HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-04-09, Page 8THE WIXOITAM TINES, APRIL 11'1 'lean la Is,*la 11✓b"0✓** last 4441. 91+1.,'Or x144,11 0 '11Y'1' ,%Ale%O,ise1V +'AeOroife**1041 1,11.6,11,1 rip t., aster loves 0 s, hiWcWe haveLadies D Neckwear providedib Never had we prettier :tyles m show you tban now. The best qualities of the hest mak es, in the st?:,un's most correct :,tyles, and any size or shade you want. Fawns, 01 eys, Blacks and Whites are the leaders, at the popular prices, $1 00, 1 25 aria $1411. ever} thiitg new and stylish for ti,e Easter season. We would a -k you to spend a little of your time looking them over, You won't find anything pettier any where. Shirt Waist aemnhrooiudrerebdeaut.t f nt Slllrt Waists? They aro the latest styles, prices $1.25 to `~5.00 StyIii1Dress Goods for Easter $ We are unsurpassed in the Dress Goods line. We: have $' 10. . ,, the very newest materials in all the latest novelty «sac es. Fancy Delaaines for summer wear. New Flake Tweeds, $ $Canvas and Basket Suitings, Black and Colored Box Cloths, Camel flair Zibiline, Silk and Wool Crepe de• $ Chene, French Voile in all the leading shades. r TRIMMINGS We hate an assortment of Trimmings that is cot equalled outside the cities. Trimmings to suit all shades and weaves. Inspect them. 0' RITCHIE & CAMPBELL. $ • oviower. wolves eemseo.4.steta..leves.v.4 Mr. G. E. King hos been confined to I his home for a few Clays this week with I the grill. --The Whcgham Social Club will hl 1 an assembly in the Town Hell oa MoYi- day evening next. —The Wingham Independent Fores- ters will run an excursion to Sunda and Detroit during June. —The Tlni>;s is pleased to learu that Mr. John Green, of Lower Wingham, is reeuv: ring from his severe illness. Dr. J. J. Elliott is doing as well as his friends could expect. It is the wish of his many friends that he will have a Speedy recovery. o --Messrs. Currie & Davit:son are at µ wolk drilling a well fur Mr. 11. 0. 13,11, t . on his property, curuer of Patrick and Frances streets. —Mrs. PI. B. Elliott, who has been s uferirg my.ipelas for smile weeks past is atm uiceiy improved and will be fully recovered iu a few days. — Baster in emotion examinations are in pregcess in the lower rooms of the Public School this week. The results will probably be given in our next issue --The proprietor of the Bluevale flour mill is opening a flour and binder twine ,,1stole ntxt to R. J. McMath's trimming and Mamas shop. MINOR LOCALS. To -morrow is Good Friday—a public aairday, . -The Maas till the end of the year to mew subscribers for 65 cents. —Mr. D. E. McDonald shipped a car ",dead of cattle to Toronto on Monday. A. R. Smith, Chisholm Block sells up- to-date clothing. Read his advt. in this issue. • Regular meeting of Court Maitland, C. 0, F. will be field on Friday eveniug of this week. —Mr. John Conites has sold the north half of lot 7, con, 3, Morris to Mr. Wm. Ziston at $2,500. Regular monthly meeting of the "Wingham School Board will be held oa Tuesday evening next. —Division Court was held in Wing.. in on Saturday last, His T. Iouor,Judge .Molt, of Goderich, presided. t —Mr. F. Gutteridge has been awarded the contract for the erection of the corl- crete piers for the new bridge at Beit hiller: ---With a continuance of the fine weather of the past few days seeding and gardening operatious will soon be in ,order. • s-Wingham has been asked to join a ,base ball league to be composed of God- ersch, Clinton, Brussels, Kineardine and loth r poitlts. —Mr. W. D, Thomas has closed out his business in the Button block, and4 will move his fancily to London about. .the end of April. —As an abrupt and disagreeable change from the unusually mild weather of March came the snowstorm of Friday afternoon and evening. 7I LIAN GLA SA WA RE —Richard Roche and family are leav- ing Brussels for Petrolia. Mr. Roche is going into the hotel business there with his brother-in-law. Jas. O'Leary, who formerly ran the National hotel here. —This week the TIMES has added ra; number of new names to the subscriptid' list.If you are not. a-subscr.:iber. wv shall be pleased to send elle- TIMES tb you till the end of this year for 65 cents. —James MCCorn]ae, who was com- mitted to Goderich sail by Mayor Van - stone on a charge of stealing a bicycle, appeared before His Honor Judge Doyle last week and was let go on suspended sentence. —Mr. W. F. VauStone has purchased one of the buildings belonging to the old tannery property and is having the material moved to his farm property. He will erect a slaughter house with the material. —MLA, Dulmage has this week moved into the house lately vacated by Mr. M. H. Mclndoo, and Mr. S. C. Kerslake has moved into the house vacated by Mr. Dulmage on Catherine street. —We understand that Mr. Thos. H. Taylor has purchased the Congregational church property. He will pull the church down and erect a dwelling on the lot. Mr. Taylor has secured a very desirable location for a dwelling. PERSONALS. We shall be glad to have contributions to this column from any of our readers. if you have visitors or purpose gomg away yourself, strop in and tell us, or send us a note to that enect. Mr. Abner Cosens is on a business trip to Cliutou and Brumfield. Mr. W. E. Binniug, architect, of List- owel was in town ou Mousluy. Mr. W. H. Willis, of Seaforth was calling on Wingham friends on Monday. Mr. Robt. Arscott, of Loudon was calling on old friends in town this week. Mr. A. W. Moote, editor of the Ford• wish Record was iu town on Friday last and gave the Tins a pleasant call, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Tervit, of Kin- cardine were visiting with relatives and friends in town for a few days during the week. Mr. Pat. Delaney, who has been at the G. T. R. station here for some time has secured a situation ou the G. T. R. near London. Mr. Will Roderus left on Tuesday for London, where he has secured a situation in a retail hardware store. His frieends i,' vvili,wisli him every success in rs noir position. Mrs. Win. MoMath of Dungannon,ae- compauied by her grandson, Mr. Will Kirk visited her son and daughter, Mr. R. J. McMath and Mrs, G. 0. Manners during the past week. Mrs. J. A. Maguire, who has spent the past year with relatives and friends in Regina and other western points, is at present ou a visit to her son, Mr. S. A. Maguire of the TIMES office. Mr. W. J. Ramsay of Wingham spent Friday with his brother-in-law, Mr. Harry Routledge, and left on Saturday for Chicago where he has a situation. His wife wil1j•oin him in a few weeks.— Clinton News -Record. Mr. F. J. Sharp, Listowel's veteran stave cutter passed through here on Monday on his way to Auburn where he will cut staves for Mr. Jas. Young at that place. This is 111.r. Sharp's fifteenth anneal trip to Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. Prior, of Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Dyer, of Walkerville; Mr. and Mrs, Neil Haines, of Owen Sound, and Mr. John Aikens, of Windsor came home to attend the funeral of the late Robert Aikens. Mr. John W. Vauatter, one of the new proprietors of the Goderich Signal was in town on Friday last and gave the Times a friendly call. He was ac- companied by Mrs. Vauatter, who remained over with her mother, Mrs. Peter Deans, sr. Mr. 31,1-1. Mclndoo left on Monday morning for a trip to the Pacific coast. Ho will visit a number of places on the way out, with a view to probaby settling in the West. We wish him a pleasant trip. Mrs. Mclndoo will visit at Port Perry in, the meantime. —A. closed mail is now carried on the afternoon train from Brussels to To- ronto. The Brussels Post of last week ,thanks Dr. Macdonald, M. P. for his assistance in presenting the request of the Brussels people to the Postmaster General. •--• This week Mr. J. D. Burns is receiv ing fourteen car loads of coal. This is the largest shipment of coal that has ever been brought into Wingham. Wing- hamites will be well supplied with coal for next winter. Mr. Burns is also build- , ing an addition to his warehouse. Mr. Jas. McKinlay, son of Mr. D. McKinley, of this town, who has been We have this week opened up FIVE with the O'Sullivan Business College for LOTS of Crockery and Glassware, some time has received a promotion and Increase in salary, Ho is now located at Midland. This young inan's many friends in Wingham will bo pleased to hear of his success. ---Do our subscribers all know that the postage on papers to Great Britain and Ireland has been so greatly reduced that we can now send the TIMES to these countries for the same rate as Canadian postage. You can save money --and it is better than a letter—by subscribing to the TIMES at $1 a year and have it sent to your Old Country friends. —The advertisement of the Canada Business College,Cbatham Which appears elsewhere shows that this soheol is en- joying the confidence of the business eolnmunity to a wonderful degree. On April 2nd six calls for office help were Fria . de, one © from Chicago, Ca$e, One from Manitoba and four from leading Chat- ham business houses. Positions at $35 to $60 per wonth are getting to be (Mite eomrnort. A recent call made upon the school for a male dtenographex offered $tfo per month. Such a state of affairs must surely be very ertoour aging to thole VIVO are 'taking up that line of work. making our stock second to none in. the county. In glassware we have something extra nice Fitt exhibition in our window. "ABLE SETS, OVAL BOWLS' ;FRUIT SETS AND SALT S PEPPER SHAKERS in Blue, - Canary and Opalescent shades, gifted and plain. Better buy now as we cannot duplicate the order. We Pay Highest Prices for Produce for good Butter. .ptnllon for Pare Maple Syrup.. its aaaything nice in groceries o illitCOOSty ,rs11 it. Tudhope's and n "1' iT0 DEIMMO m --IQ Wingbain, ou ,April i th,. Eva i . W:ule,wife of Wia.,E.Drum- tnoi l in her 23th vent. DI,.nN'-.-TI Turnbt'rry, en April ;til, A;a es A. Elliot, relict of the late Peter Deans, aged al years and 0 mouths. Immigration returns for March show that 13.267 settlers entered western Can- ada through Coutes, Eucereou, Portal mud Winnipeg, the largest number yet re- corded for March, and 7t) per cent, in ex- cess of the arrivals ,for March of last year. • Miss taurine Agusta Kaiser (SOPRANO) TEACHER OF VOICE AND PIANO, CONCERT ENQM11 MENTS ACCEPTED. H. B. Elliott, Frances 6t.,'4vin„hani �A KOH BROS.' BUTTON O YID UNDERTAKERS, WiNGHANt- Night calls at Button Block, or Fifth door south of School lloabe. Shop op- posite Macdonald block. FOR SALE OR RENT. 9, 1.903. New brick ho%tse and?,y acre land, on Mai tha street, Wingham. Amar to AL1XANDER GOWDY, Wingham P. 0 TO RENT. In Wingham Town Plot, n comfortable Rouse, with good stable. Any quantity of land from ono to twenty acres can he leased in eoniwetion with it. 'PermNrensonabin. Apply to ALEX. KELLY. Winghoe)n P. O. THOMAS HOLMES & SONS BANKERS, Etc. Marriage Licenses issued. No 'witnesses re- quired. Money 4 per cent. large amounts; smaller in proportion. Easiest terms. RICHARD HOLMES BATRIS7.nR AT LAW, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, t`Gc., &C. Office—Next to Holmes Block uow building. GEMENT WORKS. • I aro prepared to execute all orders for cemeut work of every description, in- cluding silos, sidewalks, stable floors, foundatious, etc. I have every facility necessary and can do the work right. All work guaranteed. Prices and terms reasonable. Cement for sale. cUARLEs all�>c7tr,, aWINGHA..1(1 1100. 24. KEENEY—In Brussels, on March 31st, the wife of J. 1V. Kerney; & daughter. CI:ERIE—In East Wawanosh, on March 23rd, the wife of A. Currie; a daughter, ANDrltSOx—In East Wawanosh, on March t7th, the wife of Wm. Anderson; a daughter. JAu4rEs--In Ilowick, on March 31st, the wife of Mr. F. Jaques; a sou. atAI:L1tiEi) McKexzni—McNEIL•--In Brussels, on March 23rd, by Rev. John Ross, B. A., Mr, Murdock McKenzie, of Dakota, to Miss Maggie McNeil, daughtes of Mrs. Adam Sinclair, of Brussels. Art atotla—Tt;Ci an --In Wingham, on April 7th by Rev. D. Perrie, Jas. W. Armour, formerly of Deloraine, Miss Maudalaine, youngest daughter of Mrs. Wm. Tucker. of Wingham. mem Dlex---in Blyth, on Mareh 31st, Mrs. James Dick, aged e3 years and 6 months. Allcsxs.-•In Wingham, on April 4th, Robert Aikens, aged 67 years." JAC tl t _ .-inIlowick, on April ;:rid, Miss Mildred Jaeklin, aged 43 years. Inion ia;bs--in Burlington, on March %Mth, Mr. John Edmonds, brother c,f Rev. J. Ednaoai.ds, of Blyth, age,d 71 `(' k I;tAtkWAY l ..�hM1IU lRU,flli$'�YS�,TE,[& EASTER HOLIDAYS 1903 Return Tickets will be issued. between all sta- tions its Canada at Single First -Class Fare Going Thursday, Apr 0th to Monday April 13th in- clusive. Valid returning until Tuesday, Apr 14, 1003 School Vacations To students and teachers of schools and col- leges, on surrender of standard certificate signed by principal, return tickets will be issued. at Single Fare and One -Third Going .April 4th to April llth inclusive. Valid returning until Tuesday, April 21, 1003. Tickets, folders, and all information from Agents. J. D. McDO 4ALD, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. BASTER RATES; 1903 For the Baster Holidays the Canadian Pack will issue round trip tickets as follows: General Public Single first crass fare going 'April 9th to 13th inelusive; returning tip to and including ,April 14th, 1003. Teachers and Students on surrender of Standard Certificate signed by Principal Single First Class Fare and One -Third to d iieluding April21st inclusive;90returning up TERRITOILY—Between all stations in Can- ada, Port Arthur, Sault Ste. Maris, Mich. Detroit, ;such., and East, and to, but not 1rom,Buffalo, N. Y. For full particulars apply to your nearest Canadian Pacific Agent, or to A. N. NOTMAN, Assistant General Passenger Agent 1 King St. Bast. Toronto dwor SHERIFF'S SAME. Yon can order the Sheriff, the BaiHA and the Assignee to go to bed supperless by calling on Thos. Abraham midget your soles renewed and your understanding set upright. Boots and Shoes repaired so cheap. You wonder how it can be done. The reason is simply this: I have no rent to1say, 110 debts to pay ii receive dis- count on all purchases. I can afford to divide with myeustoniers. Call sod (cosher a while) as consultation is free. You will find nut the cost of mending your hoots at Abraham's, TESTIMONIALS. This shop has been continnausly running for 3i years and is still in its visite, without a parelell In town. This speaks for It, 1f. lit• quire of any old settler where to get the beet value for your money. They will tell you at Thos. Abraham's, who works b9• the golden rule at all times. A 'wooden boot hani* on a post at the door, a few doers wast of the Bread - way Rouse, Victoria street. Tie a a Miring close to the sixth linttvr of yotar kft }asald se you Tenni forget where Shiva arc repaired for Plot than the pries of a song. Thr THOS.t shop1*ADR►i1 ", A Bicycle Bargah Jn tl'e Ross stock there was one only Ladies' l3ieyole; and as we do not intend to earl',v al stock of bicycles, this one will be sold at a bargain. The bicycle is the highest grade Massey Ilacrtis wheel, an ideal bicycle fin' women, remark able for its delicacy of finish, graceful appearance combined with lightness and stability, It°aa finished in black, 22 inch frame roller chain, neat handlt.bitr, rubber pedals, coin forte hie saddle, an d Du n. lop tires. The regular price of this wheel is $60.00, but on Saturday, April 11th, we plade it in our. window marked at $45 00, and if not sold at this price, it Will be reduced $1.00 for evert business day that it remains in stock. You are in. vited to examine the wheel. Sporting Goods Through the summer we \ will keep a complete stock of sporting goods consist- ing of base ball sundries; ten- nis rackets and balls; la. erosse sticks; and lawn cro- quet; and will sell then at the 1owesct possible prices: Cosaplpte lino of Children's '�xpiti ri [r{���ga')}Ly4vroli(its •ilail�,n� Cooper & Co. WINGHAM. To the Public Having purchased the Hardware stock and the business of the late firm of. Smith and Pethiek, I wisja to announce to the publ Wingbam and vieini I will continue the in the sante prem be pleased to qualntanc have bee. of that usiness es. Will yl'ake the sc- all those who patrons of the store,and others as well,and hope to merit a share of your trade. Our shelves are replete with everything in the hardware line. Shelf Hardware Builders' Hardware Stoves, Tinware Paints, 011s and Glass Bicycles and Bicycle Repairs Also all kinds of Grass Seeds Kindly call and examine our goods before buying elsewhere. FISHLEIGH'S HARDWARE STORE Wingham. ( Successor to Smith & Pethiek) SEEDS = 1903 We have a large stock of all kinds of Seeds, ineluding:- -SUGAR BEETS, --MANGOLDS, —TIMOTHY, —TURNIPS,. —CLOVER, etc. —LIGOWO. -20TH CENTURY, and —GOLDEN FLEECE SEED OATS, Take the Baby Out for its airing in one of the new Carriages or Gu - Carts we have just put in stock. will be Safe ark. Comfortable It and you need not invest much money on the pur- chase -troth $G.5o up. Come and 'see then. BALI BROS. 1 UNDERTAKING .ReSfln scE—PATu1t'K STREET S. Grncey's termer residence, whore night calls will receive prompt attention. IThe People's PHONE 51 Furniture Store -,r;•,t, .v,: .• 'F'r.^•4f",r, ... ., •t:Yt•.w•;nv, $.+•:4.+4.4•4-+:-4.•-++4.4-++ 4.4-4.f4-..+•4+44'" 4' 4.. 4' 4' 4• 4• 4• 4' 4• 4• 4• Look at his Men's Suits at $4, $5, '. •, $7, $8, $9, $10, $ t 2 �' Take another look at is Y • s' three-piece Suits at $ 3.00, 350, 4.00, 5.00 Two-piece Suits at $2.00, 2.5o and 3.00 Youths' Suits, long pants, at $3.5o, 4.00, 5.00, 6.00, 7.00 CHISHOLM BLOCK, Wi 1CHAM, ONT. A. R. Smith sells nice new suits ; He sells them cheap for cash His stock is bright, His prices right ; He never deals in trash. ALL KINDS OF GARDEN SEED. 4• 4. •�i• CHIsiioi i BLOCK, 4• See us before purchasing your Seeds. We Can satisfy you as to price and quality. Cassels & Carr A. R. Smith has everything a man or boy wears, even to boots. Remember the stand. 4.. 4.- 4.- 4. • 4. + 4• 4• •k WINGHAIN-I. :. .5. i••A•1-4444++++++++44+.'4.44 4-1.4-44+++++++++++++++44444-4- -----....... .4.«-b4 +++4.++++4 l +++++44 t•.p. 4 4. YTTYVyyryVVVVYYYYYYYYVVV' vYvyYVVYYYYYYYYYYYYYV/1YYV• ► Dining ■turi a 1.- Pming room Furna. ►41, PIs one thing we have the lead in. Our assort- 4' ment of wood seat and leather seat diners is a P. e aa Emarvel of style, quality and cheapness. �' I. r11ti141,">LnL1Astili vi a EXTENSION TABLES in great variety. 4 41 r b. SIDEBOARDS—The largest and best selected stock 1 of the latest designs and choicest woods in use in 46 • the manufacture of up-to-date furniture. 10. ®' 0. 'We carry a complete line of all kinds of furniture. 4. ► .fit ►'fir' op.4o. ► E WALKER BROS. & BUTTON41 4 C Furniture and Undertaking. . ► The Furniture Store opposite the Post Office. 41 AAAAAAAAAAA,►AAAAAAAAAAAAA,L AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Printing F YOU ARE a believer in good p printing it will p pay you to bring your order to The Times " es O ,ee, Wingham.