town on Thursday last to attend the funeral of Mrs. McGee's sister, the late Mrs. Zopp, and visited friends and relatives in Wingham and 'vicinity for a few days before returning home. Mr. Jas. II. Cummings, son of Mr. Jas. thimmings of town, and who has been residing in Thessalon for some time past has secured a position in the Traders Bank end left last week to commence work at the brach bank in Bridgeburg. We wish this young inan every eudeess in his new position, bliss Carrie Cody left this week for BOAR FOR SERVI Brass and Iron Beds' This week we are placing in stock a large assort- ment of Brass and Iron Beds. The extensive business done last year with these goods gave us better discount on ,the present stock. The beds are finished with the best enamel (not the cheap paint which will last only a few months and chip off) and guaranteed to wear, Prices $4.75 to $30. The medium price beds are exceptionally gocd value. Will be pleased to have you examine them. Also see our stock of Bedroom Suits, Sideboards, Tables and Couches, Odd Dressers and Stands to go with Iron Beds, See our Window Shade and Curtain Pole stock. BALL BROS, UNDERTAKING EesInb.NCE—PATRICA STRUT S. Gracey's termer residence, where night calls will receive prompt attention. The People's Furniture Store PHONE 51 YVVVVVVVY'VYYVVYYYYVYYYYVr YVVrirV,VYYYYVVYYYVVTVVYVV sp.iII" FurnitureI umingroom Is one thing we have the lead in. Our assort- s. v. nn,ent of wood seat and leather seat diners is a i. v. marvel of style, quality and cheapness. 11. 46f0111.4:011/00'p/4•11firOQN' A,0 0. : EXTENSION TABLES in great variety. The undersigned wil ' kee , ' • r service on his premises, north half L. 18, Con. 1, Morris, 1Bhtevale road) roughbred Tamworth Boar. Terms—$1.00 at time of service, with privilege of returning if necessary. T. M. HENDERSON. tao ties doable stare in his block is 4 few' pewees. Hiss thefts Osreori tails her plan fret the Moo. CALVES ESTRAY. Came unto the premises of the undersigned, lot 36, con. 10, East Wawanosh, on Monday,27th of April, four heifer calves—two grey and two red. Owner can have sante by proving proper- ty and paying ecpensePATEIOK GIBBONS. Marnock, April 29th, 1903. WALKER BROS. & BUTTON UNDERTAKERS, WINGHANI. Night calls at Button Block, or Fifth door south of School House, Shop op- posite Macdonald block, Miss taurine Agusta Kaiser (SOPRANO) TEACHER OF VOICE AND PIANO. CONCERT ENOAtitMENTS ACCEPTED. fl,'vitt nee_11.13. Elliott, Y rsnees St., Wingham C.S. MAGUIR,E ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AIM LOAN AGENT. Acenunts, Iiia is time Netts COI -acted. Con- veyancing /lone. OFFI('B•—In VP nelons WAR. Cure Saturday might* boron 7 loo ! dclmck. GEMENT WORKS. I am prepared to execute all orders for cement work of every description, in- cluding silos, sidewalks, stable floors, foundations, etc. I have every facility necessary and can do the work right. All work guaranteed. Prices and terms reasonable. Cement for -sale. CHARLES BARBER, WINGHAM. TOWN PROPERTIES WANTED. ► ► ► Furniture and iThe Furniture Store opposite the AAAAAAAAAAAalsaaaAAAAAAAAAA I have daily enquirers wanting to pur- chase or rent houses in town. No commission charged unless a sale is made. ABNER COSENS. Minnie St. WANTED- -NOW ! ! SIDEBOARDS—The largest and best selected stock of the latest designs and choicest woods in use in the manufacture of up-to-date furniture. ' We carry a complete line of all kinds of furniture. WALKER BRO S. -& BUTTON Undertaking. Post Office. 4 4, 1 4 4 4 4 4. 4• 4 4 4 se 4 4 a e evvvvvvvvvvvVVVVOVvvevv 'YI' TO RENT. In Wingham Town Plot, a comfortable House, with good stable. Any quantity of land from one to twenty acres can bo leased in connection with it. Terms reasonable. Apply to ALEX. BELLY, Wingham P. 0. Good Local AAgent For Wingham and vicinity, 11 fruit trees, ornamental trees nabs, roses, etc. We have the rgest and best assortment of toe n Canada. Terms liberal. We ow and sell improved lines of seed potatoes. All stock guar- anteed true to name and delivered in good condition or purchase money re- funded. Will retake arrangements on commission or salary basis, according to time and ,ability of applicant, Apply immediately. Pelham Nursery Company, Torso sro, '0 1r. B LU EVALE FLOUR MILLS. • 131cam HESE MILLS have r : eptly un- dergone est>nsive - •• provements. chinery has been am plant added, so The latest improv put in and a new that the public can depend on an up -to. date service. THOMAS HOLMES & SON BANKERS, Etc. Marriage Licensor issued. No witnesses re- quired. Mona 4 per eent. large amounts; smaller In proportion. Hiasiest terms. RICHARD HOLMES 3ARItti inis At Lew, SometTOrt, i'inrAnT Yr1WV, &e., wo. O155d4-2fexb to Solutes Blank new tarrri Un , I Chopping done every day I A full stock of Flour and Feed on sale at the store next door to MacMath's harness shop, Wingham, under the ,man- agement of Mr. R. J. Tindall. A share Of the public patronage solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. 3. W. WARDER Proprietor Bluevale Flour Mills. THE WINGHAM MACHINE SHOP! HEADQUARTERS F Bicycle Sundr'es Repairing AT THE Pascal. ems AND nn CONVINCED. Second-hand Bicycles =till'y REPAIRING OF MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS. Lawn Mowers repaired....4s for Thom's Imp Agency Implements. Vasbinder & Rodwell Practical Machinists and Engineers. `Vlrabot'ba Street. WHIG SEEDS 1903 We have a large stock of all kinds, of Seeds, inoluding:- -SUGAR BEETS, —MANGOLDS, —TIMOTHY, —TURNIPS, . —CLOVER, etc. —LIGOWO. - -20TH CENTURY, and " —GOLDEN FLEECE SEED OATS, AJGL KINDS OF GARDEN SEED. See us before purchasing your Seeds. We can satisfy you as to price and quality. Cassels & Carr.. j \ From centre to crust The •M'arke't Bakery Bread is perfection itself. White, light, sweet centre; rich, brown, short anat. Mixed, molded, baked and delivered in just the way to win your approval. ALL K$NbS OF PASTRY WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY We have all the latest inachin- cry, and there is no need of sending to the city for your bread or pasty. Di LOU G H EE D Opposite Presbyterian Church.