HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-02-26, Page 2'[1,11F,8, lth,BRUAV 26, 1903, '. I I I .11. 1. _. ., . I .1 -1 -
2 , '' _q -M.' Imply I I .. ;. I . - . . - ... - I ... I I . , , 1-1-- , , , -WE WIM" MNWRnON.
_,:-. -- - __ , - - - . --:T 7 4-1 I 1, - 7. .- -1 t( I F,5T4BTAI4AXP 1072
( ! . TUIVIN 1111iIIA"M I-
11JE& ;I& rare, r ivri, Ited isiowl iind Stronc i OF LUMBAGO- ,sAnit4Tc,.n,L,n )il—$abhathW,IN'i3OeSAt 0
ft wmwim I ' Nervelt. i Woulolt um entrusted with thP valo' . Ila in and 7 1) 331- ' ,1111144Y SOlool. at 16PUBLISHED
PL NWAOTT, Prautwult,4vi) Pa (I i charge, ofularly railwity stations in Ans- 2.30 p tit. Ckmeral pra-
or, I entlemnu Whom Pr. , ., er nioeting.. EVERY THUR$DAY MORNING
,r,)a can alwAys toll anar,miv, nien nit. A St. ThoMa% 0 onWoduodayeveltings. R V,J-J-Pttt- -Al.0-
Wok tralia. . 8 'llapruital, S.S.
_ . 1, - - , I 1. I . 07417 man They ore pale, weakand la,t. ritchop's saelcae A.,Pastoi. WJX The Times Meet BQaVeP Block co
- , .
t_ ': I . I . . he Uldney T010ts tersou, B.
0 ,,,, I M,Mthe victim$ of headoollos. easily lo'iguora Toresiti. Garibaldi, daughter , as Superilitterident. 1 33
THVU$Dh1T. nB. 24. V . - I tireot and always averr;o to exertion. of the faOlonj go)leral, hits (lied suddenly Cured of Lumbago In 1899 H , ST Cgulton-SgUbath sorvices . WWOU&M, ONTARIO. lit
. I "I , I I I I . Never Had Any Return of METHODI . . ex
L % . I . . 11 I 1- I I I''. - I . I 't ea.t. or they aatt'tdig- btwhlit C prora, Sardluia. tit 11 am a] _ .
_ - ------ -_ - I'Tnp cau. , 14 7 p in $lindity fialtool ftt — ,
I they do eat. Their tivelrotrig nerves hill at I 01s Old Enemy, . - ki
I I- :a ijo p in, Epworth League every You ,1,k,,H,.w, or sumoRwi"mos-si Ja per animm in
E S litle.ii; their tautper is irritao,le, their , rrhe Pubile lietath Dopartmovit es- — dayievening. General proythrineetiligi 41d. .No paper dist-on. it
Ivittilitlryarilihes Audit all com-ii frf I " I)Qid, except at tile 'ti
revenue for the seven , tiluate tliere tire 3,000,000 livu rat," ill 'Rev. Riolia,rd 1101111('11 "I 'It" I oll " Ill
1141 - will"Ilitill lif .1b,
C".xdsV* It will. no doubt, bo a sOnr0a Of $010- oil WOdnestlOY evi'llings- of on, It. ;11131lel.
ruatti ths eAdjaV JA the to- , p,)or blood and austraug nerves. Ykia ', ,Nt,arly 2,0(110.000 wero debw1yed ftiptitIlA IQ tbotio who arte suffering front Hobbs,PaStor. Di%'170*10r, S- S, SUP- loptlo"' aTxd other n
, a. St. reached oxii, promptly banish anaeurint by euri-A,,. 'PtLrlkl- L Anvioxmowo RA.,rils. - - T-01
*lot$36,447,182,bi.-iug$,kQ,76' .,724 illex- I ing your bio,'id tilia toning up. your norveis latiz year. Ille,eirecto of wroaq-tietikig WdiloWl- to orintendOult, 14AY(irtimenkoLnv,,4&slK rN;)nptii-if-ilillvft)r
I ow LhRt Dr. Vittifier's lalivituollo Kid- p1ty,-ByTr,1jTAN CHLyncH.Subbitt.h. ser- ansu"' ion, so por line for eAch subso(luent 11
' Villi Th"y Several ehildrou )lud ndults bltvs be- r- " ablots llot fItIly give, prompt relief ,,, Sunday "Is I "Is"r, r
the Ordinary expenditure, and $4, With Dr '% ants' Pink Pills. Ins" 11
Goes of Ah1'tT,."t;- I
jL15,273 h%n. ovibiary oud,capltal I bring go d tippetitt.), soutidsleep. bright vices a b 11 a ra and 7 p m. 01OP310; in'locAlmimansai-eelpt 9114
. . - come totally bdud"arter vatilig a. fruit, Pt' T 10 ate. per line f( fInd a a(
I tPlilts and pprfe(t heolt Wall cases but Thoy ollre so effectively General prayer it- firsv tweertio, coats
I I Iro 11 I r, Oil.'
h. 11hey fire - Schoolat 2-.80 p in. per line yot, eueLh subsequoiltbisernA
. adit'U're oolubbied. I 1-leCITIP11TAbly the gre.,te.st -Q01%li. iving known as --fitiger-olterries," near Cairns, and thrronghly, tltl.t tht' dislif'06is riot meeting on Wedue$(IRV eyettilogs- 1 ev- i 15troyvd, ti
I igttill-the ettro is_ per i Advertisements of Lost, Found,
orout'D I rneal"clue t1lat, sciel. as Ila.-; *v(. t disoover"d I in Northtrit Q ectuslaud. likely to roturn, D., Porrio, pastar arid S. OuPerlutoll- Farnis Zor sale or to Rent,and similar $1 60 for
,Uwe. A. 0, Rutherford. of T ertheworlot.; -atet6lpvorIeTo!cZA1 luallent. To illitAtrato 'tile Perniltu011ety dent. lirst. inunth ,And 50 con t6 for each ZV114e"quent, In
4 eu (it! tho unre they 4't. I
. Al I ov a T%o young childiku at Aquila, Soutil- - it, w- cire tit" ctloo I month. 1)
t of the Dominion W I ut(Inlebts. 114i . I Well - - ON ,s P following table shows 0
"I . I the truth of these M
- M. Tookey, Oxdritt. Out., soTs:-1 do I oruitaA.), %V'Ito IItLII flidd0a ift Ull OVOU tv eq Iitr, Joseph, F ii.zp trrick. ft lu"t, ST. PAvV r, Caunort, up1,qc,opAj,Snb 0 TnAO, UA,vy -Tit
f , el %%'h(" periodh- .
. I load a deputation to interview the I . lives .0 54 get,21ft) bath services at 11 a m aud 7 p ni. S on, raeteo,4 lot- the Insertion of kavartiserutmts Of
(A!, lo,F.p f
V A o - -lie - 1 11(4
, will"jon Govermireut about the end i not know what would have bteo 1 encatio Punishment qr, t - haads of their kill ill Year"' Gel TP . I , lyu. Ono. IlMo. lyo t
I a 1( a eigaret, me had it not been ft,r Dr.Williams, Pint; I vre foadil iatur roasted to strt at, ;it. Thonitvqj Oot, day School tit 2 80 p in. "I .
I father w one Column ....... 01100, $S5.00 $15.0l) $11 ly,
I 1'. .
February in reference to th . ledi Stateutt-iit. IF99 meeting on Wednesday even . BVAOM
I ft: P11,11,
I a : , I plils 1 ly blood seemed to halve till I - I oettill. ,,,,,It),g(,,Wra.Lowo,ineumbeitt- F-Shmo'nb Half Column ...... 85 00 18.00 JQ.00 CoU 1)
tation, will ask for theito wilt ,'I% ubed wit 14 head "During A roefiltt alta0k Of : 2.00
atvil, 'The depri or itAIwostro I Superintendent. I QuarterCo.lunm.._3800 10.00 6.W I 0
. ,
tot4l p,.ohjbJtiqU of the importation, !a ab as, dizzin P -t and general l.reptra tion - ' LordSuilleld, spetikilig at, the Cromer and kitluey troubli, duti to exposure to *
-111-'ri Bark chO lUd, ,9ALVA!,XON AR3lr_SL,rnce at 7 and 11 Advertisements without specige directions I
Jusirufacture, and sale of algarAts within E ventuallv, I becarne so wool,- I pould life.boat ulutivr, suid1thut the lurge sea. vwltl. I ust d Dr. Pip, a d will be inserted till forbid and charged accord-
colv movs about. I trie eal
Canada. They will taket 'with them suar 1p tuti, itouts worn by boatmen were splendid ,ley Tabiets, And oari.lpeak usibesitst"'W- I a in and I find 8 P lu On 9111111%, tin Ingir.. Transient advertisemente must be paid it
medictines, but they did not be ly (if thoir fine qualirlos They tire eosy in I every evening during the wee at 8 for n advance. ;
& petition signed by lea,div g avos' things fur producing illoulnutisill. As it Tom .To's Dr.PATILTUPST is stocked with an
business. Then I was adriked to try Dr. Willi ft . action, give rolief qviohlY, and dnsp to o7clockat the banh&8- extensive assortment of till rt.quisites4or print- b
men, a I ueationists,and doctors through - pink Pills. and I soon began tn tind ; protection tarpaulin. trousers would be my ag,,. have &'knpletely oured me and POST OptnoE—Iii Idacdouald Block. iug, affording faeffities not,,.equalled fix tho I
out th y , mber of about great benefit front thain. alld after tak. ' . . put tile in line collu , doll ;1graill." county for thithing out fillit efilsEt work. Large
. a countr to the nu ; much botter. . Offtee hours from `S a m to 6:30 P Xa- type and aUeQprI;tte cuts foil UJISt 1te-S Of Post, 3
&O,QOO,, The petition was circulated by ing thent for a weeks, all my old strength ! tin action (Signed) - Joseph F itzpatriolt. I Peter Fisher, postmaster. orp, Hand . , etc., and t)xe latt*t. sVrIss of
. - i
, ,
find health returned. . Barou lie Sibbert,has enterell . I M r,C , I choice fancy typefor the finer classes a print- , -
*0 W,. C. T. U., but none uf the signers Don't waste, time 'and m0neY expAn. aguiubt the Paris Motrupulitnu. Uallway' Statement, 1902 HANICS' IW.StT.TuTE-Library and ing.
trienting with other medicines. when Dr ' 14 ,turl of tile I
VX6 women. ' - for 211., iliv price ul a toy balloon which I have never had ittly rt. I I free reading rooini in the Town Hall, H. R. IMLIJOTTI
William's Pink Fills -o ill stiroly Illave, my baek und Iddlit1h will be open. every Tifternoon. from 2 to n
I ke into ol,l troublo with . -.-- .
Registrar- got them fl lul Fkl;y , ills 4:1111a Wns lit t alLinved 4o tit . Dr. Pitolier i Blio actho Kidney 1,5,30 ovelock, audo very evening ft-om 7 to
i The latest report of the ,yon well, You Call, Wee
which deuls itealer lit medicine, or post. paid. tit 500. ! one oJ the cariial. as, and was.obliged. to " a tilt- hill of 189 Miss Millie Robertson, P ",x4x4Ji'VX M.JJ-.M.O.P.S.D I . .
General of the Province, . Tttbltqo oured aw I 9 At 9: 30 o'clock-. , J. Member of tie' British Medical A ssocia.
-With the year 1901, gives the 'death rate per box, or six boxes for ! 3. 50, h), wi.-lt- I leave b-Aliatt him. that ritno I euirld hardly gt t armind at librarian. tion. Gold Mmiallist in Mtdiolue. Special
tion throughout Ontariclas ing direct to the Dr, '.Williams' Medicine I The tenor. bell of the Parish church at all, but I hey soolt'llureit inn. They are I Towx CoTiNall-3. Vanstons Mayor; attention paid to diseases of Women and Child .
from cousirulp, was 1.1.09, Co., Brockville, Out., rwich, whiell. wile It pratid roulefly, a%.1 hoth illy wife And I A Dalinago, Thos'. Bell, R 'bt. Me- ran. Office bours-I to 4 p. in.: 7 to 9 p. in.
147 per IWO-. In the Cities it 'i rasburgh, rieur No 1. illyhelf livize them I Iahly." 11
And in the rural districts 1 83. Tire I clitellod doritig tho utilIouration fullowitig atrick , d,,, J j. F,Ili,tt:, W. Jil. VauStoue,
Western plateau still retained its Pre- FACTS FOR BUSINESS MEN. ilia battle of Wt%totioo,was left untouvii- (hignsd) Joseph Fimp, . I S. Bennett.. Colludillors; J. B. Far- D R. MACDONALD,
h Dr. pircher's 'gtwkuphe Kidney Tab, 1guson, Cloric and 'Preasurer; William I
llfwtiig It low cleath. rate Every bargain drei much to milke t a I .
I ed Until quite recently When iZ Was lots sie, preVtkrr,d froin the formula, Of Clegg, Assessor, WtI2. Robertson, Col- Centre Street
. I ev - Wit
from tuberculosis. The rate n 11-ce reputation of the storb. i recast and increased in, weight. Zion Pitcher ,M.'D fol-inerly Professor lect'or. Board meetg,first. Monday an i 0118111, Ontario.
i rin 0 Tell in. Uedi .' - 8 o'clock.
was I, Zl,. in Hnron 0.94,in Du ffo 0.80. Good people want good things. I I At air inquest at Dqvor on the four- or i%itxtei ion ttud ge;dto urivaTy ing in each month at k '
w.bili*1a Leeds and Greenville it Was the= how good your goods are. (iise,se,, MIchigau COI&lip
ge of Medicine, SCHOOL BoAnD.-J1,1J`. 13orunth, (chair- DR. AGNF-W,
I.W, Stormont, Dairdas and GlengarrYf. The full value of activity it' appreci- year*old. son of a wariiie who was bur -u- Detroit.. Alit -,b, U. S A , They tire the rutu), Thos. Abrahank,tt. A.Douglas, H.
I ; od to death through liliffiLlIfielette night- moss effectual troatu)oAit known for n
1,46. The high death rate froult this ated by the man who has been and con. I ag live, the toroner uttered it backarho, ptlill ill t1lo ba0k or betw Kerr Wm. Mourn, .j. H. Llo,,v d Win. f,a c.- .Physician, V.urgoou, etc. I
district. in the highlands of Ontario is tlnuas to be active, gow It taki diti blioalden., blooilig" swelling of't'l' ' , I i3utt' ,,, C. 1V. Grifffil Secretary' Win. , 0 g ,. Macdonald Block, over .T. E. Davis'
One bargain will not inake a sT1,,,,s_,.'strong warning against tile use of that foet allot It'g'.. ffil,ss unlit -1. the pyes, Robertson; Treasure , J, B. Ferguson. Dru. Store. Nfight calls answered attheolfice.
diff L in each
. remarkable, and is ascribed to i)oor ful store, and ove advertisement will not daugurowly itid-Aminable, material. 1(.Ult.V of tiriulition. pain or distiess, I Meetings seconOlTriestiLY evening
. I Saujito6tiemarid-to the ,,000ped up" air. I With tile aiti ut oite t,f his crivehes it '41MV flOw, "'girly-ot.4ored iiriue, brick I month. - T. CHISHOLM, .f. st. QHI-,IIOT,m .
I annistances in which, the people live. The convince all the people. Ickippled-bhoeblitokiiamod Alfred'Harii- (Im.t.,or Other deposits" trequent callrl pL,BLIO SarrooL TLEACHERR.-A. H. u.r,.1X.D,,C.X.,MO-r-o.o HII.MD'em.,morso.
rlite. in AIgnma, 'was 2 O4. %U Muskoka. I Every store has its specialty and oveiry , do I ilig t lie day - or night, rlienjuatisin, 1 Mlusgrovp, Prineipal, Miss Brook, L
I g a aill 'In i M,iss.,geynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss - n
sing 3.25 and in the RuiuY i Trerchaut 3nust IiAve 80111ed3tillg tbat " so", rescued a buy ll luin. thowlillig Ill the urie livid In ti o,'bltltld, '11-119 I 9 P . . DRS. liIHISH01M & CHISHOLM
2,00., in, Nipis ' I canal at Warritigton, aud then, wrap- 'the loins, se -rise of Weill -lit or pressure in i Cornyti, Miss ReLean, Miss Matheson
i 'giver Dist -riot a 33. I inakes his plaqq diAilictive. I . the region of tb bla-ider, coustipation, , Miss Reid, and IWAs Cummings. PHY-41CIANS, SURGEON% ETC.
L ,
- I A small wisunderbtauding of a state- : ping nis own overount round the dripping . I
i kidney wealluesi of children and old peo- - - H1 OrricE-Clilmholm. Plock, -Tosephine street.
I There have b0n since Confederation merit will harm a business establiiib-: lad, carried him houto to tris parents. ple. niId all forw"s of bladdt.-r and urin- I B04RD OF VALrH—Mayor VaiaRtone, 1, .
. . ; .eg- REsIDENam-In rear of block, oil Patrick St,,
I opt, has bles, (ollikirinau), C. J. Reading, Thos Gi where night calls will be answered.
I I..'rice 60o a I ! I ,. B. Ferguson, Sea- . .
thirty. spven ,ning,; at parliament; six! merit. It is well to be plain, As well As 1 lt is notifted in 010 G,tzetta that it ary trou
of these took place in J'anuary, so4ven- , )oitle, or threa bottle.,; for I ory, Dr. Agnew, .T
. I hotiesc. . - tary; Dr. J. R. .Macdonald, Medical
I been decided to issue, tho African. Gon. r R. vAxsTONB-
$1.25. at all drif-gist-, or sent by tnail. I re
q teen in ri ebruary, five in. March, live in .,
I April, and one each in August, Oatober, A confitsed expres,ion gives People the aria Service Afedal with "Jubuland" The Dr. Zina Pitcher Co., Toronto 110rit. , flenIth Officer . .1 BAR I VISTER. SOLICITOR, ETC
I impressiou that goods are so bad as to I ,,,,p to those officers and men of his I V . PriTabe -a Company fmids.to to= at lowe,;t
I November and December. Leaving rate of interest. No commissioii charged. ort-
- ,
. out tile st four as exceptional ones, I make it necessary to cover their defeors* i Waiest,T's ship Magicienue Soolit, and ---------- I Iftifiliss DELIA SPARLING s. town and farm ,VprbT )]ought and
I , so im I When you have R thing to say talk " Terpsichore whot took part ill the oper- . g' Mde Oftlee, Beilver Bleez ingliam.
. .. i ' .
the. latest itato tit which the Parliament iloud as d4rable, but don't substitute! ...... _ _; A. T. b. M.
--.-. , --- .
I atioris aggalust the O.-ader Somalis be- ar-ST VV to, Thetry and FletelterMusic
-- A ril 18th I -.,Igj i Teacher of Piar
has been CAllou I-Oge- I- - V ' I the loud voic-a for the convincing arga-, .,:7 .It' . , - 1. I Method, Silliplem 4ild Kindergarten, . A. MORTON, 0 I ,
1 I tweell Nlov. 1 , 1900 and April 30, 11901. , - FT Queoition Must 110 Disposed Of r1rat 1 a-
189.5, and the earliest January grid, 1896. Mont. . t Ing ( '. z I . , Pupils prepared for * onservatory examma . a BARRISTER, &,a.
. I ofJarrintry sessions,110 days, . Mr. W. Asraham, X. P., addressi . tions. V I fore Canada Will Cousider'MeethiX ' .
The average It takes constant pounding w get the sil a !NIA I . . ijttr. -1 Whighain, ont. -
,of February 97, of March, 04, and of : tilt,, mineis' delegate in the Rhoudd I . )0. of Joint High comnilsslon.
. I ear of th I a tiociple aucl to -at great nut'll - u 0 r,,0.,.".r._, VIOLIN AND' GUITAR.'
he longest Since 1867 war, of the' Valley, said if both si as confi ad them -
April 8$, T 1 bar-, of them to see the advantages : . . . I -, LO I Ottawa, FZb. J9.-$ir IVil(rfd Lim -
that Of 1$85, when, from opening to I goods offere& selves in the wages I %ations to pro- - I 1. MISS CARRIE MOORE S. L. DioxTxs(,#x Dux)r,rY Horzots riLr hav recovoied front the slightm
. . I
I . prorogation, there were 173 days. 'Phis The man who says one I-hing persist- I posals to place South Tuli es mitters on a I . : I of London Conservatory of Music 11 b pre- . evict which confiried film to the house,
I pared nfti4r Oct., lqt, to receive a finittede uln & for the past tivo months and wo.%
length of session has never been excepd- I Par with others iu- Great Britain a settle- . 14tMiction on viollnuand DICKINSON P HOLMES
, I ' I ently will convillee,I'veople, that he is I merit could still be reached withono a STANDIN"" i ber of impila for it BARUIST68, . SOLICITORS, 10te. 'once more at ills ofilce yesterday
In BrIiish . 1141 , Guitar. , - Id several Callel's
ed in, thellistetry Of Parliament authority on that svbjeot. To have al - I I Rfisidence-StonA 111001, Over W. G. Patter morning. He receive
- I . tonpage. A lochout or strike now I son's jewelry store, V Angnaln. MoNrY To LOAT;, .
: I-Torth Americas though in 1858 the Leg -values and low'r f I and was in excellent. spirits.
- reputation for givAg ' - EN 8
islatilre sat for exactly the same number I, 'would be maduess. 0"' YOUR I `. Orrien. Meyer Block, Wingham. The Pritne, Alinister has received a.
I prices is the reputation the merc hut 1 1 N4 i
o next longest E 1 When Coristable'.Nlol!etteii(teavorea I P ' I . letter froni.Senator Fairbanks suf; -
iessiou since I to AND THEORY. I .
of days. Th Itgo3, when wants to establish. ; . 1A39 ,1. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. ,gesting that the Joint, Iligh Calm-
ConWeration was that Of With all the advantages of buying, , arreat, all employee tit the acine qnarry OWN MERITS MIS . S SARA LOUISE MOORE, L.c.m. IA " iiiis.sion. stiould resume its sittingst
. . '
I re r0quired. I but4nets ought to bea good today us it. at, Millington, 2,7vw Jersey, for shooting. i ])octor<)fD"Iitn]Fiurgio-,,oflh,,Ponllf4vlvnn's ly in March
- 168 daTs we , 1 8 and member of tile Ass(ci tt d Musicians Of I Dental College and L . ti.t. f tit ROYPI and naming a clato cai i6o
. I 1 v4n- 1 and hunting oil Sunday, the manager That Is. Just what the students of the Ontario, is epared to rt ce re a limited "in- I college of Dental Surgeon,; of Oatario. Office for the Ill -St mootilW: Sir IVIlfrid It
I iever was before. With all the ad, . J berofpnp& `for instructijit on ,,,.O,n.di. Office, Winglism. replied, and it is believed lie It"
Ivory I interviewed antl aft* -d that the (-.use , over Post
a cl ' calle d I tog" of truth -telling advertising i z i 4 FORE ST (31TY 13USIN.NSS COLLEGE, Theory, .
era is I the pos. i might be settled by Weplioue. Moffett Special attention given to pupils preparing' Office closed every Wtditeedny tiftor,00lt taken the ground that it would 'be.
The attention of househ I Y.'M. 0. A. Building, London, Outario,, I I during June,Xuly and August. 1.
tothe following claute of the Public merchant ought to be able to see Irling n*p Jurig,i Bo%Oers aud stated his. for examinations. .. ; -_ better to defer going oil. with ill,
I sibility of betterment', cAn do tifter couipleting thoir BnqilleSs i __ Joint High. Commission until the
,. Ror4idene(--stone black. over W. G. Patter -
Health Act - 4sWhenever a case of small- " case 0 ISM'S joweiry store, Wtngliam, . i W T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., . 1. I uestion. is out "'
I The good things of life are desired by- , wiltill b"Ok con' the repiv "Fine i - thalle, 1-nirring. They need lie', Alitsitan boundary q of
, ; or Sbo ' i . L.D.S.
I scarlatina, diplitheria, s f i _% New method for painless ex- !, .
pox, Cholera, all who hav6 wants to be filled. Every: him &4aud costs." T.hi, tile wNs paid I political ,,pull," I I ilia ,.vay. A .second reason assigned
-whooping cough, ineaslew mumps, glan- . constable cleitarcod. FARMERS I traction. No CocRine, . . is that, although the sittings &
merchant has some good, things whit,h and the . .1 I i i Kpecialottentionto the carp and .. it ion Congress will shortly terminate, thi.j.,;
— - '. Are.you i 1 s
derit, dr other contagious disease, exist I ; __ I utere led') I stock or other of i4rildreWs teetW. 1%fetivrate pr 6 all -eloasing American politicians from
'ally appreciated by some 11 I k fA ily and skilfully perfo . . ce
, would be espec. I and anyone having ) . 2
in any house or household belonging to I ojvoef, should adv
f the peopIle of the community. Will ' hel Write for pattioular.4. urtioles the:r,Msh V) di8l) Our lar"r , '3=11.,k., Win, . .
TIM.7's. , their Legislative labors, the Domin-
i ,, I I .'I .ha...
- Otis attending school, the I 0 lou'll Save Money and Enjoy I i tise the same for sale in the I B indeed If , Offies eloqed every WerInesday aftnrnoon ion Parliament is just about to all -
t . i leirculationtAlhiandit 111b b -a
. , I '11 ' "' tring Ju- 'us .
which are Pars not the advertie,ement'lind the people" I I College re-opous Jan. 5th. you do not q0t; a custom.i. le CR, i,%'gtuu,a.t,. 1 (it ne-Trtly and Ang . t. ter upon it. session which may be
)1ougeholder shall a I I I)OCAIISO OU ill 1. -.,— .
. within eighteen hours I There is never a (lay but tit t some-: worL i y ask atoll. It is unlikely,
I I I thatig'OtL 1.V1 1 14011 -%,cry protect
. . - '. tort e article - r at ook thn it is worth,
of the time.such disease iss known to ex- I thing call be sold -to somebody.. There' I I
, of such 'Col() -ad your advertiseltient to the Vi ims, and try this 'i GENIMAL IN therefore, that any of tile member.%
t is never a bargain but that some, one, -, dispCdIng Of your stock and Wier I r
iSt uOt,ify the head teacher I Over Your Old and F - 1 plan of SIMRANCICAGENT, , of the Clovernment will Ila at liberty
ols and also the secretary some place, would be especially plemed ' j. NV. WE STEUVE LT, - PtiliciPal. articles. I to participate in the joInt high com-
.School or scho ed Dresses,, Skirt% Wouses, ; " . --- I Wingbem. Ont.
of ,he local board of health, of the exist- I if they only knew df lts existence. The ' I -A truqtworth g,-ntlemau or lady J -- - . -- ? -1____-___. mission until late in the coming
. - jackets, Capes, Ribbons ' WANTED. ner.
. of .
ence of such disease; and no InAmbe ' rovince of advertising is to carry the, I I 11 (lie mana-a wgine,4H for an old i ... suinx .
hold shall attend schoul until ' nd Fe,-tt.her,; wid, Stu lish ouse. or so I financial standing. I J AS, HENDER801T, Wingham. Ont. The Globe's statement that Hon.
such house I bargain into the presence of the very per- . il i ne),-e. .wer. wcoals phospiioaino, stri lt t fide weekly cash salary of ; SZD AUCT16NUER 1,Mv.-ard Blake would lie loading
11 as been Obtained from the J$1 - cn 'I , ,. 'color each, ednesdaywith n1l ! LICIEN - I for Canada was verified yes-
goo-etificate, h , son who watits it and to make the thing Ft 0 , 1F 1% . I., — nreat lorwzkh RVArft- ot fr in headquarters. Money 1 counse
. 6.. 1 1 . axton -Lee. I
viedical be - i by finding tire one who Wants to buy. U I 0 , 4 Sold and recoinmended by till a—dvallc( for ex enseA nager, $40 C, - For the Countle-s nf Hurnn and Bn Sales lertlay. when it transpired that the
. alt1i officer, or legally quall I ft 111V I U N U Pi L # druggtstAin Canada. onlyreli- I g.,01 icago. I Of Parin Stock alla Implements a specialty. Preinfor had asked for his appoint-
ical practitioner, that infection 1 lIall . . I able'rneikellie I
Sed med . . d1scovered. Six ----,.-------- --------.---I All orders left at the VxEs office promptly inent. If ill(%, precedelit of the Ila-
no longer exists in. the house and that i Oiittor(-wnpackf,4.,(,E;ofDi-,itiiotill.Dyps '. I . kagev lywranteed to eArc A,ll I attentled to. Sea arbilvation is followed,
i foraks of Sexu I NVopkiless, all eilcots of abuse ! ring
clothing aind Pith andl,'Peint. intide. specially fill- 1101114 Use will lahke. i Terms reasonable.
t or excess, zlental Wo, ry, V
I +u. r.iek person, house, I ,xeeagve us- of To. JOB I . I there will be four Cauadian counsel.
-1 t .
. . I; have been disinfected to his Life isn't a spurt. but a long, steady . yonr old and faiwa gartneilts So urignt I biteco. Opium or.stinjulants. maiied. on e r I i.
-other effect i . and linnolsolne diat tboy vannot, be told I of price. one package $1, Six. $5. cpmwifl_ ZWM, t B. SCOTT, Brussels, Ont.
flutisfaction; and Until such certificate j climb. l2amphletS fMotOlInvaddreSq. ; F.
, froin new guodR. Diamond Dyes will 11"al"", 1PRINTING 4 L10FONBED AUCTIONBEn
: Who Wood. Comraft7w WilldsOri Oil& .
shall have been obtained, it shall be tile 1 A tactful mall can pull t%e stinger. color avy(hing. front ribb,ms tint) fpath- i
ry member of the househOldi I from a bee without getting string - r,rs to 010 bl'a,vieSt gilt"If"Its, 81161 o" I . wiwa-s Phugplionline 1swId'n Winglium. by i includin A to Panduct sales in this section.
n 33ooks, Pamnlilets, Po4ters Bill' I
duty Of eve A. L. Hamilton It A H As, q roulars, &e., k,4. exeouted in th`6 bwt I iigpl 11% , T ,"141
I reasonable 1 BeRuty is only skin deep, but that's dre.-ises. jackets, snawls &till itiens' (4oth- , Catlin A. Uattul)h( 'I, ts. . . I ea AtelktMlk glVen to sales Of farm VltOCIC
aud of the teacher to use. al ing. Thodirpoltiouson it .lipitel ag,etir(4,D4)u,itiss,lin(i.,,.E.D.tvi-t.1)rtiggig stv and baplements.
. le of the art, at moderate prices. and on
'deep enon0gh to Satisfy any rear.,oriable I I 4iort notic-e. ! J)tn;(-.-,i and Orders can always be arranged at
'eforts to prevent the j;AssociatiOn Of, I so Simple that .-ven it clit d cu It use Dia. , __ . I Boor_r%lNDrNG.-W6 UVL pleased to K111,01111ce i the TiME9 offle.e. Winghain.
. f ,aid household with othLT I mall. i the t any Books Or 1Qi.r4II,A
I inemberd 0 li,olld Dves with the ectrutillty of gettiTig , ,%as left %vi tit us for 1
.1$ ; - -es
children he penalty for uon-coTnPli- 1 Consider mrefully before you say a. as good'a color Hs eari to ut ade by the! ling, -will have 6'ar 1'rolli t attenti0ft 1 -- .1 I .
T IDPI4Z for Binding in nyly style w8l be givell till I ----'--' -----------
. iltace with the above act is a flue of not . hard word. but never let a chance to say prnfessional (Iyf,r. O! ! a pplication to 0 .
nore than MVY I . ; THE TIXES oriolcrl, .
a good one go by. Ilays- You vinrked n Dinniond Dyes I i
less than five dollars nor I I Mat or R air Pntteru? if flot. send Y;)Ilr , . _.. . NVIngliam., .. I
Remember that When you*re-rightTO-A v I . . I .—, ,
1181110 Owl addrpss to Tile 'Wells & Moll- I I . .. .. I . .I-
I detilitra, ; I N . i
- I - , can afford to keep yor.r temper. and thritl ftr(lew Co.. L'tuited, 260 N1,1111itstill St., . .,% I ' %4_`.., I
. L V". I
" L . L _ , _ i -ive I y; ( - 't . ,- xtm,allrwc i L -
1. I 1. I when you're ,wrong Sou eau t. altord to Montro. ill, P. Q , and you will reci( I'll I I I - ,
-----.,.. , -,. _ lose it, I tuall the noweso do-vigus in all 07" to So- i ".. Ni ," - 'P - L
I m .
l,t--t;*, lrom. 11 11 i
i . J zt .
. *You can trcst a w0man'ti IASMA On ' i -A I
- , . — fre =,% J,en Al I L
: VA . ; A . . %
L 1, everything except nieu; and it's mighty, V4&WPF tl, r. C, i - I
lucky that site slips up there a,- Nve'dr Novel Ground for Divorcc. I L_ L I , , 0", ! .. _$ . L
I Thi's Test i ,*Vmq ; , :
I I . . I I —
P P I pret nigh all be, bachelors. : The widow of a wealthy G.zruiail 4 1 , " - 0 f* 017% I I V. I
A I ' ".Dtts
U4 por tho App9lutmaont of 1% AX110
o , . bX400#
f 3111les-Itemolukioultmataied-1,
. Ilovis TliollUed Wboln,
Toronto,, Vell. 9. - 141io mining.
nVentioll Wa.9 ColitilloCki tit the
oard of Trade yosterdftYp until it
ought out a most 111tere-Aing dis-
Issiou of ill() (Ittestion of tho itdluls-
oil of Ijitunlillous coal from tile Uri -
ed. SLatcs free ot dut.v, dwing thei
tire the United -* tat<-Ii adIllitt4d Ca.-
adiall coal oil IM -0 terilis. % . .
1). T. A. Bell, 9LICIQLarY Of 00
Ining Illstitute,, Otta'NVA. Itt-J'A'd. thatt.
0 cojice, sloll be give), to 1hu Unit -
I States.
it. ll,cl ay said that Ontario wax
io buntler lro%inco In. (!allada in
mrillfactul,ing, and uticid wore coal
y lar thu.,, tile others, and the tax
11 American coal Increased tile cost,
I production all round. 114-1 tll0u;;ht-
lie arrangement should I)(- inatle. -
Jotines Coninee, AIX.P... also sitl),-
ortod, the resolution, which Was
arried bythe conventioll, urging tba
umillioll Govoinnient to Ql)t4ill:
-Om ti,c United ,4tates &in arrange-
nent for reciprocity ill Coal. .
The Ontario Government '-Vill QTSO
a asked to S,upport this reques
. N,
A resolution to the offect th. 11 ._
,inister of Alines Was now a nxlce -
9ity in the Ontario Cabillet WAS spp-
ported by Mr, Conmee and John Ate -
Nay. and opposed by *Slajor 1-,CckiO
There was cow4derable divergence of
Qlkiniou as to whether t1.18 lueeting
was representative enough to deragila
it., and Mr. .Bell, on the ground thar-
it was not, nioved tin adJournm5mtt.
It was lost, and 'M--ssrs. Pell, Cost
and Let Me left the room. The resolu-
tion passed.
it was also resolved and carried.
that the Province be di'vAded into
mining divisions, and ollicers be ap-
pointed, with powers to apportion
locations, and tc; possess PONvOr tO
them similar to that now exercise4i
by the inspectars of di,611,ions-
ved to ask for suf-
ficient transportation for t3ill milling
The Government will be asked that
ilia ComilliSsIolle" of Crown Lands:
'be empowered to sell to %%, cliscoveree
of valuable mineral ilia pine timber
at its true value on.such I mining 10-
caltion where the same hits not al-
ready boon sold by the Crown.
A deputation uppointed by 'the
convention waited oil the Premier
at five o'clock and pressed the abovei
subliects upon his attention.
The Preinier expre,sseclAilmVelf sit
being much obliged for the valuable
information the mining men 11ILd
bropght, him.
Vessels %N111 Itull l;et%ie0n 1tottevila"L
and Montreal.
London, Feb. 19.-Thoniaq Ilonald-
son Co. of 11otterdilin announce that
tbey have concluded arrangemotibq
with Win. Peter."n or Neweastle-on-
']'File to run a I'Llgillar lille of stereat-
ors, under the title, Caliuctian, oceiiii
Triland line, between Itultertiam and
Montreal. The vessvl.% will call at,
Quebee, When they Iiii-to SulnciefiL
d.argo, and will take goods Ott
hrough bills of lacling to ;ill inter-
ior points in Canada. Tht- first stlW-
ing from Rotterdam Will '.,a onAp-
ril 15th. .
. I . 1.
I .
%Tever threatoll. because a tlirer.t is a laudowupr, who inarried air impoverish- 1Q.A 0)0 , 1 A. ', - .1 ', i 111AZU Concession to Flodi (Ompawky.
To Vour Nerves I . , I 'A Dir'SICANG I I I f1r,
: . ,promise to pay that isn't nlwgm; con- - e,l count, has obtained,% legal sep,iration , I ("0P-yrmH1.q etc. , 11 . Toronto, Vol), -no, ,,%tarlttolt
, A Christna'as Gift Of * mwotisk momp, a p-,otal ana dmerzril n n-ol 15r:, leish Cop -apitalizod at $40,-
t StU4 tbe a eympteffis. -they, are for venient to meet, but it you dOn't make, af Or three wopk,j of niartirtgo oll tho . qnIcIcIly. ,,,4eo , I , pariv, (
. rtala ,),it, t+wion free * -110T Oil I I
- i , I . %0 _ _ (100, have been granted twOmty-y6ar
: lance. You may tot bave tbelll a a, utinost smfisfaction to . Ipvtknttor, vi ProliAbIVgLtP1ftI'1A- f`t)h1n1%`nlr4 I - I
yftr pil! nov,el I ,-round that her husband wf,ar. 11stA1101YO10"doli..
it goo(I it burts your credit, I I al TIAl'it-nkor pittelitt . I - eoncesActris on lIfanitou LaRe, and
idl but if yon , hoth 'giver and reC-INZI!t I lit Isic"11" .,.,,,,,,r,v'fpr vor.uripp-putonts.
. bave ally Of them YOlat ner- i less, than the other fellow and R8- wig. She received,sneiii a Fliock at tile .: - tfrtiv. oil!(, . . _ 91- .. W-N&V Manitoulin Island. Their eateli i.q
till is,rtot iop to the wsqk, and zi I Say . I I 11,%teat-,q I Alien thr(.%1A,b A U, 11 " to, UCCIV4
*Out systl : L , '6 It
I -_. 13: Aft Eiifetvttl V4it:n4 1 speRal itiVeri V711,11out,016M. in, t 0 1 -
*do fttra ex nditurt of tervt fette =Ay I ten more than yon talk. for whein, a.,gight of Ilia balil head that she torik a C , ; IRMO i Tur . 1111lited to 200 tolls tit(. f:rst 3reaf,
_ . v -d PIAW Of thr, IXAOIAON
Udog tba dXfut downfall. i trital's liste'Ll'Aig lie im-It telling on him- v,,oleur autipathy to bim, -.%till lipp-Aaled - vincil .-Script... I .4 and tint more than 400 ton- In aity
I , ." V.1 FINIA. 1
1 14i or&j)ce of mat jon, mise and mg,rit : P - ; 4W 1 succel,ding yetir. The,v itro bound to
T,Wftr.tng of the musclet of the fact, Alld 061f and bo,'r, :aattering the felloW -who, tot tile nourt for % sopfiratioll. plowdillr too ch*lceki Y'k,ting , . Abandanilirl7lllil"tr'ttedw(,Pltlr. TAItize-itoir
. - "' tInlenle.... I .
1. . it .. Citeds printod fraiii : VdIdt-1611 Of 1MV i4"Q' 101' ' '-1'""' 70N" 8 I establish a batchery and to depogit,
. t the platei . ,Vpp I a, no
ty4cis; fltiguirag tleep, .,;;dde,A siart,,ro . is. titat it she had known the Count wore I . I - .r.foar.,"c,ralti fl. bol-I'vY1311,no , nlere is v ted dirference iomoo,000 fry of trout, whitefish
I - di7liftss And : M,jrtiagep intly be :.-Lade it) heavers but! wig she never would lia-.e inorriptl him A Vne SAtt Ltather 0,1110wity. Nqw Yori !t and pialt(Irol in the lahe. They will
, I , Visiting Card cat , I'll., . 11 !__t . " 4
#Ad 36rhings of the limbs : M101114 & CIO Ill "
-b" Of light before the ejes; irritability ! at; valid. I nt.-, - . iri the stvleand fit of PallitS WC- pay a graded seale of rentals.
ir Tlv -I t- held that tit 1110A w i - : ___ ,
I o" %tort cligagerilents art matte m the bae vlgt. - 6 , .
. ..
**d mt1oftomS. in &try patt Of tbO b6dy ; , gets 110 low that a formy . I : -- We senti 4hese eoin. , _ — . , amounting to $1,500 for the first
qio"Jetlirgrofvmxvilaets ;)arloir With tht A I :_ 'for tho set-ond'yo!&r.
, -
hoWkebe, in0get in &6 - , I RAILWAY TIRE TAtILES. ! inake that always bringg peo- year, $2,000 for t,h*
" dwwstsiot'snd lost 44 i4iftftt , daseh* f, Tea' !Y 90 A W., cart' 100k at whilt " Won -tan. olete to any addtess. " . $3,000 for the third, 11 4 ,()(1(LI
. , . ptep&yind delivery I I i
&SWIll cf I., to, , Ila'& taldlig. I-WIt, . ! ll,&V J) TRUXX AAIV%VAY SYSTInf. ple back for another pair. fourth tind $5,000 for tl e ,1th and
1*ntAltrreC(rAerV@ . I I -1 . I., TiLlik pr-Aee, (it least, is Illille. tt I I
9b tong sithe d0y 0 " - . I J,hst If gho wiligtand or tilt, I charges, for $3.00. G, I eath 'subsequent year.
% at than the dai:y itcOlile', . I U MnAINS Lr.tvtl r014 q
I n - Cvluruptcy is certain % lr&alt ,o A qUv,t,%VofldWg t- * T,dac,3 last Wed- ()r'..ome orgo. I MIMI Stiltilitt. 11 wr;le too flor dewtatilotoe. I I fontlx't .................. (;.r,o Ran .... 8.10P.M. i . .
;_;_Pk_Z. ', I Toronto & ra4 ..0 6.3m. (l.ri'l, A.m.... ,; ospan, !
.V )illar. ;etvll (,tree ni-4tt be t nescisy it- t'qe home, of Mr. xvd Virs. A. Not I tint I want, it so, or Wonl,l It Will Itelluat.-It 'you %V1411 i 'If.. Xemon Cro1w Wiled.
bd~ ( , -mild. - dftds of now itkit, We mall it ! Xinoar(jille..11.10 a.m ... 1,40 1) In — ,Q.39P.M. .i Then there is the w price
, ,jq4 X "ontrol her wishod,t it I I Al"IttIVE FROX
U'd 1* IVI 6112* '-w V.h,.r I . I Tios Angeles, Cal., FOL. 1().-Th(-
ga Wit C" ;S 1Net*6 " , thp-'r Iiii.r(I dfiugl%ter Id (if J Ut tllal ill all things. work or Ott reoml, i , Al U.M1 i
1 y " use of lit. CbW iila:r- . FtneAr4ine .... 0.50 tiall., fi'm a.m.... 3
I 14-
I . I 46 i London .......... ....... 11.10 A.1 , A ... - ,P) 11.111. " an if
Wowillft it cogtahm irk WtIcettrittd 'Annie. War. "-*Iqel i" ','110 3101Y 1)(M-36 41i, woullifift's tic -Ind, u) have her way. I d better quality or cloth put: eOld wave wl ('11 haLz w "AePt OvI
croft , I. $;10's Ilot h ri D vvgtort ... 11-10 (Alyd' or muthorn Californirt during th&
, - , " eleni,018 of tAturb vt:tb lllfttr mon,v to Mr. 1".1-woX41 H. I'll , I.,10,11,1ble to I,JWs; Ry e &.0"g. Irnift, .......... 1.40 ran - PAA 1-M. Milli or tl%e da s, hringil);r
0 Torouto 4: ED, t Whighani.
I ft,rin "eT,.o,!1 energy 0,13 ,V,lluIeOuv#.:r. 1:1. ( . Mips 12,1rill, Stait stl..reet, 1*,I,*-:tart---.Ikit-ause—li(,.(.t.rse—l)tc"l 0(g. . fl. Ifik'116VI), Agent, , Ill them--cloth that wears 11"t
I Va . ' ____ '--'----''-'- _ _ ---'- - ' I , . Jewtsert, -- silow rind trost, i:4 brour ,, In eer
1, I ,;= bVI, *11, dwitt-0 at lidz"*- Ut I 0.1 1'riammCd, Avb--Ie 39r. NVID. TIA0141- - - __ " . ON Yonits tit Alt'it1s VS.. . I -1AV q rACIVIC RAILWA *t'- . ! Sou our new gyoods and prices, i toil, lovalitim , tile '011tile 11VU10A er
'I,' 'jj e ptrA)II, -A tie ,.rj.lIt1)nv Wj_*.N lI-FATTI*'1'fi P1141140X To TUAV- ( I ADIA'. -Ot*
, ' '
Co.. Tatrordo, I I %,j TRAIN41 MATZ VOU eillod. It is con.t;r,rx at iv(113?. "-
fr"rnn - ,
"" toll fkodf.te . ' i - ' % I Gun it- . Taranz*. I I , tf find lk.jt........ (l.t. s.ni.... .q.43 P.m. , I waq h
# !*& .a, A. V vrels, pprform 4 b, -.1--.,. Win. t1tAV4 01 "' "" "'ll "'Attallbil;shoo"11111""" 41 fo * ' I '
, *U,?p i .t Ve .,,#,.-i iiaiit,itki;it,t,*i-i! -. Tsisi-al , Ift I
I Aft, S .l, I oil i IA,._i,* "I,V. ,4s! L r.1111!1 .,JIJJ . , I I Tt!% P,xitt tiV .............. 1-l7V-0l-l0,4:1'P- 1-:t I linutted that the lo -ti will vit. botwem%
, " . I I I - I
. ,J,t.N a 't(all . J.%J1,1114ts.
I I 'h 10, - , _ - I 6 I i d twenty per etht. of the &I -
IM W US wilk hftz_ 'A ho, vc)'., T, ,Otplo, keft . , Allytivil l"ROU
I VV).10 a%; r I;: ,,'Is f3- mid q-*ot.r,-t fill- -, LL T++q %4.`,T .111..
,, I' . ,V for their fliture ?,larh' " I . -
the, .,tr&x.wFr11r - I1,t-,-:rw .,I(-- . . . ^ter... .Afi, itan ....
, F Toron-o-titl PA0 .. - 11" Ihla --10.411 p in. tile crop, .
. , -* h ,)* lit, tho,,,twt "_#,h Witt w r#,# , f,r is "21t o 1)"6ktt""' 1""'! ""' ' - . 9 . , & IBS ER' & 00 i 1 c'n "t 1 ..... .
1 A , ,,...!?I, is- 11 %%I-Idwr. 141,svlard 11mlif'. ",:J. 4T. R. MUER, Altera, willgluthl. WE'
''Orly* POGO A0MIJt..-1VerWXttr%4#W*- - .
I ,""Ii -lt,- ,.- t,,Ctlii.xl:o, I
1, ,,,,, l-----.-..-,. -- ,--,--.- . ,-.----,-,-. ,, --------------- ,,,, —MANamwaW.Mada - - — _. __________.1__-11r. 111--l-1-1-1 - _. -,-.-,,.
.. 1, __ __ ... .. .... __... . . .
F— -1
0 )