HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-03-26, Page 8RITCHIE 84 CAMPBELL LL. ; Carpets. and Curtaius + . t- Com( and inspect our large and up to date stock in r, $ the Car•ptt Department on second floor, consisting of $Qarpets.---1n Velvets, Brussels, Tapestry, Acadia, 1'wo and three ply All Wools, Unions, Hernias and Japanese D12tutlligs. Wool and Union Squares, Axminster Squares, Meadia, Rugs, Door Mats, etc. Se ,leums.—Froin ono to four yards wide, Be sure and see the 4 yard width for dining rooms.. Cllrtc;inS,--The finest assortment of Lace Curtains. 25 different patterns to choose from, all this spring's designs. Also a nice assortment of Damask Curtains lesAttelela,tet.,1,0"letaltalaitsal,44,,,WW$A4aisisAls,""art..aria awl Table Covers. iOooits Trimmins, °lea fpStill new lines are being added to our already large s!s' stock of Dress Goods. You can suit y ourself here no master what you want. A Lumber of new lines of Trimmings have been added to our stock. Some of the latest. r j ,, . See our new assortment of Ladies' Faney Collars. 0 1 • RITCHIE & CAMPBELL. For best qualities in all lines try MINOR LOCALS, —Mr. D. McDonald lost a valuable •tfose last week. Millinery openings on Friday even- ing this week. --Robt. Maxwell, high art tailor has a ieW advt, in this issue. Read • TEE Ali:C M TIMES, ?iiARCII 26. 194 3 Seed peas, without b .: , at' T. A. Mills'. " -•—The remit smallpox(pldenxio wx11 coat Galt about $14,000. —Seven vCl hundred settlers left Toronto on Tuesday for different points in the West. —Tao paauy friends of J. 3. l4;'liiott,V. S., will be pleaseai to learn that slightly unproved since our last issue. IIematt is tti very sick -"Mews Geo. Shaw and Harry Mo Aenzie left Winghaiu, on Tuesday, viii G. T. R. for Wiuuipeg. They took a Car load of horses with them. —Since the 26th of December last, three months, there have been sixteen serious railway accidents in Canada, The number of people 1ti11ed was 42 mid the injured numbers 103. —Mr, T.H.Ross received the sad news from Brucezield on Wednesday horning of the death of his mother, which sad event occurred on Tuesday night. Mr. Ross left this morning to attend the funeral. —The seed time of the year is the best time to plant advertising seed which will grow to abuudauce its the busy days that will come before the end of the year. The Testes is the best local sowing ground. I)r. (hells, of'Londou, Surgeon, Mu - list and Specialist. Eye, Lar, Nose awl drx Throat, will b(+ at Wiut;kxaln,on 11lort y, ld ' 11 • lvloz a , v i 3 lana l 8 , •1!i zz ivf • i t ( Y • 1.011, D sell Juno 1st; 11'fnud,ty. , June �Jttz. Glasses properly fitted Office at Campbell's drug store, Winillanl. FOR ALB A tine (,aaare'1!arm t 1s in first class state seeded down.'trait dt maker for a quick famine house n flue silo anal other neve. premises. Apply tc Donna -let Whlteeirarelt, on March 12th. th wife of lt. 3% Moble, hardware merchant, a daughter. —Rowland and Young, supported by a cotupauy of clever players, are holding the boards at the Opera House this week in a repertoire of well seleoted plays. They put on a good show and will be here for the balance of this week. —A meeting of the East Huron License ,Commissioners was held at Brussels on Tuesday for the purpose of organizing and receiving applications for licenses. Mr. Jas. Turnbull, ex -reeve of Grey, has been appointed a member of the Board as a successor to Mr. Geo. Fortune, of Turuberry, resigned, Ma*`l teiEll IRv[Nci--MAs0N-At the residence or the bride's parents. Bluevelts, ou Mach lath, by Rev. FSwann, Mr. D. Irving of Morris, to Miss Mabey. L. Mason, youngest daughter of Mr. Itobt. Mason. (G1tAvr-LAutc-At Molesworth, on Mareh 15th. by Rev. lair. Ballautvne, Mr. Thos Grant to M -Lcruel Laing, iglidhught (Daughter of the late Mo)(alsosa-Hav-•In Wal ton, on March 17t11, Ivy Rev. I M. Webb, Mr. J. W. Morrison to Hoy, Annie E. daughter of 111r. and Mrs. Morrison, all of Walton, DI.NII/ Tuo n'so5.---In Grey, on March 12th, Mrs. George: Thompson, in her 27th year. lutein. -At Cranbroolr, on March nth, jean Airth, beloved wife of John b:night, aged 58 years and 11 months. BLaNsfARn.-In Fvinghant, on March 22nd, Ann fllanshnrd, sister of tete late Wnt. Blanc hard, aged 71 years. 1t74Ginl a, -Iii Wingham, on Marcie 21st, Thomas James Maguire, aged 21) years, 8 months end :1 days. `22nd, 3aineslLoutlt.1 stle narly of Wich nghaon m.. PERSONALS. We shall be gladto have contributions t this cohunn from any of our readers. If you have visitors or purpose going away yourself, drop in and tell us, or send us a note to that effect. Mrs. McDonald, of Ashfield is visiting with her son, Mr, D. McDonald. Mars. (Dr.) Snell, of Bssex is visiting —The Epworth League of the Metho- with her mother, Mrs. (Rev.) Hobbs. dist church are to be congratulated on Mrs. R. N. Barrett was visiting with the success of their conundrum social friends in Brussels during the week. held on Friday evening last. The even- Miss Gilroy, of Mt. Forest has been ing was very pleasantly spent by all pres- visiting at the home of Mr. W. J. Chap- ent. man. —The Goderich Signal carne to hand Mr. F. Gutteridge, of Seaforth was iu last tweek in a new dress of type, which town for a few days this week ou busi- - e have had some oft arch. elion" very materaAy improved the appearance ness. 'weather during the pres week. of the paper. The new proprietors, Mr. Jas. Dawson, Hamilton is dwelling, Messrs. Vanatter & Robertson, have the n so days of Hs home in Ritchienbock s s . y tole D.Stewart. spending a few in Ritcie block.: • ppl,y to Stewart, best wishes of the Trans. town this week.—'Phe TIMES 70 will be sent to new sub- —.Municipal ownership is the subject Messrs. W. J. Scott and J. D. MoEwon scribers for 70 cents for the balance of of discussion in Durham. It is,proposedd were in Torous. for a few days this week this dear. to invest in a municipal electric ligh on business. -,-'uruberry township Council will plant for the purpose of furnishing street Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Ross were visiting xineet in the Cleric's office at B luevale on and private lighting. Discussion so far with friends in Toronto for a couple of ]Sunday next, seems to favor the project. days this week. —The Wilson -Frye Co in the Opera —Mr. D. McGilIicuddy, in the God- Mr.C.A. Wilson, of the Hobbs Hard - House on Monday next will be the last rich Signal, states that ou disposing of . A. Wilson, ,of a caller at the -course concert for this season. that paper he will for the present enjoy wareTIMESoffice on London, was a c. .Mr. Wm. Nicholson will erecta a needed rest, his negot iatious for con- Mr. Fyfe s town is in Ese- new dwelling on his property on Frances trol of the London News not having ter this week LawrenceaFyfe of the funeral e- eitreet during the coming summer. reached a successful conclusion. his week John McMahon.nthfuneral —The regular meeting of Court Melt- --In. a wreck on the G. T. R. near s sister, Jeffrey J was visitiughisbrother laud Canadian Order of Foresters will be Elora on Wednesdayof last week, two in Seaforth laste week prior to the latter'so held on Friday evening of this week. children were killed and a nutnber of departure for his home in North Da - Mr. Alex. McGregor, of Culross other passengers injured. Mr. Goldring, kota. eshippod a car load of cattle from Wing traveller for the Western Foundry Co. Ilam to the Old Country on Tuesday. +vas 011 the train but was not injured. ' Mr. W. J. Neil is in Toronto this week in the interests of the maintenance -of - way —.A. thunderstorm struck Wingham —Mr. Thos. Friendship, of Brussels, a way employes of the Teeswater branch of Xsedlast Friday evening about 5 o'eloc'k, and former resident of Wingham underwent the C. P. R. a sudden change itt the tempera- an operation last week for the removal MICR is hereby caused d Dr. Holmes, of Goderich, County N 1897, Chap. 129, lure of a soft tumor front the top of hishea having claims agams --Remember the 'Wilson -Frye Co. in He is now improving and intends Lnovi ,Treasurer was visiting with bis son, man, late of tl his family from Brussels to Teeswater. Barrister Dadley Holmes for a couple of the County of Huro who cried on or about the Opera House on Monday evening days last week. ire A.D. 190.3, are require wit. Plan of hall at H. Park's jervelery --Mr. D. Diusley, who recently left Miss May A. Riddell, formerly a mil- or to deliver to It Val Executrix, on or befor store. Wingham for Collin ;wood had the mis- liner in Wingham has accepted a situate A.D. 1003. their names, ddresses and Hous a full state —17e. and Mrs. Towler entertained fortune to dislocate his shoulder one ion iu Revelstroke. B. C., and left for their claims and and the nal are of the security (if that place last week. , any) Reid by theist dul certified, and that after the teachers and officers of the Methodist day last week. He slipped and fell the said Baty the )Jxucn . it will proceed to dis• Sunday School, at their home on Thurs- from a dray wagon. His many friends Mrs Saml McLean and son, who have tribute e ititled assets Ct thavingsrega d`� i ly to dayr evening last, hero will be sorry to hear of his anis- been visiting with her parents, Mr. ant! the claims of which sh, shall then have notice. 1 fortune. ti Dated this 3rd clay of Mardi A.D. 1903. -Mr. Geo. C. Wood, of Ingersoll died Mrs. John AlcGracken, Frances street R VAN lgha>it Wingham, at Ciueinuati, Ohio, on Monday. Mr. —Mr. Geo. L. Ireland, of Detroit. a and with friends itt this vicinity for the sol 'iter for the Exrcutrix Wood worked in Bell's furniture factory former well-known resident of Wingham past three mouths, returned to their hate some years ago. had the misfortune on Saturday* while home in Dauphin, Man., on Tuesday. at work to have the thumb and two first fingers taken off his right hand. His friends here will be ferry to hear of his unfortunate accident. T+"armers and others should re- member D. Stewart's auction sale of farm stock and implements on Friday of this week. A ince lot of high-grade ALKER BROS. & BUTTON UNDERTAKER$,WiNGHAM. Night galls at Button Blook, or Fifth door south of School Hodse. Shop op- posite Macdonald block. Miss Laurin Agusta Kaiser (SOPRANO) TEACHER OF VOICE AND PIANO. CONCERT ENGAGEMENTS ACCEPTED. Residence H. B. Elliott, Frances St., Wingliam THOMAS HOLMES & SONS BANKERS, Etc. Marriage Licenses issued, No witnesses re- quire d. Money 4 per cent, lame amounts; smaller in proportion. Easiest terms. RICHARD HOLMES BARR351En AS LAW, SoLlaeon, NOTARY PITBLTO, &c., &e. Office -Next to Holmes Block now building. FOR SALE OR RENT. New brick house and i4 acre land, i Martha street, Wingltant. Apply to ALEXANDER Cs,OWDlunn PY,Win0 TO RENT. In Wingham. Town Plot. a rontforteble House, with good stable. Any Quantity of lunch from one to twenty acres can be leased in connection with it. Terms reasonable, Apply ts, ALEX. KELLY, ,'Wingham P. 0. BULL FOR SALE. Mr 13lnev)tle. 9'his farm all li nearly is t t gut y ct Ili hied and will be a money buyer. There is a good ink bath (nearly new) a airy W. J. DUFI , Blue on to Selecting Wall Paper One choice young. Shorthorn Bull for sale, cheap. Pedigree will be furnished. �R. N, Whitcciatrcll P. 0. Lot 34, Con. 2, Culross. TENDERS WANTED sometimes is an un- pleasant task, The wrong paper will spoil the effect of the richest furnishing ; the right paper will add warmth and cheer and brightness to any home. It isn't always easy to get satisfaction in this respect, but our stock is so varied, there are so many different colors and tints, so, many different designs, that the most critical person can not fail to be satisfied. Under -priced Papersi'„. We are treating our +s - tourers to genuine hi ains these days, the reas. being that we bought the toss steak at a low rate 'n e dollar and wish to share • • r good fortune with the people whom we ex- pect to be our Mends in a business way while we stay in Wingham. You can save from 20% to 30% by securing these bar- gains, and you are foolish to let the opportunity pass if you are needing some paper, 25c Papers for 18e 20e Papers for 15e 15e Papers for 100 10e Papers for 7e All paper trimmed free Remnants of Wall Paper consisting of from 6 to 20 rolls of a kind, have their walking tieket—first come, first served. Some of these at'e as low as 2? -o per single roll. They are suitable for small bedrooms, back kit- chens and attics, and make a roam clean and neat for little money. A box of odd rolls, 2 to 4 rolls of a kind, per double roll ,05 Successors Tenders will be received by the undersigned n to Friday, May lst, 1903, for removing the old plaster, and reulastering Eadio's (Presh - terialnl Church, Turnberry. Contractor to leave building clean and ready for worship when finished. Tenders will be received for both hard plaster Paris finish ands lime finish. Work to be commenced and completed in the month of June. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, �ry .pinsErR G 8AY. Cxlellannaln, Wm. Henan, Wingham. • Geo. Foltxuxu, Wingham, Turnberry, Mar. 10, 1403. Managers. NOTICE T CREDITORS. i 1 Cooper & Co. WINWIAM. tt cessors to ALss. ROBS. .411481•1•04.1k44M4.14.4 11•441141.13.44.410/141M•41•••••• picture Framing We have placed in stock some very pretty lines of Picture Moulding, the newest designs. These won't cost' any more money than you have been accustomed to paying. The glass we use is made purposely for picture frames, free from blurs and scratches, Buying direct from the manufacturers, we save you the middle dealer's profit.' Our keeping an up -to date stock accounts for; the enormous business we do in picture framing, BALL BROSI I1asunI�CE_PATILICI( sT. The People's g' where night tails will receive prompt attention. PHONE 51 J We buy and sell for cash. • Best goods at lowest prices. *. • + 4 I1 NewSprin�.; Having purchased our spring stock, in the city last • +• 1 week, of the newest and best goods money can buy,—they Z.- * * have arrived and we are in a position to show you a good, * •• clean, attractive and well -assorted stock for spring and t- 4. summer wear. •"s• 4- 44 4-* AnMaea NOTICE 4. '+• .10 4. Some of our excellent values : Men's Navy B#lie Serge Suits, single or double �4 00 �• ,i breasted Men's fine Halifax Tweed Suits $5,00 4.4. See our Men's Suits at $6,00 and $7.00 . 4. 4.See our fine Grey Worsted Suits at SltO 00 t ÷ Look at our Youth's Long Pant Suits at ...... aM- $3.75, $4.00, $6.00, $7.00 ,, 4- Three-piece Knicker Suits for Boys - -a $3.00, $3.50, $4,00, $5.00 Vestee three-piece Suits, worth $4,00, for.... $2.75 d 1 SETTLERS' ONE-WAY EXCURSIONS tven pursuant to R.S.O.,' To Manitoba and Canadian North-west will 'ea. 33, that all persons leave Toronto every TUESDAY during March the estate of Richard Town of Wingham in and April, 1003, if sufficient business osiers. , gentleman, deceased, to first day of February Passengers travelling without Live Stock to send by post prepaid should take train leaving Toronto at 1.43 p.m. tone, Solicitor for the . the 2nd clay. of April Passengers travelling with Live Stock should t d deserip- take the train leaving Toronto at 900 p.m. tent of particulars of i Colonist Sleeper will be attached to each train SPECIAL SALE OF HOUSedearling Necessities rearliue Gold Dust Silver Dust Bina -Scrub Brushes.... .... Oiling Brooms each......... All Broorais spree. 1i Bars Itichard's,rltion Jack or Grated SOAP .. 3 for tic Gilletts 'Lye and Sapolio THIS WEEK. Mr. 3. B Ferguson is in London this week attending the Grand Council meeting of the Canadian Order of Chosen SENTEI). Friends. He is accompanied by Mrs. Ferguson and the latter will visit with Intone, Assets and Surplus Increased -- friends in Ingersoll before returning , $77+8412 .'aid to Polley Holders --An Income of Nearly One and a enarter home. Millions. (Toronto Globe, March tato mileh cows and two-year old steers are Auction Sales. The thirty-tliircl annual mee{ins! of this coin• among the things to be -offered. I riday, 1pr 1 ld tit h ••td igen• Waterloo A (("Pl tea Ith inyt ,and the rep P ,,,... G for 23c ver. ,�3te�vart's tam ill �'ingllam. See lest i ThePresident,Mr, Ileht. 1I P that the.businessof tete Me in, vest' t 1 B I r for f j tel column D ' factory in all re spects;a statement fully borne • MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA. SATISFACTORY REPORTS PRE- g- Sale at Friday, March 27-- Unreserved auction any was re s t ort res(itted nirs y 1 O'C100k. John Purvis is the auction -sale of farm stock and implements, atD. ' tc, the pehcy holders to D111)118110. in this issue. Melvin, eluted out y. tts• 7 far 23c 142r. P. uc lanae, organizer 0 articles id another j gut by tela finnnt ialarelrort. The unw xceede 4o Pkg fol 7e the Independent Order of Foresters f s in Stewart, prop. Jno.Purvie. auctioneer. ni I s teal fen u ai,5 rePO. an amount in Our led • „ pltgs 14c -w inghain at present working in the Monday, March 30—Unreserved ane j lbs. bet two other native companies. The testa]. amount of policies in force is now $31,497,420, `' 20c interests of the local Court. The X.O.F. tion sale of farm Stock and implements rgiving the (spet as f t l ands Ptyirelyl Canadiaiii ti>iiiin(gs. is one of the best fraternal societies in at lot 29, concession 2, Culross. See bills Itn viTntitnta n ni3 t i 1popularity,ial t aiifieexn o Canales and Mr. Buchanan should sac- for list of articles, Frances Crowe, only inataon of its financial statement proves that I. Ceett In securing a number of new mein- prop; Jno. Purvis, auctioneer. 1 noinq elle hands. Tli Income, assts and sur- a. phis have 1 plus leave beel1 largely increased, noteworthy —Word was received in town en Mr. S. Wnlshain's -woollen mill at t poia{t`nbeingly i e large amount xof the acu'etiari Saturday evening that Mr. J. C. Dallas Bolton was burned. Loss 50,01)0 ,partly „f gllfl,l,s tai rho ).(neral surplus account. insured. Notwithstanding the re kept within the of the was Seriously ill with pneninonia at year, the expins(t were within same Deputations front Goderich and Parry moderato limits a4 in lrrcvious Nears. Tho sur• the hospital in Buffalo. His father,plus over ell tiabilitu+s on rho Governmeyxlt Mr. C. Dallas is at present at his bedside. Sound interviewed the Government at i sntttuldriid,•i t x$738,230 arts itltiler 5()II tha eompa n 's `''e arepleased to learn that later `word Ottawa in regard to harbor improve- . security afiorticci tri Policy 1lolcic•rs is call that i c-eutd bn desired, the, directors believin that i . brings the gent news that the sufferer is nient8. the most ample provision glioutd be made for . slightly improving. Tho amount of wheat in the hands of 1 t; rrawilnt amp t res provision r 81114lYusine9 a fecal' BOO usbe fere purchasing your —The Stridents ill the electrical en-A:tnerican farinerd on March lst is esti-, `s hereat an income of nesriy afro and a tlttar{(r SeSee. We Gari satisfy yeti as to gineering classes of the Technical School, mated by the U. S. Official Crop Report- tiairi`iniiiioriR and 'l (°x V niintiiI' siiof th.1 pries and quality. Toronto, r►resented Mr. Chale. N. I'eake, er at I61,000,000 bushels at 21? : per a©nt. steady healthy; growth of ree(nt yt,twr. , {leo the inatrnetor of the suss, 'pith a of lliat year's crop about .a lnotinal M g financial coy°°poratibe on4 of aiaitad1 "g tIte c 1 �y beautiful eathedral chime mantel, clock amount. And, ae Modern 'Miller saye, OSENS, Y1a. cit lTe of the t aieem in Whiell fid ie atocke in afore are unusually low, M ABNER��r , i\JV�irekt. Mr+ Poke is a soil-in•laW of Mr. !arum% have been unable to nlako Is t to ?gent for ol,agoVyL+a, i ghia ttistract.asse It. Davis, of Winghitin. delivery'. For full particulars and ropy of " Settlers' Guide," 1 "Western Canada," or "British Columbia," apply to your nearest Canadian Pacific Agent, or to A. H. NOTMAN. Assistant General Passenger Agent 1 King St. East, Toronto •1• •F• •b 1 We carry a complete line of GRANBY RUBBERS and, AMES & HOLDEN'S BOOTS and SHOES. +. + New Collars and Ties, Fancy and White Shirts, * Braces and Dress Hats—right from the factory, 1. 4. 4 4. „i. + 4 04- CHISIIOLM BLOCK. a, ee-1.2 d -•i-1 •3•.t.. 4..i• ..;..1'•f.•1 ;. `+1•-1.4 t.or.i+.2 4-4-4-1,4-1-444444444,444-1444++++44-a 44 7VVV77VVV7 VVVV5 'Vrr 'dVVVVYVVI @Frim VV7V'V'VVVY ♦77V77 iningroorn Furniturei ► 8, iIs one thing we have the lead in. Our assort- �, `� pi-ment of wood seat and leather seat diners is a i marvel of style, quality and cheapness. .� .........................._________,... * •i• • . A. R. Sniith . .,.. WINGHAM. M .p 7 +t SEEDS � 1903 green Onions, Lettuce, Cab - ba e, Celery, Parsnips, Beets and Carrots, Potatoes fill cents per Bushel Td0's Y and GROOM! STOR1 We have a large stock of all kinds of Seeds, including:- --SUGAR BEETS, --MANGOLDS, —TIMOTHY, —TURNIPS, —CLOVER, etc. —LIGOWO. —20TH CENTURY, and —GOLDEN FLEECE SEED U OATS, ► 0141. 1iE1\7J)S Or GARDEN i. EXTENSION* TABLES in great variety. E SIDEBOARDS—The largest and best selected stock 1 of the latest designs and choicest woods in use in it ► the manufacture of up-to-date furniture. M Pro EWe carry a complete line of all kinds of furniture, 4 4 10-'Q 41 4 "a 1 rl .1v�. 1 WALKER 'BROS. & BUTTON Furniture and 'Undertaking. to The Atrniture Store opposite the Post bffiCe. Tr YOU' ARE a 'believer in ggod printing it will pay you to bring your order to The Ti es Office, ce, Wingbant gro