HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-04-23, Page 5itAAMNAMMNAN NANNAAMMAA AANMMAAAMMAANNAAMAMA
Nothing has such power
„. to broaden the mind as the ability to investigate, No one is
K, urged to buy—we simply urge you not to g'i by We'il show
you all that's new and desirable in Men's Clothing, and try to
mase our place a pleasant one for you to drop in. There are
several distinct styles in Suits and Coats this season, Our Suits
have features no other stock will show.
Hon's and Youths' Snits.—In all the latest ]materials, designs,
stripes, checks, etc., etc., made right•up-to•tlto•minute, et prices
from • - - - - . - - $4.73 to $12.00
3 } Boys' Fancy Norfolk Suits.—The newest out 1 In blue and
hite stripe serge with belt attached, sailor collar and embroidered
black and white stars ou collar; ages 2 to 11 years, price
w -
HATS I. HATS ! HATS t We have the latest in hard and
soft Felt Hats, in black and colors, prices - - 75c to $5.00
SALEM SHIRTS.— Colors guaranteed or your money back.
We have the latest desigus in hard and soft bosoms for summer
wear, prices $1.00 to $1..25
falir Eggs 110. Butter 17c. 1
News From
1 D4,S. APRIL 23, 1903
ur Neighbors
What Wfdeawalre Tunes Correspondents. Co1r>amunicatq - Other
Items Clipped From Our Exchanges.
Mott ruts.
Peter McDonald, tinsmith, has moved
to Berlin where he will follow his trade.
Enrersou Littlelair has sold his farm
lot 0, eou, 7, Morris, to George Arm.
strong, of Morris,
The Burk farm, 5th line, recently
bought by Thos. McLaoghlin,of Brussels
as sold by him to Philip Aulent, of the,
sante town.
Freak Lambie, V. S.. has left for
Midland, Michigan, where he intends
spending the summer in the practice of
his professiou.
We are pleased to be able to state that
Misses Annie and Nettie, daughters of
John Speir, 4th line, are able to get
about after a siege of six or seven weeks
from typhoid fever.
Frank Cloakey, of Toronto, has been
renewing old freucisliips in this locality'.
He is a son of W. 11. Cloakey, formerly
of the 6th line. The fancily is living at
the Provincial capital.
Word has been received of the decease
of Mrs. Carr, in Nebraska, her death
occurring six weeks ago. She was a
sister to Robt. Armstrong, formerly of
•the 4th lino, and was a former Morrisite
her home being ou the Oth con. The old
residents of the township will remember
her although it is years siuce she re-
The Q h. 6IOWDI R Go.
JU : y, 1 A ,'rive
We have just opened up some fancy Glassware,
direct from the factory at Tarentum,Pennsylvania. Gold
decorated consisting of handled Olive Fruit Dishes, Nap-
pies,Bon Bon Dishes, Creams,Sugars,Tooth-pick Hold-
ers, Cake Plates, Custards, Goblets and Vases. ' '
Also a Package of Table Tumblers with an imitation
cut bottom. Extra choice go3ds on sale at 38c per
Mrs, D. E. McDonald and family, of
Wingham, were visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Todd.
Miss Mina Rutherford, who is attend-
ing the Goderich Collegiate, spent her
vacation under the parental roof.
Rev. Mr. Whalley has returned home
after spending a few weeks with friends
.down east.
Hugh Anderson, who, with his aged
partner, moved to St. Thomas about a
year ago, is visiting here at present, and
has decided to come back to St. Helens
-to spend the rest of his days. Mrs. Au-
derson will come later, when the house
.ou the corner of W. E. Gordon's farm
.will have beau fined to live in.
Does Your ISaby Cry at Nigh t
If so, it is well to know the great value
.of Poison's Nerviliue, a household
.remedy for stomach pains' cramps,
toothache, sick headache, and the mani-
fold ills peculiar tos children. A few
'drops of Nerviline its sweetened water
+makes a pleasant drink and never fails
to quickly relieve. Nerviline is as good
.as the doctor in emergencies and costs
.only 25c. a bottle. Gat Nerviline from
your druggist to -day.
Dr. Hamilion's Mandrake] Pills for
From centre
to crust
The Market Bakery Bread is
perfection itself. White, light,
sweet centre; rich, brown, short
crust. Mixed, molded, baked
and delivered in just the way to
win your approval.
Nerve Wracicett ,utd InsoutnlnttI
Everything goes wrong, lead feels
heavy and dell, inind is filled with
strange forebodings. stomach is Out of
kilter, You need ft good tonic like
Ferrozone to bring back your, lost appe-
tite and digestion, and cleanse the blood
Of all impurities. and
is a wonder-
ful invigorant and strengthener that will
banish gloomy depression and quickly
restore you to a healthy, vigorous con-
dition of mind and body. Nothing is so
good for the sick, weary and debilitated
as Ferrozone. Price 50e. per box, at
druggists or R,lson & Co , Kingston.
Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
H+imiltou's Mandrake Pills euro Con-”
Miss Delle Chase, who has spent the
winter with her uncle, Mr. Taylor, re-
turns to her ]tomo at Blenheim this week.
We are glad to hear of the safe arrival
of Mr. E. Rush and family, who left this
neighborhood, accompanied by two other
families for Neepawa, Man.
Ou the 13th of April the auunal vestry
meeting of the Gerrie English church
was held at 7 o'clockep. m. when the
following business was transacted. Rev.
E. A. Hall, the rector, opened the pro-
ceedings with prayer. The minutes of
previous meeting were read by D. Hicks,
Vestry clerk, and were confirmed. Mr.
Mery Harding was chosen Rector's
Warden in place of Mr. R. C. Wilson,
who has resigned. Messrs. J. J. Elliott
and F. C. Taylor were appointed sides-
men;Mr.Longley was chosen as lay dele-
gate to the approaching Church Synod
in London. Various committees were le .v. council granted the sum of ten dollars to
then appointed to fill various offices con- The Easter services conducted by Rev. put in a culvert at lot 22 and 23 con. 14,
nested with the. The Rector then read J. Edmonds passed off well. a Bright and Mr. Lowey to put in the culvert. But
a report of the progress which has al- hearty services were held at the English as he did not comply with proposition
ready been made respecting the profound churches in Blyth, Balgrave and Auburn, and now appear again before the council.
That this council furnish ten 15 -in tile,
Mr. Lowey to haul the tile and put in
the culvert to the satisfaction of Mr.
Donaldson. Carried.
Ballagh—Falconer—'that Wm. Bap-
tist have a railing put up at lots 28 and
29, con.12 and 13 on the edge of the lake
as it is reported dangerous. Carried.
t Ballagh—Falconer—That a by-law
be introduced and passed fixing the price
of gravel at seveu cents per yard -Carried.
Jno. Caslick, shoveling snow $ 1 25
Robt. Colvin and others breaking 10 50
gravel road
Wm. Fisk and others cutting ice
on 'gravel road 8 50
Wm. Clouse, fixing pitch holes1 00
Wm. J. Smith, plowing snow ou 2 00
gravel road
Wm. Sproal, and others fixing 8 00
gravel road
Win. Sproal working grader one 2 00
Jesse Johnston, part salary as as-
Thos, Melvin, fixing gravel road5 12,
A. 13. Klein. services on the Klein
and Meyers drain 5 00
0 copies of Ditches and Water-
We have all the latest machin-
ery, and there is no need of
sending to the city for your
bread or pastry.
Opposite Presbyterian Church.
!�g Dir. and Mrs. Dan Geddes spent San-
ity with Blyth, friends.
Miss L, Jameison of Ills t't was the
guest of Mrs, Buchanan last week.
Mr, Jack, Armstrong shipped a ear
load of hogs ou•Tuesday for Toronto.
Mr, aud airs. Joe Stalker, of Lucknow
visited friends in the village last week.
Rev. Mr. Hastie and Rev. Mr. Pardo
of Wiughani changed pulpits ou Sunday
'The funeral of the late Mrs, Wni.
Little passed through the village on
Tuesday. -
Mrs. Naylor returned home on Satur-
day after an absence of three weeks
visiting friends iu Whitechurch.
Mr. Jas. Strettou, the new landlord is
utalkiug great improvements iu the hotel
since he cause, by way of papering and
painting, and in fact a general cleaning
tt p.
Mrs. David Sproat, of Belgrave, was
in town on GOod Friday. Mrs. Sproat
was accompanied by her mother, Mrs.
Hannah, who has come down to stay a
whiles with Mrs. James Lawrie, Mrs,
Hannah is 93 years of age, and her old
friends will be pleased to learn that she
has recovered from her recent illness and
is quite smart again.—Seaforth Exposi-
A Surprising' Discovery
You will he suprised iu trying Cater-
rhozone to find flow quickly it cures cold
:in the head.. The agreeable, penetrating
:vapor traverses Avery air cell and passage
of the nose, throat and langs. Iu one
.breath it carries instant death to the
millions of geruts infesting the respirat-
ore organs and breaks up a cold in ten
A. trial will oonvinoe you that Catarrh -
ozone is the most potent, satisfactory
and pleasant cure for Colds, Catarrh,
Deafness. Bronchitis, Asthma and Lung
Trouble. Complete outfit, $1.00; small
size 23c. Druggists or N. C. Polson Co.
Kingston, Ont.
Hamilton's Mandrake Pills Cure Bit-
Council met in Town Hall, Teeswater,
Mrs. N. H. Young left last week for
Toronto, where she will join her daughter
Mrs. W. W. Sloan, and then proceed to
Fort Frances.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McKellar left for
Franklin, Man., where they purpose re-
siding for sometime.
Miss Janet Anderson, who has been
teaching school at Tetikuma iah, Mani-
loulin Island, for the past ei,ent months,
is at present holidaying at the ltonie of
her parents, Mr. and•Mrs. 3. A. Auden
Mr. Edgar Rowed, who received his
first lessons in railroad work at Blyth
station, and who has been Grand Trunk
freight agent at Clinton for the past
three years, has beeu transferred to Lon-
don, where his mother acid sisters live.
At the anunel meeting of the Blyth
Methodist church Sunday school the
following officers were elected for the
ensuing year:—Superintendent, Mr. N.
B. Gerry; assistant superintendent, Mr.
E. C. Wilford; secretary, Mr. Robert
Slater; treasurer and librarian, Mr. S.
Herrington; assistant librarian, Mr. T.
J. Huckstep; musical director, Mist
Sarah Bentley ; organist, Miss Lottie Bent-
ley ; assistant organist, Miss Pearl Chel-
Does it not seem more effective to
breathe in a remedy, to cure disease of
the breathing organs, than to take the
remedy into the stomach i'
Established 2579.
Cures While You Sleep
It cures because the air rendered strongly
antiseptic is carried over the diseased sur-
face with every breath, giving prolonged
and constant treatment. It is invalu-
able to mothers with smaa chil,hen.
Is a boots to asthmatics.
Whooping Couch Eronchitia
Croup Coughs
Catarrh, scolds Grippe and HayFever
The S'apori'pr and I amp which should last
lifatimt, together with a amp,
tie of Lresulen
*1.s.. Extra supplies of ( resolene 25 cents and
vo cents. Write for de.crip, ive booklet contain-
ing highest tebtinlony as tv its value.
VAPf,•CItrMLEFE tS Fn1.n nY
Vnpo-Cresolene Co.
:So Fulton Street 165: Notre Dame Street.
Ncw fork Montreal
I.i S•rt, WV EL.
A fire broke out iu the Salvation Army
barracks here early Tuesday morning,
completely demolishing the building.
Froin all appearances the building was
set ou fire, as the army had no fire in it
from the Sunday previous. The build-
ing was owned by J. W. Scott, and in-
sured in the Waterloo Mutual for $500.
Fortuuately the Salvation Ariny have
their now barracks near completion.
ou 14th iust. Members all present. The
minutes of last meeting were read and
In accordance with resolution of last
:meeting, the reeve presented his report
re fences ou highway on boundary of
Culross and Greenock.
Ceentlemen,—I hearby present you
with tiiy* revert, with regard to the fences
on the Greenock boundary.
The reeve of Greenock in a letter dated
April ist says that the parties mentioned
in the request have positively refused to
remove the fences. However he will lay
the natter before the council at next
meeting and. will report later on.
I also beg leave to hand over for publi-
cation the report of Mr. Warren, P. L. S.,
with regard to the survey of the Tees -
water river re the proposed dredging.
E. G. Kuntz, reeve.
A communication was received from
Alex. Simpson to have hill repaired on.
cots 4 and 5.
Falconer—Donaldson—That the re-
quest of Alex. Simpson for grant to cut
hill opposite lot 28, con. 4 and 5 be laid
over till next meeting. Carried.
Donaldson—Baptist—As last year's
About 3,30 Tuesday morning fire was
discovered is the office of the Clarendon
Hotel and spread so rapidly through the
corridors that it was with difficulty the
boarders and inmates escaped, most of
them losing their clothes and furnish-
ings. The building was a large three-
storey brick veneer and fell an easy prey
for the flames, it being now a complete
wreck, not a wall remaining standing.
The building was owned by Mrs. R. J.
Tufts, of Belgrave, and was insured for
$9,000. The hotel was managed by
Perkins & Mahon, who; carried insurance
on the contents to the extent of $2,000.
enlargement of the church. The monies
already collected and expected amounted
to $500, but an additional $200 would be
required for a furnace and basemeut.
Council met according to adjourn-
ment, on April 16th; members all pres-
ent, Reeve MuQuillin in the chair.
Minutes of lust meeting read and approv-
E. Johnston was given the contract of
supplying the teams for the road grader
at $5.75 per day.
Tho following cheques were issued:—
Municipal World, supplies Board of
Health, 161.06; A. Sproule, caretaker of
court room, $2,00; R. Lowrie, work ou
Dungannon drain, 50c; A. McAllister,
work con. 10, $1.00; D. Glean, putting
tile in culvert, $1,00; Wm. Miller,repair-
ing bridge eon 12, 50c; A. Johnston, re-
pairing culvert con G, $1.00.
At the Board of Health meeting, Wm.
Baillie was appointed Sanitary Inspector
for polhug sub -division, No. 1, D. E.
Mauro for No, 2, A. Stuart for No. 3,
W. S. McCrostie for No. 4, Win. McQuil-
lan for No.' 5.
Counciladjourned to meet on May
20th at 10 o'clock as a Court of Revision
and for general business.
W. S. McCnosvis,
Township Clerk.
and large congregations were present.
The communicants uutubered 47 its Blyth
37 in Belgrave and 17 in Auburn, total
101. The Easter vestry meetings were
held at the three churches ou Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday respectively.
Most enconragiug reports were given.
The finances were all right and the out-
look is bright for another year. The
total receipts from all sources in Blyth
for the past year were $700; Belgrave,
$430, Auburn, $174, total $1305. The
wardens and officials at each church will
be the same as lust year.
The house at Pretoria owned by ex -
President Kruger was sold at auction for
iI 3. L. Haycock, ex-M.P.P., is recover.
1 ing in Kingetou hospital from his serious
illness and is able to sit up in his room.
The Daily Telegraph estimates the
British national debt at 7800,000,000,
Icompared with 7635,000,000, in 1899.
All Stuffed Up
That's the condition of many sufferers
from catarrh, espeoinlly in the morning.
Great difficulty is experienced in clear-
ing the head and throat.
No wonder catarrh causes headache,
impairs the taste, smell and hearing,
pollutes the breath, deranges the stem-
sell and affects the appetite.
To cure catarrh, treatment must be
constitutional—alterative and tonic.
"1 was i11 for four months with catarrh
in the head and throat. Hall a bad cough
and raised• blood. 1 had become dis-
couraged when my husband bought a bottle
of Hood's Snrsapatilla and persuaded me
to try it. 1 advise all to take it. It has
cured and built me up." Mas. Hoon Hu-
DOLrH, West Liscomb, N. 8.
M'ood's Sarsaparilla
Cures catarrh—it soothes and strength-
ens the tnite0ns membrane and builds
dip the whole system.
I Thi Leading WI—
MEN'S and 130Y,,
New Sprin 6 6IOtif
We are ready to show you all kinds iff Spring Qlotll:t
and ]toys' Suits in Cheviots, Worsteds, Serge$, Tweeds, etc,
latest styles. Two thousand dollars' worth of the best Talk
Clothing to select from. Patronize this store for all kinds. ek +•
wear. Best goods at lowest primers:
Men's Imported all wool Black Clay Worsted Suits, in
3 button cutaway sack, fine Italian cloth linings,
our special price ....
Irish Serge Suits, in blue or black, single breathed 7.54
sack, well made, Italian linings, alt sizes., ....
10 Suits to ciear, small pattern tweeds, well hued.
will give good wear, regular value $6 to fel, for .. 4.74
Extra fine Scotch Tweed Suits,well tailored, latest cat,
Special at ' ' "
Spring Overcoats in the latest styles and newest
weaves, nicely lined, goad fit. Our priees aCe
$6.00, $$.00 and 10.40
Boys' fancy Brownie Suits in nice patterns, well made,
nicely trimmed, all sizes. Prices
$2.00, $2 50, 53.00,1$3 50 stud'rs"95
B>ys' 3 piece Salts in Serge', Worsteds and fancy
Tweeds, special values in all sizes. See our special J 50
line at
Mr. Ned Ferguson is able to be around
Miss Eva Manning, of Clinton took
charge at the school this week, and we
wish her success.
Mr and Mrs. John Davidson, of Wrox-
eter spent Sunday at the home of Mr.
Gavin Davidson.
Mr. Robt. Maxwell spent the Easter
holidays with Galt friends.
Seeding is the order of the day around
Miss Kate Belfour, of Turnbetry visit-
ed her uncle, Mr. John Casemore this
courses Act........ .. 2 50
Peter Kroetsch, plank, gravel and 13 12
work on road
Engineer's fat s re drainage awards '668 00
Cleric's fees.... .....
Falconer — Donaldson — That the
finance report as just read be adopted
and citegnes issued in payment of ac -
Counts. Carried.
$allfgh_Baptist—'that this cunneil
do now adjourn to meet again on Thurs-
day the 28th of May at the hour of 9
o'clock as Conti of Revision and appeal
and for other business and that the clerk'.
give the statutory notice. Carried.
Rev. Mr. West preached two very in-
teresting and able sermons last Sabbath.
Iu the morning sermon he referred in
feeling terms to the fact that dist Sab-
bath completed six years of lois pastorato.
Mr. West has been a faithful pastor, and
has not spared himself in his work.
Steps are being taken for the erection of
a fine new church iu the near future.
Miss Thynue of Arthur delighted the
Bluevale congregation last Sabbath by
rendering, in a beautifully sweet and
sympathetic voice a solo "Hide me sate-
ly Lord in Thee." It is always a treat
to hear Miss Thynue, and her singing is
much enjoyed by the people of Bluevale.
A meeting of 'the Blnevale Women's
Institute was held on Wednesday, April
15th, at the home of Mrs. A. Paterson.
After the usual business was transacted
au instructiye paper on "What to pre-
pare for breakfast" written by Miss A.
Aitchesou was rend and discussed. After
the questions in the drawer were dis-
cussed Miss Eva Paterson rendered just let contracts for $250,000 worth of
several selections of music very effective- new buildings at Hamilton, and may
spend a quarter of a million more for the
same purpose.
Gents' Furnishings
New Ties. new Braces, New styles in Collars. New
Underwear, new Regatta Shirts, new duck Shirts.
new Sweaters, new Caps,new spring Styles in hard
and soft Hats.
Boots and Shoes
We have just opened fifteen cases new Boots and Shoes.
We handle only the hest makes, big stock to choose
troth. Prices in keeping with low prices in our
other departments.
Men's good strong plough Boots, heavy sole, special 90
Men's extra heavy grained Boot, a bargain at1.50
Men's fine laced Boots, special at 1,5
Men's fine dongola Oxfords, new toe, our price 1.00
Women's fine dongola Button Boot, a bargain1.25
Girl's good strong school Boots, special
Lots of other Bargains, no room to quote more here
Come and see. -
H. E. ISARD & Co.
Opoosite Bank of. Hamilton Highest price paid for Produce
Monkman Committed
Chesley, April 21.—Geo. Mon au
Windsor lost nineteen hundred dollars Dobbinton was brought before Ma,
on its municipal woodyard. trites Halliday and Catto of Chesley t
It has been estimated that no less than I day, on the charge of causing the des
twenty fine million people annually of Alfred Bolstrage. in a row in Debbi
attend the circuses of America iu one ton on April 6. The Magistrates co
season. ; mated Monkman for trial and his ca;
The London Daily Telegraph estimates ! comes up at the Sessions iu Waterloo o
the British national debt at £S00,000,000. June 9th. He was admitted'to fSid :
an increase of £165,000,000 since 1890. s $1,000. Bolstrage died ore, April 13t'
This is the price of the Boer war. and the Coroner's jury brought in ave
dict coat Alfred Bulsr:age came to
Judge McTavish, who investigated death by wounds inflicted on his left si
the alleged tobacco monoply, found that by some sharp instrument, expressitr
the exclusive contract system prevailed, the opinion that deceased contribute
but it was not illegal. Ihis own death by neglecting ordivar
A true bill was found at the Brantford precautions, both before and after he ha
Assizes against Thomas Elliott and the medical advice, and that the worn
directors of the Ontario Coal Dealers' were received during an affray ou th
Association, and the trial is now in pro I night of April Gth, but were unable t
grecs. say by what means the wounds we
According to a statement by the North- 1 inflicted.
west Grain Dealers Association, there is
still 14,733,758 bushels of wheat to be I
forwarded to lake ports by Manitoba and
Territorial farmers.
Hamilton wholesale milk dealers have
decided to raise their prices from 12 to
14 cents a gallon upon August 1st, and
it is likely the citizens will pay six cents
a quart instead of fire, as at present.
A few years ago the United States ex-
ported all its cotton. Last year. out of
a total crop of 9,000,0'30 bales, it kept for
home manufacture over 4,000,000, of
which norteru mills are using 2,200,000.
The new Minnesota Capitol building,
which is soon to be completed at a cost
of $1,500,000, will be one of the most
sumptuous pnblic buildings in the world.
It will be constructed entirely of Georgia
The Deering Harvester Company have
ly. Mrs. 3. Diulent invited the ladies to
her Tame for their next meeting to be
held Wednesday, May 20th. Miss J.
Elliot was asked to prepare a paper on
"Flower Culture." .&Cor dial invitation
is extended to the ladies who have not
yet joined the Insitute, to attend the
next meeting.
Covered with damp moss in muslin
troughs, and hermetically sealed in tin,
some 20,000 Irish rainbow trout eggs
were sent from Innishnnnon, County
Cork, to Tokio, for the Japan exhibition.
The oldest armorer in the United
States still working for the Government
is Benjatnin 11obbe,ot Springfield,Mass.,
he having been so employed for over
fifty years.
Nearly 123,000 h.ogs1r tis of to
bacco are iu stock at Liverpool, Eng
Judge Duncan Macmillan, of Haldi-
maud county, who has been a patieutin
London hospital for several ntouths,died
ou Tuesday night. He sat in the House
of Commons as a Conservative froul
East Middlesex from 1874 till 1886.
It is reported that the Government
are considering a proposition to guaran-
the the interest on the cost of construct -
int; 100 miles of the Canadian Northern
Railway in the district between Irwood
slid Prince Albert Railway, taking in
return a mortgage on the line when
(loughs, c.14a, h.irseneae, and other throat
ailments are 12uieklyr relieved by Cresolene
tablets. ten cents per box. All druggists
Timbers of oak keep the oI
homestead standing throng
the years. It pay:, to use th
right stuff.
" Men of oak" are men
rugged health, men whos
bodies are made of the soun
est materials.
Childhood is the time to la
the foundation for a sturdy co
stitution that will last for year
Scott's Emulsion is the rig
Scott's Emulsion stimulate
the growing powers of childre
helps them build a fir
foundation for a sturdy cons
enct for free sample.
SCOTT at BOWNE, Chemists,
Tot Onto. Ontarl
6Oo. end $1'.001 all drugglCta.