HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-04-16, Page 6s VE 5TOEtaortiTO WE ° ACIIWEAICNF r fy,, ARE fUtien0IIALYIRO805oa'' 1CIV IE BLOQa 0.5111 Il 7ne CONSTITUT131 0"dOn. Montreatkirl Bpsl1_ -- PRICK-= QEAr BRITAIN 4/- AMERICA all Dfugg15r5 O.Chetni No remedy covers so large a field a£ usefulness as SD. JAMl S WAV RS.. They are indicated whenever there is a weak condition, as they tone up the different organs and bring strength to the tissues. Palpitation of the heart, poor di- gestion, sleeplessness, weak nervs, anaemia, and chlorosis, are quickly relieved by ST. JAMI'S WAX'1'.RS ; they also repair the waste caused by hard work and fatigue.. • ST. JAMI s WA1 J 1 S help stomach, digest food and send the nutriment through the blood, and this is the honest way to get health and strength, the kind that lasts, develops and. breeds the energy which accom- plishes much. "St. James Wafers furnish a most powerful evidence of the vastly increased power of medi- cament by combination of judi- cious pharmaceutic prepata- good�a cess when my patients needed strength." pr. Charles Hall, Liverpool, Eng. Price in Canada t Si. 00; Six bottles for $5.09 St.James Wafersare not asecret remedy: to the numerous doctorcommending them to their patients we mail the formula upon request. Where deniers are not selling the cceeiptrofthprxcer+at Rhee dCanadian branch : St. James Wafers Co., 1723 St. Catherine. St., interesting Paragraphs fram our Exchanges St. Marys bas a population of 3,555; vows, 535; horses, 330; dogs, 153. The Mitchell Assessor reports a popu- e, tatse of 20 since last year. • Mr. W. Q laden of 1803 for that town. This is a C. nicl.fall, of Glenallitn, Children Cry __-- rI sold lois fine team of carriage horses in T oronto last week for the handsome sum of $1,000 cash. Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kid - Melville Porterfield. T. S., of Cliffordeys, bladder and urinaryoegans only. l'hey cure backaches, weak back, rheu- recent graduate of the Ontario ti stet - mutism, diabetes, congestion, iuflamma- ;: teary College has opened an office a From the .anctEm Mil T» \MGR AM TIMES, APRIL 16. 100 CURIOUS FACTS On Thursday, April the 4th the home of Mrs. H. Ross, second concession et Huron, was the scene of a very lariat$ wedding, when leer youngest daughter, IMiss Ellie, was united in marriage to Mr. Duncan MacLennan, of Laurier, on of lir. Maleo1ln MacLennan, at 7.30 the lbritlnl party entered the drawing room to the strains of the Wedding March played by Miss Belle MacLeullAll, A. L. 0, M. of Loudon, sister of the groom. The groom was supported by his brotlatr M. Alex. MacLennan. The Rei'. Af.r. Miller, of Ashfield Presbyterian church performed the ceremony. Spring. Medicine. As a spring medicine. Burdock 13100(1 j ACTS GENTLY 07ot Bitters has no equal. It tones up t systeut and removes all impurities front the blood, nud takes away that tared, weary Steeling so prevalent in the spring.. Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt, be- fore he died said to a friend: "I don't see what good it does mo—all this money that yon say is aline. I can't eat it; I can't spend it; in fact 1 never had it in my hands for a moment. I dress no better than my private f ocretary and cannot eat as much as my coachman. I live in a big servants' boarding house and am bothered to death with beggars, have dyspepsia, cannot drink champagne, and most of my money is in the hands of others, who use it mainly for their own benefit." Her 1 f f stocl- e are some hints that may help you in the' work: Tear down your fence,` It was first built int a orlu o a a- ade, as a defence against Indians, later as 0 protection against cattle that were allowed to wander on the rood. The Indians are dead and the cattle in the pasture. The fence is now as useless as the two buttons on the back of your coat which were originally placed there to support a sword belt. If you must have something,use a hedge of California privet, Japanese quince or holly.—Es- change. Mrs. George Edwards of Slornington dropped dead while transacting business with her son at the Bank of Moutreal at Stratford. CAST`! Cl 1 a LIVER aviDas �s THE SYSTEM 5 CLEAN EFFECTUALLY; 5 E5 01501-01,05 N EApp,C 70;; Paris hes one acre of parks for every fifteen persons, Liverpool one for 1,000. In the Muotathal, near Sehvu. Swit- .-rhund there is probably the largest Dave io Europe, Throughout tihe world about 3 per cent. of people gain their liviug directly from the sea. Lueas Mulct (Sirs. Harrison) who wrote "Sir Richard Calmad'y" has be. come 0 convert to Catholicism. It is proposed to erect state convent s o ant 1 omes in Austria for anaemic chip . ren and those whose weakened condition renders thein liable to consumptiou. At an auction sale in London $3,050 was pail for a Stradivarulh violin. This is behaved to be the highest price one of these instruments has ever brought at a p:tblic auction. The pt.onle of Lincoln, Nen., boast c f having the largest creamery in the world not only i11 capacity for butter making, but in the size of the plant and the floor spade of the building. In proportion to population more patents are issued to citizens of the Dis- trict of Columbia than to those of any state. A recent compilation showed that Tennessee was at the foot of the list. The yield of American corn per acre in 1905 was 25.8 bushels of compared with au average of 10.7 bushels in 1900 and 1899 and a ten year average of 23.4 bushels. This indicates a yield of 000 bushels. Size for a size, a thread of spider silk is decidedly tougher titan a bar of steel. An ordinary thread will bear a weight of three grains. This is just about 50 per cent stronger than a steel thread of the same thickness. ovaRcoM:s STiPATION /1At31TUAL L P PERMANENTLY. BEtitticZtffECTS, BUY THE GENUIE —MAt`I'F'D BY PREN1AVGSYRUP tion, gravel, Bright's disease and all Fordwich. other diseases arising from wrong action of the kidneys and bladder. The essentiallung-healing principal of the•pine tree has finally been succssful- Miss L. Klein, sister of Judge Kleiu,of "° ly separated and refined iu to a perfect Walkerton, died very suddenly on Tues - cough medicine—Dr. Wood's Norway day night April 7th. Deceased was 'Fine Syrup. o Suddenly Attacked. Children aro often attacked suddenly by painful and dangerous Colic, Cramps, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Iufantum, etc. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt and sure cure -sbich should always be kept in the house. p� KY t<<� hbNCet„Css�O #vel VON, Nl V. • FOR SALE BY Ali oRU661STS. PRICE 50e.PER BM , On Saturday, April 4th, one of the first settlers of the township of Carrick passed peacefully away. For some time Mr. Jona Carle has been gradually fail- ing iu mind and bodily strength, but had good health continuously. John Curie was born on the 22nd day of January, 1814, in the south of Scotland. When a young man he moved to the north of England was married to Ann Nelson, who proved a worthy helpmate to him. They moved to Newcastle and for some years were engaged in the fiour,teed and grocery business. In 1855 Mr. Carle and family went to Bruce County and settled on the 5th concession of the town- ship of Carrick and in due time made themselves a comfortable home out of the forest lauds. John Graham, an old resident of Tiv- erton, was found dead in his bed on Sun- day morning,Auril 5th. He lived alone, and earned a livlihood by weaving. He was around on Saturday in apparently guarantee Sold by all dealers on a 1 good health, but on Sundaymorning, as guarantee of sails }action, Pince . out walking during the afternoon and appeared to be in her usual health. he was lint seen about the house at the A company with a capital of about' The hod of an unknown man was usual time, • 250 PPe y Wm. Ballantyne went• over VG,000wais applying for incorporation found Thursday under a bridge near a and entered the house and found him est Ottawa, with the intention of entering bush in McKillop Township, about a dead in his bed, with a lamp burning on the field in opposition to the Bell Tele- I phone Company. -..,,Mr,. and Mrs, Wm. Mallough, of Dun- gannon, will celebrate their diamond -r -wedding on Friday, April 17th, from 12 O'clock noon till seven in the evening They were married on April 17th, 1843, and on Friday of this week will complete 00 years of married life,. lennine Castor ie always bears tate Signature of Chas. 11. Pletcher, mile north of Dublin. The condition in- dicated that death had occurred some time ago. An inquiry will take place' The Ladies' Favorite. Lara -Liver Pills are the ladies' favor- ite medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick Headache, Biliousness, and Dys- pepsia without griping, purging or sick- ening. 'When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, site cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Cltildren,sltegave them Castoria. Mr. James. McCaughey, son of Mr. J. 3. McCaughey, of the Commercial hotel, Clinton, formerly cif the Queen's hotel, Myth, died in Clinton on Tuesday of last '[reek from copsumption and heart trouble. He had been ill for several months past and was 19 years of age. Many people say they are "all nerves," $ashy startled or upset, worried and ir- ritated. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are just the remedy such people re- quire. They restore perfect harmony of the nerve coater and give new nerve force to shattOred nertrou$,systeinis. a chair nearby. The bedclothes over him were not tossed in any way to indi- cate a struggle, so that the death must have been an instantaneous one. One of the oldest residents of Wallace township. died on Thursday, April 2nd, namely Wm. Dungey, of the 10th of Wallace. Deceased had reached the ad- vanced age of 88 years. He was a native of the county of Cornwall, 1n England, and had reached the age of 41 years when he moved to Canada in 1855. He was married first in England to Priscilli Knight. who lived for five years after the marriage, but left no familyt and then to Anne Tretheway, who came with him to Canada, and who died in 1801. The death of Edward Stafford But - chart of the Elora road, took place on Sunday, April 5th. Mr. Butchart took sick about two weeks ago with kidney trouble, which caused his death. He was born in South America 78 years ago, and has been a resident of Carrick for many years. The death of Mrs. John Wallis, East street, for many years a resident of God- erich township, occurred Wednesday, April 8th, after a short illness of pneu- monia. That news came as a surprise and a shock to her acquaintances, many of whom `lid not know of her illness. She was seventy years and five mouths of age. Children Cry for Major Henderson was in Collingwood t week arranging for the establishing fora hosiery factory in Walkerton. A IiTo es Cl se's Oi to yent i that Dr. L�yl Ch'asn's Oantmentlsacortain anti absolute caro for each and every form of itching, Experiments now concluded on the banks of the Nile show the quality of the cotton grown there to be the equal of any in the world. There are available 15,C00 acres of arrigated land, and only hands to work it are lacking. Lord Anglesey is credited with being the pioneer of the idea of a scented motor car. Thus when he goes abroad on his car instead of the fumes of the gasoline or some other noxious odor being left in his train there is a fragrance of eau de cologne. bleeding andprotrwlingMies, the manufacturers have guaranteed it. See tog- ' imonhal:; in the dailp press and ask your neigh• hors what they think Or it,• Yon can use it and �t tour nionav back it not cared. Mc a box. at 11 dealers or l:nnaANSON,BATss & Co.,Toronto, R CASTOR 1Ar Dr, Chase's Ointment One of the brightest and most popular young men of this eiiy, passed away this morning (March 241h) at nine o'clock, at the home of his uncle, L. W. Fraser. of Pike street. He was born in Tees - water, Canada, where he spent his boy- hood days and . where he received his education. While he was yet a boy bis father and mother were both taken away by the same dreaded disease of which he died, consumption. About thirteen years ago he came to make his home with Mr. and Mrs. Frasr, who then re- sided at Bradford, Pa. Niue years ago they came to Sistersville to make their home. Mr. Fraser started in the meat business, opening a market on Diamond street, and in this Bain acted as his able assistant, but failing health soon caused Mr, Fraser to give up his business, and his nephew at once accepted a position with C. A. Krug, which he held until his own health failed only a few short weeks ago and ho was compelled to retire.-- Sistcrsville Daily Review. The exports of cheese and butter from Canada in 1902 made a new record. When the season closed the valve of products shipped to Scotland and Eng- land and abroad was $40,000,000. Ten years ago the total was only $10,000. The following is given as a sure cure for the offensive smell that raises from sweaty feet, and is worth trying;—Buy five cents worth of permanganate of potash and dissolve it in a quart of warm water. Keep this in a large bottle cork- ed. Pour enough into a basin of water to make the water blood red. Soak the feet in this five minutes every day, and' the offensive germs that make skin sweat and smell will soon die. If all is not pure after a week, make the water stronger. It may stain the feet brown, h and will fade off The Bell 'Telephone Company have undertaken the operation of the telephone system constructed by Mr. Gillies on the Pint stock company has been formed Bruce Peninsula, and it is now possible and brute block, opposite the Bruce Herald office purchased for $3250. In a , to talk to persons at Lion's Head, Bar• couple of months the factory will be running. Mr. W. S. McKercher of Wroxeter left last week for Vancouver, B. C., Where he goes to attend the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church '`inch 15 to convene in that city in the *alar future, He will likely be away about two months. Miss Jeeste Robert- t has: charge of his office. 'Wash greasy dishes, pots or pans with x'14 Dry Soap a powder. It will re• wove the grease with the greatest ease. 36 The Acton authorities are dealing +v1gi ltrously with the cigarette evil. The oetruci1 have vatted tic by-law imposing a Doom 1 of cigar. e a?� fee of x'15 for the sale *One, The Amort Free less editorily . Citi rens n• ., in l� thinking emelt. ,.tight t g y will appreciate and commend the the otte11c11 on Monday evening cigarette by-law. 'With a aigb«u tie fcurtailed it -laws The Policenuin's Evidence Policeivani Peter Morris, Toronto, says that for years he was . troubled with habitual constipation, and though lie spent much money for medicine, only disappointed with the results. He now recommends Dr. Chase's Kidney -Livor Pills to his friends because it.cured him of his troublesome ailment. You can be cured of constipation by this treatment. One pill a dose, 25c a box. FOR GOOD HEALTH To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription for men, women and children than Ripans Tabules, They are easy to take, They are made of a combination of medicines approved and used by every physician. Ripans. Tabules are widely used by all sorts of people ---but to the plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend in need, Ripans Tabules have become their stan- dard family remedy. They are a dependable, hon- est remedy, with along and successful record, to cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular rheumatism, sour stomach, bowel ,and liver com- plaints. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up run-down systems, restore pure blood, good app-- tite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives constant benefit from a regular use of Ripans Tabules. Your druggist sells them. The five - cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, 6o cents, contains a supply for a year. row Bay, Spry. Stokes' Bay, Pike Bay', Mar and Colpoys Bay. The taking over of the line includes considerable recon- struction and the installation of new in- struments. A "Big Four" railway pass good for ninety-nine years for himself and family is Edward S. Glasscock's reward for sav- ing a train from wreck at Harrisburg, Ill. How's This We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all but this 1s no arm i after a day or so. This is a sure euro. business transactions and financially able Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Paulin of Wroxeter celebrated the 50th anniversary of their wedding day. Their union is blest with five sons and two daughters, who are all In good health, The eldest, William, resides at Simeoe, and the second, West, at Treherne, Man., James in Colorado, Albert and George of Wroxeter, Mrs. Greer at Wiarton and Mrs. John Hupfor at the Soo. The family were all present and presented Mr. and Mrs. Paulin with a p lfrse of gold. They sat for a picture. In the evening they sat down to a Sump- tuous supper and spent a pleasant time, The old gentleman is a member of Wroxeter council at present. Forty-five expert live stock judges have 'been trained at the Ontario the past two Agri- cultural college during p weeks under the auspices of the Agri- cultural department. Mr, G, R. Creel - man, superintendent of the Fall Fairs Association, is now communicating with the 400 fall fairs of the province, with a 'view to arranging circuits neltt fall for these experts in stock jt.dging. ear poor Sixty $bars. -d Mrs e ed An ma, and. 'Weli•Tr1ed It m y Winslow's SoothingSyr l pp , has been used herb f plot illfonso over size ears b m for y y' Torr their children while teething, with. perfect success. It soothes- the child, jottenb the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, It is pl td is�tt. st remedy for diarrhea. to the taste, Sold by druggiets inevery pert of the world. T'went •five cents a bottle. Its value is ;. ti. Be sure you aL. ✓.tt.tnan. Bin*, Children Cry for CASTOR IA. K -eInilr .l5:. 'tel• . 11i� ..::'•:'1KA r L OD ISON On account of its terrible effects, blood disease is called the icing of all diseases. It may isbe ase, itis p. crimhereditary to permit ior t to remain itt the so while it msystem.not bea critue to have It may manifest in the form of Scrofula, Eczema, rheumatic pains, stiff or swollen joints, ness of the s in, eruptions or blotches, ulcers in the mouth or on the tongue re system. fall have any' of t of these symptrdered o ms don't neglect yourself. Yoeneral u havon e oystem. aware of "old fogy''. treatment—beware of mineral poisons— ;and Veldts. ova mow ILI.' ion TREAEpop- et s disease,root t injurious in any way, but reaches the very disease theradually no swat k Bonds b Ban this never to return. protect i guar f Or trey Dison from the system. 'rhe symptoms o 6 andppear.a p disappear. The blood baccmes pure and enriched, the whole system is cleanse d and purified, and the patient feels prepared anew for the duties and the pleasures of life. C a 000 Cured. NTEED OR 1110 PAT'. 25 Years is Detroit Couseltation Free. Question Blank for Home Treatment and Books Froo. ..�E KE DRS1EN Car. Michigan Ave. and Ebolby et.. Detroit, Mich. All work promptly executed at most reasonable prices. IF YOU A GOOD JOB A Tardy Confession. (Toronto Telegram.) - A twenty one year trial of the gerry- mander of 1882 has given this journal no cause to regret its condemnation of that iniquity at the time of its origin. The great fault of Sir John A. Mac- donald was his tendency to magnify the difficulties in his greatest work in order to excuse the meanness of his worst methods. The gerrymander of 1882 brutalized the politics of this country without at any time making the difference between success and failure for the Conservative party. When the Conservative party won it won by such a margin that it did not need the help of the gerrymand- er. When the Conervative party lost it by such a margin that it received no ef- fectiye help from the gerrymander. The gerrymander of 1882 brutalized the polities of this country and embitter- ed the partidau differences of friends and fellow -countrymen with all the hatreds e r Mande r r of of a blood feud. The gerrymander 1882 Was the work of Sir John A. Mac- donald. It will be poetic Justice if George Taylor, M. P., and the Conser- vatives who glorified gerrymanders in and out of parliament, should suffer in the undoing of that work. to carry out any obligations made by' their firm. WEST & TRUAX, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. WALDINO, KINNAN & MAILVIN, Whole- sale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mucous serfaces of the system. Testi- monials sent free. Price 75e, a bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Hall's Family Pills are the best. CLUBBING RATES The TRIES clubs with the papers mentioned below at a reducedrate: For one year. ..... .-..5CO i 75 2 25 The Times and The Weekly Geode The Weekly Mail After a short illness another of Exeter's The Daily Star, Toronto oldest residents passed over to the silent E Trio Montreal Family Herald and 175 majority on Thursday, April 2nd in the i Star•• • ' 1 75 I The Weekl~; Sun i person of Alice Lewis, relict of the late Wm. Martin, at the age of 78 years, 2 months and 20 days. The deceased had enjoyed good health almost till the Tut when a general breakingup of the bystem set in, caused by old age, and i she gradually sank untildead clanged her. Mrs. Martin was a native of Eng- land and was born in DeVenehiro in 1824. She came to Canada about 1853 and Settled in Darlington township, where she remained until about 1805 atad thorn removed to Exeter neighbor- hood where oho lomat lived aver Mane. ANT The Farmers' Advocate.. ..... 1 75 Toronto Daily News.... .... 13 00 The Montreal Witness, Weekly.... 160 World Wide , . 150 Northern Messenger .........,.. The Daily World, Toronto 3 00 Montreal Daily Herald.. ......:2 0 I. Vanning World 50 LondonAdvortnser, ,w.eek�150 Daily Globe 415 If you do not see what yon want in the 1 list let us hear from you. We can give clubbing rates on any newspaper or magazine. Address or Dail at I 1 TIMES Wbaghaut t . ILEKONE A -3 I15 i T rs., [ Ills_ Mil is. PILES. Of Printing, in the way of Letter Heads, Note Heads, Envelopes, Business Cards, Invitations, Auction Bills, Receipts, Pamphlets, Catalogues, Bill Heads, Statements, Calling Cards, Tickets, Hand Bilis, Notes, Order Blanks, Booklets, Circulars, Or anything else in the' printing line, you will make no, mistake by leaving your order at this office. We will be pleased to furnish estimates at any time. Call at, or address- . Opinions of Leading Physicians. I hays found the suppository made by Mr. W. T. Strong of great value in hemorrhoids. They are the best I ever used T. Y. Hattchinson, M. D. M+edieal Health °Meer, London, Ont. Price $1.00. Ii'or eaie by druggists,or brawl °nyiV TPfet mittsOnkel, Manttfaeturinit Chemist I,ondrm, Gettario. THE TIMES OFFICE BEAVER BLOCK JOSEPHINE STILEET, WINGHi,i.iv M • 0) 4 3