HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-04-09, Page 2TIIE WING IA11 TINES, APRIL itttnQ.lit,itililti,ll :'1;e. A COMMON MISTAKE. THE WINailigiTIFS. it. (it.l.tOTT, Pr Inatome sant eHt,eeteetin TIIIIRSr .Ay'. APRIL le 1903• atony people weaken the System by Tak- ing Tentative llitedtcines. People who use a purgative medicine it t. the spring make a serious uusteke. • . F . Most people du need a medicine et thin+ 1 u is required ti hat t.atu tonic . t 9 e t1 • a l u 'a.as n 0 , 1' ur-a- a d vita. g TS. r , ''mor end O .EN lith v1 AND C MM to het N t S A „ TE Cil NQ g election of Huh Clark, Con- tines irritate and weaken--artunju merle- 'l.'hti• ole Gt t e The in invigorates and strengthens. D. Bervative, has been protested. 1lTtlliatns Pink Pills are ebeotnrely the UMW changes are made awl Dr S'ewart the defe+ited Liberal' eaudiciateit open the petitioner. In answer to a. gnestion In the House. of Commons a few days ego, the :Mins- ter ttu s- ter of Railways stud that since Is of °etcher, 190:1-, there had been 142 rail- way fleo'clents. he Canada Li these, 'Sit lives had been lost, of which 3s were the result of o iliibieus between trains. Under the 'new re istrtbutit.0 hill the little portions of Lambent. fluent nal Perth that have s'rayed i to West a c1 North Middlesex. North Wejliugtou and North. Perth may go back gimme. Por- teous of Perth. that have been in N •r;b Oxford will be put back to where they belong, The Montreal Star, strong as its parti. zanship is, is uot so stupid aa to take any stork in the Dr Reaatn 4 char'+ that he was approached Ni: h the Speatk- ershtp: It a:ays dent the men who made . r these charges should put therm in wtlttui and: swear to thein, orapoingcjz'� for their slanders, The Oppositive's gross abases of the privileges Of Parliament are ,dis- gustiug even their own friends. toot tutu(' etedlotne 111 the world. `•Thebe pills do uot gallop through the bowels, - they ore geutly absorbed jute the sys- rt,tu, f lliu;a the voiles with the pure. rich, red blood that carries healing. health and strength to every part of the body. Ur. Williams' Peek Pets cure skiu erup- tions. inctigestluu, headaches, nervous - tress, neuralgia. backache, rheumatism, continued weatiuess and all other tilt,ud t.r(,ubtee. They are just the tonic you net It for this spring. Mr. A. Gant;•eal. Alexandria, Out., says; I received great benefit from thequ�se of Dr. 'Willi- ams' Pink Pills, and tike pleasure in re- c,'ituuendiug; thein tie all who suffer tr,tul troubles etrisiug out of a poor con. dition of the blond. Itthiuk there is uo better touto Medicine. If you 'teed a medicine this spring give these pills a trial -they will not dis- appoint you. Do not be p rsnaded to rake a substitute or any of the '•jest as good" medicines which some dealers,. who care t my for profit, offer their cute hinters. See that rhe full name, Dr. Williams' Peek Pills for Peale People, is eta the wrapper arouud every box. If in doubt send direct tc$ the pr.Wjlliatus' the Brockville, Ont., and Bros, Medicine Co., pill will be seut by mail, post paid, at 50o per box or six beets for :52,50. The Cost of Census Taking in Huron (� VRMITEE CURE From the Anclitc ilii+ fiscal year r G 'nNrut'rs report for C CC tote Juno 30th, 1902 For MI Farms of Kidney Disease. we take the following; iu ref:,reace to the cost of the taking; of the ceustis of the t {the" tl undersigned di rsi, nedfoD11 Druggist gis guarantee ay county of Hurt U. to 1901: -- 1 . bottle lilTitox, EAsr C'uiuulissioner, 'Choc alievert-ilOoof Dr. hettte .W'abtotsonly remedy the :old that osiiivety cures titl tl world in P troubles arising' from weak or diseased kinin•\ s:-- Money cheerfully returned if the outlet%% iu not relieved mid improved Strachan, a'l 30; Blyth -N. HYoung $37.e5, W. Campbell $31.70; Brussels- Y W, F. Scott, $19.65. CT' Rogers $+.) , •>`:t A. Oonsely $3.851 Grev-J. G Turnbull $83.25, P. Ferguson $4.70, A. Tan/bong atter net, of nae battle. !three to me $61.03, J. M.•Tti g,gart :168.05. 0. Bernath bottle • etl'ecst netenisbing and permuuent $57.35. Be Pirie $70 70 W. P: rrie $54.95: • curet . nIft uo relieved and .cured,..enu wu 9 The Liberalta appear to be very fair in there pr•tposed mate o€ do thug weh the bill. and the Oppositi:lu have been in- vited to help defiae the b-tnudaries and suggestions. resettling the distribution of representatives. That the Liberals Will profit by the redistribution goes without saying, as the country 'vat. shame-ully gerrymandered by the Con- servattvas years ago. It's tithe for a change, and it is to bo hoped that the Liberals will keep up to their pretensions of yesterday, and do what is right by the O,ppesitiou, and at the same lime be fair to the electorate of Canada.- Landon News. Representation by population was the principle invoked iu defense of the Gerrymander of 1883. The apologists of that not claimed it wee neceis ry to eross county b.inudaries in order to fol- low the unit of repre.eutatiou-22 000 tn population for one efs nlber. This le ho Close they came to it in some tidings: Brockville 15,9e1, Cardwell 13,060, West Durham 13,106, Frontenao 12,00S,South Grouvilie 12.831, East Hustiugs 17, 7 72, Lennox 1.3,421, West Northumberland 13,055. Peel 13,687, West York 55.741. It is safe to say a fair distribution by county boundaries will show uo such discrepancies. Hawick -S, Vegan $.96.10, J. Scott ! A L L „ Menai int. Winghaawt, Ont. '77 20, W. A. Irwin $'67.95 J. Wilson $71 20, J W. E'lgt+r $112.75, J. Gibson $68.25; Morris -A.. W. Sloan (16d) $69 50 J. MoDorltild0 (1314,1) 04.75. G. H. rod $50.20, J Shortie $53 t0, W. Isbister (17d) $57 60.W, J Puff $6.50; rurubwrry --A. Y, $59.20 fent. Bailey (1(,:1)$54„ $6 .90: Highliberal club os. G. B.,..cort 4 Wv vibep ist VIVO , Tl'H la t J. S. i, v S i1 $36 tree I. refoma a r R made 90 �l # m # # Wingham—Will. C�auttett sesse•s an mend McKenzie 0:0.85, P. Deans $51,40, •W, felleceby W. E. Gladstone. W. Inglis $15.75:1 Wroxeter --W. M. Germany is to have a traveling ani- Robins= $33.43; total : 2,1e0.20. varsity t i br'ng postgraduate iustruetion SOUTH HURON- mimes,.Comwi*sioner, D. tmimes,. ciootors. Urquhart, $274 60; Bev field, N. W. This cathedral at Ultn, Wuratoniberg, Wends, $50.25. Hely, J Willis, $47.25: possesses the highest church spire in the S. P. MoMordie,$4() 35;S Rennie, $76.70; world. It is 533 eet iu height. J• Geiger, (11 d) $36 75; J. Uorriveeu, Whe 1 the rat :etcher of Hongkong $80 70; J. 'K Gvetz,40.3 80; Win. tMfceel- `vent at strike fora week, the cumber lister, (7 d) lee". Hensel', A. Murdock, I of rate kited MI'trout 1,166 the prev- (16 d) $t8. Hallett -T. M,Michael,$55.- ions wool; to 273 30; T. Moil u's, $00.20; P. Quigley, $;51, The business most iu evidence ill Snell, H M. J. $44; 'OJ '1 s,b 0 e r C,O; L. Hill, ,Ghent, Reignite, 1S that of the brewer- Snell, r w e Manure for the Family Garden. Most of our best grain soils are defi- citiut iu p flash, and therefore stable manure alone is not si;fi'icient. For the here the fuel the case on it. As much family garden the as is wood, as is nearly farms, are usually si as eight or niue tons May be put on an acre, and even ten tons will not be too much, though the latter amount viii contain more potash than any one crop will consume, and much. of the surplus may be lost by leaching;. Bat there shoulo really be no lose worth mention- ing if the ground is kept busy with one crop succeeding another, es should al- a aye be dune with gt!•rdens. As snou, for iustanee, as the embus are harsested sow cowpeas or some other beaus and harvest the same and plant another crop of onions. The same, ground niay be made to yield a crop of.ouious and a crop of peas or beaus every year by using freely stable manure and wood ashes. The ashes, however. should be used as a top dressing. -Farm at}td Ranch. • CURIOUS FACTS Insnranoe tt taint antoutobile acci- (loots call SOW 1#e lutd. Sitting Bn11'ti• sn11 bas gone to work fine a railroad ileSeuth Dakota. 1903. TOWN DIRECTORY, BAPTIST C1ITJ1tOli-•-Sabbath s''rviceteat 11 a in and 7 p ul, Sunday School at ;1:30 p ni. eenertil prayer meetings tert, A., 'Wednesday utor W J. Rev. thant Pat- terson., MsettoresT Omega -Sabbath services 5 tda , School at tit, 11 a in and 7 p in. , u# y '3:30 p ut. Epworth League every Mon- day evening. General prayer meeting on Wednesday eveeniugis. Rev. Richard Robbs, pastor. Dr. Towner, S. S. Sup- erintendentr, PRI:SBYTEB];AN CuuRO1I-Sabbath ser- vices at 11 a in and 7 • p nt. Sunday Solioul at 2:30 p ni. General prayer meeting ou Wednesday eveuings. Rev. D. Periie, pager and S S. Superinten- dent, P. S, Lihklnter ,tied L. Harold, assistant S. S. Sup•,rinteudeuts. By a vote of 103 to 48. the House of Commons passed a resolution on Wed- nesday of last week, prohibiting the sale or importation of cigarettes in Canada. Among those who spoke on the qut•stiou was Robt. Relines, M. P. for Wt st t. g , - Snell, $35 65; S. 0.x,,$16.45. eieKillnp, Ijos. In a popnlatiotitof less than 20,600 J. Evaus, $59.80; A. Dickson, $75.20; J. C. Morrison (21 d) $64.50; J.Gosv clock, I there are more thou 400 establishments, $70.10. Seaforth, C. "Nihon, $52 45; W. larg*e and small. .. D. IdcLean, $26.90; Jo Iiillorau, $32 80; Rept sentatives of 80.000 organized J. Watson;'b23 85; R. feLunlsden, $:12.85; barb -rs' have urged the New York .state Stanley, J.Mnt:lock,$411.00; A.McBenth,. legislature to pass th . bill introduced for 20; Mitchell, •'•62.40;J. M(:Diar- , a shite barber conuui siou and compel. mid, $36.70. Stanley, P. Douglas (16 (1) sory sanitation of 'ethers' shops and $54. Tuckersinith, Ii. Chesney, 60 15, implements. P. Mackay, $77.90; J. Shepherd, $76.85; J. McConnell, $74 30; total $2.090.41. The School Boy 4 the Cigarette. Dr. C. A. Cliutou, o the San Francis- co board of education, has made a special study of the effect of cigarette - smoking among the public school child ren of that city, and expresses himself in the following unmistakable language: "A gond deal has been said about the evils of cigarette -smoking, but one-half the truth has never been told. I have watched this thing for a long time, and I say calmly and deliberately that I be - WEST Hugoe-Cnmmissioner, J. L Grant $287.10: Ashfield -L. B. Augus- tine $;57.25.1. P. McPhee (19 (1) $63, 1L. I fifty-nine, literary leen sixty-five and McKenzie (16 d) $54, W T. P,ellow $53 40,1s ry u is generally sevouty-".oar. T. Sullivan .158.35, T.1>♦urd (117 cl) 53 50, 3. The number of daily newspapers Jamieson ( 16 4) $51 r: Cliutou-E. G. published in Germany has reached 1,- Courtico $40.10, D. Dlg kiuson $37.45. W. 420 Musing the present .year. Prussia Coats $49 40, N. Robson $41.70; Col- leads with 700. Bavaria. with 218, is borne -W. Hill $63, Hl F. Morris $55.45, the ouly one of the oth r kingdom of G. Young. $88.20, D. Ctinlming $(i5 95; principaliees in the empire which ex- Goderich township, el T. Sulkela 473, eeeds 160. G. H. Cox -$57, J, Toorancti $71 75, J. A hitherto uuknowu portrait of Mar- Wiggiugton, $40 90, Ja, W. Yeo, $09.95, W Marquis $43.05, J. M Brceketiridge $33.10; Godelich-J. H.,Edward '44:40, J. Knox $36.72, J. Alexander *'39.25. E. R. G. Watsou $37.75. G. A..7. Fraser $48,- 30. J. W. Craigia $30.75; Wawanosh, E. -R. B. McGowan $6820, M. Robert- son $63.10, W. G. Salter 473 35, Le. Clow $69.30; Wawanosh, W -T. McCann $58 - 50, A. C. Jackson $49.95, D. B. Murray .,"'62, J. H. Taylor $.55.10, W. A. Wilson (15 d) :i40.t0; total $4.298 56. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, Episc'o AIr-Sab- bath services at 11 atm and 7 p nl, Sun- day School at 2:80 pini. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev, Wm. Lowe, R. ctor: 11'. Shore and Ed. assistant S. S. Sup. rintendents. SALVATION Aaztlr Service at 7 end 11 a in and 3 and 8 p fu on Sunday, and d every evening during the 'week S 8 o'clock at the herblike, POST OFFICE -In Macdonald Block. Office hours from 8 a m to 6:30 p m. Peter Fisher, postmaster. Mon of greertet. e11joy extraordinary longevity. In 7,600 cases it has hero found the average age at which as- trenitenars. die ie seventy-four, artists ESTABLISHED 1872 WINfiHIA. TIMES IS rimi.iSHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING --AT--• The Times 011lee,- Beaver Block WING11AM, ONTARIO, Teems or SunsameeioN-•$J 01 pep annum in advance *1.50 if not so paid. No paper discon tinned till all arrears are paid, except at the option of the publisher. ADYEITis1NO RATES. - Legal and other casual advertisements 8c per Nun 1ariel lino for first insertion, 3t: per line for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements in local columns are charged 10 cts. per line for first insertion,. ,and 5 cents Per line for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements of Lost, Pound, Strayed, Farms for Sale or to Rent, and similar $1.00 for Srstinonth and 50 cents for each Subsequent month. Co;rri.1A0's. RATES -The following table allows our rates for the insertion of advertisements for specified periods:- SPACE. eriods:-SPACE. 1 rB. SMo. 8 Mo. 1 Are One Colman $00.00 $05.00 218.00 $6110 Half Column 85.00 18.00 10.00 4.00 Quarter Column 18.00 10.00 6.00 2.00 Advertiselneats without specific directions will be inserted till forbid and charged accord- ingly. Transient advertisementsmust be paid for in advance. Tun Jon DereeetrENT is stocked with an extensive assortment of all requisites for print- ing, affording facilities not equalled in the county for turning out first class work. Large type and appropriate outs for all styles of Post- ers, Hand Bills, etc., and the latest styles of choice fancy type for the finer classes of print ing, wuvTEx. IN c.Axa40� ALTOGETHER ENJOYABI,E SEASON ^` ED TO THE PROPERLY Qt -t7 t H now StrangersFrom the South Were , greewbl' f+urpriied During a Recent Visit to Toronto --Our Weatl►e icondi- tione, Winter said Summer, More ItR- JOyable Than What of An1'wltore Eisen qa the Continent, MEOUANICS' Int:TITUTE-Library and free rending room iu the Town Hall, will be open every afternoon from 2 to 5:30 o'clock andevery evening from 7 to 9:30 o'clock. Miss Millie Robertson, librarian, TowN Co1Nore-It. Vanstone, Mayor; A, Damage, Thos. Bell, Robt. Mc- Iudoo, J J. Elliott, W. F. VanStone, S. Bennett, Councillors; J, B. Fer- guson, Clerk and Treasurer; William Clegg, Assessor, Wm. Robertson, Col- lector. Board meets first Monday even- ing in each month at 8 o'clock. Enron. who said:- lieve cigarette -smoking; to be as bad a "There was uo quarrel with the adult )labii as opium -smoking. I nm talking cigarette smokers, but. nnfurtnuutely now of boys, remember. The effect for them, some times it was funnd nee- (upon grown men is of course, not so essary, in order to protea the S oung I Ma' gad. that the oder me:ti',ers of the c•ominneity I"A cigarette fiend will lie and steal, be restricted by legislation." By way 1just as a morphine fiend will lie and of dine teen l `p ke of the large i steal. Cigarette -smoking blunts the unmircr of els of OSvlto snore to b; seen i whole moral nature. It first stimulates of ou the streets fe:va smoking cigar- t an R 1 hen senpifies the nerves. It sends eats, and Mr. Hs re s reeottel opiUlOi.s !boys into consumption. It gives them of uted'cal mets as to the injury to the ; enlargement of the heart and sends them t; le resn'itiat • front the excess- ° g young peeple - to the Insane asylum. I am physician to ett atisorpt on of tai* otint fromc%�'ar- ; s ,vera' boys' schools and I am often call- Ettes." The reselation was horded the ! ed in to pprescribe for palpitation of the follows:-* Ti at this house is pf theheart. In nine cases one of ten it is caused by the cigarette habit. I have tiling throws out these hints: - One bargain will not make a sueeess- ful store, and one advertisement will not convince all the people. Every store has its specialty and every ii the tenth, that overt' physician and merchant must have' something that nearly everyteacher makes his place distinctive. Since Friday the price cif cement bus opinion, for the reasons set forth, that c the right and moss effectual IegislatiS e seen bright boys turned into dunces and remedy for tie evil of cigarette smoking a straight -forward honest boys made into is to be found in the enactment and en miserable cowards by cigarette smoking. forcemeat of a law prohibiting the tin, I am not exaggerating. I ala speaking ettesion, manufacture , 1 ettes." q knows tin Lather, painted by Lucas 0ranagh, Pupils prepared for Conservatory examine the celebrated artist, and burgomaster, 1 tions. of .Wittenberg, has been uncovered iu the town church of Wittenberg. It is pronounced to be the best , portrait of Martin Lather in existence. SCHOOL BOARD. -J. J. Homuth. (chair- man), Thos. Abraham,R. A,Douelns, H. Kerr, Win. Moore, A. E. Lloyd Win. Button, '0. N. Griffin,. Secretary, Win. Robertson; Treasurer, 3'. B. Ferguson. Meetings second Tnesclay evening in each month. Prone SCHOOL TEACHERS. -A. H. Musgrove, Principal, Miss Brnr•lr, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Cnrnyn, Miss McLean, Miss Matheson Miss Reid, and Miss Cummings. BOARn OF HEALTTt--Mayor Vanstone, (chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg- ory, Dr. Agnew. .T B. Ferguson, Sec- retary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical Health Officer MISS DELIA` SPARLING H. B. ELLIOTT, Proprietor and Publisher P KENNEDY, M. D.. M. C. P. S. O el • Member of the British Medical Associa- tion. Gold Medallist in Medicine. Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Child —to 9 . m. •s lto4m.:? ren. Office hoot p.P e A. T. 0. M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher Music Method, Simplex dud Kindergarten. Origin of the National Anthem. "God Save the Kin " was origivally• an oid Stuart song ofeuukuowu author- ship. How it came to) be adopted as the National Anthem is told iu au article iu the April nnmder ot; Ctivadian Good Housekeepiug. Other features of this unniber are "Recreation fur Business Men," "Window Gardens," "Household Economy," "Tlie Higher Life," aucl a great variety of useful information for practical house keepers. This magazine, which is published by Domintou Pnelps, Toronto, is now recognized as the staud- ard wotnan's tnagaziue of Uauada. It is handsomely prtuted and well illustrated. Advertising Pointers. One who thoroughly believes iu adver- aid. sate of cigar- . VIOLIN ig tr- An Aching' I }ick Is the first iudictttiuu of kidney disease, and should be taken es a iigual of dauger -a warning to use Dr. Chase's Kidney - Liver Pills while yet 'there is tine to and certain fa - ease. There is 'imputing when t. It brings re- t time, and be - avoid the dreadful pain talky of this terrible d' no guess work, uo exp r• ' tin yOn ase this prt:aC 1p ;iet in a remarkable sho cause of its combined ac ion ou liver and kidneys, cures compiles ere cases which cannot be reached by any. ordivary treat- ment. A small misunderstanding of a state - advanced from six to ten cents per . i tient will harm a business establishment. barrel, and is now selling at $2.:,5, cont. ° Don't Spit on the Sidewalks. I It is well to be plain as well as honest. pared with ¢{1.80 a year at»o• Cement The following from the Uxbridge 1 A. confused expression gives people the men state this price will lie further in-! Tittles is applicable, to Wingham: 1 iuipression that goods are so bad as to creased by 20 percent. during the 'text make it necessary to Cover their defects. fortnight. The aidewa •emeut in a . The gutter is close alongside the side- i me much interest to sidewalk coutractore walk and it is large enough to carry off i When you have a thing to sat* talk as and the public. gineially. ; all the tobacco juice that can be squirted l loud as desirable, but don't substitute - into it. Those who have a contract the loud voice for the convincing nrgu- - y T to supply oceans of tobacco spit should i tnent. Was Pale, Weak VIOLIN A%1 GUITAR DM MACDONALD, Centre Street Wingham, MISS CARRIE MOORE of London Conservatory of Music will he pre- pared' after Ont. 1st to receive a limited num- ber of pupils for instruction on Violin and Guitar. Residence --Stone block, over W. G. Patter - son's jewelry store, W bighorn. Not too long, and not too cold, the Canadian winter is, to everyone who can afford an overcoat, an al- together enjoyable season.. The 'idea has somehow been spread ab oa that Canada is a land of perennial cold, and l{ipling's unfortunate phrase, "Our Lady of the Snows," has done considerable to foster this mistaken nation. Until recently the people of England have looked upon Canada as the northern Siberia of the British Empire, and, in no way has Britain's best colony been more misrepresented than in regard to her climate, • says The 1'oronto Globe. Even in -the United States there is a remarkable ignorance concerning the conditions of weather this side t of the line. In the late winter of - last year a large convention was held in Toronto, attended by dele- gates from all over America, scores of whom came loaded down with extra clothing and bundles of heavy wraps. When they reached Toronto they were surprised to find that even a light overcoat was hardly neces- sary. All these misconceptions are the more surprising, because a giant e at the map will at once show the facts concerning Canada's geographical situation. Toronto, Montreal, Ot- tawa, t tawa, Quebec, St. John and Halifax lie in a bolt corresponding exactly to France, Italy and Turkey. Lon- don and Liverpool are in the same latitude as Labrador, some seven or eight degrees farther north than the Canadian centres. And yet the idea seems to have obtained that Canada is altogether "northland." In comparison with our American neighbors, we have a double -advan- tage. Parts of Canada are in the same latitude as the New England States, but even those parts which are farther north are less liable to climatic extremes. Central Ontario seldom has as severe winters as New York. and, on the other hand, our summers are much better tempered. Toronto and Montreal aro never held. in the grasp of winter fury as the American metropolis frequently is, nor in any Canadian city have we the other extreme of paralyzing heat so intense as in Boston or PhiIs- delphia. In the west, Manitoba and the adjacent territories, though farther north than Minnesota and Dakota, have milder winters, fewer blizzards, and a more even temper - Ontario. DR. AGNEW, Physician, Surgeon, etc. Office -Macdonald Block, over J. E. Davis' Drug Store. Night calls answered at the office. T. CHISHOLM, J. S. CHISHOLM M.O., M.D., C.M.,M C.P.S.o. aro, MD,MIT.,MOIPS 0. • PIANO AND THEORY. MISS SARA LOUISE MOORE. L.C.M. andi member of the Associated Musicians of Ontario, is prepared to receive a limiters num- ber of pupils for ivatructi:ln on Piano and in Theory. Special attention gi�en to pupils preparing for examinations. Residence -Stone bltmk, over W. G. Patter - son's jewelry store, Wingham. "From. the State of Norlhle ikota alone, felly 50 010 pe iple will this year cross the border into Canada and take up laud in the , .ssitnboia distrat was the au uouucemeut made by itbijer Edwards, of North. Dakota., ou histprrival to take up his deities of United 4tates consul." Talk about old soldiers marrying young girls! Rey. R. A. t1ting, aged 99 and Mise Georgia Loug, ;aged 19, were married the other day at tie home of the bride's parents in Lee County, Texas. The groom is the only survivor of the battle of S to Jacinto, whieh gave Teals its indepeudence. The pretty bride said she first suet him last April when he was holding church service nejar her home It was a case of mat tal love at first sight, Laud lie is the first and only man she ever loved. Site ie his third wife, and every tune he htas married a young girl. 1 ba able to raise power enough to squirt . It takes constant pomading to get the it over the edge of the walk, and thns ear of the people and to get great nuns- Ve - Nervous avoid spoiling ladies' drmseis and the berg of thein to see the ativautages of A�� spread of disease 1+1'o lady would be se goods offered. ill and St., ` e reless or so filthy in her habits as tO The man who says One thing persist- 1VIohn, N.B., Hatfield,r' H y watts. 'For three years entail the danger of polluting ever/ ently will convince people that he is St. ohm, N.B., t• I was a sufferer from extreme nervousness man's clothing as he passe§ along; Our: authority on the subject. To have a re• and female weakness. I was pale and walks mer should any properly consti-; potation for giving values and low re- ' and would sonic• + weals, had no appe t e times faint two or three times a day. I - tuted man speed his time iutlelgiug in underwent a very painful operation and • a habit Which ceases him to spew the for tieven weeks was under the doctor's tvsslks all over with dangerous liquid. torte but he seemed unable to help Despairing f recovery, Y took the an. fact will be severely punished by law, sloe of a friend who told me that Dr. Chase's Nerve'rood would build the up Ian for nine out of every ten people openly*cif well ain. 1 condetnn spitting in either public or owl triage me Strang a a8t oittbiue Phis treatutent, using: in sails :private places. At this time of the year sixteen bones. and believe that I am 1 it is especisllq itnptlYtant. tis scitroel +strongandwell as ever• ir( my life. As a ''resalt I _ cannot sar toe much fot Dr. } ttecesstry' for us to point Out the dangers Chase's Nerve rood. Tht< testi1als I front this practice, nor dowe feel coin• ser for it are not hallt it R potent tar do ee. That ft 111 a illthr habit rltnaneo .r d rBatabCo. Tdt nto.letto box of i should be enough, but for wilser mien Edi• 1lG Co., TOrotlto. t d everytito g inuine grill be found portraait tend 1 than tray of its in this comtnumit,rare me.The time is rapidly coming when such o. r,rwrir a' i>'r, .11. W. Choc t c'imstantlV warning people of this point. Dr. Chase's. I Tit tiotne Citiefillnitt'irede of 63igtnff may be prices is the reputatipn the morel/an,• wants to establish. 11 With all the advanfages of buying, business tsnght to be as grad as it ever was before. With all the advautages of truth telling advertising every merchant ought to be able to see the possibility of betterment, ,: tin."t piton the lire." It has Nerve Food a goodeffect, rid a law eo to titek he it t ivLittlQ go far to ��! the pett�ti of the ttt- i A n Oleitinnto Caste of Eczema Mr. W. D. Johnson,111i1 ouhurg, Ont.. writes that hie tether was entirely etirp4 of a lots standing and bbstinete rase of K t w t)iut- zem a b the nett ef Chase's ILC y I meet. ILA leg and font were a.lnaes of cores thea refused to hard ttnd he angered I terribly from the itching and stinging. ThoouRh he used a great! many remedies and was treated by firetteltues doctors no permanent relief eras obtained until he uncoil Dr. °hat's Ohlitusent. Silver Gifts. and handsotn y p illus- trated ca aCog , est 'WB have lust issued a new elY illus- t ue a coy of which will be mailed to any address on request. Whilst it 111n'tretes bat a small portion of our stack of, Fine lewelty, each detartmeat of out business is represented by carefully selcoted 'articles. Our stock of Sterling Silver for this sea`tOil is ofspecial merit. In it there are in. numerable gift pieces, trlod• crate in price, artistic itc design, and embodyingttatw fulness and durability, " .. Jrte Bros,, Jewelers► Tongs end Adelelee Strictly Toronto. DRS. CHISHOLM & CHISHOLM PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS, ETo. Orrin -Chisholm Block, Josephine street. REstmacce-In rear of block, on Patrick St., where night calls will be answered. FARMERS R•VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate of interest. No commission charged. crt• gages, town and farm nropertrF bought and ao1d. Office, Beaver Block. Wingham. J A. MORTON, • BARRISTER, &c. Wingham, Ont. and anyone having live stock or other articles they wish to dispose of, should adver tise the swine for sale in the TIMES. Our large circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if you do not eta a customer. We can't guarantee that you will sell because you may ask more ti for the article •r stock than it is worth. Send your advertisement to the TOMS and try this LE:I. BELLY, Winghhim, Ont. ;Ilan of disposing of your stock and other LICENSED AUCTIONEER articles. E, L. DICKINSON DUDLEY R . DICKINSON & HOLMES OT.MES ature, with freedom in summer from BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc. MONEY TO LOAN. Oei'IoE: Meyer Block, Wingham. AR1.B.Utt J. IRWIN, D. D. B., L. D. S. boot or of Del *al Surgery of the Pennsylvania Dental College and Licentiate of the Privet Collette of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Office over Post Office, Wingham. Tee' T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., v r • L.D.S. 't u✓ New metturi for nainless ex- traction. No finc'aine. Special attention to the care and regulation of children's teeth. Moderate nrices. and all work (1:wefnlly arc' skilfully performed. Office in Beaver Block, Wingham. JOHN RITOHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, Wingham. Ont. WANTED-FAITHFUUL. PERSON TO TRAV- el for well eetabtished hoose in a few counties calling, on retail ni'rehants and agents. Local territory. Salary $1024 a year and expenses, payable 519.70 a week in Cash and expenses ad - vaned. Position permanent. Business suc- cessful and ru.'+hing. Standard House, 334 Dearborn sc., Chicago. JOB PRINTING including Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill. styofCthe art,' at "'male executed ces, in land on styleshrt notice. BOOEBINDrNO.-We are pleased to announce that any Books or Magazines left with us for Binding, will have oar ,, prompt attention Prices for Binding in any style will be given of application to THE TIMES O Wingham. E10 Y E 1015" ftXPEitIFWCE { TawAalt WIAP.KE DesioNS CCPYRiGMT3 &LC. AnSntte smiling a stcetch and description may irwentlnn 1 pmb 119 Pntettnlin. ceremonial tiondstrictly cnntidentlal, IIandnook00Patent" sent fret. 0111kst agency for touring patents. Patents taken through Munn it• Co. recital special notice, fOtfilout chnrgt, lathe Cienlific Briericats. + nd weekly. I,nreeet Mr A l titre t o t.h1^t ei y cear:on cf nein the, $L. ire inurnai Town it t. nor: `sur menthe, fit~ Pa,td bFt,:1 nawadenlris. URN & to.gottt,adxitv' New 'ark trr:mrh(II0e 1915 C 1.1t,,'ttn,:r".n.11 C. For the enmity of Huron. Sales of all lards enn,htcted at reasonable rates. ilyders left et the Tntss office will recrlve prompt attention. devastating cyclones. A northerly situation does not necessarily mean severe weather; in Ontario, for. in- stance, the cold is less intense in Lhe I3.udson Bay country than on the north shore of Lake Superior. Canada's climate my be snmmedl up very generally nS a temperate cli- mate. Neither so cold as to make spontaneous enterprise impossible.• nor so warm as to have an enervate - It influence, it is just strep a cli- mate as encourages a vigorOrs type of manhood and makes the work both of brain and hand a force that tells is a glorious season, the Cana- dian winter. We deny and resent the imputation that IVO have winter all or most of the time, but we are ;mini] of it when we do have it. It gives us the sharp, keen delight of - out -door life that no southern clime can rival; it gives us the best of sports; and it gives us scenery of st.riking beauty, fantastic form and deliciot's purity. Our winter sports are national. A snowshoe jaunt, foe exalnitle-with the air as still as death, and acres of white l:ehind and l;eloie. A tramp ore snowshoes un- cle! such conditions, to the merry time of laugh and song, is something worth the while. posy cheeks and sparkling eyes, and tingling blood are the physical rosette -splendidly inflated Kings, and sweeping circa-• lation, and glorious sleep after- wards. Of skating and toboggan- ing, and even of sleigh -driving, quite as much may be said. We get some fun out of the winter in Canada. For natural beauty there are few thines to compare with such a sight as that on a recent January morn- ing, only a few weeks ago, when folds and bik,hes and trees were weighted down with newly -fallen ''beautiful." Fairyland pictures, such as frosty winter mornings some- times i:r•ing us, lust but an hour or so, but every Canadian has seen them, and knows that they rival, in dead white, the richest colors of autumn. An excellent description of one of thoi-'c rare sights is given in The Comber Herald: "The snow gently sifted clown MIEN night last week, and covered each limb and twig of every true, pro- ducing. for the next inornit:g such an effect ns tt person may see but once or twice in a lifetime. It was im- possible for anyone to refrain from speaking of the beautiful snow that morning. The early riser came) forth from his home into a world that seethed like a fairyland. Not a breath of air stirred during the night to disturb the inch of snow that lay on every branch and twig. The thin wire across the street bore its weight of snow and looked ]tke a great cable. The sparrow flew from tree to tree, and the tiny bird seemed to have a strength out of all proportion to its Size, as it stirred a branch in a tree -top and sent anotia down, which, disturbing more fns it fell, multiplied as it deseended, eaua- ing tfoniething like an avalanche et. the bottom. To Zook up a 'tree -linea street that morning gave a view that was magnificent and stirred sentl went in the dullest. The red hrirtt fetoree glowed through the white trees, 'Then the wind stirred itself. and thre* off . the snow, a. vandal Current of air touched it off t]'a trees. There was a picture that. mnrnine." 1,\TA. OURRIE, Wingham, Ont. . LICENSED AUCTIONEER. - Auction sales of all kinds will reeeiveprnnn ' attention. Teems renaonable. All orders 1,4t at the TIMES office will receive prompt atten- tion. •' JAS. HENDERSON, Wingham, Ont. LIC);'NSED AUCTIONEER For the Counties of Huron and Bruce. Sales of Farm Stock and Imblements n specialty. All orders left at the TIMES office promptly attended to. Terms reasonable. F S. SCOTT, Brussels, one LIC; NSED AUCTIONEER Le prepared to eon'lnet wiled in this section. Special attention given to sales of farm►stook and imnit'ments. Dates and orders eon always be arranged at t11n TIMES office. Wingham. -RAILW RAILWAY TIME TABLES. UAgr) TRt7N7t WAY 141114TEr1t. TRAM t.' .Wit FOtt ' tendon .... 6.50 6:01...... 41.1O0.m. Toronto & Esst ..Oa.m 6.113 a.m.... 3.01p.rn, irleardiue..1l.l.e a.m1.40 tern ... 8.38p.m. Anttivn mom l'tineardino -.6.50 San9.O S .ln . 31.05 p.m. Lecithin at1.m..., 7.65 p.m. T 11.10 a.m. � oronto tori Toronto & East 1.40 p.m.. p:Rt; pm. L. HAEOLD, Agent, W inghani. Al/AD/Alt PACllrle TtAILWAY. .eaAtss t r.Avs iron Ito and BMt .,. 6.51 f.)n.... 8.43 p.nt. 1.17 p .m..10.4a p n .itei.Na.n..m.aunts tenon oroutoanlB117 rr.l6.41pY ,f. eeleXtR.;lleent, Wingthen, There is a noted difference in the style and fit of Pants we make that always brings peo ple back for another pair. Then there is the low price and better quality of cloth put q � y in them ---cloth that wears See our new :golds and prices, WEBST ER 8E CO.