HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-02-26, Page 6ti
.'III1, NVINI tlUNI TIMES, FERt����t�'
n.. ., t.t T, •.. -n., r , t. -, k,,,,t ,... ,., t Vr_ T)nvid XoMo. of Tyrant towlisbilr,.
tl#clt> was no other woman's clot}#e► she t 'w '� :i dt>liscxctl 4t. the Sumug factory, Nffalker
C L I DRI 'a' N `!" ' KSI Coifed criticiz*. ton,. recently, at1 elm tree which #needle
{' tl feet.of ln#uber, It contained .eight
` 11liss Johanna Marie i 1'I• arxell of ,�,y-
? • + '`•��`
'" u and Mr.I;n#il J. Gaatz of Tet sivalogs, the butt log being over four feat
kar ` .*.,
through. It 1#xaucht fir. Noble in hard
crei~1t.1 J&uropealx .and American governments have fund.
e ttvts of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages fo
forced march, These tests have invariably resulte
in the ivitlidraival of al%, 4%0 is drink
during all strenuous work, chocolate
"aiidl otlier sweet beverages bein
given instead.
The result of these scientific re
searches is applicable to the army
feeble and overworked people seek
ing strength, Liquid medicines ar
necessarily alcoholic; they n.erel
stimulate and "their effect is oul
Weak people should take ST
were inatl.ed at the tornter placc on the,
e ! 11kl�•iust. .� � ��S onsl. $�111.tili. This trey grew oil rho
1 � ' farm whiell l4' r. Noble bought from tl•o
r Litutbtall hatuporauca tvoikers in con, ♦i �a„ f
_ -� � _ lata James .Buchan a couple of years ttt;t!,
d ventiun at Petrolon passed it resolution . "�' 1G wouldn't leeks a great many trees of
s cailliti far the enactmeut of the Lit 400 • �A
8 I � the saute kind to a for the form.
Act of 1'303. pay
Genuine Cotoria always bears t+i4 Vgnotucq l �+■ZJ• ��7�-,+" ` - b
of Chas, ti. t:tetcher. I
e When r.^>;y eras sect„ we ;ace her castorin,
3r when she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
j" when she became '•dis i, she cluing to Castoria. ACTS GENTLY ( • p ��
wheashe Amdt:ltitdren,shegave them Ca5toria. 0 I AND BOWELS
The Huron, Bruce and Grey Electrio
Compally,of which Daniel McGillicuddy
of Goderic•11, is a pronfuenG organizer,ia
C e
petitioning the Outiiria legislature that
it may be known av that Ontario and
Nast Shore Electric Railway, and it
Wants to change its route so its to rine to
Dangannon. Luelcuow and Walkerton,
also to Wilignant, to connect with the
0. P. R , also to London, and from
To preserve or restore it, there: is is better
prtrscription for men, women and children than
Ripans tabules, They are easy to take. They
are made of a combination of medicine.,; approed
and used by every physician. Ripans Tabu] t,:s+are
widely used by all sorts of . people -••---beet to the
plain, evezy-day toll:, the) -are a f rlc
in Reece. Ripans Tabules have becol:le their titan-
dard family remedy, They are a depenclable, hon-
est remedy, with a loth and successful record, to
cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn
constipation, offensive breath, lieartburn, dizziness,
JAntns NvArlms, which are a recon- A motion of the Teeswater council to Pa.klnll to Sarnia. palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular
structive and a. tissue builder ; their increase the present license fees on the � � � THE $YSTENI 1• ,
C0111 -
effects are lasting, and a permanent hotels was defeated by the casting' vote i" �5' C 1..�,Y` Of the 100 municipal and towilsl ip rheumatism, sour s�otnacll` bowel clncl� :tier colli-
improvement will always follow their of the mayor, �� �� EFFEGTIJA . tim ureas in Ontario five proveddeftolt- plaints, They stet ,ellen weak build 'up I
steady use, ConucillorJohn McDonald, of Lang- . �- r� �=) ers last year. The treasurer in 1)s.w1e riln-clown s}'atemS, restore pure blood', good appe-
• ST, JAD11,S WAFPRS Help stomach, side, leaving deckled to go to. the West•, ply (,Ol-DAUAGM RSA township,Ln#nbtou ouanty,has it balance tite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives
digest food and send. the nutriment N(r v of abont$t,,0 to leis eradet. Ile does not
through the blood, and this is the Iles resigned his seat as councillor of the � constant benefit from a i egular use of Ripens
b township of Is'iuloss. know where it came from. Localaudit- Tabules. Your druggist :sells them. Tile five-
houest way to get health ands ;ength, ov-Q COMES PQ�9 � ors reported him $200 to the good, and gg
the kind that lasts, develt s and A lady secured $100 damages from the P wtS 1'
county coin W01lin tou for �'' 1 �� he could not maize out how it occurred,
cent packet 1S Onough tot' an ordinary OCCaS10n.
breeds the energy which accom- g t �� 1 IAL O He asked to have the Provincial auditor The Family Bott!e, 6o cents, contain—, a supply
plishes much, damages received in upsetting on the PERMANENTLY.
road. loop over his books with the above re- {Ora 'i'eaI'.
"Y consider st. James Wafers 4 The Parkhill chief of Olive is zed f Iti , '�0 Gz� T�`5�` suit. The money was accumulated
most excenent preparation for P p` E lJ �lVj purchasing debentures, It is the first
the nerves and shall recommend $ 20 dollars a y ear,aud his duties include! 1CIAL , �i !instance of the kind ever recorded in
them Eeneraiiy.+r
Dr. Y`hos, ,rouses, everything from arresting a burglar to ' ? ,
mancltester,tong. epttina thistles ou the back streets. BUY THE GENUINE --MAI I'F'ID BY 'Canada.
7aa:er rr r{fersarenot a secret Contracts have been let far the arse- jCA
1F9. RhN, �R 0s Y nuetion Of a new Roman Catholic church at3 ��•••, For UwHr Sixty Tears.
Cc„rrrt cuing titutt it thctr patients
))Ia. 1t e f.•rrnnra zrpon rrgrrest, � I�illgsbridge, Hurt n County,. during that a� Kv tlfF `'PNca � c�s�o 00",," RM An Old and Weil -Tried Remedy—Mrs t .
whercdeaTensare not selling the cooling summer. It will cost $20,000• `, FOR SALE BY AL, DRUGGISTS. PRICE 50e.PfR80 Winslow sSoothingSyrup has been used
Nvafers, they are malted upon re- i � for over sixty years byntilliolesof mothers — _-- -- �' ��:1t Zu of iso ulu iQl aEu Iu.iliYL�p Y11a I11� YYI E'E,
ceipt of price at the Canadian i zAr, and Mrs. James Minsbull, who `
, Ca for their Children whet teething, V01V01i
st: James Wafers Co. {7TE '
St Catherine
erineine St., Montreal.Nava be6n residents of Gorrie for some, . 1 Dr. Chamberlain, Provincial Jail Ili -
success. It SOOth06 the ahil(1, • ♦ • • ♦ • • • ° • • • `♦/ • a \•� • `•s�•/\•��•/ ♦ • \•�►•`s•'
t time, have sold out their bot and shoe i 1 softens the gums, allays 411 pain, cures
spector, reports that the jail attendance l ivied colic, and is the best remedy for; t,•®
'business here and will make their future i ,
s lit the Proviuce for tete past year has j diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste, • 11 `.r
:home in the West. i been considerably below thea average. ;Sold by druggists iu every part of the �.�1'1 ers• ~
14lilburn'r Sterling Headache Powders ` world. .Cwenty five cents a bottle. Its •
_ Good times and plenty of work at value is inralcalable. Be sure you tisk xv
From the <7"— i contain promptly morphcure Sick 'nor opium.
I good salaries are the reasons given for, for Mrs. Winslow's Soothiog Syrup, and . n%.AAn%.AAAo•��.�/•\AI•\i'•�I•`tl.�/•�/+\8'.�n/e\1•\nAA-
Neural a, Headache, Headache of t the absence of the usual amount of tape no other kind. ,
Sanctum Mill =Headache of delicate ladies and crime.
r Uxehanges. ; headache from any cause whatever, t h
The Fisheries De artment are askin
Price I0c and 25c. P t
for tenders for 10,000 pilrent bass, to be "
irhartl According to the Herald, dwelling' The Durham Chronicle sass:•—A citi t use4 iu Coutiuuiu thti work Po restock- TkiE TI3ihS 1111OL1riGeS the following low -rate
ek in places are scarce in Brussels. i g =Clubbing Offers for I g0. O�
p zea scan Sued twenty-five dollars £or ing the inlaud graters with this valuable '-
Robert Colvin has sold his 30 acre' buying whiskey and giving it into the gums fish. This will be the third season' ��� �® e
curets i farm, 24 miles south of Teeaivater, to possession of another citizen, to whom i Times till Jan. 1st 1904 ........................ 1 00
P far this work and it is intended to push { �
f post Philip Keffer. i the sale of intoxicants is Dra9tibited.
� it oil a larger ,calf; than during the two:i Times and Weekly Globe, including the premium
Ler) to
Children Cry for � A convention of farmers c3 the cb:.t; p_revioRs Seasons, i picture of Ontario's Lieutenant Governors ...: 1 60,
riding county of Huron will be held in 16. ®Q Times and k'amil Herald and Weekly Star„ with
l Ilse ,' . TORI /w g he hospital
ital aapers claim that a e man E y
�! � BlacltatI'� Hall, Hensalli on Satardr•s � in the hasFital at Tonislta is 200 years ; premium pictures, `Alone" and -Purity."... 1 75-•
the �sth of etkiiffy at § stied', m - :111M, old. They say thisstatenlent'Is support* ► Titnes and Weekly Alail and ;Empire, including your
Aitlige wild cut was e;£nnilt in a trap' for the purpose bi ti}l;anizin- a, Farmers ei by documents: The man Lias b?en a ; 18. �® choice of premium pictures, "The Doctor," or
�•:erior iion Mr. Pierce's farm in Kinloss one _ , ,r oContentment. • • • _ • • • • • • • • • • • • • . 1 7;>
, • A_5oeiatiou in the riding. widower for 1,.3 years. BeHo had a can, ; ... � ......... 1 GO•
aunday night last week. x • ................ .
who died in 132, aged 94 years, He � Times and Weekly Witness.. e
'1Ytartou Hoard of Trade -Avi.l petition remembers seeing Peter the CTrent. He . z Times and Western Advertiser 1 40
iter tilt a alts Postmaster -General fora new post Good Health is irnpcssible ��° 4��
P is bedridden but mentally sound. t Times and Weekly Sun • • • • . • • • • • • 1 75•
�d 31r. office in that totrn. `Without regular action of the boiveis. ; . • • • . ' • ' • .. .
nurrysd Ii. Charles Srhfter of Formosa and Lasa -Liver Pills regulate the bowels, it s Times and Daily Globe .......................... 4 25
cure Constipation, dyspepsia, biliousness, catairl� cannot tie curets Times and Farmers' Advocate,.,..... .............. 1 75
Miss Annie Straus of Culross were mar- a sick headache, and all affection] of the either price gets you a solid Suit. • • • . • • +
rietion Tuesday of Inst iveeL. , organs of digestion. Price 2� Lents With local applicakions, as they can- A snit that you will feel at home Times and Toronto Daily Star............ 2 20
Allaira;,n sts. not reach- the seat of the disease. Ca- , in--tbat you'll feel dreseed in— Times and Toronto Daily Dews .................. 3 00
IfirmW. Trimble, who for snore than 2v: tassel is a blood or constitutional disease ; that will be strongly, thoroughlyyears has been heats bookkeeper for the and in order to cure it you must take in- made,■ of H. Cargill & Son, has resigned.: Afterfise Months' experience in cliargc# ; ternai remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is, �Ve could extend the list, blit Ir 15 not rieCeSsdr� . �Z''e Call
Of the Used internally Hagyard's Yellow; of the Paris Review, heir. It. S. Poitou, l taken
ebl blood and min mucous surfaces.nd it ts eCHall's! give you clubbing rates for any newspaper Or magazine
td from l Oil eases Sore Threat, Hoarb�ness, formerly of the Atwood Bee, has grown Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. 1 It will be out to fit you perfectly, ,
he bush Quinsy, Pain in the Chest, Croup, etc- faint-hearted and given up and the Re- ` It was prescribed by ous of the best' it will be tasnionable, and it will published. The above are OUI' r'i?�ED 11':1TI:S, marked down
Used externally cures Rheumatism, ; view goes back to its forme, proprietor, physicians in this country for years and i be big value for whatever -money So itis to admit of no reduction. Therefore there is no use
Stiff Joints, Contracted Cords, Sprains, ^ is a regular prescription. It is compos- i you pay for it.
Air. C. W. Lawton.
former Strains, Burns, Scalds, Cuts, and S1teS 1 ed of the best, louses lsuciwn, combined ; � asking for cheaper rates.
Confed- of Insects. It is estimated the* there are ;fifty. . with tfie best blood purifiers, acting di -1
:ditor of N Mr. John McLaughlin has sold his <i0 thousand men in the \ortll t)ntaxio' rectlp ou the mucous surfaces. The per• j I n Bach case the weekly papers will be sent to new
i acre farm on the 10th of Culross to Wlu• woods this winter. Several big firms feet combination of the two ins rectients ? , subscribers for the balance of 1902 Ino -.F. The rates quoted'
is what produces such wonderful results ; Let us show you what s here.
soh post G Roane also of the 10th. The price paid, - employ about a thousand men, while a in curing Catarrh, Send for testimonials; are for either new -or renewal subscriptions. All subscribers
from the ; we understand, was $3000, lumber or timber contractor is consider free. ! will receive the premiums adt•ertisecl by the different papers.
,cep the :; Mayor i -rrluhart has declared himself ed doing business on a,mall scale when F F. T. Cheenby evu �`Co., Pro s.� Toledo, U.
„ .lie has only five hundred men on his I;ay
iom Ota .1 in favor of accepting the offer of a gift. Hall's ramify Pills are the beet. l R. MAXWELL.
holders. E to Toro 00 fora free public library made ,soli. 1 A � Y nU G01 G T ® HAV '.i:J1
without to Toronto by ;ilr. Andrew Carnegie. 1 :ties. Saunders, barrister, of Si atford, , 9 „ j� d
IiIa.I1 AIiT T Lilt o.,,
5edv for DR. A. CHASE'S has teen appointed Cleric of the County! The Provincial Bonsai of Health will i q
s,Rheu- 250. Court, Local Re rar of the high Court I L� 21 Auction Ct1L�1i ,ase this Fall Or Winter 3�
wts, etc. ; — CATARRH CORE • ■ • i land Registrar o£ tele aurrogata Court introdllCe a bill at else n.e t session of elle
is s+at direct to the J_seased t Legislature to make more :effective pro.. i If you are, it Will be t0 your 133�;i'rCSt ��
i parts by the Improved Slower, for the county of Lambton, in the place.
i Heals the ulcers, clears the aiQ q , r c 'vision for the: prevention of the spread of <. � c
lady of passages.atops droppingg3inth• lot titi • R. i3@nl;aii.l, who has -e igrit d' smallpox. By the bill the Medical t,Ot�le t0 the T��T� ®f�lCe for �i011r �ilS.
having , threat and ppermanaatlj cures , i
Catarrh and Hay Fare r, Blows: �-•--- HeflltlielfiiCeT 1S t0 be praSTlC1eC1 with ai�rflllQt�ii�aQQfa�iir[iYi[7iif7iit[ivtiQtiQ[e[[[[Qii! `e (,'ate arrange datF'i,� for any 01 LiS�
she gave tree. Ali dealers, nr Ise. n. W. Chs•s list of all the births iii the municipality r it
+ Madialne Co., Toranto and SuX46 ; i -+ .,•
send Ise, s A GUARANTEED CU�� ' in each year after the passage of the act,1 neighboring g r�iiCtiO3i1?e�'S.
apression ` Brockville contemplates enacting a : nisei Le will then o arourfl and offer free ; ?• N Uf. O `�� U e ap "•
I by-law to close the billiard rooms, bowl. g I s dale �i11S pri11tt3C�ilile gr011 wait at
tingalleysand other Iaeesofamilsemeut For Ail Farms of Kidney D1SeaSe• Vaccination to the child and to every, t �
rmer wasp ' unvaccinated person he inay find. Vn- i w $lye O Good 1 I I-�9•�-�! 1 �1 �t X-1: j ry
one day at 11 o'clock, instead of 12, as Hereto ; vaccinated children are Irord'xibited from � � � THE 3. I��+J+7 OFFICE'
potatoes fort. , The undersigned Druggist ani f11,ty attendance at schoeis tens: any school'
= s
P d to hive the folloivillg rnarantee , , i 31 The n. f armera , C ^ad.a .� T'�7',� ��ha _ O '�arl(o
itatoe for It is reported at Ottawa that a bill for i prepare overt u0 cent bottle of Dr Pett!' -'V?- t Yvr ichfails to exclude sci hchildrenupon , � ii,gitthe �i1tilici: i tfi,o 1 rTu c Op' �(� s ) 33 4J
r, and no increasing the pay of soldiers in the per- ; ingill's Kidney =iti ort Tablets, the rtuly t notice from the medical health officer, w teaolliny>, tial lac} :, tt ,r,ata3ta,lan,r�r:;. .
farmers manent force as well as mehtarymen :, remedy in the world that positively' forfeits the 0overareent grant, Parents 1= Tac ,hors anal can',rt a..:� era specu .isty.
t cures all troubles arising frol:l -weak or • n
him. when they turn out a1 camps of itlsfruc- - g ne„Ieetiug to comply Svitli else cautlitious � � � � �� Z-. t
dieased kidneys: •-• " will also ba penalized. � r
inks and ' tion. is littely to be introduced at the ° „
` � Money cheerfully retur.:.ecl if the s
lergymen,coming session of Parliament, sit#%rei is nor, relieved and improved, . -- --- --
Worms affect a child's health too after use of one bottle. ThrcE to sir _ THERE A
it officials s seriously to neglect. Sometimp's they ,bottles effect astanishin� and I el.nanent ' r s D ®C AT EZZ Iralklr
a Guelph I cause convulsions and death. If, ou cures. If not relieted and cured. You ! and N(t1tE h1AGAz1N): ...._ ...... r
+ y waste no money-" oil I
geek, says suspect them to be present, give; Dr. , HEADI
r e Of ue- Loiv's Pleasant Worm Syr SyruNt
p, irIlirl. ! A .T.. Hnmi lttn, Drugs _sts, 6 inrliann 9 g 1 contains the cream of a grict::tern: t?+ot:wlt*,
destroys the worms itiitl.ant in jllxiteg elle t)nt. i�tjW 1T AtrH 5 t and pr�p al ier ca::tib a to read it be. ,C Ina fiery home in t' district
g .r
4 close it p a: tl,u:a era h. at:a thal wart
Off then' shied: Price 250. --� +ate- - — (. t.ee best. `lei r t t :r tl .as `a:4d n'111ov 114 5`t t TINES
Bylaw of ribet�t ,o, a,tp t1t•a s h THE WINGH;AA
'Che hotelkee ers of 'Wiartos. have on- l'''est Luther township ba.4 moved in , t 9 c;. 1 he soanar �vu 3a � rib" tui. :na. yo 1 * ;
five ivPrO P °• t,:.p `a will get. � l
animously agreed to close their bars favor of a change ill the t 5c :nn.Put law, • •: ` Will
!apply you with the latest acid mask interesting I,at:a1
Irom Saturday- night to Monday morn -iso tllat asse•�meiit may its xa a?1e ill ,Tune, ���'. •��- �r. Home and Foreign News, and
F�l� iug. N'cry little selling hag been clone and once ink three years instead of s; A f311i �' ' v
after Hours at any time, says the Cana• i a+il.ually as a, present, The hatter was ; � � •• � � �% EE i S
diatibut the personal aggreeineut entered regarded favorably by the Duf'Ferin
� . ' " P" � Iia special features are—Market:. Fteparts that! art uiz•
{ into ralikes the matter more binding and 1 County Council and a inemorial ordered , �.
�: "� equalled for FULNESS and RELIABILITY.
Iging for a t. more easily enforced, and frequenters to to prepa: ed and forwartlecl to the l r�• , 1 •e �;
tale, near of those places will now knew that it iS ` p, r tiatl#aritics. t'
is $1*00 Regains tosttributibns 1+ "Syatarlder'" an Current
4tc(�orclaal- lniposs}bio tr► et liquor, a11tS sli0txl_tl ppj I- i ij ' R6ports oi'hdnoentibar .,asoaciation% and tneetings of in-
Ives, atvR{r pf3 }it}liortt}1}qt#�, f bavid Tindtah, a 6011 of the lat leen � orfER. ieretYt tied value f f1 iarnlera,slairgtntusts►d stockmen.
' 'hitt 1l, formerly of I;thl locality, dit:d' 'Practical tanks each Wdek on Live: Stools, 1Dairyieg, Parra
,adv, 'l'lt9' " Y Crap Culture, l~ecding far Profit, send t5t:itsr subjocts.
` " He littil� 1ifriLiVovlt
nr ,'ha Ct. Car'tiir won & t,u:, it, Maiysr at liathiveil, Ian„ recently. , st>rrrovs
�,. Marys I €+re hawing' drilled til civ rod; fin artegia#t g l en :tt 5tedieine Ilat fob" 11is liealtl. Utlt fox y �. i{i>r;d�llb,l CR ES• = °;El d9 it;r8 C i NOW for ;._.
�n eaught t well one handred foet deep and six'! nothing eould be, clone for him. Iles, { 1pZP06MAi t",tr •Jt.do xIC wl l a 1d tI+ Ite:V t„bCi ritlerV ► � a..'
of age, hurlH"T; ,ii
medley in disittleEter, near thele YVat@I! p lirOthei• 11Yootly iSr1t011ti tUU vig01!M tit' #tf?hsmottYC sets» i,mv til,tilrlr ti Pat
tits [�r,, i � ; �1i � it o Y � � ,w • 7
cats, dark power + heels, at tele ne wr cereal milk ! piesent. Win. and l:li a Jane Tlied last l Ireatlache is not, of Renee l dlity& r., eget Its � lrCantiF,ti t 1,ris:tn:t9 tiUr,r,3er for S).)tb %oars. ��tj �+f��� tY)���� � �� �Y
t cndrallyuxuiYsdbsomedtgorderbfthestaln• ncistnnnel, stent: etiil,l.`a t!`Sand 1+ "!
with black- . � down the River Thames. They ex within G clays of oats auotll�ti` and , a ` bower, fo>r a fret. sant ra co S if Neu t ant t t se - 3a
p , swtlt.ttver or . P ' ,And �e will send "'h+J 'Suit frac for the l#alant:tt of itgas.
tt good flow of water at the nboye depth I there In we belt 111tee deat'h's %1tithln i Iletora yon cAn btr curOA You W10- rclauwtt pr tet', al up a• ia.a i ismer s ijttPr. it Will �� � "� titer rart7ei fit tsrTict ,
tiro t:aligai: p,t so you
the bxesath land it will ltervg a trvU%i01c1 pllrprt�, to sillier ni01#tlis. The tt•Il CiU�trUyrr, earl- � ! � . _ .. _ ..... _._ .. .. .. .
iiy o- th .atm aft ill Ae atlpply of w+xitcr, rtntl the 1 plttnlptfon, is the suite, MiSAIAtiggie, of
�l>rtiC10iY>ti' rtt�r#iws:
irttm and _. warmth of the spting'iwate'r ill the will- I TOTaMOt anis finixly, lnentlorletl >ltbowe, i wni aoitfavroaE. ;��tj W�1��'�� WQ�� go.$ d• �17>r ���11�1 ���1 ���0NTO1 A+*�
tees, hoarse DROP A POS` CARD"
,g traalsdri#, time willhe sntlicicnt tc) ktL r Hit art testy olily aurvlworil o! fixe famfilr. Thio NWm thstitltotilAth.11teP i.ttt l,ntri+lst, 1.01A —S. 04TA10,0. , 3y R
od to call•' 'water p�ow#r wheal,, 111x1 �w itte'r states; The many` elft friends{ oil' tuft i'tttsuly trill n itte:i thn ss!ood tenet tnrse+t tip tho whale 40" �� w
f`row fratxing. ey ithije with the bere+aratl. to fall hsoltit stun riaasc•