HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-04-16, Page 1THS WI
VOL. XXXIL--NO: 1627.
What is
the Good
of buying cheap if you are
dissatisfied with the pur-
chase in a ahort time?
True economy is exercised
in buying a thing that
pleasds you till it is worn
out. Our
Are of this character—
one suit makes a regular
customer• of the buyer.
Then there is the guaran-
tee of everything up to
date and everything first
class. Suits from $xo.00
to $4o.ao. Made to fit
you in every particular.
In Hats we have the very
newest American Styles
at prices from 5oc to $3.00
We have special prices in
that line, which will pay
you to see before going
All the latest designs.
Prices 25c to 5oc.
A pleasure to show goods.
iomutft Bros
Sign of the Big Bear.
Not yet supplied with Toilet Sets
cap, have same at special low' prices
for two weeks only.
A few prices to show how we are
slaughtering them :
10 -piece sets, stippled and
gold lines - - $5.00 $4.50
10 -piece sets, stippled and
gold 1i s - - 9.50 4.00
12 -piece, with slop jar, - 10.00 0.50
12 -piece ." " 15.00 14.00
12 -piece •' " $ 00 7.00
10 -piece, printekiolled basin 2.15 1.00
10.piece " " 2.50 2.25
0 -piece sets - - 1.50 1.25
0•pieoe sets - - 1.75 1.50
Genuine sale, as we have too many,
and want the room.
RI As Hutchison'
Prompt Delivery. - Phone 59.
Who Wants a Farm
I have over 4,000 acres of choice farm lands
for sale, in 60, 75,100, 150 and 200 acres, lots in
Kinloss, Greenock, Bruce, Kincardine, Huron
and Ashfleld Townships. Good lands with
good buildings to bo sold cheap on easy terms.
Also a good sawmill for sale, ahnost for a song.
Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in con.
nection) doing a good business, for sale cheap.
A hotel doing good business for sale cheap.
Also a wagonshop. A general store with large
trade, live village. Also a large amount of
money to loan at 5 per cent. For further par-
ticulars apply to
Insurance Agent, 13olyrood.
For Window Shades go to Ball, Bros.
Mr. F. Patterson
Forest City laving
us that he intends
days, the work o
grauolithic walks
Wingham this yea.
will be required,. a
paid. Mr. Patters
receive contracts f
vote walks and col
foreman for the
o., London, informs
o. start, in about ten
putting down the
at are to be laid in
About fifteen men
1 good wages will be
iill belea e 1 to
w p s c
the building of pri-
r floors.
J. Buckley has a buggy and delivery
lsell cheap. waggon he will . p /"` :',
WANTED—A num er of od hooses to
rent. Apply to
C. J. MAGUIRE, eal Estate Agent,
Do you wautto buy a house in town? If so,
call and see what 1 have to offer you. Good
value for your money, and alarge list to choose
from, Now is the time to buy that farm you
are wanting. You can buy cheaper now than
you could a month ago. Call and got prices.
Real Estate Agent.
Office, Vanstone block,'Winghant.
Dangers of
The dangers
rail way employe
the 18th annual
Trunk Insurance
recently issued.
10,144 persons, fl
railway employe
33 of which were,
no fewer than i.
2,847 cases of si
See Halsey Park's advertisement,
Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran-
teed to cure headache.
Cattle Sold a
Mr.T.M. Hender
bred Shorthorn ca
a tes, of Belgrave,
,t,‘.. prices. A two -yea
imported stock was
mirth cow at $1.3
prices for the cattle
pays to handle good
issued by FRANK PATERSON, No. 23 Victoria
street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required.
Capital paid up, $2,940,0.00-
Reserve Fund and
°divided-profifs $3,260,000
Fanners' Notes discounted.
Drafts sold on all points in Canada,
the United States and Europe.
allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards,
and added to principal 60th June and 31st
December each year.
A. E. GIBSON, Manager.
R. Vanstone, Solicitor.
Good Prices.
n sold his thorough -
le to Mr.John Coal -
last week at good
old heifer bred from
olrl for $150 and a
Those are good
nd it shows that it
See Isard's New spring clothing, large
assortment, easy prices.
airway Employes.
lith beset the life of
is well illustrated by
atenient of the «rand
& Provident Society,
In a membership of
,luding only 100 xetired
, there were 137 deaths,
the result of accidents;
7 cases of injury, and
WANTED.—Good strong. boy to learn
Steel Ranee making trade.
GIRL WANTED—To do general 'house
work. Apply to Mrs, J, A. Morton,
Shuter St.
All Publi hed Free.
Notices of marri es,births and deaths
all i;iserted in the DIES free of charge.
Please hand in you notices of the above
and have free no 'ce given. Also all
church service no ces free, personals,
etc. Please hand in the names of your
visitors, or if you ar going away let us
know. Give us all y ur personals, news
items, marriages, bir hs and deaths, etc.
All inserted free.
Capital paid up, $2,000,000.00.
Reserve Fund, $1,600,000.00.
President—Aux STrtAUT,
Vigo-President—A, G. RAr.t5Y,
John Proctor, Geo. Roach Wm. Gibson, M.P.
A. T. Wood, M,P., A.B.Leo (Toronto).
General Manager -4. TU'1RNBTULL.
gavlbgge Bank Routs 10 to 3; Saturday, 10
to 1. Deposita of $1 and upwards received. Id-
terest allowed, and computed on the 00th No-
vember and 31st May each year and added to
. prineipal.
*venial site also received at current
Drafts on Great Britain tied the united
States Bought and sold,
Travellers are notified that the Bank of Ram-
ition and its Branehos issue Cireab►r Rates of
Natiotal Provincial Bank of England, Limited,
voltioh eau bet hhM twithout charge or trod..Iwo In *slyp
sol ,ll3*ti1TrD, Agent
1C•, DxoK tktikr,
Western Foot
The twenty -firs
of the Western Fo
held at Berlin o1
twenty-two tow.
clubs were presen
was the represel
Some changes we
All players in j
under 21 years of t
son,of Seaforth wa
dent for the Huro:
ing schedule for t
up see:Group +.' 2---
W, ingham ;
-Wingham; May
eels; May 15, Br
25, Listowel at B
ham at Listowel;
WANTED—Two smart boys to learn
upholstering. Apply at Walker & Clegg's
upholstering factory.
. Lacrosse tl
Canada's grand of
wherever lacrosse pl
The annual meet
Lacrosse Associati•
ronto last week an
most successful
Wii gham Will ha
season and we 1
will likely be for
cardine, Teeswatc
and Wingham.
is Season.
game is booming
yers are to be found.
g of the Canadian
n was held at To -
it was one of the
eetings ever held.
a lacrosse club this
leive that a district
td of the clubs in Kin-
:, Listowel, Lucknow
I have exceptional good value in town
property. Oall and see what I have to
offer you. Some big snaps.
CLY\LE Mmie'IRE, Real Estate Agent,
A Very Su
Very sad indeed
in connection with
Zaulta, the infant
W. H. Dant, wl
Queen's hotel on
Mrs, Bent have ju
and were at the1
street arranging t
child was left at t
ently in the be
after the parent
took convulsion
Pates. The ber
much sympath3
Mont. The Ater
haat waggery
Iden Death.
e theeircumstances
lie death of Annie
hild of Mr. and Mrs.
ch occurred at the
ridgy last. Mr. and
t snowed to Wingham
r home on Victoria
teir furniture and the
e Queen's hotel,appar-
t of health. Shortly
eft the hotel the child
and died in a few min-
ved parents will have
in their sudden bereay.
al took place to Wing.
Swatter attstanoott. ,
Wear Greer'$ Shoes and Rubbers,
Annual Vestry ,I
The annual Vestry z
Paul's chureix was heldof
ing. The annual fluano,a
presented and showed tl
was in e." good positili
Messrs. W. Corbonldand.
re-elected "Wardens. . A
Passed giving the Wattle
the rectory property.
vestry meeting will bo b
evening, 27th inst.
all Association.
annual meeting of
ftball Association WAS
Good Friday when
s and thirty-th
td. Mr. Elmer Moo
ative for Wingham..
nnade in the rules.
nior series must be
ge. Mr. H. M. Jack-
appointed Vice Presi-
District. The follow -
is district was drawn
Illy. 4;e,eListowel
, Wingllarte. at Bins-
ssels at Listowel; lbray
ussels; May 22, Wing -
May 29, Brussels at
eeting •of
Monday eve
statement w • s
at the church
i financially.
Thos. Bell were
esolution was
s power to sell
he adjourned
d u
n Monday
a y
Seed peas,Without braat T. A. Mills'.
edw bugs,
W e are giving away It gold watch in
connection with our cigar sale.
J. Bucittnr, "Star" Restaurant.
Death of Mrs.
There died at her bon
Wednesday of last we
Kent, relict of the late
Mra.Stiles was a resident
bee of years and her lin
gaged in the inerchantil
Deceased was a daughte of Mrs. Sextus
Kent,. of this town, M • Thos. Gregory
and Miss B. Kent atten ed the funeral
at London on Friday le.
in London on
, Charlotte A.,
'bowes Stiles.
fere fora num-
beed was en -
business here.
WANTED—A servant for general house
work. Apply Mrs. R. Vanstone, Shuter
Fon SALE—Three buggies. One new
also two cutters, one nearly new, Robes,,
Harness,etc. Apply to CLYsns MAGUIRE,
Real Estate Agent
Have Ac
The following
visit of the Huron
to Wingham in Ju
few of our exchan
rather than offend
towns, the Huron
have decided to ac
both places which
to request them to
therefore run their
Goderich and Win
will be accomplish
time limit of tick
Goderich on Sate
Monday.. In so
place will not be
quite satisfaetor•
excursion will 11
epted Both
tem concerning
Old Boys of Toro
y has appeared in a
es: "It is stated that
one of their home
ld Boys of Toronto,
pt the invitations of
ave been so kind as
o there. They will
annual excursion to
ham this year. This
d by extending the
8, and celebrating in
day and Wingham on
ing the visit at either
ut short,and will be
to both. towns. The
ave Toronto on July
Rooms to let, over ' . M. Gordon's
store. Apply KO A. J. 1 svIN.
Servant girl wanted. Highest wages
paid. Apply at Brunswick House.
Quietly Obs
Good Friday was qui
a holiday in Wingila
held in the Methodic
churches in the mornif:
took advantage of the
fares to visit friends
the afternoon the fent
eter and Wingham en
skill on the park gro
about one -and -a -half
3-0 in favor of the. yi
WANTED. --Two steady industrious
Dr. Ovens, of London, Surgeon, Ocu-
list and Specialist, Eye, Bar, Nose and
Throat, will be at Wingham,on Monday,
March 30th; Monday,May 4th; Monday,
Julie 1st; Monday, June 29th, ,lasses
properly fitted. Office at CarApbell's
drug store, Wingham.
The Elec
The following i
railway is taken fi
icll Signal: "We 1
G. Electric Railw
recent vote in Col
poses to clearage it
is the intention to
line, eventually to
Bay, and a brant
12th concession.
thence to Dungan
now and Wingha
tion of Colborne t
for a small bonus
submitted to the
and West Waw
charter is amend
the application no
ture. An idea se
soliio oredenee that
has been abatsc1 lie
ed is not to, "
day," and came t
for the donatreeti
the promoters i
„as raNM
ric Railway.
reference the electric
m last week's Goder-
n that the. H: Brand
Co., in view of the
otne township, pro -
plans somewhat, It
mild the lake shore
each the Georgian
will ran along the
1 Colborne to Nile.
on, thong to Luek-
. The western per-
wnship will be asked
and propositions will
atepayers of Ashfield
osh as soon as the
itt aesortlanoe with
before the Legisla•
msto have gained
he belt line scheme
This we are asaur-
was not built in it
e will be required
of the belt line, but
11* pts. the Work
ly observed as
. Service was
and Anglican
Many people
reduced railway
a distance.
11 clubs of Wro
aged in a trial
ds,the result,afte,
ours play, being
Keep Cattle
During the past f
man has noticed th
have been allowed
and in many cases
u the lawns in
his is
Our ownspeoplo
their front yards
ing to see a seaso
in this way.
barns or have th
are on the stree
Off Streets
weeks, the TisiEs.
a number of cattle
o roam the streets
hey have been seen
out of our citizens
of as it shim
Ice pride in fixing up
d it is very cllscourag-
s hard work destroyed
cep the cattle is the
guarded when they
CRAYON PORTRAIT.—Life size, for
$2.00; at Armstrong & Co's St
NoTxo —Soto fi • b , • in lots for
n e e g
sale. Apply to
C. J.;MAGuxnn,` ` eal Estate Agent,
Increase in C stom Duties.
This week while i ' conversation with
Mr. H. Davis, the bilging collector of
customs, the TIMES as pleased to Iearn
that the receipts o customs duties for
this town were ste dily on the increase.
Mr. Davis informs s that for the nine
months ending M eh 31st he had col-
lected more duty an hadbeen collect-
ed during the ole of the previous
fiseal year. Thi • i11 be very encourag-
ing news for "'nghamites and is it
another evident= which goes to prove
that Wingham i` a progressive awn.
Seed peas, without huge, at T.A. Mills'.
Pt este s`11114.15 tAciti1z at loivese rate"df
interest. Apply xA.. H. DAVIS
Wingham 1
Assessor Clegg ha'
for this year and
Town Clerk Fergus
the roll we take t
enters:—Total val
6 •
$552, 67, total v
$77,500; taxable inc
the total assessed vt
number of children
years is 347; betwee
179; male persons h
ears, 557; unmber o
S. Tho Assessor fi
has a population of 2
year shows that Wing
The total assessment
$622,457 and this year
increase of nearly $12,
pleased to note that
good increase til po
past year. The fi
were 2131 and thi
makes an increase
completed his work
eturned his roll to
i on Monday. From
e following' parti-
of real property
mo $4,050,
ue,$634,217, The
etween 5 and 16
16 and 21 years,
tween 21 and 60
dogs is given as
s that 'Wingham
6. The roll this
am isprosperi
last year w
•634,217, being
00. We
are also
have had a very
dation during the
res for last year
year, 2266, which
our population of
Fon SALE—I off fo . , le my residence
and lots on Patric eet. D. McKinley.
MONEY TO LOAN at Q-4 per 'cent. on
easy terms of repayment. Apply to A.
Dulmage, Kent Block, Wingham. •
A New Blo k of Stores.
Mr. Thos. Greg• y, who recently pur-
chased the front p • tion of Mr. M. H. Mc-
ndoo's property • Josephine street, has
been busy duri,, the past week in
'clearing the lanand doing some
een out down al
away to make roo
which we unders
tends erecting
summer. This. p
one of the best pie
perty in the town.
of stores erected tl
front street a mut
The aeries of re
held in the Winghai
will commence oa.
May, Rev. Mr. U
assist Rev. R. Hobb
The old Methodist
which was built du
Rev. J. G. Scott,of
planed by a more in
Mr. Scott preached
the church on Sun
Mill ends of prints just received at
Isard's; 12zo quality for 10.c -10c qual-
ity for Ito; every'y end a Bargain.
Ogetne1T--Car bf Durham cement lust
arrived.. Parties who intend using
cement soon will do the wise act if they
buy it now, AS cement will likely ad-
vance in price before long. We are also
agents for Hanover cement.
It will pay you to use. None but the
best drugs are used, and as it is made
on the premises we know there is
nothing injurious in it,
Over 2 lbs int 25G packae.
5 packages for $1.00.
Try it and be convineed of its value.
Manufactured and sold by
WuTN ' GI(rn oN
Druggist and Optician
1 ext to Poet
V'amuy' medi toil itlt~, of Dr.
Rev. Geo. Richer
of the Methodist c
and Goderich is 1
death at his het
Richardson is well
of onr readers whi
of his serious Blue
The anniversary
with the Wingh
Sunday school wi
next. Rev.Dr,Me:
the sermons. Re
Epworth League
at Hensall.
Huron .County
School Executiv
Good Friday to
joint convention,
The convention
year owing to
date and securi
The annual
Aid Society of
church will be
of the church
hers of the co
to be present.
suing year are
There was a
the Epworth
when Mr. K.
addressed the
n the departn
Tho address .
and the Leagu
baying such a
proved himsel
ham District.
t e handsome trees
1 they will be cleared
for a.bloolr of stores
and Mr. Gregory ifl-
uring the coming
lee of property was
es'of residential pro -1 Comfortable rooms to
.rat with a new block
ereon it \VIll' give our i D. Thomas.' Posse ion May lst. Ap-
better appea •- nce. ply to M. LAMONT, Box 107, Wingham.
al meetings to be
Methodist church
e first Sunday in
sell will be here to
3n the work,,
hureli at Harriston,
ng the pastorate of
ngersoll, is to be re -
ern structure. Rev.
he Anal •sermon in
y last.
son, a former pastor
arches at Listowel
ing at the point of
in .!'oruuto. Mr.
known to a number
will be sorry to hear
ervices in connection
Methodist church
be held on Sunday
, Heusall, will preacb
R. Hobbs will preach
anniversary sermons
ndeavor and Sabbath
met at Clinton on
range date for next
draft out program, etc. `
was withdrawn last
ifiiculty in arranging
g speakers.
eating of the Ladies'
he Wingham Methodist
eld in the lecture room
is (Thursday) afternoon.
e to be served and mem-
rogation are invited to
The officers for the en -
o be elected.
arger crowd than usual at
eague on Mouday night
. Beaton of Whitechurch
eating on things bearing
ent of Christian Endeavor,
as brimful of good things
is to be congratulated on
lecturer as Mr. Beaton
to be within the Wing- 1
Coxae to Doioiess, Tun DaT.sa
for all kinds. of
Flower and Garden ,,Seed.
Over 30 different eolors and vagi*
eties of Sweet Peas to oboose
your mixture from. 1 +-!•
Anything we have not in stock will
be procured at catalogue price.
A special prize of $a 00 is being
given by me at the Wingham fair for
the hest collection of Roots and
Vegetables grown from my seed
The Druggist.
Office G. N. W. Telegraph.
Teeswater News.
soft water. Now
!hard and
ed by Mr. W.
FOR SALE.—Tw • :y brick resi-
dence and two-fift an acre of land.
Apply to 0. N. G FFry.
Fon SALE—In the vicinit the W' st'
ern Foundry, some ood uses and 1
Apply to vv,,
C. J. MAGUIRE eal Estate Agent.
To Organ.
A meeting was 1
chamber on Tnesd
view to organizing a
ham. After disco
some time a comm
composed of Mess
nd Pearson, to int
become players, a
scheme of organiz
ing, when it is ho
are interested in
attendance. We
Duncan, who is
Foundry Co., is a
of large experien
make a capable 1
a Band.
ld in the council
evening, with a
rass baud in Win
ing the matter f
tee was appointed,
Duncan, D. Bell
view any who would
formulate a gent;r
ion Another meet•
c rrow (Friday) even-
ed that all those who
his matter will be in
understand that Mr.
ow with the Western
ractieal band musician
e, and would no doubt
der and instructor.
choice building lots, corner Frances and
Patrick streets. Will be sold separately
or en bloc. Apply to H, 0.. BELL.
1)r. Butler, specialist 1n the diseases
of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes
tested and glasses supplied. Office op-
posite St. Andrew's church, London,
Another QId
Another old resit
has passed away in
Stroud, who died, a
Wingham on Sund.
and 6 months. D:
for some time with:
to his last illness J
health. Mr. Strot
farm near Whites
Lower Wingham
father was one of
field and decease
for a number of
who had a large
widow and berea
the sympathy of
affliction. The
the Wingham
esident Dead.
nt of this section
the. person of John
his home in Lower
y last, aged 72 years
ceased had been ill
cancer, but previous
bad enjoyed good
formerly lived on a
urah and moved to
aany years ago. His
he pioneers of Ash -
lived in that township
Tars. He was a man
ircle of friends. His
ed relatives will have
he community in their
Qneral took place to
smetery on Tuesday
Transfer of F
This week Mr.
the farm property
from Mr. D. Ste
of Brass
utirTarcrilis far
and moved to Bri
prietor takes p•s-s
to -day and •e ar
Mr. Bowm n and
our town. r. V
or • is property.
Fon SALLP—Por one week only, a very
comfortable dwelling and lot on Die
agonal road, near the 'Union Faetory.
Ptiee •veryteasonable. Apply to
°twin Unman, Real tetate Agent.
CPANNT—,-Car of thirhata cement just
arrived, Parties who intend using
cement soon will de the wise act if they
k buy it now, at (*went will likely ad-
vance in price before long. We are also
agents for Hanortirr cement.
A. Tovite ilk Ova,
rm Property
. F. VanStone sold
recently purchased
art to ML...�
Bowman re-
n Grey township
els. The new pro -
on of the farm here
pleased to welcome
:tinily as ressidents_4f,
Stone received $6,000
"High Grade Work Only!
Onr graduates readily secure good
positions because our high grade
training prepares them to render first-
class services. Business men want
first-class workers and have no time
to waste upon the other kind. Com-
mence a course now and be zeady for
a position in the fall. Write for
handsome catalogue.
A Guelph edding
The following i m is taken from
Tuesday's Guelph Herald: —"A q'ui'et
t pretty wedd g was solemnized
Mondayafternooat two o cook at the
residence of the ido's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. Shovel Arthur street, when
their daughter, Ethel Adelaide, was
united in marri ge to Mr. George Wm.
Allen, of the A en Electric Co., Brant- •
ford. The cer mony was performed by
the Rev. Dr. erratics. Mr. and Mrs.
Allen joined he guests in a daintily
served lunch can and left ou the 5.45
train for Br utfor 1, where they will
make their nture home. The guests
included frie ds of the bride and groom
from Napan e, Toronto, Brantford and
Wingham. The best wishes for the
estimable br le go with her as she leaves
her native ci
for the construction of concre side-
walks in the Town of Wiugh• n during
e present season w' 1 b' eceived by
t a
h To
wu Clerk up
ecifications to be
24tH April, 1903.
seen at the Clerk's office. The lowest or
any tender not necessarily accepted.
Chairman R & S Committee.
Death of AI
Mr. Albert Spinks
St. Michael's hospit
day last from accid
urinating gas in the
city on the previous
Spinks had recently
perty near Brando
in Ontario. His wi
with her sister in H
ert Spinks.
of Brandon, died at
1 in Toronto on Fri -
tally inhaling ilia -
lobe hotel in that
onday night. Mr.
sold his farm pro-
ud returned to live
e had been visiting
ratan and deceased
amilton and was re-
nto for a few days.
Mr. Spinks was a ghly respected. resi-
dent of Cartwright township, Durham
to removing to Bra on two years ago. ,
He resided. in Bast awanosh a number
of years ago and w' I be remembered by
the older residents nd was a brotber-in-
law of the late An rew Jobb, of Turn -
is now occu
Vanstone b
Maguire, real estate agent
'jag his office in the new
ck, over Griffitt's grocery
notes, and notes distounted at reason-
able rates. Money advanced on mort-
gages, with privilefo of paying at the
end of any year. Notes and accounts
collected. Office—Beaver Bloek, Wing -
ham Rom. MoiNnoo.
—The Wingham
very successful ba
council chamber o
Mr. Casey was th
Template and a
Saturday night
headgear, but
Oa wearing.
vre)lito attire
Social Club held a
and. supper in the
Monday evening,
f Napanee is dead.
founder ef the Good
ell -known newspaper
were untisually busy
fling orders for Easter
tiday Was too 001 foe
headgear as
been best oohed to the
WaliAlkalt se ha* al%
Such a Shoe
as we sell
For 3 Dollars
Is the equal of the $3.40 Or $4.00
shoes you see in other stores.
The difference in the prien is clear
saving to von • the quality of
the shoe is 1;eyotul question.
Call and see them.
Remember * A" 11" In 8hGtha
sell are mewed re
tring along your ;
done witla nostaass and