HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-02-12, Page 6R ''ff�tA IVIN aITAX T111M FEBIR w ',r'' r tq" t. �n �lditraraoaF« rorul it. '3rd, Itlisal wa,, uudifed iii t tlae Intra Sas. 11l quiet 'ueddiug church, l:iafkoxcl, Air Tuesday ti M moue thea Itappy Ilnt et', , l�pll tlP ' Weak StOM tnortainiz,. I!'ab• l}rd, when Jpst pli ISneue• y✓ ° bride of ]). It. I lily, (1det1G aloin of 10 man was united. in Wedlock to miss Ill nvo., (ioderleh. Mrs. Mo('artllY, Oorria I,Abailriter, of IVlildtnay. The "°; � ",L'ltcl ceremony ry piarfortiled by l;Zpv. l3aat . rriasticaticg the f+a(acl tli�iroatgllly, even mote, if uuptinI l:not,vas tied b}: Riw', Toseph ' Father relst iu • I'etor's church, Cxorl- peali4bW. than 1:4 required iii health. ''l .it' Inure time the food b;tiglart. ' eriria, ill the p Inco of ati Iarl e cougre- 66 ill doer ulouta, the less it will :,lit nd ill the o-ti,nlach, d l ntuf the Manlier Ili Malt', 3 ttt'ipn. The bride, who cuterr(l on the Avoid drizlkilag at Illealta ill gt neral, 13y a Bn ga e a • i- ]ar a dz fi od hers, tilts entire town Council of Braiup ! :�! atelia of 1 l'aTt Lewis, mayor Of (xodorich, d�'�pi pile storiaai l 5 n ag y ,oil is unseated, although the gilt ,:outs- * ,was becoauiogly attired in 14 brawls k I better than that ctautaznizig Itlucli `� tailor-mado (iresai, rrhlalurcl �,itli brown fluid. Fdt nr]ther very hot nor cold cillors. went elected bx'ntsclatrtation. Tho 1 = r i that town passed 4 byiaaw to hold Iaouliva y.� velvet, with white sills bio ;sa], ftuQ hat food. Th< bt,.t telllpNratti e s .>>-.,... Iof brp]rai vclvoG atttd wlaito lace, i]ui1 of the liudy . Be careful to avoid tines at 10 a. Ill., instead of as Haan, as , ". provided b the municipality, The carried white roses. ,Alto looked very excel';. XII cativ I at Ito: more than p ' P-==°• wants of g1he s '&tem requite Mt4sterlioldo that the by -last: is invalid sweet and willsolue. Miss UT try Dalton, the ? ti , pshuaa Sandford 1 of Kin;,sbrl(Igp, who was hridestunid, - �- --- =- Sunletitues 1e5 0411 is if -ally needed Berlin nearly hard a 1 �V�� ]r)(95 oro a green clotii suit, whito blouse, 'r- must be taken Niiben digestion is very onse last Thursday. Fred, Koehler ■■�/ �j weak, Strength depends not on what plunged sixty feet to the bottoalt of all ACTS GENTLY �„R v ■� alld lint to laiatch, and carried at bo lent va t is eaten, but ati what is digested. unused well oil leis place. Ills cries pN� AND of pink flowers. The l.ridegroom was , ' Never take ti iolellt exercise of any brought his wife to the scene. A police- N �', Q>• t1W ELS. ably br itportedr by John Dalton, of r sort, either mental or physical., either angn tend Neighbors pulled him out, The BOWELS. Kingsbridge. z'. • 1 just before 'or just after a meal. sidas of the well caved in shortly after -`VIE SYSTEM 1 l:diziu; a newspaper is a pleasant Never eat More than three times a the rescue. ���N�ES business if yptt can stand it, says tin ex- da}�, and iilake the last meal ver}* An exchange says the marriageable EFFECTUALLY; change. If it contains hinny advertise- ;' f; light. 1ior many dyspeptics, LNVO one ladies of a Western to�wnrecently � �j � � ' ments a subscriber cont plains that they weals are better than more, Never weld n meeting and resolved "Than w0 i 5�;a OLDs C, CRS>, folie up tap taiOUla EpaCit. If there is n GIVE 5TPENGTHTO 10- f eat a morsel of any sort between will not Inarry any ane who is not a. G t-�(;Q FEv4 i Incl: of advtrtisiug it is unpopular and - StO�pcH.►aGtsc iFJaRi:rlfAKr & 1 4Jtf meal,;. Never eat when very tired, patron of his home Itewspaper, for it I , the people won't have it. If we attend . fN FUNMONALVROII Q 11-1 whether exhausted front mental or , OVEl:G©MES �PATION church they say we go for effect and if RJca1 ZBLOODa not only strong; evidence of a lack of Tk> CONSTITUTIOA! "ill , physical labor. Never eat whets the in but ho will prow© too stinky i ^ 1 NCjT we do not they say wo are monstrously n� �2) mind is worried or the temper rt. led, to provide for Iiis family, educate his , ;%� E U�L �j� j heathenish, If we accept all invitation /til b. if 'ou can ossibl avoid it. Itat only to a wedding they say we are only invic- - P y ` children, and encourage institutions Of PERMANENTLY. Ondonf y eai(al a food that is easy of digestion, avoid- �� C'FT ed to'write it up.' If we go to a cOn- Montt Bosom ing complicated and indigestible learning in the country. �'�`�C , i��,a� et r I cert. they say Ave go on free tickets, If dishes, and takilig Lut� one to tlixee An interesting rase was tried at Corrie ; �3 I�� �t��� C � { we are seen upon the streets too often �RtAT PRITAI,d 4; P,itER!G? z% courses at a meal, Wednesday, Feb. •ith, before Judge Holt i L! {• l they say we, neglect our business; and if aliDiutigisr�&C,tcmis After meals take two ST. JADi15 of Godericlt, betiveeu Henry Leslie, of BUY THE GENUINE—Mall F'©$Y i r Listowel, and tie T. Scott. Leslie we avoid going on the stroets they say �' ", --------- 21`. n, � : ti[ ;�11~r.S: „i believe St. Dentes writers � �� �� e/�v1p , ��e don't hustle around after the news. r , = then a n*o th.� acyl comri,te combine- bought lambs from defendant last falls 1 A if we publish a mail who has brought a 1 f lip rig v nyflitSstcm Y avkrforstrerig rling me and, because defendant did Not deliver. �..,��` It wftia,�' same when ordered to do sobrounht suit. ° �.oJ'KY I(C f `'�NCAL.crsc4 �E NY. RT i the family ne •eriforgive us anfriendsioe a Dr. Robert Xclutple, Judgment was given in favor of Leslie o f hot-adiatburg ScOtlaad. FCR SntE tiv ail ORtlGGi5T5. PF ICE 500ER BOTTLft out of goectness of heart, decline to say FOR" GOOD HEALTH To preserve or restore it, there is no better pprfascription for men, women and children than Ripans Tabules. They are easy to take, They are made of a combination of medicine:; approved and used by every physician. Ripens Tabules are widely used by all sorts of people --but to the plain, every ,clay folks they are a veritable friend in need. Rlpans Tabules have become their Stan- ! dard family remedy. They are a dependable, hon- est reln,edy, with a long and successful record, to cure indigestion, cl�spepsla, habitual and stubborn constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular rheumatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver �om- plaints. They stregthen weal: stomachs, build tip rule -clown systems, restore pure blood, good appe- tite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives constant benefit from, a regular use of Ripans Tabules. Your drtfggist sells them. The five - cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, 6o cents, contains a supply for a year, price in Canada: $1.00; Nva tor. for the full amount of damages clammed, Six 17ottlea for $S.Ot) ;anything* on the subject, the Luau's with costs. e • s a • n•, • `•e `•, s•� • • • • • o • • • • • • • • • • T h e y s+ James It a(m. are ,rata sand. l enemies are disappointed and we are help stomach, digest food and send temerly: [rr thenum• roars dee {n,.. re- It Rowcliffe last week ills-' Darin -January of this year the C. P. � \•� � 9� W' enmi+dt,rajormttodken rege„s brande-1 AS white livered cowards. Owdn ��••!posed of his fifty Acre farm south half1021,5511V the nutriment t;liroull the blood, ice enol[ itis forreula upon request. , { R. laud department sold acres.LJL and thisis the honest way to get where dealers are antsellirgthe i of lot 15, concession 5, Usborne, to 1ir•', for $-1•?S G1I. During the same mouth V wafers. they are mailed up, n' rr- ' S.} I A GUARANTEED CURE , �/ vvv health and strength, the kind that eclat of price at the Ca„ar'irn James Brooks, of the save township. I last year 100, U acres for S34i.iG1. i branch : St. James Wafers Co., 1728 AAAAAAAA AA. AAA A `Or \AAS \9 AA `AA lasts, develops and breeds the energy st, Cat. I - St,, Montreal. � The price paid was y3,300. Mr. Brooks � The school Louse of S. S. ATO. G, God- ; A. A. A. • . , •, • fasts, accomplishes much- _ ---- takes possession on September 1st. 1 r. erich township, was destroyed by fiire � For All forms owhic# Kidney Disease. i Samuel .Brock has also disposed of his Saturday afternoon Jan.31st. A peculiar -- .0 -acre fares on the 4th concession of the I circumstance Is that a few weeks before! The undersigned Druggist am folly same township, and 1's acres near (yluiat• ' oit••r Saturday afternoon also, fire was; prepared to give the following guarantee From thev-- j On's swamp, to Mr. Will. Roweliffe. discovered in the building but it was put I With overt' n0 cent bottle of Dr Pett �� 1 h re, e's Kidney -Wort driblets, the only + DR. A. W. CHASE'S �� out. The cause of the fico on either oc- Tit; in the world that positively KERNESanctum Mill _ Nii.14H CURE ... C+a casion is a mystery. The repairs after i cures all troubles arising frons weak or i A is int direct to thtVJlseased the first fire Were just completed last i dieased kidneys:— Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanger i parts by the Improved Blower, ]veep. i "Mone~ cheerfully returned if the Heals the ulcers, clears the air I sufferer is not relieved and improved A find of coal is reported south of De- Hepworth citizens are agitating for passaKes,stops droppings lit the t - after use of one bottle. Three to six oration as a village l thecae and permanamiy cures bottles effect astonishing and permanent incorporation loraiile, Man. p Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower!cures. If not relieved and CllTed; yOtl V The snow has gone, bat the wheelie free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W- Chase , Children Cry y f©�" �' � tSnllelne Co.. Toronto and IIn.Tal,. '� tel: beard a man say the Otl]Cr nlprning �wAStd ILO I110ney. • is excellent, says last week's Forest Free ,` 'that the abbreviation for February—Feb ` A L Hamilton, Druggists, V� ingLam ��®� Press. 1 The Bruce Old Boys decided to hold i —means Freese every body, and that Ont.Hu !i " The breath of the pines iq the breath ;the anneal At Homeat111cCoukey's, To -'man Teoo� edlifr�,z�ei need dsilre kindoas f The New Brunswick Provincial elec• of life to the consumptive. Norwpy Pine g ronto, on rite 2i th of February neat, at t PP l -y- �O� u warmth that stays, the warmth that 1 ' i n lions will be held in about a mentb. Syrup contains the pine virtues and ; ;which the Association .Neill be pleased to reaches from head to toot, all over the cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, hearse-; entertain any people from the County s body We could have told him from Some people are good because of their ness, and all throat and luny* troubles, s of Bruce who may find it convenient to � personal knowledge that Hood's Sorsa- lack of opportunity to be otherwise. snmpt, if not attended to, lead to con- ; be in the city at that time. Tlee annual , parilla gives permanent warmth, it in -, AT Richard Dagg of the Post office De- excursion was fixed for July 10th to ' vigorates the blood and speeds it along I i artment at the Grend Trunk static Mr. Chas. Seager, who has been polite s through artery and vein. And really fits l 1 p magistrate at Goderich for some time i July 13th inclusive, and will go by i men and women, boys and girls, to en- i London, Ont., has been superannuated has resigned the position. special train to 1'viarton and Southamp- t joy cold weather and resist the attack of British Troop Oil Liniment is without I ton I disease. It gives the strenht gthens he of warm- • �A V Y O U exception the most effective remedy for Jos. McBee has sold his splendid farm! same stimulates and ss benefits a the 1 Rhea- lot 0 r same time, and all its benefits are IAst- Cuts, yVounds,Ulcers, Open Sores, , con 11 Kincardine to Robt. Carle -1 ing. There may be a Suggestion in this t matism, Bites, SdUIZ8 of Insects, etc. ton of Bruce and received the neat sum for you. The style that pleases the fashion A large bottle Ni Ceuta, Each Package of _ pf $5,400 for it, 1 I! —and ythe workmanship that I tieven lives -Vere lost and sei e1] per I pleases us—make a combination Tho liotel-keepers at Kintail and halt Bak%� fogd�Mr. Jas. Reid died at his ' home in , rer.6ons fatally injured In a fire in the 1:ion R(�that ought to interest every �rethat settlement on Malcolm Island, B. C. Smiths Hill walked the carpet the ; Goderich on Wednesday, Feb. 4th. He of clothes — a combination that i other day to the tune of $20 and $50 re, rf has filled the combined positions of as- 1 ought to —and will -bring you - \ Mr. Thomas Lewis was killed by fall spectively. Is Solidly Filled With NOUrish�no here again and again. f sang off the boiler -house of the 11fcCor- , i sesor, tax collector and street inspector Mick Biscuit Works at London, Ont- Milburn', Sterling Headache Powders ; and life -Giving Elelflents, for the town for the past eleven years i i " contain neither morphine nor opium. i and, was a careful and painstaking offi- Child S They promptly cure Sick Headache. ren Cry ��� Neuralgia, Headache, Headache of One ackage (tVlakeS a Dish' Hewas the eldest son of .Jamieson i Piles s goods to make tier choos- Grippe, Headache of delicate ladies And : ` Reid. of town, and leaves a widow, one Ing easy for you—and eery price t CA ��W R I r for Tvfenty'-I" ive People. as low as eser the best work was Headache from any cause whatever, ' ;son and one dAnghEer, �vho with his 4 ! Afather and other relatives have the' sold or. Price IOc and lac. The Hull Board of Trade has passed The Postmaster General is to be The large majority of cereal breakfast s sin ath of the whole community in aresolation urging that Lord Strathcona foods furnish only from nine to twelve ; their pbe bereavement, About two years I You're invited to call. &,r t' 317onldl3e next Gpceruor•General of Can- memorialized to establish rural free mai'. 'ounces of food, while Malt Breakfast delivery in the oldest settled muuici ati- ; Food—wholly composed of convential ago Mr. Reid was Attacked with some ada. P . ed nourishing elements—furnishes a internal trouble. After a very severe , © MAXWELL. ties in Bruce county. solid and fell package of twenty four? R MAXWELL The pians of Architect Griffiths for the Canada received last year one thous- °, P g Illness he apparently recovered, but the F yew Carnegie library building were a• y ounces of a health -giving and clelicions' recovery was only temporary aucl the , Hrcarr AnT TAILOR. dWed by the Winnipeg Council. The sand more Chinese than in the previous ± preparation, or enough to makele. The r a disc i complaint reappeared with increased Touildilig is to cost $.5,000. year. The tax $363,272. cl from entry fees 1 package oor f Malt -f five Breakfa t Food makes idt persistence. { amounted to ,•,'the most economical cereal that families , _ . _ ,: � �\Ta'ern.lir►dL:ti■1reWir[[sitiNi�Vii[Y�YtY1fiiie�eti'Fr:Ss� Worms affect a child's health too Lever's •Z(iViseHead)DisinfectantSoap � can use. Go to your grocer, buy abac- seriously to ,neglect. Sometimes they powder is a boon to any home. It disin- ; kagne and try it. As far as eoonouly AYgcl j Not H ® W'il C e a p 104x190 convulsions and death. If you deliciousness are concerned,Malt Break- V stigpeet them to be present, give Dr. fects and cleans at the same time. =o 'fast Food has no equal. WARNING � 1,oyit's Pleasant Norm Syrup, which Brussels council have iveu the brass { [. . r" n BUMOW ® d deatroys the Worms without injuring the g band of that town a grant of $100, pro- ' child. Price 25c, ; We sincerely regret: to have to chron- i i Mr, William Sharp, postmaster At viding the band gives weekly opera air i icle the sudden death of Thos. Cluff,only 1 ZM The most successful farmers in Canaan pLllerafArd, after thirty-four years sere- concerts between May 15th and Sept, son of Henry Cluff, of Ashfield, which read the I�AR�rEI-or . tbev act v; 2.", - son loth. thine: about their \cork, thew act u ton its p ing its than Capacity, has resigned his ; took place on Sunday morning, Feb 1st, teachings, and theyareitsgreatestadlmirers. offleg and Mr. George Baker of that C h i i d re n Cry for as he was preparing to visit his aunt, contributors are specialists. ( r Its editors and -Tnlgge has been appointed to succeed firs. Whitty . His forties, thinking lie ; r rhe him CAT® R' Aas 1 was a lona time coming to the house, FARMER'S t i went to the stable to assist him, when j This weelt we are called upon to record An old and well known resident has i to his sad surprise, he found him dead, tato death of another of Ilowick,s old set- been removed from Exeter by death,Nr. the cause of his death being heart trouble. s ADVOCATE 460 ins the person of Ann Jane Campbell Jas. Stancombe, in his 70thear. The _ y � The deceased. -vas tweuty•sis years of r and HOME MAGAZINE Moved wife of ltobt. Walker, of the 2nd deceased was a familiar character On age, i � contains the cream of agricultural thought. i practical men continue to read it be- Dona tin Jan. 31st, at the advanced age our streets and much respected for his i Z. ane 61 years vino months. Deceased had good qualities both of heart and head. Thomas Johnston, a young fireman eau§ ,t pa. a them and because titey \\'ant y the best. �]e aaut thousands of new Sub - 01 t1 for Some time from a severe cold whose home is at Walton,, was fatally i `;; scribers who will appreciate sotnethinn good. i4lessrs. Grundy Bros. cC Co., Of Kin. The sooner }ou subscribe, the more you +snlsdtch turned to pneumonia• injured at Harrisburg station on Jan. I ! :vitt set. carding leave removed their lilant to i A WARNING TO � 31st. H0 was brought to Hamilton on gtd, internally Hag'yard's YellowStrathroy where they have purchased the train, and was removed in the amBACKAICHE SUFFERERS - • o Orates Sore Throat, Hoarseness, a property in which they will mauufac- ZZ pain in the Chest, Croup, etc. lure stoves. They left the fixtures in balance from the Stuart street station to Backache may strike you at any w A $1G filly cues Rheumatism' the found admitted to the institution he breathed time• Comes when you least e:t• i joints, Contracted (lords, Sprains, rt' at Kincardine and tla0 eor- p ect it Comes as a warning from extern the city hospit Shorts after being , P his last. Johnston ,vas about twe t - I the kidneys. turnts, Scalds, Outs, and Bites oration will now.look for some One to p uWacts. .oke Bold of the business. four years of awe and batt been i e 1, „ A studdentwltoh, a sudden pain. $I-0-00 1litr- Dg4i(l Bowyer of Listowel has employ of the railway company only Tho Kidnsys cause it all. Genuine Cattorie always bears the 3tgnature -'4 Kilt 1001 acre farm situated at Trout a short time. Oki � , Ali jnh Jarvis, and will , of Chas, H. Fletcher. .1 you don't Beed the warning, UIiF�E1�. -- After n tolig perio(l of great suffering, serious Kidneys Troubles are sure ;6p there with his family about the manfully born0, Inc. 1lidloy, of lot 23, to follow, of aline � ,vUetl Baby t4'i5 sic- we ba'v� 11 F Castoria. � e98IIti rttonth. It is Said t0 C011.."., passed away from time on Wed- Cyte yot,r Haokaoh• bylskin/ t f � Tiir TINms announces the following low - rate, Clubbing Offers for 19o2-0; .-- Times .till Jan. 1st, 1904 ........................ el 00 Times and Weekly Globe, including the premium 1 60 picture oi Ontario's Lieutenant Governors .... Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, with premium pictures, ' Alone" and " Purity." . -. 1 75 Times and weekly Mail and Empire, including your choice of premium pictures, 11 The Doctor,", of " Contentment." ........................ . 1 75 Thiies and weekly witness ....... . ........ . .. . • - 1 GO Times and western Advertiser .................. 1 40 Times and weekly Sun ........................ 1 75 Times and Daily Globe .......................... 25 Times and Farmers' Advocate ... ... ........... v.- 1 75 Times and Toronto Daily Star .................... 2 20 We could extend the list, but it is not necessary. We can give you clubbing rates for any newspaper or magazine published. The above are our Flares R kTi-.-:,, marked down so as to admit of no reduction. Therefore there is no use asking for cheaper rates. In each case the weekly papers will be sent to new subscribers for the balance of 1002 rin r;, The rates quoted are for either new or renewal subscriptions. All subscribers f 'Will receive the premiums advertised by the different 1)apers. ASE YOU G01ING TO HA-V'E. An Auction Sale this Fall or Winter I If you are, it will be to your interest to I come to the TIMES Office for your bills. We can arrange dates for any of the neighboring ,kuctioneers. Sale Bilis printed while you wait, at THE TIMES OF"" mi Ontario (:,iwinghamf t Castorlo. f " d for r in 0 i � � crtC ft a. •t Cltild H s 'b'rs � a5 . - O buried Onw 4n 7 t tt � o site �D bur a )` to ne d vV ,t'lten s was w1it send ati t. and , .,d 1 8 h 1 r:rw •� t d gr �8t tt I,or S t 1eai a r f Ott n esd y 11'I 'S .\t � oc. 7� +� PILLS. r.,ltatt R itd+ratltage; fir, Book hr in- ,wheel she liECQthe ttild�, she Chung to Cnstoria, Friday. He had ati attack of la grippe DOA-\ S Kid E i `` every issue i f the • alid WoYlti tllelandfor whem.oiehadculldren,shegavethen' Castotia. from Hutt' tdl site end int el, both ye the f4aOCi $tock which was followed by meningitis an(l There 14 itOt a tlldney TCou1)le, t�xautif'ul Christman ~nether for bath years. 01 Iesast its a change from tote iv a Soni. Rcaa' thitiltl act'. Send An apple ski r named Hodgins, lied been to th0 Hospital for treatment frUlrl BaC1;aCl]c t0 r l llt'5 ] iiSCta5e, l tt a free sample co a if you avant to see n pp ply in twico. Mr. JZidley was it native of Lon- that boan's Xidtley Pills will not , r�g� �`.up-to-date Farmers paper. 2t will P4rkhr1l, has been fined for having cion, England, and halt been a resident roan tl D' li y, a e marked trait n grade higher than the of Grey township fora stood many Yeats relieve do cure tnor� w , t'ed W'esltir est irnpossibi �r aotioll of the bowels, gntility warranted. inspector "1401,411 Of he onjoyocl the• good ,will of the t7ttic%,rt' titan ,any ether 1~tdney wbDtitt#Ss r r�tmleto the bowels, got proof from four points thousands' of remedy. , at William Weld 00.0134• dl irllisytl soss, mile Apert elitywinMt that Iioctgills viol a• community. iYty was u2 years of agt0. P,Otr. l ar bo t or 3 for ;t, 6. A11 detut*# LONDON, ONTARIO - !,u m a'i°bbti 'othe ed t11tW Aot, x'1]e fiire impo d '4s "l�etll hiss, llidley and family fir deettly' or Tus Ilii hl KII,,y% ' i"11,r, C!o„ Torontw, 2a ceritt,. a lthrel. sylnpaihl2et%,1+1Gh in, their bereaveliiert* otttr THERE ARE TWO PAPERS . . I1`I A"r OVG, 14r `rO 3319? In every home in this district TNYIE WINGHAA T1 ES Will oupply you with the latest and most interesting Local Some and Foreign News, and THE WEEKLY SUN Its special features are—Market Reports that arta un- equatled for FULNESS and RELIABILITY. Regular contributions hw "Bystandet" on current events. Reports of ConventiOF_, ;,associa tions and meetings of in- terest and value l • ;.tl farmers, dairymen and stockmen. Practical talks eadil week on Live Stock, Dairying, Fast Crop Culture, Peeding for Profit, and other subjects. SUBSCRIBE NOW for . 7, Yyx tTIMES O�]L. Y s • 75 and T11F- y1]02911Y t[ifiyl► And vre vvlll send The Sun free for the balance of 1002. T,.emve Zrotword6l. at: tSffiCc. DROP A POST CARD TC THE WEEKLY SURp TORONTO, AND THEY WILL SEND SdWIPLE COPIES, EDEE,