HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-02-26, Page 7.0
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I , ,� 1�i, �
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MIAM TIMES. FEBRUARY *16, - 1903 �
� 4 00, �
, . THE IMN "
I . . .11. 1. '' I - I . - I 1. - . .. . . T . 1,
I—. 1. � __, 1. —.-.-. --A, � . . I __ 11%-' .- 11 . ,. . I . �. I. . I ''. . . �
. ":_e. . - � I � I I I . . , . _67
11 . - I . -, - ___;A1;!.1.-:._ �4;� .—,.,..i--, , � . . I " . . I — ,"4',�J
3�94 . . ON116. 0 :�;
A � . . . letter. 11411)(1- 11 P-NMIAI. ZMOTIONS I
, 0,**
. *4.
. 0 OF . .11 . 90al,04 . * Zvory Woman Should Dut Ditaler w4f; in no mood to read Ir j4 fold of h& ver I ain LoA-4 11olhaid, ! " i
I. I - Ally let%(,I, that Ili to sit,r. ally letter of . - -- - - 1_- I I
I* .0 I Know. tile trivhit churaeter he, tatont,lied. to tlip ��Ilo 'was ircry oceentne. 0),10 he ased to ", - 0 0 , I MMM .. 11 , I �_ - .
11 4 � I , 0 That Prof. W., 11odgson Uillo, Que presented to hial. Ile put it af;a� 91va 1114 hor8c" weeh-lir convorts itt a' . I 1, �:7_47n:;;�_ �. I � - I - _*_ I
� Metal Analyst to the I)ozniuion Gov- - lq 1 pljltt�. I � %F- -
rotlghl.r irltit the back of fiIs intlid. I "Ill
, ment, has recently made a uum wy tirw -rected for Ous i "T, , , , 1, , r �� .... 1*1111:tlllliiil�'tifiliNn:llluff"ffw,ill",,4,., ";.., .
era , b giM, , cuilly t . - � . - I . 0 1� _0 I ,
. 0 OR 1. WOMAN'S SAKE er I Illyliat do yolk Illean, con't comc. I 11:10 I a 'lleoreot beir I �� --,
of analyses of soaps, and reports that lie Madlitabull fllbt it C A I �
' thf. boy brolc.m Ilis leg, or Mii llock, or i hearts. sold fkaturoved tileir texulser, .and I ', ": . . .-Mft
* 0. * * * * * * * - " Sunlight Soap contains that high tvbn t ?" .
� ;A 11 percentage of olls or fate. necessary "Worse than t1vat, Ditniell" A WittIPS3 UUYS thlit th�Y_f001111)(1 to IM I'� � *..VV'4 L
to a good laundry goap.,, . I delightml wivii,the p-0mmance. AfucLx; , � 4W , .
, 0 � I MRS. WE. HOLMES. W 11 What ev ry woman does not ]know �
0 0 lay "What do ,volt luilaul" rcm=l
0 1� ._L� " r. -_ ,_,1lT.r,-1e -,-. 1, F- ,,� . I'M.,
: Is that In common, soaps she fre, Tit(, 110rcol t4ccl-11114 now, far llit, tirst I has be0a Writt011, Of tile efreet Of tilasio - ". I _____
, I ... � . I I -
- - .. KEY
- I . 1
�.4% Author of "A Wmares Lovei" Womn Aga*t iv quentlyfpaVs for ad Vote. the fr:,ditened wonotil obst-rvvil "upon oulwals. The I-Americau, Nittural- � I . I .- .1 - "AT Py""
. Ulterations4 at the "' . I � .r �._ � 1i it M , I it "r-4
.. I � -- - -
I ..
. - �
0% price a oils and fats. Try Sun th"At it Avis Strangely ult(-red--glared istt' gives some of the rcstilvd of, vxperi- � i � - . � -
- woman#" 11 lict F&I $in,,, Etc., 9 " rillitill ti-pou her, and till- wjif�p NvaK like � . � _: -
0 til � te. . - - .
' .. I _ �
,.]V . light Soup—Octagon Bar—next wash ments unide to Mmlolu J?arlc, ollivagot I - A . �
I * day, and you will see that Pr4f, tLl- P11410 Of It ,MraRP der. - I _ -, �
. - �_, 1_- I FAC -1 -
,%._,*& cailr Bills Is right, He should know. 1111lon't Stand 01W.P sll1VPJA'Jo 9 - . . _; I
101!!!� __. _. .r-- e--- e -_ ,,W. * 'termine the effect of violin-pla�iu * � .. V
.40--v __ . e to (IL - . I -- , r SIMILE
* ur . , ZQ6 9 till(, -11. I - 7- -' - r . - ___ - i
* __ . - - . - __ 11 � 11 . . -
�C_ iW-1*11,_`;,-_ -1W1-1WF on dill'treut aubuals. I..... , " ... .. . ,",". -1 . �
. - - I, ... .... -1 __ I slinkful".. What do ,Volt novai.7" �- 1�.'111
� 11-1__ � - 17
of Wy ,is any barrister's, thou&h she letle'etive sbake or too urAa. xxxv, viluxeck that wisu! Anu mia il"XiAlIM, 01. "I Meall— But you'll lit- angry. music which was slow and sweet, like tabJe?Mar4IiqnfvrAs- SIGNATURE
, Dailirl. you'll be wore thou ituge.y."' ""
I t1w Surt lievii houghig about GA trov, 1, I "Home, Sweet Rome", or "Aunia Tom- A e _
doesn't wear a wig,,, young tolk have no resvilet for age should vertAhily IlarVe "Out with It."' siflill'alling,, Illeft0diindRegula-
now-a-day%. Never, as my .10oldrum. snapiwil )ter ill), rie," ple4taid tbe, paj:thors. a jaguar' r- tht the sromadts andBosvdls of QF—
"I tbougbt site did,*, sstid tile matter. sa3-*, do they ILCt 08 they Odght, ,,a but the artiele was senive--ai fact, lAot *'Our :,on is warriedt" , Aud . �
* ' *
--cf-fAct Und 111194111ant oieratton. - ".1farned!" la lioness aa4 her cubs. Tile puntlifIX19
"Well, well," objected tht, litt.'e lawyAlro. stiek up for the old practitioners." cullu11t-ablo: so, failing tile dul-bess, 1 Q I It 11,z�m , , ill
1. Whether being clussed among the 1,1111Y0.40d to RIPS Colvililk Dawnrill, Ill -.d The hand, which. nit usl,.:11, pi-1-ot:,toll 1 become nervous, agid twftol,�Qd their WIN .� L - -
solliewhat confuse'l Mrs, PoilliI.Pre had raised to his ('11111, IIIII sudde."y 11) I when a. lively jig, "Tile Irish Washer,
" ,,aid practitioners" vras calculated to at, we were warried Otis inorning." (It was
A;oo wit -Ito the tillils-4ut I alluded to his S',dv, as the hand of tilit, S, lille'r'"'rilills woulan'llwasployed to tim-111, hiltrc-laps. '11omoteaDigestion,Uxerful- , , z :�c
lay Mrs.. Scratton's rishig anger. 'we lit this "Illge or till' letter that poor ' axoj e*46 i
_a llorsehair wig, of course." N when the bullets of the egetol", Itivrce .
I'Mrs. 10odwore is a very (-]ever wo- have till means to detormine. for Biffell MrS, $crjltlon h0vtod.). Vwl ahvilys ed into thfir fornier quiet %bout the ness andRest.Coptalns neither I
Mrs. S.'s: own maii)) entered till. ,,,,,, talight nol. ill look high, 111441 1 vouldil't - h'S heart.
millu," grimly assented 18(li-alton. u I "' music "gaia bacame soothing. I Optud,Xorphine w0flacral. I
"114LVO 3�-Qlt nlade , out th... re-lieNved somewhat abruptly, a letter lit hor blind- 100,t H -ell llll�her than it sign-liosird If Married! To whoin'.1" I , TS 01T T=
� J
you 1,111 to move- tile gov no)" ,ilid' Ito I,'#- asked the question thr'.vo, w-bant I The Jaguar was so nervorts dariu- tW W0T"NA:ftoC OTXC. ' .
lease, for Dentou Fault?" no longer the Biffen of fifteen yearA aw� ),Tol)% the 1411711114'S. Mv (14-st I I :1 I ft I it 11 - . � I "
".NOt Yet," -sliitggy Zialr. like a Shetland pony, and e receivhw, tiny answer. but te.im. 1114.11 jig ninsic that lie jumped from aohelfro - I .1 I .
. , sillitc-lillig till IN. letter -to .
. vol'tlluled after the fasbion of U senre- Witt be a 'Dol" alid lklic"I., � *S'4411 Jll�t tile floor fif I& cage audl.back LIX11111. AV_&AWMdz1rXfiV=P,== A, A"4
"Wily not?" 11.11fe still point -ed IvIth it .Qla:,;..1g lna.d -7 WRAPPVX
"I waited Mr. Mitt's instructIonS." vrow lit a coratield-bat a neatly attired W:1."Tiell, "l-olir loving son, Ill- glanced tit Ille volitelm'. When the player ..ceased and walked I x'qV;FM s'W'j- -
W . _ -
I "In future, you'll only take your in- Oman, witil, �harp eyes, and al high IlAiliffl.11llun. " One ,lance of thvse keen eXes v-ao ) away, the jagunr reached out hick paw to -AeJkW4 -
voinploxfou, retaining nothing _� -
--stru'rtious froin me." growled Scratton. (f 04 4ff A*ftA?&r-
enough, himas far as he could, with cLaws re- Ire '45 Wt $
, ,Vgt 0 OF z V ZA-1
sbarpliess of tollgue� ,- __k:�LJ` -
I'llave you Seen Gritt lately?, I past but ece.entricitir ot clilicauter, and To this elegant and outracter'.i4tic I
. evistle &vry Isas it pinitserlpi: I ANIth all 011111, he crun'-:4.41 Ili) the 1 raced. �� 14, WMM&,r0&* i
"Met him only .lit hour ago, on tile .01 aw
2 "Mdn't I always tell you toknockbe- III ,vitil une' (if oi;r lw�-J)Vyq C%rdlq imptIr arid east 4 oil the floor. The liciness. and her cubs were interest, lil Iram -recd -
,Isteps of tile Town Hall, Ill, -was ill I "Ile way rot, pt -TI -A. die, befon. Ito Mftw�dlrvm_ - BMW= OB"
Mr. Cyril 0 I foro you entered a room*.," said her tplease note the 441ilrese). I":S and I :, ed froin the first, although when tile , ;R01W.
company with I rinsby," I . tout -hos out. liellily of my Toollev! 'I ) " .0
"Cyril Ormsby 131 communle:ttion 11,411 i mss'trolsF. turning sharlyly upon her. glad %%ill be, alwn'.Is ill home betivw,n the & los'll-, violinist approached the cage the inother, '� I
I think that for talvil, it brainfo"., .11 � Aperrecot)1ermedy for Conslipa- 40k
"Veirulant. Glritt!" if I)nniej Sel,atton's to got 4onlebody upon whoin she could no,urs of "Vilive und foitr, to reet' - M11
It I 've I le.,.,, whMI, as WS I hurt- nialill .,Ali ola!1v g,ave J)iin & b6i; and the cubv, Ilia behind � - =
face was ,,,cowling before, it now grow N11- . I �ion, SoUr Stolulch,Diarrhoea, 1312
oven tile vials of her wrath. kwhell convelll.mt) tLt,- purwilol bil xnvrifievs. to V�-ap Only inyratiti-de, a.� i )ter. Ali $lie playing of a livf-ly jig tile , -
" " - ST
"very dark ludevil. "What buship,s And litiven't I been knocMng for I ; R'. " , [lie 1-li-mIt! This voineg of your teao,:�i-,,;i. cub.i sr(od up on their hind leg.4 und i Wbrms,Convatsions.flaverish- -
-could they have, together'.01 I the last live, infillites. till I've a,-, little Vt*ns it �orrolr Molt enjunig,od 1; the -Nit.-. Seratton-of your teaelling"' I I � i' ness andLoss oF $uzp. -
Skin (lit tul, knuckles af,; Is (in the Inside VIslige of lilt- avilto Mm. I'odmoro. t!II � peeped over at the player. When the, � � A
of it Ued egg? I s'pose you don't want ll� i;s il. SvAnI);tJh.V ljlat Colltrn (-tell I, ho tried to i I 5.A , I
"You *light to be better informed than "'NI;nvy 011. Thill.el! I w " � 0 ,I
ToYself about that," suld Podinore, joeu- inako lihn holo. his livad so highl" scyl). musician retre4ted from tile auge the I J XacSitnile Signature of
stIlY. "Ur. f.xrjtt Stated that lie had me to stand on, my lead and knoek ,lvitll wore the p.iwhed ,%.sage or �Jlrs I)nl : bell ib- woniau. allinials cartill to tlie front of it, Ilud did . � I I I. .1-1. I., .1 . .
,;)e 1,11ni? arlell.- �44zv-
my heels? It is the only way to � (11 �
.just voine from it visit to Ohltror(l poll. "So high, ludeed, that the Idiot could not move back when lie g-ailtnilly drew __
on business of yours, 418 I understood alvard when. you three get it-talkla' to- I t is with (lee,) regret Ave feel OlUr i NENV -YORM castillia is plit up Ili viloi-PI.-O tottl-s pi:7-r. It
. lot. See the foothills ollig at his &(st!" �, I,
7 .
.11 "ethr I I I � I Sz not loold in 1-4k� zoalt allow al-�-Olul t') A4
1 . _,.r!" selves voinlielled -to answer both these I so near as almost to touch the great
. Illrol retorted the husband. "I'lixth, 1,idevil! , h 0., l 1,
. Nlatrord goalt "Leave the room!" questions ill tile m"ative. Paws that were thrust throngti. the bars. ' i . t I" ,, - . � i I I you aixytMug oLia on the 1;lea, or prmiso r54t 4
IV,.' I Business t)f mine, "Well, I'm going; for whou one, is T1.0 v%Vallsifill '%Vote :1 81-lild-- The call- . Thank h(laVlo, Iny 1111M.N"S My Owil.. I � , I a . is ,, juat; as f-oilidll a-zd "r!g answer ovol�7. r,n,%
at (111 4-:11-th. aro You toilk'aig abo-at: taken tip .So Sharp, thero isu'ic itilich ill. trac-tion lvas nit internal enjoyinent. ran It -aye it where I ple-ise, apil w I When the musician vras playing "Home ! I , � popli'll Ar-u-11coVaut you UA&044�-O-Z,4-A�
Vallmore I'" -whom I please; and It will ilot be if. Sweet Home'll the entire family were - �, T
I dilepluelit; to Stop-" "Why, he*s inarried the tayprn-�'c"I'_ Adolphus; Stratton and his very attentive, and rpm�xttied moi ioult a- - 11:0 50-
"I'z"tiroly you've h6rd the news", The "I gliall pay you your wages tills very (Ir'S dougfliter!" cried Oie doclor's wifo. 1'� !I ZX417,T COF"Y"OF WRAPPER. 1:1211115 , .,� ,�. �� � , , i��
, �/, � �. � , ft
WhOk' 1OW11 is rillAillg Avith it. The ar- tavoril-keeller'l, daughter!" ex,ept that the cubs torged their beads i� � C%milrab ."g, v, " ,4,a �
- night, and send you about your bit.%-- `Xhorti*" :tit end of all rhanevs for 1, � 42�. ,�( ..,.e,A�o oi-i-i
- .
rtst ur rutlivr tit(, surreuder-of the Hit flung out of tile room, and was 1 from side to.side. Thenanotherjigwas 7W�J,-�-A_ I ,_;;;; I'll, of 41, . I 6-V M",
-ill ,er of 8;r lilt, ness.11 my Ilorniolne," thouglit tht., lawyer's � 16hlll�!�� IM -
inui It . -it Willougli,by, he's descending the, stairs, when, a mrvant I I "IAM ,r'%f=4�1.E-,:,.`,_, W,�-.�JV4.it,tSMA4
"TainnVee, missits." This with a lady; for since the fatuous Onk-woods re� - I playe(l, and the calls ditucett about. I MWi&%41J1 ". . .4 -,.A* ly�t�,L I �
-iniadv, a full einifessinn, I bvilevo. lilps.q brisk and gramful politeness. "Mcney's JeCti011, She 'hold Weretly w,mrisliell the stlipped hiln. I I t ..W -W . . ,
I a -lips I , The cloycit". in it den, Fqaat I in it I
lone., Mr, Svralion! Are .You ;117 I�ItKs 'I�IL gentlem"ll w!% %0 fee you, sir.i, I te(
tino! bless ine! he.s going to have at fitt" always welcoule; find its nry buNillegs ig iden, of nit imianee between her own ,.I Can see Ito vae!" semicircle aud sat in silence while 'tile
-exclainied thtl hawyvil lit great alarin, to look after ,you and Master 'I)o,1IiIlqs, daughter and the hope of the Serat- "lie bas come on part-cul,ir btis!ll"s- 6, 'I n*usic i ___._ - - - __ I , - - . .. �. - , " - .__ .�
"I'll' 'votivi, iIall somebody." you won't have to send tile far. That's tons. I'lle must come again, Has Mr, Grilt continued. Wheu it ceased thev t.,
"I)ou*t ring: Do you hear? but glv( a letter from Mail" loving the I116 -sive Sueb were her thouglits, I-er ,words ran tip and mwed.at thu player through
- . ,�_;`ZIl;Z_` I rM
,In(, a gass of %vil-tvil. Tllhilk You! Well- , on the table. 4vky ,art give quite a Nvere very different. ,thabars. Ilebegan afresh, arid ax-ain. I 1z .
,I' " junip, wIlvii I saw it fust, for I thought "I"oor, dear bernplibill!"-for 'Mrs, (To be continued) cli ,
.ard 14(oodeve in,v lwoe lxitm, S lnuidr,,r! I they formed tip Ili it silour, satnivircla. ,
Why, I wiluld as rv)oll have stlaveeted it was a blauk Seat, but it's only -the I&I'att011's eye were now 011)('111119- "'-AX I This er,periment was made several times U I ea t C)"I e. a.,.,L,, � .1 n P_ Sale
flinuibmirk of Joe, the boots -Joe, you dear. dear, friend! 'what :1. salock for I ZD
.you, Voilmore! I thougbt that ol,00devi. know, as belongs to the *I)og and rou! what a (lisgrace! Married tv a (-out. BRIGHT BAHIES. 1 and alwars with tile sattine result. i
.11--d bsollaw, food for fisI.V8 a lul)l dult, I OF ALL AVINTElk', GOODS DUM'NG FEBRUARY
490. It' wit"; reported Soil by his O.Avil I Thiek" " - .1y mon. hurmaid!-a disgrace. wbich noth- — M LESS THAN COST!!!
'f000ll, 6f 1 renieniber rightly." "I know?" ing (-an rodevin! My heart bleeds for OitlyT].-oso2$erfet,tlyilkltgll.tre(.o(,(f-'Vattir- Let it not be forgotten that every mau A T AIN
"It alil-l-arst that he was saved '.it Sonic "Well, tie iF& a, very '-pv�tablp vounq X(A'! 811,41 a dreadful blow!" ell and Happy. I . I . I . .. .. . . I .
-.1provillviltiul ntaillior." olfln as Onl�' ,-;It.'4 drnnk�ouee a_'1vce,k., Mrs. Serliftoll, for th6 moment finite When a baby is cross, peevish or sleep. leaves himself liable to n fine for neg- .
"I I and that's it) eliarcilli-finle O' $1111days." Subdued, looked from one 10 t e Other less, tile motho,li, way be certnin t;,hpt it, j lectinK to blanket bis horso wbOn it IS ,Ijw M
QllIlpoi,(' I All -ill heir all abollt ft -- A7 _=_L4 -
IvItell I see blill, So snyinlr, Biffen toolt hor depa�ture its of lier friends for Pity, but fuupol none. I is no, wt, -11. There are little allinents J leftstandin- oil the streets oil a, cold Are dete
whic'i must be i�t �, rmined to clear OUt everything, in Winter Goods it price %-_'."_- do it,
.ence." said Keratton. ..If wor, nit- I abruptly its She, entered, leaving her "You're not gohig?" Site uskt d faintly, ontning from snme derangement of the' I day. Tlae Lt,w gopq so far its to itiffict I I
ii,v I I for both ladies were eigerl,,% adjt1sting stornac-li or bowels whicli. tho mother's
fortunate friend -for 81r ligi -of imprisonment for three __
.1 wa4 111%, mistress with Adolphus' letter In her their ,bontiet and Shawl. - Watchful (10 May not dotect, which nev- Pa — .
l 1 nishinetit Mb 4 b
'friend iii, woll as nly ;),1-!13ll—L0 thillk hand. "Yes, really. dear. wo must to. ,mr. ortlielem make illeniFelv(s maoifest'in months.
'41f hill enill"'il.., to Ilarin thriog) ICel-'a'.11 -XVIII you vxcllso me"', asked the ole- Podwore expects intf back to dirluer, and irritlibility or Sleerklessness. A (lose (if . ___ — Not fail to see the bargains we are giving .
-0004illvv!" gtilit Mrs. Seratton, bowing with stately -vou kuuw what men are --won't Set Riby's Own Toblets given atslich a, tilite I INT ME NIS, BOYS' XN7D LADIES' L,N DER CLOTH LNG I
"You found Kir Hugh' n. 1) I Aliteness to her"friends. down to thinwr witliont nie," f Witt spiledilv Par thil little one right lind IN A I E N '8 A'N'D, BOYS' OVERCOATS AXD PEA JACKETS
ironuvotion. Wt-, also, hal.-Il I lZ�11t11t1b11(()' .7 "Olk, cettabily!" cried both together, "For myself," said Mrs. I'loldinuu, "I will give it heolthy, naqtral t�leep, and I SCROOL CHILDREN MANGLED. I 'T i "'T'S
71ricak well of John. Ile wa,t ola, of ol�r [ who, with tbe vrow's hiSthict for (-at,- ()ughto,t to have qn. I I . 11 M 134A .; AND LADIES' FUR. :COATS A.ND CA.PES I .. -1 I - 111- I I
I, vect liq 4 i 0, I
b(st0ionts. tho.tigh at thne% diflicult to %ion, seented to gvelit bad news. "Make Ilave do,ne, . lung 11, I . . Z:
, you )lave a iinsittlre guaranteo th9t there I IN ,11 EN'S AND LADIES' FUR 0A IN, COLLARETTES and A U.Fs
, ,,&M 101-h. Have, voll till), fnirtlivi, emu- ar." It "TiS 'low lins- two. and I i is not a partiefil. of oplate or ba"mful _*;tne young ron, rulled Outright and I 4N M 1,32N'S AND BOYS' SUtTS, ODD PAXTS A_;ND VESTS "
bli, stritawees of its, do, should have taken my pills and nl,,,v. 1 drua in the inedicine. Thousands of too- Fifteen 11'aunded by it Flying Train
I tinvii(h. foil lilt- this morning, Mr. Sernt- ,\Its. Sonitton sinilled lortily as she ture -it twelve. Therv*s nothing I'i'�'t. � thei s give their ehildroh no othor iliorli- -
. ten?, . broke the soil. regularity in such mattens-," site ei u- cine. and all mothers Arita have need tile Cirssliln;: into n. 1'rAilley Cur. I N A' L WOOL BLANKE I'S AM) DI?E4S GOODS �
"No-ye.q.. that is, -if 'you ell!"livoi 11poll "M,y tmn. has been al)A(,iit front home tinned. tablets peni8e thpin Mrs. A McDonald, Newrirlii, .N. J., r,Lb. M-Ruriilng "' ' ' " ' ' ' ' '' '' ' "' " I
,(;rltt, tell Idni tliat I want to see him some obirs. A grout many (it h.2s titivil Of cdurse the great iuvenl�yt% for this I Merton. Out., Says: �" Baby's Own I at alinost full sp00%l. a train on tile L -,idles' Cloth JLiekets I t 50, oil the dolldr.
i I
liniliefliotely till at 114crtitton Ilark, ubtiat eoliege fricuds art, down for thvsh-wt- ,,udden exodus was a desire to it ' Tablets aro tlin bost mi,dieivip* for litt.Ir- Delaware, Ladiawainia, & lVeii,;tern TX CARPE'rs-30 eilds Tnpestvy Wool, anC. 7-'ii1ott
or 1 Ones I havo ever tised, and I a,lways kPPp Railroad crashed Into a trolle-jr car
cirraliging till, bitsiness wo wvre, talk- 111g, You know, and, they w.11 have him niediately propagate the Scandal 11 thent in the licinse in cttsfi of emerg . Carpet to be sold at 25 per cent., le -is dian cost price. . $
. at any price. Blood is blood all 1,110 whit -h they had iii.st Ilossess'ea I (lips" G;iod for chililrot) of s411 ii --s tile Ill i school yvsterday morning. I
ing alwilt." I 'o thoul- ; on- loaded with yupils on their way to
The lawyer promised to �itiut'up Mr t world over. selves. � - I -91 Great slau-titer in Mell's Hats, Boots .'And Ilubber Goods,
'(41ritt. Iloor Mrs. Svroltton! Her woT.;1. ,from birth ubward. So!d at Zie a bay Light or nine Children were killed. M I
, , I Mrs. Seratton knew this well eno-.igh. by mediebin dealprs Or 8-ff 1-st Paid It At least 11fteell werci Injured, sohia . � .— ... � - � —
But 21%fr. VvIrainin (;ritt. was not in m ennes might have pitied her, but but too critshed to do more 'him mildly 1 Writing dirent to the Dr Willia us, INIetli- so badly ti,at it is feared t%cy will __
.(�'alford-nt I(IaNt, hil was not to 1.0.* th(,X didn't. I I GROCEIZIE�.-12 bars good Slap, 25e. A fall stock Of. 1:'resh
1-jund Ily elther llodin6v or 18crattun. 0 letter 'he t ,,-- ! cine Co,, Brockville, Out.
. tl,hp read a f(tw lines of ell protest, s mw lic-r "llenrlst friend (lie. Groceries at loweqr, pilces.
.— attentively, then her eyes hurriedly hurry invay like, c-turlor-pigeou-;;I to thit- I . . � The accident occurred at tile Clif-
CIL1,11TER XLVIM seann(Id the re.�t.. ter all over tile towii, and ea,n-y the 1 -al i ton aventie crossing. Ion�- roted as a � ..... _1 . I. - ....- � - ____ , . � . _ � . , .. I
.knOIa-jtI*.,.1 I.,I.A�cItIACM. A stilled sbriol(l The letter fluttered news ever3-wherv- Achinir;t Tavlor,who hall been. ill fall- dangerous Spot. The trolley car was As
They had Fearenly b2vrt gi,, t, it twar! Vy a, ;
. , The wiflubal,11 TF& IRE CO, L"d,
e. "
. I rroul her 11:11111 to the groillid, and Mrs. '. i ing healtili for the past year or more, I one a,' the special vehicles which the
1,I'lu ,.o*glad to liflar thld tbt, GO'- 1 died at the hoine of D ivid U I North Jersey l3troot liallway Co.
I '. �, lieratton, tell baek lit hor ellair. for Of an houx, ii -lien a ringh htaid i% Ill; 41st Albert I U I
fort, ps;ople, art. till wrting,and that Mr. I '. not I runs between R and 0 o*cicck live
,once, in a fainting fit that Ira, )-till upon tit(, lovk of lilt- dcor. ,wil) , b
A�ollyhus doesn't care it hit," $I !_ , street, Brussels, last FrIdRy �orning, I mornings in the week for the special Successors to T. A. NJ ILLS. WINGISIAM.
lid ',NIr'-- shanmihi,�. Her bosonli ft�vnd,; an -I 1-hiniel Seratton omt-red 114� I'dre*lz I"..
vate sitting-roolm. , ars. The causs at his domise I accOM1"- 1 - P
11odynoril. "But thel"I'S, no stopphir' c-hopen gosslli4 rushed at oneit, to the I aged -IS yea dation c higli, s.hool u-
- ,nicy even went "I)alliol." she -d. -ing vi I I It hall oil board irclung mol�
.polne peopi(OK torignes. resent-, thp one, to tho door and Ill I ( 1'-e,� s,; spi-t-1. -ry t was cons.uniptiou. Vanp.ral took plam I pits
I , s%els cemetery oil Sala af ter- city, many of w)ioni. had transferred ,
- .- gmitly. and w1th lier e�ms red )i ill' NN Ce and women front all parts of tile �
.00 far .is to say holId taken to drink be to tho boll -rope, Tlie,y th(l li".N. 01 I to Brn, rdav I - .
.i,puq(, of it." C-111-ste'r Of volirsv, tht."r did nntlnng O.r ing "I'vtl bad vew.,- , 1 noon Revils T. W. Cosen.;aad R' I Paul from othor lines. So full was the 1- r .. I , , ��� I—, J� " ","", � LLLL I'll P I . . . . . 40"pu �
.I,bat', Nvl�jat iii,,� I)oldrunt thvilateav-1. the k'vdl, **ilave you,.", -oleeleol ril: I i � M 4� , I
- llil"Llia "ll' i tatting oharg;e Mr. Taylor s mother car that tli,i front platform was . � IM, I �;, M11 I
-,t� do wheit I rernsed to see Itim, In i '111t. 111'.micrit wn.; crilical, 'but Milo ll!iiging ftlinself into .it vhi,�r. "'I h(- . ��� I
zw1li�(quellf,4- of a (11WIlge (it volliploxioll I 11wilnore. ali'�,, 11.,S. : his crowded wl,.h boyS. I A
I I,(1;lll1l),;e i,lollc, ,You'll, brinving iour p1gs it. :Ill oy,.r. , died n few Weeks .since at Ethel null I
' I
proved equal to 1,114. oev.1,1(m .�tockvd niurket. i I );; i u ;� ? " t father a few years ago at Goderich A The incitoiniall. Saw the train, find 11 -7 BE AN AIMS,
eilgtIlldvred by yellow jaundice. It wa- ! Wlier'.'�. A -Io' ! throw on Ilic full Power of file DO. N
lwforf. our tnzi�hillcv, of course." I'llut up thvt b0th?"', sile ,-.adfl. lit a "It's Of 'Dollilins I want Ill qwllh I'll, youngerbrother left hottle, netir Btli.l. I]ral,(, I..
.. ,s. The car, however, slid up- 1f,voll, arr. buy'alfr a vrlr of shoes or a efii� r!
"Of (Itilirse, enip'llasiz I - clotfies 7on are particit.ar as to the hnn(-sty
wd Soraphina fone 4 (Illick atithority, its Ilie .,:-oj't- Iroll. It's not to Ile ex"w"-1.4 Dnniol. � I'D oddyear"ag) forthal7nited Staces oil tho ley rails until tho front plat- , . j� -,,,.
14"llrattoll, 1111pativat (if an lutvrinl).:i:t llea,;t(,kI I)OIdl-11111 N%as approac"ling '.Nit'S. that we Call Pill Old heads -,11101 y0ling, 1 . . form projovted over thtl tracks. A 1 I � I � � . roputation of the merchant. 'four health to o'
her veplv , but whether he fi-, dead or alive now i.R . I I nizx-in31,101 . nce than either, yet you let qtac�:,i;,
I - - ella*.r, with a plat bottle "llorlder.-A." � 'cal a 0 u 1."t
I ;,t
whiell postpolwd for It mollownt �,,crnttwi', 11ionlent. later the crailh come. The 1 . incd. I i; and other huinbuas deceive y
"Cunfoxind the womituf What ill � . " �^,
--to, J%bat She socretly considerod Mrs. Inbeled ,,I)ropN,,, will(.11 s p 11' ,,,, � not known to his friends. Ackharlzi; .1 their dece-,nive offers of sonlethinot for onothi ItiI.
b lid drawn I IpIlot of till ongine struch. the front I Aitet'bk-in;td�lfravidelbLrtt-esaille(li4�.tl3ll�tA,ks�
Ilovinjoro's im1wrtinence. 111it 111v froill bvr vapac;ol'n Ilocket, whiell seeill- "ell'sil is she Tall'ing abiout helt(Is :in,( ,Taylor wu,-; nit ill-dustrious, honest 1113111 ! Plki,tforin wid .c.wung the car around, 111. )I .v, .
* 11 1. _.. thinkatt cloctors are r .&ues, whereas, yoa afw,��
1-I'Ad-allibus" (as She Was getting anpiy' ('ki to, t-oiltaill over..thing froln a �-,inihp 1,411OUld(TS? I'M .1,1(in" yon allour o : of saving hab&M He was qnito a r,mder i and it toppled over. By the force IV I areto blaille. Why tt"t first dentaud from tlx�! -,
Uv4. 8ellatton's aSpIratiO11% (!.*Into' Out in to ii bli,crvr. "llut ill) that hotflo!"' illan, not a eodfish: Miere's A,l(,'phu,,'.," � � , I evidenc,!o; of theic'liouesty and respow,it,II'My x-3
to and wa-0, Nvell known in tho E thel IOcnIi. ! at the collision the polpf's were pre- .�, spaclalists. 'Tre have boca locatca' .a Detroit ZS years and carl, gi-ve bl;4t.ol bI�AA
� $rout forep) 1, *it.,; been A loet . tou illue't In groar enicrgoll,rics, it 6s 010 F11'(111g. IlAt the 'Dog will Duck.* " rvi,livil � ty where. he spent ,it gooctly portion of his! cipitated tinder tile wheels Of the ", ir fereaces.
l0aven%lonlild to thil soll!O."t of 11-parli, l"'t maid tbat colnes to ill(, froll�. .,,!ps� Ut's. Scratt011. Satl%�. engine. To sonic denth eqme, in- AM vOil a'victifil? Eaveyoulosthope? Areynnco:tteia,,k�,i,
- �;r Rr--ADI:-R ti�.gnlazlriafte? naa your blo,d been diseased? ffavey�
,to "What tho (leave does lie d(, Ili It � , 9tantly. Others 1,111z,retl it niontent any,weakncs-t? 0 r I..
.,a(I 11101,11pr ult-111ht.,rs of the li*ari� I. '.... It I life.-PO.'t. i 11
_ Doldrula at Anvil sueollullivil: and, it.,; r4-lw Mothod Tro--glit na, int will cure you. Wbat 16a;
ei.acv to vallf. 101at tiny 0I' the (,atr-,r.-I foarli,g anotho-r .illvelit oil tl, ' The racitorinan's I done for others it will do f .%r yoz. CONSULTATION TREE, Ro tuatterwho hail tres', -.I �
.tl pg, -t Or Lit Some one ride over and tdI Idul to I An fearful ngoil,\.
. I 1, - -_ . ; . ,1011. write foran hatiest opinion free cif,charvre. cliar Is reasonable. 8OOKS Vt I il
peopif, "lly.s. '411 or lowl I've repenlodly lilt, tIoevillille IllylIt'll, ill a low. 1)11�, d�s_ vowe here directly- I � Skull Nvas frAvI-,wv;I. It LS tbought 1-tllio Golden Moultor" (illustrated). on Diseases of SLIell,
oargvti irpon him not to lit'lliCtill hinli'vir 1111vt Volve, Mis. 11odillorv, v ... d Itto "I'm arraid lie van't voint,I" suid Mrs, I WILL BUY A DOZEN SM TS. � i;� will tit,.. Tho seelic of the acci- ZZ"Vo Namam urcd witbout ,wirittrys conavo.t. Private. No;
" , N! __ 'dent resem),let' it shaziili)u. Dead and � Medicine nwat C. 0. )D. No ntkonrica orl havosi, or izAlivelooso-i.
i .
*.by n4xing wit), them who van't li'llit- Nittor she had priniil)tl,�, littv(l from tit, St-ratton, very invt-ldy, 'It-. --zIII-- - " I I . ZvOrYthAwax, Cort,fideiittip.l. 42=1!eitioict M�Nt e%tid aoLlot of Twcul.**
I., -t .
* 111.51 Ztepart I injured chiltInni My over.%w1hore,
.,vreewte the 'onot, Of hill vollipaill y�rlivt upon ulii,h it loill 1,:-1.1en, ,�bv Ii.ldn't,the strenql.,2 -�.# -.*y it: Nit "Air '11111fant Valt Horne Conn? It VREE.
"And he d4ii-sn't fallMv y0llr t11IvIV1'-* ,, taldlig till the oetentr;f'. vi):,t!(-* Nbt"� 11wi I re, .1.1der-Oompster Line. I — i —
&�A.Ili.fil I.L_ ".1101,1113 A � )0,(x;,A.", Vv',;I� ,� ��iwlt.ii and Plonorable' I PALACIE; OF PEACE. ; DRS. KENNEDW & ""'"RG I
, So 1.1141y Yevo,'vod, .,btl h-VAvd' it lo ber i New Yr r'.-, FV:i. 18.�Sir MIllam 1 11�lrl A I
y,t:;;,II be awfully .Ili hii,xinnid. "You bull be."L(r N'itd tilh-Vanill'sIlriie, Chairinanofthc- Board I -
lIT __ -_ 11 - 1pr:Kli-1 whch I I NO. 145 51EIRLDT STRESTI. DizaTMOrr, NXIC96
I , l.on 1-44"a till,; 11,14er, 111111 I've till (1oabt --------. . 1 To Ito r,reo:ed lwy Andrew tarnegfis tat I I L, .
vf the Canadiwo 11ackfic. 11ailwliv ar- . 01 . or, " -lo�AOM,A�-.=%,4, , V - . - I I . . I L - I , ,
I I if, alul Ille I'v'st ill' thein ,Mll catch ! __, —I*----*-- I I— a h I 11 acue. I I M ..
- 'I In i ived -,�"tftrd,tl. f. ona Iravaim. 1. i L-1 1.11 AMM01012,91l, I 1. 'I
it It,); and Strong for the nm- �wvnt.L- Si- AVillian, Vnn Xforne was nskod I The !Tagivl. Frb. -10."Tt is reportod 1 , 11
Legs so Swelled ' DR. WOOD'S I I . - __-__ . . L -, 1- .1 'A
; ft-ur hwtvq but lvh(n you've Ill! 4:1,f Illo, whety-ek, it Nvv,; correct that ilia Ithat ilegon't-tiens I-L-a-ve lim-it ollelle,l ,
am Il1lN'.-'ftr,'V 1--tVall). .11-011,11 1COMe 1;�.",, JIM .". I. - I _1_ . - - I— ----.----. _.___
I He Couldn't, "Wiffalk .�urv. -.,till Ntanil iny I'vend )oi4th Ille 1, . ,_1 � . l,'._ .. Canudian 1)a(.;;i,.! wons negotiating for I between a 7nelivial. syndxnt,� (:t The
I . ,r .1 % .tha Noith Atlantic fleet og the M- I ITaquo ard Andrew Carnegie for 0te
i This caso of Mr. James Trdneman, the 411" 11or- . i � I " "I . , der-)'lemp-,,��r Lhw. Ira ret-illiod: "I Isa)c 0 ar o -state here, which hiriner- - - ., ��./_� _'. I I L I I _L .'Jw�.,I Clijo..l Cot .1 .
A- �! I
� "It is not uly fault if I have r. prolld , lla.Va hr"n - L
-known butcher Of 536 Adelaide Street, " ,Llvity from, home for some i I- U it ..
Well I. W .,r belongeti to the grand d c, I faiii- I I
Lohdon,, Ont., is another proof that Dr, lxtiltv, and a .10114tivC lH401: it lullillbill- A, I ....... tjinc, lv.d I do not know whe'Jier i ily of SaNe-11'e'inar, ill o.. which Vol. ,q(�
. (,t your family intm be vow:n.tit0twally " , ; T"ll nat. o..P, 11'.1rodatiolls have been 1, Vairzuzii I rol'o;'L to vrt,ct -a.."pal- I 01 .
. Chase's Kidney -Liver Fills are effective in .. , ., " 410\ R ,
iltitigbir. and the way iny titoovol )m � -.C1v0lI6fId. i .0 0)
the most severe skild complicated diseases I` 1. I I . I I (ill not know Just ilow , a, a of r.. w' . i 15 �
, 1. I
- *f tile kidneys. urlst,. , � � I -, b, _ . I
4 uti, were ireeelved by thc I I 41, 3 i" - .
- wtlafs tit . 01M, � 111v Ito matter has gotio: nt we ! I
t" &;a-, L rlc��
I Mr. Tranaman state5:.-l4Tw6 years oakuoo'�ls affected %-lie deeply, Fi,r the I M-01,11 _�.. � .., � . 1, 'llnN;. ),.-r... r,,,0i;atingP witli. the 11ro. ! M ME AT SMAN. I I . G� , t'% t3 E,� . I I
6'e.;J11� z . I W
1. Ago I was laid up with kidney disoilsd and first tinie, lit my lift, I ,snA'o,r(Q tit(- �,:L , , �rwl 11��- 1,111."hwo ur froill ii, (102el) to I ; I lb 0
larloary troubles. Besides the pain and Alizollif's or mental tortorp. of).. 1% a F, it (11), I'll amd. R 11n)f of their shins for , I -
' - . viAsuill.- Illatt of DOMInholl Iron and i t
Inconverdeace caused by these Itoublel, 1 4ollit. fln-(%, I e4innot ray ,insfwhiat I
, 16R. wo'd,d 1,ii,j�1vitl torture tdingo.ther libsmit, but a n, I mv4il ronvapan.v tioemi oyoa. ; 11 I .. I I .
,becatbe drdpaical. and lly 'car"13, 8, - H r 111IN'I.L , ring 'vilnex "O.
. 'WAY " N been 41 -it
the latter arose out of other cirenni. NOr RE SYRUP .l-ll1l1:'WP . cl
C I 0
'1411. ;I ,,�4 s.)M,(-.xI-(c 1--etweell those: 8� I, ('�'I%-. Veh. - —The lv,if-ll. i L.. I I .
-twoll up sq that I cou I)r. Citu's"s Stances quite bey(ind Ill',v VOntr0l. and the f1mitatIng cough. loos- ing- plsi�t (if tho I'lorubdon Iron nlid " : . t�
ritig of Shall liot be llwell( upon here. slop -q fily, r, -s." , . . .1 � . - f . I �00
I Xidaoy-LiverPilla,lprocared a box and Cris tile phlegm, soothes the In- � .14te"l ufvt"I'al,�.. .--itnated ut 00�colie ! . .
, 'fie 1.1lon have holaril me. silvitk of Miss - inNOU-111 WAi_ ( till ipletely d,,-,t;rcI,.cd h,v I lict I V 1-5i L L
continued thellseafthis valuable medici CtIeffla, YJawson. Iter Position it! :ire. is BMW tissues of tho lubgs and I North Grpy Noniltintionli. I - z ,� � , 1
I dIMS M i I 111re .-yo-tierd-w" laornillIr, rklld,�' 111011111 � ,
I never took any ,4t round (if _V - I Illree t1djai'li'ar bilildingi", I I 16 . 1, ; �. ;;=
until now I can say for a certainly that t bronellial. tubes, n1ld pro ()n, !, .,-,, t.,:ll. Vol), .18. 11 - I
I . YAM entirely cured. � not, perltal1q, 1111 to tile tolitro, quick and permahent oure In all Iilw!l�� 'III,,. Iteld here yest - oulinit; wit�l it, � _-
medicine that did me scl ini - ' VNI(I'V for ! 1,J,.S,.q J� ,.-*ltlaJ(L.d fr('111 ;�10(%(j()o to, �
ach good, and marl'i; ambition; neither is, shl, w1lat a I .t f..", _<
i Cases of COU9119* Colds, 9110P� ,il.v- 1,.v-��'.vvt;o-, Ili be hollol 1�1 Nni-th t -v1J)(),()()(), . - ..
. -AM firmly convinced That if it had not faslidusuS tAste would torm at-nonplisli- i V_
I ahnia, Hoargeneh*., Sore I) 1.01 in't. i
Id flat be ell. l4hp can play tile laim ,like , chitis, At llv�, W, IM, - 'tattat,u * I .,�
Oxon for tbiei medicine Iwou Iler . I .. -- . . *
Throat itud the first stages of ' v ,-- 11 , wanufat-ti-vL-i-, of owel., I 0ahus, Grolltvtnp t'll. i L .
Working to-day.11 '*i I I
illitstriltiot namesake. bit I f.,�.Irvf.lv I . . 0. ��
Idneya It ConSuMP0011. *1)111 4 . Ul's nol-.�mvtpli aq tll� 111). ; J�rontrtsnl. Otie., T�vb. -110,--Ttle "Jay. I I .
. illsact dirattty, on the It tl,,al. angel with a delicate olar'vteml I 1W ..
These p aftsurd , l all . I j ,-w;.l-dutv, *411M T. Itilic., . T 51 I ,. I
. .,And liver, t6gulate the bowels and % I.Tall 1 ,,,Iwl,� I- allu'* we's Mv tall, tit t1le , 4t lli..L I . � . .
r3l.. '111;it lilt, velestial regions to liqtell Ito lier. Airv. -XormA fkwawfon, crarili. ont., 4 �') 'lloilt. (if M Knund � ' ' . I.. L I I
the perfeitt action of the digestive and Lit,"( lou , I i "' .
I balp upo'lliplklillients! If 41 woutan vkItes I "I take great lllea-,iirc, in reo,oin- i "" � " - I ,wholo iowr -,,t.11f6;,tIa, vytd nrldiflor- I . � , 1. L I � � I
toting sym6tos, 011opill a dose�' 25 colfita ! i',o..,,lu',iv6 stanilurd-leirer, , 1. . I I. ... N"I . I
" * howl OC 1111114-11, umu,'tustor a wending- Dr. Wood's Norn a vVi neKt pit 1). � .11hin"', lit h"&qr SIAMMO I . I
till nux 0, , i u, rluillw4 1'( I i I
6 ,
14F " � ;
i� A I. -.1
i.... * I I lt�
6 "A
.41,,bit. At rill dealers, OrEdmAnsou.Latti bratilly ond solla. pull fill a 1111i "4191, I hilid 117�'Opv bad cold, conlil wa vh-iIp fib 1, 11 -L--.- .L. llpalo li&ql ::)I'll. 'I'lie .dity Itefore, I I 11 . I Rog .. I ISI A A_42
. *
- imhlo
L,,o L I I -1
�A Co., Toronto. I . - -ally, All, fullills. Ille dllt,v tit ,her night, for ttb coughitig and bad painp it) � i lol�l'. i�jt` J.'ll liJirt'J;;Ll_1'tI �V Z'tl zdlk llullg � M . D1 . BERS 8EAR ,
I -L J_ d1h. - - Dr, Bauer. vpetinlist in the d�fienw,4 On 0. "N., T�awvvu - LLL L
� D L _ ih %(Ix. 1,4111.11 a svputbilt.4, F'I):rft I hilyo, my rher,lt and lungs. I only useil linIf it V'�A 1! l!(.`l,q irl: . I . I I . L I
r. C, �81 - .up of tiv, oye, cgrr� notso and throttt. rmes I "I", I �
KIM Illn"IM lit ("vC."Iti, I hiloW it' '%I lit, voil� uttle oi Dr. Wood'-, Xorway llir.e "Syt L fefltp ' ' V I Q U. tzool!,-� froi,_ t1u, rol"rkmontall I . .
,(I ana Rl' aSs %, 1.1 - I
.1 .. e.Q! P I .ill ^;Ik ^,M.iL.
. . . ,,, 11M. to E141 ):0111' .1;"Ify, wid WAS petfectly Mzt,llo&il;.*1` . tip' ,11je(J. ()ffice op ' . yor" Ot , I- hig awl,nUl THE UANADIAN RUBBER
t - A I I 11vt. tit a "New - - � 11 .,___I��qt'
�V. m I L011A5 I I
lviQi� 11vio.e. j :tilt� 'St. Audretv's elmirch Lorkilon
- 11 . 'Orl'to "go mJ601.0 *41tilit. ., 0'). - -ford ota 1oIu4,I:o.,..4tr I
9i nay a Ili " q6 .� 01 -!,-!o,. Ill I'm 4'. 11R., I,, , � ma. I --._-1__-_1-_
.d V war Pill ..;L � . . ,�, , . ial " . *1 I - � - -
0 . . ;
.. � �
. I 14
-A-L'- " '------ _ .... .. �,�'r.-,.....�-"�,..,-_.,�,�,.. ----.11------.-