HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-04-23, Page 4e Art Ix <1,,Plia,•000001.1011111.101141014WIR A ME R S s TILE MGM. TUIES; APRIL 23, 1003, SIR OLIVER MOWAT DE=AD. Dominion Government, during Sir Jtio, $1,100. Grams for the next six Months Macdouttld's tune, notably on the bound, were made to 1100 churches and utissiors. Pateed- Aw& at --Toronto. en Send etre' question, the tlpppinhnont of Queen's A meeting of the executive of the Korlairlg. Conwell, the Liquor License law and Herm Cluuuty Sabbath Selmaand -_- _- other cases, which were carried to the Christian. Endeavor association wits 'Nacefu:ly, almost imTierceptitity, the rivy Council in England audtnuifornely held at Clinton .on Good friday. It was semiconscious sleep in which Sir Oliver d sided iu his fFzvpr. Li 1SJ3, tilt the avoided to hold the annual couvention et c tupletion of the new provincial build- myth on Arne 18 and 19,the first day to bee has lain since Wednesdaynight n lit ii s' ' throughout the be devoted to Sabbath school work, andTorouto his friends tlirou became at six minutes to 10 Sunday bec moruin > the dreawless slumber of death. ovines, desiring to inane their ap- ; the second to Christian Endeavor work. p eciatton of "the splendid story of Iiia The news of the death of the respected „ Rev. 1)r. 1Niedd, of Howell preached Lieutenant -Governor was received in a hievemeuts as a public man, placed S Bev. r, Mel anniversary sermons iu •u -ham on Sunday afternoon. Out of u oft the walls of the Assembly chamber the 1llettiohoa church ou Sciiday lase. 'espeet to the deceased statesman, the a oil painting of the Premier. t His sermons wore very much appreciated lag ou the town hall was placed at half- He was appointed Lieutenant Govern- I by the large i:ever gations. Rev. R. -War or of Ontario in November, 18Ji. Tio i , Mas e age • statesman was sur. Hobbs preached. Dpwoxtli League anni- was formerlyPresident of the Canadian rpuudod by his family in his lase mo- yeisary sermons at Heusall and delivered meats, and did not again regain con- Institute and likewise filled the presi- dency his lecture, "The Triangular Mau" delivered sciousness. In very many of the church- of the Evangelical Alliance of Monday evening. es in Outeri°, extended references to Ontario* He has written on the "I+,vi- I Rev. Geo. Richardson whose serious his career were iitede by the pastors, and dentes of Ohristiauity." sod on "Chris• I illness was noted in last week's TIMES, many public men tributes were tianity and Some of its Fruits." He re - from I died at his home in Toronto, ou Thurs- paid to the deceased's memory, two of ceived the honorary degree front Queen's the most notable being those of the Hon. University in 1872, and from Toronto G. W. Ross, Premier of Outeri°, anti University in 1889. In 1837 ho presided Sir William Ralph Meredith, for 15 years over the Quebeo Iuteruational Confer- enceleader of the Opposition in tile. Legisla- and in 1893 over the Ottawa Reform ture. The state funeral took piece on Convention. Iu 1892 the Qneeu Created Church circles in Canada,having preach - him a Knight Commander of the Most Wednesday Distinguished Order of St. Michael and ed for over forty years iu Peterboro, was made at Mount Pleasant cemetery Lindsay, Listowel, Godericli and other in Toronto. St. George, and in 1897 he was prompted cities and towns in Ontario, He retired to be a Knight Grand Cross of the same The official bulletin gives this explan• order. While in Scotland in 1593 he was from the ministry about a year ago and anon of the accident that was the im- was living retired at Toronto. His presented with the freedom of the royal mediate cause of death; re - borough of Wick. Iu religious belief mains were taken to Peterboro for inter - Sir Oliver Mowat was Presbyterian. He incur in the family plot. married in 1810, Jane, second daughter of the late John Ewart, of Toronto, his Those who keep tab ou the flow of wife predeceasing him in 1893. Of their population through Winnipeg into the West will observe that big as is the rush from Great Britian and the United States, the good old Psoviuce of Ontario is pretty well to the front. In' fact, Ontario is sending .Blore men to the West than she oau spare,—Toronto Star. YOUR OM ALO EHYD FOR, YOUR SEED GRAIN at Campbell's . Drug Store, He keeps nothing but the best quality at lowest price. C. A. Campholl's DRUG STORE WINGHAM. TO ADVERTISERS, Notice of changes must be left at this .office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. ESTABLISHED 187'2. `THE WINfiiiAlt TIMES. R, ELLIOTT. P ranISHER ANT)PROPRIETOR THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1903. SIR OLIVER MOWAT. Ili the pltssing away of Sir Oliver Mo. ,.� • _ :« w vat,. the Province of Ontario mourns the death of one df its greatest states- men_ Few indeed, of the public men of this country have won and held so much of the popular affection as did Sir Oliver Mowat. For nearly a quarter of a cen- tury he continuously occupied the poSi- tion of Premier of Oatario, a record not day of last week, aged 69 years. Rev. Mr. Richardson had only been confined to Itis room about two weeks. Heart trouble was the cause of death. Deceas- ed was widely known in Methodist "On the 8th day of January last his Honor, the Lieutenant Governor, was walkiug by himself up and down the hall at Goverument House, watching his grandchildren at play, when he tripped and fell heavily, sustaining a fracture of the neck of the right thigh bone. He suffered a good deal of pain and discom- fort, but he gradually recovered and was able to walk, with sotne assistance, and to support his weight upon the injured limb On Sunday night, April 12th, whilst he was being uudressed.for bed, and whilst two of the atteudauts were in the act of liftiug hint from his chair, the right thigh was broken a short dis- stance above the centre of the bone and some six inches below the previous break. The fracture was set, chlorform being administered for the purpose, and the necessary splints were applied. His Honor stood the immediate effects of the injury well, and no alarming symp- ,,Agnalled by any other public man in the toms developed until Tuesday eight, Empire. The secret of his success is shortly before midnight, when his found in his efficiency. While he attempted no rash reforms, he did not impede necessary ones. He did not go to extremes in any of his political views. Throughout his whole career he has shown himself to be a man of high in- tellectual capacity and moral standing. His example will serve to exercise a wholesome influence on the people whoss affairs he so long Bisected. heart's action began to fail, and it soon became evident that he could uot recover. Since that time he had been growing gradually weaker." Sir Oliver Mowat was the son of the late John Mowat, one of Wellington's veterans in the Peninsula, by his wife Mary Levack. The family settled at Kingston, Ont.. in 1816, and there the future statesman was born on July 22nd, 18.20. Educated at private schools in his native city, he entered the pidce.,01 a,'13r. (afterwards Sir) John A.Mnchonald, in whose office he studied law four years. After completing his articles with Robert E. Burns, Toronto, he was called to the bar in 1841. He entered on the practice of his profession at Kingston, but soon afterwards removed to Toronto and formed a partnership with his late principal,Mr. Burns, Mr. Vaukoughuet, NOTES AND COMMENTS Mr. V,. R. Gamey, who Since the 110 day of March has occupied the most prominent position of any public man in Ontario, has, front what can be learned from the daily press, disappeared, He was last seen, as far as can be learned, on Saturday last and up to Tuesday night Ws whereabouts was a mystery, After a fifteen -minute session on Tues- day morning the Royal Commission ad- journed until Thursday. The adjourn- ment was occassioned indirectly by Mr. Gamey's absence, but other witnesses could have been heard just as well with him absent as not. Wednesday's paperer say Mr. Gathey is in Buffalo, and that Lie willturn when needed. Mr. W. Mortimer CIark, K. C.. of Toronto, has been appointed Lieut. -Gov- ernor of Ontario. His commission was made out Monday and Mr. John J. Ma- gee, Clerk of the Privy Council, will carry it to Toronto and administer the oath of office to the new Governor. Mr. CIark is a gentleman of the highest respectability, and one of Toronto's for - most citizens. He has practised the legal profession for many years and has established a reputation as a : sagacious councillor of solid attainments. The afterwards Chancellor of Ontario, was Finance said that before the end of the afterwards admitted to the firm, and at session a way would be found to com- differeet times Mr. Mowat had many sous, Frederick Mowat is Sheriff of Tor- onto, while Arthur Mowat is in private life. THE BUDGET SPEECH. Mr. Fielding Delivers His Seventh Budget Speech at Ottawa. Thursday of last week was Mr. Field- ing's busy day, his seventh budget. In the space of two hours and a half he an- nounced a record-breaking surplus of $13,000,000, a reduction of the public debt of $5,600,000, a chance to Canadian investors to acquire $2,852,000 worth of ten-year Government bonds bearing 3i per cent. interest, an increase in the Do- minion bank note issue of $10,000,000, and the creation of a ten per cent.reserve fund against the $6,000,000 Postoffice Savings Bauk deposits. He also intim- ated that the British preference might be withdrawn if Great Britain refused to reciprocate in -the matter of Canadian breadstuffs. He said flatly that the Canadian Government world not take part in'auy'Joint High Commission with the United States unless the Washing- t0000oeool00000000000••••O.OAe.1so•••ooso.•••Ben.• ooie•aeo•.• 000000 .a0,3*•1 • JOHN KER'RJAS. N. KERR • PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE••• r• ott000•mom®•oo•0000.00000m000000•s000•a•••••o••oso••o so•oso .•o•c000®b•o•o••oo• • II � M� sa ��ll.lSpriiig • • s • MadeEasy Cleaning �LiwAHM1HN •i • • • • •. s Get well equipped for house. • 0 Tine I 1 • cleaning before starting. We • have the goods you need. z Live , Stock Markets. Toronto, April 21. --At the cattle mar- ket to -day business opened with a brisk demand for choice butchers' cattle The supply of the right kind proved to be ou the short side, and the result was that prices for the best choice cattle of- fering went up from ten. to twenty cents . A large portion of to -day's offerings were cattle intended for the export class . The bulk of these, however, were not in the best conditiou. Not more than half finished and should not yet have been brought out; was the way one of the largest operators sized up the quality of the export cattle in the market to -day. There were a few good loads. The position as regards export cattle is a little complicated just at present from the fact that the shipping is just turning round from the port of St. John ton authorities promised that it would to the port of Montreal for the summer have results. He encouraged a hope of trade. better trade relations with France, and There was a good dotntind for fe`eder?3; gave her ancient enemy, Gerhiaiiy,zi "short khep, 1,100 to 1,150 pounds. slap in the face by copying into the C°en- The sheep and lamb market was adieu Tariff Act a maxitnum tariff steady, with a rather light run, and clause a la Kaiser, which puts a thirty- eyerything sold. three and a third per cent. handicap pa (fogs were firmer, prices going up to all dutiable German goods. The clause $6.15 and 6.40 for the best, an advgnee•of is applicable to all nations that discrim - 20c over last week- inate against Canada, but Germany i5 The run for the day was uot heavy, the one it hits immediately. It went iu- the total being til cars, with 1.117 head to effect in all Cauadiau Custom Houses of cattle, 282 sheep. 705 hogs and 207 on Friday morn%tig. The Minister of calves. The following are the quotations: • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • Exporters' cattle— Per 100 lbs. $4 70 $ 4 80 4 50 4 50 350 875 do., light 3 00 3 50 Stockers 400 to SOO lbs 2 50 3 75 900 3 75 Butchers'— Choice 4 00 4 40 Medium 3 50 4 00 Picked 4 25 450 Bulls. 3 00 3 30 Rough 2 75 3 25 Bulls .... 2 25 300 Milk cows ...30;00 53 00 Sheep— Lambs 6 00 6 50 Bucks :........ 3 50 400 Culls 2 25 2 50 Calves, each 2 00 1000 Hoge-- Best .. • 6 20 Lights 6 00 partners, among whom was Chief Justice peusate the Canadian manufacturer of heavy Maclennan. He Hoon obtained high binder twine for the preference of three- Light reputation as a lawyer, and was long eighths of a cent a pound which the Bulls heavy leader of the chancery bar. Many of the cases argued by him are to -day living authorities ou topics of equity jurisprudence. Created a Q. C. by Sir E. W. Head in 1855, he became, later, a Bencher of the Law Society. Politically he was in early life surrounded with Conservative influences, but chose the broad Liberalism of which he became so able au exponent and so steadfast a promoter. After serving as au alderman in the Toronto council, he was in 1857 elected to Parliament as member for South Ontario, and contiuued to rep- resent that constituency uutil 1864. In new Lieut. -Governor has not taken an 1 the Assembly he took part in all the Wive part in politics, but he has been I principal discussions and became one of closely identified with public movements I its most effective speakers. Upon the CHURCH NOTES. and with religious and philanthropic fall of the Macdonald -Cartier Govern - Work in Toronto, Mr. Clark it is I ment in 1858 he entered the new Govern -I Bishop Baldwin will spend the week thought, will worthily uphold and sus- i meat formed by Messrs. Brown and 1 from May 5th to 10th inclusive, in Huron tain the traditions of. the high office to i Dorton as Provincial Secretary. In 18631 County administering the rite of Confir- u which he has been called. I be entered the gaudfieIri Macdonald mmotion in many of the churches, United States Government gives the American manufacturer on the raw manilla hemp. He also stated that the Governtent would place a duty of $7 a ton on foreign -made steel rails as soon as it was demonstrated that Canadian mills could supply the home market with rails made from Canadian steel and of the best quality. Other impor- tant announcements were that beet sugar machinery and alluvial gold min- ing machinery for use in the Yukon would be exempt' from duty till June 30th, 1904; and that for two years the Canadian canals would be as free of tolls as the ocean itself. Poorlyi " For two years 1 suffered ter- ribly from dyspepsia, with great depression, and was always feeling poorly. 1 then tried Ayer's sorsa, Willa, and in one week I was new man. — John McDonald, Philadelphia, Pa. Don't forget that it's "Ayer's" Sarsaparilla that will make you strong and hopeful. Don't waste your time and money by trying some other kind. Use the ofcf test tried, and true Ayer's Sarsapa- rilla. t/.w al otd.. All drattllts. t r.*p•errnie Hem owl he 1 rb rtta rk grratas oil-fr»tly mMiMptl. /mew hie kdvie sod wi vial 1s Intim c. 4Yx* (''0.,%nw•U, ]IIM.. Government as Postmaster-Geueral, and later on the formation of the coalition government under Sir E. P. Tache, for the purpose of effecting the political union of British North America, he along A meeting of the Baptist congregation was held on Wednesday night to take steps in the matter of selecting a pastor to succeed Rev, J. J. Patterson, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • w7NGHAAI ALA REPORTS Wingham, April 22 1001‘. Corrected every Wednesday afternoon by Cassels & Carr. Flour per 100 lbs. 1 65 to 2 50 Fall Wheat 0 66 to 0 70 Spring Wheat 0 00 to 0 00 Oats, .. .. 0 25 to 0 `30 arley .. ..... 0 35 tto 0o 0 h 700 005 • • • • • • • •• 00410000808000•••0••0•0•••••0001111110000000011)60000,000001/060900210000•011100001140800114• • • JOHN KERR MACDONALD BLOCK, JAS. H. KERN W I N G H A M You know what that means, New Carpets, Curtains, tied Clothes, etc. M Wash Tubs, all sizes; Wash s v that you Boards, solid back; copper Boll- You may discover a y • of one or more Toilet • in need ars, nickle plated. We are salting our Wool and are• Brooms .15e 20e, 25c, 30c. Union Carpets at reduced prices Sets. • Mop handles,hold cloth or brush 25 per cent. off. • • 15c We have a full stock of Toilet. • Floor Oilcloth. and English Ware. All new shapes and new • Scrub brushes.... 5e to 25e • Stove brushes 15c to 25e Linoleum front 25e a square yd decorations. • • Shoe brushes. 20e to 35e up' • • White Wash Brushes; Clothes 6 piece Printed Set, any color • Brushes, Hat Brushes, Whisks. • Lace Curtains, large stoek,all per set $1.75 prices, new designs. 1 Clothes Ropes Clothes Pins • le doz Whiting per Ib, ...... ... 20 Gold Dust :. 5e, 10e, 250 Silver Dust 5e, 10c, 25e Pearline per pkg........... 5e Gillett's Lye.. 10e Royal Lye. , .. ......3 for 25e Sapolio per cake 10e Monkey Brand Slap for clean• ing Glass, Crockery, Metal, Woodwork, etc,, 5e 10 piece Printed Set, good fin - Chenille Curtains,Art Muslins, ash $2.00, $2,25, X2.50 Cretonnes. 10 piece Stone China Set, Chenille and Damask Table Shaded, 2 Colors, New Shape, and Stand Covers 60e to $3.00. Price ..... 0.00 White Bed Spreads Circular Pillow Cotton Sheeting, Ticking, etc. A splendid assortment of Stove Pipe Varnish - Table Linens, Towels, Towling, Black Lead, the best Hair Brushes, Combs, etc. Stove Paste, the best Bath Bricks 5c Laundry Soap best, made Pure Lir.en Stand Covers,Side Board Covers, Tray Covers, drawn work sides Diamond Dyes 3 for 250 and ends, fringed or hem -stitch• Logwood ' 5e and 10e ed ends. Liquid Ammonia 100 Powdered Ammonia per pkg 10c Starch all kinds Table Covers and Table Nap• Carpet Tacks kine to match. Toilet Soap. best made 10 piece Set, Shaded Printed and Gold Stippled 64.00 10 piece Stone China Set,' painted, Gold Stippled, IIand- some Decorations. $5,50 Plain White Stone China in 4 or 6 or 10 piece Sets, Also 'sold separately. Farmers; We pay cash for Fresh Eggs. Peas Turkeys, drawn ...., ..... d 11 to 0 12 Geese, 0 07 to 0 08 Ducks, per pair. .... 0 00 to 0 75 Rev. Alex. Ross, a Howick boy, has Chickens . .... 0 30 to 0 60 with the Hon. George Brown and the just finished his course at College and is Butter....,.. .... +.... 0 17 to 0 17 Hon. Wni. Macdougall, was chosen to now privileged to be a Licensed minister Eggs per doz ....... 0 11 to 0 11 outer therein as the Liberal represent- of the Presbyterian church. 1" ie propos- Wood er cord ......... 2 00 to 2 50 atives of Upper Canada. lie sat in the es oin into t}ie Work in Manitoba, Ha per ten' .... 0 00 to 7 00 union conference that assembled in going Potatoes, per bushel s 0 50 to 0 60 Rev. J. J. Hastie, of Belgrave con- Apples, •per bag • . 0 30 to 0 50 Quebec, Oct. 10th, 1864, and took an Tallow per Ib ..............5 to 0 06 active part in framing the constitution du°ted rho services in the Presbyterian Lard lti to 0 i6 church on Sunday last. Rev. D. Perris ,Dried Apples per lb 0 04 to 0 4k prepared them by the "Fathers of Con. took Mr. Hastie's work at Bolgrave and Wool 0 13 to 0 ib federation." In November following he Calvin -clintch ou Sunday morning and Live Hogs, per cwt. 6 00 to ,6 00 afternoon. PURSE. •• • d0000006©•1110060000.0000••048.6000000000O0e®000.0000110000®00.00000. • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Special Prices IN... —RINGS —WATCHES —BROOCHES . —BRACELETS and all lines of Jewelry, until further notice. Halsey Park Jeweler and Optician. WE SUIT YOU AND SUIT YOUR was raised to the ?3ench as one of the Vice Chancellors of Ontario. lie re- turned to political life in October, 1872, being then called by the Lieutenant. Governor to succeed Mr. Blake iu the Premier"ship of the Province. In Ms own Administration, which lasted from the above date till his resignation in Jalyr 18il6 to enter Sir Wilfrid 1anrigr d to . ur- u'rers Wattling Cabinet, he filled the office of Attorney time of ttie opening. :l hate daily er q i .p General, and in that position buceeeded Reports froth the various fields in On- chase or rent hooses in town. in effecting many important legal re. tario and Quobec presented at the semi- No commission charged unless a sale forma. In other respects his legislation annual meeting of the Haptist Home is made. Was of 4 rriost useful and beneficial Mission Board, were very enconraging,� t, character. !)firing his terra of office he Nine ehurehea declared for sett=sapport, . had frequently controversies with the 1 Which myons a saving to the board of Minnie St. It is thought that the corner atone of hMethodist church at Nile will to new TowN p ERopERTIs be laid on May 25th, and will be an event of no small importance. It is expeeted the church will coat about $5,000, and it ANTED. is anticipated that it will all be provided .for, by subscription or otherwise, at the forany f We call make°cession, 1f' you a salt you want to get something rich ---i dress suit for instance --why there isn't a better • place to get it in the country than right here, We know all the latest wrinkles of fashions, andgive all those finishing n touches that distin- gto she iii lioWell mase g artnent. sht Chop Snits if yon. want thein, variety enough to ensure that you will be pleased—with everything. R. MAXWELL. tan Ani TAILOR. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv r ► Curtains • • 0 • • ••• • es w • • • • YVYYVVYVVVVVVVYYVYY VVVVVY 4 4 N J a 4 t r A i -4 4 4 4 E Everybody to come and see our large stock, consisting, in part, of 'l✓' Lace, Tapestry and Chenille. Pretty Lace ones from 35c to $t.00, and beauties from $t.5o upwards. 4 Handsome tapestry and chenille at reduced prices. it While counterpanes 1 4 i These are great value at prices ranging from 75c to $2.75. t . Flannellefte blankets The Nor -West brand, in grey and in•white. Bargains 4 in these at 85c and $1.1o. ; ► 4 Muslins and Black Dress; Goods 4 rWe carry the newest fabrics in Dress Goods : Basket 41 p. CCIoth, Linins and Muslins of all kinds --pretty and i w dainty as a dream. AIso our Black Dress Goods are44 il. very handsome, and the best value, 1. p. v. 1 E 11) i t Hos cry' 4 4 I 1 ►, Having stilt some of our heavy stock of Winter I! Hosiery on hand we will sell them at cost to make 4 lb - room for our usual big display of Cotton and 1 CCashmere Hose at all prices. 4 4 E Carpets and Linoleums A S e 4 s A i 4 Everybody knows this house is headquarters for s Carpets, p Llnoleums and Oilcloths. Come and have a look at our handsome Carpet ---all kinds and beau- tiful Li ll Hole ms at very reasonable easonable prices. If you don't --but buy an inferior carpet --you will be sorry when you find out your mistake. T. Al.. A1VIILLsj AAA AAAAl1AAAAAAAAAAln A&Aii1, JakAAAAAAAAAAAAA+NtAAAA AAA •