HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-04-16, Page 2THE `'YI OAK TIES, APRIL 16, 1903.
TABL4S " D :b7:3,
kes .,.WIN la `:IS,
. It.Il11.LIOT1, Ptrei.xeneat Agri Peoettn>,'rou
Ill the States, since 180:1 the manufa°.
ture of the cigarette bas decreased. It
tell 25 millions in 1900 and 55 ntillious
n. 90 1 u i
more x . 1 1, but in Ct a dtt there has
been a steady increase every year for
Many ,years In 1900 we consumed 116
Millions; in 11)01, lel millions; hi 1902,
134 iazillions, which i;t au increase, over
1901, of 13 million.
In connection with an nrtiele on radi-
um and the price of that extraordinary
metal, a correspondent writes to one of
the uewspaprrc:-"I am selling pure
radium bromidett t 8 shillin •s permilli-
gram, which is equal to £400.000 per kilo.'
This is about ;900,000 per pound.
"IeCtiltt?fnre the only purchasers, nr d
old is but as crossin comparison. The
a t0 F
m un fent stored u i in dz
o the new
fiY }
element is said to be enormous, and it
is within the bounds of possibility that
it may come into practical use before
many yeitrs are over.
The Toronto Telegram al proves of the
action of the Conservative managers iu
raising a Gamey fund. We do not see
what legitimate usethere is for such a
fund, in view of rhe Legislature having
undertaken to pay all expenses of troth
sides in connection with the judicial in-
vestigation, inledingwitnesses fees, but
'we agree with the Tel. gram's view that
if a fun 1 is required by a political party
it is better that it shonld be raised from
the members of that party as a whole
than from a group of rich omen "who se-
cure the right to govern the country in
return for contributions to the funds of
the party." If iudividual Liberals and
Conservatives would make small contri-
butions yearly to party funds for legiti-
mate expenses they would place their
leaders in positions of iudependence,and
remove a stigma attached to both parties
-than of pandering to corpovetions and
wealthy Hien for financial help towards
election machinery. -Stratford Beacon.
A Good One.
Two mischievous girls whn are mem-
bers of a church choir in a country town,
figured recently in a 1nughable, incident
says an exchange, which is quite good
enough to hear repeatimt. It] solve way,
known only to themselves. they became
possessed of the subject of the minister's
Sunday morning sermon, and thereupon
set about selectins; songs in harmony
Svith the theme. On Sunday morning
they were on hand bright and early,
looking innocent enough to deceive a
brace of Pinkerton detectives. One of
them seated herself at the organ and
played, "Faint yet Pursuing." Then
the minister arose and consulting the
list handed him, called cut for number
-95. The choir sat g "almost Persuad-
ed," The minister arose and announced
his theme, "Courtship and Marriage,"
read the lesson and called the next hymn.
The choir sang. "Triutilah tut at Last,"
and the congregation',began to look
amused. After praying "sing number
•201," said the minister, and in his pati.
tion asked that the spirit of levity which
possessed some of his heaters 1,e banish-
ed. Then the choir sang •Hasten, Lord,
the Glorious Day," and everybody
laughed. Even the minister had difficul-
ty in stifling a smile vvhen the choir
struck up, "Behold the Bridegroom
Cometh," and the congregation became
positively hilarious as the organ pealed
out the opening notes of "t'iTiat shall the
Harvest Be?" And througliout, those
wicked aids]. rsserved their 4pression of
saintly innocence and afterw 4rds decided
it was "the most peculiar aid striking
Coincidence" they ever hear' 1of.
In Iadia, China, Japan aid adjacent
countries ere about 40,000,( 00 people
who rarely eatmeat,yet they are stroug,
active and long lived. Darwin is the
authority kr the 'statement that the
Andean natives perform twice the work
of ordinary laborers stud subsist almost
entirely on a diet of bauau.,e.
Twenty Years
of Itching Piles
Mr. Alex. McLaughlin. thirty years
resident of Bowmanville. Ont.. writes
*'For twenty long years I suffered from
itching piles, and only persons who hae
been troubled with that annoying disease
can imagine' what I endured during that
trine. About seven years ago I asked a
d'rogglat if be had anything to cure me.
Ile said that Dr. Chase's Ointment was
Most favorably spoken of, and on his
recommendation I took a box.
"After three applications 1 felt better,
and by the time I had used one hos I was
Galt a fair way to recevery. 1 continued the
treatment until thoroughly cured,and as
that was seven years ago, and 1 have not
Suffered any since, 1 am firmly convinced
Sat the eindrtient made a perfect cure.
4' 1 ceaSedder Dr. Ckttee's Ointment an
Investable tliiztriirent for piles. Tn my
infra 1 think the cnte trait rentarkaiffe when
nakinr that Ieta netting up in years
beset ail le&g itiffinette this
terT tdealos, or
Mature weachee, a Lessen that Tired, Ex.
imitated :den and W amen Shuttle renew
Tho spring is the season when nature
prepares for summer. All the trees and
plants are tilled withnew stip to build
and brace them up to withstand the
coming loot season. Without new sap
in the spring a plant would wither and
disbee h a
the midsummer n t e m ds comer st.n. It is
the sante with men aucl women. All
physician are agreed that everyoueueeds
a fresh supply allow blood in the apriu.:.
Without the uew blood yon would be as
helpless in. the summer as a tree without
new stip.
What you need at this season is a tonic
to give you uew blood, and the very best
Mule medical science hes discovered is
De. Williams' Pink Pills. Every pill
Makes uew, rich, iced blood, braces the
nerves and overcomes all weakness,
headache, backaches, indigestion, loss of
appetite, skin erupti•nus and other
troubles so common in spring. This is
an established fact,P byroved thousands
in every part of the. world.
ii Miss A. M. Tucker, Oxdrift,Ont.,says:
"I do not know what would have become
of me had it not been for Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills. My bleed seemed to have
turned to water and I was troubled with
dizziness, headaches and nervous pros-
tration, I got so Weak that t could
hardly go about, and notwithstanding
that I was constantly doctoring I got no
relief until I began using Dr. Williams'
Piuk Pills, They completely cured nue
and have given me back all my old-time
health and strength,"
What these pills have done for Miss
Tuckey and thousands of others they
will do for you. They will snake you
bright, vigorous and strong. Don't take
aanhstitute nor any of the "just as
good as" medicines which some dealers
push because of a. larger profit. See that
the full name "Dr: Williams!' Piuk Pills
for Pale People"is found on the wrapper
around every box. If in doubt seed
direct to the Dr. Williams'Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont., and the pills will be
mailed at 50o a box or six boxes for
$2 55.
Advertising Suggestions.
There are periods in the experience of
every retailer when be becomes te.n-por•
arily enthusiastic over the business -
building opportunities that lie in good
advertising,says"Hardware and Metal."
He has zead of the success of others
through the adoption of certain progres-
sive•methols; he has heard about men
situated like himself who' have "made
things hum" by continually keeping at
it. a
Iu one form or another he gets an un-
limited amount of advertising logic hand-
ed out to him. He reads in his favorite
trade paper abont "how he shonld do it."
The solicitor for the 1oca1 newspaper is
continually dunning himlfor au ad., re-
minding him with each visit of the op-
portunities for getting new business he
is missing by not having his ad. in the
paper which is read ley all the people to
whom he looks for patronage.
In his quieter moments he ponders
over these things, and no man who is
anxious to make a success of his business
can get away from the influence of this
kind of talk long.
Finally, he desides „to "try it for a
while "
He contracts for a certain amount of
space in the local papers, and then sits
down to write an ad.
The fact that what he is about to pre-
pare is going in print inakes hint very
particular about what ire says and how
he says it. He is imprssed with the ne-
cessity of making it reitd "nice" and it
is quite natural that he should be. The
fact of his giving serious attention to the
"copy" is an encouraging sign.
In order to make sure that his ad. will
beneficed, he thinks he ought to say
something startling, so he looks through
his competitors' ads. and racks his brain
to try and think of some scheme or bar-
gain that will "go them one better."
He tries so hard to think of something
"big" to say that he overlooks the little
things that go so far in making an ad.
interesting and effective.
It doesn't lie in the province of the or-
dinary retailer to do ;; hig" things, com-
paratively speaking, so, after repeated
efforts to write somethine out of the or-
dinary, lie finally faliS back on a formal
announcement, which runs something
like this:
John Smith Hardware
Stith t Main St.
A full line of
Household Z ardware
Stoves, Hinges,
Shovels, Rakes, Tools,
Cutlery, Ete.
at reasonable prices.
While this kind Of publicity man do
him good -almost any kind of an effort
will do hint some good -it falls far
short of the possibilities, The fact that
the same thing has been said hundreds
of times before by Tal, many different
dealers, and that it really conveys no
tneaning either to your mind or anyone
else, detracts from rte e
If our Mailer has nev
fore. however, and does
but very few results Mr
kind of us & , he'll
itwill dis.
Ile wveutoltast its firs
advertised be.
t know that
from this
y decide that
"Mfg a
gratifies his vanity to see his name in the tAih
paper. For awhile this interest in his Nv
advertising space centiuuc s, Perhaps he
will Change the copy once or twice, be.
cause he has read that he ought to, but Dr iI Pat! S
it is usually the case that as sem as the '
novelty has worn oft, he begins to lose
interest in the appearauco of his ac s. --
or I should say, ad, -and his sp:xce to all
its zd,
} e its and purposes becomes des At
the news -paper office his is regarded as a
"standing" ad.
Is itanyhe znan
wonder t. at a great y
retailers cannot ui .clerstand all this talk
about the power ofar•dvertising in getting
new business?
Po you ever wonder why your ad-
vertising does not bring you the results
You expect? Is this the reason?
Tho public usually take about as much
interest in a merclraht's ads. as he does
himself. 1
But if lie doesn't to a enough interest
in his advertisings ace to use it to give
P 6
the public the news °lof his store. lie
should not expect the>i to give his ad.
vertising,orhis store,e attention. t
z � yI
is, therefore, not surprising that his ad-
vertising expenditure is practically a
dead loss,
People read the papers for the news
they contain. They no more think of
reading the same ird. every time it is
published than they would think of re-
peatedly reading the same item of ordi-
nary news.
To get the best regults frotn your ad-
vertising it is necessisry to change your
ad, every time the pipers in which you
advertise are issnecl4'even if it be every
And if you're ever stuck for something
to say, think of what; the traveller said
when he sold you she goods -thing of
the reason why you bought that produce
from the farmer --and this "talk" was
good enough to sell the goods to you, it
will likely prove effec�ive in reselling
these goo)ls to the pnblt.
It isn't tall: alone that sells ynu your
stock, nor is it tal!ealtlhe that sells that
stock to the public. *i'ou usually have
some samples.
Neither is it talk alone that will show
you how to advertise your store -you
must have some samples. That's why I
am going to publish tilfew specimen ads.
at frequent intervals,�and to assist still
further, these ads. will be " season-
able." They'll he ads. that you can use
with good effect just about the time I
give them to you. I
Those readers who ,rmay use them,
might send me a copy If the paper con-
taining the ad, , as I will be interested to
know that some are fitiding the sugges-
tion of practieal valu4.
Jest at this season of the year people
are fixing things up galnerally about the
house and garden. Many of them have
last year's tools, yet dlnly need the sug-
gestion from you to remind them that
these are not in good- enough order to
suit then, or that they need repairing.
They might decide that the old tools
wouldn't do if you told them about the
kinds you have, and the prices at which
you sell them.
The ads. below are timely, and, with
a few prices added, ought to catch the
eyes of some needing ones.
. L'
is pretty stere to find you in
need of seine goad garden tools.
Oars are of the guaranteed good-
ness kind -price tipitd kind guaran-
teed,just to your ,ikiug or money
back. •
If there's a ep� d garden tool
made you're pretty, sue to find it
here. 1
(Here might be me stoned a few
garden toots wi t prices.)
Blank 3
& lank,
alasonic Block Main St.
let us help you.
We can furnish you
with everything neces-
sary for cleaning, such
as step - ladders, pails,
scrub and window
brushes, mops, carpet
and furniture beaters,
in fact everything to
help you make things
spick and span.
Don't put up with the
old When the new are
so cheap.
BAT4, fi'n. B.
Let me see some of the ads. you are
using Dow. Write and tell me about
the methods you employ, or have em-
ployed, in reaching out after new busi-
Tell me about your successfal schemes
that I may ptss the idda on to others.
'.Cell ole about your advertising fail-
ures -schemes that didn't pan out as
you though they ought 'to.
Perhaps I'll be able to tell yon why,
or suggest some impreSiements or now
Let's eitelnange ideas you give me
yonr'e-I'll give you In o. Settle real
benefit to all concerned s care to be de-
rived from this kind of oo•operation ---•
Governor Rates, of Massachusetts in
his inege to the general -court, ex-
press the hope that the equestrian
statue of General Joseph hooker, whit&
was provided for in 1. , (d, will be in its
plaice on the stiatelurttee grounds by next
Backacho KWoe
Dr. Pitcher does not claim that his
Backache Kiduey Tablets will cure, ev-
erything. They are designed for. diseases
and disorders of the kidneys, bladder,
and urinary o guns, and symptoms trace-
able to dem gement of there organs,
such as:
Backache, flame and Weak Back, Pain
in the Back of between the Shoulders,
Swelling of the Feet and Legs, Bloating,
Puffiness meter the e Eyea, Puffy and
Pasty Appear' nee of the Face, Drowsys,
Fright's Dise o and Diabetes (except in
the last stags), Gravel, Stone in the
Bladder, Bri it Dust Deposits iii the
Uriu, Scaldin or Irritation of the Ur:u,
Frequent i i
re t cut Call der n h ' '1
the orNz it
q g y
Inflammation f theBladderor Cystitis.
t B e C efts.
Catarrh of the Bladder, Milky Color of
Urine, High Colored or Foul Smelting
Urine. Sudden Stoppage of the flow of
the Urine, scanty flow of the Urine,
Dribbling, Rheumatism, Neuralgia,
Pains in the Joints or Hips, Uric -Acid in
the Blood, Heavy Feeling or Pain in the
Head, Iinpure Blood, Drowsiness, Rapid
Loss of Flesh, ;Groat Thirst, Excessive
Quantity of Urine. Specks Floating Be-
fore the Eyes, Bad Taste iu the Mouth
(especially in ,'tire morning) Constipat-
ion, Torpid Liver, Dredging Pain in
the Loins, Setise of Weight or Pres-
sure in the Reslion of the Bladder, Kid-
ney Troubles 0, Old People, Bed-wetting
of Children, Ki Iney Troubles of Women,
and all symptoiiatic indications of Kid-
ney Derangem t, Price 50e. a bottle
by all druggist or by mail. Tho Dr.
Zinn Pitcher Coy, Toronto, Ont.
The Risel of a Brakeman.
Mr. Cornelia Shields, the new Presi-
dent of the Soo nmpanies started lite as
( a bral.e.tzau on the Canadian Pacific
Then he became a conductor.
Ile entered thii employ of the Great
Became Super ntendent of a division,
Was appointed liquidator of the Vir-
ginia Coal and R ilway Company.
Two years ago eeame general manager
of the Dominion oaf Company at a sal-
ary said to be ove 850,000 per annum.
rho Str nuous Life.
[Lend l Punch.]
[Dr. Stiles, of the United States A_ri-
cultural Department, claims to have dis-
covered the germ of laziness." -Daily
In an age of rush and hurry, when you've
scarcely time to tub,
When you shave in twenty minutes, and
you bolt your {horning grab,
When you hurry tie the station with a
crowd of the pz ppfane,
And you scurry thrdugh the paper in the
early horning t''ain-
In that vile suburban train, •
With its freight oto human pain,
Where you rain ,von digestion and your
temper and you5' brain 1 -
When yon gallop tXirongh the morning
uud have scarcely time to crunch
Half nn Abernethyrbiscuit as you snatch
a lightning lunch,
When the after-laizch tobacco you reli-
giously taboo, •
As you hurry badk to bus'ness on the
very stroke ofi'two-
At that torpid hour of two,
If you've lnneheat as yon should do.
Not a cm e end not a worry would obtrude
itself on you
In an age when Sall is whirling in a,
ceaseless stritii and stress,
Itis gond to hear they've lighted on the
germ of lazine.
And I hope the woz'thy doctor will elect
spend ere his I 1day'
ndcompellii gthem
tO la Z,, -
A1), if only they w uld Ian',
And amend their h rrid ways,
We should Seo a happy ending of this
hurry -scurry craze.
One man in eighty-one employed on
sailing ships was drowned last year,
while of those employed on steamships
the proportion was one in 313.
OUR NEW illustrated
catalogue, which we
send free of charge to any
address, offers an assert-
ment of gift articles
Almost unlimited.
The Pansy Stick Pitt
shown above hae the
natural color effects hard
enamelled on 14k. gold.
The centre setting is a
perfect diamond.
We guarantee the safe
delivery of this to any
address for $8.50.•
,y'rle 8roseilelt l'trri.
Yontit,ind Adelaide Sts:, Torontf e
BAPTIST Cllnizva-Sabbath services at
11 a in and 7 p In. Sunday School at
2:80 p i,n. General prayer 'meeting
on Wednesday evenings. Rev. J. J. Pat-
terson, B.A.,pastor. W,J.Chapinan, S.S.
MernonlsT CHURCH -Sabbath services
at 11 anu School, at
a in d 7 p in. Sunday .Soh
2:30 p m. Epworth
worth League everyMon-
day evening.General prayer meeting
on Wednesday evenings, Rev, Richard
Hobbs, pastor. Dr. Towler, S. S. Sup-
PItES$YTERI AN CIiunCir-Sabbath ser-
vices at 11 a m rind 7 p m, Sunday
School et 2:30 p .m, General prayer
meeting on Weduesday evenings. Rev.
D. Penne, pastor a''pd S S. Superinten-
dent, P, S. Lii.kl ter „laud L. Harold,
assistant S. S. Supztrintezidents.
bath services at 11 alp and 7 p m. Sun-
day School at 2:30 p
. ,General prayer ayer
meeting on Wednesay evening. Rev.
Wm. Lowe,Rector. F. Shore and E .
assistant S. S. Supoxsutendents.
SALVATION ARstY-Strvice at 7 and 11
a in and 3 and 8 p in on Sunday, and
every evening durhig enin he week at 8
o'clock at the bairaoks.
POST OFFICE -In Macdonald Block.
Office hours from 8 a m to 0:30 p m.
Peter Fisher, postmaster. , ,
free reading room in the Town Hall,
will be open every afternoon from 2 to
5:30 o'clock and every evening from 7 to
9;30 o'clock. Miss ,Millie Robertson,
Tower CovNCIL-R, Vanstono, Mayor;
A. Dulmage, Thos.ell, Robt. Mc -
Indoo, J J. Elliott, V. F. VanStone,
P Fer-
Bennett,CoancilJ. B.
Clerand Treasurer;eWilliam
Clegg, Assessor, Wm.1 Robertson, Col-
lector. Board meets fist Monday' 'ven-
iug in each month at 8' o'clock.
, Homuth. (chair•
man), Thos. Abraham. A.Dougltts, H.
Kerr, Wm. Moore, A. it. E. Lloyd Wm.
Button, C. N. Griffin. iSecrotary, Wm.
Robertson; Treasurer, lxl . B. Ferguson.
Meetings second Tnesday evening in each
Musgrove, Principal, Miss Bro!•It,
Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss
Cornyn, Miss McLean, Miss Matheson
Miss Reid, and Miss Cummings.
BOARD OF HEALTH -Mayor VanstOne,
(chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg-
ory, Dr. Agnew, J.1 B. Ferguson, Sec-
retary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical
Health Officer
A. T. C. M.
Teacher of Piano, Theoryt,'and Fletcher Music
Method, Simplex and Kindergarten.
Pupils prepared for Conservatory examina-
of London Conservatory of -.gusto,will he pre-
pared after Oct. fat to reeive a limited num-
ber of pupils for izrstru ion on Violin and
Residence -Stone block, over W. G. Patter -
son's jewelry store, Wingham.
and member of the Associated Musicians of
Ontario, is prepared to receive a limited num-
ber of pupils for instruction on Pismo and in
Special attention given to pupils preparing
for examinations.
Residence -Stone block, over W. G. Patter -
son's jewelry store, Wingham.
and anyone having live stock or other
articles they wish to dispose of, should adver
tise the same for sale in the Tn,tas. Our large
circulation tells and it will be strange indeed -if
you do not get a customer a We can't guarantee
that you will sell because you may ask more
for the article wr stock than it is worth. Send
your advertisement to the TIMES and try this
plan of disposing of your stock and other
el for well established hohse in a few counties,
calling on retail merchants and agents. Local
territory, Salary $1024 a year and expenses,
payable 519.70 a week iu cash and expenses ad-
vanced, Position permanent. Business suc-
cessfuln rushing.
a dStandard House
Dearborn bt., Chicago.
including Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill
Heads, Circulars, &c., &c., executed in the best
style of the art, at moderate prices, and on
short notice.
Bootcnns1xNo.-We are pleased to announce
that any Books or Magazines left with us for
Binding, will have our prompt attention
Prices for Binding in any style will be given on
application to
ec VEAI'1S'
Anyone sending asl:eteh and description map
grllekly ateertnbt our opinlOn free whether a*
invention in probably pntentabin. Comnnnie,i
tion,strictli'confidential. IiandbnekOn Patents
Hent tree. Oldest n envy for seeuringatents,
Patents taken tlirouah il?unn CO. toc'lve
eizeetit1 notice, Without chnr`ge, m thO
Scientific iiiiiericatt.
A handsOMoly inn: triton Weekly. J.nraest elr.
enlatltln of any ,iientt0ni journal. Tonna. St i
,yea{rt ,o tt Mott ha, 51. Bout by en nek'adealere,
t1f�Ji Ct
C0,30 Itlroadsay, flew York
nraedam.. lac edamlac it et,.'lrneh:Iq,,nn. ly C.
Grail]) TIlUNH RAILWAY S'114T']tM.
London 6.50 ie:m .. 8,10p.m.
Toronto & Itast..0 n.m "6.56 a.m .. 8.0.Sp.m,
Eine,rdine..I1.i0 a.m140 p -tri .., 8.188p.11m.
A1tntVd it1IOM
iiineardlne ..,.5.50 a.m}1 00a.m ... 8.08 p.m.
London ILIO 5.11)..... 7.55 pan.
Pabnerston1.10 a.m.
Toronto & Mot L 40 p.m, • .. $.88 p.m.
L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham.
1 'MteIris 1:EAMott
Toronto roti lllertt&WI
Nan.... 11,46 p m-
Teetrrntter Lit p.m....I0,411 p.m.
Arnett to
tl bi itan 4A tt 1r4.
tc ai tort t 1 pm. a.10.48
Axton, /Hughes*.
The Times Times OMee, Beaver BIock.
TEa.a6 oN StraScntrrnoN-51 JJ per annum in
advance, 51,501i' not so paid. No paper discoa-
tinued till all arrears art, paid., except at the
option of the publisher.
ADvnnTlsrvo BATS:s. - Legal and other
casual advertisements 8c per Nonp. oriel line for
first insertion, 3ci per line for each subsequent
Advertisements in local columns are charged
10 cts. per line for first insertion, and 5 cents
por line for each subsequent insertion.
Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed,
Farms for Sale or to Rent, and similar $1,00 for
first month and 50 cents for etch sulsequent
CoNTnica RATES -Tile following table shows
our rates for the insertion of advertisements
for specified periods:
srnoE. 1 tit. 0 xo. 8 uo. 1 iu'
One Column.......,..*90.00 535.00 515.00, $it 1v'
Ha if Columna 83.00 18.00 10,00 4.ell
Quarter Column . -13:00 10.00 0.00 2.00
Advertiseiucrtts without specific directions
will be inserted till forbid and charged accord-
ingly. Transient advertisements must be paid
for in advance.
v neo..
THE Jozz DEPARTMENT is stocked with an
extensive assortment of all requisites for print-
ing, affording facilities not equalled in the
county for turning out first class work. Large
type and approprinte cuts for all styles of Post•
ers, Hnnd Bills, etc., and the latest styles of
choice fanny typo for the finer classes of print
Proprietor and Publisher
Member of {he British Medical Associa-
tion. Gold Meaallist in Medicine. Special
attention paid to diseases of Women and Child
ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. in.: 7 to 9 p. m.
Centre Street
Winglrum, Ontario.
Physician, Surgeon, etc.
Office -Macdonald Block, over J. E, Davis'
Drug Store. Night calls answered at the office,
M.R., M,D., O.M., M O.Y,s.O 1I Ii, MD,OM., M 0 Ps 0,
O,rsIOE-Chisholm Block, Josephine street.
RESIDENOE-In rear of block, on Patrick St.,
where night calls will be answered.
Private and Company funds to loan at lowest
rate of interest. No commission charged. crt-
gages, town and farm property bought and
sold. Office, Beaver Block. Wingham.
Wingham, Ont.
E. L, Dicla:Nsou DUDLEY Hours
OsricE: Meyer Block, Wingham.
ARTHUR .f. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S:
Doctor of DentnlSurgery of the Pennsylvania,
Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal
College of Dental Surgeons ,of Ontario. Office
over Post Office, Wingham.
T• L.71.S.
New method for nainitss ex-
traction, Nn (locaine.
Special attention to the care and regulation
of children's teeth. Mddernte nricep, and ni'
work carefully and skilfully performed. Office
in Beaver Block, Wingham.
Wingham, Ont.
ALEx. KELLY, Wingham, Ont.
For the County of Huron. Sales of n11 hinds
eondieited at reasonable rates. Orders left at
the TIMES office will receive prompt attention,
A. CURRIE, WWingham, Ont,
Auction sales of all kinds will reeeive prompt
heTimen. s ofticeerme rwill receive le. All
JAS. HENDERSON, Wingham, Ont.
For the Counties of H ron and Bruce. Sales
of Farin Stork and Implements a specialty.
Alt orders left at the TIMES office promptly
attended to.
Terms reasonable.
F S. SCOTT, Brussels, Ont.
Is prepared to conduct sales in this section.
Special attention given to sales of farm stock
and implements.
Dates and orders ohn always be arranged at
the Tates office. Wingham.
There is a neted difference
in the style and fit of Pants we
make that always brings _ peo-
ple back for a,noter pair.
Then thea' is the low price
and better quality of cloth put
in them -cloth that wears
See our new goods and prices.
Counsel Inspected Mr. Garney's
Scaled Envelope.
The Original .agreement of August 215
Sind the Shorthand Notes of Frank
Sullivan's Alleged Conversation
i With Mr. Gamey in the Cro"sin
Warehouse Not in It- No
Surprises For 111r. Johnston.
Toronto, April 9. -The develop-
ment le the Gamey case yesterday
was the opening of the sealed enve-
lope filed by the prosecution, and
which the Registrar had been in-
greeted not to open until court ,ire-
sumed. This step was in the end
the result of a voluntary offer by
Air. McPherson to Mr. Johnson, but
it is an interesting fact that at. the
very moment the letter was deliver-
elivered to Air. Johnston by special mos-
eenger he was leaving for Osgoode
Hall to take preljminzu'y stops with
the commissioners to have the Pack-
age opened, on the ground that it
was a production that was not a.
production at all.
Closeted For an Hour.
The examination of the papers was
promptly carried out in the terms of
Mr. McPherson's offer, Afr. John-
ston and Mr. McEvoy met Mr. Gam-
ey and Mr. McPherson at Registrar
Grant's office early in the afternoon,
and the five were closeted for up-
wards of an hour. At the conclu-
sion a very brief statement was
forthcoming. Mr. J ohnston said
there had been no surprises, except
that the draft agreement which Mr.
Gamey had said he had was not
found. This document, if in exist-
ence, is a copy of the two agree-
ments said to have been drawn
aiout August 27 and afterwards de-
stroyed. Mr. Johnston said he was
assured this document would yet be
produced, if it was to be found any-
where, but its absence he considered
as a weak point in the case of the
A Second Deficiency.
The other deficiency was the actual
shorthand notes said to have been
taken in the Crossin piano factory
on Match 10, In place thereof wan
a joint memorandum said to have
been 1 re:'tired by the three short-
hand writers from their notes. It
does not give their names, nor does
it pretend to be verbatim in any
way. L
AJohnston, Jo
setsit is but
an elaboration of the remarks of Ur..
Gamey in the house on this point,
the difference being that there are
more words. 'Ere does not consider
such a synopsis as that to be cvid-
dence, and is considering the pro-
priety of moving that the reporters'
notes be produced.
In his statement to the House Mr.
Gamey said, respecting this inter-
view with frank Sullivan: "A num-
ber of questions were asked by me,
and the questions and answers were
distinctly overheard. 1 asked hila.
questions ahout Stratton, about the
whcle Cabinet, about the bye -elec-
tion work in the three Norths, and
we have the 'answers taken down by
thee° tt,ree men. I asked hint all
about the money, who handled it
from Stratton to us, and about ev-
erything connected with the transaci-
$500 in It.
The other contents of the envelope,
Arr. Johnston said, were the $500 in
bine, ostensibly as produced in the
Ilouse, also the statement and let-
ters read by Air. Gamey on the same
occasion. The money was carefully
counted and found to total the $500
as st,ted,
Afr. McPhers ii, when asked if the
draft age cement was missing, re-
plied: "Everything will turn out to,
be absolutely correct." Further than,
that he would not say, nor would he
produce a copy of the memoranda re-
garding the conversation In the
1 fano factory. It is understood
that two • of the seorthend writers
were sons of Mr. Price of Gore Day.
h[r, make',, Formulation.
Mr. Johnston has not yet received
the charges which Mr. Blake under-
took to have formulated by yester-
day or to -day.
:hrr. McPherson has received a fur-
ther advance of $1,000 from the
Clerk of the Lesislature for conduct
money, payment of witnesses and
other expenses of the orosecutfon.
He had previously drown $500.
'fried to Bribe Governor.
St. Louis, April 9. -Chargee have
been laid against Daniel J. belly for
having on three occasions offered a
bride of 51,000 to Lieut.-Cov. Lee
to use his influence against the re-
peal of the present baking powder
law and for sending him a cheque
for that amount. It is said that
S20,000 was disbursed among mem-
bers of the Legislature for their
votes on the law.
Havana Senate mentions.
Havana, April 9.• --The elections of
officers in the House of Represents`'
tivas here yesterday shows an ampte
Republican majority. :Senor Portuon.
do, Nationalist, was elected Presi-
dent ,of the House, defeating Senor
Garcia (Rep.) by 29 to 26. Senor
Cardinal of Matanzas (lies.) vias
elected Vice -President by 29 to 24.
'University Professor Suicides.
Columbus, 0., April 0. -Prof. Ern-
est A. Eggers, head of the Depart-
ment of German nt. the Ohio State
University, committed suicide last
night by shooting. It is said he.
Wee despondent from ill -health.
Government Won't Investigate.
Paris, April OJ. ---The i)reyfutt tate
eontfnuee to fiercely agitato the
newspapers, but there is no indict►
ion that the C10veroment *111 fur-.
ther pursue the matter, owing to the
Chamber's adverse void.