HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-04-02, Page 5THE W'I IA31 TJMES, APRIL 21.. 1903 1en's_GIothin, News From Our Neighbors' A Sartorial Talk to Men The philosophy of Clothes—"alen'aoutmost wl'nppage and overall" --is of greater importance to mean than alt the dieter philosophies Combined, Clothes are man's distinction In the animal world. All otter creatures ale provided fur by nature at birth, Man alone mnst go clothes -hunting from the day he is born, and most men and women keep busily hunting for clothes at periodsmore or less rrh• quent all the rest of their lives. No need to go hunting around for anything a man wear's. Come to us we will cloth the large or small at your own price. All the latest novelties in Spring Suits to hand The new Roxbury Tie, 50c Largest stock of new Hats in town, 50e to 85.00 •a The Q fir 6 O DIk Go. WINQHAM, ONTARIO. 14110+44004004040••000+040• 4064OC10000000400b•0000000• i ♦ s w • ai s - •t A r. r 4; 4. + + + + F w • • •buyrsJ O • O • Sets, ten pieces, nicely ern- • rolled rim basin in an up -to. • - $1.95 per set. • ••• • • • O • 4 Ibs for 25e. •• • • ••• • i' FIN'S • e c • • 1.4 + • +•++++ 4+++++44 4, 4 • • • 4 ••• '+ FIRST --Printed Toilet + SECOND ---DUTCH SETS—We have received a quantity of Dutch Set Onions, nicely graded, not o too large, neither too small, We place these on sale at - + + + + + 4404400+4404.4440+444+4440-4, bossed pattern, with date shape, �T GRI k.,•'✓a'RitFr'rAle:L .'E'd`.:,.,e...,.,� vrx`5 Yr'Att,e4,t, anre txr,:. er- 1 H5S Mac Wishes to thank vicinity for thei of the past seas attending her evening. She is all orders filled speedy manner 1 MOM'. VAIT'Ala VIE SON the Ladies of.Wingham and kind and liberal patronage n, and for their kindness in lillinery Display on Friday now fully prepared to have n the most fashionable and ossible, i New Spring ery Miss Boyd thanks the and vicinity for their finery Opening. The newest, latest and will be found at this to inspect our stock. prompt attention. Ladies of Wingham presence at her Mil- rettiest in the market tore. We invite you All orders will receive MISS BOYDI. li\ From contra lo crus The Market Bakery Bread is perfection itself. White, light, sweet centre; rich, brown, short artist. Mixed, molded, baked and de :toted in justh a.- 1 towyto win your approval. ALL KiNDS OF PASTRY S p if WEDDING CAKCS A SPECIALTY We have all the latest machin- ery, and there is no need of sending to the pity for your broad or pastry. D L G 1--1 E D Opposite Presbyterian Church. . E TS QF' INTERESTTO ALL OUR READERS. What Wldeawake Tulles. Oorrespolldoixts 00en uzuoate -- Other xtorne Clipped Froin Cour Exchanges. now-xcrt. Mrs. joint Scott died at her home 14 Howl* on Thursday afternoon, March lite!.. Deceased was boru cm May 3rd, 1640, in the Connty of Luzavk, Oat., where she spent the early years of her life, In January, 18(12, she was married to Mr. Jobe Scott in the village of Clay. ton. They moved to Hewiok in 1884, aed, settled on the present homestead, where they have since resided, De- ceased has been a great sufferer for the past sees years with, heart trouble. She bore her sufferings with patience and Christian fortitude. She had six of a fancily, five of whom survive her, who with the sorrowing hnsbaud have much sympathy in their aiiotioii. ralnablo slat(vlce to Ititournttties Eat meat sparingly, and take very little sugar. Avoid intoxicenrs, keep away from dampness, driuk water abnndautly, and al always N r thon rely e v' ' o us AS a quick reliever of Rheumatic pains. Being five times strouger than ordinary remedies, Nerviliue's power over pain is limpl beyond belief. It enres also Sciatica Lumbago, Neuralgia, and all pain, whether internal or external, Large bottles, price 25e, JAlti I.STO SVN. Miss Maggie Walsh and Master Tot Beldon, of Toronto Jnuction,are visiting friends here. Miss Mina MoKelvy spent a couple of weeks with friends in Ilarristou and Orangeville. Charles Rattan, of L',keIeh, visited with his grandfather, Geo. Ratan, over Sunday. Will Wright returned to the west on Wednesday of this week after being at home for some time. Mrs, John Sinitli with her two sons, Arthur and Norman. of Brussels, spent a day with Mrs, Frank Wright last week. Edward Smith moved from his farm in J F.YTri The last monthly fair of the season was held at Myth on Tuosday. Rev, Jolla Holmes preached a sermon especially for young women in the Meth- odist church on Sunday evening. Mr, J. A. Jackson, 13. A„ who has been practicing law in Blyth for the past year and a half has iloeepted Horace (a reeley's aclvies to young men, and has gone west, having left Blyth last Monday. He purposes settling some- where in Alberta district. We are sorry to see Dir. Jackson leave Blyth, for dur- ing his residence here he proved Himself to be a good, painstaking lawyer. The best wishes of Lnauy friends here go with him to his new house in the west. Rev. A, P.foore,rector of St.George's Episcopal church, Detroit, and. son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moore, of 131yth, died at the Harper hospital, Detroit, on Fri. day. March 20th, . after an operation for appendicitis performed the previous Monday. Rev. Mr. Moore was 34 years of age; !laving been born in 1809. He studied theology at the Western Univer- sity, London, and after his ordination in 1893 was rector of English churches 1 at Paisley and Listowel, only removing to Detroit last September. He, is sur- vived by Mrs. Moore and a son, Charles, aged five years. His body was taken from Detroit to Princeton, Oxford county, the former home of his wife, and interment took place on Monday' To the bereaved wife, parenfe, brothers and sisters we extend our sympathy in their great affliction. Asthnut COM be cured. Thousands of testimonials col iciusively�' prove that Asthma cat be pernanentiyo cured by inhaliug Catarrltozene, a vege- table antiseptic that destroys at once the germs causing the disease. Catarrh. ozone gives immediate relief to the dis tressiiig cough and suffocating sensations akes breathing easy and regular an last Moudav to John McEwen's house, in iII where he intends to stay until he goes to the West next harvest. C Mrs. Geo. Combos is attending her r father, Jas. Hogg, who is very low the itse b sures undisturbed sleep. Catarrhozon ores Asthma that doctors are unabl ven to relieve and cure you, Th atarrho'rotie inhaler is mane of liar nbber, fits into rhe vest pocket, can b ed at work, in church, iu the street, i d --any place --at any time. Tw Iast few weeks, Pituplen, USlotolton stud. Skin Eruptions How unsightly, sometimes even (Hs,._ss gusting, 'and certainly very mortifying to the sufferer. They are merely au i evidence of impure, poisoned blood, an lowered vitality of the elementary organ ran be quickly changed by tattle Ferrozoue 'lifter meals. Ferrozoue cleanses the blood of all poisons and eruptions, makes it rich'd) recd corpuscles that manifest themselves in a healthy la ruddy complexion. To have a pure, soft skin and good complexion simply use Perrozone regularly. Price 50c. per box, or six boxes for $2.60, at Druggists, or N. 0, Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont. Try Dr. Hamilton's Mandarke Pills. `.tom Does it not seem mare effective to breathe in a remedy, to cure disease of the breathing organs, than to take the remedy into the stomach? Established .A -S79.9. Cares While You Steep It cures because the air rendered strongly antiseptic is carried over the diseased sup. fare with every breath, givingprolonged and constant; treatment. It is invalu. al,le to mothers with small children. 15 a boots to astlltnatit s. —r• oa- 1?hoeP G Cou h Bronchitis Croup Coughs Catarrh, Colds erippeand traYFever' The Vaporizer and lamp which should last a lifetime, together with abn tleuf Cresolene $r.50. Extra supplies of Cresolene 25 cents and ,qo cents. 11'rite for descriptive booklet contain. tag highest testimony as to as value. TAM-CRF'-.nu:Ng 15 ani.» nY catt,ctate'1� LVL: anti:ire, vepo•Cresoleee Co. Ilio Fulton Street z6:1 Noire Dante Street New Furl: ' Montreal Betl19V Leas, Miss Mable Oliver visited in Brussels. Miss Mason of Morris is yisicing her sister, Dirs. 3. Hogg. Mr. J. Mitchell, of Koigthly, Eng. shipped maple rollers from this place last week. Mr. John Haney and Will Stewart Piave gone to Graud Valley to spend the summer. Mr. Russel Leech, of Toronto is visit- iug relatives in this vicinity, Mr. J. Hogg and family have taken d 1 It house in the village. el Mr. aunt Mrs. John Paterson of Moles- e��tJ�pvorth and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Paterson ei+bf Wingham d spent Sunday in the vill- age, Miss Bessie Wright visited her parents o near Jamestown on Sunday. Mrs. West and childern of Grand Valley are visiting Mr. Welts parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robe Duncan. Revels. West and Ballantyne exchang- ed pulpits last Sunday The Women's Iustitute meet on Wed- nesday March 18th, at the residence of Mrs. John Wasuian, owing to the stormy weather on the previous day of meeting, the same subject "Bread. uiakiug" was discussed.. The musical part of the programme was furnished by Misses Swann and R.Bnl£. Tho next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Arcliilalcl Paterson when the sub- ject, "Breakfast foods" will Lb taken up by Miss Acheson. months' treatment (uaranteed), price $1 00; trial size 25c. Druggists, or N. C. Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont. lry Dr. Hainiltou'a Mandrake Pills. • 1101 Ise A large eagle is seen daily near Sun- shine. None of our liiraI sports seem to go Report of S. S. No. 3, Turnberry for Mardi. Names in order of merit Class 6—John Hutton, Bessie Aitken, Peter Muir, Chester Donkin. Class 4—Maggie Muir, Roy Ruther- for,i, Bert Elliott, Charlie Aitken, Addie Dunkin. Class 3 Sr.—Mary Aitken, O'Malley McCue, Etta Elliott, Mabel Elliott. Intermediate—Roy Elliott, Walker Rutherford, Harold Hutton, Junior—James Aitketi,Robbie Aitken, Andrew Wallace, Aggio Wallace, Ella Elliott. Class 2 Sr.--Aggte Rutherford, Ethel Casemore, Leo Bok, Tillie Baird, Peter McGee. Jaliior—Ada Elliott, Mabel Bak er Thos. Wallace, George Casetnore. Part 2—Robbie Muir, Atinie Hutton, George Rutherford, Elmer .Aitken, Bella Bathe, Maggie Aitken, Clara Reid,Helen Rutherford Part 1 Sr.—Willie Elliott, Alice Dun- kin. Part 1, Jr.—George Bak, Thomas adie, Mabel Reid. Average attendance 34. B, P);Ansott, Teacher. Grand rukSUTYli; t Return Tickets will be �+ 1 U orni sta- tions issued siada at HOLIDAYS single Pirst-Class Fare Going Thursda ,Aprt'th' Ig�c to Monday April 18th in- - elusive. Valid returning until Thursdair, Apr 14, 1903. Tho reuiaitts of the late Major-General Sir, H. A. McDonald will be buried in Scotland, • School 'Vacations To students and teachers of schools and col- leges, on surrender of standard certificate signed by principal, return tickets will be waned at sine: Pate and One-. hird lining April 4th to April lith inclusive. Valid returning until Tuesday, April 21, MI Tickets, feldcrs, and all information from Agents, 3. O. McDONALD, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. The essential lt m healf niprincipal nci al of the pine tree has finally been succesful. ly separated and refilled into a perfect rough inedicifie--Dr. Wood's Norway Prue Syrup. Sold by tell dealers On a guarantee of satisfaction. Price 26e, din Aherne Foe To healthant i happiness is Scrofula—. as ugly as ever since time immemor a, It causes bunches in the neck, d:c.i figures the skin, inflames the =coat; !membrane, wastes the muscles, weak ens the bones, reduces thep ower of resistance to dieeaso and the capacity for recovery, and develops into con. sumption. "Two of my children had scrofula sort3' which kept growing deeper and kept them front going to school for three menthe. Ointments and medicines did no good until` I beganiving them rrood's sarsaparilla. This medicine caused tho sore,: to heal, and the children d r t bravo shown ncas of i tierce, s li refer since.." J. W. McGlNS, Woodstock, Ont, Hood's Sarsaparilla aparill.`ca will rid you of it, radically and per. manently, ea it brio rid thotlsande. t a shot at the bird. W. C. 'YVi1Aon, 5th line, and his son•in- w, Samuel Love will visit Edinouton, N. W. T.. with the purpose of taking up a couple of farms if they fled what suits them. John Nethery, Gth line, West, has sold his farm to Win. Kelly 4th line, price $3,700. Mr. Nethery will try and get a 200 acre farm as his help is strong. He talks of !toying around Langside. James Taylor nas moved to the Law- rence farm on the Be]grave road,recently purchased, where we hope he will do well. His brother Andrew will likely take up his residence on the farm vacated but wito his housekeeper is to be we are not prepared to state, Mrs. Angus a former. resident of the Gth lino, has gone to Iiope, North Dakota where she purposes making her home, at least for a time. She is a sister to Mrs, Jno. Manning, of the 5thline, Mrs. Wat- son Aiuley and Fletcher Sperling of Brussels. We wish her a pleasant stay. Mrs. Angus has been living at Seaforth, On Wednesday, lith ult., at the home of the bride's Barents, Downington, Sanilac. Co., Mich., Rev. Mr. Gordon tied the matrimonial bow between Almond Peek, a well• to-do young man of that Co„ and Miss Mary, youngest daughter of John and Catherine Ritchie, formerly m . oily of Morris township, The bride is a niece to Chas. Ritchie, now of Brussels, who, with Mrs. Ritchie attend- ed the 'Wedding along . with 125 other 1 appointment of pathmasters for the cur- gaests... rent year be read throe times and passed. Carried. The folllowing era the appoint - mei t4,: B ISpRD'S The teing f SARD'$ Car9f and 3urtain Deparind MORE ROOM. MORE STOCK. MORE BUSINESS. r The second floor has been nicely fitted rap and put in A 1 shape for Carpe•s, Oilcloths, Linoleams and Roue Furnishings. We now have an up to date department, .with 22 x 41 feet of floor space, allowing us ample room to di+play and handle oar large stock of all kinds of Floor Coverings. Curtains, etc. Remember, our stock is all NEW --nearly all tieing bought this spring, direct from the manufacturers, thus doing away with the middle man's profit, enabling us to give the choicest patterns at prices not to be beaten anywhere, not even in the city, 1 OILCLOTH AND L OLEUMMS We are showing a nice line of Oilcloths and Linoletxms, new patterns and colorings, all widths from 18 in. to 12 ft. Special values. ART SQUARES ANO RUGS Special attention has been given to the sele^tion of arttstin designs in Squares and Rugs. We have all sizes from 2# x 3 yards to 4 x 6 yards, with very pretty borders. Prices from $4.50 np. LACE CURTAINS Special Values in Lees Curtains in Swiss, Nat, rand Nottingham Bates, nice new patterns; good variety to choose from; prices to snit rill purses, from 25e to $5.00 pair. See our Leader at $1,50, worth $2.00. 60 pieces CARPETS GO pieces Sixty piens of Carpet to these from, comprising I3rnssols, Tapestry, Wool + nioii Dutch etch and Herons. Best makers' !.mods. i, nn'Jl goon be hard at cleaning house, refitting and furnishing generally. Don't fail to see our stook when choosing your Carpets and Curtains. See our extra heavy Car- pet, one yard wide at 50c. TAPESTRY CURTAINS Just received a nice ranee of New Patterns, fringed Tapestry Cnrtains direct from the manufacturers, at tempting prices. See our special Curtain at 83.00. JAPAN MATTD CS Nice new pattern's at 12l_c 15e, 20c, 25e, 30e. Door Mats, Turkish Rugs, Stair Oilcloth, Stair Carpets, etc. You are cordially invited to inspect our stock throughout the store no natter whether you bay or not, no trouble to show goods. ....am„smcr>xava .a.. H. E. ISA & CO. 3poosite Bank of Hamilton Highest price plaid fir Prance. TURN RERM. Tho council :net in Binevale, March 30th, 1903. Members of council ali pre- sent, the Reeve in the chair. The min- utes of last meeting were read and adopted on motion of Messrs. Mosgrove and Rutherford. The Reeve reperted that he had let a job of building a culvert on B, line west, to Geo. Wheeler at $4.00. Mr,Mosgrove reported having Iet a job of building a cedar culvert on 4th line to Win. Van - stone at $3.50. Moved by Mr. Couplancl, seconded by Mr. Rutherford that by-law No, 6, 1903, for the appoiutment of feneevietvers for i the current year be read three times and passed.—Carried. Moved by Mr. Mosgrove—Mr, Kelly that by-law No. 6, 1003 for the appoint mentof poundkeepers for the current year be read three times and passed, Carried, Moved by Mr. leutherforcl—leer, Mos - grove that bylaw No, 7, 1903, for the Kenzie, J. C. Anderson, Jas, Caseinore, Geo. Yeo. J. J, Moffatt, Prank Ander- son, John Mulvey, Richard. Palmer/ Andrew reenimill, Henry Muir, Rob, Miller, Robert Moffatt, Thos, Nett field, John Ansley, W. J. Johnston, Waite, Wm. Netterfield,Jas.Wiiliam Moved by Mr. Mosgrove, seed l y Kelly, that John Short's Statute Lab be put in Road Division No. 25. Oa vied. Moved by Mr. Mosgrove sec'd b Mr. Coupland that the S. E. half o lot 60, cou, 1 be placed in road div'u N 3L Carried. Moved by Mr. Coupland seo'd by Mr. Rutherford, that Alex About Advertise ng. Change your advertisement frequent- ly No matter how good a t rade-catcher �r. an advertisement may be when first is - L. sued, to let it stand too long wearies the n, reader, who comes to the conclusion that Ir you never change it. and finallyhe never even glances at it. No good newspaper man will feel put out by frequent re- quests for changes. It's the man who or y f changes his advertistnent that gets the *o results, and the man w'he gets the results from his business auaouacetnents is the publishers best frieud. His business is d built by holpuig to build yours and he, e knows it. It is not the high price yam o pay for advertising but the results you. get from it that determines its value. More than half the battle lies with yoa. Advertise specialties, seasonable lines KeIIy, Statute Labour bo placed in Roa Division No. 6, W. T. Plot, and that th Statute Labour for Lot No. 2.3 Con, 0, b placed in Road Div'n No 14. Carried. Moved by Mr. Coupland sec'd by Mr. Mosgrove that the following be the Sta- tete Labor Scale for 1003, namely for th first two days $750,00 and for every ad dilional $730.00 or part thereof one d. and that the Clerk be instructed to .brie n a By -Law at next meeting of Counet confirming the sante. Carried, Moved. by Mr. Kelly seed by Mr. Ruth Orford that Mr. Mosgrove employ some person to remove Smcltzer's fence of the street in Bluevale. Carried. Moven by Mr. Mosgrove soe'd by Mr. Rutherford that Mr. Coupland meet Councillor froHowick on Boundary line and let a job of re -building culvert south of Beltnore, Carried. Tenders for Township Printing were received froth Winghani Tithes and Ad. ranee, Moved by her. Coupland sec'd by Mr, e and elder e year antiounceinents fee- gneutly. Make year performances as. da good as your auuonnceinents and you g will have no difficulty iu extending your 1 business. The Grand Trunk Pacific's petition for incorporation was presented at Ottawa Chief of Police Zeats of Woodstock, chnrge3 with violating the liquor law at Chesley, has been acquitted. A Majority of the farmers in the Lon- don district have finished theirploughitig and sowing will soon be general. Manager A. J. Small of the Toronto Opiate t Tot se which r ch leas destroyed by Mire, has announced that it will be re- built before September, Mr. John Charlton's motion to estab- lish a divorce court was discussed in the Commons and; withdrawn. Mr, Lan. caster's bill concerning railway cattle guards was read a second time and re. forted to the Railway Committee. ---A new bunco game is being worked on the nuwary merchants throughout the country, A than enters the store, displays qyst iove r m e tba badge and states that he is en the outlook for counterfeit tummy. He looks over the cash drawer and invariably fields ;four cr five "count- erfeit" counterfeit" dollars which he "confiscates." Tho whole thing is a fraud., Fenceviewers—W, II. Mundell', Thos Aitkiu, Thos. Goy, John Robinson Sain- ,Rutherford, that the tender of the AeI- nel '4 anstone, Jas. Elliot, Joseph Lovell, 1 vanee being the lowest be accepted. Peter Scott, Eleazer Orvis and Robt,; Carried. Leathorne. Pouadkeepers— John Little, Ralph Metcalf, G. B, Seott,Hugit Tucker,Alian Fralfek, James Kirton jr., Peter S. Mc- Ewen, Peter Scott, Eleazer Oryis, Win. W Netterfield, JohnDtmentaud Wtu.Max- C well. J Patlttnasters•- Root. Gallagher, John M Wheeler, Wm. Atkin, Geo. Bryce, John th Little, Wm. Mitchell, James Sta leton in Thos. Die Creigltt, Samuel i3arctiill, Isaac Tt Rueben Stokes, John Metcalf, A. Wm. Robinson, Thee. James, Murray se Wilson,Angust Honiuth,J'olin McGlynn, ri F.3. Lewis, Robt, Weir, 'Thos. Haugh, Prank Carruthers, A. Whelans, Geo Taylor, James Robinson, James Wylie, Alex. McDonald jr., John Weir, So ue Ironstone. Wm. I':ag1eston a r Jas. Ilia .as, ''Ii( Jos, Elliot, Alex. e Ha stie J'os. Loy 'Vin. Wright, llobt.Hiipfer, John it Cc. Ewen, Porter Scott, ID. •IT. Moffat, Roltt, Black, Philip Thomas, Chris, Brinker, H. Diment, Thos. Jematns, Robert Mc ' The following acooant's were passed and cheques issued namely: Theo. Hall $1,00 advertising, t2. 13. Elliott, 85.ii0 printing, Geo. Wheeler, $4.00 culvert, ln. 'anstone $3.60 culvert, Win. H. rufekshank 84.00, expense to Clinton, oho Mosgrove, $4.00 ditto. Droved by r. Musgrove seconded by Mr. Belly, at this Counci