HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-04-02, Page 6•
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P riCO In Canada: 81.00;
Nervousness preddminates in wo-
men, but men are also subje.ct to it.
Excess of various kinds causes it, also
intellectual toil and anxiety.
ST. JA1\11:8 WAVIeltS are. peculiarly
indicated iu any form of uervous
bility, as they tone up the entire sys-
tem and restore the nerves to their
normal condition. They are indica-
ted in exhaustion, mental inertia and
senile weakness.
They contain no alcohol, not being
a liquid remedy. Their effect therefore
is not that of a mere stimulant, but
tonic and permanent.
sT. JAM V,8 WieleHRS helpstoinach,
digest food and send the nutriment
through the blood, and this is !the
honest way to get health and strenght,
the kind that lasts, develops and
breeds the energy which accomplishes
arn partieniarly pleased with
at. James Wafers. They have
13,enapeciatiyusefnliu my prac-
tice waeu empioyea iu nervous
Dr. A.3. Cruse,
Birmingham, Eng,
Si James Irafersare not a secret
renteel,v Attire numerous doetursre-
euntinending Mem their patients
'e mail the furmuld upon request.
Where dealers are not sell ing the
Wafers, they arc mailed upon re•
ceipt of price at the Canadian
branch : St. isers Wafers Co„ 1728
St. Catherine St , Montreal.
Six bottleslor $5,00
From the
Sanctum Mill
'P -
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges
The new bridge over the Maitland
river at Bemuiller will be 378 feet long
and contain 324 spans.
- Children Cry for
Valentine Fischer, of "Normanby, tail-
ed a pig last week which weighed 850
Os. •when dressed and measured 71;; feet
A combine of the various canning
factories in Ontario has been formed, to
be known as. the Canadian Canners' Con-
solidated Companies, Limited. The
.capital stock is $2,500,000.
Use Lever's Dry Soap (e. powder) to
tsINvoolens and flannels,—you'll like
IL 32
At the figures which. Galt masons
tender for stone work these clays. Cen-
*ral Presbyterian Church, erected about
20 years ago for $35,000, could not be
built at the present time for less than.
Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kid-
neys, bladder and urinary organs only.
They cure backaches, weak back, rhea-
xaatism, diabetes, congestion, inflamma-
tion, gravel, Bright's disease and all
either diseases arising from wrong action
of the kidneys and bladder.
Messrs. Dennis Bros., of MoKillop, de-
livered in Seaforth to Dr. Blackwell, of
London, a pair of four-year-old geldings,
for which they received $500. They
weighed about 3600 pounds, and were a
magnificent pair, as the price indicates,
Genulne.Castoria always bears the Signature
of Chas. 11. Feather.
T'etsttotS.S. No. 2, 10th con., I
Grey, have engaged Miss Jennie 1-lowe. 1
ilruesels. as teacher and elm cont.
u e iced work on Monday of this wet k,
There has not been slily Wino' held in
this section. since last mid -summer owittg
the small number of children.
The death of the late Mr. Win. Percy,
in his 73rd yeer, occurred on Thursiley,
March 12t1 at Kinlough. He was born
in the county of Tiomrary.Ireland. Mr.
Percy emigrated to Loudon Townshipin
the year 1853, where he remained tor a
period of two yeare; and in the fall of
1854 he moved to the township of Kinioss,
where lie secured a bush farm and re-
mained until his death. Mr Percy wets
a firm member of the Episcopal Chur h
and will be greatly missed in 1118 co
Messrs. D. D. 'Wilson & Co., of Sea -
forth, have (Monied a mouth's extension
of time in which to complete a eale
their egg pickling plaut, on which Mr.
George Moore. of Waterloo, has a inert -
gage which he is seeking to enforce,
Moore's mortgage claim is $12,000, and
he has been taking proceedings to really()
it by sel ing the property nuder the
power of sale in the mortgage. Messrs,
Wilson & Co allege that they have au
offer of $25,000 for the egg p'aut hich
they will be able to receive iu a u cr,th
if the proceedings are stayed. Chancell-
or Boyd granted the stay Tuesday- morn-
ing in the Toronto weekly court. The
• mortgage account is to be taken in the
meantime by the local master at Strat-
It is our sad duty•o recorthe death
0:5951-(5,01,05 0ACI-15016;
ITS c'4.1* ecCITS,
Advertising Suggestions
4l$flL(.1S4'It adverti4eg; how to 110
10111plii1left ire" is a verycomprehensiv),
hook on the Klihet recently issued from
the press. The author is S. Aligns Mao
&timid of New r.ork. Mr. Mut:dough'
is a gentlemen of wide experietice in tin,
advertising, field, lowing written and
teenaged the telvertiriue of several at
the large departmental eteres mat lniA-
ness houses in New York, It coutehe
much matter of special value to. tht
meth advertiser. We have culled a fee
gentled suggestions from, the book.
which we think will be found of interest
to the inerehaut who would improve lue
Driver) eine:
Bigness and generosity alwey at tilt
entail k espeuielly w belt tln*t
hanninkind is womankind. 'So la yotu
tiergent :stores give plenty uf items and
id es.
of one of the pioueer settlers o E the .5,0e;,,//4(4- els4cfsest.,..1vq5eq ef-'11,7e,e;
towuship of Carrick. About the year foR Scel Be At t DRUGGISTS. PRICE 50e.PER B03,
1856, John Coutts, sr., and wife moved
into the township. They first moved
onto a rough lot on the 4th con. and by
'1 he menial repert Of inspection of
liquor lieenses fur the Province of Out-
nrio for the year 1902 shows that there
John Berk% who owned 350 acres on
the 3rd of Wallace, was found Thursday
morning hanging to a tree in his bush,
having undoubtedly committed suicide.
The Ladies' Favorite.
Laxa.-Liver Pills are the ladies' favor-
ite medicine. They cure Constipatiou,
Sick Headache, Biliousness, and Dys-
pepsia without griping, purging or sick-
The amount of sugar turned out by
the four beet sugar factories in Ontario
the past season was as follows: Berlin
0,000,000 pounds ;Wallaceburg,4,000,000;
Dresden,3,500,000 and Witirton,L5C0,000.
Children Cry for
CAS 0 1
When Baby was sick, we gave her eastern.
'When she was a Child, see cried for eastoria.
When site became 11,11P1, site clung to Castoria.
yhen she had Children,she gayest= Ca storia.
Jas. Warrell,a prosperous and
euergy, perseverance and rigid economy
succeeded in clearing up the farm.
Always be good humored in your ads.
Good humor is like sunshine, it lightens
up many roads; it is always pleasing anti
actrautive, and is a grlalt lift oil the road
to advertising suecess.
Doti' t expect results front yam- eds. in
a moment. "Rome was not built in a
day," ni.d takes dine for your argu-
tuents to simmer hi the brains of peopl-
who are occupied ith with affairs of
their own.
Sze up nn advertising medium as you
would a man. If the publication bus a
well-fed, sleek,- healthy appearance, it is
thriving, end as a publication rarely
thrives unless it hes a right to, then it
deserves einisideration.
an idea strikes you,jot it down
When another comes along pin that
down too. In this way the bright ad-
vertising writer eau keep his ideas con-
stantly oil file for refereme, instead of
their going astray through memory's
After all. the greatest study of man-
Findieg this place far short of his ideal
tore in the province 2,577 ordinary itemises kind is woman, with man as a side issue.
of a permanent home, Mr. Coutts traded
The actvtrtiser should never overlook
five lam e. than in 1900 and five less than
1 LOI. The revenue to the province 1 this poiut. When he conquers Her
'from fines and licenses last
$$01,e60 17, about 83 000 less than in
Year was I Serene Higouess, the woman, he is on
the highway to success.
the preceeding year. The total collection
ereat or small, hag its root in an idea.
Ideas move the world. Every action,
were $627,852.22, of which $11,8.6.05
were fines. In wiititig advertising use ideas. If
Daring the year 2,671 persons were you con't think easily,or are too busy to
committed for drunkenness, a larger think, get someone to do your thinking
number than for the pest ten years. Iu for you. Here's where the modern ad,
the last twenty years the largest number writer comes in.
was in 1883, when 4,897 were committed.
Make your sentences short—likewise
it off for a farm le miles further west
which prove'd more to his liking, This
second farm he also cleared up NS ith the
help of his son, John Coutt's, jr., and
made for himself a coniforteble home
with good buildiugs which he kept until
eight years ago when ho retired from
To prove to you th%t Dr,
Chase's Ointment is a certain
1 t'23ei and absolute cure for each
'40' and every form of itching,
bleedingand protruding pilos,
That excellent grazing farm, consist-
ing of 80 acres, and known as lot 34,con.
16, Goderich Township, was knocked
down to jack Connell, of Hullett, for
$3,400 at the sale held in Clinton recent-
Spring Medicine.
As a spring medicine Burdock Blood
well -t0 Death
-,•,,, mameacturers have guaranteed it. See tee-
hnonials in the daily press and ask your neigh- The year having the smallest number of
urs what they think. o°It. Yon can use it and
ot v our menet, back if not cured. one a bcpc, ab , °anulments was in 1898, when there
11 dealers Or EDMANSON,BATES Ez; CO.,Teroilio, I were only 1,707.
Dr;Chase's Of whin en ‘I, 1 There has been a steady decrease iu
One by one the pioneers of Clinton licenses issued in the province from 1874,
are fast being called to join the innumer- when there are 2,947. The minimum
able throng. The uncertainty of life was reached in 1887 when there were
eau be realized from the sudden. and un- ! 1,862 licenses. In this year, the Canadian
expected demise of Charles Helyar, sr.,I
on Wednesday . Tmeumnyeeir;licteiestet was in force in many
which occurred early
Mr. Helyar was born in Somerset, Eng- It is interesting to notice that the com-
land, some 75 years ago. He first settled 1 aliments for drunkenness in 1887 were
at Hamilton, but with the tide of west- i,e06 more than during last year.
ern immigration came to Clinton about West Huron has 34 licenses; East
7 years after, with his wife. It was dur- Huron, 19: South Huron, 41; West
ing his sojourn in Hamilton that he Huron paid $00 in fines; East Huron,
took unto himself a life partner iu the $114; South Huron, $88, past during the
Bitters has no equal. It tones up the person of Miss Jane Lawson, who prede- ystir.
system and removes all impurities from I ceased him about eight years ago. They
the blood, and takes sway that tired, I had four children—Mrs. Gottshall, of I
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. Pennsylvania, Charles, jr., and Mrs. H.
ivir George Taylor, the veteran cattle i Smith, of town, and Jemima. of 'reran -
feeder and dealer of Kippen, recently to, During their residence of over 40 Massachusetts was the first state to
sold to Messrs Cronin & BiggiuS,deolerS, years in Chilton they proved themselves pass a law prohibiting vivisection in
of Seaforth, one of the best loads of 1 estimable citizens. schools.
cattle that ever left this district. These i Japanese florists have succeeded in
cattle averaged 1,525 pounds, while HMV'S This cultivating a rose which looks red in the
several of the number weighed 1,605 We offer One Hundred DollarsReward sunlight and white in the shade.
pounds and oue very choice steer tipped for any case of Catarrh that cannot be By a new Dutch process it is claimed
the beam at 2,640. F. 3. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. that a moist hide can be turned into
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Joseph Hugill, a horse buyer, of Mc- I We. the undersigned, have known leather ready for the saddler's and shoe -I
Killop township, was killed on the Brock I P. J. Cheney for the last 35 years, and maker's use in from two to three days. over their knees, step under their feet,
believe him perfectly honorable in all 1 I and, if a woman, yank her wrap and
farm, on the Bayfield road, near Bruce. I Tho caltivation of onions in Egypt is
business transactions and financially able Idress all one-sided, than push along in
field, Thursday. Hugill was in the act to carry out any obligations made by I assuming from year to year larger pro- 1 the seat. There seems to be an innate
of stepping up to examine a colt when their firm. 1 portious, and there are now but few delight in hanging on to the end. Take
the animal kicked him in the head.WtST 85
Toledo. O.
TRUAX, Wholesale Druggists, markets in southern Europe that the '
a meeting in a public hall when the seats I
Death was instantaneous. i WALDING, KiNNAN & MARvIN, Whole- i Egyptian produce does not control dur-
4.0 farmer, of Howick township, cam -are not checked off, and tho majority of
milted suicide on Wednesday afternoon Children 0 ry for i sale
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
Druggists. Toledo, 0.inguthLe earlier part of the season. the people who come try to get an end
seat, and then hold it against all comers.
abut week by shooting himself through . acting directly upon the blood and H. L. Morse, of Buffalo, presses in the
the head with a revolver. No cause is cAsTORIA• , monials sent free. Price 75c. a bottle, !voter of New York State. He cast his
raucous serfaces of the sYstem. Testi, interesting claim of being the champion Others who come can climb over, or
known at present for his rash act. I Sold by all Druggists. I first ballot in 1830 for Van Buren and 1 mite wouldn't move the end -of• the -seat
I under and any way, but a stick of dyne, -
There died on Monday, the 16th inst., I Mr. Jacob Miller, contractor Of Luck- 1 Hall's Farally Pills are the best. hag since vcted in 15 presidential and . man. We are not aware that any per -
Nary A.. Westlake, wife of Capt. Alex, I now, has purchased from Mr. John!
your paragraphs. Remember the egg in
this, it, is a small affair, but very meaty
and digested.
Hard horse sense is the prime requisite
of an advertising man. From the first
preparation of copy till its final appear-
ance iu a newspaper, this qualifloation
is demanded.
Navies of the Powers.
The Philadelphia Press gives the fol-
lowing figures of the relative strength of
the great navies of the world:
tinited States .
Germany. ..... .
a,* .116*—ror
rrr, rrrr Otr'.i,S r. a . ssaliervafiv;
To preserve or restore it, there is no better
prescripton for men, women and children than
Ripans Tabules. • They are easy to take, They
are made of a combination of medicinc3 approved
and used by every physician. Ripans Tabules are
widely used by all sorts of people—hut to the
plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend
in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan-
dard family remedy. They are a dependable, hon-
est remedy, with a long and successful record, to
cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn
constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness,
palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness muscular
rheumatism, sour stomach, bowel and 'liver com-
plaints. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up
run-down systems, restore pure blood, good appe-
tite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives
constant benefit from a regular use of Ripans
Tabules. Your druggist sells thein. The five -
cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion.
The Family Bottle, 6o cents, contains a supply
for a year.
Did you ever notice) how persistently
some people stick to the end of the seat?
This is especially noticeable in church..
We believe there are more people who
would rather hitch up on the back of
the seat in a posture half way between a
sit and a stand and let a person climb
"olvatsm,' AKA
On account of its terrible effects, blood disease is caned the king of all diseases.
It ina.y be either hereditary or contracted; eo while it may not be a crime to have
the disease, it Is a crime to permit it to remain in the system. It may manifest
itself in the form of Scrofula, Bcxerna, rheumatic pains, stiff or swollen joints,
itchiness of the ski n, eruptions or blotches, ulcers in the month or on the tongue,
sore throat, falling out of hair, 'tsordered stomach, and a general depression of
the system. If you have any of these symptoms doa't neglect yourself. You have
no time to lose. Beware of "old fogy" treatment—beware of mineral poisons—
beware of Quacks and rakira. OUP/ NEVI/ fignIPF1018 leRGATMENT
is guaranteed to cure this disease, never to return. Bank Bonds will protect you.
0 nr treatment is not injurious in any way, but reaches the very root of the disease
and eliminates all poison f rom the system. 'rho symptoms of disease gradually
disappear. Tho blood bmcraes pure and enriched, the whole system is cleansed
and purified, and the patient feels prepared anew for the duties and the pleasures
of life. CURES GU Mit APCTEED OR NO PAY. 26 "E'caza tra
Dctroit. 250,000 Cured.
Cost:illation Free. Queetion Blank for Home Treatment and Books Free.
Oor. Michigan .a.ve. and Shelby St.. Detroit, Mich.
All work promptly executed
at most reasonable • prices.
McLeod, Elizabeth street, Goderich, at Gillies, his 100 acre timber farm, in Kin -1 sixty-three state elections. son has any moral or legal right to any
the ae of fifty-eight years. An attack lose, three miles from the village of i A. remarkable product prepared from One particular position in a seat or pew,
f death Lucknow, for evhich he paid a good
) The American goes to work early, like
Strenuous Life in the United States.
(Harper's Weekly).
the blind gland of the kidney possesses I bat some hang on to it as though they
The deceased was a former resident of P ; the Frenchman; like th3 Frenchman, be t e proper y
Hayfield, and the interment took place hif tots, being part of lot 58 in the first werks hard; ba like the Englishman, he blood by contracting the blood vessels1Po
even when they are cut by the surgeon's position. It is an assumed right only.
" the flow of had a mortgage upou that obstructive
rice. Mr, Miller has also sold one o
• at that village. • concession of Kinloss, to John G. Mc- , takes no time to himself at midda
Many people say they are a nerves
Easily startled or upset, worried and ir- , Ashfield township 'in its vote on Niel is often cooked badly and served worse;
titated. Milburn's Heart and Nerve 1 •
question as to whether it should grant 1
Pills are just the ternedy sech people re. I .,it is oftener still, perhaps drawn front a
a .Lotin of $7000 to 3. Schoenshoelspaper m his pocket, and not served at all.
for '
quite. They restore perfect harmony of
the nerve centres and give new nerve the purpose of building a flair mill at As for any intellectual repose or mental
force to shattered nervous systeme. Port Albert, shows distinctly that they i distraction from the grim facts of work
Of the grain allinlied from Port Arthur are in favor of granting aid to anything —not only is it not thought of, but the
in 1901 the pert of Goderich reeeived that will be of service to the residents of , very idea would be. laughed to scorn.
only 134,033 blishels, while during the
year IOW it received 892,578 bushels from
Leod, of Lucknow.
1 •Y' ik 'f
e. By this discovery bloodless
luncheonIis the merest "snack" ; it I
surgeory is made possible. The sub.
stance is called adrenalin.
Tho Tums 01.11h8 with the papers
mentioned below at a reduced rate:
the tovenships. A large vote was record, 4 Prom the moment of setting forth to the Por one year.
ed, and out of the total only 49 'votee) moment of return mind and body alike I The TIMIS and
the saute place. Peom. Port William, in were marked against it and 417 for, are deprived of their proper nourishment The Weekly Glode
•Goderich got 1,179,182 bushels, • and I and. rest. It is scarcely strange, there-1Th° WeeldY Mail 1 75
itt 1902 it got 1,866,788 bushels, showMg Suddenly Attacked. fore, that Europe should be rich in ole- mnitreal nanny Herald and 2 25
The Daily Star, Toronto
'a 1902 Children are often attacked suddenly - ant American widows and orphans, and
*loge increase from both places i . g I Star.. . — . .. • ...... 1 /5
by painful and dangerousColic, Cramps, the churchyards at Mite too full of The Weekly Still... 1 75
The essential lung healing principal o. Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera 1$1orbus, young men's graves. to lay ' Aa eate 1 75
the pine tree has finally been sueeessfule Cholera Infantum, etc. Dr. Powder's ,. . ' - ,Toronto Daily News.. - .. .. .... 3 00
V segerated ancl refined into it perfect Extract Of 'Wild Strawberry is a nroropt ; I The Montreal Witness, Weekly .... I GO
The Daily World, 'Tort:alto
f- [pi I
tiWorld Wide
Northern 'Messenger
1 50
IN*Ig medicine—Dr' W°°d's N°rWaY and sure cure which should always be ,
S rap Sold by all dealers on a kept in the house.
XWV ituaturitee of satisfaction. Price 25c.
Rev. Prank W. Gansaulus, D. D.,
president of Armour institute, Chicago,
mar: "I do not believe there is an
agency more destructive of soul, mind
awl bod7, or rams subversive of good
morals, thou the cigarette. The fight
Agatuastithe cigarette is a Eght for civilize.
Ora. This ts ray judgreent ae an
Last week Robert Rowell sold 50 acres,
• the north half of lot 34, eon. 13, Grey,to
.Iohn M. Ilutehison, his neighbor,$1,700.
The balance of the 100 acres was Pur-
chased by Mrs. 'Boyle, of the same Iotal-
ity, for $1800. Immediate possession is
• given. We did not learn where Mr,
Bowen intends living. Ile has been a
reside at of Ott, fcr the pest 20 years.
1 6 rr • • •
Farming World. . ..,. ......... 1 50
• London Advertieer, weekly • 1 50
Daily Globe ...... ....... 4 25
Opinions of Letalitig rbysicionS. If you do not see what you want in the
thrive examinol Strong's Pilekone, sad have list let tut hear (OM you. We can give
resillts. J. 11. PIPNII,M.D., COrOlior,Londort, clubbing rates ou ally nolvapaper or
preserileed it in invinvartive with fifitlifrattory
?rice $1.00rer sale by druggists,er by man magazine. Address or eall at
iTRONG, Manufriettiring Chemist e& (*TICE
W. T. t ,
Oft reeeipt of ariro.
teeriden, (bustle. Winghtim.
'Montreal Daily llerald
•,,.... 1 20
Heals and Soothes, the Lungs an.a
Eronohial Tubes. Cures COTIONS,
NESS, eto,, quicker them any rem•
eay known. If you have that irrid.
Wing Cough that keeps you awake
at night, a dobe of the Syrup will
stop it at once.
I have used DR. ',MOOD'S NORWAY
PINE SYRUP for every cold I have had
for the past eight years, with wonder-
ful sweets. 1 never ace a friend With a
mill or tell' but that 1 reeortimend Ow*.
IL tilsworth, .hteksonville,
Of Printing, in the way of
Letter Heads,
Note Heads,
Bu§iness Cards,
Auction Bills,
Bill Heads,
Calling Cards,
Hand Bilis,
Order Blanks,
Or anything else .in • the printing line; you Will make no
mistake by leaving your order at this office.
We will be pleased to furnish estimates at any time.,
Call at, or address–
BEAVER nr,00ic