HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-04-09, Page 6t0, it 1 VE PATIENC KS?VE STRENGTH TO e , ni€(s ,ivCUR NCTIOg i NGd f lkii ENRICH THE BLOOD & ST Rth pE CONSTITUTION 1' Oondon,EyMontreal,Can (i0540� ' i?RICE - 'EaT BRITAIN q' -AMERICA all Drugetsts.0 Chen 1 A remedy which acts through the fonctions of n utrition,by the building up of new and healthy tissues is not to be expected to manifest its action in a few clays. When the disease is of recent ori- gin, this early and inlluediate action will often be met with. Otherwise. when it has already lasted sonic time, the action of the remedy must be chronic like the disease itself. * This is why the length of the use of ST. JAMES WAFERS will vary with every individual case ; hut it is a fact which no one will now deny that in the treatment of general debility ST. JAMEs 1,VA1 Rs produce remarkable, and in some cases, immediate effects. &r. JAMES WAVERS help stomach, digest food and send the nutriment through the blood, and this is the honest way to get health and strength, the kind that lasts, develops and breeds the energy which accomplishes much. "In diseases of the stomach St. James 1'Vafern are almost if not quite a specific. T have great faith its them' Dr. dward A. fobinson, Cork, Ireland. Price in Canada: $1.03; Six bottles for $5 OD ,o Sl. James Wafer:are not a secret rent,d :t+Utenu,neruusdo,torsrc- e,a menxtag tiota to t/aetr patients we matt the formula upon regue+t. Where dealers are not sell ngthe \Valets, they i,r: mailed Itim t re- ceipt of pride at the Canadian bran711 a St. Jams Wafers Co., 1728 St. Catherac St., hionirsal. 41Z„..4 Ls From the Sarctt m Mil Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges '1111;', \1 IN(11 t01 TINES, .AP1UL 9 1)O3 At the nomination for Councillors in McKillop township ou 11larc:h 30th 190.1 bald at Winthrop, Tohu M. Govel,lock and, William Devereux here nominated for the position. 'Villiaui Deveraux re- signed the same evening sld, John X. Cr Ivenlook was declared elected for the balance of year. The electioii was necessary owing to the resignation of Ommeillur Smith who is E:oiug Wien. Atter a lingering illness, Mrs Jas Mur- dock, of Brueelield, passed away o 1 Sauday, Mated) 29th, at the age of bO years and nine mouths. She was a. native of Scotland - autl came with ht r husband and lived for a Ing time on the farm on which she passed away. Ito husb Ind predeceased her seine year,• ago. She was a consistent member of the Prebyteriau church. Mr. T. N. H•-tyter, who with his butter half had been spending a few days with their daughter, Mrs. James Mose of Goderich township, was in town on Tuesday. Isir. Hayter is a uative of tine county and for the past thirty-three years has beau postmaster of Harpley in Stephen township. There is a daily mail. at Harpley and Mr. Hayter receives the maguinceut salary of seven cants per day. It is hardly necessary to add that it is for the accomodation of his neigh- bors rather than for the pay that he con- tinues to hold the office,—Clinton News Record. Many of our readers will regret to learn of the death of Mr. Thos Hodgins at his house ou the 10th con. Kinloss, on Monday, March 30th lu the 39th y e,,r of his age, after a long illuess with lung trouble. Mr. Hodgins for many years worked at the harness business with Alex. Ross. of Lucknow, but for some time past was successfully engaged. in t faruliug in Kinloss. He was a steady, industrious Y i; , us rious o iu e mai and was greatly esteemed by a wide circle of friends. He 1 was married about six months ago to Miss James, of Kinloss, and the sy?npa• th of the whole community is extended Several eclipses will be visible on the American mutineer this year: eclipses of the ,noon, April 1 lth and October 12th, and of the sun Sept. 20th. - Children Cry for CASTOR iA Mr. Theinas Piakey, now connected ,with the Albion hotel, London, has bought out the Royal Hotel at Seaforth, and will take possession on May 1st. The Ladies' Favorite. Laxa-Liver Pills are the h./dits' favor- ite medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick Headache, Biliousuess. and Dys- pepsia without griping, purging or sick- -ening. Margaret Coyle, youngest daughter of Mr. Jas. Coyle, boundary Carrick and Culross, died on Thursday, March 26th, at the early age of twenty years and five months. She was a victim of that ahead disease, consumption. O. A. W. CHASE'S Q5 ▪ CATARRH Carl:... el b s•nt direct to tht101iseased pis by the Improved Blower. Heals the ulcers, clears the air passa ges, :cops droppings in the throat ant: permanently cures Catarrh and Flay Fever. Blower free. A11 dealers or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co.. Toronto and 3aAal. A very quiet wedding tcok place on Saturday, March 21st, at St. James' cathedral, Toronto, when Miss Alice Mead Maclean, youngest daughter of the Irate Lieu. -Col. Caird Ryerson Mac- lean, of Meaford, was married to Major Lewis Erskia Wentwort Irving, D. S. 0., of Walton, youngest son of Mr. Aemilius Irving, K. C., teeasurer of the Law Society of Ontario. Rev. A. U. DePencier officiated. Many people say they are "all nerves." Easily startled or upset, worried and ir; ritated. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are just the remedy such people re- quire. They restore perfect harmony of the Serve centres and give new nerve force to chattered nervous systems. We deeply regret this week to have to announce the death of Mrs. Hugh Robb, It is predicted that there will be a late opening of the Yukon this summer, and also that the lakes will hold their ice much longer than usual. The ice on Lake Lebarge is five feet in thickness, whereas last winter it was but three feet thick. ,On Wednesday, April 1st, the home of Duncan McTavish, of Brucefield, was the scene of a very pleasant wedding, when his sister, Miss Jessie, was united in marriage to Frederick Busk, of Hen- sel. Rev. E. Sawers, of Brucefield,per- formed the ceremony. ::genuine t:astoria always bears the Signature of Chas. l -i. Fletcher. 'when a by was sick, we gave her Castoria. *when site was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When sine became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When shelled Children,she gave thein Castoria. which took place at her residence, in Hnrpurhey, on. Tuesday morning, March 31st. Mrs. Robb bad heen a resident of Harpnrbey for upwards of forty years, long before there was any Seaforth. Her maiden name Elizabeth Morrison. She had reached the good age of 77 years. Mrs. Robb had beep an invalid for a great many years, and for some time had been unable to leave her residence. 13ea hus- band died about 13 years ago. Children Cry for CASTOR1 y to her iu her great sorrow, • • • Ilia, How's This We c ffer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cared by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CIiENEY .!L' Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, huve kuowa F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe. him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. WEST & Til Ax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. WALIIING. KINNA.N & MARVIN, Whole- sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mucous serfaces of the system. Testi• menials sent free. Price 75c. a bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Easter this year will be neither very early nor very late—April 12. The earliest date on which Easter can possibly fall is March 22, but this has place in his paper would be read by near - not occurred since 1818. and will not ly ev, ry body in that city. "Prove it," occur until the year 2000 has been left said the merchant. "Say anything you well behind. The latest day for Easter like about Hie you want to in two lines." The solicitor put iu two lines saying the merchant wanted to buy 103 cats and 230 dogs. The ad. was sandwiched between some medicine Iiners on an inside page. That night seveuteenbnys and three girls brought dogs, and the next morning and until late at night his store was crowded with persons with dogs or cats to sell. One time there was such a jam in his store that he had to close the front door and let those in the store go out by a rear door. Early next morning the mer- chant rushed to the newspaper office and closed up a contract for a year's adver- tising. Already ho has had such an in- crease in business that a new room will be added to his store. 1)7,105 ACTS GE.NTI.Y Q.. LI VIER o, AND S ,SES THE SYSTEM CLEAN- EFFECTUALLY; ,q61- pLO5 ACNE S' 51PATION cv:l c MES 1 'AbI UAL �'oPERMANENTIY. 1T. titriCIAL ��>�EC' S, BUY THE GENU INE—MAN'F'D•BY tXPRNIA I SYRUP •S KYl�(t" CA L, '4? NY. FOP SALE Be At i DRI1GGiSTS. PRICE SOe.P1R BOITIf. LAND BLUEJACKETS. Fifty U, S. Sailors Will Protect Consulate at Santo Domingo, FIERCE THREE HOURS' BATTLE ltn.sia Send. Jiulgarli a Peremptory No. ti Scathes to Beware of Interference With the Powers' Reforms -11,1 ds Turkish Sultan to Dove oppor- tunity to Carry Them Out— First right In semailland. Cape Haytien, Hayti, April 3. 'l:ho situation in Santo Domingo City 1.4 Tory critical. The comman- der of the United States cruiser At - Ian' a, which has ariiived at Santo l,omin;o from this port, Wednesday landed a detachlnetlt of 00 blue jac- kets to guard the United States Con •elate 0( neral in that city. A sh, 11 fired last night by the Domin- ican cruiser Presidente, which is on the side of President Vasquez, fell on th,• German Consulate. The dam- age done, however, was purely ma- terial, as the projectile happily did not burst. A battle lasting throe 'hours took place yesterday morning betwe n the Government troops and the revolutionists, on the banks of the River Ozaena, which flows into the Caribbean et Santo Domingo. A hunCred men were killed or wound- ed. President Vasquez demanded the surrender of Santo Domingo City, but the revolutionists are disposed to resist up to the last moment. Ir is n;:ain our feel duty to chronicle the death oft ee of Exeter's oldest and much respected citizens, tt hich occurred on Nardil 291h. Henry Kinsman, L. D. S. member of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, was born 10 Corn- wall, England in 1831 but immediately came to Canada with his parents who settled iu Durham County where 11e was raised and served 11.s apprenticeship as framer and builder. He married Ann I3utchinson of Port Hope, who was his life long helpmate, preceeding him to the better laud just one year. He set- tled with his young bride in Mitchell, Perth county, where he followed° los trade for several years till his health failed and he was obliged to seek lets arduous employment. He entered into the book and stationary business at the same time studying for his profession (Dentistry) which when he had mastered it he came and practised in Exeter. There was a clothing merchant who did not belieye iu advertisiug, but he does now. The advertising solicitor told him that two lines in the most obscnre is April 25. This was the date in 18855 and swill be again in 1943. April 12 is quite a favorate day for Easter. Besides lin 1903, it will occur in 1014, 1925, 1030, `and 1998—five times in one century. Good Faiday falls on April 10 and Whit !Sunday on May 31. In the Jewish ▪ calendar this is the year 5663. It is al - One of the earliest pioneers of Bervie ready nearly five months old, beginning passed away on Sunday, March 29th, ! on Oat. 2. after an illness of a few months, in the! Lever's Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant person of Mrs. Sant McLellan. The Soap Powder is better than other powders, venerable lady died at the advanced age j as it is both soap and disinfectant. 3e of 89 years having suffered a stroke of 1 On Monday mooning, March 30th, paralysis about 6 mouths ago. Mrs. Mc- after an illness of several weeks of kid- ney trouble. Mr. Alex. Munro of God She came to Kincardine township in the erich passed away at his house on St. year 18f8, when it was nothing but a Patrick's street, where for the past nine - wilderness. ( teen years he had lived by himself. Mr. Suddenly Attacked I Munro was born in 1834 at Aveton , , Children are often attacked suddenly i Ross -shire, Scotland, his father, Donald by painful and dangerous Colic, Cramps, I Munro, being a merchant at that place. Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, He tains to Canada when quite a young Cholera Infantum, etc. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt 1 man and settled at St. Catharines, where and sure cure which should always bei he was in business for a number of kept in the house. I years. Removing to Goderich in 1858, Mr. John McCartney, who for over he entered the employ of Ochterlonio & two score years has been a resident of i Wallace, and had been in the drygoods Goderich township, has decided to go 1 business in Goderich up to the time of his late illness. There passed away at the family resi- dence, Main street, on Thursday, March 26tH, Ann Page, beloved wife of Wm. Harding, of Exeter, aged 82 years, 3 months. The deceased had been a long sufferer front a complication of diseases and during the latter stages of her illness was in an .almost helpless condition. The residence of Mr. Murdock McLean of the 7th con. Huron township, was the (scene of :%pretty wedding on Wednesday, March 25, when his two daughters Misses Ittta and Margaret Ann were married to Malcolm McLeod and Alex. Reid re- speotively. Rev. Mr. Maxwell of Ripley performed the ceremony. 1Man's Kidney Pills act on the kid - nays, bladder and urinary o*awns only. The ' cure backaches, weak back, then. mature, diabetes, congestion, inflatnma- ,, gravel, Bright's disease and all other diseasessa�ai g from ,wrong action of the W. G. Medd, son of II. Medd, Itullett, stosepted the position of cheese instruct- or avid inspector for the county of Nor. et a. salary of $100 a month. The Oft was a surprise as he lead Mt Sed for the position. Children Cry for - CASTOR IA. west, and will make his home at Souris, Manitoba, where two of his daughters and several other relatives live. For 3P years Mr. McCartney has been connect, ed with the Methodist church at Holmes• ville, of which he is one of the pillars. The Holmesville correspondent of the Clinton New Era says: That the public is alive to the benefits of the Government poultry station at that place and the opportunities it affords is evidenced by Next to Mrs. Holmes he is the oldest ( the orders for eggs that are received member, In church circles and out of i from all gnartors,of the province, Last them, Mr. McCartney and his estimable week the manager, F. C. Elford, received family will be much missed. an order from a gentletnan in Port Elgin, Spring Medicine. I who has seen an account of this station As a spring medicine Burdock Blood t in the Toronto Globe. Every week Bitters has no equal. It tones up the 'dozens of orders have to bo refused on system and removes all impurities from account of the inability to fill them. the blood, and takes away that tired, On Saturday last, alone, orders were weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. received for 20 settings of eggs. The Rev. It. Paul, Treasurer of the Eastcorrespondence in connection with this Huron Referendum Campaign Funds, establishment, has grown to be no small has issued a statement showing the receipts and expenditure.to be as follows Receipts, Gash in bank $53.96; cash borrowed $05.00; interest 78c.; Brnssole $81.87; Elnev°a1e $10.25; Grey $33.47 Morris $10.45; Watton Sunday School Associatiation $1.24; Jamestown Vie. tort's. hall 61e.; Howiek $10.21; littllett $12.00; Wroxeter $10.00; Total reeeipte $214.67. The total expenditure for Lit. era -titre, express, printing, telephoning, two outside speakers, Hall rents, livery, postage, hec., amounted to $214.67. There is a balance on hand of $63.20 in hands of the Treasurer. item, and Mr. Elford is kept busy answering the manyinquiries he re- ceives. RUSSIA IN BULGARIA. Czar's Government Sends the Little Power Stili• aetifieetlon. Paris, April 8. — An official de- spatch announces that Russia has Tii.lora.ria a definite and On' i.rattle notiticatian that in cane w.o resistance of the Bulgarian settlers in Tur.,ey to the Sultan's reforms 111 hies on a, Turkish -Bulgarian con - diet Bulgaria must not count on any support, moral or material, from Russia. This is considered to be ,further evidence of the purpose of the lowers not to interfere with the Sul- tan's plans, so • long as he is carry- ing out in good faith the oowers' t•ro;oet for reforms. Albanian Shot Russian Consul. Constantinople, April 3.—Details of the attack on M. Stchcrbina, Rus- s•an Consul at Mitrovitza, show that it was made by an Albanian soldier, a relative of whom. had been killed in the fighting at Mitrovitza. The Consul, who was accompanied l,y a Turkish escort, was on his way to inspect the batteries which finally repulsed the Albanians who attacked Mitrovitza, when a sentry et the powder magazine deliberately shot M. Stchcrbina in the back. Tho bullet traversed the renal region and inflicted a serious wound. The sentry also fired at the Consular Kavass (militarycourier), but missed him. The othi' so1(,iets of the guard then hurried up and shot the Albanian sen.inel, inf:I.-Ling mortal wounds. GETTING READY. He was chosen fora grand career, He was coached year after year, From the time he began to walk He heard his proud parents talk Of the height he should reach some day; They sent him to school, and then To college„he went away And became a post graduate when The regular course was through; Then he travelled abroad and drew New knowledge from old world sources And took a few special courses. He studied Here and he studied there, Ile began to stoop and to lose his hair, Yet he kept on delving away to find New ballast with which to load his mind; With a grand career somewhere ahead He kept right on preparing to rise; While the days rolled passed and the brief years sped He spent all his moments in growing wise, 1 hear n 1 t e sour , Opinions of Leading Physicians. 1 have been using Strom 's P iekone for sev- eral months with results that warrant ale in recommending it to my patios with every confidence in its claims. R. FERGUSON, ]4I. D. ()Droner, London, Ont. Price 51.00. For sale by druggists,or by trail on receipt of »:•ice. W. T. STRONG, Manufacturing Chemist London, Ontario. leer OvAr sixty :terms. An Old and Well•TriedRReniedy--Mrs Winslow's SoothingSyrupp has bemused for over sixty year bbymillionsof mothers for their children while teething, with perfect snecese. It soothes the child, softens the gums allays all pain, cures 'wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhtea. itis pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in evens part of the world. Twentyr•Sve cents a bottle. its 'One id incalculable. Be dare you ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. MILBt1RN'S Are a combination of tho active principles of an/id�e/ acvegetable o the Liremedies er Stour ch dis- eases Bowels. Sick aehD1 tutees plotehe$ and Pimple o CURE BILIOUSNESS gave And he died,his knowledge all dying,too. What is the use preparing to do If you never have time to go to work? --Chicago Record -Herald. Dyspepsia. Soar etotnttah, Wa►totr Brash, Livers ers i onl*lut. fxuiloW est b CLEAN COATED TONGUE. FOR GOOD HEALTH To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription for men, women and children than Ripans Tabules, They are easy to take. They are made of a combination of medicines approved and used by every physician. Ripans Tabules are widely used by all sorts of people—but to the plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan- dard family remedy. They arc a dependable, hon- est remedy, with a long and successful record, to cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and -stubborn constipation, offensive breath, hedrtburn, dizziness, palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular rheumatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver com- plaints. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up run-down systems, restore pure blood, good appe- tite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives constant benefit from a regular use of Ripans Tabules. Your druggist sells them. The five - cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, 6o cents, contains a supply for a year. „.tti.;s'RSeariesse', ',eve' ;,Mai .t ut$ kcP, L.fc cts- Kaic 8c laC :1' igz- ,g, DON'T DE AN ASS. If you aro buying a pair of shoes or a suit of Clothes you are particular as to the honesty and reputation of the merchant. Your health is of moreiniportaace than either, yet you let quacks, medical fakirs and other humbugs deceive you by their deceptive offers of something for nothing. erw ,. After being defrauded. by these medical sharks you Aar,,' , ; think all doctors are rogues, whereas, you alone ..,..Ni ani.► are to blame. Why not first demand from them evidences of their honesty and responsibility as specialists. We have been located in Detroit 25 years and can give best of bank references. READER DER Are you a victim? Have you lost hope? Are you contempla- ting marriage? Has your blond been diseased? Have you any weakness? Our New itlethod Treatment will cure you. What it has done for othqrs it will do for you. CONSULTATION FREE. No matter who has treated you, write for an honest opinion free of charge. Charges reasonable. BOOKS FREE. "The Golden Monitor” (illustrated), on Diseasesof Men. bS3'No Nimes used without written eminent. Private. t o Medicine sent C. O. D. No names on boxes or envelopes. iCverythinsr confidential. Oueation List and coat of Trusty* neat EREfS. - DRS. KENNEDY St KLRG.AN, No. 148 S1HELSY STREET. DETROIT, MICH, All work promptly executed at gmost reasonable prices. IF YOU A GOOD JO High Pressure Days. Men and women alike have to work incessantly with brain and hand to hold their own nowadays. Never were the demands of business, the wants of the family, the requirements of society, more numerous. The first effect of the praiseworthy effort to keep up with all these things is commonly seen in a weak- ened or debilitated condition of the ner- vous system, which results in dyspepsia, defective nutrition of both body and brain, and in extreme cases in complete nervous prostration. It is clearly seen that what is needed is what will sustain the system, give vigor and tone to the nerves, and keep the digestive and as- similative functions healthy and active. From personal knowledge, we can re- commend Hood's Sarsaparilla for this purpose. It acts on all the vital organs, builds up the whole system, and fits men and women for these high-pressure days. Sweeten the breath surd olear army i11 'ems Ind.�t ronons:setter from be system 1'rloe mss, a bot or li for .00641= QS''1'l:tn T. IdstIVlni CO.* CLUBBING RATES The Timms clubs with the papers mentioned below at a reduced rate: For one year. The Times and The Weekly Glode.... ..........$160 The Weekly Mail . .. . . . . 1 75 The Daily Star. Toronto 2 25 Tne Montreal Family Herald and Star .,........ '' 1'75 The Weelibt Sun 175 The Farmers' Advocate 175 Toronto Daily. 3 00 The Montreal Witness, Weekly , 160 World Wide . , 150 northern Messenger ...... 120 The Daily' "W'or'd, Toronto 3 00 Montreal Daily *Herald .. , . , 200 Farming World150 London Advertiser, Weekly 150 Daily Globe 4 25 If you do not see what yon want in the list let us hear from you. We can give clubbing rates on any newspaper or magazine. A.ddreee or call at TIMES t)1!'bICiD, 'gingham. Of Printing, in the way of Letter Heads, Note Heads; Envelopes, Business Cards, Invitations, Auction Bills, Receipts, Pamphlets, Catalogues, Bill Heads, Statements, Calling Cards,. Tickets, Hand Bills, Notes, Order Blanks, Booklets, Circulars, Or anything else in the printing line, you will snake no mistake by leaving your order at this office. We will be pleased to furnish estimates at any time. Call at, or address— THE TIMES. OFFICE BEAVER 13LOC1h JOSEPHINE STREET. WX GI AM.