HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-04-23, Page 11' THE VOL. XXXII.—NO. 1628. What is the Good of buying cheap if you are dissatisfied with the pur- chase in a ahort time? True economy is exercised in buying a thing that pleases you till it is worn out. Our MEN'S SWINGS Are of this character— one suit makes a regular customer of the buyer. Then there is the guaran- tee of everything up to date. and everything first class. Suits from $Io.00 to $40.00. Made to fit you in every particular. HATS ---se In Hats we have the very newest American Styles at prices from 50C to $3.00 BOOTS.& SHOES We have special prices in that line, which will pay you to see before going elsewhere. NECKW EAR Ali the latest designs. Prices 25c.to 50c. A pleasure to show goods. Homuth Bros. Sign of the Big Bear. MARRIAGE LICENSES Issued by FRANK PATIi RSO . No. 23 Victoria street. Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required. DOMINION BANK WINOHAM Capital paid up, $ 2,940,000 `Reserve Fund and • Undivided profits $ ?,260,000 Farmers' Notes discounted. - Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT—Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal 30th Juno and 31st December each year. A. E. GIBSON, Manager. R. Vanstone, Solicitor. BANK OF HAMILTON WINCNAM. Oapital paid up, $2,000,000.00. Reserve Fund, $1,600,000.00. President -Joni Setrane. Vice-President—A. G. ISA Mss', b.LBBEc'1'Oit,s John Proctor, Geo. Roach Win. Gibson, M.P. A. T. Wood, M.P., A. �3. Lee (Toronto). General Manager—J. TURNBt1LL. ' t3Av11igs Bank--'PLours 10 to 3; Saturday, 10 to 1. Deposits of $1 and upwardsreeeived. In- terest allowed, and computed on the 30th No- vember and 31st May each year and added to prinCipal. Special bepoeite also received at current rates of interest. Drafts on Great Britain and the .United States Bought and sold. Travellers are notated that the Batik of Ham- ilton oFind its Branches is,iie Cireular Rates of National Provincial Bank of England, Limited, which can be shed w ithOut charge or tron- ble ifs any part oftlio world, 1N, COBBOULD, Agent 1!, L. DIOXIN/80P, Solicitor. A, Ili TIMES. ?►ny one ;Anywhere 4 Not yet supplied with Toilet Sets can have same at special low prices for two weeks only. A few prices to show how we are slaughtering them: 10 -piece sots, stippled and WAS NOW gold lines - - $5.00 $4.50 10-pieco sets, stippled and gold lines - - 4.50 4.00 12 -piece, with slop jar, - 10.00 0.50 12 -piece " " 15.00 14.00 12-pieco ' " 800 7,00 10 -piece, printed,rolled basin 2.15 1,00 10 -piece " 2.50 2.25 0-pieco sets • - - 1.5(s 1,25 0 -piece sets - - - 1.75 1.50 Genuine sale, as we have too many, and want the room. Re A. Hutchison GROCERIES AND CROCKERY Prompt Delivery. - Phone 59, Who Wants a'Farm ? I have over 4,000 acres of choice, farm lands for sale, in 50, 75,100, 150 and 200 acres, lots in Kinloss, Greenock, Bruce, Kincardine Huron and Ashfield Townships. Good lands with good buildings to be sold cheap on easy terms. -Also a good sawmill for sale, a inost for a song. Also a good bra"kAmith shop (dwelling in con- nection) doing a good business, for sale cheap. A hotel doing good business for sale cheap. Also a wagonshop. A general store with large trade, live village. Also a large amount of money to loan at 5 per cent. For further par- ticulars apply to 3. A. McKENZIE Insurance Agent, Holvrood. REAL ESTATE. I have over v 5,000 of acres land c s m d f or sale in Huron County,and in addition to this I have 33 sections Manitoba lands for sale, the greater amount being in the best wheat -raising dis- tricts et that province. Prices for Manitoba land from $8 to $25 per acre. If you desire a farm in this section of oountry,no mattor what size or price, you may want, I can guarantee you satisfaction. Call and see what 1. have on my bargain sheets. Town property of every description for sale very reasonable. C. J.9i.SoilrSS oe cRont.. OFFICE—Upstairs in the Vans nblk GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. See Halsey Park''s'advertisement. Cajmpbell's Headache Wafers guaran- teed to cure headache. Sale of Farm Stock. Unreserved auction sale of farm stock and implements at lot 16, B. line, Turn - berry, on Saturday, May 2nd. Proprie- tor giving up farming and everything to be sold. Geo. Fretwell, proprietor; W. A. Currie, auctioneer. Seed peas, without bugs, at T. A. Mills'. Mill ends of prints just received at Isard's; 12!no quality for 10c -10c qual- ity for 8c; every end a Bargain. Agent for No Mr. R. J. MacMt agent in Winghami plements. Mr. M person canvassing ii tomers will get th liberal discount. the skating rink as have a complete s machines manufac known firm. He t a gall from faruse1 farm machinery. n Implements. h has been appointed or Noxon farm inn Math will have no he country and cus- enefit of a more [ . MacMath will use L how -room and will k of the various s red by this well - i 1 be pleased to have who are in need of Seed peas, witliout bugs, at T.A. Mills'. WANTED—Two smart boys to learn upholstering. Apply at Walker & Clegg's upholstering factory. To SiDEWAitt£ C • NTRACTORS—Tenders for the construct',nn of concrete side- walks in the•Towu of Wingham during the present seaso will be received by the Wawa Clerk u to and including the 24th April, 1903. Specifications to be seen at the Clerk's •ffloe. The lowest or any tender not ne.•ssarily accepted. R. MoINDoo, Chairman R & S Committee. Capture Mr. Christophe near Marnoch, had perieiice with a ly week. His attenti his dog to a tree a his house. On dr covered that the a cat, an& having deavored to frigh the tree. This h jumped, alighti from the.tree. a Wildcat. Skinn, who resides a rather exciting ex-, on Tuesday of last n was attracted by ut forty rods from wing close ho dis- imal was no ordinary o gun at hand, en - n the animal, out of succeeded in doing;' it g about 125 feet away he dog, a collie, now began to figure in the fray, and for about fifteen minutes- most desperate struggle of course having he ensued,the da v t , i g best of it. Mr.i Lynx was put out of exis- tence, while lrib canineship escaped with a few sorateh+ s. fi WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 23, I903, For Window Shades go to Bali Bros. Baseball The members o held a meeting on in the council chai meats for the co thing now points baseball season h vas has been pure close the park. cured for the pia. supplies have be ham boys expect season. eeting, the Wingham club aturday evening last ber to make arrange- ing season. Every. to a very successful Wingham. New cau- iasod, to be used to en- ew suits have been se- irs and other necessary n purchased. Wing - lead in baseball this CRAYON PORTRAIT.—Life size, for $2.00, at Armstrong & Co's studio. NOTICE—Some fine building lots for sale. Apply to C, J. MAGUIRE, Real Estate Agent, Ladies' The annual meet Society of the Metl on Thursday aft very largely intent very'eujoyable aft has done splendid raising money for the new church and year with a dete better work. The elected as- follows H. Green ; Secret Treasurer, Mrs. J id Society ng of the Ladies' Aid dist church was held neon last, and was d. The ladies had a moon. This society work in the way of the buildiug fund of they start their new Lnivation to do still old officers were re - President, Mrs. W. ry, Mrs. T. Gregory; ihn Halpenny. Rooms to let, over D. M. Gordon's store. Apply to A. J. IIIWIN. Servant girl wanted. Highest wages paid. Apply at Brunswick House. Our Ne The Brussels Po farm by Councill Jos. H. Bowman, "The Yarm is mo will make a ver Mr. and Mrs. B regret their ren them every s people will find Mrs.' Bowman Brussels for a their hosise on Beaman is in t necessary ari•an his farm work. Residents. in noting the sale of r Vans, ne to Mr. ays in part as follows : t eligibly located and comfortable home for elan and family, We 'w from ot sal t t wish o ovib ccess. The Wingham hem first•olass residents. nd children May be in fen% months yet until tefixrfn is vacant." 'Mr. wn this week making entente to proceed with FOR SALE—I o 'er for sale my residence and lots on Petri street. D. McKinley. MONEY TO LOAN at 4i2 per cent. on easy terms of repayment. Apply to A. Dulmage, Kent Block, Wingham. Ask for John Ransford viewing the Minis gard to tlut duty c very ably set fortl trade of Ontario protection in orde oped or saved froi{ ed. He pointed o the salt consumes ported and came same gentleman I] letter, setting fortla salt industry in v warded to all the so that they may i ly vote on the qua up for discussion. uty on Salt. vas at Ottawa inter- er of Finance in re- n salt. Mr. Ransford the fact that the salt required reasonable r that it may be devel- i being totally destroy - it that two-thirds of in Ontario was im- in duty free. This s also had a lengthy the true condition of y logical style, for - embers of parliament 1 the more intelligent - tion when it comes -Brussels Post, Fon SALE—In the vicinity of the West- ern Foundry, some good houses and lots. Apply to 0. J. MAGUIRrs, Real Estate Agent. To Make On Wednesda special meeting was held to disc tion with the Members of Cou cept J. J. Elli was read from Co, making a pre number of hands tions to their pla reduce the porch the amount the extension of the cussion it was m mage, seconded the following pro to the Western F town will agree t payments now ag Co. by the sum o over 35 and not e. ed by tke Co. for in each year after of the mortgage, a duction for every by said Co. during of the years 1903 a Carried unanimous On motion of anStone the asset V a ary of $125 and $5 f dowry. Tho eon and nothing farther the foundry .natter. . dditions to Plant. evening of last week a of the Town Council ss matters in connec- estern Foundry Co. oil were all present ex- tt. A comruunication. the Western Foundry position to increase the to 100 and make addi- t, if the Council will se price of $8,500 by will expend in the aut. After sosne dis- ed by Councillor Dul- y Councillor Bell, that nation be submitted undry Co.: "That the reduce the annual eed to be made by the $10 for every man eeediug 100, employ- period of ten months 904 during the time. d will allow said re - itch man employed. the last six months c1 1904. Motion was essrs Mcrudoo and r was paid his sal- t postage and eta, 11 then adjourned as yet been done in Remodeling Brit Mr. Alex, Orr, evil of the Brunswick. he May is now leaking make several changei Plate glass windows front of the building and the sample male and put in first oras dining room and kite at the rear of the bus: kitewill hen be used the present dining roc ed into bedrooms, n make the Brunswick bestW e in ote s Wester h l the changes contemp to accommodate a guests. awick Hotel, takes posasssion el on the 1st of arrangements to in the building. vill be put in the on the first floor vill be re -arranged order. A large en will be erected ing and over the 'or bedrooms and will be convert- . Orr intends to House one of the Ontario and with a ted he will be able large number of See Isard's New spring clothing, large assortment, easy prices. Comfortable rooms to • let; hard and soft water, Now occupied by Mr. W. D. Thomas. Possession May 1st. Ap- ply to M. LAMONT,. Box 107, Wingham. Death of Wm. William H. Hawk, Hawk, of Turnberry on Thursday of last w 5 mouths and 11 da been in poor health with that dread dise He spent nearly all'h township and had a v friends. Ho moved t three months ago. H widow nee (Miss And and one son. The bi the sympathy of the c affliction. The rema to Wingham for in funeral on Saturday.1 tended, by old neighb deceased. H. Hawk. n of Mr. Walter ied in Harriston ek, aged 27 years, s. Deceased had for some months Lse, consumption. +life in Turnberry ry large circle of Harriston about is survived by a rson, Glenannan) reeved will have numunity in their us were brought erment and the st was largely et - re and frieuds of Private funds to loan atlowest rate interest. Apply to H. DAVIS WANTED.—Good strong boy to lea n Steel Range snaking trade. WESTERN FOUNDRY CO, LTD. Wingham a The Arthur EI has the followin Wingham being "Mr. Wm.H. Ha & Hall,, publishes prise,, spent Satu: entertained by h Hall, editor of tI Mr. Hall was gre progressive spirit neves it is one of in the Provin churches and pu ham are of the m pretentious and latial. The etre while the town i ful electric light surpassable syst believes there is ham, owing to i superior railwa f°Ckessive Town: erprise of last wee to say in regard t progressive town:— of the firm of Bywater of the Arthur Enter - clay. in Wingham ale being s brother, Rev. Theo. e Wingham Advance. ttly impressed with the of Wingham and be - he best besiness towns e. The residences, lio buildings of Wing- st modern architecture n some instances pa- ts are well laid out, lighted with a power - system and has an un - m of waterworks. He great future for Wing - central location and facilities." CestENT—Oar of Durham cement dust arrived. Parties who intend using cement soon will do the wise act if they buy it now, as cement will likely ad- vance in price before long. We are also agents for Hanover cement. ' A. YOUNG & SON. Dr. Ovens, of London, Surgeon, Ocu- list and Specialist, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, will be at Winglram,on Monday, March ZOth:;,•Monday.May 4th; Monday, June 1st; Monday, June .29th. Glasses properly fitted., Office at Campbell's drag store, Wingham. FARMERS' AND STOCK MEN WEHAVE E A � Condition Powder... It will pay you to use. None but the best drugs are used, and as it is made On the premises we know there is nothing injurious in it. Over 2 lbs in 256 package. 5 packages for $1.00. Try it and be convinced of its value. Manufactured and sold by WALTON MGKIBBON OruAgist and Optician Next to Post Office. We carry a full line of Dr. Shoop's Fatally I&adteinos, Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers. Barber Sho, Changes. Oa Tnesdny of ti 's week Mr. Jas Yonng sold his barbe ing business to Mr. G, L. Constable and he new proprietor now has possession, Mr. Constable will move his shop, fixtu >s from his north end shop and will c time Mr. Young's business in the old tend in the Meyer block. He will be leased to meet all Mr. Young's old stoners and Inauy new ones in has ne stand. Mr. Young will return to Por Arthur where he has secured a good st ation, WANTED—Girl '.r •use work. Mrs. Crowder, John st PARNELL—Dean Co's g me home made Bread—Eureka, hole Wheat, Rye, Current, Ba - s, Vieuna, etc. Sold at Buckley'.. $25 to New Methodist Church Mr. Chas, L Kerr, of Philadelphia, Pa., son of Mr. Bradshaw Kerr has forwarded to Rev. R. Hobbs, a cheque for $25 to be applied to the building fund of the new church. This is an act that shows Charlie has not forgotten his native town. It • deems but a short time ago that Charlie was clerking in a grocery store in Wiugham, but in a few years he has risen up and now holds 'a responsible positiou with a wholesale crockery house in Philadelphia. Charlie has many friends in Wingham who will join with the TIMES in wishing him cou- tinued success and prosperity. Strawberrie�ja Buckley' Boys' School P at R. H. CROWD nes 22 to 30, 60c, Band Offi Very good progi those who have b toward the organ W1; iu ham. Ther tical band usicia of young en now been id tifiea wi places. Over 25 pi their namesas mem evening last a meati held and the folios chosen :—President, president, F. Johust T. Elollowa Before ac ual work c it,will be necessary instruments, and w council will be asked purpose. A subscrip taken to aid in puroh instruments and h sponded to. In retnr sistance given, the music on stated e summer months in some other sista pleased to note th are assuming p shape and hope tha have passed, music town band may b evening air. "And the nights sl And the cares tl Shall fold their t And silently ste ers Elected. ss is being made by n taking active steps ation of a band in no in tolSCl nga ban yers have• ers. On Thursday of players was ing officers were Barrett; vice- n; treasurer, Dr. s cretary, E. Nash a be commeno'ed have some new understand the or a grant for this ion has also been sing the necessary been readily re - for any public as - and will furnish Mugs during the he town park or e place. We are the arrangements tical and definite before many weeks from the Wingham resounding on the reit prim- al, P 'ii, a umber d her having s in ifferent enrolled THE MAN ON THE STREET. $ 1 A,YEAR IN ADVANCE I was accosted on the street the other day with the question ''Why was not the flag at Half-mast on Monday out of re- spect to the late Li'utenant.Governar?" I was at a lose to know what answer to make, but ou ongniry found that the fact is this up-to-date progressive and prosperous corporation does not own a it is Union Jaclt; and on occasions when fitting to have a flag raised one has to be borrowed for the purpose. This is indeed a wrong state of affairs, and surelythe lac where we boast of so this o e e much loyalty we can afford a flag for the use of the town on required occasions. Let the proper authorities look after this matter without delay. * * Dealing with the flag question reminds me that a town clock was spoken of some time ago. Has the matter been dropped? I am not of the opinion that the couucil should expend any cousiderable sum of money in placing an article of decoration and usefulness in the town hall tower at present, but perhaps an arrangement could be made to have the present bell chime out the hours of the day. Now that spring has arrived the roving bovines are w,th us again, the average house -holder who takes a pride in hav- ing his front lawn kept in fine appear -1 ance will "view with alarm" the danger of roaming stock getting in and destroy- ing that which has caused hint so much work and lime to keep m good con- dition. It is said that, to avert the danger of anything of this kind happen- ing, one of our citizens has taken the precaution of putting a feuce in front of is property and incidentally enclosed a onion of the King's highway. # ro• Of course there is a town by-law pro- hibiting cattle running at large except they are properly guarded, but the great trouble seems to be that during "tho i summer months when cows are being driven to and from pasture that duty is for the most part relegated to the small boy who is not up to the business, and, 1 who allows them more liberty than they el ould have. Thus it is that they some- _liymes do considerable damage to gardens and lawns, and hence the necessity fo protecting one's property against so intruders. However, it is questions e whether in a case like the above it w u d not be a dangerous precedent to al any citizen to encroach upon the pu highway. There's no telling but th it might lead to the narrowing down to lanes of our much -vaunted beautiful. wide streets. all be filled with music, t infest the day is like the Arabs, 1 away." M M Speaking of the streets brings up an- other matter that I have heard more or less talk about—that is, that we should have more light on the residential streets. Now, can anyone, give any good and sufficient reason why the streets should not be properly lighted? If so, let him now speak. Iu many places not nearly so large or important as Wingham the residential streets are well lighted. Why, Fon SALE—Two story cls cottage then, should our citizens be compelled on ntin t, w to the sun or grope Sliuterorth andside FrancesofJ ne ets. CToodbetstableeen theireither way iuretire darwithkness? and one fifth acre o land. Apply to R. Vanstone. �t West Huron Licenses The License Commissioners for Huron, Messers. Jas. Stevens, H. Quassia and G. R. Robinson, ane i Inspector Paisley's office at Clint() , on Thursday of last week,when applic tions for liquor licenses for the year 1903 were considered. • Last year there were 29 hotel and 2 shop licenses granted and this year there were applications for 31 hotel and 2 shops, 29 of the former being granted and 2 to be considered at an ad- journed meeting. That of S. Pike, of the Waverly House, Clinton, was not granted owing to insufficient population.. That of W. G. Boggs, Carlow, was left over until the adjourned meeting. There were large petitions for and against this license, and deputations on both sides waited on the commissioners. Those receiving licenses 'were:--Clin- ton J, Rattenbury, Perkins & Mahon, J. J. McCoughey, R. Grabaur, Chas. Milne; shop license, Thos, Bell. Goder- ich—Thos. Tilt, Fred. Davis, Ed. Swarts, Michael Farr, Alex. Robinson, Annie Keene, Wm. Babb, Ben Saults; shop license, W. Saults. Wingham—Geo. B. Roe, Alex, Orr, Jas. Broadway, L. W. Hanson, Mrs. Mary Dinsley. Blyth—S. Emigh, Mrs. Frances Mason. Ashfield —G. J, Mountain and Mrs. M, Mallough, Dungannon; Neil McDonald and Alex. Young, Eiutail; Nelsen Pierson, Port Albert. Colborne --Wm. Glazier, Dun- lop. Mallett -Thos. Hill, Londesboro; Henry Mol3rien, Aubarn. East Wa- waupah—John McDonaltt,'Whitechurch. The question of the hour seems to be "Where is Gamey?" The sudden dis- appearance of this most important personage from Toronto a few days ago has caused' no little .excitement through- out the Province. Some reports say he is in Buffalo, and will be back when I wanted. However, I would hasten to inform an anxious public that the missing roan from Manitoulin has not been seen in the vicinity of ingharn: ut QPVA I This reminds me of a story of a man who, having some important news for his wife, rushed horridly from his office to his residence, and, not finding his better half at home, enquired of the servant, "Do you know anything of my wife's whereabouts?" "I'm not sure," answered the servant, "but I think they're in the wash." QUI Vimm. East Huron Licenses. East Huron License Commissioners met at Brussels on Monday and granted licenses to the following parties for the ensuing year: —Dublin --Lewis Wolfe. Walton—Wm. Blashill. Brussels --Henry James, Geo. Brown and Joe Querin. Cranbrook—J. Longa. Ethel--L.L.Long• way. Molesworth—Chas. Seehaver, Jautestown-•--Thos. Merman, wine and beer. Fordwich---Henry Papp. Gorrie-• R. F. White and W. F. Dulmage. Bel- more—John Lamonby. W1oketer- =Geo. Town and E. Esty. I31uevale--Sohn Johnston. Belgrave—Jas. B. Sttettort, SDS Come t0 DOUGLASS, TILE DRUGGIST, for all kinds of Flowerer and Garden Seeds Over 30 different colors and vari- eties of Sweet Peas to choose your mixture from ! ! ! BULBS —CANNA BULBS —DAHLIA BULBS —GLADIOLUS BULBS —TUBER ROSES —TUBEROUS BEGONIAS, Anything we have not io stock will be procured at catalogue price. A special prize of $5 00 is being given by are at the Wiiighens fair for the best colhction of Roots and Vegetables grown front my seed DOUG LASS The Druggist. Office G. N. W. Telegraph. OUR MOTTO: "High Grade Work Only!" CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Our graduates readily secure good positions because our high grade training prepares them to render first- class services. Business men want first-class workers and have no time to waste upon the other kind. Com- mence a course now and be seedy for a position in the fall. Write for handsome catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT PRINCIPAL. Letter from South Africa. This week Dr. H. E. W. Tamlyta !e: ceived a lengthy letter from Mr. S. E. Kent, a former Wingham boy, who has been serving with the Canadians in South Africa for some time. Mr. Kent has been enjoying splendid health and likes the country very much. He is now located in the diamond regions of South Africa and is still serving in the army. Boys' School S its. tw pieces, ages two to ten years, '1.'" t CROwDE ' O'S. NOTICE—A satisfactor sale of busi- ness or property Ker , ifAgliswith C. J. MAGUIRE, Rt Estate entted, ORANGES—J.BUckle ' s just received a shipment f R and Brand Navel oranges, be .0 the market to -day. I Have some. GH1L WANTED—To do general house work. Apply to Mrs. J. A. Morton, Shuter St. Seventy Turkish troops were killed in an engagement with Bulgarian insurg- ents. As Builders Of Shoos The makers of the shoes that we sell are right in the lead. So are the shoes. They are first in looks. First in solidity. First in strength. First in durability. Let us show you how these qualities look when combined. High class shoes for the ladies— High class shoes for everybody. We couldn't put the 'prices any rawer. W. J. REE' i