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The Wingham Times, 1903-04-02, Page 4
, a BUY YOUR FORMALDEHYDE FOR YOUR SEED GRAIN at Campbell's Drug Sora. FIe keeps nothing but the best quality at lowest price. Ci A; Campbelrs DRUG STORE WINGHAM. 4 ,...-. t In the Rouse of Commons on Tueeday 1 Sir, Wilf.'id Linrier introdu.^.ed the Re- distribution Bill. The measure makes provision for areduction of six members eotice of changes must be left at this in Ontario's membership and four in t office not later than Saturday noon. that of the Maritine Provinces and the The copy for changes must be left West will get an increase of ten new riot later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up A to, noon Wednesday of each week. ESTABLISHED 1472. NOTES AND COMMENTS o Joseph L Haycock, ex -M, P. P.,1ead- er of the defunct Patron party iii the :hullo Legislature, is o very sick Matt. He is suffering from pleuro-pneutnouia, and has been removed to the Kingston General Hos,hitel. The tae aims reeeil is of Canada con- , t ones to increase. It`cr the nine months ending t- lay the int ease in the reveu. to slows a gain of $3,106,023 over the ` same ler r d of last year. Ft r the month of March the increase is $317,78i. The Ontario Leg stature adjourned on Tuesday so as to give the R )yal Cam - elision appointed to enquire iuto the Gainey charge s time to take evideu'ee awl make their report. The House stools adjourned until. the 21st of .tpr 1 There is one fact which makes it seem almost certain that the offer of the Speakership to Dr. Reannte first session in the Legislature; the knows little of Sarl'nmeutarr procedure,and the charge that there was ever any intention to permit a no' ice to preside over the House is so absurd as to be iueredible.—Hanhil- ton Herald. TO ADVERTISERS. ' Kiri TIMES. hi Ii.. ELLIOTT, Pi uLIskIER AND PROPRIETOR THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1903. members, The Premier made it clear that county boundaries were to be re- stored. The changes are to be made by a eommittee of four Liberals and three Conservatives. Friday' evening's session of the Ontario Legislature brought to an end the debate on the Gamey charges, which by reason of their sensational nature have for weeks held the undivided attention of the country. The division tooa place at 10:30 and a straight party vote of 45 to 5HURON AS RE -DISTRIBUTED. 50 the Legislature decided to appoint u aim Clinton New Era has the follow- commission cousi-tint; of Chief Justice eg to say, ,;Giro. Holmes is ou the Falcoubridge and Chancellor Boyd, to g)undfloor auci,hould be well informed investigate the charges. There were no a the redistribuun bill:— absentees when the House went iuto (although the re earibution bill has division, the two vacant seats, Sault Ste. Ii yet been intNai aced into the House Marie and North Reufrew, alone being ii Commons, tir' forgiving may be ac- unrepresented. fated as the prolix- ;1the Ridings: ,r.. s;ast Huron—Blaah, Brussel,, Grey, awick, Morris. Turuberry, Windham, doxeter, East Wawanosh. Population le re arrangement The Standard Oil Company has just declared a quarterly dividend of 20 per cent. As the capital stock of the com- pauy is $100,000,000, the quarter's divi- dend is $20,000,000. John D. Rockefel- t227. ler, who owns $40,000,000 of the Stand- ticttth Helton --Bayfield, Hay, Henson, and Oil Company stock, recti' es just vlkillop, S.aforth, Stanley, Stephen, $3,000,000, making his income from this Tekersmith, Usborue and Exeter. Pop- source atone for the current quarter Iltion 22,981. $SS,883 SS per day. If the Standard Oil pVest Harou—Ashfield, Clinton, Col- I Company continues to pay dividends at ate, Goderioh, Goderich township, , this rate for the remainder of the year st Wawanosh and Hallett. Popula- • Mr. R ickfeller's income from the corn - patty for the twelve months will reach rein the foregoing it will be seen that l $32,000,000. t Waw anosh is taken from the West' "ing and added to the East; Hallett is r Sir Oliver Mowat is recotrering from ren from the South and added to the < the accident which keeps slim indoors tet; while Stephen and Exeter, which land is attending regularly to his official slat present in North Middlesex,and duties. Yesterday he was busy with his home, at present in South Perth, all correspondence. He followed the course are back into the South Riding. of the debate on the Gamey charges ts this arrangement is carried out it r with unabated interest, full reports of leugthens all the ridings, from a Lib- .the proceeding, have been read to him Ixstandpoint, bat still leaves the West day by day. He appreciated the cou- ttug what it has been for the past stitutional points involved in the Gov- scaty years, the most difficult one of erumeut's proposal quite clearly. The , Ilyhole three to carry. pnblic generally will be interested in the Lieutenant -Governor's recovery, and will be thankful that he is still at hand tl Only too True. to guide and steady the affairs of the Vale ruination of any boy is desired Prosi :ea.—Toronto Globe. Lini roam the streets at will. There • tithing that will rain a boy as nn- " Some Conundrums. tithed liberty. It is during these From the Beston Globe. oat carousals that he learns the vale . What is the the best thing to do in a asrn, which later on will grow to hurry? Nothing. letthing worse, and the idea of having '1 When is a piece of wood like a queen? lathe respect for himself or those ° When it is made into a ruler. shad him. Alas, the above paragraph Why is a muff like a bashful young ly too true, but the average parent's man? Becaaise it holds a young lady's tch more to blame than thee boy. hand without squeezing it. much carelessness on the part of the What two letters will make us food? Ott is indulged in by allowing the M. and H. will make us mush. to roam about of an evening when What pit is of great use to the world? aft they should be at home or employ- The pulpit. sande occupation, Prices Irv... 'i—RINGS —WATCHES -. BROOCHES .; BRACELETS 1 Ulf lines of Jewelry until further notice. Isey Park 1 Til E WINGILth TUIES, APRIL 2, 1903, "MADE IN CANADA." 1 t\'I1CtiIIAAL 111tAR KET REPORTS Vlingllatu, April 1 1003. eels* I'eunne ansen's reeve at the Can, adtun 311,4 U tiro*" Pinner. I corrected every Wednesday afteruoou At the recent banquet tendered by the local nhanufecturet•s of Brantford to the 200 members of the Canadian ilfanufactutus. Association present, one of the lu1i(lue features of the :Affair was the refeding of the follow- ing ollo -int; original event by the :Mohawk maiden, Miss E. Pauline Johnson, entitled: II " e h, Cattail a," What is the oldest coupler in nse? ; The wending ring. What is the first 'bus that ever cross- What is the creed end the calling that we of the north ulhoid? It is never the cry for power, it Is never the greed + f gold Let the east and south, and west contend, life wolves for a m:tveriek bone. But Canada for the Canadians is the creed that we call our own. by Oassels &t. Carr, Flour per 100 lbs,... 1 05 to 2 50- Fa11 Wheat Spring Wheat 0 • Geos w'nts are aC Kaiser 1Vilhelnt's, good cakes are at Uncle Saut's, And is dear old Britain's larders are the' best of plums and jams. But beef and bread, null a blanket, a pipe, a mug and a tiro-, Are the things that we have In Canada; --•---- what more eau a Man desire? 060 to 070 000 to 000 0 28 to 0 30 Barley .... ..... ... .... 0 35 Peas 0 05 to 0 70 Turkeys, drawn,.,,., ,.,0 11 to 0 12 Geese, " 0 07 to 0 08 Ducks, por pair , , , . - , 0 00 to 0 75 Chicltetis .. .... 0 30 to 0 60 Butter ..... ..., ..... 0 17 to 0 17 Eggs per cl.oz 0 i l to 0 11 Wood per cord 2 00 to 2 50 Hay, per ton.. .... G 00 to 7 00 Potatoes, per bushel 0 60 to 0 60 Apples, per bag ,.,. 0 3n to 0 50 Lard 015 to 015 Dried Apples per lb • 0 04 to 0 4h Wool, 0 18 to 0 15 Live Hogs, per cwt. 6 00 to 6 00 We don't aced the marts of Europe, nor the trade of the eastern isles, We don't need the Yankee's corn and wine, nor the Asla.tie's smiles, For what so good as oar home-made cloth, and under the wide blue done, Will you toll me where you have tasted bread like the bread that Is baked at home? And we are the young and strong, find who se tit for the fight to we? With our 'hands of steel and our Iron bee and our hearts tike Ilse- oaken tree. For we are the home -brad, home -fed men, the pride of st prhaeely land, And the things that are rade in Canada are the things that our sons demand, So tihis Is the creed and the calling that we of the north npho'd: ItIsnever thecry forpower, it Is never etc c pn , the greed of gold. ; et the east. and south, and west contend, like weh-(s fur ra maverick's hone, But Canada for the Canadians, is the creed that we call our own. RICHARD WiLLIAM VAUCHAfi The First Enallsh Bunk Forger and the Story of Ills Fan. The story of the first bawl: forger, Richard William Vaughan. is little known. Vaughan was the brother of a Stafford listryer and because clerk to a solicitor in Lou(:on. Ile wished to marry hie master's daughter and prone teed to produce the Sutra 01' 11.000. which, he said, his mother sv,.uld pro scut to hila, half of it to be settled on his wife. On these terms the rather consented to the marriage,and Vt.eghan obtained a mouth's leave of absence. FIe occupied this period in obtaining engraved hupressious in imitation of tweuty pound Bank of England notes, which was not such a difficult matter then. such things as forged noes be. Ing unknown. With fifty of these el_am notes he presented hiutselr at the appointed time, and his fiancee accept- ed her sbau•e in perfect got,\l i'nitli, tine the marriage preparations were pm eeeded with. Unfortunately he wanted ready moue ey and put two of his own forged notes into circulation. They were chile longed, when he became alarmed and tried to get back the notes be had given to the young Indy. but she re- fused to yield them up. suspecting nothing of their true nature, and when Vaughan was arres`ed next 'lacy she would hardly believe even then that she bad been deceived. The forget' was tried at the Old Liga ley on the 7th of April. 1i+.S, spending what was to have been his wedding day in tate condemned cell. Pour days later he true hanged at Tyburn.—Lou- don Stanstee1. Character In Nicknames. When Austria was only a dukedom, there were three rulers who won for themselves the respective titles "Cath- olic." "Glorious" and "Warlike." The first was perhaps a religious utile. lite Ferdinand the Catholic of ::pain. The second may have been like Lorenzo the 1iagniticent and the third a great war- rior. and so from these titles or nick- names we have likewise some ides+ of the conditions of the people while these dukes ruled. e •• n bad most weedertnl as- sortment has sortment of kings. One war the Little and another the Bold. One was the Stammerer, another Simple, while a thh•d and fourth were Indolent and Pair. These names are descriptive of the kings themselves, but it is hardly to be supposed that a king who was in- dolent or simple did much to further the interests of bis subjects. But when we find Robert II. culled the Sage, we realize that he ruled wisely and that the people were better off for It. ed the oceau? Columbus. NEWS NOTES Live Stock Markets. Toronto, March 3I—The local butcher trade was good at the cattle market to- day, Butchers, in fact, complaiu that butcher cnttle are dear. Drovers may not admit this. but still seemed to be fairly satisfied with the prices they were getting. Choicest butcher cattle were. fetching to -day from $4.25 to $1 50 for picked cattle; good loads, $3.75 to $4 There were some heavy rough cattle, hawevea', which are not suitable for the local butcher trade, but which sold at a lower figure. Several good loads of cattle, fiukh2d for export, were bought for butcher purposes. Some of the buyers are looking forward to it good Easter trade after the closing of the Lout season, and the picking out the choice cattle for that trade. There was quite a few export cattle offered, though evideutly the liulk of the export cattle are being held hack for the opening of nrvigation, whoa it is thought prices will be a little stiffer than they ire now fur export cattle. The ton price for export to -day was :34 70 fix •O some choice cattle, weighing 1,I150 lbs. ,e There is still a good demand tor stock- • ••r••o•**•e••t• •e••oe••0ertfr0e•e•.OOeeet4come ee••,eo•e••••ee•e•tree 00••aloa*ee••flw JOHN KERB PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE JAS. H, ERR $'u 0: INOWO$t ■■trr• No situs io Har gainns io FISH • •B• argains iGROCERIES • • et • Apia•.00•e••do00000000•00•ca p`©•ocOOG•090000e•part00•00a•00000000000a®a0e•909000•0 • No. 1 Lake Herring regular i • $4.50 per keg at 1 • To clear now et $3.75. 0 • o a • Chinn Collar Frames, white Read 'he list, note our prices at •at and bladk, correct for Spring. and then ask yoarsetf the ques- tion, COFFEE • o "Wouldn't it pay rile to ••• • buy •at The Peopfe'e Popular } - • • Store?" • - een tor trimming collar frames, dress trimming &c. •Pink Cream and Blue Velvet Good Rio Coffee 15:: lb, 7 lbs • for 81.00. 0 0 We grind it to your order, •, •• • 8 • • GARDEN SEEDS at Salad Dressing... , . 25e and 50e 8 • Heintz Mustard Dressing , . 20e • e English •Spiced Piokles, . - 10e • o 0 Baking Powder per lb 10e is Jterr's Baking Powder every e 0 •package guaranteed i to 0 1 lb tin each 56 8 1- lb tin each ....... 10e 8 8 1 !b tin each 15e • • 8 • • • • 0 • 0 • 0 0 • 0 0 • A 0 e New styles in Ladies' Belts. Black Silk Belts, Beaded Elastic Belts, Patent Leather Belts, 25e to $t.50, New Seeds reg, 50 per pkg. 2 for 5e tit+ • • • • 0 • • 30 doz. yards of Lace at le per yard.. Butter Beans, Windsor Beans, Peas, Beets, Carrots, &c in pkg. or in bulk. Alultipiier Onions 2 lbs for 5c Dutch Setts 4 lbs for 25c Several ends of Silk, regular 50e for 38e per yard. KERR'S SHOE DRESSING Guaranteed to softer and pre serve the leather A 1903 cal- • endar on each pkg. per bottle w 15e • New Art Muslins 7c a yard and up. • A GENTS' TIES. aRegular 25e Ties for 100. ers and good feeders. Feeding cattle from 950 to 1,000 pounds, are quoted at $3. 80 to $4. There was a very light run of sheep and lambs, and prices were steady to firm Bo.gs were quoted unchanged from last Friday's figures at $6.50 for the best. The total run was 03 cars. with 1.187 head of cattle, 214 sheep and lambs, C8S hogs and 130 calves. The following are the quotations: Exporters' cattle— Per 100 lbs. heavy $100 $ 4 05 Li_ht 425 14 50 Bulls heavy 3 50 3 75 do., light .... 3 00 3 50 Stockers 400 to SOO lbs 2 50 3 75 900 ' 3,75 Butchers'— Choice S 80 4 25 Medi le 3 50 $ 75 Picked Bulls 4 00 4 50 3 00 3 25 Rh 2 75 3 25 Bullongs , .. ....... 2 25 3 00 :Milk cows,.. Sheep— ...30100 53 00 Lambs . 6 00 6 25 Beeks.,... 350 400 Culls 2 25 2 50 Calves, each 2 00 10 00 Hogs-- Best .., 6 621; Lights 6 37a A Two -Headed Calf. Thos. Peers, of lot seven, third con- cession, Harwich, has, says the Ridge- town Dominion, au ordinary everyday heifer that calved the other day, giving forth a full developed calf with almost t , it. The • fully developed c.d heads on two u d o Y r heads were joined just about the ears, having only two ears, but four. eyes and two mouths. The calf would have liyed had it not met with an accident soon after birth. Mr. Peers is going to have the skin preserved. If great cold turned our atmosphere to liquid air, it would make a sea thirty- five feet deep over the sarface of the x whole globe. Two thons.md machinists are being slid off from the Woolsvich Arsenal,and When does a man's hair resemble a I The L"nited Kingdom sew ds $1,410,- •enquiries are being made if any of them packing box? When it stands on end. 000 a year on raisins. c eu1d find employment in Kingston. Why is an opera singer like a confer- Paper quilt= are a xteiisivrly used%ready 130 have started for Canada. boner's? Because she dealsiuicecreams abroad by the poorer classes. --- - -- — thigh screams). The bakers of Brenta rd haus r ,a need Why is a dog biting his tail a good the ` price of bread to 4 cents for a pound- acid -Optician. manager? Because he makes both ends and -a -half loaf. meet. Professor Airoil finds that tl.o road" What letter of the alphabet is neees- known as the Via Sacra at Route was in espy to magic n sh e? The last. , existence 2,200 years ago. What belongs to yourself, but is used i The waters of the bead s( a, whin t" i o more by year friends than by yoarself ?' rudder has been seen. fur centuries, are Your name. c now being plied by German motor beats. `What is the keynote to good man- , There are now at work its the rivers r,f ners? Benatural. ` the Middle island of New Zealand ab hit Which of the English kings has most "240 dredges, each costin„ from $25,0001 reason to complain of his washwoman? t to $10.000, with the objee•t of extracting King John, when he lost his baggage in gold from the deposits in the Lads of the Wash. the streams.Why is an author the queerest ani - i James M. Whitney,tbe retiring Mane mal in the world? Eeeanse his tale lian of the Boston Public Library sag's comes out of his head. that the craze for faction in tins country iis subsisting and that tine people, as a r'onghe, ['olds, tio■reeaes■, and Other throat whole, are reading more serioas works. 4 &itn cuts are qufekly relieved by Creselene • "Maybe so—in Boston. t,itts. tneis Der All u L zcarat ns conducted v Professor r The other day h New Orleans firm re- iiroli in ileum's For;ani proves that the ceiretl a letter from 1. P. Morgan & Co„ " Etetihal City +t „extgf long before tike and in the letter watt a check signed by tante of 1toniu1us, its stip) csed founder. the big firm for $3,760,000.50. As the ; Prof. Airoli asserts that l trtis ans es - check was meant for somebody else,antt taldishttl the city of Penne on Aventine had been sent to the New Orleans firm hill, fronn which they deseended to fight by mistake, it Ness returned. a the Sabines. Tired ut "I was very poorly and could hardly get about the house. I was tired out all the time. Then I tried Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and it only took two bottles to matte me feel perfectly well."--Mrs.1V. S. Swin- ney, Princeton, Mo. Tired when you go to bed, tired when you get utired all the time. Why? Your blood is itn- pure, that's the reason. You are living on the border lute of nerve ex- haustion. Ayer's Ta h ustion. a Sarsaparilla and be quickly cured. AtAa ra Arde yr,or dt--t r,Mi at i:a►tl °pkat el Arps" at l,tattrsr J1r. Rrast e5ttttftgo ad ,fara l trtMirat e, feitowhis adrt,.a and we 1,4111 tee aµlhrie 9. . e. ATkS C'4.s tchre/,'.Mel. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • dCC66(1)•oocrE,Ooco04)1700•t9®•f8•A"AO®.O...®•ti•6®.00••p@•(9dt3•W(5•+$604103t6nn69t' 0403mmt9®a•00011• • O • • JOHN RERR • • p •0•GO00®6!••C 21600 0114<••••04 0000 000100 dt 600 Qt, 004906,130 ••0• 6604100.90V(000 0.4110c GENTS' SUIR'rS. New colors, best make from 390 to $1.25 each. GENTS' GLOVES. A few pail's of' Bnckskin, Silk lined Gloves, regular $2.00 reduced to $1.50. Raisins . , 7 lbs for 250 Currants.... 4 lbs for 25e Conking Figs(i lbs for 25e Good Rice 7 lbs for 25e Lemon Biscuits 3 lbs fur 25e Broken Sodasb lhs for 25e Sulphur 9 lbs for 25e Stock Salts...... 10 lbs for 25e w Sugar . 30 lbs for 1.00 Canned Corn 3 for 25e Canned Peas 3 for 25e Canned Beans 3 for 250 Canned Pumpkin3 for 25e Canned Tomatoes) 2 for 25e Gold Dust 7 for 25e Silver Dust 7 for 25e Royal Lye 3 fur _'Se Shoe Blacking reg. 56 2 tor 5c CASII FOR EGGS This season we want you,. Eggs and will make it profitable for yon to bring them to this store. We will give you the highest market price, and sell you goods at the Lowest possible price. `If you want cash of course we will pay the highest Cash Price. MACDONALD BLOCK, WIN G H A M • • A • • • • • • • • 00 • • • • • a • • • • • • 0 • • • d JAS. H.KERR • • • • .S•a92rsr.21.20o,m Some excitement has been caused at Venice by the appearance of a crack in two of the Procuratie Vecchio, on th e piazza of St. Mark, erected 400 years ago. Foreign visitors to Japan's inter- national exhibition, says a Kobe paper will be well looked after in every way. A hundred and fifty students from the foreign langaage school are to act as guides. The following from an exchange is terse and to the point :—This custom of hawking about subscription lists and pe- titions of one sort and another is not only a crying civil but aposiCive nuisance, au:1 should be suppressed. It has got so now tnat the assault of the subscription list promoter is not very far removed from the"stand and deliver" of the foot- pad or highwayman, with the difference in favor of the latter—as the victim has some chances of putting up a fightht with the latter if he so desires. Hawking about petitions looking for contributions to this and that and the other enterprise with which the average victim has not the slightest concern is simply black- mail—no milder term will do justice to it. A little more backbone on the part of the victims would soon stop this sys- tem of petty imposition. t>• G D ► TO ' N PROPERTES WANTED. I have daily enquirers wanting to pur- chase or rent houses in town. No commission charged nuless a sale is made. ABNER COSENS. Minnie St. Canada - Business - College CHATHAM ONT. Re -opens after Easter vacation on Tuesday, April 14th. The Spring months are among the best of the ynrr toe making at start. Write for the reason why. 20 to fiti calls for help at wages from ?35 to S0 per month had to be refused lately. No graduates left. We teach Book- koceing, Shorthand Intl Penmanship by mai/. Write for catalogue of either department. 7). McLACRLAN & CO„ Chatham, Ont. vvvvvvVVVVVYvvvvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvVVVVVVv® D -4 P 1. i ► 4 ► . I SEE F SEEpee o e t ► e I. T. A. Mills has just completed his stock of Common 4 Red, Mammoth, Alsike and Lucerne Clover. Timothy 1 Seed, all Canadian grown and carefully ,selected as to it quality. a A e t, Orchard Grass, Kentucky Blue Grass, Red Top. e White Scotch Superior Oats, Improved American— first year in this part. . • e IP- • e 1903 SPRING! 190( 111111111111PA, 1111111111•11. Vii 111111illlo...' If 1►..11111t11111u111R dlygigizias mos mum mum a WE HAVE c.4, K-r.N1 Now the most beautiful and com- plete stock ever put ou the market in the way of MEN'S SUITZNGS In all the latest designs and /nater- ialsttt very reasonable prices. You will have no difficulty id se- lecting lectini3 t a salt O suit. In fit and workmanship wo take a a backseat for no one. Satisfaction guaranteed. R MAXWELL Rum Ant' TAILOR. Speltz, Spring Wheat for taking the place of Barley, 1 Millet, Hungarian Buckwheat and Rape. e MANGELS--Saw Log, Intermediate, Yellow. 4 ► t P Giant Sugar Beet, Half Long White Field Carrot. 3 A e TURNIP SEED.— The best kinds, including 1 s Kangaroo and Perfection. 4 1 Dutch Set Onions, English Multiplier and Potato r, Onions. t E ALL RENDS OF SMALL SEEDS H i i ► e E All kinds of the best Silo Corn, thoroughly matured a Cfor growth. ► e e op i Dont forget Headquarters for Seed. JT. ,' e A• w is atrirs,' ,4 I AAAAAlAAAiAAAAAAAAAA&&ikAAA ,i,il/AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALAAAAA.