HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-02-12, Page 74 \ Tft WINGIUM T1101 B UARY 5,s 1903. _ _ __ ..._. N .. .-'_.... -- - ...-. ..: ...... _ ,:-- :_ ..,,y -Y _.:z.- .._. _ . .__..-. eL.. _ �`� MA L • . . A . # . • ♦ \ ltAl"r �Utl onkt sse re live alga . - . I MAYN'T TME MP1b,G•�A.i« • ® ";+ieter have Ilrtlr 'a otit`t the mall in What shrixl, your woolans 1. r 1 • l p3"1X ut lel he teru� tteou"Jua �d 111 1 vrtry k amrt lsata :µ1a to t' attXa aaamaF- r ' �p�h (Ids }1()�� Wear SO Sf�UII ulrlala (lasgrnct+ tivltbltaAt ,lata r tr,t.t pAlysllcrs he d14 -the pnla('ra that pliutd ► You used. , t.t�lnmon soap. t him. bound bard :wird Ala, at your feet cure, ref? ltrleraptra. ,%WOMAN"a" SAKE i -but iter mei" re#a1tPd Ssritt. A� Washington, ton '• -.,very 'Laort • • " „ "ife (1101 sign ,beat; that's all I (•are ,fall eine, dada by the represeiatatives e * gt; tit * * 1k itr C4n�idrr,' said S(^r'a'yton, 'tvlttt a ( of thet allies here+ to secure an eArly T*}� Shrug. "'Take my adtic•i', llritt. and •F;ettletncnt of 1l -t) ltcnezughin disputa $IN IGIRTQ S..eQi!jY11=t.Se .... Ire's have u0 Inure of, tbilt kt0ili(cuse. without t'eflraiug;, -it to ']'be Hague. "•• $X MR.-.. _ ;S You're my serxaut, and vutfre well � 111 this cllolt the Italian sand Brit- '' �t r » Woman t K1kVF,$ j paSd. As fere the fairlu, I'll 0ttit that lbkt Ambassadors and the (ter:n>in i'` A4t,thov of A Womm s Leven �' R 0 I plumfsed to come to some arrange- Minister are, receiving the cordial ap- Womantt 11li t' 14tal $int'' Etc.,, Etc• went with, you wheat tlic, tcaa,nt who proval of the Government of the ,n EXP' X1gtsE savecedod <loo(deve left•, but as he has TJnited States. %,.j..,:. ' ./.��• •�; •�• •�, iN>!a for tll!{tt UCilRgpn l;tl;, sta5 1'enetl'el1 the lease only $'b^ord,ty for '1'h0 British Alnbatsador and the �!'�; �. a;�,.! !�'!�".�i .' .�,•1�,. �� attutlt(•r seven years, the z,tttttot"'N ,111, gelluAtt lllin[stc=a llav(t cal)Ieaj their ~ ' '"- `- as far as you're eoucerned, find there's Governments that 31;r. Ilowcu bats #I. i heart you are breaking, (tear,'• all end of it." pressed his :willingness to give the tlnd #lie .old ste\vnrd,. by whom he linll Mand luade no answer, but ,wept on. ' Allies a f readily agreed to. this. it heel, dismissed.. a "The d I 'e er -atial t:4ltti3. nt for threw t I)sisy very late dark cloud lel passing; naw. f� 1'eruhilil (vitt. Litre had pimPtttaf(1 woe, Silas wish and it \vas Silas' father i'erulani Grit,, who, upon the prtl3- l r,rry ,word of the Above hpeech with months fit order that they maty has already panted away. It is Cyi;1 flee prttlluife on the desk, ghtllPed ail elnergo front the .Controversy ,without who was. In danger, Dairy required to ciple of set a Wet. to catch a 'thief, was who brings the g;upd netts go • ! injury to their hetet'. I ItnOw 110 more• She quickly paCked fitted to be a judge In such luatters. . e into Ills emp yet a face, with it IP,ok r r yr tot et answered :awa . lit the basket the remaandea of had pronounced Laulcs as a "born F 1 •" "What news, which had nit It nolther ungwr nor sur- The allies ba 1 y ].Richard's weal with various tooths0itle-sldnking;, powerful, Cra\tling creatuir; "11avr> yon »trin}ath--have ?'utt cnar- I prise, If any one thoroughly knew these reliresrntation�. rl 'ma t '••additions, to \\<hieh n Uotle of spirits w,hlt ryes Llutt pec rad every\there, and meal to h(,u it :, �'_ ; Daniel Scz;ttion, it tens 1 retilrrut llritt. It is considered that, the as n was lidllecl. by (oodP\e's own desire, ears that listened to everything, What nets. Where is Cyril, It { Scoundrels botli, they each held their nations Will 5ufftr tai• more than L "It will do me no harm." he said, for Glance, and that evil. fortune whtell was llund'» turn nate• to eh:vp her at.ut» ' card», find l,larerl them carefully and Venezuela if the Washing nogoti- -'he saw a shade conte over this sun's face . Fccn2ed never tiring in its pursult .of h,uulI tutu (.(peat her question i� a: t, snspiebiltsb•, satisfied there would be atots fail. ars he licard this last request. "'There Ss 11h,bard Goo.dewe, ,had Caused this utnn and nbsalil. • I eheatittg on both sides. „R.(• have proofs, positive pro„f», o' I ,.You'll filed there's not fill en,l to it," CHANGE TONVARDS COLONIES. itlo Prtr of my losing my hand then to be in the neighborhood of Silas' cot' lfr, Oru,sby8 coulpleke in:tuct!.,r•`. I sad the ex•attornry, with great cabn- tthought and action are reriuired; but, Cage, when, the latter, accompanied by ---- I;whPn nate Clark fit is upon Inc. if 1 (lid 111s father, quitted it. Sud, ucv)A though he balanrecl lite penknife Sentiment in Tucir a•avor Grows lit Old not drink I should go mad. It is Silas. of Course, was n ell knot n to llFlu(1's 11011(s. already so n t..)ly he .held between his f4nger and tbunlb. Lnslanti. .t+trength I seek, not oblivion:' sten stood of e.�tiainod, gavot way'. h(L strength r It London I� eb. , Lord Onslow de- Danks, but though his old met as J'( �i::Y •• a strong dewire to launch ' .- Thal was satflel dnxan Dntsy's ab- t3rr•.Y Y1:IPtd her; rata srpttulrut, ret• -t it tit ]i:» patron's lu:u1, "You're ttn- ' g :►with his Pace turned towards the tree ,with a groat c•ry, v,he fell lim,c faint;• ,., pire d all address at a IlEdin IJtn- sence, from the room; !tud she wits not behind which the spy wits eolletaled, is itt'flll• lir, efe,:lf tUIl; •afill ill�:alt•'tlille' pil'U LeA(�rUU 1211'ethlg in I!'.dLtbul'�h. anany minutes away, for she and Silas the latter was far from recognizing him Upon her gi EVUow. ,aur' pr(A(' (.yell» is a. th;llg I dckrsti" IIe said that repres;:ntatives of the mati41 aK aur etul.c. the pratcetlen OP a •,beth knew that the whole hottse.tal4 till he spoke. 'Phis ol.vrrvaken appeared to tickle' colonies, who tract been in this conn- , yt.:ud'utu aug Pl. 11 ItPn »he 1ec•u\,'• , ri ' ThiniPl Serattan ,aniazingly> but he said try, had recd p •would won. be stirring. Then, her pre- "That sear Stns made by the riding recognized that the• dis em - h Ili- iottsneF»..`vett lei o re tf was icl«'(l 1u,th'ug . :«ld ha» cnuY ,anion te,:nd ell tion of our national foires, as stein- r,arautious conit)letrd, she cloud aucl whip of Six Iingh Willoughby. Ind-• d } l in^ by 1',r Utt.ti.uP, Iter hand pres,t.•i ' wutebctd thRm as they passed s\t•iftly r1}lel indeed, I was sorely tempted, and �' • i Suite calmly, zutcl with no outward ed best,. could only be settled from ," , to L:s Ells, of temper. the heart of the L'ui rate Lcodon, af- ,:dand silently out of the house. 11,«1 much to hexa'. _� � I • ' On the threshold Iticha d paused,and 'these+ \wer6 the words heard by CHAI'1'1.It `;LV. "You ruined Richard Goo+lewe, by ter consultation and consideration jtt)riled (ottatds her• Jtag;er Danks, as be peered out from �,A' � furninhiu„ ine, your agent. with vop.es with representatives of the colonies. r.� )r: Nl:vl:r. :cul,:(. "Ileavfin bless you, my pretty wench:" behind tate tree through a quantity of rwo OF A 9 ' of all kinds of private doettillmtts, in : Lord Onslow reftrred to Itight Hon. be snicl; ,,for you have :t good heart• undergrowth, ivIifeh made alt effectual "'y`'ben you van chow me such pro. the (aline of accounts, low p iw-,s, etc., Joseph Chamberlain fit the very high- `.wind IIP, ye . will bless you a long as _ scree between stint and the speaker. Ila •» Ili writing, PI}•. llritt I will fid- upon -,vIISch 'lIP hail asked your advice est ,pelts as the nils, statesman who i t l s b n 1 »e l e l i;yon ]crop it innocent find pure, be. kind If the face of Richard Goocleve, par- n1 t their value. Xuu are it lawyer, ,Intl as a frirad• You, llay4ag mastero(f lite had commanded. the confidence of the !-,to Silas" -mrd, after glaneing over his 41:111y hidden as it wits by a thiels beard, ought to }ahoy that any tribal pr„111i,se. particulars of all his host seeiet affairs, LP:mpire. IIe contrasted the opinion clioaldrr at bis von, ,who had moved on, had Changed, the voice was the same, without witnesses, goes for notlh:ug- n thrust Binh into the spider's yob pro- enunciated by I'r(,f. (.oIdwin Smith tie sunk his voice into a whisper -"for and the reeoguition \las complete. law.” pared for him, I represented the spider, and others that Great Britain would there are great trials to store for him. So instantaneous and sudden was this •fhus spoke Squire Stratton, as, ira`- but the real X. Y. G. was vou." be better without the colonies with r.„ - traced the .. , , 1 opinion f to da • and tt. Ileo 1 no •I You lore ],lin, and he will need all your recognition, tU:tL ,lie spy was very near ed in the scantily furnished rr out, \Lilt ch � l� 1' ,• growth of the Chane to feeling to tenderness send rate. Heaven help you' revealing Ills presence by ,t cry of he cillled the "Library:' he dil,ierly pick I.efurc quitittg; England, I.ach:trd t f; g and i':Iscttrlli" mingled fear and astonishment, ,for ed alis teeth. Goodevr• swore that, if 10 life was I frequent int +lcllang0 of -ideas bo- I Then, without appearing to have seen Silas, when gnesti0tied upon the *abject. "Nothing .in law -granted; but be- »pelted, he would pay bade with inlerest, ; Colon the mother country and the tette little hand \,•hieh the wondering Irl had always • spoken of his father t = the heavy debt he owed X. Y. Z. He ecllonies• fi t\t eel, ;;entIcu«'n?' I I ord Balfour n esided at the meet- 'had extended to hili, Itichard Guodeve dead. "Notw, look her, Gritt, ,we've l:no\w1, ward uu animosity against tie, for I told I Ing. I :•tinned atway,niid strode quickly after The spy (lid nit succeed in recovering each other for I ,won't saty ]low many I'll" fr:ulkly that 1 was but nascrvant, Ills son. They strnek off into a bypath, the proper use of his faeultics till •,'ears, but I never heard you make so curd ae:P(], as in duty bound, in the in .st screened by tre- •I,, to place ,hent s'1me furtlier words Lad been spOkPa I foolish a speech as that. Do you re- terest of the man who paid me my I NEWFOUNDLAND LEOISLATL'RE. , • t i 1� i "i -::..- � THA)r � r i I �. 11 etaWCPrcparatt a �111estamcbsaiKzowe or «r-r*sQf 1. 1-11___ ` omotes'Di • estinn,ClleeTfi11- . n sand' stt..Containsneither * " Q lutn,Moc bine a<locMinei,al. il IS QN ' VOT NANCOTIC. 1. Jac( ar0rdXrX11,'6'.�PITCffR L s . . .. ;Ptnr.�, , Srml- RPAWeS.Tu- or EVERY i w1„irc Sc.d Jlpper�44u,t - Ri t2rn4aaa¢.f.,&, 7*7nXCCd- B0TrXT.M. Clriucd Gu�vr MGvyre— FialW. A erfect Remedyfor Consti a tion, Sour 5totnch,Diarrhoea, orms,Convulsions,t'everishCAS7- eh tress andLoss ter SLEEP I _ - I A I I' ?acsimile Signature of I Raw "YORK. ' pastoris is pat up is one-sko bottles only, Ii i . ! : is not sold to ,balk. Don't e'lovl naVns do 1ilelt. ! you anythlns elao on the plea or premise t -sat It 1 e is `t; fist as good ll and linin antwev eva' per• , pose," -'Q -Lice thea you got 0-A-$+,'i',o-3 A. 'Silo fao- EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. ai-i� r � � -oz alsa:t re c , a +e7 ,r4 �. :,,,:...,,_ .<,,,,, '•df � rt•ta-ger. ummwlf,i9•�1��'*d, '�7 - . v.. a <• he8_ , . I`J::r T -__ Mgm I;Mlmost immediately pont of view of the between fattier and son, which words he 'member where I found you?" ,wages. Ile admitted the plea, but took i — 2100sr. did not hc,ir. !, i 'IYoti re not the mail to let me forget an Guth, vVIIIel}, if living, Ile will not Governor Moyle 'Mill Visit WashinatonGreat i• Silas ]rd the sway, silent, cad, and Then they both passed oil Sn silcn^e, `it. If there is a Wilt on a ulatn's escut- be the nett to break." d I Before It opens. thoaig;btfal: and Richard Gordeve, alwo or speni iligr in tones so lots that tl«'v cheon, leave you alone to point it out." ,Setattou s tcmptl etas e\, eat y r.s!t.,,. St. Johns, Nd., :l�eb. 5, -Tito Col - 1 tion•,, t'PKsei ll;sa}ppour, lost to gloou'y thoughts, followed some failed to reach the ears of .)It% Danks. IIA bot oil what'.," efintinued his em- i )'herr' ,was al voum}ons, snake -like onia2l Legislature will meet February ((allele piece as I)aniel ,S'eratton,' retorted • vatees behind. SnOdcnly, as they near- I•Ie -watched the two figures as they pinyer, "Your escutcheon, indeed: -a look in lits .eyes, as, plucking n•t his 191 hempluted byllr. Z'Prnlam I,ratt, it •is , - . - • •j_ -I 'Alt Cosa y to e•xi)1ain that till' it ed the Beath. Silits felt ]lis fat41Pr' .rlisctppe;tred in tite direction Of the hit of sheep -skin scribbled over and I cl?iu-tuft, die luuked savagely at his sub- The Governor, Sir Cavendish muuliu:a rent. You also- -„ , • "Now, ! hand ]:till niton his arm. IIe turned, heath; and then, after turning Lite mat- over i)ith the -sharpest of steel .pens. I ordinate. I Boyle, 'who is expected to arrive at nwrkllOnsc!" I ^,fid saw that his cheeks were wet with ter well over 'n his mind, resolved tip0a Now,it's no good your mounting the I "Is it that You threaten me, blister -New York from I+.ngland within a all American \ es: el, note out sixty- i i•triurs, laying the iwl.d't(, business before lir. high horse with ane. «•lien I found yon G".. ." thly or two on the White Star Line `lucre was son«•rhing of the lien,, there I . "Siiav," he said, wish bis voScP sings• �'ernlum Gritt, to tt hent, \vitls ihslt f9eling otut, y -oil were crouching; over sone I "I ash that justice should be dont+ to me."said the Other, mildly, but with steamer Oceanic, will possibly run I , , I lar1Y srntir by cntnp;trison ,with 111) harsh do re- ry,npnthetic tellich ane •ruga( sometines has for another, he looked coals in A garret. t found you n mire rat, and I made a man of you, I eyes that also meant misel}ief• down to l�ashington before coining to St. Johns, to puy a visit to Am- I usual tones-"fiilas, you i•tnt•mber that s^iir you saw upon my to, not only as a patron, but its a conn- starving and this is your gratitude!" "A few yards of rope would satisfy "It's bassador Herbert. , Cradle, nY the' future inan. �\"ben I quit- , I Trace ,when I took the letter from you velar, I .)ud did I du nothing for yon, rsl:- that request," said Stratton. The object of this visit -will be to lorghby family, and now the fnetcltum I • in the Sllvery Wood? That ficar was Leaving this creature of clay bit,;-,,, at , ed the attorney. "You wauted a cr,'n- tricky for yntt the world doesn't know learn the presant status and pros , biiviii; done so. „ „ . made hy'the riding whip of Sir Hugh his dirty won't,, we take :1 long breath ture to do Sour dirty work, and for the r t ri � the fall extent (if You uP ts, peets of the Monet-Ilay treaty, so i 1 i willong-liby. 111dPed, and indeed. I way of relief, as \we find ourselves in a purer I cltrtadnty of three.meals a clay, and some , "A31d \\`stat if illC trol']d knew the it til that the Governor nifty fanlflaarizo 1 snarly trntptPd :end Tutd mach to bear'" atmosphere. I eltsit at the week's end, I dill it. Yes, I ('.Ment of yotu•s'?" asked the other, his himself with the course of action i "He lashed sun'." Determined to remain faithful to the I I I did St; blit iC}fell yUn Pound I'd n head, i ,white jigs trembling with a passion ht' "I likely to be adopted respecting the C "As a cdytrur(] lnslu•c a do ." s exacted b • Silas thin it* part pledge exs cr y part : as well as an appetite, and that I could 1 cuttld no li)ut;er suppress. ctnlid tell future relations of Newfoundland and I I There Was a silence, mitt Pilch gazed i the Twitter s confPs eioa sli0uld l,e made r suggest as well as execute. you put something." <.,:,, the United ��tatrs. • yon nr(ll;iked lilt• the f:trm. w'.tich. but for -into the other's face. of public uutSl the time hP hall stipulated i ' me hl a very different pooition; and Tl2t only effect produced cl this threat I „ I 'then, i„ the sono' low, pleading tone, 1; for had expire(], C':erdl Ormsby, never- P as I worked the geese that laid you the: ra wns_ to itmrPas(I titfnire l;crattou'S :113grr, ASHORE OFF BURABORG REEF. _ 1ticthlrtl Goodeve slwke timtin. theles., has to visit Oalc\woods; gulden eggs, you prmnised isr that I "0121 :tis wane to threats, has it? ynt}'t'e nrl1 yuan t>tintl, Crowd. ` "�4Uat hope lot me Of 7iravrli s turd, after having elicited from Aunt ( , should have my :hare of the piundc!r in '31.r. its lir. Grttt, it's time 1 gas :I tt'c>r( Confirmation of the Wreck of the French t lin" ey, when my own still rPiasP» me (!ordy the satiny promise lie had tacitly the long; run." "I'lunder's hard and fool- gait you of fit t«', You hate received y c,(lr Lary litu•(lote Van Stabel. •tos•gi\ eness here', upon this Pa rth? ` 'lh<rP camp no answer, in tynrds•" to git en, proceedod to relate to her the astoun,liu ntorr he had heard. g) ; a word, a asap at,e, between you and me," said the quarterly, there Ss no written itgree• have London, Feb. 5. -The report re- ceiceci here Tuesday front Bayhead I this appeal, but its tyt leave them possible, -without d;ulger, to 1 Wits it l o I untuoved Mr. Scratton. still picking Ills ! 'swinging utcnt between us; so when you I � that the large wrecked sta 3d,ing, On hP reen turf beneath the t s t fi ::sjyrending I f ho hopes which n11p:u't a portion u t i , teeth, and his leg over the Chair arm. "Haven't I made you my .luade nit your :recounts„ shall pay vow aI gtiartcr'S salami in advance, and dis- ! assb b t 1t Duraborg 12eef was Uelio\ed to he 1 braue•hes of a tree, illO wan I ]tart possessed them to :Mand: pease with your scrt;iccs her? aftc Y', You the French barque Van Stabel, which 1 I derer'v \rPitry be ul is resting; ell the This was. the (lilt" it \t 1111.11 agitate] steward -sty man of nil work -do :\n `halve saved money I tenor,•: and it matt I sailed froin Glasgow January 17 for lbreast cif his weeping sou. both minds; find lifter n2ue2h IwNitati in here? Wily, all the chagts I've over , tt ho has s4twPd money, is :tltwaY»= tea San Francisco, is confirmed. Thirty CH.=1, IZ 1LIN • on the part of Miss Fnucrnut, she ens- .crated that Cvril should see Baud. known if, suPb positiou have generally „ i \else to imperil his own position by tit- , pet sons who were on board are { thought to have been drowned. Clecatring Sale OF ALL WINTER GOODS DL RIN s FEBRUARY AT AND LESS THAN COST!!! i 1C8 w;l d iti Are determined to clear out everything in Winter Goods f pr . . o ,r., Not fail to see the bargains we are giving N NIEN'S, BOYS' AND LADIES' LNDERCLOTUING N MEN'S AND BOYS' OVERCOATS AND PEA JACKXTS N MEN'S AND LADIES' FUR COATS AND CAPI'�S 2 MEN'S ANL` LADIES' FUR CAIS, C01.LARETTES and 1111 -FFS. N MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS, ODD PANTS AND VESTS - -' J ti' AI.L-WOOL BLANIdE'rS AND DRE3B GOODS * Ladies' Cloth "Jackets at 50z on the dollar. . I,NINIESSE BARGAI\S Iv CARPIsrs-30 ends Tapestry, Wool and I_ttio'rl Carpet to be sold at 25 per cent. less than cost price. Great slaughter in &ten's Hath, Boots and Rubber Goods. , it' GROCERIES. -1.1 bars good Slap, 23c. A full stock oa rresh Cxroceries at •lowest prices. AIU:7T CURDY FINDS OUT TITP BEST DOCTOR. Cho .had entered heir nioeev c fool)', and after closing the door behind her. ap. ''')711,: U1tt • 1'1Cbltt' than theft Illil»tl!1•s• I "dot if their masters bad Iron of the talf1C 1117: it pnwPl'flll CI1Cn1y. I3P�I.,J», i who w()l:ld believe the word of ex-nt- 1 tion•,, t'PKsei ll;sa}ppour, I TitsIO Wing shin \wadi t stripped off sooner 01 Inter hTrading t, , 1t11(]t`rstand tilt lila»t('1'-»17'C,kP COs- I ((allele piece as I)aniel ,S'eratton,' retorted ! toravy (;Pitt, ,whom I picked out of the Bard tl ly Tower. to (3011 , , S _ "You've been reading?.. "YeS." ,roll fa17t1 that U}7[•P Lia:. I2iCliatrd (±UUdttwt''», hempluted byllr. Z'Prnlam I,ratt, it •is , - . - • •j_ -I 'Alt Cosa y to e•xi)1ain that till' it i'rn:lchc<} the bell nn.tipaor• �. ,iu1 :ihC Fjk)1(e' 111 fl R'hisp(r, 111.L _ I , i , 1 the rPi1e11l�ll� dCPellllal)t. • Uil y(' Oftril I said I could»]alll a 114.1; but 110 f1P:1 R':ts 1, It i•ttt(,r, whCn oppOscrl to that of l,:triiel :`t'I'atton, Esquire, of `Ci':litt I, San Francisco, Feb. 5. -The' i stCalt,C1' Alameda, which Arl'iyCd hCl'C r SUCCC:S!.iQr$ to T. A. 1�71LI_S. 1tlon1.11 engagenlPut (attired into at the lwho ryas re.16111t, propped tip ty P}' Pyer-gro\•,l, nit your -estate that iht, II'ork•?", yesterday hole Honolulu, reports hawing; during;( sterin on the •"Ilog and I/11(.10 took place on the lows, heard her, and replied -at ui)c.•e• "1 haltcli t dear ,tint: I can't shin \wadi t stripped off sooner 01 Inter The triumphant, sneer with which thd. seen a I ni l,.t of Jan. 30, the distress signal mfterna,n. of the day wi'irh s:i\v III -It- (luodeve :Incl his ,,on on their way slept, s'.PPp," by you, the lord and master. When I came down here, 1 promised me the lust ,wards ,were uttered were rPspnncl:'d b � to by nuc t::tt was equally contenij'ttr of a square rigger, in Iess than ten ' I Bard tl ly Tower. to (3011 , , S _ "You've been reading?.. "YeS." ,roll fa17t1 that U}7[•P Lia:. I2iCliatrd (±UUdttwt''», ulinutm the square rigger had dis- UnF. appeared. nllFl It I$ 1Je'1lewCd it n1a5t 1 • Mankind 0+(.711,. in itself to cam print' blit lc c 1 "Always t1tP Sator> hno]c:' Anil the I with all he land adjoining. at a merely \ln # y 'at' London rltfter. Os you etill it is Ihr g f I attye I ten sn•allou•ed up in t.ilc sea. , , ;till the varieties of charaetel' to 1 r r I aunt tools ill) the volume lying upon her muuliu:a rent. You also- -„ , • "Now, at leapt as respectable as the C;atfard ,t is thought. here that the disaUlecl fevuud hl the brute ert'atinn, iroul the I t �1nr of fine Watertown, N. Y„ district. tion for the ' i fixed for July 11, Bisley. iIntolerance look here, Uritt! and I nwrkllOnsc!" I \'c»:•cl may hatwP baeu the Florence, tion t0 Y11e rift. T. in ljic hard 6a0oie i pl.lotc. i, _ live same vuh7me of •1`, •)I7, e `Scrift� to n, (iiia fI'Utri hh (hair, tcoT: hl. u. urs 'Mr: Srnrtton was not at all aullov0d all American \ es: el, note out sixty- i .eve'c )owerful ;;were. and mitK:iyt i'aeP i o ]eatas she hall vunrl bit position before the fire, with his hands 1 . it this retort; on Litt contra,,, he snlil r !ive days fro3tx Tatrotlla to Honolulu. `lucre was son«•rhing of the lien,, there I twtc'n tw11UFe . tleej. »null in Ili:, puPkets. "I'm a 1114111 ed, .Intl played cheerfully- ,with his chin- i vat» we,'y 7n11CI1 of ihP rat 111 the small, C",, r,l h letter. •• "I file i t1Y L17Fillefis; \,'nth this difference --that tltft• < rtltna l.al)111K Itf:,'t•a1ttU. 1na11C1gi1S PyC's, :1lld, 71ar1.'Uw l,ri,tr8 tli lig; • aIll learning; nlle of Imems. llaucl said, ejitiotl; ; and then she lP• ( \,''hilt• ITP bt'fli., al su P(rssrui 71..31 OP rr : able regarded a' •ho (Zulte as'rP;pr t ] s : I Feb. 5.•• -The revenue of Toronto, yunrzle of Trager 71.tnks. This discharged retniuel of the Wil- i j:e•utecl. in .1 sweet, k,a= voice: busmevs, yeti ve worked the oracle au the other direction. You SnY.I'TP inac 1P I , Cradle, nY the' future inan. �\"ben I quit- , I : the ('rotwn Lands Department last with a r Tito skin UI' i•Irt( + __ _..•:- ! led the workhouse,, was a buy. who i year was 83,3o1_5525, compa11ed lorghby family, and now the fnetcltum I "I She only caFid, 'The Illght is drt'^rY, you it heap of promises. Well, I d env i 1 „ , •o• div v n the )atrol}ng! of he , :; ':iii i•'2•M ill 1,101. rhe clues fvoln L,td .tl. .i t n e } t t l,U nS ifla ``exula11n (='itt. had, ,Libel, z 1 33 q I1_P cnmetl, nut; shP said: , biiviii; done so. „ „ . , n master. find contlnered the proJudier: of i timl•er reserves were $1,03b,: 73, j ..y,f,mig mall—he was ]loth tltl•nell nifty-- I Slte slid, •I Fun clwearv, invrary, 7 ou dilly' tt'?" i the UPa(]lr. When the oak 's full grown, I while the receipts front the timber I - Nvo.rked upon the farm of ItbAuird (.rood . I would that I were doatl."' "in tot+,. I cl!l't n(buit anything ,,, who caret to it:cjri}re as to the roil in I hirits, were w== (167. From inining I rwP• I ., r - iug, b,ti'7 fires of eczema aro uenelled I wither;t i'mofs, I1' 1-011 lune no pr'.ofs tvh'r'h foo nrurn \t ::5 planted? Ilnt when lirtrsts the revenue teas s'3,Td'?, and • ,S'11mularily di.zlllis,Ft'd for h,soleiloc i '''„S' v \\'1x11 (if wall)' ilt••t •t Suppose than, the ' , r„1't;.t•ttil}37.r, all t?P \w01$P fee yvltt' I pl<'lU'.1 yell fill-•--" !from a.$�tiy ft'Cs t`1 ,1:143, ins picion tdf theft, hr bud ncr• r and t � dP:uv'st- Sud the \: ish of m:t:r. tar'-- Z'ot r i'awo:ite ntottn save that bns:nr s ! t i ,,, , 1 akP care!" Pried the other, witil I - - -` i c a t • cit ' nattires rep eel to nourish, .t. ,nay th i ', ,;,, >. • its ,.,,anent. iwou,o \(b,t lit. ,c •r •o c•• n't bP offended , Is Lr.•;nr. u1.1 y u d 1. t, a Tot's : ail Death. ,,, I :1 n1e11,1^il.�.gcvtnrr. breaking ttt brfy!e . ran nourink,';t <•cep .uul .thiddtls, hate. I 1tCH'C 111 •11 1 �, )P, r such a "Oud four. torte to 1 g lP 1 '.akP the welds Out Of vane pan r : the'wii!Iitt•r• wits complete'l; "take carr! I St• Thomas, heb. 5. -The little against his fornier master: just m h hart=', 13) f:1e1- s:- bt, 3lilrborrd I . ,r(noth tt2,.I mo.•r.''• Irl• mean to c, y that you newt, 11"e have Loon friends for more than I daughter t:f IT_crbctt Williams oft llidcilcnlatrch inct death I. t1 painful onOtl,c•r si7ta3 ;Pa•art. :l,s it 3t7ot.enl,Y, "I -tie not tukld r,t::ud yon," she' nmr• • yon nr(ll;iked lilt• the f:trm. w'.tich. but for s,xttmtt yt.«s, but I may tutu upon you s nlamier (in 'Tuesday. The girl, who I �_ ,tared. h3 s0 lett :a tr,iCP that Miss 1':1t1 Mitht,fin"s 111mili al.f'id Nbrve P1 Is. tett„ 1 ,was oro year and ten months old, i . _ ._"= court U:td to bend Iter Pur to her lips to ,,., "There ! - --_- --- T:'or 33 moment. every sign of mirill, I Crus playing, aroun(1 the house. when 1 m en tch the words. re Pau be no goo ., , I (To be or,ntinued) I she foil bat ,.lvaht•ds into a tub of AMIr- Doctors are all but they are not specia prise the most intricate t butuan body- and require Cola Ltd, -A WINGHAM 11, ® 410 TOR Flit as general practitione+. :ts. The sexual Ora?an5 CO'. You might as ,well expect :,'blacksmith to repa3- $• )ITI watch, as a family physiciart 0 cure Sexual cotuplal: ^,•,.. We have made a speciatty of there diseases for over 3 Sears, have invested tens of thousands of dollars and III "e', evary facility known to ruedical science to cure thin.' Every case Is taken With a Positive guarantee O' iia dS;tsarc-lb© bias(. ]BLOOD POTSOM-1Fhether inherited or acqul•7'., rs positively cared forever. The virus Is eliminated f': N"t the systein ro no daug it of return. )Rundreds of ewes cured by us S•• years ago and no return; best evidence o aa, cure. ME6SQi OUS DIM BILETY -and other complicatI0,1% such as omissions, dlauts in the urine, varicocele se ,.awn tteakne ., etc., are cured by our Nems blethodTrsWl�.r 01aimt uuder z positive guamntco-rio CURE - -NO PAY We CURE Alit. DISCASCS OF }AEN AND WOMEN privateutRomeTrt�atment, Zveryything:confidentibaln...r 148 6HELYiY sTiRIMT IDETIZO1'T, RTICH. "_..._,-,.__�:.. __:,,.�. "L.:.-,i,"..:r..,,t�,Al.i',-t y's°��� °�°�� fortune• ,n this woo tl for u«. • 'F bOIJl i'• ,tint r, Avh3clt IIs stalldiug; qz� Iff 1E "71ou't.1iP too Fare of that, my per," ' I _ _ .---- En'tldle ila'dttw. � E t , said the good • 11111t, with :t sm1,(•, i i }' • , , l; t!-•�- __ _-•••--.- s® Your If erve She took .\ find's simill, 11rv'ie::tr hands : i S � 1 An t:np')rtant party in'rtstri was I r:.trtlt. Trophy July 11. to both of•hers. ILIA pressed then} to_h'.rr I ; about to be voted on by the Vifty-first 1 Lonitou, T eh. 5r -At the annual I Study these symptoms. They are for bosom, . Congress, and the Republicans needed ' g of the National 1iS11e Asso- i ill your guidance. Youmayrnothavethem ••1 scYi,l that t°veil <hnYyby tvOlild rc �^ i r, „ r I'' ich- . S' l d:l ' ;;il• T7cn le • t , , k r •sit � . ntlr Jnr>. Co uo at ort ea a !` lir n \c Y 4 Ce ti ria 7 p have an o them your ter• t 1 but if oil h Y al ) Y Y i sous system not up to the mark, end a •1 r' 1 •' Tar ha• „til t c . turn. s 1 tate pair t welt f1uS12ed red; but d e b h � r) t .tl- • I 1 , r li tile lu t< u c announced i er a 33 t1U 311 C I ,. 'c a lr *r d t Congr tsnl n Lan I e i t g ap to o Co R e A Palma 'Tt ophy has been I tittle extra expenditure of nerve force may p ,Again there was more fear than jov In INIfiutl's ' r t �1nr of fine Watertown, N. Y„ district. tion for the ' i fixed for July 11, Bisley. iIntolerance bring the dreadful datvnfall, of motion, noise and light; e)es ns she gazed Into her anut's sym- 1 �' altnio.sible," -at tiro Congress man wired; ---- i -I twitching; of the muscles Of 'the face and ithet:/ill face= ] ' iI ► a p baelt; "wa6dlorit oil line," Reed's reply 1tGfects ltosgrilto Theor;. p r. a elids; fatiguing sleep, sadden startings "Ile must not, annle beret" xeric crirl} '-�o• i to this was promptly wired, and ,vas as' home. Feb. 5•• --•The report of the i ' and jerkins of the limbs; dizziness and 4 flasbesof light before the eyes; irritability for rite first time raising her voiet• mol nal I will not have those livolde Mile ' : m • Italiart Commission which has n}ade = foUrita; ' \ever rtldud little things like Brazil I v s •'1 w ra that; buy and :t study of yc t o\\ fever 111f ever y ; and restlessness in eve part of thebod a1,0ttt int > any luetr . 1 cannot beau attOt,2t)1 shirt come on• published yesterday, It rejects the I headache, indigestion,kelingsofwearincss than they should talk about file and _ theory that the diseaso is transmit •} and depression, and loss of into rest in the her -my pear, drnr 1170'11((, yZ,il 1 fie\t : , b - tell by nYSUfi(jifitUC5. I ttfladrsoflife, They 'will he kinder to ns b0 h when ! a r Tito skin UI' i•Irt( + __ _..•:- 5olongasthedaiiyex errditute.ofterve force is greats( than t e daily income, I .till dead'. and \wi«•n hP vls;ts nit• grawo, ; as I'm surf be, \vill the bardvst-bv trtrtl ! fie rlre.ulfttl are the sensations of Uut'n• 40;000 Por 8200,000. monose .lit\y, x'cb. 5.-tinlYtc tMU;,I 111 siCa1 banl(raptcy_is certain to result p y is or later. erve force must be t h'lll must \Bea and pity ,than th'•v of t t 1 hurt Are Fred Heart Tonic, Ing, ictburn P_.]eaial, that vietims ire. I gnently tl�sctlbi their sul]'.aring it by say.+ acres northwest of here,' ()It the Sas- soon Increased, thi can hest be accotn• ,trunk hory young I watt:, turd great- , a ins Iliat ilio skiniaail 011 fire. 'Cho sting • 1 lcatellewan Viver, have been sold to it, and by the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve 1 I had suffered." y' 'O Nerveltc4adrndOloodEtlricher. Th-eyburid ., r - iug, b,ti'7 fires of eczema aro uenelled I , eonipatly colltrollod ivy: G, X. Anna•- land It plislled Food, bean se it contains in concentrated of nature Which go She spoke t t ry rapidly. and ith an enrrg,v ltreally in eorl east with her lin- e• i „p sine renew sill thb warn out and watt d m Bei is�tbiecniEr°eejri m perfcCthaAlth ley= the tts,o of l;►r. C."hltse's Ointment. The i flr,t few appli•-dtionA miry cause n little i bel, It .1'•I'. Tile ,'.1'.111. ,sold the i for ra' 00,000. form the ver elements directly t0 form nervous el9ergy. sO l Y vlous eMlilustlull: l.l:t as t•3le uttrrtO tile heft cu. -t ess, SleopiessncS3,r4orvous Prrts- 5 p , 1 uu 7tau1. Rc blit renew Is slue to rastilt atul cents a box, all dealers, or >Vd.noiison, word "suftored.' hoe vo:ce tignib fal'i, a]. Vailnn, Brrilt, rept, Lack of vrt.rlry, At er to Lit X Weak and 81till I the s1•iu is heeled ivithout wear or blem• e.i.tl. Lnutt aaaea. Hates & Co., Toronto. find, drooping; her Iwad upon I- r :1litlt t r:houltlor. ,she wept bittel'dy. • , rat oratie, loot ofe, 111vt a eat t.Gr of fiemnwyrt'ttlpltrtitn of the nenrt. i.otis of Energy, Abortlress ,of , i,ll. i lt7innipepl Afatt., Feb. 5. during , January of this C- I'. I2. Land ! . Dre• 9 /� a� ��'±e,�y fie/ rQ:✓ "llaiud, hfaud!o try titwo b0o"ell e]tlld. ' "fort Brerttr, etc., ern til be cured by using i" ,r0at', 1)ePartment, sold 10'.t,58I acres for I Err fri,btc» lt;r, dr}trPstl I bring You Mitht,fin"s 111mili al.f'id Nbrve P1 Is. 1 XePv in thg5trttigllt and nat'row von I , 9•t'.lta,611. Duririg,* fhe sante month , ��'pp,�1 Ne-ry Fo^d stood },F1yi; ft"nd nt•�,)'-__\A- ,J. 3hi,lI ,I".;,.t:dtr•,at,oxt,r;ifer'(t'?3, AlIdt'ala or Iuutl votl will avoid, the Tilsit. of thel last yr>ar 3t sold IT5iIy31G acres 'for I 1�•rry .7. +.u_ r..t ?•.^.11,1... t i. ,I ,1LT.XYY•Ll:rin Vu., LuDt11LD,Yuronto,(?tlt Crowd. J 1+3.lrttal� . .1 o t W., 1,411.4,(o,601 • 141-1. i C . .-... .......M ,,.+�e+-...�...».�MW+�r. . .1W4.u.ci,t...cxr:i .■., Ja ., - 6 .J.I: w.,. Kl�`X , It,i,ll,,,w I'low Q�ml �� e m d Q O cl , : V k ._ =' U =_ T 0 .� . I by g�E, TNS `� 110. 1. THr. CANADIAN U B . L.