HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-02-26, Page 4WI TRE, WINGOTAM TIXES, I+l+BR1TM11 26t 1903, „- _. - PO (TICS IN NORTH CaREY. loadattheir docks, and lie considered Waterloo county council bbs raised M�plli00000 0060000000ililpi�ililr�AlMN��iMNii'���i�*M�NNiNii�MN that Owen Sound. was receiving a good peddlers' liseasea to the follorrintl scale ; P -fit your a A Dr. Macdonald, M. P. for East Huron share and being fairly well treatod, If For a two horse wtai on, $3000, one ma JAS. H. KERR Speaks at Owen Sound. they wanted more they had better not wagon,$20o;apushcart,$1iNt;andan#an JaFIN KERR p ` R € gift send % representative who would find Out ont, $50, PEOPLE'S O I �«rf I l STORE �i Tlie following synapsis of tlhe speed} delivered by Dr. Macdpnalct, M. P at fault with file Government's policy, or i i Owen Sound last week is taken fro ui the tits likeliliocd was that the cheesel5aring a Iva stook Murton#s. ilNllliiiOiMliR►Mi�iMMMiOglOill101i101YiiwlllAMlwRrlililO�lwll�l*iriiilNN . 1' In the shape of a Advertiser,. process: would be applied right here in Toronto., Feb.' more. active toile � 1 tdS l dllGl Comb Ili, McDonald, who was first called Owen' <pnd,, and no. wore grants, be dorslluatedtha Western Q+#ttle Market • c « - Upon, said that in this bye•electiou the forthcoming, The immigratio## Policy to -day, and prices in butchers' and ex-. _ rux% s CQ11 �.,,,.#,St., HR;,Bili,@t'C�]lOk Ccorernlneut was u>'� for trial and ahoald of the C�ovorn#nent soft the wonderful ort cr,ttle wbre n#aintainedat the quota• • Spring • ( �isE, I' tl r f u [il a ,, ! be dealt with Quits sacci(! and ill accord success which attended it was then re- p ons of last week. The market for • I ante with what it bad done for the (erred to. The Conservatives bad claim- R1 11t. U 1C$5 FrAS3%« �'�{11r l3l•u9lleS, Totls�, export cattle did not improve, however, . _ i Country, This record was one whiel# he ed a large number of immigrants, but although one or two buyers who have • styles. g p` O�DS,tiPr. �� �J'T fi' costa � New Shades. �V'e .. � P • N Articles,. F bo n y delighted in presenting to the scop10 of w1202# the census taken they been for some time getting their export • Canada, whenever opportunity offered, not be found, and it was said they had stock from Chicago were on the w Cxoods, etc„ you can alhb to the a Ihlted Mates. Thio had all FRENCH CREPILLE SOLE FANCY STRIPE SiLKS BLACK BROApCLn" for it had wrought wonders in hlrivging g market and bought several loads of - • - For Skirts or Suits, 156 -in wide, •(2Uy the VISI choicest For �Yaists }' prosperity to the. country in the short bee## changed, and last year 3x,000 Am Choice steers. The run amounted to 61 Colors, u, ger yard, Reseda, Cream and Light For per yard + - 50 to .ia per yard • il;l•40 time which the Liberal Adminstratiou ericana had crossed the lines and settled FANCY CHECK It cola, containing 1,070 cattle, 38tt sheep A-- --- = —_.� had been in power. He then referred to i,# l'auada• In cliuCludiug Dr. McDou• 302 hogs, and 12 calves.. = FRENCH WOOL BLOUSING K SILKS BLACK CHEVIOT a ! tl;e chwiges u a e in 0,e tarifl',mentiouing ald pointed out the iinportauce of the The following are the quotations: • _ - r - • l saute :eaiuctions which had been made present election as a verdict on the record • Fancy stripes, per yard . GO _ Far Waists, per yard, 50 to .7G For Skirts or Suits, €i0 in.par yd1,2<i h� l s' CATTLE, �- VENETIAN WORSTED oA,, an�p olid ills commodities au which these re of the Government. and urged that there Shippers, per cwt......$ 4 40 4 75 pRitls LACE BROCADE JAPAN SILKS ! v du tions had been Made, as well as other should be no abatement of energy oil the llu., light.. - ......... 400 4 3G Ali Colors, 27-iu wide, per yd, .50 Black, for Skirts or Snits, 56-i## L� t� 0 00 • Lison shade, for walats, per yd .3G wide, per yard t. ilU04 STORE commodities on which the duty had been part of Reformers until victory had Ueeu. Butcher, choler .. , .. 400 • Butcher, ordinary to . BLACK AND NAVY SERCES - increased. Iia read ficin the ,Montreal won on Tuesday next. good , • • . • , , • • , 400 4'3 • FINE WOOL DELAINES - JAPAN SILKS Chocolates �:nel 13�n ( Star an extract prophecging blue rein t4 Butcher, inferior 3 40 4 00 • - - _ - }11t15 l,ii bO CPS. PERSONALS. .• • • • • • -! Dari: colors, 30 inches wide, for All colors, 20 ruches wide, -_. - _. For Skirts or Suits, .50 in wide, t the country as a result of the way the Stockers . , , 3 90 0 GU • waists, per yard .50 per yard 2� —'per yard, n 1.25 .7 t r _ I Liberals were-eamrneneing-to handle tho , , uILIiERS AND CALVES, • ! t� j affairs of the country, and also quoted -this shall bYrom any of our renders t1tilf you Cees, each • • • • • • • • . • 30 0U 50 00 . � Peau De tSoie Silks All -wool Plaid t TO ADVERTISERS, r Calves, each.. 2 QU t0 00 • Fancy mixed colors all -wool 1 net be left at this Sir Charles Tupper's predictions in the have visitors or purpose going away yoursi.€t, s Goods Camel's hair effect, dark Colors, same doleful strain, lie went au to show drop in and tell us, or send us a note to that SHEEP AND LAIi}3S. • Splendid value, 1 'Notice of changes D effect .. . office not later than Saturday noon.. how different the result had been from Choice ewes, per cwt... 3 5U 4 25 • Very pretty, for waists, per yd, g5, $1,00, $1.2G per yard i • y y, _—___-____ r per yard, eb, . The copy for changes Dust be left these predictions, and also pointed out Mrs. Jas. Duffield is visiting in London Spring Yearlings, per cwt , . .. 2 60 3 25 • $1.Q0 to $1.2� p •, not later than Monday evening, this week. Bucks !.nibs, each ... a 40 3 25 • Taffetta Silks Iion1P,SAUn the reason for the difference. He would Bucks • • • • • • • • • • • 2 GO 2 l5 : French Wool 5attn Cloth to noel advertisements accepted up y Mr. W. Cunningham, of Listowel was Black and colors• 5fi inches •ueiide. • Black and colors, to noon Wellnesdav of each week. leave it to all classes of the community y. Choice hogs, per cwt s. 0 00 4 50 • Newest shades, 38 inches wide, .75 For Skirts, per yard,, .75 to $1 00 ! _- to say whether there had not been pros• calling on Wiugham. friends on Monde waists or suits, per yard 500 per yard - " parity, and he was pleased that the man• Light hogs, per cwt.. , . a 75 0 00 • r$TABLI$Hr,,1i 157'5 p Mr. E. J. Manuel, of Listowel was b 1 > Black Moire Silks Black Russel Cord • j ufacturers were also well satisfied, ana visitinpt iu Wiugham for afew days this Heavy hugs, per cwt... b 90 0 00 = Stripe Silkine Blousing Sows, per cwt ......... 4 60 5 00 Fine n11-wooi,for Sults, yd .75 to 1.00 I AI TAMES, several of them were present who week. Stags. , ....... , ..... , , 5 65 0 GO : 25 inches wide, per yard 50 Handsome goods, per yd, $1 to $1THE .10 �+ ` �r 111E would testify to Chair satisfaction with Miss Lammie is spending a few days - Black Grecian Cord ' R. R.EIZIOTT, Ponzasxxn_AIM Paaphlrcrou � the treatment accorded them by the Gov- • y Black Satin ernment. But there never had been a with friends near Wiugham.—Heneall WINCI>iwM[ MARKET F b P 51903 All -wool Brocades Fine a «o o - i - _ Wiugham, �� 190,,. � Splendid finish, ]l • ol, for Suits, 4 government which did more for employ- Observer. ! Black and colors ; waists or Sp ,50, , 75 and $1.00 per ,yard, 1.00 TaURSDAY. FEB, 26, -903• g Corrected every Wednesday afternoon • , suits, per yard .30 to .75 per yard - " ees than the present government. He Miss W. Alba Chisholm returned by Cassels & Carr. • Black Poplin dealt with ilia investigation made Into home on Friday after a few weeks visit Flour per 1001bs. • ........ 1 C5 to 2 50 : Lustre and Cashmere Satin in Colors NOTES AND COMMENTS the working of sweatshops, and the con- in Toronto . Fall Wheat . ...... 0 70 to 0 ill • .50 to .7G Flue mll•hvool, for Snits, per yd 1.00 w F, S ilii Wheat 0 00 to 0 00 ! Black and colors, per yd, .25 to .7b Per yard, Hoer• John Dryden, Minister of Agri- dition of affairs which head been found to Miss Bessie Husband of the TIatE_ Oats, g... • ... ... , . • • • • 0 28 to 0 30 • "" ,altt#re, will bring in legislation at••the ..exist, all example of which was that a-etaff is -spending afew llohdaysrwdth Oats .. 0 3G to 0` 40 �Y R U P ,co,#ning sessiotr of ilio Legislature to woman working sixteen hours per day relatives in Guelph. psoas , , , , , , , , , , , , ,,,,,,,,". 0 (i5 t-0 0.70 � � LO � �' ! �� • FISH • annul' the Present regulations permitting for six days in the week could only earn Miss Emma Mason of Blyth and Miss Turkeys, drawn • • • • • 0 i t to 0 12 • !E from $2 to $2.50 per week. 'Co remedy Geese, 0 07 to 0 08 • 'one student from, each county to attend Maggie Campbell of Morris spent a few Ducks, per pair ..... 0 60 to 0 75 • Maple Syrup in quart and half. , �, itis Ip,. , ., C, at Gnelplh, �vitllOnt pay this evil the Fai- Wage Act had been idays with. Mrs. Jas McMaunus. Chickens ......... ...... 0. 30 to 0 60 : We keep in Stock the very best Lake Trout, perk X5.00 gallon Tins, � hnent of fees, The Agricultural Collage passed, which enacts that a certazu price J J. Elliott, V. S. of. Wiugiham was Butter .. .. .....,. 0 18 to 0 18 at! Pastry and Bread Flour, Lake Herring No. 1, keg 4.50 • Bobs been crowded to its utmost capacity must be paid for all work sub -let, and over here on Monday for a little while, Eggs Per doz ....... 0 18 to 0 18 : Oatmeal liojled Wheat, Talhle S �rup— 50 • �ikring the last year, over 800 students Operatives are thus able to get fairwag(s. Wood per cord .. , , • , ..... 2 00 to 2 50 ,IO _ This act also regulated the wages to be ' and did some dealing in horses. -Clifford Hay, per ton............ 6 00 to 7 .00 : Wheatine, Corn Meal, Fresh Trout, per Il►, 10 IIh tin pails r lfaviug taken the various courses It is Fxpress• Potatoes, per bushel. .....0 G0 to 0 60 ! Graham flour. etc. "� I& that no inducements in the way of paid by contractors for public works, Apples, per bag ....,0 30 to 05010 Fresh Whitefish, per Ib. l0 20 lb 1.00 Mrs. Jas. McMaunns, who has been , , 0 05 to (1 06 I ! xemissiouof fees, are now needed to keep who were required to pay the wages Tallow per lb ,, ........ • Smoked Haddie, per ill. ,10 Molasses and Baking Syrup- riii the attendance. -Toronto News. which were prevalent in the place where I seriously ill with la grippe for the last bard • , • , , , , , , , , , , , . 0 15 to 0 15 • the work was being performed, and they two weeks, we are glad to report this Dried Apples per lb ..... , . 0 04 to 0 05 = Oats taken in exchange fo'r Canned Fish—:Ill kinds, hest ,salify. w Referring to the Dominion election week is improving. Wool .................... 0 13 to 0 15 • Oatmeal. campaign recently in Nortel Greg. the I could not import cheap labor to do the I > P g• Live Hogs, per cwt • .... 5 50 to 5 50 • 'work. The working ok the Conciliation Miss ,!able and Frank Mitchell return - Owen Sauud Sun says:— ­Mr. Robert � Act ryas also ezpiniued, by which It was (ed home on Monday after a five weeks I � JAS. �1 IXoimeixM. p., who addressed several Act Shawn that the Goverumenthad forseer pleasure drive to friends at Iiarriston, ! MACDONALD 'BL®CK, JAS. H. KERR 4 meotWgs here in the recent campaign, l and provided a remedy for such a state Listowel and Drayton. IntendingInsurers. I JOHN KERR!t .WU the last. spealrer. Mr. Holmes Is P ! W I N G H A M � of affairs as the recent coal strike in Mr, and Mrs. Benj Higgins and chil- popular with au tJ;ven Sound audience Pennsylvania; forwhieh there -was no re dren, of -Hannah, North Dakota, who • iiNi • and was given an attentive hearing at a medy in -the legislation of the United' p • „ _ g have been visiting relatives and friends pay - _ !!ii• lata haux. He, however; was brief, con- j Ing your business, iplA f&O•!®!OltD•@® • o It will a you to see me before lac- ! ii•ii0iN0lii00iPiiisOiii!® iii•iiiiAi!•ii0®>C•0i00 States. By reason of the Conciliation in this section for some weeks returned fining himself largely to the local aspect ! Act eighteen threatened strikes had been home on Wednesday. .-.. .. .. ,_ . ... � , of the campaign, Mr. Holmes has the I represent purely- Canadian Com- ayerted, the results of two of which at Mr. Robt. Higgins, of Hannah, North panies. 1, iaappy faculty of impressing his audience least would have been very serious. He Dakota, who has been visiting with his +tiith the fact that he is sincere in what would like to have been shown any leg- sister, Mrs. Win. Gray in Turnberry Farm Loans at lowest rates. Town '1011011S. he says." islation of this nature passed by the late and other friends for the past two properties for sale, t - ,Three bye -elections for tlhe Dominion ! Conservative Adminstration. Refers- months, returned home on Wednes3ay, A�j'rT�i'Fy; (�Q,S'E' ,�1�. ;4a Parliament were held Tuesday—one in ing to the postofiice policy he reminded Count Engineer Ansley -,vas in Sin -A tie Fat S t us G ` North (grey, to fill the vacancy caused the audience that Mr. Foster in hi+l bud- y y LOAN AND INSURANCE AGENT. „ ly the death of Dr. Horsey; the second get speech in 1895 (which was no doubt oardis with t Friday completing arrange- an. TerrP.bonne, to replace Icon. Ra meuts with the Hunter Bridge Co. far — k RAILWAY " Ray- 1 Mr. Foster's last budget speech) (aP the building of three iron bridges in Grand Trunk mond prefoutain, who was returned for I planus? had asked for pos,000to increase SYSTEM ; FROMIN MEGA OF SWEErSTAKES two seats and elected to sit for ',liaison- Huron county daring the coining sum- L�TTERS the usefulness of the postol3ice, and ez- i uve, and the third. in Two Mountains, ! pressed the opinion that time when post- mer. SPECIAL COLONIST n e �+ R� where Mr. Ethier had been unseated for ( age could be reduced was very far in the Mr. Benj Willson,of ti aneouver,B. C.., 066 - �� Excursion lGkBtS i _ •corrupt practices by agents. In North i future. Tire debt of the Department a former well known residence of Wing C Grey, C. J. Thompson, Conservative is I was $800,000. But in 1896 the people of ham, and a former mauagep of the NOW ON SALE elected and in Terrebonne, Dr. Deajar- Cangda were roused from their lethargy, local branch of the Bank of Hamilton I have been frequently asked at'out my mptlhod of feeding, and ht slay interest some and they bounced his. Fester. Mr, Mu- was calling � on old Winglham friends for FROM ' f, I q (� �j ` `A 7O to know that I largely attribute my snecess to Herba,eum, which I leave used during several dines, Liberal and in Two Mountains; b f1 1117i1N Ift yeayrs, unci during the last t;vo years have ural a considerable quantity. Especially t .7: A. Ethier. Liberal are elected. lock became Postmaster -General, and afew days this week. have I had goodresuits with lambs thhat were being fitted for exhibition purposes. Other when lie had cancelled the old outragb- Mr. Robt. Arscott, of Benton, New fihec(9a strike has taught n any people ! Billings, Montana $35.16 lambs not getting it were Sep or l ly troubled with ticks, but we have never Econ!! any � ous contracts and awarded new ones I Brunswick, formerly manager o� the tronblla with ticks when sheep or lambs were fed Herbageum. two useful lessons --foresight and econ- which were given to the lowest tenderers I{ WinRham tannery was salting on old Colorado Springs, I only feed a teaspoonful to sheep and rather less to lambs once a clay. oliiy. The average householder has Three sheep that I bought in 1900 were fairly alive with tickn, I put them with my to et along with one-half or r independent of their political stripe f�f friends in town this week. The TIDES :,nanaged ff ; (cheers) the country it was found had. I was pleased to see Lina looking well. tQlenvar, .Helena, Butte, �, i other sUow sheep and gave than Harbagenm, anti when sheared, about the middle. of Marsh, ; two•thiras of his usual winter's snppiy • y Ogden, Salt Lake City, i $40 IB 1901, they were perfectly free from ticks, and they had tic sheep wash nor other remedy er of Goal b, attending carefully to his been saved $100,000 at one sweep. Then He intends to again move his fa.mil to r • preventive than Herbageum. 1 on Christmas, iS98, Imperial peony poet- ;Ontario, Pueblo. 1 may further say, that the sheep •vhich were fed Herbagenin were in gn mach better stove and furnace, and dili5ently sifting `a a was reduced to two teats, and this' /; condition than my other sheep which were not fed it that when sheared the clip averaged 2 i the ashes, It is safe to say that after g Spokane (ash. - $41,20 lbs more than the others. t little experiment ,was followed np one The Morris planing mill, on Cambria r I have also used it with cows and other stock to good advantage. sincerely, ; this people will order their fuel more 1 Yours siucereiv, frequently in the summer time. If the week later by the general reduction, and I road, Goderich, was sold at auction on North Pacific Cast & $43•lU (Signed) JOHN ORB. i r deliveries Could be spread over the year, the two cent rate had continued sines Saturday, the purchasers being Messrs. Kootenay Point that time. Foster. and Tupper pro Lak�sida Farm, North Dumfries, County of Waterloo, Out., Fab. 19th, 1902. it would be mach more satisfactory to ; hecied a deficit of a million dollars from Buchanan & Lawson. The price was / tt dealers and their customers, and would! P $900. San Francisco, Cal. $44■JB NOTE—Mr. Orr Las for a nntnier of,earsbeen a winnerpa of Reds at. lambs, ,and see - h; i this stroke of business, but the deficit wasfurther nrtic ntnrN apply to Agents of Guelph and elsewhc-re. In 1101, at'1'arouto, Le took first on poi. of wether lip too and and keep the winter price lower, as the rue t not materialize. On the contrary, An old man named Thompson,For n pt y and oil pair of yearling wet hers At Chicago Exhibition, Autumn of earli he took first and i did I Grand Trunk P�. Si stem. :Goal when the cold weather sets in deficit of $800,000 was wiped out; instantly killed by the westbound C. P. 7 J. D. rscDoriAf.D, second on sin€tle larfahs, nod first on thi;,best five lambs, also first on yearling and chahupiau- inakes it dearer by fifty Cents, old de express Tuesday afternoon near Ilaladar ship on roarling, This yesrhndr tnel: the sweepstakes wherever exhibited,stfand wound illy at , invariaUly and a surplus of $500,000 was gained. p y Distrle•t P:aksenger Agent, Toronto. or a dollar per ton. --London Advertiser. i Ili addition to this there hard been- in- r station. •I3e was -walking oil the track Guelph Fat Stock al, co Dec„ o f a with first ill his class, edit first Yor.Uesr carcase. 1 when the �Ae was came around a sharp Mr. Orr was also winner of a nuaiiber of prizes in breediva classes aE Toronto, 1901. creases of millions in the number of let- «- = -- --- i !curve near the station. His head was I Lets written and 844 new postofhces upon- ; r ed. TLe importance of the transporta•': smashed badly.' sural! Pr es tion question was then shown and the ; ____ Government's actioh in deepening the i From nentre ! 1 g6 ;� waterways of the St. Lawrence pointed I have faith ill' ierU� enm. I fed 9 head of stoelz for the Guelph Etat Stock S loco, out. Large ocean steamers had to pay + _ i Fed them all Herbageum regularly and they took to it naturally from the first, And al- l"� $2u,000 more iusuranCe in one season hu i M air 9 ; though I gave their. all leis !heavy fond its would talcs. not, one of. their got off sur fan or order to inn to Montreal than a ran to I y i bloatod during the who rima. This was my first experience in feeding Herbageum and I to crust was certainly astonished at tila results. These cattle did Dotter than I ever had cattle do be. I New York, and it was therefore neces: i I fore. nary+ to offer them every facility and in '� I had a very severe sickness - At Guelph Fat Stock Show I won first prize and sweopstaeres for beef carcase besides s dncemeut to gain this trade, More had I that took off all my hair. I pur- + The Market Bakery- Bread. is three first, three se Woncl and two third prizes and I attribute much of my success to the use chat a bottle of Ayer's Hair I perfection itself. White, ltgiht, I of Herbigaem. �--W CHP 5 l been done in the past six years than in ; Vigor and it brought all my hair p t the previous eighteen. of Conservative I sweet centre; rich, br/i'wli, short I We ship in ttto neighborhood of ten thousand head. of cattle to the old coitniry 9 _ 1 back again," crust, 11Tih:ecl, molded, baked annually. JOHN 13ROWtiT� 1 minatratiou. $3,000,( U had been spent W. D. Quinn, Marseilles, 111. and delivered in just the way to � Il Drover and +'ees er, i ou Ilgontreal harbor tvlaich should have � � been spent years ago. The shipping fa- I ogle thing is certain a win your approval, � Galt, Out. Jan, List, 1003 „--BRA�,fyYXTS icilities had been so neglected that the A er s Hait Vigor makes i bualless was all going to the American t I , ports. Grain oar oes could be unloaded l the hats $t (kir'. his °is t I phi KINDS OF PASTRY l �. at ]Buffalo at fiats 38,000 to LO,OOO bush• because it is a hair flood. ( WEt)DtNG CAKEt A svrclALTY + .111€11 - i It feeds the hair and they - -•*-��..... - --- ��_._.._ t and all; lines of jewelry eIs :yn hour, and at Montreal only 4,000 , _ per hoar. The Opposition said the Gov-; halt grows, stops all fall re We have all the latest maellin- + Print6 further notk,C . arfiraent had nfsa'povver to Greats +`am- E i5 t0 it � i ; cry, snit °there is no nerd of Ing m6r' &!rut tbA CTO*0fDtaaX4, !tali shown I of the hair, too and al- . , sending to the city for your t►00 Ot'>d had l bread or pastry. Job. thi� tf> � innorreot �1�, ways restores talar eco ° I, been expend iii- 460psallig the eanAlrl, 9 a halt". 1 (� L.a o U G H E E D+ +'' and trl•day Caiiaclt► Wills the flntsC vaata+r 11.M a beak. All kv:j rt aye of atiy eotwtry • atad V66011t carry. i Up-to-date •��• iia 100 ., w , ' (j losltc Yreal+ teriati C.iaroll. work done � � J L 11,a ' , e Park ,coo buer~ ,tlP c. wheat ('ap trAvel' I! your drag a V gahalw N i I " � Pl y frtnaa 1?r'ort Wil"in too the"AtIhAtle ir;ball. N rill ab chis dinar alba► .re a I acpr.w }w,at rG botiie. I#o bfzib R'wid its fhb »l,Ot6 ' i k o 0e. Try s .th your next order. 1 - of hoar »MarnMrr1pre*9a R". Adartl+rc,, The p(►1!,•y nova ih t fi dtetz t3iA hairior6 ; �, t , eYgst c o.. x l,vreu. err. �tCi41'p�Gf,II. of lake ports pct that 0)0;e ct.•ese:s tan flu• k