The Wingham Times, 1903-03-12, Page 31 Bieakfut food the world's best Cereal Food Nr Maintaining the Health of those Who t.lre Now Well and Strong. While the most noted food experts nnd medical men strongly it:commend Malt lereahhist Food us the most henell. 4citd artiele of diet for invalids aud people of weak digestion, they are also agreed that it is the hied of Breakfast Food fur yenne and old iu health. Malt 3Breakfast Food Is the only cereal food that regularly tuthishea that vitality and energy necessary for the daily BilatIOS8 40f the body and brain worker. Malt Breakfitet Food pleases the whole letnily, because it is the only cereal food that is throughly relithed day after day. All grocers sell and recommend Malt Breakfast Food. A very pleasant event took place at The home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gedekie, 4th concession Howich, on Wednesday, March 4th, it ',being the occasionof the marriage of their daughter, Miss Solome, who was uuited iu wedlocit to tar. Harry e„ Tinuns of Wallace. It was a very ducted by Rev. John Richard. The Day of gllraeles pnst, but many who are cured of itch- ing, bleeding or protruding piles by the awe of Dr. Cbase's Ointment look upon their recovery as next thing to miracul- ,ous. It is not uncommon for persons who have undergone painful. risky and expensive operations in vain to be finally cured by this wonderful oiutment. It the standard the world over aud the ooly guaranteed mire for piles. Clinton News -Record: The oldest mar - sited couple residing iu this county are Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pinker, sen., of West Wawanosh, the former being 98 years of age and Mrs. Maker 95, Tney were both born in County Caven, Ireland, and =me to Canada 60 years ago. Their dia- mond eubilee is only three years distant. 'Ten children were born to them, all of whom are living. They are: Thomas, 'nit Calgary, Alberta; George, of Carte r.7 Man; Mrs. Archibald Gillespie, Grand Rapids, Mich.; Mrs. Thomas Crawford, Myth; William, in Clinton; John, at ;home; Mrs. William J. McMullen, of aliticknow; Mrs. Robert Stalker, of Au- burn; Samuel of Blyth; Mrs. Archibald Robertson, of Auburn. Mr. aud Mrs. "Maker are enjoying good health for their advanced years. ABM TE SEC' Rift Cenuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of See Pac..Sirnilo Wrapper Below. -Warr small nnd as easy to take as sugar. FOR HEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS., FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THECOMPLEXION CARTEM ITTLE IVER PILLS. coati 4.74.0ge CURE SICK HEADACHE. A Bad Breath IA bad breath means a bad stomach, a bad digestion, a bad liver. Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They cure con- stipation, biliousness, dys! pepsia, sick headache. 2Sc. Ali druggists. Wane your tnoustschs or beard a beautiful brown or rleh black? Then es* BUCKINGHAM'S DYEIVI;t3Irer, IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN TIIE TIMES . THE POPE'S JUBILEE. 1,00 XIII, Acclaimed by Thew eands of People, CORONATION ANNIVERSARY, Gorgeone flpectitalea-Seren Mlles Aril. Rout With Light -seen.. in st. Peter's -A. Magnificent rropesrion and a Buret of Welcome -Aged Pontiff Sore the Trying Ordeal Extremely Wen. Rome, March 4. -The 25th anniver- sary of tha coronation of Pope Leo was celebrated yesterday with all the grandeur and impres.siveneas iodated with the high eetemoules ot the Catholic Church, and amid a displaa of enthueiasm and emotion on the part of the vast assemblage gathered within the walls of St. Peter's, such as vie with the greatest of previous clemonstrations of affec- tion for the aged Pontia. Last night all the sacred edifices hi -Rome, mosiasteries, convents. semi- na.ries, •anchalso many private houses are illurainated in commemoration of the event, the Trastever quarter and the Leoni City, especally pre- senting a blaze of light, while the general effect was heightened by the burning of Bengal tires throughout the city. Pope Leo. who supported admirab- ly the fatigue and excitement ef yes- teielay's ceremony, after having re- tired, rose again from his couch *and going to the window of his bedroom gazed for a while upon the scene of the aluraination. The view from the Vatican,embracing a stretch of seven miles brilliant with light. was a marvelous /one, and His Holiness exclaimed' as he withdrew from the window, "this will indeed be a pleasant thing to dream of." The ceremony in ,St. amer s Cathe- dral lasted two hours and a quar- ter, and although it was noticeable that Pope .Leo felt the .effects of his recent cold; all were surprised to see strong, his gestures vigorous, and the frantic 'cheering which greeted his ariival and departure gave him visible pleasure and brought a faint tinges of color to his face. After the tiring ceremony of the morning, Dr. Lapponi carefully examined the con- dition of the Pope, and although he found him none the worse for the fatigUe he had undergone, yet he or- dered him to rest during the whole afternoon. But last night, after the doctor's last visit, His Holness in- sisted upon getting up to view the illumination - After an hour of very fatiguing waiting, a majestic procession began to appear. It was composed of the groat dignitaries of the church, the forty-five cardinals present, gorgeous in their red robes, and making a most imposing gtoup. At 11 o'clock precisely, the bell of St. Peters rang out a eignal, which was followed by the clanging of the bells of obout 500 churches in Rome, as they winded the annouocement that thet P.ontiff was on* his way to the basil- ica. The life of the Ancient City seemed to pause for a moment, hats were raised, and sign of the cross was made. Shortly afterwards, in- side St. Peters, silver trumpets blar- ed out their message, and the Pon- tiff appeared. The people held their breath for a moment. Then all the pent-up enthusiasm burst forth in a tremendous roar a welcome. From his elevation on the new sedia. gestatoria, carried by twelve men in costumes of red brocade. the Pope appeared to be a white spirit, this impression being added to by the Pontiff's white robes and white mitre. delicate features, face as white as alabaster, and his thin band moving slowly in benediction. It almost seemed as if all human at- tributes had been expelled from that slender, venerable form. As the sweet -toned, well-trained voices of the aistine choir sang Tu Es Petrus, thousands of voices shouted: "Long Live Pope Leol" lithen the Pope arrived at the throne, the ceremony proceeded tetra - idly. Leaving the sedia gestatoria, the Pontiff knelt in prayer, and then roso without. assistance, donned the fade, and the new triple crown, and the celebration of mass began. At aue moment of V.= clereatiou nost a profound silence jell on the assemblage, the guards presented arms, the people knelt, where it was possible for them to do so, and from the cupola came the clear, thin sounds of silver, trumpets. The Pope then administered the Papal Benediction and retired to a room for restoratives, prepared es* ery time he goes to St. Peter's Then, addressing Dr. Lapponi, hid private physician, the Pontiff said: "You see, that after all your warnings. the ceremony did me good. What touching loyalty!" Dr. Hollingsworth Released. Ottawa, March 4. - The Govern - nor -General yesterday afternoon on the recommendation of the Minister lingsestorth, gehtenced last Week to of JustiCe, pordozted Dr. J. B. Ilol four months in jail and $200 fine for B w voting twice at the referendum the Ontario Liquor Act. It Was made perfectly clear that the offence was unintentional, Hollingsworth having veted on his own totem la two wards at oe municipal elettioa. Sick Headache, Jaundice, Heart. the fine. burn, Catarrh of the eitomaah. Demi. noes. BlOtehes and Pimple*. The pardon carries a remission Of eoheriewee THE MOAN TIMES, MARCIE 12, i903 JUST A COLD SETTLED IN THE KIDNEYS, MIT IT TURNED TO DROPSY. IT WAS =HAAT DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS. Read of This .Wonderful Cure. ' It May Do You or lour Friende Some Good to If.mow About It. Miss Agnes Creelman, Upper Smith- field, N.S., writesi-About 18 months ago I caught cold. It tattled in my kid- neys, and finally turned into Dropsy. My face, limbs, and feet were veri much bloated, and if prespeil my finger on them it would snake white impression that would last fully a minute before the flesh regaiued its natural color. was advised to try DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS, andebefore I bad used half a bee I could notice an improvement, and the ono box completely cured me. I have never been troubled with it since, thanks to DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS. Price 50e. per box, or 3 boxes for $1.25; all dealete, or The Doan Kidney Pill Co, Toronto, Ont. Weather Promised for March. The regular storm perioe for March is from the 2nd to tho 7th. At thie time the earth is hilly under the in- fluence of ler own Vernal dquinox, From about Tuesday the 3rd to Friday the Oth, there are remains to expect all the chances and phenomenal of a very decided storm period. A marked chtinge to warmer and falling bare - meter will lead rapidly into cloudinets with general rain and thunder storms ' in the moth. Rains nue also ho ex- pected in central and northern sec- tion:9, but change to much colder will follow the rains, with heavy snow squalls generally along the northern side ot tae country. enierp change to cold %via bring up the rear of' these s torme, 'winging the tempera tu re quite to the irost line into the eouth. The eth and 3.0th are central daye of a reactionary perturbation, in- tensified by ploon in perigee on the 10th. In all oue publicattion.s for nearly twenty years, AVO Lave explain- ed that an electricalarisie ie aunually to be looked tor about the 10th to 15tn alarce. The moon 'being -at full on the celestial equator oni the nth, within two daye or its perige'e, on the 10th, we are naturally to look for elec- trical phenomeoa out of the ordinary duriaig this tennutie.period this month. If the moonle perigee on neasest ap- proach to earth, had fallenotwo days later, or colocident witt. full moon on the equaeor on the 13th, violent storms and tidal evarves would have been al- most a certainty in thei south. As it is, marked disturbances of this kind need 'not be a surprise in that part of the country. Hicevy earth currents of magnetism and electricity, auroral light% seismic convuleions and quick- ened volcanic activity, are among the things reasonably to .be expected. dux - The regular atorm. period centering on the 3.6th and extending from the 13th to the 20th will bring a time of exceedingly unsettled weatage, with probability of many heavy and some dengerous reterms. The barometer and hygrometer will prove faithful monitora at this as well al at all other The indications point to two decided dieturbancea during this central per- iod in Mama, one ata the very begin- ning of the period and the other about the 17th and 18th. ( The stories on end about the 18th will barely eubside before the entrance to reactionary etorm condition due 21st and 22od. Tale is at the centre of' the Vernal equinox, and many equinoctial spualls with ranch unpleasant weather, may .saeely be counted bn. In ell central, ed rain, mow and riw,: depleting winde will irender it exceedingly hard and trying on unsheltered live stock. The teat general gtorea _period; in Marcie is central on ehe 27th, covering also by a Mercury perturbation: The moon 'is on the celeatial equator on the 27th and ot its new, oee the 28th. Ai we approach' theee clay,a it will turn phenomenelly warm for the seaeon, the baeonweer will fall to low and dangerous readings, and anywhere from Friday the 27th' to Monday the 30th. it will be wise to keep an eye on the gathering storm indications. Very warm, ehum,d weatha with greatly de- pressed barometer will presage viol- ence and danger, especially in all cen- tral to southern parts oe the counery. Late snow ana sleet otorro.s will- be in every probability, will reach ite clo.se in the medat or the cold, wave. at the end of these storms. , NEW YORK FASHIONS once as to contour with those ehapee varied wed becoming, while la accord- enott with the Spring mason triteatee !urge and 'emelt mad gathered froui the floral. kingdom and that of fruit as well. Erom small berries up to phtute and even peaches xich centre, too are seen in leeriest simulations. how. ve,r, does not enenre acceptance en cen, 44 found so courageoue as 10 selem ewe rather weighty and really uneuitable adornments, although ast to of large eizes. Grapes in natural eh. - genie: are free from the object:ona Jost noted, and once again will be In new dresa goods Mohair Sicilian - nes are most desirable and extretnelY weave, and in plain, dotted, mixed ane fancy effects these fabries supple. Wont and loose woven rou.batx goods. One cannot Mistake in choosing Sial - !Leone in any grade, T.hese goods are English. in origin and are famoths. When selecting Ready -mule Gar- ments beed should be .paid. to the new Wooltex method of construsition, insuxes outer garb at. once serviceable and dressy. For these reasons doubt- appreciatien from all classes of wonten-those who must cun,sider ex, pulse and: those to whom expense is no oon:sideration. Every Wooltex ;sewn le pure wool and will withstand hardships whith woold prove the un- doing of ordinary ready-to-wear gar - In the fit of the .00rsoge, aowever b.nutifully made, the right adjust- ment of the Corset is all-important, and unmet; women who undersrand bath comfort and grace belted hoee or w:thout cersets have come into general use. They keep the corset well down in front. thus enforcing a correct po.ition of the body-s/aouiders croopeag, abdomen: in and chest tbrowa out - and ,many belle of Venus -like carriage and proportion, OW23 each charms to the powerful aid of thie inestimable addition, to her WALTdING SKIRTS such wale limetations as to materi tl, that on cool Spring days. or in the midst of July heats. something ap- propriate •can be obtained. Thus kik 47' LOADE'D UP WITH IN THE SPRING THE SYSTEM IS LOADED UP WITH IMPURITIES. • After the hard work of the winter, the eating of rich and heavy foods, the system becomes elogged up with waste and poisonous matter, and the blood becomes thick end sluggish. This causes Loss of Appetite, Bilious. :less, Lack of Energy and thal tired, weery, listless feeling so prevalent in the spring. The cleansing, blood -purifying action ef BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. eliminates all the pe. nt-up poison from the. I system, starts the eiuggish liver working, i acts on the Kidoeys and Bowele, and renders it, without, exception, i The Best Spring Medicine. women meal be free during most of the , day 1.0 breathe .fresh air and revel in sunshine since the sensible fashion ot wearing for morning a shirr waitit with tvalking skirt will prevail. Each year Cottons -aro of xaore partante and the newi and 'beautiful reader them attractive to women. of all clessett. tbe wealthy purchaser :led those who wish the dollar to go far, MILBURN'S Toile du Nord, particularly adapted to children's wear, is twenty-seven in- ches wide in. f meaty stripes. plaids or checks, at •12 1-2c tho yaxd. Edin- borough zephyrs, also twenty-seven, inches wide, are delightful in Olney etripes, plaices or cheeks at 15c the yard, and Impeeial Chambray thirty Melia?, wide, elegant in linen finish, la 15e the yard. St. Andrewt zephyrs ing display of fancy stripes, plaida thecks, costing 25c the yard, and A.n.. atelier Fancies in thirty-sevett hut widths. are beautiful in lace effects m• ention shouldelio made .of Anglesey belga mercerized ht silky lustie. This lovely material is tatenty-severt inches showing stripes and with novelty wea. ves and lace patteexes, costiog 35e tee yard. Satsuma embroiderica are inn • other lnautiful variety he cotton and ;show fine embroidery work captie vating desiems. The price is 35o the All these materials are excellent in texture and fast he .eoler, LTYCil CARTER. FUT Over 131:tty Valera An Old. and Well -Tried Remedy-ntre Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been used for over sixty years byraillionsof mothers for their children .while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the oms, allays all pain, curee wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhtea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the value is incalculable. 13e sure yoo. aek for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. CURE Dyetiimistie, Newt eltoxielielli, Witten Brash. Liven Coniplabite Ballet/if or Middy CoMplexlett. Sweeten the breath ana elear arra,' all waste polsonotte neater from the eystem. MOP %eh bottle or 6 for S1.00. dealers' or Tam T. hinauss CO., Limited, 'forma*. Oak MAY REED PROTEST. Alaskan QuestionN Now Before the imperial Cabinet, JOINT Wall COMIIIISSION. Reported Attempt to Renew the Sustain ashingten Despatch Says seuetor rairbauke end Sir Wilfrid Laurier Are Stip eorrespontling.-Oes. ada's Flrm Answer and PH - mon 1. Now Beattie& . London, Alareh 5. -No names have yet been atibMitted for the Alaskan tiibunal, It seems probable that the deley is owing to the English Cabi- net's consideration of the destrabia ity of suggesting a change in the American commissioners, although this would be a delicate matter. The Canadian Government has communt- cated its opinion unfavorable to the Atnerican appointees. The strong Canadian views are appreciated here. JOint tlign commission to. meet. Washington, March 5. -The action of Congress in striking out in con- ference an item appropriating $50,- 000 to defray the expenses of the High Joint Commission will not be , allowed to prevent the reassembling of the Conunission next suiemer. It is postible to reassemble the Com: - mission and pay their expenses out of the contingent fund of the State Department. 'etiator Fairbanks and Sir Wilfrid Lawler are in correspoo- dence with a view of arranging da,te for the reassembling of the . Vanacia*e Answer Recalled. Ottawa, March 5. - An unofficial theory suggests a potent ItiotiVe foe the postponement of the resumption of the sittings of the Joint MO Commission until Canada is "good and ready." It is based upon a elose personal scrutiny of ehe temper of the. United States commissioners at the breaking ofr of the negotia- 3889. When their altitude was in- dicated, Canada's refusal to ge ahead was not at all mealy mouth- ed. It was in effect "Come to terms on Alaska. or wait for the other fay - ors you really want." CONGRESS CLOSED. Retiring Speaker of U.S. Rouse Treated without Courtasp Washington, March 5. -The fifty-- seventh congress expired at noon yesterday by limitation. There has not Leen in many years such a de- monstration in the house as occur- red yesterday owing to the fact that Speaker Henderson was retiring not only as presiding officer, but from the house as a member. Bitter par - them feeling that has pprung up in the House of Representatives during the past week reached a pitch which prevented the Speaker receiving the unauhnotts approval of the House when the usual resolution of thanks and courtesy was offered. Tho numbee of bills introduced clue- ing the fifty-seventh congress aggre- gated 17,560, of which 8,918 were reported and more than 2,000 peas - ed. The house calendar is clearer at the close of this congriss than it aas ever been before, only 78 bilis re- maining undisposed of. Tho strenuous President. Washington, March 5. - President Roosevelt had it chance yesterday to express his opinion of Senator Car - muck of Tennessee, and did it forcib- ly. W. S. Morgan, ex -Secretary of State for Tennessee; wants •to be ap- pointed 0. member of the Isthmian Ronal Commission, and the Tennes- see delegation , is favorable to the appointment. neseneans. and said he would take their nomination under constdera- tion, do anything I can for you. Any re- commendations I shall always be glad to receive and carefully consid- er. "But," he added, after a bit of pause, there is one member of your delegation that I would see in hell before I would do anything for him." He explained that he referred to Senator Carmack. Stratford, March 5. -Stratford has declared for • menieipal ownership of waterworks and for good roads. By purchase bylaw Was carried yester- day, and the good roads bylaw by the. overwhelming majority of 311. These provide for ihe purchase of the Stratford Water Supply Company's plant, mains, etc.,. for el98,000, with a couple of thouaand dollars added to meet inane:Oat'. expenditure, and for the issuine debentures for 88.- 000 to secure immediate improve- ment of outlying. portions of the main roads. The total votes were; For waterworks purchaee bylaw 576, agalust 440; eor good roads bylaw 6.52, enalost. A 01-11 Mrs, j„ .6nelphy Tel ,Little Ones Were :Cured Remedy, .POWley'S The Mother Is Cured of Ecze sumption, Another of a St Trouble, aud the B- gestion of the L 1.111rs. Wilson Is Now an Ozone Entintsbu Mothers in PromoulicIng Ozone the hold Remedy in the World • ti avia 'lite Da ' idea Glut THE OZONE CO., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Gentlemen, -I have intended writing you for a long am certain it has beau. the moans of preveatiog myself lavola that dread disease, consumption. Tee first tea= my dear daughter had consumptiou in veey advaneetis' far gone to save, her life. How I with we hut tattewn. am sure we had she wowil have been alive tooluatee -vei h her stomach, being unable to degest her fetid, :Ida It helped her nod I know prolongel her lire, but the tlisene bowels nod waa impossible to sieve her. When she was'', givo her ehnost inetant relief, and than ever feel gratef; health myself, bot Ozone btalt me up and reetared my eure that Ozone Fayed her life. Eater I had eeZellta, W111)11 my line wee neueili "Avolleu aiseaee was gone. One of my bees ellowed every heitati te have consumption, hit evniptidne being similar t thtis Ozone restored hint to beal•th and al,e) curea troth trouble whieh the doctors could not help. I ant an enthuslart rogaediug Ozone and have did innoli to relieve the suffering of myself auil medicine it has no °goal and I would not feel safe at all times. In cues of grippe it para. larly gen turn are new sounding its praises. Yours fruly, Ozone Is a Great Household Remedy 171 "It Cures Disease by Dest Germs ,Wherever Lo "For a long time," writes ono eorrespon before understood Ozone as well as ao noe one remedy could. cure so many widely di then .what I bare since learned by experien by destroymg the germs that crar e it. miracles, although some of the cures it The ou'y claim nonlafor it le that it do: speedily and thoroughly. Doctors, Druggists taidd The doctors, Cruggiste and elerleg nized the fact that Ozone poesesse;t'a sampler of the minty lettere we have re DR. SHIM, LIN seen gooa resulte. D. W. For a small place like this toWn the sales of Powley's good and the prevailing opiuion of its merits are emit t ease the customer comes bad; for m000 On) customer 'tee iu a case of lung trouble .antl gives it great peniee. trt svife awl daughter, after suffering from aelial cough ne were cured ol it early in the spring with oue large 'tett short time. ALBERT Bin I have ploesure in giving my testimony tee the value et fiat Ozone, which cured my dam:atter of nervous deadlier wit' otdinary inedical assistance) failed 10 do se. I consider it fully mititled to publie eontidenti v.; et, rd Oragnedi REV. N NG Li t 0/.0114b: to your own g ray yea to ex And Ile May Die. Powleev's Liquillea Ozone ia sold onto by reliable de noddied. Price, 53 mute nod $1 cu per b ettle. - tendon, March 5. -James Harris, a THE OZONE t10., Limited, 25 years of age, an employe at the ie.T.R. ear shops, met with a seri- ous accident yesterday morning. He :— was' boring a hole in • a board With e an auger operated by steam, When he fell forte:she against the auger. which entered tile abdominal Well of ful theme which may result in blood bospit al. poisoning. die wee taken to the . PILEKONE P NIES. , iH 11111 sold Shouglinesty Sail Array. , 'Opiniont el tootling Physician,. Neer yetqc. itier,,,,1 :idea ended lutvensed Atrong's Tile Remedy% my prat.« ti 0, anti would rhoerially recommend it to the president of the Northietn Se- • general reablie be one of the blot remetlie4ae etiritie's 'Company. sailed heeeeteno. ;Mei on the mare:et: kmoviter tomtit( sition foe Europe for reet and recreation. ire feretilet(). 1.301114 110 1 LOCI. nOW a(' Ohildreri Cry for president shoomiinessy of the Cana- M.t'..11"Ailtrgengi.ysieien London Jail. TOR IA the. same *Leaman At the end Of 1901 t ing vessels flying the 14,221'. Of steamers Leaving sailing vesse it is estimated by v of these 8,147 steam mints and Only 1, bis photo of the thet folio Tiee estimates that Were lartrit of