HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-04-02, Page 8f RITCB1E. & CAMPBELL.• Eas•ter Gloves Never had we prettier styles to show you than now. The best tiu;llities, of the best makes, in the season's most 0 eorreet stales, and anv size or shade you want. Fawns,, Greys, Blocks and Whites are the leaders, at the popular pllees, - i$1.00, $1 25 and $$1.40. We hav • Ladies'Dainty Neckwear provided e everything new and stylish for the Easter season. We would a.k you to spend a Iittle of your time looking them over, You won't find anything prettier anywhere. Short Waists Have you seen our beautiful White Embroidered Shirt Waists? They are the latest styles, prices $1.25 to $3.00 Styish Dress Goods for Easter We are unsurpassed in the Dress Goods line. We have a the very newest materials in all the latest novelty weaves. Fancy Delaines for summer wear. New Fluke Tweeds, 0Canvas and Basket Suitings, Black and Colored Box • Cloths, Camel fair Zibiline, Silk and Wool Crepe de- Che11e, French Voile in all the leading shades. TRIMMINGS We ha'e an assortment of Trimming's $that is trot equalled outside the cities. Trimmings to suit all shades and weaves. Inspect them. M INCHIE & CAMPBELL. '►•' ' .'b •a'4ti 1Y'0 9•b ic1 0• N "r0• 1.1A,'N•'v0 MINOR LOCALS. -Yesterday was All Fogi's Day. -Read all the advts. lin the TRIES. See Lard's New spry g clothing, large assortment, easy ri es. -On Monday last Mr. D. E. McDon- ald shipped a car load of cattle to Toronto. -The spring horse race meeting at. Li$tow, el' will be held on June 24th and, '25th. -W. F. VauStone shipped a car load V. of hogs from Winghem to Toronto on Monday. -The Tx xas will be sent to new sub- scribers for 70 cents for the balance of this year. -Regular meeting of Camp Caledonia, Sorts of Scotland will be held on Monday evening next. -The regular monthly meeting of t 'Town Council will be held on Monde evening next. -Mr. A. Dnlmage has sold his house and two lots on Catherine street to Mr. S. 0. Kerslake. ReadThos Abra- ham's new. :tram's treatment of the sheriff in our advertising columns. -Mr. John McKenzie will work Mr. Wm. Homnth's Rain in Turuberry laming the coming season. -Mrs. Dinsley has purehased Mr. Joh yquirk's lot ou Patrick street and will build a house thereon this spring. -Dr. D. H. Gordon, of Toronto, a SJ brother of Mr. H. F. Gordon, formerly of Wingham, died at Baltimore on Sat- nrday last. -Mr. J. B. Stratton, late < Brussels assumed control of the Belgraye hotel Jost week. Mr. R. D. Bruce, the late proprietor has removed to his farm in Tditllett township. :New 1 Goods Maple Syrup Heinz's Sweet Pickles by the quart. Christies fancy Biscuits 20 varieties, THE --Mrs. Ralph Evers, sr. moved to Sault Ste Marie this week. —Mr. Bobt. Currie, sr. of East 'S'S: a- auosh is this week moving to Wiughanl and will occupy the house lie recently urohased froiu Mr. E. C. Clarke. —We are pleased to learn that J.J, El- liott, V. S., is slightly improved during the past few days. The Txnws hopes he mit; soon 1)0 able to be around again. ---Mr. D.E. Anderson, on the Bluevale road has a colt nine months, old for which lie has refused an offer of $120, The colt is sired by Prince of Kelton, the property of Messrs. Elliott 4S.: Kiug, -Mr. Chas. Barber 15 again prepared td do all kinds of cement work such as building silos, sidewalks, stable and cel- lar floors, etc. Mr. Barber has had con- siderable experience in this kind of work and can give good Satisfaction. Parties having work of this kind should see hila. Read his advt. in another column. BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE.—Five choice building lots, corner Frances and Patrick streets. Will be sold. separately Pr en Woo. Apply to 11. O. BELL. —Send in your items of news when they are fresh. We don't like to publish a birth after the child is weaned, a 'marriage after the honeymoon is over, a death after the widow is married again, nor a personal notice after tho visitor has been home for a week and got down to work like the editor of a country weekly on Wednesday afternoon. PERSONALS. Wo shall be glad to have contributions to this column from any of our readers. If you have visitors or purpose going away yourself, drop hi and tell us, or send us 0 note to that effect. Miss Nellie Ross is visiting friends in Seaforth. Mr. Morris Ross spent a few days at his home here. Seed pens, without bugs, at T.A. Mills'. -The Seaforth Sun which has not been published since the fire in its office some weeks ago, will appear on Pride of this week, -The Young Ladies' Fortnightly Club will sleet on Monday evening, March 30th at eight o'clock sharp, at the home of Miss Macdonald. -Mrs. Dick, relict of the late James Dick, died at Blyth on Tuesday morning of this week. Deceased was mother of Miss Aggie Dick of this town. -The bowling green has come through the winter in fine shape and will make a fine lawn for this season. This sport should flourish in Wingham during the coming summer. -Mr. W. J. Deyell has moved to his farm on the West boundary in Turnberry sand will again engage in farming. Mr. H. McKay, the Iate tenant has moved to Whitechurch. - -The many friends Of Mr. Jno.Ansley, County Commissioner will be sorry to learn that he has been laid up for the past two weeks with erysipelas in bis foot. He hopes to soon be able to be around again. -Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Tipping left Goderich last week for Manitoba where ,Mr. Tipling will engage in business. There present destination is Virden. Mr. Tipling is a brother of Mr. A. Tip - ling, of Winghnm. -The regular monthly meeting of Wingham Council, Canadian Order of Chosen Friends, was held on Monday evening last, Mr. J. B. Ferguson, dele- gate to Grand Council, gave his report of the Grand Council proceedhng.s -In our last issue we said Messrs. Samuel and Evans Harris had left here for Crystal City, Man. We were mis- taken in the name. It should have been Haines instead. of Harris. The young men went from East Wawanosh. -The TIMES office has been awarded the contract of the printing required for the current year by the Howick Farm- ers' Mutual fire Insurance Co. East Wawanosh township printing will also be dune at the TIMES office for this year. Mr. Fred. Tibbett was at Ripley ou Thursday last attending a wedding. Mr. Win. Welsh of the Harriston Marble Works was in town on Wednes- day. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Manners of Wing - ham spent Sunday in town with friends. -Toeswater News. Mr. Chas. Barber, of the Lucknow Sentinel staff was visiting at his home in town last week. Mr. Jas. Grieve, of Exeter, a formtr Winghamite was calling on old friends in town ou Tuesday. Miss Evans, of Gorrie has been visit- ing with Mrs. J. B. Ferguson for a few days during the past week. Mr. John Park has returned home from Essex and will take his place again in his father's jewelery store. • Mrs. Geo Cruickshank of Turnberry was at Toronto Junction during the past week where she had been called to attend her father's funeral. Mr. Heber Thornton left on Wednes- day morning for Berlin, where be has secured a situation in one of the furni- ture factories in that town. The following from Monday's Guelph Herald refers to ayoung Winghamite:- "Mr. Morris Ross, formerly employed at the Bell Organ and Piano Co.'s factory, is in the city to -day. Since leaving here 1 k hut he has been employed in Woodstock,. loaves this evening for Ottawa to take a situation there." Mr. and Mrs. Saml. Youhill, who spent the winter months with their daughter in Mariou, Ind., and at other points, returned home on Monday even- ing. The TIMES is pleased to learn that these two highly respected residents re- turn home in excellent health. They re- port having had a very pleasant visit,but they find there is no place like Wing - ham. Mr. Youhill said to the TIMES man on Tuesday morning: "You could not hire me to leave Wingham." -Mr.and Mrs. 5. Gilchrist and family, who have been residents of Wingbani for a number e of years, left on Tuesday morning for Carievale, N. W. T., where they will reside in future. The TIMES wishes them success in their new home, —East Huron License Commissioners met at Brussels last week and transferred the license of the l3elgrave hotel from R. D. Bruce to Jas. B. Stretton. The Commissioners will meet again on April 20th to grant uewlieenses for the coming year. —Mr. Jas. Burgess, who has been butter -maker at the Bluevale Batter Factory' for 501ne time will spend this season as one of the dairy instructors in Western Ontario and is now taking a special ten days' course at the Dairy ;school in Guelph. ---Mit. W. D. Thomas of the Bazaar lacer been holding very sae essful ate- tions sales during the pest week. The' $alts will be continued until the stock le sold. M. Thomas iniie nde moving to London in the ot~mse of a week or two. NV. " /, A. Otn'rie ie the auotio'ueer. Every -Day Wisdom. According to Josh Billings:— Silence is a still noise. Bashfulness is ignorance afraid. Sarcasm. is an undertaker in tears. Conscience is our private secretary. Poverty is the stepmother of genius. Economy is a first mortgage on wealth. An aristocrat is a democrat with his i pockets filled. WINGIIAM TIMES, APRIL 2, 1903 1$t),. 1 VOOAN--In Wiugluun, on March lith, the We of Joules Vopsn; a son. GAT.nitAiTg-Tit Winebmn, ou March 31st, s' the wife of John Galbraith; a daughter. tirnuiA--In Gerrie, op March l$th. the wife of infant lir James r,liera o1' a son. M URU 1) Wrr.r.li-limit.-InI iowiok, near bakelet on S1arc'h With, by Bev. Mr. Dobson, Mr. Jas. Willis, of F ordwielt, to bliss Bell, daughter of Sir. Jas. Bell. 1 MCBainE-leer revax-A t the residence of he bride's iarentS, by Bev, Ballantyne, Mr. 1 :Ivo. McBride, of Hamilton, to Miss Maggio SleClennan dauighter of Ur- John McCtennan )f Grey, Tp. DIED ,,: Pans, -.In Stanley. lgareh 24th, Oraee, relict if the late Alex, Ross, and mother of Mr. T. E. loss of Wingham aged 79 years,. 11 n'ARn—Ii Wroeetei', oil March 23rd, the. 1 .nfant child of Mr. and Mrd Ed. Barnard aged About 4 weeks. VANeAme-In Morris, on March 19th. Mary,. dau.thter of Mr. and Mrs. John 11. Van 1 ',lamp, caged 9 months and 7 days. Giat.is In Tec'swnter, ou Marco 2,0th, Fanny Slidford, beloved wife of ,Joit Gillis, M. D., t ;ecl 51 years and 4 months. t WALKER BROS, & BUTTON UNDERTAKERS, WINGHAM. 1 Night calla at Button Blook, or Fifth door south of School House. Shop op- posite Macdonald block, Miss Laurine Agusta Kaiser (soPRANO) TEACHER OF VOICE AND PIANO. CONCERT ENOAOEMENTS ACCEPTED. P,esidenee 11. B. Elliott, Frances St., Winglutm THOMAS HOLMES & SONS — BANKERS, Etc. Marriage Licenses issued. No witnesses re- quired. Money 4 per cent. large amounts; smaller in proportion. Easiest terms. RICHARD HOLMES BAURISIER AT LAW, SoLtc iron, NOTARY PUBLIC, dvc., &c. Office -Next to Holmes Block now building. CEll ENT WO', S. I am prepared to :xe ate all orders for cement work of : • y description, in- ekidine silos, sid:walks, stable floors, foundations, etc. I have every facility necessary and can do the work right. All work guaranteed. Prices and terms reasonable. Cement for sale. CHARLES BARBED, WINGHAM. TO RENT. In Wingham Town Plot. a comfortable 'House, with good stable;• Any quantity of land from one to twenty acres can be leased in connection with it. Terms reasonable. Apply to ALEX. KELLY, Wiugliam P. O. TENDERS ANTED Tendess will be receiv d by the 'undersigned up to Friday, May 1st, 03, for removing the old.plaster, and replast ring Eadie's (Presby- terian) Church, Tur erry. Contractor to leave building clean nd ready for worship when finished. Tend .s will be received for both hard plaster Per • finish and lime finish. Work to be commenca and completed in the month of June. The west or any tender not necessarily accepted. .Joss n GRAY, Glenannan, WM , Ara -2. Wi__ng linm. GEO FoitTC"tt:, Winglam, Turnberry, Mar. 10, 503. Managers. • SHERIFF'S SALE. You can order the Sheriff, the Bailiff an he Assignee to go to bed supperless by ca g on Thos. Abraham and get your soles re , ved and your understanding set upright. ' oots and Shoes repaired so cheap. You ti a nder how it can be clone. The reason is si . y this : I have no rent to pay, no debts to a y, t receive dis- count on all purchases. 1 .. n afford to divide with mycustomers. 'al and (casherawhile) as consultation is fr ;. ' ou will find out the cost of mending yot soots at Abraham's TESTIMONIALS. _This shop has been Continuously running for ii, years and is still in its prime, without a parelell in town. This speaks. for itself. En- quire of any old settler where to get the best value for your money. They will toll you at Thos. Abraham's, who works by the golden rule at all times. A wooden boot hangs on a pof the -Broad - w y$ouse Victoria stre t t at the door, a few doors tTie ta string close to the sixth finger of your left hand so von wont forget where shoes are repaired for less than the price of a song. TIROS. ABRAIIAItL The longest establised shop in Wingliam. MUTUAL LIE OF CANADA. SATISFACTORY REPORTS PRE- SET ED Fastidiousness is merely the ignorance . of propriety. Honest men are scarce, and agoing to be scarcer. Pril.dery is nothing more than coquetry gone to seed. Pleasure is like a hornet --generally ends with a sting. Repels it hen that lays more eggs than she can hatch out. Success is a coquette, and a bashful' lover never twins her. Gallantry nifty possibly be defined as' the politeness of flattery. Flattery is like Cologne water—to be smelt of, not swallowed. Bliss is happiness boiling over and , running down both sides of the pot. The clam is abulbons plant and resides on the under side of the water. Conceited people are like eggs—to full of themselves to bold anything else, The cross roan goes through life like a doer headed dog followed by flies. i Laughing is a eendation of feeling good' all over and dhmiving It in one spot, , A "gentleman about town" ie one who pars oath foreverything exoept We dela. OR SALE GB RENT New brlek house and 'a acro land, on Martha rcpt, Wingliarn A i s_ly to AtL1iPANDER GOWDY, W inglutnt Y, O ASTER RATES, 1903 Igor the Easter Holidays the Canadian Pacific, will issue round trip tickets as follows: General Public Single first class tare going April 9th to 13th nc'lusive; returnmg up to and including April 4111, 11)4)3. Teachers end Students on surrender of Standard Certificate signed by Principal) Single First Class Fare and One,Third E April 4 to llth, inclusive; returning up o and including April 21st, 1003. TERRITORY -Between all stations in Can- tle, Port Arthur, Sault tate. Marie, Mich. )etroit, Mich., and East, and to, but not rom.Buffalo, N. Y. For full pnrticulm's apply to your nearest Canadian Pacific A gent, or to A. H. NOTMAN, Assistant General Passenger Agent 1 King St, East, Toronto 877,843 Paid to 1' licy Holsters --An Income of Nearly 0 e and a Quarter Aiilli (Toronto Globe, treh 12th) The thirty-third annus meeting of this com- pany was held at its head office, Waterloo, on Thursday, 5th inst., and to report presented to the policy holders is p Wished in this issue. The President, Mr. Robt. . elvin, pointed out that thr busine s of the 'ar was very satis- factory in all re pects;a s ttement folly borne out by the financial repel.. The new insuran- ees issued were $4,527:821, u amount exceeded by but two other native c a e anies. The total unouiit of policies in fore is note 834,467,420, giving the company Bur 1. plaee in this re- rc;spaet ns regards purely anadian business. It lwill aiiit he its ti pixl •: r ray, brit Life eexam- ination xait - ination of its financial stat mcnt proves that ii p ,,rossiy° and eco - its administration i4 ig nominal hands. The ince 0., assets and sur- plus have been largely inc eased, noteworthy points being the large a runt of dividends paid to iolicy holders, 877,8 3, and the addition of 5110,1711 to the genera surplus Recount. Notwithstanding the lam • transaetiofts of the year, the expenses were kc pt within the salve moderate limits as in pre - us,yyeats. The sur- plus over all liabilities • n the Government standard is 5738 10tl whiton the eomny's more rigid standard it is 5400,150. 'While the seenrity afforded to policy iolders is all that s*onld be dewirrd, the dirna or b• 'loving that the niui't ample provisions inul l be made for the fulfillment of its contr >ts ieeeided Hiroo it tlireo Der cent. reserve fo all business 1Rsueti hereafter, With an income of near ; one and a quarter millions, and assets 0107(1 pen six and on0- loaf millions, and with it ,ontinuation of the atrsdy healthy trrowth recent years, the Mutual Life will soon 1,. timbered among the largest financial rorporat• , a of Canada. ABNER 0 BENS, in g ham, In the Agent for abov Co. in this aaistriet. ;1 ry 'yT _ 111101 ortT,4'rr 0 We're Selling Lots of paper these sale days. Our beautiful patterns have caught the eye of all lovers of the artistic in mural decorations. Exquisite designs and rich effects in wall papers and borders, See our New Sample Book,confaining the latest 1903 effects. Remember we - have added over 3000 rolls of beautiful new goods to the Ross stock. Under -priced lt' , Pers We are treating our customers to genuine bargains these days,the reason being that we bought the Ross stock at a low rate on the dollar and wish to share our good fortune with the people whom we expect to be our friends in a busi- nessham.way while we stay in Wing - You can save from 20% to 30% by securing these bargains, and you are foolish to let the opportun- ity pass if you are needing some paper. 25e Papers for 1 Se 20e Papers for 15e 15e Papers for 10e 10e Papers for 7e Window Shades That don't crack, curl or fade, are sold by us. The rollers also are the genuine "Hartshorn" guaranteed to work satis- factorily. Window shades complete with •i h brackets ring -as and ria -as low as 35c. New stock of Lace Shades. See them. Wateh for our Bicycle announcement next week. Cooper & Co. WINGHAM. 1 SEEDS LL 1903 Take the Baby Out for its airing in one of the new Carriages or Go - Carts we have will be just put in stock. Safe and Comfortable and you need not invest much money on the pur- chase—from $6.50 up. ' Colne and see thele. BALL BROS, UNDERTAKING RssrnENCE—PATnhcx 5TRERT 5. Gracey's former residence, Where night calls will receive prompt attention. ome.porim.mkaaa. MM. The People's PHONE 51 Furniture pre ti ,,k We have a large stock of all kinds of Seeds, inelnding:-- —StJGAR BEETS, —MANGOLDS, —TIMOTHY, ----TLI•RNIrS, ---CLOVER, etc,. —LIGOWO. —20TH CENTURY, and —GOLDEN FLEECE SEED OATS, ALL .I O .01? GARDEN SEED. See us before purchasing your Seeds. We cats satisfy you as to price and quality. Cassels & Carr We buy and sell for cash. - Best goads at lowest prices. •t• 1 New SprinA 'Good's. I. : Having purchased our sprizig stock, in the city last week, of the newest and best goods money can buy,—they * have arrived and we are in a position to show you a good, . '. aclean, attractive and well -assorted stock for spring and.. + summer wear. _e- N O T I.0 E '1• •1• .l. 't' Men's Navy Blue Serge Suits, single or double breasted Men's fine Halifax Tweed Suits See our Men's Suits at • SeeOur fine Grey Worsted Suits at .. $10 00 + Look at our Youth's Long Pant Suits at a• $3,75Bo, sA.00, $6.00, $7.50 +Three-piece Knicker Suits for y 4. $3 00, $3.50, $4.00, $5.00 4. Vestee three-piece Suits, worth $$4.00, for$2.75 + 1' We carry a complete line of GRANBY RUBBERS and'; + AMES & HOLDEN'S BOOTS and SHOES. •F• and Ties, Fancy and White Shirts, 1 - Dress Hats— right from the factory. + . 4. ti. 4 4* 4. •3F• 4 W INGHAM. ,i. 4•4•4•44+4444.144:+444-144-4.4-4-44+ +4.4-4-4•4•4•44++++++4•+4.4 .4•44+++4. Some of our excellent values : $4.Q0 $5.00 $6,00 and $7.00 4, 4'. 4 w 4, 4. 4 •1• 4. New Collars * Braces and 'i• MMOW -1• •1• CHISHOLM BLACK. A. R. Smith vvvvvvVVVVVVYYVYYVVVVY'VVV' vvyvvvVVYVVVvvvvvvYYYVVYlV Ming room Furniture•► • Is one thing we have'the lead in. Our assort- ment of wood seat and leather seat diners is a marvel of ' style, quality and cheapness. wawyeAvvivtviwiiArver ► EXTENSION TABLES in great variety. rSIDEBOARDS --The largest and best selected stock ► of the latest designs and choicest woods in use in the manufaeture of up-to-date furniture. C We carry a complete line of all kinds of furniture. WALKER BROS. & BUTTON Furniture and Undertaking. ► The Furniture Store opposite the Post Office. AALA,UAAAAA,AAAAAAA1,,/4.r/i1aAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAiAAAAAA&• :• 4 -41 1 4 4 4 4 a 4 4 1 4 ti 4 e 4 4' i 1 4• 1 4 .YOU ARE a believer in good printing it will pay you to bring your order to The Tires Office, Win ham.