HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-05-07, Page 2>.IIL'� I G1tA t TIMES,, NAY 1903.. 11414T 'Ur r"I'i 1 THE POOR DYSPEPTIC- The D:et Question. 1 \1ILY r"1 Do not. teimme a diet crank if you t " i+:NfttjAial IMLS• Is the salsa Miserable of Mortals --Only R:1¥1•l:1()TT. PriebrsaER AND parr al ea 53ts5zar Solferers: Can t uderitand Ili, Hoar of Agony. 'I:11.17R=DAY, MAY 7, 12a3- Ti =re is ala mortal more miserable • than the Feer clyst-r.ttL. He is never I beelthy. never happy—always ztiling, fNails svSeSit of sorts. Every monthfa l o QTE AND COMMENTS. €ot db brings boars flistr s —every anew w tF nset ° aces Hew: soured An !ale '^ras.-t.d rne-n .ric of the day spoiled is s ilcsand away at9v , tc� +tnnsFa of. C a-afrder- voa are a dysEteDtie+ y o u kno w tie seers;the coated tongue. the D1 heri • tton r.�ai . hy Sir a�h, the Tinartl)a'°n. the biliousness, the TI3,; „+.'., Sit' fleeter l,o!,fi"?:Jlt'Q, Sat -attar ..tuF srt'sisC?nt t srmi eat c3Ykerineal3, the llope- Dl :k:o. Settetoe A. le. Mae..3on :"- : anti Mees despondency. Any one of these s lel i '' n. b tie 9 .. ..i nSpellets;tO c8t3O. �' .e Q d . �,/� n 13 Wm. la A fl g sere enrefvr indigestion is D. Williams' ' itr.r^gra tate pereietent effort of li- Pink Pills. They make new blood— He'l es- M. I''., the Taipni:dee 0 )v:m- that's the wbnle secret Through the iu:cnt this ch;•. a :t t r e o stent 3 rifle ". blood they will brace up your streugtil, rangeat Gel. rich. It wisl b lecoted w 'ken sour liversand set your stomach * r- , slitere, t b , it bt, If you ask your neighbors yon alum; the. 1•�... slit r,., soar TrIlat sent)). of find proof of tbis right at your own the piers, mei Will cast in the neighbor- home. Mr. Chanes Wood, Mars, Ont btI'a,I cY 4.,a one of the thousands of dyspeptics cored by the use of these pills. says:—"For M. W. A. Wright, tire Conservative upwards of twelve year I was a great eretemizev € ,r Ontario, is at present over t sufferer from indigestion and nervous - nn IalltiFalte trying. to reircuase afileiavits Hess. EvervtMng I ate tortured men I from IG affalo tt�u,;lts besmirching the i doctored almost eontinnaily, aid used almost everything recommended for this clxrtraeter elf enele inen as Mr. O'Bierne, trouble, but never got more than tem - of tae S atfoal la •amen That is a loud porary relief until I began the use of of auttemnip s Isolutes that will be re- Dr. '4'i` illianes' Pink Pills. Words can- not express the good these pills have pw1 t 4 by donna people.—Windsor Windsar done me. I am in better health than I Record. One of the Iiteyt, and certainly an^, at the most interesting, discoveries in botanteel science, is the practicability or no :il t.ting plants to render them immune toats,t:ek of parasites, just as s'nimals, by inoculation, aro rex dered have enjoyed in years before, and I have Droved that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure when other medicines fail," Bad blood is the mother of fifty dis- eases, and Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will cure them all, because they convert bad blood into good, rich red blood, without which there can be neither health nor st o:agth. Don't be persuaded to try immune to certain diseases. Expert- ( something else—fake nothing but the =eats made by several botanists have 1 genuine Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Sold teen wholly successful. Oae of thele by all medicine dealers orsent psot paid of begonia. at 50c. a box, or six boxes for $2.50, by was msde with cuttings g addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine The cuttings were allowed to grow in 1Co., Brockville, Ont - en z th impregnated with a speeies of fungus that is a destructive parasite, t:na when they were afterward ';iib jetted to attack by the parasite, they resisted• it perfectly. Ther: ar3 three classes of insane; (1) the barmiest iname, such as epileptics. of whom there are said to bo no less than 1,010 itt that Pioviti ;r. and who require little or no restraint or attention, and who can be utilized in a variety of ways, both out of doors and indoors; (2) the curable insane, who require to be kept under e1ese restraint, and (3) the ln- enzah:e insane. These classes, it is s"ate=1, the Oatario Government intend in time to keep in separate building's, and itis with a view to better ciassificattou, according to the Woodssock Sentinel - Review, it at the new hospital for epileptics is to be erected at Woodstock. There has been evideace for sometime of the need of greater accommodation for 'lunatics, and the Government has been endeavoring to overtake it. The old Victoria, College buildings at Co- bourg have been fitted upend now a new asylum is to bo proyidedin the west. In creased accommodation and better classification are both on the right lines. POLITICAL SCANDALMONGERS. There is a class of politicians and of party hirelings who are professional political scandalmongers. Ontario is cursed with more than her share, and they are becoming increasingly vulgar and noisy. A considerable number of them gathered recently at Buffalo like vultures about a carcase. What gave promise of being a damaging poli- tical scaudal was stirred up,and the press was utilized to spread it thonghont the whole country. Under the pretend- ed solemnity of an oath, allegations were made charging the Ontario Government and prominent gentlemen iu various parts of the Province with complicity in wholesale debauching of the electors in North Grey, North Norfolk and North Perth in connection with the recent bye - elections. The official organizer of the Conservative party figures very promin- ently in formulating and circulating this scandal. The matter was party ventilat- in the Buffalo Police Court the other day, and attempts are now being made by the Opposition press in Ontario to so set it before the public that it will serve as a makeweight in the Gamey investi- In many towns and cities special igation. But the gentlemen named as ,attention is being directed to improve- accomplices of Nelson,the self-confessed ntents with the ostensible object of €briber, absolutelyand utterlydeny his beautification. In.fhe places where charge, characterize hie statements as the most work is being accomplished real where the mast zest is apparent Horticultural Societies are as it rule behind the movement. Encourage - men£ by way of competitive prizes should undertake to prove the allegations arc offered ea inducements in several or face the consequences. Mr. A. W. places to promote interest in the Wrighthas something at stake and un - work and to lift it upto a, higher g g ' til he risks his position in a thorough in - stage. Nearby places that are act- vestigation every statement he makes hely engaged in the matter are Lon- will be heavily discounted, and he will don Brantford, Stratford and Wood- be stamped as a common scandalmonger. stock, and this year greater efforts The Globe holds no such brief for the Meat ever will be put forth along this Ontario Government or for the Liberal lisle. Other towns and cities are fall -art as makes it necessaryto defers d in into line in this respect end, it fall -'party al wrongdoing. If Mr. Gamey or really begins to look ag if it will only Mr.Nelson proves his charges the offend - be a matter of time when the work ers will receive neither comfort nor ex - wilt be realized, as a part of the cuse from us. It is not our policy to a1eceseiry improvement's to be made hear the irresponsible chatter of Conser- e:;eb year. The plan is a capital one, vative demagogues, but in the present ee every citizen, rich or -poor, can play crises, when the gravest interests of po- his or her part in it, and the combined litical morality are in the balance, the efforts c•snnot fail to wonderfully man who accuses the Government of tr nform the appearance of the town corruption should prove bis charges or or nits. Witb so many recognizedsubmit to the brand of a traitor. The lovers of flowers and. charming home first member of the Legislature to pledge 4 nvixrnm::nts as are tot -Le found in ibis seat to the truth of his indictment is I'ngereuIl there should be no difficulty the member for Manitoulin; that,. st in the worts being adopted here. Iti is to Iiia credit and in that he setsa a naulrx probably be a gaud Plea to have E worthy example to his leader. The man - ore a of those 4.ho aro knswin W 1st; ! !who makes similar charges and yet re- a,intua interested in the work to get fuses to prove them is a coward. as well t d,:etber and talk over the platter. ! as a traitor. . Thoughtful people aro seriously con- cernecl about the moral tone of Canadian politics. They evi11 neither defend nor a submit to downgrade methods. At this lammed there is nothing so hurtful to general political morality* as the broad - east scandal. mongering of office -seeking politicians. By their utterances in Parliament, on the platform, and in the press they are giving the electors to believe that politics in Canada is devoid 1 alike of commercial honesty and moral mimonsibility, that the political field is =rally "Somewhere east of Suez, gradually even ifs way into laver whit the' Where the best is as the worst medical profession, as well le 'with the Ana there ain't on Ten Command entirely false, and challenge their re- petition within the jurisdiction of Canadian law, It is now imperative that those' responsible for this scandal What are Piles Piles, or hemorrhoids, as they are some• times called, are small tumors, which form in and about the orifice of the rectum. They are caused by an enlarged and indatned conditikn of the veins, which are very numerous in !his part of the body. Asa rule every form of piles becomes at times acutely inflamed, and extremely patnfui. The itching and burning usually increases at night, aad the misery which runny people endure in beyond description. Therelsnogtfesswork about Dr. Chase's D;ntteent, as a cure for piles. It has been tried in the crucible of time, and value year ht alth. De net tette up airy of th '•crazy.. fa+:s time. are now lr.•ing paraded tefore the pebble as "sure Cures." Di Oat be. led astray by"fait•' testimonials, even if those who presen the testilancnials do pass) as examples o truthfulness awl honesty. In pandits of l Dc^embt.r and n i Jar na i three r O cur i ii rant � n victims - . n }, m twee a Darer l to dead by the i n �: stress .on care. Scores that escaped death were raine'I for life. Miss Cora Dean, of Chicago, (cls., a writer of short t stories, r ec en 1 tdied. fom .w '•r t Aw y €ooti cure." This poor misguided soul believed in the tw•o•meal-a-day-plan. She ate soaked wheat, salads, prunes, grater' nuts, and the various other mes- ses usually recommended by diet cranks. After such a diet she took long walks and tried til hypnotize herself into be- lieving that site was developing health. and strength! It is useless to attempt to eat scientifically. We do not under- stand the first principle of digestion. The greatest physiologist can do no more than grope around blindly iu any at- tempt to solve this great problem. The best advice t can give ou the subject of diet is the following: Exit when you are hungry. Avoid food when you are not huugry. Eat what appeals to your taste. It is needless to advise anyone not to overeat wlien the above rules are obey- ed. You caunot over -eat if you eat onlywhen yon are hungry. Bat what your ancestors have eaten before you for tbousands of years. Every cell in your body is the offspriug of cells that were developed through eating a mixed diet. A cow must eat vegetables because all cows before her lived on a vegetable diet. .A. lion mutt eat meat because lions have always eaten meat. If you do not be- lieve that a mixed dietis the proper food for Oran, and you believe that we should live entirely on a vegetable diet, then make the change gradually. Perhaps in ten thousand years your desecndauts' digestive apparatus will change suffici- eutly to permit them to thrive without meat. If a good fairy were to make its appearance before me, and say— "Mortal two wishes are yours; at your command I will rid the world of all the noxious poisonous insects and vermin, or remove the faddists." I would unhesitatingly ask her to remove the faddists. A.11 the snake bites, fleabites, etc., in the coun- try do not cause as many deaths, and as much suffering as cau be traced to the heels of the faddists.—[Vim for April. NOW IS THE TIME TOWN DIRECTORY. To Rolan Unhealthy Bead by 11$ s -T Tine z- 5bb3 .s`r kind at a Freshsr anii Mora Highly 2:30 p lei. Glenerai prayer meeting " on Wednesday eveninu . Rev. J. J. Ila(- .; f' The Tax on Coal. The duty of 57 cents. per ton on Nova Scotia, coal entering the United States hal., been: taken off, and; the xesult seems to be that coal from dower, there cannot be eecubred in Mesterei Ontario, a,s wars formerly, the case. The duty of 53 cents, penton. on Am= erican, (soft' coal entering ,Ontario is still impaled, so that our niapiufactur- er,a aro paying this duty on ono of the primo necessities of their existence, and from this duty no benefit' what- ever accrues to the coal ;pining indus- try in. Oana�daa. "?' a , The Ontario market under .Present eircumstance,5 is of no use to the soft coal miners of Canada, for they have a nearer and bigger free market for all they can produce. ' C 1 The actual situation, ii that the m ifulfacturers of :Massachusetts get coal. duty free, and those of Ontario pay a: duty of' 53 cents a ton ontheir fuel, thus placing them tinder of di,s- pdvantage. , This coral duty of course yields is largo revenue to the Dominion, and some defend it on that ground. Some say that eo much of this revenue from coal comes out Of the railways, which are inadequately, taxed, that it should not be meddled with. It is, argued, likewise, that the Amerioal i duty on Canadian coal will go into farce again next year, but the ma;nutaistiirers over there who used it may bo able io pre- vent. that. • The Sudbury, Copper Clia'f, and oth- er new,3pspers published iia pew cen- tres of industry where coal under the best of oircunistageos must be expert - sive are strongly in favor Of abolish- ing the Canadian duty for the "same length of time that the American market is free to our coal, and; they make a strong case. As regaird,g revenue, the country San more wt:sely collect it than,, by taxiing the fires by which our industries keep ups 'steam. r t L. t r ! , priblio in general, It: has g wonderful ine" . t, soothingined healing effect, and wherever ° i tp1iedtto burnin;, itching , inflamed skin ` an impreeeion which is a loud invitation it affords altnost instant relief, cooling the to the boodier anti the grafter. The' tires of disease and healing the raw ulcer- soantlalmenger is at all times a menace cies skin. to political morality, but at such n. time i7r. Chase's Ointment. It is recognized ifs ti ii311e is a positive otirse.---Toronto by ',surprisingly large tumber of people (41,be, yttt,t�r1 only actual care for piles, It villi ;. 6+11 sow. sixty cents 3i box at all ' Prof. to l naso, inspeetor of the Muse- or by nail ling -paid Litt receipt Li Ask ymlrr friends and neighbors about 1 by Ednianaori,%fates&Co.,Toronto. , tun of Ilaples, has just published an ,. y*ttir'14 in 'which het affirms that re 'r� Chase's r { sewhc(s Anti etea'racations probed that n there existed a Pompeii ring centuries;; lit iGrC ottr Qra. Vitalized Fluid. tereon,I�.A.,ilstor.I,V.J.C11apman,ta.S. � i1iy flit i M Is the Only Medicine That can Purify the Life Stream R' i Shattered ancl �. �a r Repair Strength. The sleepless, nervous prostratietegen- eral debility, weakness, functional irreg- ularities and despondency from which thousands of women, young and old, suffer, can be quickly removed by pro- porly feeding the nerves, and replacing the unhealthy blood by a fresher and more highly vitalized fluid, The happy change from ill health and misery to true womanhood and happiness, can only be effected by this use of Paine's Celery Compound. The present spring demand for Paine's Celery Compound, woman's friend and life giver is enormous iu every province, of the Dominion. This fact alone,amply proves that the great compound possesses virtues and powers unknown to other remedies. Dear wife and mother, do not procrastinate; listen to -day to the voice of reason and the pleadings and testimony of the thousands of your sex who have been made well and strong. Mrs. S. J. McKinlay, Chelmsford, Oat., says:— "I wish to let you know what Paino's Celery Coiupound has done for me. I was affiioted with nervousness, sleepless, debility and general weakness for five years, and during that time I 'vas doc- tored and spent a great Ileal of money for medicines without any good results. A friend advised me to use your com- pound, and I am happy to say it has completely cured me. I now eat well, sleep well, and am as strong as ever bo - fore. I rill sure I would have died, had not Paine's Celery Compound come to my aid. I wish every womau to know about your wouderfal medicine." If you are in need of free medical ad- vice, write to Consulting Physicans' Departmeut, The Wells & Richardson Co„ Limited, Montreal, Que. All cor- respondence is sacredly confidential. Ontario's Finances. The ,receipts arid, expe,nditure''g of the Brovince for' the year 1902, according I:0 the publio aecount8 brought before the House lo,gt week, were as follows: The total iappropriation under the bill of eupply. evag 84,196,0'25. In the )furious departments the amount expended Wats $4,004,563.42. Tho total of unexpended, appropri- ations realchee the sum' op 8347,76,8.58, while the over -expended is 'e216,406.44. The total ,receipts. pf the province are given as ai,2ir1,08- •• �f whicb$1,483,- 08:1 le from Orowln, 7ai{',d.s',6122,855 from publ:a if ztitution,s, 81.190,872 Dominion' ,subsidy, and special. grant, and 8195819 Mint est on Qapital helot, dobta duo by the Dominion and iptere,st gn invest- n,en,t. • • e . r i i The expenditure ite 84,3345,003, un= der bill of supply and fixed; ohalrgei'. The latter aro railway. ,subsidy fund,, 8126,177.11; annuities; 8102,900 ; muni- cipal drainage debentures, 81,6'25.11; university grant, 840,444.75, and com- mon ,school awed of 89,193.18. 91 the entire expenditure 83,875,614 wag ex - petalled ag hollow : t Civil government, 8285,203; legis- lation, 8140,771;. administration of Justice, 8432,753; odueation, 8804,009; public in;stitution5,mnintenance, 8864,- 398.4 immigration,: 84,777 ; agriculture, $✓'34,339; ho.ep:.tills aped charities, 8215,- 521, repairs and maintenance public buildings. 891,293 ; lock;s, dams, etc., 814,954; colonization (roads, 8196,246; charges Crown lands, $227;070 ; sur- veys,'inspections, etc., 81,831; refunds, $22,292; miscellanpouis, $279,251. A young city chap stood in a back window the other day, and waved his hand and threw kisses at a window in another yard for an hour and a half be- fore he discovered that the supposed wavering handkerchief was a shirt hang on a olothes-Iia in the attic. Jim Dumps was a most unfriendly man Who lived his life on a hermit plan. He'd never stop for a friendly smile, But trudged along in his moo style Till "Force,"one day was sere to him— Since then they call him " any Jim." The heady-to.Serve Cereal Never Tire, of lle. "1 stn caneiderably advanced touaare's eighty Scats of ege. I have of late been almost rejuvenated by the ate o f your very excellent preparation, which you have, r ghtly dcsi8,iintal. ai;'k'orce./ Never tire of it. "E, CAT2Eilatotit. �' Superintendent. MnTIIop1sr Oran:Cie—Sabbath services at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday School at ,. la:30 m k � •oith Le,i �e every alone day evening• General ITty er meeting n X 1 an Wednesday evenings. R v. Richard Hobbs, Dr. S. S. Sup- erintendent. PP.Rs»YrnazAw Courser--•Sablutth ser- ! ;iRn la , vices 11m and 7 C At a y P I School at 2:30 p m. Cameral prayer meeting on Wednesday eveniugit. Rev. D. Perrie, pastor and S S. Superinten- dent, P. S. Lii,klater aid L. Harold, assistant S. S. Superintendents, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, I•,FISCOtAI,-aSab- bath services at 11 a n1 and 7 p ni. Sun- day School at 2:30 p nt. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evening, Rev. Wm. Lowe, Rector. F. Shorn and ,Ed. assistant S. 5. Superiutoiulents. SALVATION ARa1Y—Service at 7 and 11 a in and 3 and 8 p in. on Huntley, and every evening during the week at 8 o'clock at the barracks. Pose OFFICE --In Macdonald Block. Office hours from 8 ain to 0:30 p M. Peter Fisher, postmaster. MEorrAs•Ios' INsTITUTE—Library and free reading room in the Town Hall, will be open every afternoon from 2 to 5:30 o'clock and every eveningfrom 7 to 9:30 o'clock. Miss Millin obertson, librarian. Tower COUNCIL—R, Vanstone, Mayor; A. Dalmage, Thos, Bell, Robt. Mc- Indoo, 3 J. Elliott, W. F. VanStone, S. Bennett, Councillors; J. 13. Fer- guson, Clerk and Treasurer; William Clegg, Assessor, Wm. Robertson, Col. lector, Board meets first Monday oven- ing in each month at 8 o'clock. Stamm BOARD.—J. J. Homuth, (chair- man), Thos. Abraham,R. A.Douglas, H. Kerr, Wm. Moore, A. E. Lloyd Wm. Button, 0. N. Griffin. Secretary, Wm. Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Fergason. Meetings second Tuesday evening in eaoh month, PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS.—A. H. Musgeoye, Principal, Miss Brock, MissReynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Cornyn, Miss McLean, Miss Matheson Miss Reid, and Miss Cummings. BOARD Or HEALTH—Mayor Vanstone, (chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg- ory, Dr. Agnew, J. B. Ferguson, Sec- retary.; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical Health Officer. MISS DELIA SPARING A, T. C. M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Pletcher Music Method, Simplex and Kindergarten. Pupils prepared for Conservatory examina- tions. VIOLIN AND GUITAR MISS CARRIE MOORE of London Conservatory of Music, will he pro - pared after Oct. 1st to receive a limited num- ber of pupils for instruction on Violin and Guitar. Residence—Stone block, over W. G. Patter - son's jewelry store, Wingham. PIANO AND THEORY MISS SARA LOUISE MOORE. L.C.M. and member of the Associated Musicians of Ontario, is prepared to receive a limited num- ber of pupils for instruction on Piano and in Theory. Special attention given to pupils preparing for examinations. Residence—Stone block, over W. G. Patter - son's jewelry store, Wingham. FARM ERS and anyone having live stook or other articles they wish to dispose of, should adver• tise the same for sale in the Tams. Our large circulation tells audit will be strange indeed if you do not get a customer. We can't guarantee that you will sell because you may ask more for the article sr stock than it is worth. Send your advertisement to the Tnixs and try this plan of disposing of your stock .and other articles. WANTED FAITHFUL PERSON TO TRAY - el for well established house in a few counties calling on retail merchants and agents. Local territory. Salary $1024 a year and expenses, payable $19.70 a week in cash and expenses ad- vanced. Position permanent. Business suc- cessful and rushing. Standard House, 334 Dearborn St., Chicago. JOB PRINTING including Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill Heads, Circulars, &c., &c., executed in the best style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short notice. Booxinsunaa. we are pleased to announce that any Books or Magazines left with us for Binding,will have our prompt attention Prices fr Binding in any style will be given on application to THE TRIES OPFICE, wilrgham. P-3-<,114,1se vEAras. ,'"ere EXPIRIIINCE tea tee, TRAnn MARKS DESIGNS♦� COPYRIGHTS n&C. Anyone sending a ettetch and dose:lotion may gatctc1i'y ascertain our opinion free valerian. art invention is probably patentable. Commnntenq tions strictly eonadential. Irandtiook on PatenUb sent free. "Oldest agency for sreuria(t patents. Patents tauten through Munn It co. receive optUmnotice, without eherge, 1n o Sci ntlIkk A er,ca1io Ahandsamelyflin:�trated weelilp Iargeat Mr. eulation Of any se:entitle i inrnat Terms. $3 a1 �y1ea�rjj:�tfo�tur1 0,485, $L 8014 hy till neasdealers. MOR71 & en.``616toai;u117, New Cori Branch ()Mee. t 1 li' Qt..'VashIno'.m.1 t RAILWAY TIME TABLES. WAND TRUNK RAILWAY F33''S'1'EM, 1Jf imams LBA`u"G Minn London 0.50 a.ln.... 3.10p.m. Toronto & East9 a et 0.5,3 a.m.... 3.05p.m. Ixiueardino,.11.10 n.ni1.40 p•m.... 8.38p.m, xuurvn xnoi Itineardine ,...0.50 a.m9.00 a.m.... 3.03 p.m. London 11.I0 a.m.... 7.555 pan. Pahnereton Imo i nt. 1 Toronto & East p.m.— mei HAROLD, Ant, iPha !`1ANADIAN• PACIb"1G RAILAVAI2. V 'pnants move von, Toronto anc1. East4.57 amt.... 3.43 pan, Teeawater1.17 parr.,,.19.4a p.m. AtntvE YEW 'TerstvAtC:r... .11.57 t1.m 8 43p.m. Toronto w .&g,i(nn• J. H• nt Wngm 13&TABLIORRD 1872 THE WINOW TINES I$ Pi1131.zeirm) EVERY THURSDAY MORNING Tho Times 0111ee, Beaver Meek w INGdIaht, ONTARIO. Teats m1nur" ftrl'vz(Jr $1 70p er annum in sylvan(c) 81.50 if not Kt, paid. No paper di:{on- tinttill all arrears aro paid, erctx t at the option of the publisher. a I Anviifirvas(1 Haml•:s. — Legal and other (smut adeertissements See perNonppariel ills for flrrwt rnttertlon, Uo liar line for each subs etluent er ut. ln. Ct t r sr t r sc vtrtir rn n a in lu 11 rt,du Ott are h r r A l i m a f5 atl lU t ts. per lino fur first insertion, and 5 cents par 11no for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements of I.0 8, Found, Strayed, Farms for Hale or to Bent, and similar, 31.00 for firm month and 50 cents for each subsequent mnth. Coxrmman% ILA vn4—Tho following table. shows ()written for the insertion of advertisements for aperifl(d.;n ri(uIa:-- trrA(:ai, 1 Tn.sain. 3 aro, 1 aro Ono Cotnrrtn loom 33100 115.1X, 20 00 Half Column......., 3300 18,00 10.00 4.021 tlattrter ('ulumn 18.00 10.00 11.00 3.00 Advertisiemerta without s eeiffo directions will be insert,:cl tilt forbid and ehargI'4 arrortd• ingly. Transient advertiaeraents must be paid for 111 laY111:0, Tots An Dr2VAn'rM851I' is atoeited with an extensive assortment of all regnt'iiteu for print- infc, riffardint; fa(silitlt b nut agitalh d 1Ltrarges tltc ecnrntyfor• tm nin t out first differs work, type and appropriate oils for all styles of Post- ers, Band Lillis, ore., and the latest styles of choice fancy type for the finer classes err print, ing. II. 13. ELLIOTT Proprietor and Publisher T P KENNEDY, M. 0.. M. C. P. H. O . Member of the British Medical Associa- tion. Gold Medallist in Medicine. Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Child ren, (Mee hours -1 to 4 p. m.: 7 to 0 p. m, DR. MACDONALD, Wingham, Centre Street Ontario. DR. AGNEW, Physician, Surgeon, etc. Office—MacdonaldBIIsaover J. Store. Night answered t the office. T. CHISHOLM, J. S. CHISHOLM M.E., M,D,, C.M., M. C Y .$.a. 2111,2511,025., \1 C P S a. DRS. CHISHOLM & CHISHOLM PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS, Ero. Orrick];—Ohieholm BIock, Josephine street. RESIDENOE—In rear of block, on Patrick St., where night calls will be answered. R•VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate of interest. No commission charged. ort - gages, town and farm property bought and soled, Office, Beaver Block. Wingham, JA. MORTON, • BARRISTER, &c. Wingham, Ont. E. L. DICKINSON DIIDLEY Hor atxs DICKINSON & HOLMES BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Ete. MONEY To LOAN. Omen: Meyer Block, Wingham. ARriiutt .1. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. Dental Doctor C lle e tandu Lice tiatee of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office over Post OfficeL.D.S., Wingham• V Year P. T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., New method for painless ex- traction. No Cocaine. Specialnttention to the care and regulation of children's teeth. Moderate prices and all work carefully and skilfully performed. Office in Beaver Block, Wingham. JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, Wingham, Ont. ALEX. KELLY, Wingham, Ont, LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Huron. Sales of all kinds conducted at reasonable rates. Orders left at the TIaiEs Wilco will receive prompt attention. W • A. CURRIE, Wingham, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. sales snaell Alleftattet Auction nall hinds orders at the TIMES office will receive prompt atten- tion. JAS. HENDERSON, %Ingham, Ont. LICENSED AlJtTIOPt'EER For the Counties of Huron and Bruce. Sales of Farm Stock and Impleinents a specialty. All orders left at the TIMES office promptly attended to. Terms reasonable. FS. SCOTT, Brussels, Ont. i LICENSED AtCTIONEE£ Is prepared to conduct sales in this see"tion• Special attention given to sales of farm stock and implements. Dates and orders ran always be arranged at the Trains office, Wingham. There is a noted difference in the style and fit of Pants we snake that always brings peo• pie back for another pair. Then there is the low price and better quality of cloth put in them—cloth that wears See our new goods and prices. WEBSTER & 00 THE LATS SIR OLIVER. MQWAT We puiell')it the following lines on the death of .sir Oliver 41 1 ,t trent Ilemilton Tlme:i.. The Tr rapoeem 11r. "lrifn. Murray la im old friend ,of Mr Janice McIntyre: .. I. pus ' good and great tad Gaveienor, deed Alms We've loot 2n troth our res tBra elest naz a With fortitude wiiicli 2.tUure nett ,ev Ianr Ile tam and 'sought beneath the a horning light That beats on. thron:-Kt without , t0U t h h al~ n uo nt a But 0:rnrtda's aggrandisements ate. :144, t. good. i( c t. - With all the modesty that glow I- with l;'reatne;s,• , Ile moved o.mong us with, the ,entle, ' tread , or one who never ?naught applae 1 from leen,' • r t: f r; r The dear delight of doing his ;ilea i work r With canjcience clear in hie Creaes tor's eight, w c I e To him was amiie ,rccompenae, ` $e f (scorned a iI , f a.1 Vain show end. ,empty Adelat1.one t both 0`''>eiflshn0$. Ile vllued deeds nuclei more Tii•in words; e:xd worked with month alone wbase aims , , Art, objects were to render this loved • 1Ind Or ours the happiest in the whole. wide world. A Father of Confederation, he, , • With patriotic zeal, gave play to all Thai moulded into shape our pining; chain OP proudored imperial provinces, Inca Oar statute -book with laws avhdcli: link , His lustrous name with that of. f Brougham or Gladstone. Ile doubdod I!µir Ontario's rich 'lo-. t main, And rendered her the Empire's proude est Province, But, more than all, he set before rile world Theef exleisampleGadof a, mail who feared , He',i gouts to hip reward above; • sand we t Romain below hot only to lament Hitt death, bat imitate his lovely, t life. I a. rewell, -•bolov'd Sir Oliver 1 Not • poet t• Can over-estimate immortal Mowat. `�'tTilliamMurray- Man and Mule. [St, Louis Globs -Democrat] (At the old maid's convention held is Rochester, N. F., Mass Cynthia Scott read a paper on "Mere Man." In sub- stance she said that man is no mom of an absolute success than a mule.) The rattle—he is a gentle beast; And so is man. He's satisfied to be the least; And so is man. Like man hammy be taught some tricks; He does his work from 8 to 6; The mule—when he gets mad. he kicks;. And so does man. . The mule—he has a load to pail; And so bas man. He's happiest when he is full; And so is man. Like man, he holds a patient poise, And when his work's done will rejoice, The mule—he likes to hear his voice, And so does man. The male—be has his faults, 'tis true; And so has man. He does some things he should not do, And so does man. Like man he doesn't yearn for style, But wants contentment all the while, The mule—he has a lovely smile, And so has man. The mule is sometimes kind and good; And so is man. He eats all kinds of breakfast food; And so does man. Like pian, he balks at gaudy dress, And all outlandish foolishness, The mule's accused of mulishness; And so is man. The Hired Man. Who is the chap by men most sought, Whose services cannot be bought, Who answers short and fears us not? The hired man. We hunt for him both day and night, To capture him use all our might, And give him wages—out of sight, Tho hired man. Who ne'er from work will let ns roain, Whoso,head ont-tops St. Peter's dome, Who is the boss around our home? The hired man. Who elhubs upon a lofty perch, And says he'll leave ns in the lurch, While we saw wood, who goes to churehe The hired man. Who has it shiny, stiff -front shim, And hands that show no signs of dirt, And wears a look serenely pert? The hired. man. To hint the profits of our toil am given,. Ite gets ten shares while we get seven -=- Who will, we fear, be first in heaven? The hired man. 3 S. Iiruntli(;e, in The Moon. Cheer Upl Cheer up I The rose is redder Than the ones we saw last year; • The meekbird's song is sweeter, And happier to hear; The grass is getting brighter, And fairer yet to see— The world is betting better Than 11 ever used to be. Cheer up i Tito sky is bitter Than it was a year ago; Tho very smiles are glailtler And have a richer glow; The raining and the eunshino Are Helping you and me=• The world is growing better Than it ever used to be. Cheer up 1 The rase is sweeter, The birds have newer songs; \Vo find more things to pleasous And dream of fewer wrongs. 'there's always lots of honey, • So let's bo like the bee — The world is growing better For folks like you and me, 1