HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-03-26, Page 21t1STABLISHIiD WINIIAM TRMEs. R. ,1 lAl rI( LI m Y,t`T'+I' st >wxe Nn PtanattaTaa 1 THURSDAY, MARCH 26. 1903. NATES AND COMMENTS The protest in the North Grey Pro. vincial bye•idection has been set aside for irreg►parity, Sir Wilfrid Laurier line given. notice of a motion in I'.trlie:neut to impose a tax. of $500 on every Chinaman entering Can- Ada. Since Confederation there have been thirty-seven openings of Parliament six of which have taken place in January, seventeen in February. five it. Morels, five in April, and one each in August, October, November, December. Omitt- ing the lost tour ns exeenti ental eases, thelatest date at which Pariiment hae been called together wan. April 8th, 1805, and the earliest January 2nd, 1895. The longest session was that of 1885, when from the opening to prorogation there were 173 days. Industrial Ontario is shouting for 5,000 skilled artisans. Agricultural On. tario is seudiug up a wail for uutold. thousands of hired men. Canada was once famous as a Country where men wero many and jobs few. bat in these days,the situation seeks the man instead of the man the situation. Iuuuxgration will help to solve the problem created by good times, bet agriculture and in- dustry in Ontario will suffer more gr less from the seeroity of labor until the. may it be distaut,. day when hard times come again. -Toronto Telebnam. Judgment in the protest against the election of Dr. Rcatledge, the Liberal member elect for East Middlesex, was delivered Wednesday morning of last week in the Court of Appeal at Osgoode Hall by Justice MaclennateChief Justice Falconbridge concurring, dismissing the protest and sustaining, the election of Dr. Routledge. "Well, that settles another charge of the 'irrupt on of a constituency by the Government," said one of the la ge aud'enue, es it slosly filed out of the court room atter Mr. Justice Maclennan had briefly stated the decision of the court and handed the judgment to the clerk. Premier Laurier in a recent speech, in the House of Coinmons said that the proposed Redistributiou Bill would wipe out all injustices and almses. Iu speak- ing of the Redistribution 13111 of 1882 and its effect on Ontario constitueucies he said: -"I have here a statement which has been placed in my hands of 42 counties in Ontario which at the last election retnrued 25 Conservative mem- bers and 17 Liberal members, whereas in these 42 counties the popular vote gave an actual majority as recorded for the liberal candidates. Iu these 42 counties, 83,365 votes were cast for the Liberal candidates and 89,32 were cast for Couservative candidates, showing a Liberal majority of 1,973 votes. Result, 25 Conservatives elected 17 Liberals elected; majority of votes in favor of the Liberal party, majority of seats in favor of Conservative party. That is the fairness of the redistribution bill that we have had before us for twenty years." The statistics of the Evaugeliral Free Churches of England, ar, compiled by Howard Evans, show an increase of 37.- 000 members over those of last. year. Sun- day school teachers have increased 5.000 and scholars 45,000. Est►mates given by the local clergy of the Established Church gives it a membership of 2,304,- 493. The membership of the Eree Churches, taken separately', is as fol- lows: Wesleyan,: ...... 573,876 Primitive Methodists 190 149 Calvinistic Methodists 162,8(15 Unites Methodist 1c'ree Cuuroh53.590 1 Methodist New Connexion ...30,355 Bible Christians... 30,145 Baptiets 3a7 06C MEETING DEPARTMENTAL MPRIN% ALIy)IIENTS. The Blood Needs .Attention at this. Season -Purgatives Should be A,voicted. Spring is the season when your system needs toning up. In the spring yen roust have new blood, just as the trees must have new sap. With new blood you will feel sprightly, happy and healthy. Many people take purgatives in spring, but this is a serious mistake, as the teutiency of all purgatives is to further weaken the system. The one and only sure way to get new blood and new strewth is to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They i '. tually wake new, rich, red blood-tbey are the greatest spring tonic in the world. Dr. Williams' Pink Phis speedily banish all spring ailments. Miss Belie Cahoon, White R ick mills, N a., says:• -,'&I have found Dr. Williams' Pink Piils a splen- did sprxug medicine. 1 was very touch run down; the least exertion exhausted ate, and I had ceusttant feeling of languor and sluggishness. My appetite failed we and nig sleep at night was disturbed and restless. After I began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, there was a speedy change for the Netter, and atter taking a few boxes, I felt stronger than I had done for years." You oan get Dr. Williams' Piuk Pdll,t from any dealer in medicine, or by mail post paid, at 50o a box, or Six bones for $2.5s' M0, byedicine Co.. Brockville, Out. Do writing direct to the Dr. Will- item not let any dealer persuade yo i to take a Substitute. Snbstitutesnever cured any. oue-the genuine pi11s have cured hun- dreds of thousands in all parts of the world. • WHAT CLERK LANE THINKS. Huron Not Fairly Treated in the Good Roads Grant Apportionment One view of the roads improvement question is presented. by County Clerk Lane in the following manner: e,+' Whilo I like the idea of improving our roads, I de not think the basis of apportioning the money among the different counties in the Province is fair, and that Huron, for instance, is not being fairly treated. "And 1 may state my opinion broadly by saying that the toll -road counties ate reapiug a benefit which non -toll road couutieselo not. Compare the county of Hnrou with. Wentworth county in this respect, to -day. In Heron we spent, daring the years front 1850 to 1870 say, about $260,000 and bought the northern gravel road for $20,000 and abolished toll gates on gravel roads, and have beet) paying principal and interest ever since and have still over $50,000 of this debt to pay, and now we canuot participate in the Provincial graut to the full amount of our share except we expend ou new work about $80,000. "In the early history of Wentworth private companies noticed what roads were the leading ones, and built these ani put on toll gates, and these roads were controlled by/these private com- panies up to last November, when the county purchased all the toll roads, six roads I think for $'65,000, and are entitled under the act to $21,000 on this expendi- ture. "This is what I consider unfair. For while Huron was speudiug large sums of money in constructing roads Wei.t- worth's roads were being constructed by private companies -or, in other words, Huron spent money on capital account and Wentworth did not. Some say Wentworth has been bur dolled with toll gates for all these years. True, but while Wentworth has been paying tolls Huron has been paying in- terest, so I fancy the counties in this respect are about on au equal footing. "Now, why should Wentworth be asked to expend only about $24,000 on new work and get credit for old work for the balance, wltilp I3uron gets no credit for old work, but in order to get her share has to expend about $80,000 on new work. "There may be seine features of the case i have not taken into account and, therefore, may be wrong iii arriving at my conclusion in the matter." Congregationalists 414,218 Presbyterians. 78.024 Society of Friends 17,110 Seven smaller bodies ... 17,3:)8 Total.... ...,. 1,9:2 801 - 'D:i. OHASIIIII NEPA-MMES. lya. Oh'aiatr'. KldnoyLtv+or Pim. one pill 1 dote, 16 cents a box.. fire beets Ice Ot.00. Dr. Oharo'1i Nervi Vinod, so cents a bee, LDr. OheLlioNi Ointrnent, eb rents a box. tdyr. Ohaae'ar Oataa.rrh Curie, '25 Cents a bee. tea. Oh.a+i's Liver Cu-', Eli cents a bottle. Die ohmmeter Syrup of Chisel ed rand 71rrpintinv, .S retire a borne. Portrait end . re of lk. A. W. c hese r rt every but of ilia t . cr I -dome sae L*si * STORE COMPETITION. The article in last week's issue in re - gard to the invasion of the territory of the local merchants in Mn»itoba by the del artmei t stores in the eastern cities :has naturally attracted a great deal of f attention, particularly ote account of spe- i elfin cases given in regard to the way this 'trade is secured. It is obvious to everyone that these de- parttnent stores are largely cutting into the field of the local merchants. not only tin Manitoba and the Northwest, but in every part of the Dominion, • through the medium of advertising. Besides advertising in the ordinary way, the department Stores are always looking about for ways and means of reaching customers. We know of an in- stance Of a daily paper in a certain town which supllied a department store in Toronto with a list of its subscribers, the Het being required by the department store for the purpose of mailing circulars and catalogues to that particular paper's readers. The price paid for the list was $150. There is no more 'effective way for minimizing the influence of the depart. f went store than by the local merchants giving all publicity that is within their Ipower to the goods which they carry in ,tock, The department stores frequent- ly advertise bargains, but the great mea• jority of the prices the+ emote would not Ittftr&ettte to get the bad - THE WINGITAM;. TIES, MARCH[ 20, nese If they were compared with the at flgntes et whfoit the local merchants caatt sell their floods. It is this feet that needs to be impressed upon the consumer, and the only way that this can be done is by means of Ante deity. tine of the best mediums for this purpose is the .veal newspaper, A'► ad- vrrtisnlent in the local newspaper, as a rale, is the eheapebt thing which the country merchant gets. Ile; ides advertising in the local papers, tuerchnutnshoold elicit the sympathy and co.opertation of the local publishers i 1 educating the consumers to the fact that their reel ftirements can be supplied just as cheaply. if not more so, thin by the large departt.s:.ntal stokes in the chief trade centres of the country. -Hardware mud Menial. The Cigarette Curse. As a result of the crusade against the use of cigarettes in U. S. the sale of there soul toad body destroyers of the yontlx fell 25 millions iu 1900 as compared with the previous year, and 1001 saw a farther drop of 55 millions As a result of the efforts of the auti-cigarette L 'ague which leas its headquarters in Chicago, strong aunt -cigarette bills are now before tuore than 20 Legislatures, It is high time the Oanadiau Parliatneut wits doing some- thing to stop the sale of cigarettes iu this eouutry for in the year 1902 the couse mp- tion of cigarettes had inerease3 18 mil- lion over the preceecliug year. There is a provincial statute prohibitiug the sale of cigarettes to nutters bet the law is evtut- ed. The Dominion Parliament has power to stop their manufacture and it is to be hobed our Legislators at Ottawa will ac- cede to the request of the W. C. T. U. and in compliance with the largely -sign- ed petition -s front those who are interest ed in mural and social reform, pass au act prohibiting the rnauufacture of the accurseucigarette,t Ex. SPRING TIREDNESS Is Caused by Unhealthy action of the Liver and Kidneys Assisted by Starved Blood and a Poor Circulation. Pale's Ciiy 5mq,auni i Nourishes the Life Stream and Strengthens Every Organ of the Body. The great virtues of Paine's Celery Compound are abundantly ruauifested iu the spring. It is a medicine compound- ed specially to brace the nerves, to sus- tain heart action, to cleanse the blood and keep the stomach, liver and kidneys in. vigorous health. In the springtirna the effects of the wiuter's work. the worries of business. household cares, and the severe changes' of temperature all conduce to weakened and inflamed nerves, insomnia, poverty of the blood, deranged digestion, liver and mcidt►eys in bad cuuriltlon; iu thou- sands of cases rheumatism and neuralgia commence their horrible tortures P.'ine's Celery Compound used three oe four times a day for the next four weeks Witt tarnish the proper and needed el.,. ments of life for the growth lance repair gf the whole body. It will quietly make new nerve fibre, pare rich blood, will bestow sound health and lou; years of life. Mrs. S. S iedriek, Magog, Que.,. gratefully writes its folio w,: "Fur a time I suffered silverly from, nervousuese and peculiar feelings of fttintues-t; I felt all used up and my appe- tite was very poor. After teeing Paine's Clelery Compound for a time, all feelings of neiyou mess were completely banished. I alb renewed in streugt11 and getietai vi- gor, I eat aud bleep well and am perfect- ly restored to sound health." WANT LONGER TERMS. The Municipal World is in favor of the extension of the term for ►nuuicipul noiuucils. Perth county council et its last session adopted the resolution to co- operate with the county c-ynn;il of Grey in asking for legislation extending the term of town, township and vi'lt►t o II councils to two yeers,the election to mite 1 place at theta ne time as those for coun- ty commits. There is co'tsi,1-'rable to be I said in favor of it. In the Province of Quebec the councils of parishes, town- ships, towns and villages are cotnpnct'd 1 of seven members who remain in olimc m for tin'i't years, subject to the conditiittrs that two councillors must be elected or appointed every two years and eve; y three yearn. Iu 'Sonia Scotia towns a I couttcillnr is elected every two years, al-' though the Mayor is elected annually. Int England time term of office for alder- tutu dA three years, member:, retiring in ; rotation every year, One of the indica- tiaras in favor of extending the term of councillors iu Ontario is that at the San i uary elections of 1902 two-thirds of all councillors in cffice during the previous year were re-elected, nntl in the town•' ship about eighty per cent, If half the I council were ro retire ascii year a measure of continuity itt office that is very necessary would be secured and the trouble of an annual etc etion which prevents some good teen front ent'ring the council baa removed. There might be some danger under' this system of the ratepayers relapsing into indifference in regard to their municipal represent.t- tives,,but it would not be very great. 'the biennial eketion of county eonneil. Iona which has prevailed for the laat six years dope not seem to have had that etas %. 1903. eey Ira e e Paidier ,All the kidney ills. and ailments from .which painters suffer so much, cured by Dr. Pitch- er's Backache Kidney Tablets. Every painter know; tine tremble his kidueys giye hien now and riga in. The white lead and turpentine We hard ort these orgn ns-roll=tum and irritate there and prodn'c p ilii iu tet + b ick, cliftk'nlry and pain in nein tti nt, scanty and highs colored urine, air: mussy other cwnplica- tiolts. There i4 nn ether rent +dv Call do so much for tee kidney tronhies of pain. tete es Dr Pite•tt•t s B t'kaehe Kidney Tablets, T1n y soothe and heal the kid neys save oorre it all a'mu-try irregnlari. ties Mr. S. Barris, to painter by trade living at 138 George St., Toronto Out. his VMS CO say :-';For seine time I sit', fererl from a pain in the hank crud a stop: prtge of water. I have taken One hos of Dr, Pitche'r's Backache Kidney Tablets, and they helped lee promptly, and I feel confident they have mired ume. I think rhe Kidney Tablets are tt grand thing for the eid,,ey tronhles to which paints ors aro subject, and I am pleased to re- cent motel thein " Dr. Pitcher's BacltacheKidiety Tablets are 50_ a bottle or three for $1.25 at all drusnsists or sent by emit. The Dr. Z:na Pitcher Co., Toronto, Out. THE WORLD WANTS A MAN The Publishers of the Toronto World Will Try to Break Record. The publishers of the Toronto World want a reprt:mutative irl every postal dista'fcr in Ontario. They are trying to secure 59.010 subscribers before the end of the present year, and tire offering liberal commissions. The World snored a dtt.tiuct success ms the first one -cent ruerudue newspaper published in Canada. It easy to get subs Bribers tor a bright paper like The World at only $3 a year, or $1.50 for six mouths. Bright and eutertainiug always, The 'World 1s con- ducted on broad principals, filled with good readutg for all gond people, It has beeu called the -tanners daily" because so much space is given to markets and faro, news. W. F. Maclean' M. P., Editor of The World says that The Win Id has naw over 6000 well-to-do farmers un its subscription lists. New subscribers, who send $8 direct to The World, Torouto, mentioning this journal, will receive credit up to the 15th of April, or nearly 13 months, for $3. Any subscribex-seudiug two new sub- scribers at $3 t kill .,rtsteive The World free fur one ye r. • ' The Country Working Girl. The girl whoas booiteeper, clerk, sten- ographer, milliner or teacher in her villas'. home receives a weekly salary of $7 is fur better orf financially than the girl in the se me oneepatio' in the city who gets $L5 a week. In rhe first plcu•e the living expenses are much smaller iu the country than in the city. 0 ie gets very notch more for Icor money in the way of hnnie comforts, the wear and tear of;clothing is much less and as a rule the work less harassing to the nerves, since there are not the same }terry told riteh, keeping brain and nerves stretched to the tiffhrst possible tensinu, sn that after the day's work is over due is too tired to go in search of enj•+vment. W+'rkinlr long hon re at muscle weary- ing, bruin :rearing, nerve rasping tasks in shops. offices and 'hunting rooms craves the City working girl to long for rest above everything else and in itself precludes the abaufes of her making desirable need l a acquaiutances except snc'h ns may be offered through church 411 ie anus, and even .these she is too tired to imlrnvn--Phtladelrltin. Ledger. 1 1., ,9 K :.nsx .+tw,+ yrie Warchest, 'WHILST we guarantee to keep a '" ltyrie" Watch -aside Item break- age -in perfect action for two years, there is no limit to its perfect time- keeping qualities. We select for special mention our No. 5506 "Ryrie" Watch at $25. lmadq a t.•t1u+4 nr Cantleta+n'a titan Watch.) It is a t 5-1ewel Moversent to a 14k. Solid Geld Case. 'WA guarantee fie gore *citron., and if m,r ri*,yt it is tot petro tlg rotund full a.•i1*. factory. Wrlto fat aur Neu Catalogue. Ryrie Bros., Jewelers, Tonga and Adelaide de $treeia . Toronto. If TOWN DIRECTORY. ESTABLISHED 1872. THE WINcI» 'TINES. BAPTIST CuVltott Sabbath 6.11 -vices at 11 a in and 7 p mu• Sunday School at 2:80 p int. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev, J, J. Pat- terson, B.A..,pastor, at-tei'son,l3.A..,pastor, J.Chtapmau, $". S. Superintendent. - METuonlsT CtIURatl-.Sabbath services at 11 a iii and 7 p in. Sunday School at 2:30 p rn. Epworth League every 'Mon- dayeveuing• General prmyer leet ng on Wednesday evenings. Rev, Richard Hobbs, pastor, Dr, 'fowler, S. 8, Sup- erintendent. PiiimslirrunIAA' OiUjRoj-Sabbtath ser- vices at 11 a In and 7 p ru, Sunday Sehool at 2:80 p nl, General prayer meeting ou Wednesday evenings. Rev, D. Pert'so, pastor and S S. Superinten- dent, P. S. Lii,klater »d L. Hlarold, assistant S. S. Superintendents. ST. PAM'S Ouuitc11, EPISCOPAL -Sab- bath sorvices at 11 a In aid 7 p air. Sun- day School at 2:30 p an. General prayer meeting on. Wednesday evening. Rev. Wm. Lowe, Rector. F. Shore and Ed. assistant $. 8, Supejiutendents. SALVATION ARMY -Service at 7 and 11 a in. and 8 and 8 p c ill on Sunday, and every evening during the week at 8 0 olock at the barracks. POST OrrICE-In Macdonald Block. Office hours from 8 a nt to 6:30 p Peter Fisher, postmaster. AMEOI t aos' INSTITUTE -Library and free reading room, in the Town Hall, will be open every afternoon from 2 to 5;30 o'clock and every evening froin 7 to 9:30 o'clock. Miss Millie Robertson, librarian. *Towle CouNo1IL--R; Vanstone, Mayor; A. Dulinage, Thos. Bell, Robt. Mc- Iudoo, J J. Elliott, W. F. VanStone, S. Bennett, Councillors; J. B..Per- guson, Clerk and Treasurer; William Clegg, Assessor, Wm. Robertson, Col- lector. Board meets first Monday even- ing in each month at 8 o'clock. SCHOOL BOARD. -J. J. Homuth. (chair. num), Thos. Ahraham,R. A.Douglas,• H. Kerr, Win. Moore, A. E. Lloyd Wm. Button, C. N. Griffin. Secretary, Wm. Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. Meetings second Tuesday evening in each month. PUBLIC SCHOOL TEAOHERS.-A. H. Musgrove, Principal, Miss Brnek, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Corny'', Miss McLean, Miss Matheson Miss Reid, and Miss Cummings. BOARD OF HEALTH -Mayor Vanstone, (chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg- ory, Dr. Agnew, J. B. Ferguson, Sec- retary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical Health Officer MISS OELIA SPARING A. T. e. M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher Music Method, Simples and Kindergarten. Pupils prepared for Conservatory examina- tions. VIOLIN AND GOITAR1 MISS CARRIE MOORE of London Conservatory- of Musk, will be pre- pared after Oct. 1st to receive a limited nuin- ber of pupils for instruction on Violin and Guitar. Resit ence-Stone block, over W. G. Patter - son's jewelry store, Wingham. PIANO AND THEORY MISS SARA LOUISE MOORE, L.C.M. and member of the Associated Musicians of Ontario, ie prepared to receive a limited num- ber of pupils for instructs an on Piano and in Theory. Special attention given to pupils preparing for examinations. ,Residenet,-Stone block, over W. G. Patter - son's jewelry store, Wingham. FARMERS and anyone having live stock or other articles they wish to dispose of, should adVer tise the same for sale in the TIMES. Our large eir'cuhttion tells and it will be strange indeed -if you do not get a customer. We can't guarantee bled you will sell because you may ask more for the article • rr stock than it is worth. Senn] your advertisement Ttcan'other n ofsingof the rsk d articles. WANTED -FAITHFUL PERSON TO TRAV- el for well established house in a few comities calling on retail merchants and agents. Local territory. Salary $1024 a year and expenses, payable $19.70 a week to cash and expenses ad- vanced. Position permanent. Business suc- ee-sful and rushing. Standard Hone, 831 Dearborn kit., Chicago. JOB PRINTING including Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill Heads, Circulars, atepstad.slee fttheart&c., &c., pricer:, best short notice. BOOKBTNDnIO.-Wo are pleased to announce that any Books or Magazines left with us for Binding, will have our prompt attention Prices for Binning in any style will be given on application to THE TIMES OFFICE, Winghrm. 60 "greltIZ:r° x EXPEfT11rNCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS CopvetIGHTB &C. Anyone sending d eimich and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether tut in/'mien is probably PPntenteh'h. Commnntett nova strictly confidential. handbook on Patents. dent free. Oldest agency tot seenringatents. Patents taken through Munn it Co. receive epcctal notice, 'without t +tithout charge, in Scientific .Imerecau. :4 handsomely )lluntratAd Weekiy. ]'.unrest 41r tallithim of nay ariaatltn f•,urtutl. Terms. $R a year; oer:nee tilt, ftfl. Soli by uttI newsdealer e. I"4 A \O,itllmadwfv, ory1Y 'Manch Mee. 1215 tlt.,+•trnehll,a,en. D. c1 RAILWAY TIME TABLES. GRAND TRUNJt ItAILWA'Si SYSTEM. TRAINS LEAVE Fon batition ar,,O a.m.... fl.10p.m. Toro/Ito & Eayt ..Otani., 0.53 ti m ... 8.0sp.m, Kincardine -11.10 a.m1.40 pen.... 8.08p.m, Ahitrvle Moat n ..O.10 a.m0.00 a 1n Kin >tirdino .. .. 805- p.m, Landon.... 11.10 non.... 7,55 p.nl. Palmerston 11,10 a.m. Toronto R Thi L. HAI:0i b, A t Wi gn atm. I 110 Y— 1 CANADIAN' PACIFIC ItAII;WA'ft'. -- CANADIAN' LEAVE PORToronto and East..,6.57 a.m..., 5 43 p.m, Teeswater 1.17 p.m .....10.46 pini. ATitare ttawr teeswater.. 6.57 to M.... 11.43 p.m. Torotttotind ltaet...11, 117 part... .10.43 p m. 0.11. BE1tM Agent, *Ingham, is PUBLISIIE.p EMERY THURSDAY MORNING --AT^• The Times °MMMee, Seaver Mock WINGHA111, ONT RIO, Tenure or SuUS0w 'T lore -$1 3J per annum in advapee, $4.50 if not so paid. No paper deieon tinned till all urretu's um paid, except at the option of the publisher. ADVERTISING RATES. - Legal and other mind advertisements So per Nontparfel line for first insertion, $e per line for each subsequent insertion. 10ctst.fpiislineetfo fjit innertion,tandl1cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Farms for thee or to Rent, and sdiniier, $1,110 for first mouth and 50 cents for each subsequent month. CoNTRAc1 RAPrs-The following table shows our rates for the insertion of advertisements for specifier! periods: - SPACE. 1 Ya. 0 Mo. 3 Mo. 1 ve One Column $60,00 $5x.00 $15.00 tR i'0 Half Column ...,......, 05.00 15.00 10.00 4.00 Quarter Column 18.00. 10.00 6.00 2,00 Advertisenrefats without specific directions will be inserted till forbid and charged accord- ingly, Transient advertisements must be paid for in advance. Tem JO's DEPARTMENT i8 stocked with an extensive assortment of all requisites for print- ing, affording facilities not rtquelled in the county for turning out flrst•elass work. Large type and appropriate cuts for all styles of Post- ers, Hand Bills, etc., and the latest styles of choice fancy type for the finer classes of print' ing. H. B. ELLIOTT, Proprietor and Publishers P KE .1J..M.C.P.S.O T NNEDY. Member of rM"he British Medical Associa- tion. Gold Medallist in: Medicine. Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Child ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. m.:7 to 9 p, m. DR. MAC/DONALD, Centre Street Wingham, Ontario. DR. AGNEW, Physician, Surgeon,'ete. Office -Macdonald Block, over J, E. Davis' Drug Store. Night calls answered at the office. T. OHISHOLM, .T. S. CHISHOLM M.n., M.D., C.M., M 0.p.s.O. Mym. sti,CM., M 0 Y 8 0. DHS. CHISHOLM & CHISHOLM PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS, ETo. OrmrICE-Chisholm Block, .Josephine street. IIESIDENCE-In rear of block, on Patrick St., where night calls will be answered. R VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC Privateana Company funds to loan at lowest rate of interest: No comnaissiou charged. ort - gages, town and farm property bought and sold. Office, Beaver Block. Wingham. J A. MORTON, BARRISTER, &c. Winghnm, Ont. E. L. DICKINSON DUDLEY Hermes DICKINSON & HOLIES BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc. ,MONEY TO LOAN. , OrrioE ; Meyer Block, Wingham. WIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. ARTHUR J. IR Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal Qoilege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Oftee over Post Office, Wing ,rim, T L .n.a. T. HOLLOWAY, D.D. t., New method for naindeua ex- traction. Ne (`ursine, 13peotnl attention to the rare and regulation of ehildren'e teeth. Moderate nrieet. and all week rarefnlly n».i skilfully performed. Offics in Beaver Block, Winehnm. Q OHN RITCHIE, U GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, Gingham, Ont. AL"'LLY, SVfngham, Oat. KE LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the (aunty of Huron. (ales of ail ]rinds e idneted nt reiwonnble rates, ilrriera left. "t the TIMES office will receive prompt attentir n. WA. CURRIE, Wingham, Ont. • LICENSED AUCTIO2iTETfp,, Auction wiles of all kinrle will reeeivepronlp"• tietentitQn. Terme renennahle All orders left nt the Trams office will receive prompt atten- tion. JAS. HENDERSON, Wingham, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the Counties of Huron and Bruce. Sales. of Perm Stock and Imnlel„ente a sn c'ialty. Alt nrderu left at the 'Prattle office promptly elf ended to. Terms reasonnbie. ' TO F• S. SCOTT, Brussels, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER Is prepared to ronfiict claire in this section. Special attention given t0 sales of farm stock and implements. Datee and orders ran always be arranged at the TIME4 office. Wjneham, There is a noted difference in the style and fit of Pants we make that always brings ped• ple hack for another pair« Then there is the low price and betterfl ualit of cloth put ut ' in thein—cloth that wears See our new goods and prices. WEBSTER'& co. hint That ugeue Field M. Flat a4t nude hitt Of td naming red "All -w ; ' I'm ready to amort -"Eleet i.dyed," the merohaf "'Your size is thirteetsght, L t! A forty you shca°lti'•,' g , Since all -wool gitods a bound A. trifle when they're et. That shirt twos vtealc in fathe Two swellings, that was all; Prom forty down to thirty-four It shrank like leaf in fall. I wore it then a day or two, But when 'Mae iva,Shri'`ngain, l.Iy wife said; "Xow, 'twill only do For little brother Ben. A fortuight Berl squeezed into it; At last he said it hurt. We put it ou oar babe -the At Wits good as any shirt. We neer will wash it mere while yet We see its flickering light, For if Again that shirt is wet, 'Twill vanish from our sight. For Over Sixty Years. An Old and Well-T3.4ed Remedy --141 Winslow's SoothingSyrn pp. has been us over sixty years bynvlliousof inothe for their children •wbife teething, wt perfect wow, . It 1snollii{i5"'•tilt- l ,softens't1 o gams, allays all pain, 60 wind colic, end is the best remedy f diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the test Soli by druggists in every par tl world. Twenty five cents a bot value is incalculable. Be cure you el for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, at take no other kind. tJ' Facts For"8tsiness Me Most anent snake a success of b becausefthey make a success of adv ing, but the chtinces are that they put much value into the publicity pro ted. There is no doubt about the won; of good advertisiltg mbniiding a basin There is also no doubt that many hal tried advertising and found it dicta pay. It was not the fault of nave fixing iu .the abstract, but o1' t1 advertising they did. This questit ought to have the serione consider' of every matt in business. It ought t studied all the time by the wants to succeed. It can be a degree, and can he made to yid factory rel' ruF, to 1 e one o careful study. Eac thing worth the int+ Mg. Someone is g neighbor, perhaps, 1 who wants success greatest abundance for success and his really is worth st cious publicity firs Deafness by localappli resell the disc There is only o and that is b Deafness is e ditiou of the olden. Tube. ed yon have a feet hearing, closed, (Wattle. the iuflamtnat thae to 10 heart cases which tion of the roue We will give any case 0f deatfet that cannot be cry Clue. Send forireult. P..1, Cry & ' Soled ay Drug s, 75,e. Hall's Famlytlls are the C U RIUS FAC The mauage of the S' railway has or ed a loco especially for b ming peat oration of sten "Apstralia is ire Euglt don," mantel' i Sir Jalu the annual me ug of th, association. By appllyin glucose their roots, tench sci that he has 'n able t. growth of.,pl, s. Three hun for higher wa were the first w tactics in this e' Nearly all with birch peoularly plea mired and at from insects. Mr. Herbert Ing cultural chemistry Fa college, Leeds, Enela pointed agricultural Transvaal at asalary o It is proposed to cut through the manta!) ,audile, in th Jura en the jonrn4y bet Switzerland bytwo it. To ecnnomi a time poem it should d lrf' is, entirely through eac psychological laboratori memorize one verse at fourth longer. The commission of me perts appointed by the G Of 'education to rove - power of hypnotism is essentia111t worthle laymenr byo is dao 0 y Ke The compulsory .a Indiana le at a norni very beneficial effect children wero brought and the poor provided clothing at a total cost