HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-04-02, Page 1VOL. XXXII.---NO, 1625,
1101 A S T achievements have
ntaught the public b1lc to P
much of us in Tailoring,
but this spring we have far sur-
passed the fondest expectation.
, "or proof look at our showing
of Spring TWEEDS and
WORSTEDS. The best as-
sortments ever gathered to-
gether under this roof. Be
sure you see these goods be-
fore buying elsewhere.
We have also received:
in all shapes
And everything ` needed" tip:
It out the most stylish man
•t °''young or old.
.A pleasure to show goods.
Ilomuth Bros.
Sign of the Big Bear.
Issued by PRANK PATEnsox, No. 23 Victoria
street. Wingham, Ont. No witnessesrequired.
Capital paid up, $ 2,940 100 0
Reserve Fund and
Undivided profifs $ 3,280,000
Farmers' Notes discounted.
Drafts sold on alI points in Canada,
the United States and Europe.
allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards,
and. added to principal 30th June and 31st
December each year.
A, E. GIl1SOL Manager.
R, "Vaustone, Solicitor.
'Capital paid up, $2,000,000.00.
Reserve Fund, $1,000,000.00.
[''resident -4011N STUART.
Vieo.President—A. t . EA Ms?.
.Sohn proctor, Geo, Roach, Win, Gibson, M,P.
A. T. Wood, M. P., A. 13. Leo (Toronto).
General Manager --d. al7RNHVI,t.
savings '•Bank --hours 10 to 3; Saturday, 10
to 1. Deposits of 441 and upwards received. -In•
tercet allowed, and computed on the 30th No.
vember and. 31st May each year and Added to
Special Deposits also received at current
tutee otintereet.
Drafts en Great firltain and the United
States Bought and sold.
Travellers are notified that the Bank of Ilam.
�I and its Branched inane Circular Bated et
imiai Prorinriel Bank of tingland, Limited,
vehielt can be eaehed without obarre or troit.
'hie in any part ofthe world.
W. O0E130i7LD, Agent
#1M 1r.. D/CfiratfISOlif, Soliottiot.
And house oleauers are here.
The quickest way that it eau be
done takes IoUg eno.ogh, good-
ness knows 1 too long; and the
easiest way is too bard.
We have v some time tried labor
,lightoners. The best they can
do is only a help, of course; but
it is hard without thele.
A few articles we have:
—Pearline —Gold Dust
—Silver Dust —Washing Ani.
—Gillett's Lye •[monis
—Life Buoy Soap —Washing Soda
—Comfort Soap--Imperi>31 Soap
—Sunlight Soap —SweetHome Soap
—Searchlight Soap.
Also all kinds of Brushes
and Brooms, cheap.
R. A. Holchisou
Prompt Delivery. - Phone 59.
Who Wants a Farm ?
I have over 4,000 acres of choic3 farm lands
for sale, in 00, 76, 100 160 and 200 acres, lots in
Kinloss, Greenock, `Bruce, Kincardine, Huron
and Ashfield Townships. Good landswith
good buildings to bo sold cheap on easy terms.
Also a good sawmill for sale, almost for a song.
Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in con-
nection) doing a good business, for sale cheap.
A hotel doing good business for sale cheap.
Also a wagonshop. A general store with large
trade, live village. Also A large amount of
money to loan at o per cont. For further par-
ticulars apply to
Insurance Anent,Holyrood.
1)o you want to buy a house in town? It so,
cell and see what I have to offer you. Good
value for your money, and large list to choose
from. Now is the time to buy that farm you
aro wanting. You can buy cheaper now than
you could q nio tli ego. -Call dna get prices.
, 1i5 i17AC,t•'CVIRK.
Real Estate Agent.
Office,Leopold•St., Wingh;sm-
See Halsey Park's advertisement.
Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran-
teed to cure headache.
Farm Hand Come High.
Farm hands ar being offered as high
$250ith boar that
d is
worth about $400 which is a very high
wage for unskil d labor. It is not
worth while for young man to spend
three or four ye at high school fitting
himself for a tea her at a salary of from
$300 to $350, les $100 for board, when
he can get better ages and have fewer
to satisfy by enga ing as a farm hand.
Seed peas, without bugs, at T.A. Mills'.
Huron Old
From the daily
the Huron OId Bc
run their annual
Wingham and Go
will start on Satt
TIMES is pleased t
Boys and also the
ham during the co
can assure them a
our townspeople.
oys' Excursion.
apers we learn that
ys of Toronto, will
th se r
a to
erich. The excursion
day, July 4th. The
know that the Old
adies will visit Wing•
[hing summer and we
earty welcome from
WANTED — Nurse maid, at once.
Apply at Dr. Macdonald's.
An Eas
The members of
the Methodist chi
concert on Tile
week in the lectr
The program wi
bars of the Juni
sist of solos, r
music, etc. Tli
to the Junior L
the new church,
ed to attend. T
er Concert.
the Junior League of
rch will give an Easter
lay evening of next
e room of the church.
be rendered by' mem
r League and will con.
citations, instrumerital
proceeds will be applied
igue's subscription to
All are cordially invit-
e admission is sec.
Dr. Ovens, of London, Surgeon, Ocu-
list and Specialist, Eye, Ear, Nose and
Throat, will be at Winghare,on Monday,
March 3Oth; Monday.illay 4th; Monday,
June 1st; Monday, June 20th. Glasses
properly fitted. Office at Campbell's
drug store, Wingham.
Pell Se nteen Peet.
The little daugl er of Mr, M. 'Willi.
ams, of the Brun wick House, had a
very narrow es ape from death one
evening recently. The child was on the
second floor of tl a house plaving and in
sone way been over balanced and fell
over the stair b inter to the first floor, a
distance of /telt nteen feet. Beyond tt
few bruises on ne leg the child was not
seriously hurt, at will riot have the use
of her leg for t o or three weeks. It is
a wonder how he child escaped with 1
each slight to j es,
For Window Shad • : o to Ball Bros.
Easter Holiday Trip.
The Grand Trunk will i ie round:
tiip tickets between all et ons in Cana<
da, at Single First- las. Fare; good go-
ing Thursday, Ap 9th, to Mona
April 13th, inclusive, and valid for re-
turn until Tuesday, April 14th, 1903.
Splendid trains and perfect roadbed in-
sure a comfortable trip.
Servant girl want d. ighest wages
paid, ' Apply at Br -:wick House,
Stndents' Easter ates,
The Grand,Trnnk w' issue to stu-
dents and teach • r o salmis and col-
leges, on surre .: • of standard certifi-
cate, signed by the Principal, return
tickets at Single Fare and One Third,
going April 4th to 11th, inclusive. Valid
returning until April 21s1,1903. Further
particulars in another column of this
paper, or at any Ticket Office.
To RENT—Rooms suitable for dwelling,
in Ritchie block. Apply to D. Stewart.
MoixY To LOAN at 4;4 per cent. an
easy terms of repayment. Apply to A.
Dulmage, Kent .Klock, Wingbam.
['rout Se
In answer to a
man iu Guelph as
of the ttout seaso
er of Fisheries, S.
follows: The s
opens on the 1st
until the 14th of
paper announce
would open on t
on May lst.
ery from a gentle.
o date of the opening
,Deputy Commission,
T. Bastedo writes as
seokled trout season
f May and continues
eptember. The news-
nt last year that it
15th April was a mis-
Eggs 13c. Timoih
oats for Bale.
of utter weekly.
over and Waverly
Gast. E. KING.
Mr. D. Stewart'
stook and irnplem
last was very large
prices were realize
and stock, One ni
handsome price o£
ear- old steers sol
gentleman porch
amount of $813.00
was the auctionee
uction Sale.
auction sale of farm
nts held on Friday
attended and good
for all the articles
Leh cow brought the
61 and three two -
at $53 each. Oue
ed stock to the
Blt,i John Purvis
the llth of Apri
my residence, L
hold furnishing
quality and nearl
wil ;e)1 privately at
u St. all my be
hou -
hick are of good
as. T. J. MAGUIRE.
Bowfin, and Tennis.
A meeting of the Wingham Bowling
and Tennis As ociation will be held iu
the Council 0 amber this (Thursday)
evening at 8 o' lock. Officers are to be
elected for the owing season and other
business will b transacted. Alt officers,
players and otl er interested parties are
requested to a end this meeting. The
above notice ppeared in last week's
Talcs and we ere informed that the
meeting was to nave been held on Thurs-
day evening of ast week, but owiug to
some misunder tending the meeting was
adjourned nnti this (Thursday) evening,
April 2nd. A arge attendance is desir-
I have just
three desirabl
must be sold a
to leave towwn
d placed in my bands
town properties that
once as the owner wishes
MONEY To L0Az1.—Money to loan on
notes, and notes discounted at reason-
able rates. Money advanced on mort-
gages, with privilege of paying at the
enol of any year. Notes and accounts
collected. Office—Beaver Block, Wing -
ham Roar. MoINDOo.
Death of
The Brucefield
Clinton New Era
the mother of Mr.
as follows:—On T
week Mrs. Alexa
village, passed qu
home after a short
There was no ap
slow wasting awa
age of 79, and s
many years. She
land, and canto to
parents, Mr. and
tied Mr. Alex. R
farm on which s
large family to
sou Robert Ross,
sons are still livin
Oolulnb'•a; Thoa.
Cleveland and ti
She lie has !six daug
Lean, of Stanle
of Seaforth; >ll
W. Murdock o
Tavish, of St.
were interred i
village, where
rs. Ross.
orrespondent Of the
fern to the death of
.11. Ross of this town
esday evening of this
der Ross, near our
tly away to her long
llnoss of a few weeks.
rent disease, only a
She hadreaehed the
ived her husband by
was a native of Scot-
this Country with her
rs. Nichol. Shelter-
, and settled On the
o died. She leavea a
ourn her loss, One
ied a year ago. pour
; Alexander of Eritish
. of Wingham; Dan of
youngest .don William.
tern living: Mrs.l). Me-
; Mrs, Elder, formerly
Lee, of Dakota; Mrs.
Stanley, and Mrs. Mc.
Thomas. The rcina:ns
the eetnoteryw near our
et husband mutton are
Wilson -Frye ompany.
The entertainment wen lay the Wil.
son -Frye Cowpauy o Monday evening
wee fairly well atte ed and briugs to
tla end the course co cents for this sea-
son, attr. Frye and Miss Wilson are
both cle /er artlets nd their program
was very touch app elated by all pres-
ent. The course co certs, the first to be
held in: Wingham, ' ve been well patron-
ized and it is likely hey will be continu-
ed neat semen,
Seedpees,without bugs, atT A. Mills'.
A Go
A ntaitt street me
Reformer, has sug
summer months th
one afternoon ea
chant, says the Galt
sted that during the
stores in town close
h week. The idea
seems a good one f can the ataudpoint of
both merchants a 1 clerks. An after-
noon la a week won not seriously affect
the revenues of the various stores and it
would give the oler s an opportunity to
get out of the stn 'y stores during the
hot weather, TI a day suggested is
Thursday and the • oaths July and Aug-
ust. In Guelph, n Woodstock and in
Brantford, the BR mer 1'aialf holiday is a
great boon.
Private funds to loan at lowest rate of
interest. Apply to H. DAY'S
Clean Up Y
Now that spring
Wingham should c
aleaniug, There f
vast amount of lilt
the long winter Lha
the warm weathe
alleys, and front aa:
be cleaned. Let th
and after it is once
clean. Outhouses s
attention and slops
should not bo throw
of the ground to fel
of a summer sun, is
phoid and•otheta dl's
on the part of cacti
wtraders in the ap
bur Premises.
is hero, the people of
mmence their spriug
always bound to be a
accazanulate during
needs attention with
of spring. Streets,
back yards, should
work be thorough
done keep the town
ould be given strict
and refuse matter
out ou the surface
er beneath the rays
breed germs of ty-
zsei:.• A little labor
resident will work
arance of the town.
$1,000 reward will be ptiid y the
widow of the late Selwyn J with, for
information that will len to the detec-
tion and conviction person or per-
sons who waylaid a robbed the said
Iate Selwyn J. Smith on the evening of
Feb. 3rd, 1903,
DIoarNso v & Roraima.
Bad Stree and Roads.
This spring W ngham has seen its
streets fn very ba condition. Some of
the roadways hav: been in a terrible cove
dition. The Str:•t Committee should
make a tour of i•speotion and note the
defects in the diff rent streets and see to
it that they are prperly repaired before
this time next ear. Water, slush
and mud are alio :d to ran over the side-
walks and crossin son a number of back
streets in differe t parts of the town.
this is another . atter that the street
committee should ave remedied at once.
While Wingham as very bad roads they
are not to
be co pared
to thoseiu
town of Listowel The TIMES man spent
a half day in Li : towel during the past
he dust was flying on
Listowel's main streets
al inches deep. We
Councils of Wingham
nld profitably discuss
e "good roads gtiettion."
week and while
our main streets
were mud sev
think the Tow.
and Listowel
and deal with t.
Mill ends of p
Isard'e; 121. c nus
ity for 8c; every q
lints fast received •at,
�ity#or 10c --10c quai-
gd'a Bargain.
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers.
Real Esta
Mr. Clyne) Magni
businees Condnctud
late brother. Iu a
guire will be ?oast
the Vanstone bloel
the real estate b
collecting, etc. j
ehas taken over the
n Wingham by his
ut a week Mr. Ma-
in bis new office in
, and in addition to
siness will also do
Tants wishes him
Foa SALE. --A number of cisterns and
water tanks. Will be sold cheap.
Another instance
obtained from the
columns was affor
paper contained an.
that a gentleman
found by Mr. P. 11
on Friday mornui
seen the advertise
Fordyce and reco
Iost time -piece.
f the good results
T;alas advertising
d last week. Tho
dvertisement stating
s watch bad been
Glynn, Fordyce, and
the owner, having
ant, made his way to
red possession of the
$2.00, at Armstrong & Co's studio.
The London Conf
odist Church will e
iu June, and Rev.
preparing for the a
large uumber of n
who will be present
billeting arrangem
States that there
whatever in maki
once of the Meth-
emble in Wingham
. Hobbs is already
loinntcdatioa of the
misters and laymen
Mr, Hobbs has the
tits well in hand, and
ill be no difficulty
ample:provision for
Dwelling and office to rent in the Mc-
Kenzie block. Apply to A. J. lawns,
Wawanosh y in the West.
The item given low is tukenfrom last
week's Brandon T s, The -young roan
referred to is a son f Mr. P. Porterfield,
the popular clerk f the Township of
East Wawanosb, he Tiisnis has lunch
pleasure in wishing this young man con-
tinued prosperity a d his many friends in
this section will b pleased to hear of his
advancement, Th Times says:—"Mr.
George Porterfiel of the post office
staff, was a visito in Winnipeg this
week. He bas rece ved an appointment
on the railway mai service. Mr. Port-
erfield f
erfie d is one 0 o t o mostti capable and
courteous young u that has ever held
a public position i this city, and while
his many friends ill be pleased to bear
of his appointmen they will regret to see
lam leave the pos office here.
NOTICE—I expect to be orated in my
new office, in the V: Ds .tie Block about
the 10tH of April s ME MAGUIRE
Real Estate Agent.
Not a Corre'clt Statement.
The Clinton News
says:—"The News -
office in Huron with
chine and it is the or
piete electric service.
to inform our friend
that his Iatter state:
The TIMES has no is
but we can claim th
first newspaper offict
introduce an electr
purpose. The Tint
electric motor for
and we can say w
that it is the best
press. The Tata
the improvement
News -Record is
we wish him con
Record of last week
tecord is the only
a type setting ma-
y one with a coo-
if the News -Record
tent is not correct.
e setting machine,
honor of being the
iu Huron county to
c motor for power
s has been using an
he past ten months
lth the News -Record
awer for a newspaper
is pleased to hear of
Brer Mitchell of the
eking in his office and
hued prusperity.
Dr. Butler, specialist so the diseases
of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes
tested and glasses supplied. Office op -
point° St. Andrewai church, London,
It will pay. you to use. None but the
best drugaureaised, endue it is ixiade
On the pretaiseat 'We kilOW there is
nothing injurious in it.
Over 2 lbs 256 package.
5 packages for $1.00.
Try it and be convinced of its value.
Manufactured and sold by
Druggist and Optician
Hee, to Peit Office.
#) tatty 0,1011 line of nr. shoop's
Witiglatm tam
a Mrs. Ales" hel
millinery openiu
last end tamp
the beautiful hat
oft exhibition, T
ate right up -to.
designs in
not attempt tO des
ful and artistic) or
their atereS. Sufi
best and latest th
of fashion in Cana(
ptoduce are on vie
woman desire? /
hat or anything
ladies will find in
Wingbam, mi
Mrs. Aley will hol
mg On Friday a
rs with. the exception
their annual spring
on Friday evening
e ladies of town and
establishments to see
rind goods that were
ate with the latest
y goods. We shall
ribs+ the many beauti-
ations to be seen in
oo it to say that the
the leading centres
*, and what more can
selecting an Easter
ri spring millinery.
eh to their taste at
nery establishments.
her millinery open.
Satinaiity of this
Rev. Mr.111oDo
1lothodist church
The annual meet
Ontario Bible Soot
London on April 2
Rev. C. C. Ow
Memorial attire/1,
and accepted a call
Vancouver, B. 0.
The con re atio
13 lI
Church, Stratford,
tor and #iis wife,
Reim, with a wel
upholstered oak ro
their approaching
The finaucial yea
church has come to
issue of the Pres
interview with the
which the annouo
during the year en
giviugs or the ehp
partments which
been $264,600, a ge
cent. over the pre
mission fund inc
$13,000, and the f
over $7,000, with
of the Women
will preach in the
Sunday next.
ng of the Western
ty will be held in
, rector of Cronyn
ondon, has received
to Christ Church at
of the Centennial
resented their pas -
v, and Mrs. W, 0.
filled purse and an
e ing ehair in view of
of the Presbyterian
close. The current
terian coutains an
eta Dr, Warden in
ment is made that
ing in February the
eh to the dozen de -
re recognized have
u of $33,200, or 15 per
ons year. The Itoute
eased by more than
reigu mission fund by
t counting the receipts
Foreign Missionary
LOST --A brow
lay House on Th
26. Finder will
same at TiMn`s o
shawl .e• he Dins-
rsday •• :sting, March
e rewarded by leaving
The examin
March in the 0
Public School
Class A—S
slid, Algebra,
Maximum 400.
330; E. Edw
Wilson, 281;
Wynn, 266;
251; G.'Eagl
A. Park, 217
Ross, 205 (3) ;
360; I. Davie:
ions for the month o£,
ttnuatiou Classes of the
ere as follows:
jects;—Grammar, En.
Composition and Latin,.
Nixon, 344; A. Hobbs,
ds, 803; L. Kerr, 292; A,
. McDougall, 280 (3); P.
. Fisher, 25i; .1. Garrick,
on, 234; H. Wilson. 222;
A. Howson, 213 (3) ; M,
Vaustone, 132.(3).
Davidson, 360; 1~I. Rose,.
27; A .'Riutottl, 301; L.
Ansley, 286;11 Rose, 280; E. Scott, 225;
R. Runciman, 214; M, Gordon, 214 (3) ;
E. K'ng, 203 3); W. Isbister, 158; G.
Cruickshank, 140 (2) ; O. Ferguson, 127
(2); E. Currie 93 (1); L. Kerr, 73 (1).
Class B.—S bjects, English Grammar,
Arit1nnetie; •` t uadian History. Total
Willie Jobb ;QGb j Hattie Gannett, 25
Burviie 1
Gri 245; Elva
Dodd, 24
Ethel Fergus 4,143; George Grego'
240; Laurii,N. w , 235; Alfred Posliff, 23
Harry Green 282; Merton Hart, 219
Vera Holmes 214; Alice Chapman, 206;.
G, orge Ellio 199; Jantza Perrie, los;
Lilian Deyel , 179; Ethel Elliott, 178;
Carroll Hele, 162; Della Mitchell, 158;
Margaret Ste °' art, 155 (2) ; Olive Cruick-
shank, 146, 2) Mildred Deemer, 132;
e'red Howso , 124 (2) ; Norman Park,
118; Willie S ott, 110 (2) ;Alice !load, 83 1
(2); Roy Cro sten, 71 (2) ; May Swarts,
55 (1).
Our Water orks and Electric Light
The follow g report of the Clinton
delegation t. - t visited Wiughaw re-
cently to enq • ire into the wat'rworks
and electric li,ht systems ofthe town is
taken from th Clinton New Record:—
Wingham h s au electric Nita
run by wat and steam power, the
steam is used n the dry anclt;the wet
seasons, the w ter power at other times.
The plant, inc tiding waterpower, cost
*20,000, The
plant and does '. of i.ptend to purchase it
as there is al eaiiy a municipal water
power plant. The electric lighting
system consist: of 300E incandescent and
63 arc lamps a. d the rate charged is 12c
per 1000 Watt but a flat rate is more
popular. Engi . eer Davis of Berlin in-
vestigated the cilities for a system of
waterworks ana detailed report after
snaking two vis ts; the total cost of this
investilaation a.. report was $177. He
recommended g aveI spring's in the im-
mediate vicinityor artesian wells as the
source of water ; ipply and a pump hav-
ing a capacity , 260,000 gallons in 24
hours to pump tl water into a reservoir
of cannrete near
the water woul
reservoir to a st
and baying 120,0
some high porti
cost of the resery
Of the standpipe
exchisive of One
prOtection at a
total cost of the
$31,000 which w
interest and sinkin
year if distributed,
estimated retrenuf
year with a ,tea
sueceeding year,
ie important beam
cticflly it the sum
at the prevent ti
difiletlitlee to
Conte to Dotyui,A<es, Tata DRU 01$1', ;
far all kinds: of
flower and Garden Seeds
Over 3(1 different colors and vari-
eties of Sweet Peas to .choose
yourmixture front
1 !
Anything vee have not in stock will
be procured at catalogue price,
A special prize of $5.00 is being
given by me at the Wingham fair for
the best collection of Roots and
Vegetables grown from my seed
DOU6I, + S
The Druggist,
Office G. N. W. Telegraph.
An excellent time to commence a
course of study so as to be ready to
take a good position in the fall.
Get our catalogue BEFORE DECID-
Courses in Shorthand, Bookkeeping,
E er}maushin, eo.
Horseme Attention!
The time is at
should be orderin
cards for the c ami
has t i complete ose
are in aposition t
itt this class of w
TIMES office who
printing of any ki
nd when horsemen
their bills and route
gseason. The Tarns
of horse cuts and we
give good satisfaction
rl,:. Don't forget the
yo i are in ne id of
Heavy Dr. ght Stallion.
Messrs. Elliott King h the recently
imported a high lass heavy draught
stallion from the Old Country, The
statism. "Divides' ' is oaily five yews
of age and is a d pple 1 ay w th wai e
face and both rear . egs are white. The
horse will weigh ix the heighborhood of
a ton. He is said ) be one of the best
horses ever broug t into this section.
Mr. D. McPherson will be in eharge of
this horse and al + Prince of Kelton
during the coming season.
NOTICE.—All acro its ow'ng my bro-
ther, the late T Maguire, must be
settled by Apr 5th
ME MA IRE, Real Estate Agent.
town does not own the ti.;,e;_„`^,,,
the pumping sta.tion;
be pumped from the
hdpipe 100 feet high
0 gallons capacity at
of the tovvn. The
it 'would be $1000 and
4500. This system.
ready inetalled for fire
ost of $17,000. The
aystem would be
mean, including
fund, 41,214.43 *per
Vet 80 yeats. The
s $100) for the first
increase for each
his part of the rePtirt
position isa Clinton
and has the same
Such a Shoe
as we sell
For 3 Dollars
Is the Pcirtal of the $3.50 or $4.00
shoes you see in other stote.s.
The difference in the priee is cleat
saving to vou ; the quality of
the shoe is beyond questiou.
Call and see them.
Remerrthae • All ripe in time" we
OP caatiot.
tiring along your ebbed; repairing
done with riteitteati wet despatch.