HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-04-09, Page 1e
VOL. XXXIL--NO, 1626.
What is •
the Good
of buying cheap if you are
dissatisfied with the pur-
chase in a ahort time-?
True economy is exercised
in buying a thing that
pleases, you till it is worn
out. Our
Are of this character—
one suit makes a regular
customer of the buyer.
Then there is the guaran-
tee of everything up to
date and everything first
class, Suits from $io.00
to $4o.00. Made to fit
you in every particular.
In Hats we have the very
newest American Styles
at prices from 5oc to $3.00
We have special prices in
that line, which will pay
you to see before going
All the latest designs.
Prices 25c to 50c.
.. pleasure to show goods.
llomutli Bros.
Sign of. the Big Bear.
Issued by FRANK PATERSON, No. 28 Victoria
street. Wingham. Ont. No witnessesrequired.
Capital paid up, $2,940,000
Reserve Fund and
Undivided profifs $3,260,000
Farmers' Notes discounted.
Drafts sold on all points in Canada,
the United States and Europe.
allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards,
and added to principal 30th June and 31st
December each year.
A. E. GIBSON, Manager.
t3. Vanstone, Solicitor.
Salis and Peppers
Assorted, new designs.
Prices per pair, 15c,20c, 25c.
Come early and
get your elicit:et.
R, A. Hutchison
Prompt Delivery, - Phone 59.
Who Wants a Farm ?
I have over 4,000 acres of choic7 farm lands
for sale, in 50, 35, 100, 150 and 200 acres, lots in
Kinloss, Greenock, Bruce, Kincardine Huron
and Ashfield Townships. Good lams with
good buildings to bo sold cheap on easy terms.
Also a good sawmill for sale, almost for a song.
Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in con-
nection) doing a good business, for sale cheap.
A hotel doing good business for sale cheap.
Also a wagonshop. A general store with large
trade, live village. Also a large amount of
money to loan at 5 per cent. For further par-
ticulars apply to
Insurance Arent, 1'Iolvrood.
Do you want to buv a house in town? If so,
call and see "what 1 have to offer you. Good
value for your money, and a large list to choose
from. Now is the tine to buy that farmyou
are wanting. You can buy cheaper now than
you could a month ago. Call ono. get prices.
Real Estate Agent.
Office•, Leopold St., Wingham.
Capital paid up, $2,000,000.00.
Reserve Fund, $1,600,000.00.
President -Joust STttAier.
Vice -.President -A. (i. l2AMSY,
flat oTorts
John Proctor, Geo. Roach Wm, Gibson, M.P.
A. T. Wood, M.P., A. B. Lce (Toronto).
General Manager -j'. TUIINBnJLT..
tsavin 8 Bank -hours 10 to 8; 8atnrday, ID
to 1. Dent o. sits of $5 and upwards received. In-
terest allowed, and computed on the 80th No -
Itemiser and Siet May each year and added to
stepee it De lits also received at current
Drafts on Great Britain and the Linited
States Bought and hold.
Tra'Vellers aro notified that the name of Mt'n-
lar Bates
i (linen of
ranoheb bene
tits', and its B
National Provincial Bank of 1Cn land, Limited,
which can be cashed watboat charge or trop.
We iu alar part of the world.
CII. O01311OtTL1), Agent
t,, 15It)ICLl11rsON. flolhett•or.
See Halsey Park's advertisement.
Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran-
teed to cure headache,
Change in
The Postoffice D
that on and after
postage on third
seeds, cuttings, b
plants, scions an
cent for each tw
thereof and on fol
cent for •each oun
Postal Rates.
part ment announced
iaturday the rate of
lass matter, except
>lbs, roots, bedding
grafts, will be one
ounces or fraction
rth-class matter one
or fraction thereof.
To RENT -Room i suitable for dwelling,
in Ritchie block. Apply to D. Stewart.
MONEY TO LOAN at 431 per cent. on
easy terms of repayment. Apply to A.
Dulmage, Kent Block, Wingham.
Baptist CI
The financial re;
Baptist church for
31st was printed a
week. From the
the total income fo
which was divider
account, $730.13;
Sunday school,
Society, $70.75;
relief fund, $1.99
urch Report.
ort of the Wingham
he year ending March
the Timms office this
report we learn that
the year was $1214.38
as follows: -General
repair fund, $296.50;
$82.17; Ladies Aid
ission Circle, $22.89;
Mission Baud, :3,95.
choice building lots, corner Frances and
Patrick streets. Will be sold separately
or en bloc. Apply to H. O. BELL.
• Enters HisI44th Year
Mr. W. R. Da s, brother of our
townsman, Mr. H. avis, has entered on
his 44th year as pro 'ietor of the Mitchell
Advocate. This i a long time to be
connected with a newspaper and Mr.
Davis has seeu Mit ell grow from a tiny
village to a prosper us town. May Mr.
Davis be long s ared to guide the
Mitchell Advocate is the best wish of
the TRIES.
MONEY TO LOAN. ---Money to loan on
notes; and notes discounted at reason-
able on mort-
rates. Money adva ce
gages, with privilege of paying at the
end of any year. Notes and accounts
collected. Office ---Beaver Block, Wing-
ham doter. Maximo.
A meeting of t
Commissioners ve
week. The next
Clinton o"n Thars
applications for li
be consibered.
asked for last y
shop. This year
New applicants at
charge of the Btu
ltd; S. Pike„ Olin
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers.
Stndents' Et
The Grand Trunk
dents and teachers o
leges, on surrender o
eate, signed by th
tickets at Single Fat
going April 4th to 11l
returning until April
particulars in aunt
paper, or at any Tic
License Board
Huron Lice
s held at Clinton last
aeeting will be held at
ay, April 16th, when
ewes for 1903.04 will
re number of liconSes
Was 29 tavern and 2
e number is 31 and 2.
Alex. Orr, who takes
ot1 M
sok house a
, and N. G. Aga,;
ter Rates.
ill issue to stu-
schools and col -
standard certifi-
Principal, return
and One Third,
1, inclusive. Vaiid
21st,1903, Further
iter column of this
et Office.
Servant girl wanted. Highest wages
paid, .Apply at Brunswick House.
WANTED -A ton of butter weekly.
Eggs 13c. Timothy, clover and Waverly
oats for sale. Geo. E. KING,
Vital St
The vital statistic
which are now res
shows some iutei
Completed returns f
061 births through
marriages and 26,60
decrease of 66 births
although the record
828 marriages. Tl
deaths more than it
seem to prove that
is falling off.
for the Province,
y for publication,
ting comparisons.
r 1901 indioate 46,-
nt Ontario, 18,932
deaths. This is a
omitared with 1900,
show an increase of
ere were also 114
1800, which would
he natural increase
Seed peas, without bugs, at T.A. Mills'.
Private funds to loan at lowest rate of
interest. Apply to H. DAVIS
Wingham ennis Club.
At a well attend d meeting in the
council chamber on Thursday evening
last, the Wingham 'ennis Club was re-
organized. Tha fol owing officers were
elected :-Honorary resident, W. Cor-
bould; Honorary V e President, Thos.
Bell; President, H. . Holmes; 1st Vice
President, Miss M, acdonald; 2nd Vice
President. B. S. W ker; Secretary, J.
B. Doyle; Treasure , Miss N. Dinsley;
Grounds Committe M. Homuth, R. S.
Knox and C. A. C mpbe]l. The ohib
starts out with a' g d membership and
a good season's Wort is expected.
CRAYON PORTRAIT. -Life size, for
$2.00, at Armstrong & Co's studio.
Fon SALE. -A nu ber of cisterns and
water tanks. Will be sold cheap.
With the N
The Goderich Si
last week with only
pages and we and
maining pages are t
few weeks and then
will be printed at th
This will be as it sh
discarded its patent
fifteen years ago.
to the all home p
papers in the count
all printed in the
Seaforth Expositor
and News -Record,
Wingham Times.
al came to hand
two patent inside
stand the two re -
be discarded in a
he complete page^
office in Goderich.
Id be. The TIMES
aside pages nearly
he Signal's return
int will make five
of Huron that are
ome office, viz:-
Clinton New Era
oderich Signal and
WANTED. -TWO s. ad industrious
men. WESTERN F. `DR ' O. LTD.
FOR SALE -Three bugg s. One new,
also two cutters, on ne' ly new, Robes,
Harness,etc. Appl • t. LYME MAGUIRE,
eal Estate Agent
Nature nd Loyalty.
The Education epartment has issued
a circular to sch of inspectors, asking
that Arbor Day a 1 Empire Day be prop-
erly observed it every school. This
year the former Its on Friday, May 1,
and the latter on Friday, May 22. Mr.
Harcourt remark : "Let Arbor Day be a
bright, joyous 1 oliday devoted to the
pleasure of m king beautiful what
should be beau ful, and developing in
the young min a keen appreciation of
nature. Let B pire Day be also a day
which will foSt a healthy national pa-
triotism and a en all the pleasurable
emotions which the Iove of our eotintry
and empire sho d inspire."
Mill ends of prints just received at
Isard's; 12ge quality for 100--10o qual-
ity for 8e; every end a Bargain.
The annual mei
Bowling Club w
Chamber on Thu
:was well attende
(tented from the
officers elected w,
Gibson; Vice Pre
ftbove officers wil'.
Committee. The
ing promises a su
year. The mem1
pinked at $2.50. a'
firie'la cn ancl'iml
'made at once that
the best lawns in
sport should be
this year.
Easter Holiday
The Grand Trunk wi
trip tickets between all si
da, at Single First -Class
ing Thursday, April Std
April 13th, inclusive, an
turn until Tuesday, A
Splendid trains and per
sure a comfortable trip.
1 issue round
tions'iu. Cana -
are; good go -
to Moeda),
valid for re -
i1 14th, 1903.
get roadbed in -
See Isard's New spring clothing, large
assortment, easy prices.
Dwelling and office to rent in the Mc-
Kenzie block. Apply to A. J. Ise VIN.
Killed at L
John E. Creery, for
On the London reigh
was well-known iu W'
in the Grand Trunk y
Wedi.esday night of
banging on the beak
oar being given a r
his toot caught in
effort to extricate h
the tracks,and one
the neck in such a
The man's neck on
to have stopped
scarcely moving.
brakesman, relievi
time. He leaves a
erly brakeman
train, and who
gham, wasktlled
rds,at London on
aSt week. He was
shoe in front of a
Aug shunt, when
the shoe, In the
resell, he fell across
heel caught him by
ay he was strangled.
he track is supposed
le car, which was
reery was a regnlar
in the yard at the
ido d family.
Try Buckley'- ' your Easter confec-
tionery, fruits, • c.
I have exceptional good
property. Cali and see,
offer you. Some b• r-
yv lue in town
hat I have to
al Estate Agent.
The price of
the Fanners' S
to -day than it
iu the last tw
New Zealand
at 14 11-14s.
is due tothe
will doubtless
factories all ov
fodder cheese,
y and doubt, asp
It is not at all
same average p
son as we hail 1
the Old Countr
year ago, and th
taiu to make it
price, not only
price of other Ca
owling Club.
ting of the Wingham
s held in the Council
sday evening last and
. Reports were pre -
various officers. The
e: -••President, A. E.
ident, Dr. A.S. Irwin;
r, H. .Ieftery. The
also be the executive
nterest shown in bowl -
cessfu season for this
rship fee has been
hb Cinb has a Very
vements aro to be
should a 1 one of
u k
ester n Ontario. This
ry popular in Wing -
n Twenty Years.
Canadian cheese, notes
n, is higher in England
s been at any other time
y years, namely, 15s.
a close second, selling
lis high price, of course,
xceptional scarcity. It
ve the effect of starting
r tjle ,.co%u.vtry, making
d the result will be, be-
etly bartaltl.X1i thgmarket.
kely pain upset the
ce for cheese this sea-
t. . Times aro duller in
now than they were a
s dullness is almost cer-
inflnence felt in the
of cheese, but in the
adian products as well.
East .r Concert.
A most successful and enjoyable affair
was the Easter . oncert given by the Jun-
ior Epworth ague in the Methodist
church on Tnes ay evening. A lengthy
and varied pro, ammo of vocal and in-
strumental mu c, recitations, choruses,
etc., was given ,y the juniors, the selec-
tions being apopriate for the Easter
season. Those who took part not only
did credit to t emselyes, but gave evi-
dence of caref and painstaking train-
ing on the pa of the superintendent,
Miss Hattie Re d, who had the work of
getting up the entertainment in hand.
Rev. Mr. Hob s, the pastor, performed
the duties of airman. As a financial
resalt of the e ening's entertainment the
treasury of th Junior League will be
enriched by o er $25.00.
Seed peas, without bugs, at T. A. Mills'.
$1,000 rewai'j
widow of the 1a
information tha
tion and convict
sons who wayla
late Selwyn J.
Feb. 3rd, 1903.
will be paid by the
e Selwyn J. Smith, for
will lead to the detec-
ion of the person or per -
d and robbed the said
smith ou the evening of
It will pay yon to use. None but the
best drugs are used, and as it is made
on the premises we know there is
nothing Injnrious in it.
Over 2 lbs in 25c paGkaAe.
5 packages for $1.00.
Try it and be convinced of its value.
Manufactured and sold by
Dru 1st and Optician
*ext to Post Olilco.
'We carry a full line of Dr. Shoop's
Aunty Medioines.
For Window Shades go to Ball Bros.
Card of T
Mrs. S. J. Smith be.
dependent Order of
prompt settlement o:
late husband; also the
H, Buchanan, for hi
matter. She wishes
gratitude to the mens
ham, No. 005.
s to thank the In-
• oresters for the
the claim of her
organizer r. P.
kindness the
1so to expres her
rs of Court Wing -
WANTED -- Nurse
Apply at Dr. Macdonal
'WANTED -Two sma
upholstering. Apply a
upholstering factory,
maid, , once.
t ys to learn
alker & Clegg's
Easter Hol day Rates
The Canadian P ciflc Railway will
issue round tiip okets between all
stations in Canada, . t Single First -Class
Fare; good gting hursday, April 9th,
to Monday, April 13th, inclusive, and
valid for return util Tuesday, April
14th, 1903. Get 11 particulars from
advt. in auother c lump or from J. H
Beemer, local ages
J. Buckley has a . and delivery
waggon he will sell reap.
NOTICE. -All accounts owing my bro-
ther, the late T. J. Maguire, must be
settled by April 15th.
CLY'tiE MAGUIICE, Real Estate Agent,
New R sidents,
Mr, W. T. A. Fi, leigh, who recently
purchased the Smi and Pethick hard-
ware stock has tak n up his residence in
town and is now f fly prepared to fill
the wants of the p blic in his different
lines. The Timm s pleased to welcome
Mr. and Mrs. Fis eigh as residents of
Wingham and we trust he may meet
with success in hi business. Rea his
advt. in another c lumn of this i rte.
WANTED. -Good st Ong -boy_ to learn,
Steel Ranee making t>d6.'
Fon SALE -For one only, a very
Di -
comfortable dwe in and lot ou Di-
agonal road, ne• ' e Union Factory.
Price very reasonable. Apply to
CLYME MAGUIRE, Real Estate Agent.
Rev. J. J. Patte
Rev. J. J. Patter
the Wingham Baps
cently received a u
Baptist church in
accept the call a
family to Buffalo i
has been in Wingh
has made many fri
will be pleased to
ment, are sorry to
son Accepts Call.
on, B. A., pastor cf
st church, who re-
annnous call from a
uffalo has decided to
will move with his
May. Mr. Patterson
m for some time and
nds, who, while they
ear of his advance-
s him leaving ' mg -
We are giving awa,; a .old watch in
connection with our .. • : sale.
3. BUCKLEY, "- i r" Restaurant.
1)r. Butler, specialist in the diseases
of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes
tested and glasses supplied. Office op-
posite St, Andrew's church, London,
Grand Or nge Lodge.
The Grand Ora ge Lodge.of British
America, the sups a governing body of
the Orange Order 'n this Dominion, has
been called to mee in Winnipeg, on June
10th, and the rai way companies have
promised single area from all parts of
Canada for the ro nd trip. The original
date for the meet g was the last Tues-
day in May, but hat was considered in-
convenient for ny of those desirous of
CEMENT --Car of 1)urha
cement just
arrived. Parties wh• intend using
cement soon will . o e wise act if they
buy it now, as - ent will likely ad-
vauce in price before long. We are also
agents for Hanover cement.
,;;;,;® A. YOUNG & SON.
Dr. Ovens, of London, Surgeon, Ocu-
list and Specialist, Eye, Ear, Nose and
Throat, will be at Wingham,on Monday,
March 80th; Monday,May 4th; Monday,
June 1st; Monday, Jane 29th. Glasses
properly fitted. Office at Campbell's
drug store, Wingham.
M.r. James W. A
Deloratne, Man, au
youngest daughter
of town were marrl
Rev. 1). Perlis. M
left on the afterno
and on their return
residence on Fran
hour, formerly of
Miss Maudalaine,
Mrs, Wm. Tucker,
d on Wednesday by
and Mrs. Armour
train for Toronto'
will take up ieir
es street.
GIRL WANTED -T d. _eneral house
work. Apply to IV - 3. A. Morton,
Shuter St.
Death of R
After a short i
spected resident
away oa Saturday
Robert Aikens, age
was taken ill a sho
nrnoura and the d
hold on him and
above stated. D.
resident of Wingh
and had followed t
He leaves a wife
of sons and daught
sympathy of the
affliction. The
the Wingha
Let us t,ave Music
We understand hat an effort is being
made to re-orga ze the brass band in
Wingluuu. The des is a good one, and
it is hoped the e one of those who are
making the ende vor may be successful.
There is plenty f talent in Wingham
for the formatio of a band, and the
advantages of a musical institution of
this kind are any. The town has
already a num er of good instruments
and we believe e council would make
no mistake in gi ing reasonable aid pro.
yiding the ba d were re -organized.
Mayor Vanston has been requested to
call a meeting discuses the question of
organizing a ba d andhe has requested
us to annoiinee hat a meeting for this
held in the Council
iday evening: next at 8
rested pa>;ties should be
p se will
u'eloek. Alt int
•bert Aikens
ness, an old and re-
f Wingham passed
ast in the person of
67 years. Deceased
time ago with pen-
sease had to firm a
he passed away as
ceased had been a
m for many years
e trade of carpenter.
el grown up family
rs, who will have the
ommunity in their
rat took place to
ery on Monday
WANTED -A serv: ,t f. general house
work. Apply Mrs. ' • anstone, Shuter
At the request
cursionists iu Wi
Mr. R. J. Maeda
excursions to De
the other in An
will be by boat
Goderich and ti
remain over in
Special railway r
from points on.
and Kincacine.
Miss' Mabel -Nebo
will accompany
by boat from eith
erich to Detroit is
and these exoursi
largely patronized.
will be announoed
ns byBoat
of a number of ex -
ham and other points
t is arranging for two
oit, one in July and
list. The excursions
rem Kincardine and
ets will be good to
etroit for two clays.
tes will be arranged
T. R. to Goderich
Piper McDonald acrdald,ITighland
atd,I ighland Dancer
xcursious. The trip
Kincardine or God -
very delightful one
s will no doubt be
Further particulars
'n future issues of the
CEMENT -Car of Dnrham • ent just
arrived. Parties who '+tend using
cement soon will d th; vise act if they
buy it now, as c 6 : it will likely ad-
vance in price b:. re long. We are also
agents for Hanover cement.
Death of Mrs.
Readers of the
hear of the death
of Mr. Wm. R.
curred on Tnesd
ceased had been
for 12 years and t
Mrs. J. E, Swa
failing health f
spent some time
hope of being ben
friends who will
death. She leav
child and two bro
Arthur Wade.
will have the s
munity in their a
will leave her
street this (Thu
o'clock for the
W. R. `Drummond
LIES will regret ito
f Eva F. Wade, wife
rummond, which oc-
of this week. De -
resident of Wingham
as a niece of Mr. and
ts. She had been in
many months and
t Gravenhurst in the
fited. She had many
regret to hear of her
a husband and one
ers, Messrs. King and
he bereaved friends
mpathy of the conv-
iction. The funeral
to residence, Shuter
day) afternoon at 2
ugharn cemetery.
the 18th of April
my residence. Le
hold furnishing
quality and nears
will sell privately at
pold St. all my house -
which are of good
rs. T. J. MAGUIRE.
Death of a Turnberry Pioneer
On Tuesday of this week, Agnes A.
Elliot, relict of he late Peter Deans,
passed peacefull away at the home of
her son in Turnberry, aged 81 years and
6 months. She was born in Scot-
land and was a daughter of a
Teviotdale farmer. In 1842 she was
married to Peter Deans, who died on the
4th of June, 1900 , . In 1857, in company
with her husband she emigrated to
America and in 1858 she and her husband
settled on the farm in Turnberry which
was her home up to the time of her death.
Deceased had been ailing for some time
past. She was a woman who had made
many friends • wring her long residence
in Turnberry and she was one of the
few remainin: pioneers of the township.
Mrs. Deans h been a life long Christian
woman and amember of the Wing -
ham Presbyterian church. Deseased is
survived by family of five sons and one
daughter, namely:--Peter and Thomas,
of Wingham. ; Henry, of Nebraska;
James, of St. Paul, Minn; William on
the homestead , Mrs, J. W. Vanatter, of
Goberich, who have the sympathy of the
community in their bereavement. The
funeral will take place this (Thursday)
afternoon at 2.30 Vele* for t e Wing-
ham cemetery'.
for all kinds of
Flower and Garden . ,$ reds
Over 30 different colors and vari-
eties of Sweet Peas to choose
your mixture from ! 1 1
Anything we have not in stock will I;
be procured at catalogue • price.
A special prize of $5.00 is being
given by me "at the Wingha re fair for
the best collection of Roots and
Vegetables grown from my seed
The Druggist.
Office G. N. W. Telegraph.
"High Grade Work Only!"
Our graduates readily secure good.
positions because our :High grade
training prepares them to leader first-
irstclass services. Business risen want
first-class workers and have no time
to waste upon the other lttod. Com-
mence a course now and be .eady for
a position in the fall. Write for
haudsonie catalogue.
Over -
People in has
tNithont stoppii
ations of the e
money is plan'
Investors ar
talk about th
Finance, as
flotation, ha
whole lot of
One of then
and preferred
up to the pro
plant and th
and run off
press breaks
The rule i,
comes from n
it return. It
vacuum. Fol
with the na
causes many i
valuable mon
not quite so
to be rich buy stock
g to look at the found-
iterprise in which their
often deceived by solemn
Principles of Finance.
exemplified in the average
no principles, but has a
practices is to issue bonds
stock above the cost and
able earning power of the
i start the printing press
common stock until the
that this common stock
thing and to nothing shall
riginates and ends in a
a while it is dignified
e of a "security," and
nocent people to exchange
y for experience which is
yalnable.-1oronto Tele -
Mrs. Eliza}, th Sandick of Ingersoll is
dead at the a of 102 years.
So far abort 2,400 Ontario people have
left by specie excursions to the west.
Such a Shoe
as we sell,
For 3 Dollars
Is the equal of the $3.60 or $4:00
shoes you sec i
Il other stores.
The difference in the price is clear
saving to you ; the quality of
the shoe is beyond question.
Call and see them.
ne errur
All rips
shoes we
u •
sell are sewed. reset
Bring along your oboes; tepeiring
done with neatness and despatch.