HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-03-26, Page 6ed. alYl STREPteflii0e/f V emA �CN.W'EAl(Nil a#r � f: k VUgCTIONALWROi90•� NR1CIITHE mo00.STRIyee :A:- i" Nit CONSTITUTIOraieneloteneN % ✓; Monrre3lcnt dos - - `RT BRITAIN 4/-AMIERIcA; aII Dtuggisrs c3 heti IPzica 11n Cwn«;da : G1.00; Six bottles for $5.00 a • Women and Inert whosuffer from. 'weak back or pain in the lumbar region should take ST. JAMES WA- HERS, which possess remarkable cura- tive influence on functional clelange- Ments. of the kidneys., and exert special tonic action ort the whole urinary system. ST. JAltlirs WAP Rs cure bladder troubles and pains of micturition, helping the flow of urine and clear- ing it front any sediment. S. Jiud s. \VAPP,Rs are also a potent sexual strengthener. ST. JAMP,S WAF> Rs help stomach, digest food and send the nutriment through the blood, and this is the honest way to get health and strength, the kind that lasts, develops and breeds the energy which accom- plishes ulucii• "The value of St. Jantes'W'sfers eaanot be overeetitnated. In the Most obstiaated case of kidneys and urinary tronblen Hit y have rendered me remarkable uttecea- ses,at Dr. Charles It, Dowell, ritzgerald, Scotland. St. Janus !Pilfers are ani a secret remedy: t,thenumerausdott.rsre- coutntending them to theirpatr'eats we mutt the furmutu upon request. Where ecetere are not sellingthe Waters they are inaPed upon re- ceipt of t rice at the Canadian branch : St. Jainrs Wafers Co., 172E St. C therine St., Montreal. KE14et. r` 1.4S From thea'"' :Sanctum Mill interesting Paragraphs from our Hxchanges. BOWill Illrille, with a population of 3 ,- 1 has reduced the number of its' used lintels to two. er's Y-,Z(Wioe Iiead)DisinfectantSoap ter is a boon to say home. It (Lgin- e. f;lctns at the srtmetime. ea t sono is aa the groiturl for the nda.tion of a new woolen mill in $4'iarton, 40x80 feet. Children Cry for CASTOR I. Itir. Jonathan Illiller of Goderich has the Grip House at Seaforth and n possession.. A. neve. furniture factory will pro- trly be started: in Collingwood, in Kellum for a $20,000 loan - There is no form of kidney trouble, �,,from a backache down to B'light's dis- tease. that Doan's Kidney Pills will not 71iie,e or cure. If you are troubled with any kind of "'7kidnep complaint, Sive Dean's Kidney' ;,cella a. trial. ! Wiarton council" is considering the tiestion of an independent telephone siii`ifliich would give 'phones for ad purposes at from $5 to $10 per year Alt' $15 for two instruments• one in a and one in his esi- business place r s ',Childreln Cry for STORI ()acEt*1' atAgricultural Society reports gas follows:' .Tbt`al assets, $966.53; no liabilities; 101 members for 1903; 1062 .?ewtriell; amount offered for prizes, $388.- „ttS; amount awarded and paid. $252.79; i1 total receipts, $349.91; balance ou hand 36.513. 'It's not the weather that's at fault. 's your system, clogged with poisonous sabearials, . that makes yon feel dull, NM", weak and miserable. Let ek Blood .Bitters clear away all the as, purify and enrich your blood, ke you feel bright and vigorous. $18,000 in money reached the Ittor office during the last fiscal its improperly addressed envelopes, 4 writs, 46 watches, 5 waists, 6 103 railway tickets, 26 pair of gs, 12 skirts, 27 railway passes, os t 10 mortages, 58 neckties, 1 1 horse -chestnut, 9 false teeth ninny other useful articles. e Palmerston Pork Packing Co. is thecourts on winding -up proceed- , with liabilities of over $50,000 and it admittedly insufficient to meet °m. The company was formed in itit a capital of $99,990 in $10 of which $755,000 has been sub - d, $57,000 paid up incash, and in notes, The Bank of Manil- a creditor to the atnount of $33, - and the Campbell Shearer Co., of , England, for: 20,000.. . Cholera 14forbus, Cholera Infan- Cramps, Colic, Diarrhoea, Dysen- d :rummer Complaint, Dr, Fow- a Extract of Wild Strawberry is a safe and sure etre that has been pular favorite for nearly 60 years. . Joh n Hunter, , o ne of the early set - Bear River, Algoma, formerly of ydased away at his home on v, March 7th, inlas' s 71st year. was a native of Tyron County, Ho cable to Canada 55 years in the township of West where he married Miss Mary In the fall of 1881% Mr. hunter to Star' River, Algoma. where he er since. Ile was highly esteemed by aU who knew The electric railway bylaw was de- feated in Colborne township on Tuesday by 64 majority. Mr. Oherie of Walkertqn shipped a carload, of cattle from Teeswater which he purchased from John Armstrong, con. 12, Culross. The total weight of the 19 head was 24,000 lbs. Wherever there are sickly people with weak hearts and deranged nerves, Mil - burn's Heart and Nerve Pills will be found an effectual medicine. They re- store enfeeble, enervated. exhausted, devitalized or over-worked men and woman to vigorous health. Last summer Mrs. 0. Olson was in- jured at Goderich station by the sudden shnnting of the train as she was alight- ing from the passenger car. She brought an action for damages to the .extent of $2500 and the case was to have been tried at the assizes this week, but the Gland Trunk settled the case on Friday last by paying Mrs, Olson 51250. DR. A. W. CHASE'S 25 CATARRH CURE ... c, is s+nt direct to thliscased parts by the Improved Blower, Heals the ulcers, clears the air passages,stops droppings ing s in the throat and permanantly ogres Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chas, Medicine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo Henry Schurter, a resident of Howick for about forty years left recently for Oklahoma. A son and daughter are al- ready there and the family will be re- united in a new land, He is known here as an industrious farmer, having accumulated a combetency to retire. He goes to Oklahama solely to be near a settlement of a religious sect of his early days viz. Apostolic Association of which there is not one now known to be left in Canada. FOUND AT LAST. A liver pill that is small and sure, that acts gently, quickly and thoroughly, that does not gripe. Laxa-Liver Pills pos- sess these qualities, and are a sure cure for Liver Complaint, Constipation, Sick Headache, etc. On March llth a very pleasant event took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pinnell of the 10th con., Culross, when there third daughter, Miss Essie, was given in marriage to Walter Rich- ardson, also of Culross. The bride was becomingly attired in pale green trim- med with white silk, and carried a bou- quet of white roses and lilies of the valley. The bridesmaid was dressed in mauve and carried a bouquet of roses arid forget-me-nots. The sacred knot was tied by Rev. Mr. Sawyer of Salem, Children Cry for CASTOR IA. The Clinton News•Record claims that Mr. and Mrs. Pinker, sr., of West Wa- wanosh, whose ages are respectively 98 and 05 years and who have been married 57 years are the oldest married couple in Huron, While the W. Wawanosh couple are well up In years this vicinity can discountthem inh t ep erson s of Mr.. and Mrs. Thos. Malloy, who reside in. Howick near town. Mr. Malloy is now O8, while Mrs. Malloy is 102 pears old.' They have been married 60 years on the 5th of April next. They. like Mr. and Mrs. Pinker, are natives of Ireland and among the earliest settlers of Huron Co. Six children were born to this aged con- ple, three of whorl aro still living. Mr. Malloy, far his years, is still active and was down town on .'the 17th of Old Ire- land," but his aged partner has been ail- ing some this winter. -•--Wroxeter Star. TIIE AVINGITAM TIMES, MARCH 26 1903 The population Chit•n la Owed, ly the Board of Revenue at 4'-10,447,(,00. The tannery owned by Eon. R. J. D•avis NG King waa Itne'mt tl. Laos, 000; insuraztee, $00,000. Ur. Robert hell, of the ceafnrtla rugine Works, has decided to turn bis business over to a joint t took emptily. GET HID OF THAT COUGH Before the Summer comes. 19r, Wood's; Norway Dine Syrup conquers Coughs, (folds, 4ore• Throat, Hoarseness, 13rui)ch tis. and all DThetiees of lift+ Throat and Luugsw;tki, The friends of ,tv. A. I. McKelvey of lle Salem appointment very kindly re- euzbered he auri Aire. Mo elvey by it recent coli nt the Piu ionage ill Wroxeter and atter eujoyiug a pleasant tion left the parson richer by a quantity of oats, potatoes, butter, eggs, cash (Sem., as il. token of their kiudly rogard. It was very highly appreciated we have not the slightest doubt by Mr, and Mrs. Me- elvey. Here's a hint for local entertainers in search of n novelty. The late•et form of entertainment and oue of the most amus • in. , is called a "poverty party." A best and hostess cave their Wends au evening this way that was voted the jolliest the t had been. No good clothed were allowed, but only has boons of a modiste or tailor. lug department were worn, and the transformation in score people may easily be imagined. Everything was poverty trimmed for the occasion and it was all too funny for anything. The World's Favorites For Over Twenty-five Years. Fob• over twenty-five years tho Dia- mond Di es have been the chosen and popular dyes all over the civilized wort+l. Diamond Dye users never suffer failure or dissappointtnc uts in their work ; tli,-y Quickly and easily stet the exact color they require, and thus save time and money. The Diamond Dye Mat and Rug Patterns are popular from the Atlantic to the Pacttfic. The designs are artistically colored ou the best Scotch Hessian and are ready for hooking. Send your full address to The Wells de Richardson Co., Limited, 230 Idout,tain St , Montreal, P. Q. Rev. Mark Turnbull in looking at er papers now in his possession bolouging to the late Percival Moore, who died sonic mouths ago at the Clintou Poor House, finds that the late Percival Moore A•as the second sou of a Baronet and grandson of Sir John Moore, iu whose memory the grants poem was written, "The Burial of Sir John -Moore." No one who saw Percival Moore in the later years of bis life would ever dream that he was ouce a debounaire officer in the British Navy and what caused hint to leave the ocean to sail on Lake Huron is a mystery, A Grand Combination of Economy, Nutrition and Health. Malt Breakfast Foots has a noted and decided advantage over all other cereal foods in the ease of digestion. Malt Breakfast Food is the most delic- ious of all breakfast Foods; it does not pall ou the taste as other fonds do. Malt Breakfast Foori is the most nn- tritious article of diet for the morning meal; oue package contains as much solid nutriments as three packages, of any other cereal food. Malt Breakfast Food is the most econ- omical cereal food now before the pub- lic; one package makes a meal for twenty-fivepeople. The home of Mr,and Mrs. Jas. Button, con. 8, Cuirass, was the scene of a happy gathering on Wednesday evening of last week when their eldest daughter, Miss Isabella joined in wedlock to Mr, Sam- uel Webster of Lucknow, by Rev. G. J. Kerr of Teeswater. Promptly at 6.30 o'clock to the strains of I:ondelssohn's Wedding March played by Miss Maude Skilling of Teeswater, the bride entered leaning on the arm of her father. After the ceremony the guests, about sixty in number, sat down to the wedding dinner. The bride was the recipient of many use- ful and valuable presents. The Ontariceweather records do not snbstantiate.theproverb that if March comes in like a lion it will go out like a lamb. Experts say that this may be true in Great Britain whore the proverb has considerable prestige. In Ontario the month is as likely as not to have a blustering finale. March records have been kept since 1874. In 1897 the month came in with a heavy gale, and was not lamblike at the end. This was also the case in 1900, It blustered at both ends in 1875, 1877, 1880, 1881, 1891,1893, 1893, 1894, 1805, 1896 and 1001, Last year the first gale was not until March 136, but there were two gales at the end Of the month, March 29th and 81st, DI.Lpp5ITIVE �I J El= P. Q opinions et Leading I'hyslcians. Tele the treatrne hate used p lit. hSrt ntkn ext i a1 tints inyternal, anti haute fotuui it alt invnhtabl° remedand ran rerofntnrntiit with eonflau te,. to anyone rt touring trestnn nt for that most distressing affection. J. D. BALFOUE, M. ID., Mod. Hup. blindest r3eneral Hospital. Price 41.00. 11'or sale by driiggiets,or he mail on receipt of Dries.. W. T. STRONG, Manufacturing C7hemise London, Ontario. ird yrtipof ee ACTS C MTLY ON re AND L/VE - "THE SYSTEM CLEA$E EFFECTUALLY; eEt-5 DS NES �� Goy- icADAG v6RS1 St fL OVERCOMES TtpATiCJN ITUAl..PERMANENTLY. ITS � '�° 64r ecTS, BUY THE GENUINE •—MAN'F'D BY A . RNlAii-SYR11P •s,, Kv t ftP — cAAL Cig�o t�E NY, , • POR SALE BY All DRUGGISTS. PRICE 50c.PER BCD& O LILT: RALS 1l'®LD SEATS. Election l'etttinrs Against :•r. Il,+ttllo,li;t, lust `:Iddli•sex, and .lir. A. 0.9lciCn , North Grey. linvo 8,'e31 1)lsntiwrd. 'Toronto, Match 10. -- The East i.Iid,il. sex election pet,tion agains., the return of 1h•. (1°ores A. illout- Ie,lgo, 1i.,eritl, was ytsterday dis- missed by .1u.t:ce Mee Lerman and C1.ief Justice J alconbridge. 'I he North Grey petition has also been dis:ni:.sed by .1 ustice illi,clennan, and A. G. McKay, l.iner,,1, is also safe. itt the east Ali,ldl sex 1 etition, the •('t:uaervat ices failed t,n 0. cry one or the 185 t11nr;._es (Ill erect. there can Le no appeal, either, t' e rnlvs not pern' ittitee au aitt e,.1 when tI)e pc- tPion rel s. The judgment holds that neither t'o,'aratt 1: nt:r coker; 1,•; ly was cor- r •pt ins oat : h 'tvn itt arty instances w11ice were pro rd t idler on the part of the respondent or h's agents. 'J'he ec i ion is t e.e ole diemissed with co ts. lroltay '.a Fare. 7n the North Grey petition, there ;t•.•ie two petitions btfaie the court, ly the r.s,•ondtat to ha\o the cation taken olT the files or to stay the prw•c0'ings for itregular- it, ; r nd the c ti er a emotion bythe t.etitioner, O. M. Loyd, to extend the time for leaving a copy of the petition with the local registrar. it was the omission to leave a copy of theetitio p n at the proper time with bhn t•r•gistrar that caused the dis- tnisal. Good Health for Capital. Maintaining good health is to the enat- jority of people the most vital question in the world and nature affords no more efficient strengthener for the system and restorative for the nerves than Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Naturally, grad- ually, and certainly it forms new, red corpuscles in the blood, creates new, healthy nerve cells anti pats into the system the snap, energy and vitality that defies disease. ENGLAND WHITE WITH SNOW. . I Great Sto-r- evpntoc much Havoc in Ira land and Warwickshire. London, March 19.—The heaviest snow falls of the present winter were reported from parts of England yes- terday. Rafn and hail fell elsewhere in Great 73ritain and Ireland. Be- tween Londonderry and Coleraine havoc was caused by the broaching u. t„e sea wall. Thousands of acres of farm lands were submerged and hundreds of families fled frons ruined homesteads. In the northeast part of Warwickshire several villages were inundated and cut off from commun- ication with the neighboring towns. Was Very Weak and Nervous. Heart Palpitated— Weida Get Dizzy Spells-- =any pells—Tany CanadianWofnen Troubled inthiiWay— Are You,. One of Thom ?— If so, You Can Be Carets! MILBURN'S HEART, AND NERVE LPILLS • WILL` --DO IT Mrs. Denis Henan, el t a nt Iiaz ten d writes i During the year 1401 I was troubled very melt with palpitation of the heart, followed by a fluttering Sen- sation and great pain, 1: would get dizzy, and wits very weak and nervous, Be- ing advised to try MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS, I procured three boxes, and sine° taking them I have not bad a bad spell, and feel better titan I have for years. Price 50.'. per box, or 3 for $1.25; all dealers or The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Out. UAT B. N. A. SAYS. Mr. W. F. Maclean Arguing Un- der a Misapprehension, THE ANSWER OFTIjE PREMIER Appoint`taeat of Lleflteneut-Gorerners of Yreeineer is Made Purine /Pleasure— Sir Oliver Howitt Mentally Vigor- ous and 1•.ntrenelted in the Affections of the People—Q14 Cry of "Nowat+'tHurt Ottawa, March 18. — Yesterday's session of the House lasted only one hoar, as the Opposition members Wei•C not prepared tq discus., the es- timates. 11tr. Law (Yarmouth, N.S.) intro- duced a bill to amend the Canada temperance act. Mr. Clancy introduced a bill to amend the Dominion Elections Act, 1901). - Mr. Scott introduced a bill to amend tho railway act. Sir 'William Mulock introduced a hill to, aid in the settlement of rail- way labor disputes. The Lieuter„►ut-Govgrnorehip, Mr. W, E. Maclean, on House go- ing into supply, said "On this illa- tion to go into supply, I propose to call the attention of the House and tate country to a grave condition of affairs that exists in my own Pro- t ince, that of Ontario. A political crises exists there to-dayNehat is at- tracting the attention of all the people of Canada. Certain circum- stanecs have been made public tvlii h reflect on the moral tone of that Province, which regret on the political tone of that Province, and 1 say a crisis has arrived, in which the honor of the Province is involved, in which the honor of politicians is involved, and everyone must be con- cerned in the settlement of that crisis. "At the present moment, the Lieut. -Governor of that Province has exceeded his terns, ile was appoint- ed about Nov., 1897; his live years, consequently, are ftp, and he is hold- ing office, I think, very improperly. Not only is he holding oflico after his term is 'expired, but his condi- tion of health, I believe, is such that he was unable to open the Leg- islature last Reek, and it had to be opened by a commissioner. "After what transpired not long ago in connection with this affair, I think it is my duty now to call the attention of the House to this con- dition of affairs in Ontario, and also to call the attention of the Ilouse to the record of the hon. gentleman op- posite in regard to that question. "On a motion to go into Commit- tee of Supply, in the year 1895, I find that Mr. Mills, Bothwell, sub- mitted a resolution against this practice, and supported his motion by argument, in the course of which Mr. Mills said: "Now, I say that this is a highly objectionable condition of things. If it is proper . during the five years that the commission is in existence that the Lieutenant -Governor should not be removed without adequate cause being assigned, and without that, cause being reported to both houses of Parliament, it is obviously improper that the Lieutenant -Gover- nor should continue to hold office af- ter that period has expired. "If the Government desire that the Lieutenant -Governor shall hold office for a longer period than five years they should issue to hint a new com- mission, they should put him beyond their power for any subsequent peri- od, just precisely as he was beyond their power of removal for the perm ad for which he was appointed in the first instance. "What is the object of the provi- sion of the law? Tho object is to snake the Lieutenant -Governor inde- pendent of the Government here, and solely subject to the advice which his constitutional advisers may think proper to give hint." The member for East York then quoted from speeches made by Sir Wilfrid Laurier, D'niton McCarthy and Sir Richard Cartwright in that debate. Mr. Maclean continuing, said: "The vote was taken. Among those who voted in favor of Mr. Mills' motion were Messrs. Borden, Cartwright, Charlton, Laurier, MMulock and Suth- erland, Mr. Speaker I intend to hold these gentlemen to their vote on that occasion. They laid down a certain doctrine in regard to the Lieutenant -Governor, yet now that they are in power and the terms of office of their first batch of Lieuten- ant -Governors ate running out, we find those gentlemen still eontinuing in their places as Lieutenant -Gover- nors tinder conditions which these gentlemen on a motion of want of confidence in this House were dis- graced. Now, what does the right hpn. gentleman (Right Hon. Sir Wilfrid Laurier) intend to say? "I am not here to say anything against the character of Sir Oliver ':Mowat. I respect his character, as I do that of any other man. Ile has a great record; and I am not here to throw flirt upon it in any sense. But I ante here to say something for the people of this country, and for my own Constituents and to demand the vindication of the constitution." Mr. Maclean. continuing, said ho was not there to be insulted, as he. was well within his rights, and "they must either give Sir Oliver Mowat another term of office, orthey ritual appoint his successor." Ile said that the lust for power in the Liberal party WAS something alarming, and, in conclusion, he called upon the Prime Minister to tell the House that Is intended to put a stop to the condition of things in this 'con- nection that resisted in the Province of Ontario at the present moment. !fit 'Wilfrid nertieit. Right honorable Sir Wilfrid Laur- ier replied: "The member for past York has spoken with a great deal of vehemence on this question. Ile has oaken of the outrage that has Continued on page 7. ".tEa,i E .103 Arldns 'u suju4uoz rs3;.laa 09 `a!34oci ,SnureLI aLld, .uo►sua3O t 4 UtpaO U1 .103 LjIInoua sx 3a-40'ed ansa -a.‘g aLI L "merit $I100 ;si unap .lnoA •saincluy su•edrj jo osn .1Mln2a.l L L:Toa; TIJDUOCI euu}Suoa sdnraap tipogtiaanv 'deals pu,znTeu `punos pull 0;1; -addu poo2 •poolq 0.3nd aao;saa'st:za;s.Cs umop-utii do piing ' Lpetuo;s reap.i ua1142aa39 1Saq •s;Meld -ul03 JOAli l)t ianl0g 'LiaEuIO,S . 'IOS `u1si;Llllnatla arinasnul"`'ssaussalclaal 'shall Orli 30 uoi.Vu;tdltd ssautzzip .unquacoLl .I.;Eaaq anlsuajjo uoil>~di/suo3 u.1oggnas pun len;Ygt;I 'uisdadsSp tuoltsa:21pu1 ulna 04 p.oaa.l InJssaaans pu-e fuol E TiAa'ttpaulal 3BD -uoq'aigL:puaclap u a�L ,iaLl r •.4patuat A!!uvej p.inp -ut;ls .113113 otuoaaq 0A -3q sa ngri suudv 'pasn u1 pu0t.1J arre31.1an L ore .Ba 43 s`lloj Ari-Saana 'uirid q; o; :inq--aidoad jo slIgs ill~ Xq pasn App!m axe sajngr,r su4cTi�tf .'ueiais;Stud ,Baena :Sq pasn pun paAoaddE saulai 1pauw jo uoveulqUI uzoo E J0 apEear 4Saily 'o�ii; •o; Asua aii tXaggs •s gngi j suEdm uugt uoipiitia'put uatuom. 'uatu aoj uol;dra0s0id aa;laq ou sl aaatil ';t aaolsaa 10 anaasaad oy ' avitrtr k..N:'ovr...mwe7PTA1°m-. eii �7t �FFK THE OLD F i GY DOCTOR FAMILY Doctors are all right as general practitioners, but they are not specialists. The sexual organs com- prise the most intricate and important system in the human body and require the most skillful treatment. You might as well expect a blacksmith to repair your watch, as a family physician to cure Sexual complaints. We have made a specialty of these diseases for over 30 years, have invested teas of thousands of dollars and have every facility kauwu to medical science to cure them. Every case is taken with a positive guarantee of 1110 Cure—loo Pay. BLOOD POISON—Whether init'rited or acquired, is positively cured forever. The virus is eliminated from tite system so no danger of return. Hundreds of cases cured by us 25 years ago and no return; best evidence of a cure, NERVOUS DEBILITY —and other complications, such as omissions, drains in the urine, varicocele. sexual weakness, etc., aro cured by our New Method Treat. a•:oran:s under a positive guarantee—N0 CURE --NO PAY. WE CURE ALL DISEASES OF MEN AND WOMEN. Consultation Free. Books Free. Write for question blanc for private Home Treatment. Everything coufideutial. DRS. KENNEDY $t, KERGAN, 143 BHELBEV STREET. DETROIT, MICR. ,K•S4•;K...K'&:1` %. K'.. t.l�:.K •_ K`` %:K': vvwvvvvarwvvvvvvvvvesoatovvvoo 'Iv Clubbing Offers. 'tv, nnnnnnnnAAnAAnWnnnAAnAAA TIIE TIM>S announces the following Clubbing Offers for 1902-03 :— Times Times Times Times till Jan. 1s; 1904 and. Weekly Globe, including the premium picture of Ontario's Lieutenant Governors 1 60 and Family Herald and Weekly Star, with premium pictures, ''Alone" and " Purity."1 75 and Weekly Mail and Empire, including your choice of premium pictures, " The Doctor," or " Contentment." Times and Weekly Witness.... Times and Western .Advertiser Times and Weekly Sun Times and Daily Globe . Times and Farmers' Advocate,., Times and Toronto Daily Star - Times and Toronto Daily News low - rate $1 00 1 75 1 60 1 40 1 75 4 25 1 75 2 20 3 00 We could extend the list, but it is not necessary. We cam give you clubbing rates for any newspaper or magazine The above are our FIXED RATES, marked down published. so as to admit of no reduction. Therefore there is no use asking for cheaper rates. In each case the weekly papers will be sent to new subscribers for the balance of 1902 FREE. The rates quoted are for either new or renewal subscriptions. • All subscribers will receive the premiums advertised by the different papers. ARE YOU GOING TO 0 HAVE An Auction Sale this Fall or Winter P If you are, it will be to your interest to COYne to the TIMES Office for your bilis We can arrange dates for any of the neighboring Auctioneers. Sale Bills printed while you wait, at TEE TIMES Orman Wil ,'ram' - '- 0ntariC