HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-04-16, Page 5isoWANsiss'§AsSAAAAAAAWANSOit's esssAoks's/SAAAAAAAAANNAt'sAANWes's The store that sells everything a man wears, except shoes Crowder Co.'s Clothing NOTMADETO ORDER, BUT MADE TO FIT 1 A few of our Spring Specials 3 Men's and "Sroutbs' Suits, in nice dark and light stri es ' °home wool materials, single breasted sack coat, vest high out, single breasted, pants cut with a spring, sizes 33 to 40, prices - $1.75 to $11.50 Black Worsted Suits $14.00.— Men's Black Worsted I t Suits, right-up-to-the-ndnute and no better made in Canada; colors guaranteed, sizes 35 to 44; this suit cannobe repeated under $18, so come along and pick yours out while the price is down to - - - $14,00 3 We have Suits for boys, 2 pieces, at - - - $1.75 > Tweed Suits for men at $4.60 to 10.00 See our $7,50 Sups; then see others at $10.00. 1 1 HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, COLLA.RS, TIES, Eto., right -up -to -the- } Iminute, now at Crowder's. , lkaCkS 12c. The R. 11. GROWDER Go. I WINGHAM, ONTARIO. > $ AAAAAMAAAAAAANNAAAAAAAAAA YVVYVVVYVVVYVYYVYVVVVVYYVV 464•444,4•0•4444144,0041•0••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • G. • • • • 0 • • • • • 0 • • • • 5 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 144400+04+000•••••4+++400 • a le Syrup 4 This is what the maker says about his Syrup and Sugar : 4 1903 CROP I am located in the best maple country in Canada, and purchasers can depend upon all goods purchased from me being made from pure maple sap, unadulterated in any way. le Sugar. 1903 QR'P' Our Maple Sugar, purchased from the above people, guaranteed absolutely pun:. • • AT GRIFFIN'S 44444444444444444444444+44 Mere Opinion. ['Chicago Record -Herald.] Some men spend so much time study- ing other men's maxims that they never get a chance to do anything worth while. To err is human ; to forgive is a sign that you are afraid of the other fellow. The race is not always to the swift, nor the big salary to the man who earns it. When men enter politics they always ,do so voluntarily, but few leave that way. There are two kinds of ridionlous peo- ple in the world—those who don't take themselves seriously and those who do. The hero is known by his modesty. Some Results of Impure A blotched, pimply, disfigured face, feeling of exhaustion, wracked nerves, 'headache and a dull brain. The proper ,cure is ono Ferrozone Tablet after each meal. Ferrozone clears and beautifies' the complexion by making ;rich, pure blood. It restores the enfeebled brain .and unstrung nerves to a healthy vigor- ous condition. It invigorates all the physical and mental powers, and brings ;strength and ambition to the depressed. Refuse a substitute for Ferrozone -its the best tonic, rebuilder and invigorator known. Price 50c at Druggists or Pol- son & Co., Kingston, Ont, Sold by A. L. Hamilton. Paommoomorimmommmomove••••••••ww. From 6ceHIre to crust The Market Bakery Bread is perfectiou itself. 'White, light, sweet centre; rich, brown, Short crust. MiXed, molded, baked and delivered in just the way to win your approval. ALL KINDS OF PASTRY WEDDING OAKS A SPECIALTY We have all the latest machin- ery, and there is o need of sending to the city for your bread or pastry. D, LOUGHEED Opposite Presbyterian Church. MO KRIS. A good many are busy plowing. Miss Mary Michie left for Halton Co., last week. A good many of our young men are off to the West, John Hall among the num- ber. A lot of good cattle were delivered at Belgrave on Monday of last week for Taylor Bros. Sanders Sharp is home on a visit from New York after a busy season in electric railway construction. Lie has become quite an expert in this work. A brick chimney took a tumble the other eveniug from one of the barracks in Sunshine. The high winds and old age is said to be the cause. The whole building looks a little airy just now. A special meeting of Morris Council was held last Monday for the purpose of having the Lamont Drain By-law read. This drain, commencing in Grey town- ship, crossed a number of farms in Morris and will be constructed this year. Turning Down the Doctors. The marvelous cures of Catarrho zone are berg much talked about. Thousands are daily recognizing the exceptional merit of this simple inhaler treatment, and instead of running to the doctor with their winter ills they protect themselves by Catarrhozone; it kills colds in the head in ten minutes, quickly relieves Catarrh, Bronchitis, .Astlim a, Lung Troubles, and cures even though all other remedies have failed. Catarrhozone is very pleasant, safe and convenient to nse, Its best recomtnendation is its enormous sale; try it to•day. Prico $1.00 small size 25c., at Druggists. NEWS NOTES The. sooner a man recognizes defeat the earlier it is possible for him to get a new start. Me'n's heads are like oranges. Some- times there isn't much left when you get a big one peeled. One go3d thing about the flying ma - bine is that, the tramp will not have a ance to ride on the trucks. The man who carries his salary` right home to his wife is generally a good cid- zee, but he seldom attracts attention with his fine clothes. A young woman named Eliz ibeth Bay- ley, on her way from Chicago to London Ont., to `visit her brother, Mr. William Bayley, died on the train. Senator A. H. Gilhnor died on the train between St. John, N. B., and Montreal. He was apparently in good health before retiring, but was dead ten minutes after- wards. TIIIC WJNQ1EAt IMES. APRIL 16, W03 News From. Our Neighbors EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR READERS, What Wideawrake Times Correepondenta Corlimunicate - Other Items Clipped :Fon Our Exchanges. ItUrru Mr, Wm. McCreight has secured a posttion as fireman on the G. T. IL and left last week for Stratfoid, Mr, and Mrs. Howard Alexander an little daughter have beeu visiting in towr Mr. Alexander returned to Wianipeg last week. Mr. Andrew Ballantyne has secured, a position in the Brussels woolen mill and left for that place last week. Mrs. Ballautyne and children will ;novo later. At the last meeting of Blyth Council Mr. N. H. Young was appointed villag clerk in place of Mr. T. W, Scott, wh resigned, and who is now local manage for the Bank of Hatniltou. Mr. Philip Willows was called to Joliet, Illiuois, last week by the deatIi of his son, Mr. W. J. Willows, who died from Bright's disease. The young man was in the 29th year of his age. Blyth rifle club has been organized for 1903 with the following officers:—Hon. president, Mr, Janies bleMarchie: presi- dent, Mr. R. AlcUommons; captain, Mr. J. B. Tiernay; lieutenant, M. S. H. Gidley; secretary -treasurer, Mr. P. H. Douglas; managing committee, Mesas 0. Fraser, N. B. Gerry, A. Sims, N. Tay • lor and D. Stalker. Last litTek the Myth baseball club was re -organized. The following are the officers : —President, Mr. E. A. Bradwiu; vice-president, Mr. Wm. Mason; secre- tary -treasurer, Mr. W. N. McDonald; manager, Mr. Albert Robinson; captain, Mr. John Stewart; executive committee, Messrs. P. FL Douglas, John E. Moore and H. L. Haines. The Agonizing* Pains of Rheumatism. Swollen, aching joints, muscles are stiff and sore, every movemeut accom- panied by pain. The most potent remedy is Poison's Nerviline, whicti has five times the pain-sabduing power of any other preparatiou. Apply the Nerviline copiously, rub it on well arid then biud in a hot flannel bandage. This will cure the worst cases iu a short time. Try Nerviline for Rhemnatiem, Neuralgia, Sciatica or Lumbago—its all right and only costs a quarter. Dr. Hamilton's Pills cure Constipation. -- ST. HELENS. Bronscombe stud family have moved to their future home at Cargill. D. MacDonald has been appointed to operate the township road guider for the coming season. Robt. McGuire intends using his traction engine to haul maple logs to Lucknow for Mitchell Bros. Jno. Murdoch, of Lucknow, has been putting some finishing touches ou the brickwork of D. Todd's house during last week. In the absentos of our pastor, Rov. S. M. Whaley, Rev. Murdock McKay, of G3derich, occapiad the pulpit of Calvin church for two Sabbaths, preaching very interesting and instructive sermons. One evening recently as reception was tendered to C. Dacher, our genial tailor, and his bride ou their arrival at their home here. After congratulations bad been tendered the happy couple, all par- took of a sumptuous repast prepared by the ladies, at the close of which D. Murray in his usual iuterestiug and original style gave a short address and, in the name of their wally friends, pre- seuted the brid3 and groom with a beautiful dinner set and a handsome clock. The annual Vestry meeting in cou- neoted with the English Church was held on Monday evening, 13th inst., with a good attendance. The church wardens report showed the church to be in a flourishing condition. The election of officers then took place. Rev. Mr. Owen, the rector, chose Mr. George Mc- Roberts as his warden, and Mr. Win. Quillin was elected peoples' warden. Mr. Edward Haines, sr., was elected lay delegate to the Syaod. Sunday School officers elected. were ;—E. Hawes, sr., superintendent; and john treasurer. After the business was trans- acted, tea was served by the ladies of the congregation. TrIONI/Fmnama. Get the Most Out of Your Food You don't and can't if your stomach is weak. A weak stomach does not di- gest all that is ordinarily taken into it. 14- gets tired easily, and what it fails to digest is wasted. Among the signs of a -weak stomach are uneasiness after eating, fits of ners vons headache, and disagreeable belch- ing. "1 have been troubled with dyspepsia for years, and tried every retnedy I heard et, but never got anything that gave me relief Until I tOolc Hood's Sarsaparilla. T cannot praise this medicine too highly for the good it bas done inc. 1 tdways take It in the spring and fall and would not be without It." W. A. UGENT, Belleville, Ont. Hood's Sarsaparilla Strengthens and tones the stomach and the whole digestive ttyatern. WINOXIA JrNCTION. Mr, Ned Ferguson is on the sick list. Mr. Alex Davidson spent Laster Sun- day with Bluevale friends. Wm, Henderson has been on the sick ist, but is recovering nicely. Miss Martha Wheeler, of Blnevale, spent Easter Sunday at her home here. Miss Maria Fyfe, of Harriston, spent part of the Easter holidays at the home of Mr. Gavin Davidson. Ernest Jenkins, who has been visiting friends here for some time has retarned to his home in Michigan. Mrs. Peter Fowler and her sister, Miss Lizzie Davidson, spinet Easter with friends in Harriston and Riverstown, Mr. Thos. Wight, of Woodstock, spent Easter with his sister, Mrs. Gavin David- son and also visited with his kister, Mrs. Creo.;Freetwell, of Zetland. Miss Hattie Wond, who has been the guest of Miss Itit Fowler for some time, returned to her limns in Stratford ou Saturday. She reports having had a very enjoyable visit. BRUSSELS. fr.r uesday afternoou of last week the new.closet mail service eastward went into effect from Brussels. Out of over eighteen applications the Brussels School Board have engaged Miss Dora Smith, daughter of Mrs. J. R. Smith, of town to take charge of the new department that has been opened in the school. Miss Smith has been teach- ing at Platsville. Cummings vs. Humpbries was an action brought under Tho Masters and Servants Act to recover wages. It was first tried by Magistrates Leckie aud Kerr, who fouud the servant 'entitled to $20,00 wages, Froin the decision the defendant appealed to the Division Court. Judge Holt, after hearing argu- ment, dismissed the appeal, allowing the magistrates' decision to stand. At a meeting of the Tennis Club held Wednesday afternoon last week the fol- lowi og officers were elected: Hon.Pres., John Leckie; Pres., Jas Fox; Sec.-Treas. A. E. Mellish; Captain, J.. H. Cameron; Executive, W. M. Sinclair, G. F. Blair, F. H. Gilroy, Dr. Field, Rev. I. M. Webb, A. G. Eggleston. It is expected that considerable interest will be take' lit this game during the coming seaso WIIITEC immix Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Fair are vi relatives iu London. Mr. Jas. Leitch is engaged with Mr. "Robt, Persia for the month of April. Tho Epworth League hold the annual election of officers on Tuesday eveniag. Mr. Davidson of Wawauosh, is shipp- ing square timber from the station this week. Mr. John McKay and Mr. John O'- Connor started on their annual pilgrim- age to the North West on Tuesda morning. Mr. W. 1. Chisholm, Public School Inspector paid his semi-annual visit to S. S. No. 10 on Thursday. As usual the pupils enjoyed a half holiday as a result of the Inspector's visit. Rev. Mr. Dalin preached to large con- gregations both morning and evening on Sunday last. His congregation is flourishing under his pastorial care. The members of the church will soon be called upon to elect a new elder to succeed Mr. Thos. Wilson, lately remov- ed to Wieghani. With remarkable speed Messrs Cottle & Sou have repaired the damage caused to their saw mill by the broken fly- wheel and the mill is running full blast again. A first class forty -horse power engine has been installed. It was built by Leonard, of London, and the mill is now in shape to do as good work as any in the conuty. Among those who are spending Easter holidays in our midst we notice:—Miss Nellie Troy of Jarvis at her home; Miss Koine of Gorrie and Rev. Mr. Pentland, of Pine River at the Parsonage; Mr. Edward Miller of Custom's department, Toronto at his mother's; Misses May and Matilda Kew, under the parental roof; Miss Edith Barbour of Lucknow at Mr. Win, Barbour's; Mr. Neil Phillips of New Ontario at his home; bliss Julia O'Connor of Londoa Collegiate at Mr. B. O'Connor's, apd Mr. Herb. Sherrill' of Mildmay with his parents. There was no service in the Methodist church last Sunday owing to anniversary services in connection with the Tiffin's appointment. A large number of church members from Whitechurch attended these services. Impressive and inspiring sermons were preached morn- ing and evening by Rev. S. B. Pentland of Pine River. Music was furnished at b ith seri ices by the Whitechurch Meth- odist clibir, assisted by Miss Miss Maggie Taylor, of Langside. On Monday even- ing, despite inclement weather, a good audience gathered to hear Rev, tatobbs of Winghatn, in his itlitnitable lecture, "The Triangular Man." Proceeds of the anniversary go towards payin for the new church to be erected this mu- tter. Does it not seem more effective to breathe in a remedy, to cure disease of the breathing organs, than to take the remedy into the sumach? Established zS79. Cures While You Sleep It cures because the air rendered strongly antiseptic is carried over the diseased sur- face with every breath, giving prolonged apd ccmstant treatment. It is invalu- able to mothers with small childien. Is a boo a to asthmatics. .-1,014— ‘71100Ping Cough Bronchitis Croup Cougha Catarrh, Colds Grippe and Ila.y Fever The. Vaporizer and .1 amp, which should last e together w, ebo the of Lresolene, $z.50, Extra supplies of resulene 25 cents and o cthts. 11 rite ior deseriptive 1,nalet coutain. ing highest testimony as to ItS value. vArn-carsni.E.nts MU) IIY 11,WI:3 LVPIAwlini:c. vapo-Cresoicce Co. zso Fulton Street 165.c Notr, Dame Street New York Montreal MEN'S and BOW New Spring:61°th' We are ready to show you all kinds of Spring Clothing. and Boys' Suits in Cheviots, Worsteds, Serges, Tweeds, ete., latest styles, Two thousand dollars' worth of the hest Tailor. Clothing to select from. Patronize this store for all l,inds of na wear. Best goods at lowest prices, Men's Imported all wool I3laek Clay Worsted Suits, in 3 button cutaway sack, fine Italian eloth Jinings, our special price $10.00 Irish Serge Sults, in blue or blaek, single breasted sack, well made, Italian linings, all sizes 10 Suits to clear, small pattern tweeds, well Peed, will give good wear, regular value $G to 67, for &WI Extra fine Scotch Tweed Stiits,well tailored, latest cut, Special at • . 12,00 Spring Overcoats iu the latest styles and newen weaves, nktely lined, good fit, Our priees are $G.00, $8,00 and 10,00 Boys' fancy Brownie Suits in nice patterns, well made, nicely trimmed, all. sizes. Prices $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 and 3 95 Boys' 3 piece Suits in Sarges, Worsteds and fancy Tweeds, special values in all sizes. See our special line at 7.50 3.50 Advice to Merchants from the Owen Sound Advertiser. "Hardware and Metal," of Montreal and Toronto, the leading paper of the hardware and machinery trades, is giv- ing its readers some plain talk on adver- tising, and in a recent article referred to the methods adopterny the department- al stores in the big cities to secure trade which legitimately belonged to the local merchants. Besides advertising in the usual way, it is pointed out, the depart- mental stores are always looking about for ways and means of reaching custom- ers. "Hardware and Metal" cites an instance of a daily paper in a certain town, which supplied a departmental store in Toronto with a list of its sub- scribers, the list being required by the department store for the purpose of mail- ing circulars and catalogues to that par_ ticnlar paper's readers. ttid for the list was $150. There is no more effeetive w , says "Hardware and. Metal," "for miniimizing the influence of the department store than by the local merchants giving all publicity that is within their power to the goods which they carry in stook. The department stores frequeatly advertise bargains, but the great majority of the prices they quote would not be sufficienty attractive to get the busiuess if they were compared with the figures at which the local mer - cheats can sell their goods. It is this fact that needs to he impressed upon customer,and the only way that it can be done is by means of pablicity. The best medium for this purpose is the local newspaper. Au advertisement in the local newspaper, as a rule, is the cheap- est thing which the country merchant gets." A Prominent American Bishop Writes for the Benefit of Canadian Sufferers. He Strongly Recommends Paign ly Compuni The Health -Giving Spring Medicine. Thousands of prominent clerymen in Canada and other lands through the ase of Paine's Celery Compound are happily pursuing their pastoral duties and ministering with success to their con- gregations. Heart trouble,sleeplessuess, nervousness, sluggish and impure blood, weak digestion, constipation and head- ache, aro the troubles that drag clery- men down to deeper sufferings and perils. To -day, Paine's Celery Com- pound is the chosen home medicine of ahl wise and prudent ministers and priests. A vast number of them owe their lives and present health to Dr. Phelphs' world renowned prescription that "makes sick people well. Rev. John S. Michaud, Bishop of Burlington Vt., writes as follows: "I have been asked why I recommend. ed Paine's Celery Compound, and I de - desire to put on record frankly niv reasons for this endorsetnent, hoping that my words may inspire those read- ers who need health and strength with faith to try Paine's Celerzr Compound and prove to themselves its wortb. "At the Fanny Allen Hospital, an institution in whieh I am deeply inter- ested, Paine's Celery Compound has been used successfully. Tho Sisters of Mercy at Mount St. Mary's Academy on Mansfield Ave. rely upon Paine's Celery Compound as a tonic and streng- thener. In my own householct one of the domestics has taken Paine's Celery Compound for liver trouble of long standing, and says, "It has done more good than any other medicine." -Sever- al priests have spoken to Ine in praise of this remedy, and I believe it has the eonficienee of my associates. Even- did I not know from personal observation of the worth of Paine's Celery Compound I should feet like praising it for the single reason that it is prepared by the 'Wells & Richardson Co., a :firm whose members / have known for nearly a (porter of a century, and in Whom 1 have perfect confidence." Gents' Furnishings New Ties, new Braces, New styles in Collars. New Underwear, new Regatta Shirts, new duck Shirts. new Sweaters, new Caps,new spring Styles in hard and soft Hats. 411116111111MOMMON•101•1.1. Boots and Shoes We have just opened fifteen cases new Boots and Shoes. We handle only the best makes, big stock to el oose from. Prices in keeping with low prices in our other departments. Men's good strong plough Boots, heavy sole, special ° price Men's extra heavy grained Boot, a bargain at 1.50 Men's fine laced Boots, special at 1.25 Men's fine dongola Oxfords, new toe, our price Women's fine dongola Batton Boot, a bargain . , Girl's good strong school Boots, special Lots of other Bargains, no room to quote more here Como and see. 1.00 1.25 1.00 H. E. ISARD & Co. Opposite Bank of Hamilton Highest price paid for Produce szazzamazze=natzsamaimagogama , • • .••••••••••••••••=1.0 KINCARDINE. EAST WAWA.NOSIL Gold medals were presented Monday night in the opera house by the American Consular Agent, Mr. J. H. Shirley of Goderich, to Messrs. Thos. McGaw, sen., Ferguson McGaw, John McGaw, juu., Thos. McGaw, jun., Capt. Robt. Green - less, Robt. Saunders, and Donald Matheson. The medals were from ie President of the United States, and w g'veu for an attempt to rescue the cr of the Anna Maria, wrecked here on 8th of last October. The stage was decorated for the occasion, and the house packed. Mr. Shirley made the present- ation, the medals being pinned. on by Miss Margaret Henry, daughter of ex - Mayor Henry, who presided. 6 roughs, colds, hoarseness, and other throat ailments are quieltly relieved by Cresolenc tablets. ten cents per box. All druggists The Power of Cheerfulness. It is not easy to be cheerful when everything one undertakes seems to go wrong, especially after one has done his very best. When the business enterprise that looked so pro tnising ends in disaster; wheu the little dinner party so carefully plauued, fails, or at least, is not the success you hoped it would be, because, at the last moment, the principal among the iuvited guests, sends a polite note, begging to be excused on account of ill- ness, or some other reason; when the position for which one has worked and waited so long does not materialize; when your plan for going to college— plans which it has taken years of toil and sacrifice to carry to the point of success—are suddenly* overtbrosvii by some unforeseen occurrence—these or any of the thousand and one disappoint- ments, great and small, which come to the most sheltered lives, to the greatest of fortune's favorites, are trials to one's soul. But what of that? Are we to sit down and weep and wail and bemoan our hard hick because things go wrong? That is the easiest thing to do, to be sure. The ignoble thing usually seems easier to do than the noble thing. But what of the results? V you rise superior to your disappointment, whatever it may be, you are adding a hundred per cent, to conquer future difficulties. Sir William Mnlock, in reply to Mr. Davis, said that the total summit of lands granted in Manitoba and the NOrth.West by way' of subsidies tO railways, to date, is 50,087,012 acres. Counting What has been given by ?tor- inees this will bring the total up to over the even 80,000,000 -almost ill, kingdom in 4iself. The following is the report of S. S. No. 9 East Wawanosli for the inofitilok March, The names are arranged itr order of merit. Fifth Class—Willie Elliott. Sr. 4—Belia McDougall, Stanley lliott, Carrie Deacon, Willie Shoe - bottom, Raymond Elliott, Alex Mow- bray. Sr. 3—Ella 'Walker, Anne Leaver, Harvey Linklater. IT-ermediate 3—Laura Currie, Tessa Anderson, John Kerr, Mabel Mowbray. Jr. 3—Katie Shiell, Wilfred Pocock, Garfield Shoebottom, Maggie Shiell, John Abram, _Maxwell Abram, James Ferguson. Sr. 2 -Earl Elliott, George Walker. Jr. 2—George Corrie, Walter Pocock Mary Elliott, Gordon Riutoul, Gwen- doline Carrie, Pearl Auld, Pearl Deacon. Part 2- Verna Taylor,Ricb ard Deacon.. Part 1—Harold Walker,Harold Currie, Bernace Sniell. Average attendance for the month 2-7.: • M. Alice Duff, teacher. Like the running brook, the red blood that flows through the veins has to come from SOM ewh ere. The springs of red blood are found in the soft core of the bones called the marrow and some say red blood also comes from the spleen. Healthy bone marrow and healthy spleen are full of fat. Scott's Emulsion makes new blood by feeding the bone marrow and the spleen with the richest of all fats, the pure cod liver oil. For pale school girls and invalids and for all whose blood is thin and pale, Scott's Emulsion is a pleasant and rich blood food. It not only feeds the blood -making organs but gives them strength ,to do their proper work. Send for free sample. 01'r & NoWNE, Uta, Toronto, loc. t)rd$Loo; all druge