HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-03-26, Page 4FARMERS: BUY YOUi FORM A1IJ E HYDE FOR YOUR SEED GRAIN at Campbell's Drug Store. He keeps nothing but the best quality at lowest price. E, A. Campbell's DRUG STORE WINGHAM. TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of ehanges must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. -, r ,,,..EsTABLIsm D T!IE WINfiu ll TIMES. 13. R. ELLIOTT, 1'UBLISNF:R AND PROPRIETOR THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1903. Br • NOTES AND COMMENTS The Tory organs argue that Garnay's Eltery is probable because Ross' majori- ty was not large. That sort of reasouiug works both ways. The majority being sznall,there was more of an inducement fo abaneloued opponents to plot to wreck ' it by putting up a job like Gamey's. Better wait for the enquiry; hear the evidence before judgment.—Hamilton Times. Tho following reference to West Huron's member of the Ontario Legisla- tion is taken from the Kingstou Whig: — "Interest is deeply centred in public cir- ' cies on the new members of a political chamber,. qud on Tuesday. at Toronto, ,.., •. ,Q Macy 'were much gratified at the muicl• • en effort of M. G. Cameron, of Goderich, son of the late veteran polttician, M. C. Cameron. Clearly he is a chip off the old block, for he marshalled his facts and Made his points like a veteran. Being ready also in debate he will be a marked strength to the ministerial benches." "Where died. the money come from that was used ao bribe Gamey?" is the question that. orae are now pressing for- easletinao'the place of first importance. i. Mr. Stratton says the money did not come at all. If the commission finds that the money was used, the report, when placed before the Legislature, will justi- fyeninquiryinto the matter. Moreover, as both parties are known to have cam- paign funds, the people who want an in- quiry cannot object to it being made in- ssources of .both funds.—Toronto 4 Star. After 50 years of prohibition, ti er- now tirade that the saloon keepers of the cities worked strongly for no. Recuse, es in the past they lead simply* to make the ,necessary "financial. arrangement" with the police, tr hioh they held to be eheap- er titan payiug license fees. Never get it into your head that you are too good to miugle with "common people," Nice clothes and a four inch collar do not necessarily ruake you too good to be civil to those who wear a pair of blue overalls and a.blouse. In young men this feeling is called, swelled head, and in old men aristocracy. Whatever it may be it is not gentlentauliness. No man, young or old, is a gentleman, who treats a working man as au inferior. Some of the most intelligent men of the age were, and are, workingtnen—meu udt afraid to take ort their coats and work at bard labor. But the meal who boasts that he never had to work and who thinks he is doing a workiug man a favor by speaking to hint is cue the world gets aloug much better without. The workiugutau could get along with- out the dude who doesn't work, but the dude couUu't get along without the workiugtuau. rnont has adopted a license law that has some unusual features. It calls for a vote annually as to whether licenses shall be issued or not. In voting, the electors may declare whether general liquor aur licenses maybo*iven, or licenses to sell only malt liquors. The number '"of drinking places to be licensed is strictly limited. The fees are high, r allging front 8u00 to $1200. Special provision has been made against the treating system. The probable result of this will be that the liquor traffic will be ieg'aI•isa,cl in large centres of population but that 1a'obibition will still prevail th country districts inc statement is Ott0 i Cuba and emphasized their eorfidenee iu The Milwaukee Cotnmereia! Letter the island by stating that they had pur- says that there et era lines U,O!u bcshels chased from L. A. Abbot, of Sancti of wheat iu interior elevators of Manito- ba and the Nor neve st tei11 num vane. Mr. John B'aek is iu London this week attending the Gra t.d Council meeting of the C:Luadiau Order of Chosen Friends. A happy event took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rebt, Mason, Bluevale on Wednesday evening, March 18th, at 7 o'clock, when his youngest daughter, Miss Mabel A. L. Mason was united iu marriage to Mr. D. Irving of Morris. As the wed'iiui: march was being played by Mrs J. G. Fyfe, stster of the bride, the groom took his place and the brine came in leaning on the arm of her father. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. F. Swann, of Bluevale, the young couple being unattended. The bride was gowned in white orgaudy.trimmed with Lace and insertion,with sprays of fuchsia THE \\`IM.GIID' TIMES, 11EAIIWII 26, 1003. Three Months' Otsasters. G. T. R. wreck at Wanstead, Out., IJao. 2G, Uasualities, 2b killed, 31 in- jured.. Dec. 8t --Wreck at Victoria Brlrige, near Montreal, Two freight trains collide; 'a• ndttaor of cse train kil•td and van badly wrecked. Jan. 3, t . T. R.—Collision near Wel- land Canal 'I;uunel. Fireman of each train killed; both euginecte injured. Jan. 7, C. P. R. --Freight collision near Sherbrooke, t,u.e. Flt•eluitu hilted; teo engines awl eight or ten freight ears bad- ly wree ked. Jan. 10, G. T. R.—Two freights col- lide at Port Robinson, near St, ()tether- s, Ont. Fireutau killed, Jan. 21, G. T. R --Engineer and fire- man killed at Port Hope. Jan. 27, G. T. R.—Two freight cars derailed near Tweed, Out. Damage not serious. Feb. 14, G. T. R —Collision of two freights meat• Port Union. No one killed. Feb. 19, G. T. R.—Express derailed near Whitby Junction, Out. About 15 in j tired. Feb. 22, G. T. R. and C. P. '.—Col- lision near Peterboro. Cars smashed, March 15, G. T. R. --Oakville collision. Brakeman killed; eight cars destroyed. March 17, C. P. Ii,—Collisiou at Isling- ton, Two traiuhands killed; three in- jured. March 18, G. T.R —Express derailed north of Guelph. Two children killed, and about 50 passenger, injured. March 19, G. T. R. ^yard engine ran foul of freight train at East London. One engineer killed and one fireman badly shaken up. Conundrums. When is beef the highest? cow jumps over the moon. What is the difference between one yard and two yards? A fence. Why is a straw hut like kissing and white primroses,aud it is needless to I through a telephone? Because neither is say that slie looked chartniug. The pres- I felt. When the emits were llutnerous nucl costly showing the esteem in which the bride and groom Why is your shadow like a false friend? Because it uuly follows you iu sunshine. are held in this community. The guests Why 'is your nose iu the middle of were the immediate families of the colt- your face? Because it is the scepter. ' treating parties. The ceremony, con- If a woman asks her blind lover the gratulations and wedding supper be- color of a flower, what would he say ? ing over, a very pleasant evening was spent in instrummeutal music and siug- iug. All friends join in wishing the young couple a long, happy and prosper- ous wedded life. uuELC=RACE Mr. ani Mrs. Lind spent Sunday with friends in the village. Mrs. Ferguson, of Bayfield, is visiting ping of a boy by his mother? Because it iu the village this week. is the hiding of the sou. Rev. J. J. and Mt s. Hastie entertained Which animal has the most property to parry with him when he travels, and which two have the least? The elephant the most because he carries his trunk, the fox and cock the least because they have only a brush and comb beat eeu them. What is that which is invisible •yet never out of sight? The letter •'I." Why is the letter A like 12 o'clock? it is the middle of day. When is a dog like the minute hand? and before leaving the young ladies pre- When he ie on the watch. sented her with a fives o'clock tea set, which shows the high esteem in which Seed Time Topics. Mrs. Brown is held by her class. Nothing has been more surely deter - Dr J H - C f D Oh• mined by carefully conducted espeti- ments than that large, plump seed will I have no i-dea. As I was going through a field of wheat I found something good to eat; it wasn't fish or flesh or bone; I kept it till it ran alone. An egg. What roof never keeps out of the wet? The roof of the month. What fruit is ou a cent? A date. Why is a solar eclipse like the whip - a few friends on Friday evening. Drs. MeAsh and Keintedy performed a very successful operation on Mrs. Bruce last week for a cancer. Mrs. Bruce is doing nicely. Rev. Mr, Brown preached a very able missionary sermon last Sunday evening, which was listened to with interest by a large congregation. Mrs. (Rey.) Brown entertained her Sunday school class one night last week, . i c sassy , o ay ou, to, acid Dr. T. C. McCassey, of Concordia, Kansas, have recently purchased two farms of 2,000 acres in Cuba, consisting of timber, pasture and sugar cane, with a sugar mill on one of the farms. These pensive you can get, but insist on a guarantee as to quality. two gentlemen aro former residents of b1 ty this locality anri they have many friends No one grain sown nl,rne will give as here who wish them success in their now much feed to the acre as will a mixture and barley. undertaking. of oats a c ba e- . In relation to the purehase the Hanava The earlier the crop is sown, after the Post says: , land is ready, the better the yield. Havana at the present time is in re- ceipt of a visit from Drs. J. H. and T. C. than any stat r grain. McCassey. from Dayton, 0., and If you intend your oats for sale be Con- cordia,, Ifas., respectively. careful to have pure seed, free of The Post reporter saw Doctors Mc- ture with other grains. Oat meal millers Cossey at their compartments, 89 Prado, determine the price of oats to -day, aud mid both expressed themselves as high- they deman a white oat free from tar- and pleased •with the Future •prospects for ley or otuer grains. give a much better yield than shruulten seed. In baying grass seed buy the most ex- Special Spiritus, former right-of-way agent of tory on March Prices the Cuba railroad company, over 2,000 1, with 10,700,OJ0 bushels in farmer's IN... --RINGS —WATCHES BROOCHES BRACELETS lila all lines of Jewelry until further notice. Halsey Park and frauds. Of this amount 13,000,000 bus arres of choice land. One large tract will lie regaireu rue seed tont interior known as Royette is situated one mile tithing, leas ing la,700,cu0 Lushels ter from Jatibonico station ant the other sitipuleut out. tract is situated one mile from the first railway station south of Sancti Spiritus. The latter is well improved, having a sugar mill thereon. Dr. J, 11. McCassey has been travelling over the island for three months. He is an oculist of Dayton, 0., and is a mem- ber of the Board of Education there. He is a well known writer on education- al and medical subjects. He sails on Friday for his home, where he will eon - Untie his lucrative practice, using the proceeds therefrom to develope his news ly aequired possessions on the island. Dr. T. C. bleCaasy is a graduate of the Ontario veterinary college, and is a member of the Board of Education of Concordia, Kansas, Tie also owns a large stock farm adjoining that eity, which he will dispose of and transfer his high bred horsee and hogs to the farm in Cuba. %le will erect a modern home on the Royette faro. at oaco and move his family there. BARNUM'S EXPERIENCE iN REAL LSTA rE. "Some years ago," the late P. T. Bar - nate once said to a friend, •'l accepted in payment tor a debt owed nue by a mast iu 1)tuver a deed for a tract of land out- side the city banns. Regularly every year i had tela pleasure of paying a good ruunu sutra for taxes. I became tired of this, and oiie ytat when our show was in that city I asked my partner, Mr, Balley, to tuvestigate the uiwti.er. Bailey did to, and wrote nae that my la to was part of a swamp,and if 1 couiu fin t some one to whores 1 could make a presint ut it to do SO at once. Nuw, I have a sister laying its Denver, and saw a ulnae() of having it little joke at her expense. So I made out the proper legal paper) eau sent thein to her as a token uL'nly af• feetiou. •' At this point the old showman sighed and drew a lc;tter from his pu,;r.et. "This is a letter from toy sister," he explamei, ".0 V% hick she tells Isle I shall be happy to know that she hie jnst ef. fectcd a sale of three.t`otlrtl s of that land to a Ohicagll syndicate, whicll pain her 1fG00,000, and she is sure ti .a • by e,„0:4. cotJs,'hrta+Reeteava end Other throat holding on to the remainder for a tittle eiln.riitel are quickly' relieved by Cresolena while site 110t a round million from Cipi%tall!• taislris.tett outs lair hoe. .Alidraggi to tsiythougLttnlltindnese. 1Coughed easatreargansostaasaserea I had a roast 'irooborn cough 1 for many years. 1, deprived r,te of sleep end I gr» w eery thin, i then tried Ayer's C.:. -try Pectoral, and w,.e q+t.icl:ly car::,' R 11, Mann, Fall' Mills, Tenn. �` Sixty years of cures ' and such testimony as the above have taught us what Ayer's CLerry }. Lctclral will do. v Vic know ifs the great- est cough remedy ever • made. And you will say iso, too, after you try it. , There's cure in every sirup. 1 Titrc•e moo; 25 root h. for ordinary cold; 50e., Inst I•,e),t for 4runch •hi, 1•onrrc noon, hardl cods. +anIr1 ('I. M. `A, rouatteol , for caress rnsrs to lire on la rd. J. C. ANa CO., 1 cc.l, DM:+.ve. Major-General Sir Hector Macdonald, the famous Highland soldier, is to be tried by court-martial on charges of im- moral conduct. It is now said that white bread is in- ferior to brown, and that the notien that the hest part of the bread is thrown away with the bran, is a delusion. The real of medical approvol has been placed ou ice cream which was once scud to chill the stomach. We may as well eat what we like for we are just as likely to please the scioutisis that way as any other. .Ave Stock lliailcets. Toronto, March 24.—Trade was brisk- er at the cattle market to -day than -for some weeks past. There was a little firmer tone in prices, though the quota- tions generally were not higher than the i•••••••e•••0**0•••••••o•••••o••0000•0•dos•0001000,1111004 000•0Os•00000•®.0•0ao o••• JOHN KERRPEOPLE'SJAS, H. KIR • POPULAR STORE ii seoossecosegoefee•••••aceoecoa000seosseceseise�•seecoesecoso•ocoese ees oa00000: •!. r ••+ New Pure Gents• •• , 11AP�•• •Dress• • •Furnishings • • Goods SYRUP • • • • •• • • •. e • • • • • No where will you find a better assortment than at this • store. In point of variety,beau- ty and price, uur stock eclipses all others, • O • • • • • • • • • 0 • • O • • • • New French Cheviot Suit- ings-5ti in. wide, guaranteed all pare wool, very stylish and serviceable fur Suits. and separ- ate Skirts. If you want Pure, Clean, Thick, New, Maple Syrup, come to this store for it. Not the kind that is made from brows: sugar in the cities, But the kind that is made in the Maple Forest from the Sap of the Maple Tree. EXTRA Shoe Offerings We carer a splendid stock. of Fancy Tweeds, Worsted4, Smarms, &e. Let us furnish you with a good Suit for Spring. We guarantee style, quality, workmanship and perfect fit, Prices are abont as )ow as you are asked to pay for ready- made goods. • a '. • • • a • • r • • a • • ,• a r r • But remember we make a Snit to your ruder. Ono that will fit well, look well and wear well. Prices $10 to 1"i20. 0 r • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • In Black and Colors, New Stv1Pq 0 M $1.25 to $2 25 • 0 p • 111 • • 0 o • •• 0 • , New Ties • s Neck and Colors. • Strina• Ties 2iie • Font* in -hand, narrow e5e • • Knots, small 25e New French Broadcloth, Black -50 in. wide, made from pure botany Wool best French dye, rich finish, always very genteel and ladylike for Suits or separate Skirts. Spring Goods are already in sock, Patent leather Slip- pers and Patent Leather Toe Caps are correct this seoson. New Forlorn. Hata New Hard • Hats 0 close of last week. There was a better feeling, however, nal round, and in a few iudividual cases prices were advanced a little. There was a fair export market, and everything in that class was sold. It was, in fact, tel exporters' market to- day the bulk of. the cattle offering hav- ing aving been fed for export purposes. The demand was good, but the supply was liberal, and for this reason prices for ex- port did not go so Iiigu as they other- wise might have done. The following are the quotations: Exporters' cattle— Per 100 lbs. heavy $4 50 4 0 Light 475 4 85 Bulls heavy 3 50 4 00 do., light , 3 00 3 50 Stockers 400 to 800 lbs 2 50 3 75 000 - 375 Bulls ......... 2 25 3 00 Butchers'— Choice ... 3 `i5 Medium 3 50 Picked 4 00 Bulls 3 00 Rough 2 75 Sheep— Lambs 6 00 Bucks. • , .. 3 50 Culls 2 25 Calves, each 2 00 Hogs -- Best Best , .. 6 624 Lights 6 37' 4 25 3 75 4 25 3 25 3 25 G 25 400 2 10 00 ;VING:JAM 11L.S.ILKEIT RE'OitTs Winghain, Mar. Corrected every Wednesday by Cassels & Carr. Flour her 100 lbs , ... 1 Fall Wheat ........ 0 Spring Wheat 0 Oats, 0 Barley .... ..... 0 Peas 0 Turkeys, drawn ...... 0 Geese,, " 0 0 Ducks, per pair Chickens 0 30 to Butter .. .... ... , 0 17 to Eggs per doz 0 11 to Wood per cord 2 00 to Hay , per ton... .. 6 00 to Potatoes, bushel l 0 60 to p Apples, per bag .. , 0 30 to Tallow per lb .. , . 0 05 to Lard .. 0 15 to Dried Apples per lb . 0 Wool 0 Live flogs, per cwt. 6 —'Tt— Ladles' Bloch, Oxford, Pat- ent Toe Cap, Dongola Kid, very comfortable and neat .... $1.60 • • • • • 0 0 • • • • • • • Homespuns, Snow Flake, Frieze. Fancy Tweeds, Serges and Worsteds, Fashions demand for this season, a large and va rind selection forstylish tailor- made Suits and Separate Skirts. Ladies' Slippers, Potent Leather, very neat. $1.50 Ladies' Oxford, Dongela. Iiid, Patent Toe Cap and Patent Scroll on sides,very stylish $1,75 New Collars • M • • • • • • • • • • • • All the best shapes. •• • • •oceoecoosocnee6imeoGoeo•obicoeemeaGeseeseecooesmeeisc maceSoseeeeecooeseeoesoGo•* • • JAS. H. KERR o • • • 1a©stet Stems eeee eo®•••oooeoeo c •00e0oc000coace ocee•et@esocie®o©0000ElE, ecocke •p • • • • • • • • JOHN KERR MACDONALD BLOCK, WINCH A M fOaffllEfalaJETVOnVOESOCISl UNRESERVED AUCTION SALE OF— STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS D STEWAR1' '111 hold an unreserved auction sale at is farm in Town of Wingham, on FRIDAY, MARCH 2 7 when the folios ng articles will be dis- sed of: 1 Horse. HORSES -1 tag CATTLE -10 1 lch Cows: 6 to calve in April, 3 fresh c. lved, 1 farrow; 20 two- year old Steers, 25 1903. Heifers, grasse afternoon Calf two month POULTRY—A oughbred Whitt 65 to 2 50 IMPLEMENTS 70 to 0 70 ford Mower, n 01) to 0 00 Wagon nearly 28 to 030 35 to 040 (15 to 0 70 11 to 012 07 to 0 08 60 to 0 75 rassers; 4 two-year•old a; 5 yearling Calves; old. number of Hens; 2 thor- Leghorn Cocks. Massey - Harris Brant- ew Sulky Rake, Truck ew, Smgle Buggy. Road Cart, Cutter, .Land Roller, 2 Plows, Team Plow, set Iron Harrows, Scufiler, Fannini Mill, r urnip Seeder, set et Bob- Sleighs,Chaiu- set Dou la Harness, s + compartments, I a In rats T r 1n• Bin -2 n tit iti,rn s I' o u B u co P Fork,1- n and u Steel Crowbar, ay ropep umber of Grain Bags, )r, new Hund -Sleigh, ()tato Blower, dozen Bee Hives complete, Boxes and bee box tor, bee koffo and onies of Bees, Grind tles--capacity 240 lbs, hnife. 2 Soythes, tains, Feria, Ralten, trees, and other s to mention. steads, 1 Crib. of $;i 00 and under, tut 8 mouths credit rehasers furnishing Cliff per annum n credit =wants. Everything to be . as the proprietor D. STEWART, Proprietor. 0 60 toys complete, a 0 17 Hay Rack, Ladc 0 11 Hand Wagon. 2 50 Cow Chains, 50 i v 7 00 a quantity of Be 0 00 Lumber, 1 extra 0 50 smoker—new. 2 en 0 00 Stone, set Weigh Se 015 Wheelbarrow, Hal 04 to 0 41 Grain Cradle, Leg (e 13 to 0 15 Neckyokes, Whifta 25 to (i 25 articles too =more -�- FURNITURE -2 Be TERMS.—All sums cash; over that ami will he elven on et approved joint note allowed off for cash Sale et 1 o'clock. sold without resery has sold his farm. J. W. PL R, ts, Auctioneerf WE HAVE Now the most beautiful and cpm- plete stock ever put on the market in the way of MEN'S Sure iNGS In all the latest designs and nutters gala at very reasonable prices. You will have no difficulty its se- lecting a suit to. snit. in fit and workmanship we take a a hackseatfor no one. Satisfaction guaranteed. It MAXWELL Hunt Axer TAILOR. r rAlNG't C•MINGt • COTAIIMnt 7, P. SMITH, SC saline EYE SPECIALIST (Intimate New York Philadelphia, and Toronto Opti al Colleges. Call early an avail yourself of valuable servi esp. as this is ti rare, opportunity to h ve yriar eyes proper• ly tested, free o charge. No guess work but ascien ific certainty. Dila• cult cases 1ccu. ately fitted. At.t tVUm1C GUAI1ANT gel never rut of private house► Ito has nlan added n arra nesortintiit of erti fteial eyes to his stock Will be at Colin A. Camp ; ell's Drug Sterid WIN'GHAM ONE DAY O LY, 2 �3h1� '� rr sda arch TOWN PROPERTIES WANTED. I have daily enquirers wanting to pur- chase or rent houses in town. No commission charged unless a sale is made. ABNER. OOS +)QTS. Minnie St. .-,,.,,.1•••••,.11M1.,.. 1. ,.. Canada - Business - College CHATHAM ONT. Rt opens after I•: