HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-04-23, Page 6eak Stornachs1
ittstic;tting the food thoroughly, even more, if
required ill health. The more tittle the food
:otltli, the less it will spend in the stomach.
Avoid drinking at meals in general,
dyspeptic stomachs manage dry food
better than that contaiuns ; much
fluid. Eat neither very slot i.or cold
food. The best temperatute is that
of the body. Be careful to avoid
excess in eating, Eat no more than
the wants of the system require.
Sometimes less than is really needed
must be taken when digestion is very
weak. Strength depends not on what
is eaten, but on what is digested.
Never take violent exercise of any
sort, either mental or physical, either
just before or just after a meal.
Never eat more than three times a
day, and make the last meal very
light. For many dyspeptics, two
meals are better than more. Never
eat a morsel of any 'sort between
meals. Never eat when very tired,
whether exhausted from mental or
physical labor. Never eat when the
mind is worried or the temper ruffled,
if you can possibly avoid'it. Eat only
food that is easy of digestion, avoid-
ing complicated and indigestible
dishes, and taking but one to three
courses at a meal.
After meals take two ST. JAMES
400don•f iontrealAIBos'°-
OH Druggists d Chess
Price in Canada : $1 00;
Six betties for $5.00
VJAERS, "I believe $t. James Wafers
then a are the most complete combina-
tion of Brut a for at,enghthening
h a 1 f the nervous system i ever met
glassful 'with,"
o f h o t Dr. Robert McIntyle,
Edimburg, Scotland.
water, ----.
- ---
help stomach, digest food and send
the nutriment through the blood,
and this is the honest way to get
health and strength, the kind that
lasts, develops and breeds the energy
'which accomplishes much.
St James Wafers are nal a secret
remedy: to the numerous doctors re-
commendrug them to their patients
we mail the formula upon relates!.
Where dealers are not selling the
Wafers. they are mailed upon re-
ceipt of price at the Canadian
branch : St. James Wafers Co., 1728
St. Catherine St.. Montreal.
interesting Paragraphs from our Excha
• Jacob Grander of Kincardine, has a
we which°gave birth to 24 lambs in ten
w Dufferiu County in 1531 there were
?licenses and at pr esent there are but
Ol:Satuada`.,t'1p it 11th,PtterMennen
of Stsauky passed ,away to his Meta,; tenet,
after atome illness from hetet tie mble,
He was oar,, of hfe"a rr.ablat twit, untl
leaves behind hint a re otel tet a welt
spent life; Rettig for the Master. bests,
had no terrors for tuns, He toffs, with •
his parents from Scothuel many yeare
ago, and Fettled on the farm uta \wlaielt sats
died, His wife diet, several yeare ago,
Many people say they art oval nervee " •
Easily startled or upset,. worried and ir-
ritated. Alilbul•u.'s }least nett \tree
Prils lire just the remedy sueh people re-
quare. They restore perfect iuirmony elf
tete Iae1Ve t'elrtr't s Ault give new nerve
-force to shame ed nervone systtens.
A -err happy event took 'place at tee
home of Mr. and Mrs. Hngll Pritel aid,
of Laurier, Ont., on Thursday eve utut; ,'
the )tar iust., when their eldest Matelot r
was united iu marriage to left Daviel W. 1
Evans, a former teacher of tate Levitical
sohool. The bride was supported by
Miss Alberta S. Baird, of Kincardine.
and the groom by Mc. Joseph Cowan, of 1
Kiutnil. The nuptial knot was tied by
Rev. R. J. Pritchard, of Brantford, n l
cousin of the bride, in the presence of a
large number of friends.
Another old and well known resident
has p.rid nature's debt in the persou of
.1r. James Willis, who passed away on
Sunday. Mr. Willis had been a worthy 1
resident of Exeter for the past twenty-
niue years, and in his private life, busi-
ness capacity Duct his good qualities t f
heart and stead won golden opinions for ,
honesty, kindness, unselfishness aid
moral worth. lir. Willis was born in
the township of London and for a num-
ber of years conducted a lumber lard in
the city of London and later a similar
business in St, Marys. Front St. Marys ,
he came to Exeter in 1874, engaged iu
I the same busiuess.
Lever's Y -Z (Wise Sead) Disinfectant
From the
Sanctum Mil
\ INGI ,ell TliES, APRIL `?iia 1903
Spring Medicine.
As a spring medicine Burdock BIood
litters has no equal. It tones up the
• stein and removes all impurities front
ie blood. and takes away that tared,
awry feeling so prevalent in the spring.
Mr. Robert Douglas, principal of the
vorrie public schuol, has tendered bis
esignation, to take effect on the ist of
'rue Bank of Hamilton has agreed to
alt the eleotriclight plant in Palmerston
to the town for $2,500.
Children Cry for
.ti farmer in the western part of Out-
do bought a farm and fenced it with
Os that he purchased at 3 cents a-
'ng the coal famine he mann-
, eaeo tired the ' into stove wood and sold
teem at the raXeof 17 cents each.
'One of the sada st'events that has ever
611ctia place in Teeswater occurred at
eon on Wednesday, April 15th, in the
*et of little Mabel, eldest daughter of
Lor. and Mrs. R, Freeborn in her tenth
ear from scarlatina.
The Ladies' Favorite.
Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favor -
e medicine. They cure Constipatiou,
lack Headache, Biliousness. and Dys-
epsia without griping, purging or sick -
, Mr. John Rusk, V. S. son of George
,tisk Esq., of Howick and a recent
ouor graduate of the Ontario Veterin-
ry College has opened up an office for
le practice of his profession at Harris -
Children Ory for
Mrs. Helm, widow of the late Thomas
:edam, passed away at her home in
aeltnove, on Thursday, April Oth,in the
'oh year of her age. Deceased was for
Any pears a resident of Ashfield and
aa highly esteemed. She was a devout
.ember of the Methodist church.
Suddenly Attacked.
Children are often attacked suddenly
y painful and dangerous Colic, Cramps,
iarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus,
Were Infantunr, etc. Dr, Fowler's
Vta'aet of wild Strawberry is a prompt
ani snare eta* ethich should always be
p in the hott±se.
.latter a short illness of a few days,
, fir, beloved wife of Ben. Hunter, of
Dna. 0, Hallett, wee called upon to say
.bye to her loved ones on Tuesday,
etled 14th, at the age of 83 years. Old
pts sad a general declining seemed to
VON cause of death.
When the Bruce County Hospital at
Walkertou opens iu June next it will be
entirely free of debt.
A Simcoe county farmer's wife kept a
year's record of her cookiug operatious.
There are G persons in the family and
here it is: 225 loaves of white bread, 83
tins of bison its, 15 loaves of brown bread,
167 pies, 130 cakes, 35 puddings, 114
dozen cookies, 108 dozen gniger snaps,
14 chickens.
Children Cry for
fir, iters, of lot 7, 3rd concession,
heifer thaat caped the
tad ay
•'flee a3oaalr a calf with almost two fully
'mimed heads The heade were joined
aurora the ears, having only two
qta text four eyes and two mouths.
"meld have lived had it not met
aua'ident soon atter birth,
A Bruce county gentleman has in-
vented a machine of great service in the
harvest of beets. It is supposed to top
and pull one acre per hour, with one
team and man, and when completed will
leave the beets in piles of buckets of 200
pounds. This machine has been the out-
come of several years study ite the beet
Charles Squire Miller and Miss Jennet
McDonald, were united in the holy bonds
of matrimony, at the Methodist Parson-
age, Brussels, Wednesday afternoon,
April 15th, by Rev. T. Wesley Cosens.
The essential lung -healing principal of
the pine tree bas finally been sueossful-
1y separated and refined iu to a perfect
cough medicine—Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers ou a
guarantee of satisfaction, Price 25c.
The management of the Metropolitan
Bank, Head Office, Toronto, have since
last December opened the following
branches :—Brockville, Brussels, Brig.
den, East Toronto, Milton, Petrolea, Pic -
ton, Sutton West and Wellington, be-
sides four branches in Toronto.
In the list of names of those to whom
cheques have been sent for the balance
of the $10,000 donated by Sir W. C.
Macdonald, of Montreal, for cash prizes
to encourage boys and girls on Canadian
farms in the work of improving seed
grain by selection, the notice the names
of two from Huron. W. J. Armstrong,
Of Constance, received $75 as second
prize in the fall wheat class, and 1350 as
third prize in oats, Wilbert Prowse, of
Goderich, got $15 as fifth prize in oats.
Genuine Criteria always bears the Signature
o1 Chas. H. Pletcher.
When Baby Was sick, we gave het Castorla.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Casteria.
when she had Children,she gave theht. Castoria.
Soap Powder dusted in the bath, softeus
die water and disinfects. 3S
There passed away on Saturday, 4th
Lust, Mrs. John West, in the 67th year
of her age. Her maiden name was
Jane Smillie and she was a native of
Ayrshire, Scotland. She carne to Cana-
da in 1857, and has lived iu the township
of Scarbore' up to the time of her
death. Deeceased was a sister of Mr.
James Smellie, of Walton.
Sabbath evening, April 12Th, the spirit
of Thomas Charles. youngest son •of
Davin and Martha Haiste, of Brussels,
took its flight. Deceased was working
up to noou of the previous Mouday,when
he was taken down with appeudicitis.
Four doctors were consulted but were
unable to save his life. He was an in-
dustrious young man of a kindly dis-
position and only a month and it half
past his 23rd birthday,
is sent direct to theAtiseased
parts by the Improved Blower.
ffeais the ulcers, clears ahs all
passages, stops droppings in the
throat and permanently tura
` Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower
free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase
Medicine Co.. Toronto and Buf'ali,
;SPc1_GO °5A GNUS S;
& �E�ER
r '1,fc;^GOM S TI PATION
ITS t41 FiCIA L eft CTS,
.'f an
KYtlff 'YCA4. O, NV1'
Man's Four Ages.
(Frosty the Antwerp Bee )
Mau born of woman is little persim.
loons and iteuerelly green. Hie life
might be divided, into four parts. As be
starts his sroinaeh is full of pains, black-
berry: bas;ant' end peregolic, and he
winds up the first period by steeling
green appl •d ni 4 fishing ou Sunday.
•The w suuti terns,. oonanlenuing ut 15,
rapidly pass t, into the Ajeek tover two
110 Irtlras 10 \wt'al• e,tAutliu'g eollars,siuohe
cigare tee, eel s his fail er old men, and
goes to i h the 'girls. At 21 he line bank•
rupced it s fats er,and blown in every coat
of his own, he iihds a' \wgauall who is
foo: euough to marry hien, and she takes
'fu wae1uug until elle IS called away.
The last perii.d, he lives around with hie
ehildrety tette the big things ht, cti(
were he was a boy, and liuttlly goes un-
der, making x momentary babble on the
sea of humanity,
Ili Sweedeu a committee was recently
appointed by the •government for the
purpose of ascertaining how many hours
t-hildren of various ages ought to sleep
iu order that they may be able to •study
properly. According to the report for-
warded to the miuister of education,
children who are 4years old should sleep
1e hours; children who are seven years
old, 11 hours; children who are nine
years ole,, 10 hears; children who are
from 12 to 14 years old, from nine to ten
hours. It further points out the an-
aemia and weakness in children are
frequently due to lack of sleep.
John A. McLeod passed away at his
home, lot 2, concession 5, Kinloss, on
Thursday, April 2at1, at the age of 87
years, 7 months and 15 days. Deceased
was born in the par•ieh of Kilmuir, In-
verness, Isle of Skye, Scotland. In his
I early life he was employed as formau ou
the railway at Dundee. He canto to
Canada about the year. 1843 and engaged
in measuring tiiut.er and fishing in
Priuce Edward Island. Here he mar-
ried Rachael McLeod, eldest daughter of
Mr. John McLeod, who departed this
life in November, 1898: Itt 1854 he cause
to Kinloss nud settled ell :the ltirtn On
whfelt he died.
Mr. Robert Govenlock, jr., of Mc-
Killop, showed the Seaforth Expositor
an Easter egg which was beautifully 1
painted and adorned. It had a rose on
one side and a tree and fishing pond on
the other. The work was done by his
mother, Mrs, Thomas Govenlock, who is
UM 83 years of age. We doubt if many
young ladies could equal this as a work
of art and Mrs. Govenlock has reason to
feel proud of lier accomplishment.
James B. Barnes of Woodstock, will
receive $3200 from the Grand Trunk
Railway Company for settlement of his
claim for damages for the death of his
wife and for injuries sustained by him-
self in the Wanstead wreck on Dec. 26th,
1902. The terms of settlement were
finally assented to Monday after num-er-
ens propositions had been made and re- 1
jected by both parties. As a con- i
sequence of this agreement the legal
actions instituted by Mr. Barnes against
the company some weeks ago, will now
be dropped,
Dr. MoFadzean, V, S. of Arthur, has
on exhibition at his offiee, a most curious
freak tif natare which occurred on the
farm of Mr, Benj. Justason,con, 2, Weet
Luther, on Good Friday*. A mare gave
bitth to colts resulting in a most un-
usual m
bnatrosit -tw
o colts eompletely
joined in one. folly developed. There
are two heads, eight distinct legs and
two bodies with heads facing In the op.
polite direction.
Doan's Kidney Pills act bn the kitl-
lleye, bladder and urinaryorgans only.
They tarsi backaches, weak back, rhea.,
pietism, diabetes, congestion, inflamma-
tion, gravel, Bright's disease and all
other diseases wisher from wrong notion
of the kidneys sand bladder.
Mr. L. Bolton, D. L. S., Listo wol, Ieft,
last week for the Northwest. Mr.Bolton
has received a commission from the Do-
minion Government to survey six towu-
ships iu the Saskatchewan district,about
seventy miles west of Battleford. Mr.
Duncan McMartin, of London. accom-
panied him as assistantsurveyor,and the
following young men from Listowel and
neighborhood have been employed as
linemen and left for the west last week:
I Ab. Pricker, Bruce Ronald, Thos. Kay,
Alvie Dautn, Oliver Barber, Robt.Brown
and Messrs Menzies and Milburn. Tho
I party will not return until November
next. The young men receive $30 a
month and their way and keep provided.
For O"or Sixty Years.
An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs
Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been used
for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers
for their children while teething, with
perfect success. It soothes the child,
softens the gums, allays Ball pain, cures
wind colic, and is the best remedy for
diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists in every part of the
world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its
value is incalculable. Be sure you ask
for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind.
A story comes from Carrick township
to the effect that a well-known farmer
wanted his son to get up early in the
morning and go to work. The boy had
a habit of answering "yes sir" and going
to sleep again. On this occasion last
week the father to make no mistake,:
called the boy, got the "yes sir" and
then slid up the stair, turned down the
covers and gave the person a good spank-
ing. It happened that on that nighth
t the
hired girl had been given the boy's room.
When the 'tumult was over, the mall sat
dawn behind the barn and drafted a
written apology to the hired girl.
Beauty may be only skitt deep, but it
makes an awfully deep imprereion,•
., People who think they know enough to
gita.adviee te. others do not know enf ingl
to mind their own business, .
engaged in
the arduous
work of
have trouble
with their
back and kid-
neys. Run-
ning a sewing
machine, plying the needle in. the
never ceasing stitch, stitch, stitch,
pressing seams --constant bending
over—soon tells on the back, makes
it ache and pain. No wonder these
women often find their health fail.
The kidneys get out of order, the
back pains, and the whole system
gets full of poisons which the sick
kidneys are unable to elhninate.
No dressmaker should allow her
health to slip away, and backache
and kidney troubles keep her in
misery, when such ease, comfort,
freedom from pain and invigoration
of the system can be obtained by
using Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kid-
ney Tablets.
For All Forms of Kidney Disease.
I the undersigued Druggist ant fully
prepared, to ,give the following guarantee
o rth t;vrry 500444'0e of Dr. Pettingill'•
Kiai11eye W ort Tet lets, the tally remedy
it►' tie 5vorltl t1)Iwp",post tively cares all
troubles arising $loin weak or diseased
"Money Ohaettnily returned if the
eufferur is not relieved end improved
titter use of one bottle, Three to,.sDD;
bottles effect astonishing and perinanent
cures. If not relieved and cured,. you
waste no money."
A. L. Hamilton, Wingham, Ont.
On Friday, 3rd ins,., a dark scene was
enacted in St. Augustine neighborhood,
when Mr, James Flynn, one of the old-
ets settlers in the locality, took his own
life. His son and daughter and a grand-
daughter, who resided with him, left
home between eight and nine o'clock to
attend church, leaving Mr. and Mrs.
Flynn at home. Mr Flynn was in bed
at the time. Shortly atter they had gone
Mrs. Flynn was started by the discharge
of a gun, and on going outside was hor-
rified to find her husband lying dead a
couple of rods from the house. Deceased
was iu his bare feet and used his toes to
discharge the -gun, which he placed under I
his chin. Mr. Flynn had twice been an
inmate of the London asylum, and it is
thought he was brooding over the fact
that he might again have to go to this
institution, and to this is attributed his
rash act. Mr. Flynn had passed the
four -score inile-stone by three years, and
was of a kindly and genial disposition.
C'tBCf S P r
:Hiss A. Schwartz, 4..0
Water Street,
Berlin, Ont., states her experience with
Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets as
follows: "I suffered. from baekeehe and
kidney trouble for some years, which I
think was sittingbend-
k due to so clusoandbe-
ing over at any work. The trouble at
timers was quite savers, so I gota bottle
of Dr. Pitcher's Backaehe Kidney i'ablete
at Roos' drag store, They rerteinly oeted
splendidly with me, for 1 had not tniehed
he first bottle until Igot complete relief.*
1 Price Cele: a sail,, at all t%tti fetid or by
,sail,"Tiffs Da. Znrta Piro tza .,'J~oionfts
Bow's This
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
a F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigneel, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 35 years, and
believe him perfectly honorable in 'all
business transactions and finaucially able
to carry out any obligations made by
their firm.
WEST & TIWAX, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo. O.
sale Druggists. Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
acting directly apou the blood and
mucous serfaces of the systema Testi•
monials sent free. Price 75c. a bottle,
Sold by all Druggists.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
The men in the employ of Mr. Jacob
Fritz, the contractor, in making im-
provements on the Clifford Drug Store
property lately acquired. by Mr. George
E. Robb, in excavating under the build-
ing Iast week came across an old well.
The well is "cribbed" up with stone and
has about 15 feet of water in it. This
well has been covered over by the build-
ing for nears 30 years. Many of the
old residents remember it as beiug the
stable well of the Brown hotel in olden
days, long since forgotten until brought
to notice again last week.—Express,
The TIMES clubs with the papers
mentioned below at a reduced rate:
For one year.
The Times and
The Weekly Glode...... ,1i160
The Weekly Mail 1 75
The Daily Star, Toronto••• 2 25
Tne Montreal Family Herald and
Star '• .... 1 75
The Weekly •
Sun 175
The Farmers' Advocate 1 75
Toronto Daily News.... . 3 00
The Montreal Witness, weekly,.., 160
World Wide 1 50
Northern Messenger ....., 120
The Daily World, Toronto. ..... ,:-. 8 00
Montreal Daily Herald
... , 200
Farming World, . , . , .... .. 150
London Advertiser, weekly........ 1 50
Daily Globo 4 25
If you do not see what you want in the
list let us hear front[ you. We can give
clubbing rates on any newspaper or
magazine. Addressor call at
�'[r�,l flV
r i ire, E. r L1 P I L D
Opinions of Leading 1P11yoichttts.
I have been tiresertbinlk Pllekone for external
and internal oilos. I ran recommend it very
highly. W. T. MITUIiEI,It M. 1),
thrice ,1.00. Per Halo bq drugsllsts,or l,y retail
on rece4pt of rr1ed.
W. "l'. 1:4TRO1I*, 1ftanufitcturiug Chemist
London, Ontario.
To preserve or restore it, there is no better
prescription for men, women and children than
Ripaii,s Tbtiles: They' are easy to take, They
are made of a combination of medicines approved
and used by every physician, Ripans Tabules are
widely used by all sorts of people --but to the
• ri
plain, every -clay folks they are a
veritable friend
in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan-
dard family remedy. They are a dependable, hon-
est remedy, with a long and successful record, to
cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn
constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness,
palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular
rheumatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver com-
plaints, They stregthen weak stomachs, build up
run-down systems, restore pure blood, good appe-
tite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives
constant benefit from a regular use of• Ripans
• Tabules. Your druggist sells them. .The five -
cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion.
The Family Bottle, 6o cents, contains a supply
for a year.
4', • +.. s . If you are buying a pair of shoes or a snit of
l Clothes you aro particular as to the honesty and
reputation of the merchant. Your health is of
more importance than either, yet you let quacks,
medical fakirs and other humbugs deceive you by
their deceptive offers of eomethinr, for nothing.
.r.a• After being defrauded by these medical sharks you
ftirr, '., fey think alt doctors are rogues, whereas, you alone
w�\r,Msv - are to blame. Why not first demand from them
evidences of their honesty and responsibility as
spacialists. We have been located in Detroit 24 years and can give best of bank
READER Are you a victim? Have you lost hope? Are you contempla-
ting marriage? Has your blood been diseased? Have yon
any weakness ? Our New Pdetbod Trentnoaat will cure you. What it has
done for others it will do for you. CONSULTATION FREE. No matter who has treated
you, write for an honest opinion free of charge. Charges reasonable. BOOKS FREE.
—"The Golden Monitor" (illustrated), on Diseases of Men.
ISF'No Names need without written sonment. Private, ii<o
Medicine sent C. O. D. No names on. bocce or envelopes.
iverythintr confidential. Question List and cost of TresO-
ment FRES.
All work promptly executed
at most reasonable prices.
Of Printing, in .the way of
Letter Heads,
Note Heads,
Business Cards,
Auction Bills,
Bill Heads,
Calling Cards,
Hand Bills,
Order Blanks,
Or anything else in the printing line, you will make no-
mistake by leaving your order at this office.
We will be pleased to furnish estimates at any time,
Call at, or address—
:B'EAVhlt Bloch
i IN GEAN ..