HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-02-12, Page 5fI
12 W3.
Th a Loidlutt,
,New., F om Ouir N Mors
BIGGEST CA�T IN February Spe,
WhGt W1d0AWAX6 Times CorrespoudenTs Comml:40ate - other
IXtems Clipped From ourAT 11, C. 18ARD 4 QY6
-VI'i" 40., i -44 itio"-we
In order to further Tviluce our ittoo vW-vai fm %W,
Mr. Thouilis Whito of this t)wlisllip counoll lilet iu, BIllevajo, F ob otb; uool)g now conlivrK ill He
, I W
1=9 M112
has purchased theJoha. McKenzie farill m, embers all present.; the reeve ill 0 0 1 4440IN DF�P4RTUUNTIS' wako the 13011tri W
Ve li�pr offered.
I N HURON COUNTY Of 150 acres Oil the 6th'cQucP$si011 Of Kiu� chair, rrlio lnJuntes of the last meeting whiolk Ive look upni 06 ollo cif the best we,
I , 4 ND
loss, haying therefor the sum of $7,000, were read, approved and signed on. illo- 1 Does it not seem more effective to
I I t tiollog �\�osmrs. Musgrove and Kelly. breathe in a remedy, to care disease of
The All , ditors' re , port was laid, befte, the breathing organs, than to take the FOR WOMEN 'FOR' MEN
We will give you the. biggest bargain you ever had forRev. J. J. Hastie, pastor of Knox tho'conlicil for dual audit. remedy into the stomach?
Musgrove and Rutherford -That And, WRAPPERS TJXDVRWB.
�the next few days. We are weeding out our stock, making Church, will deliver his lecture, My .03 Wrappivs worth $t 50 to "'.1, lkivel Men'sPlocer4l L1uedFhJr4sAudPnWeft
itors' report be received and adopteO,- -
No matter how good a suit is in price Xeighbor's. Chair and. Mine, " in the �etxl pf-realt, clot prise
mad %v It( ;(
new goods. Tol�tF,,'lnhflee.og1,r rimmed with farit'; -regular value 50o, I Irt
room for .
oburch on Friday evening of this week,
�& : braid, lined sleeve, and. waist. deep
or quality, if it is an odd line or bro�-en in sizes, it will have to -That the nl)s, ft,!A (0101*8 OVBR004TS,
OlAusin will be supplied by Miss E - M. Musgrove and Rutherford f ill, ehoiee twiv pattc
Clerk be in%tracted to got 50 copies f F ebruary price Men's • flue Mue or blaelt RN'r ItOlUM
go at what it will bring. Patterson, Auburn; Mr. David McGill, C i 8 ( I "rep,
)Tint I isiablishedx$79, lined wall wadi-, regular value 4(�Uv,
Blyth, and Calvill. and Knox Church abstract and Aetailed statements I e( - E tliel,4, 44M
choirs, A silver collection will be taken Carried Cures While You Sleep Bluel, merocmizorl papten underskirts,
At the door, Kelly anA Musgrove --That our Tress- - nicely tueop anti trimmed, regular TOP SHIRTS
It cures because the air rendered strongly . 41.130
$12.00 Overcoats $6,90 -ted to write to the Coun- antiseptic is carried over the diseased sur- value 1.25 to 1.50, to C1011 -A Boys'lio aelr topFbirts withCollars
urpr b,.) instrne Attacl�aV"a"y ovIllneu or
. ed so
.Q only Men's Geey-Raglane,te Overcoats, talma pocket,3, heavy satin ty Treasurer to forward by mail a face with every breath, giving prolong stripe regular value W, .1 car, but
CASW WAWANO$1f. and constant treatment, it is inv.;Iu. JACKETS at
lining, all sizes, regular price $10 and $12, orAv clean up price W90 Mrs, John Cochrane, of the boundary cheque for all arrews of non-resident or i We to mothers with small children, I wom i's tailor-made Jackets, flngll-h
beaver, •velwt eollar, 5.W and O.OD
was visiting at the homu of Mr. Goo, ot1wr taxes due to the Township of Is a boon to asthmAtics, values, to clear at $3.50. SHIRTS
$8.00 suits. $4.75 owed in Blyth last week. Turnberry tip to Dee-31st,1002. Carried. gen's regatta 9)iJrt.Q, good patterns and
vont Musgrove and Rutherford�Tha; the 0 -For- SKIRTING waelriug colorsregalar 756 line to clear
17 Tweed Suits, light and dark colors, heavy and light weight, for Mrs. James Crimin-, who lives on the Wh opingcou::h MronchitlA
aelt watored Merillp
Croup one pipee black or man, sites 31 to 41; these are the ends of lines we are not goil)g,t9X Boundary, in East Wa%vanosh, picked Clerk be instrnoted to ask the Wlnghalll couglao ing. regular, W, F tar pri-
repeat, and were made to sell at 67 and $8, but to start them Moving several pansies in her garden last Thnirs- TmEs and Advance to soll(I ill to i1ext Catarrh, Cclds CrIppoandnayrever 1� SUITS
$4.75 day. This is somethitig rare for iuid� council meeting tenders for the Town- The Vaporh�.rnnd lamp, %vitichsliould just WAISTS Non's well tailored ready to nut 01N
we give you the choice for a lifetime, t.gCt11vr N%,11 1i a be t1q a Cresolent, - valuo $9 M
winter. ship printing for the current year.-Oltr" 1,xtrasitppliesof(*rc-.iolee!r, - I dozen nincy Waj%ts, lined. nicnly to vlmr r.t 5g 0q
_; cents and washers, -26 pairs Men's and Youths' heavy Cleth Pants, all sizes, worth from ried. so c-litf Writa for de,criinh,e booklet routan.. made and trimmed, good %Y. s,
nL;1li.-hvttcs4monyas toitswolue. reg 11.25, to clear at
$185 to our clean-up price $1,15 CAPS
rerltitirient cure for Neural tat Couplaud anti Kelly -That any Road VAPn-C%*1'M,1.r1:n 11; f!nt.o )rV
DUVII(ilwl's X-AIMMV111.1all. doth Calls wl'h
Experienced sufferers state that no to- Division wanting a ob4n,o of pathmas- CAPERINLS good alum tit rAie, February
vitrio-cresolent! Co. just a few to clear, good style, It-) Go line prlefi
$40.00 Fur -Lined Coat $25.00 mody relieves nenralgia. so cinickly as a tern will be required to notify some
bob application of Polson's Nerviline, the xso ralron Street x6.,' Notre Pnwe Etreet for it 56, 12A line for flAX), lo 00 line
2 only Men's Far -Lined Overcoats, beaver cloth shell, marmot lining, member of the council before next. Ncw V.rk Alontrerl for 7.60, 7.no line for 5.00, 5(a line for 9.50'PANTS
8.)5.00 strongest liniment made. Nervillne is i - Men's bear, hrr,od Partm. strorm,
Russian otter collar, worth $40, clean-up price certainly very penetrating and has a Council meeting.-, Carried.
powerful influence over neuralgic pains, Rutherford and Coupland-That the BOUTS mat1g.. l",iiiturralue M25to $1.0 , Fv'-
which it destroys almost at olice. Ner- 3 dozen pairs Don;r*lu and Buff Boots, ruary priov
$2.00 Boys' Suits $1,50 Clerk notify Mr, Morris Suit to re- tt 44
britton(d or Inced. also FWS, leather
villne is highly recommended for Rtieu- move his fence etice off Duncan street ill the nift to operate his butter factory, situat. foxed, reg L25, February price SW ATUF 9
only Boys' Suits, all wool, 2 pieces, sizes 22 to 27, well worth .82.00, matibm, Lumbago, Sciatica, and Tooth. f ed Oil lot 31, con. A., in the villago of
cleall'up priee - $1.50 ache, Better try a 25o bottle, its al I I village of Bluer before 25th day 0 Boys, folipy
Formosa, the saine be granted on condi- PLAIDS 7 -regulai plive 1"Fe. February pritle Me
right. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. March next and if not. removed by that. . 10 pieces tanev Plaid%, heavy, It%— 001- -
tion that he comply with the Statutes BOOTS
No Pills like Dr. Hamilton's. .1 (late the council will remove it at his ors, reg ".c, February Price
and keep the premises in. a proper coil- N(-I*g goorl stronz ro: Mots. FC31A
expense. -Carried. leather clienp
dition. -Carried. FUR COATS
RLYTH. The accounts were passed
S P" EIG I A L FOR SATURDAY Moved byE. G. Xmitz, secondel by Latlies' Fur, Co%ts ill A4trucan to
gaarantee(I Furs, regular value 05 0D.
The 'Atli of July will be, celebrated in aud cheques on Bank of Hamilton issu- John rd. Klein that Messrs Wie.ks and to clear at *25.00 Men's lipnvv lined oversho"—Waf�,r.
ed:-MnlllCipLI World, $3.80, account I I � I. . .. I I I . proof vAluo *10, FObrr.-
60c Underwear 33e Blyth this year. Gxant inspect the village of Formosa try prive
Blyth lost one of its oldest families last rolls and express; Dougal Fraser, s10, some time in May or Julie and Messrs. UNDERWEAR ur-mmRs
-wear, wool fleece, fleece, all wool cre for A MacEwen, $10,for audit- - Kuntz inspect the village of L%d4 es' ve,;ts or Draworp, unshrinlablo
1 nice go XPn*s henvv n1l
49 pieces Undei ece, cotton flP week in the removal of Mr, Joseph Pa. I Klein goods -regular value W, to (Amar t�oj VAPzt- Pea.Tacl,-4[
unshrinkable, etc., Shirts and Drawers, worth 50c, and family to Hillsboro, N. W. T. A5r. ing; W. F. Cruicksbaak, $2, for audit- I Me -Lli
i Belinore about the same time. lit lirit,d. rvgt , r value $3,75i F('�,
We and 65c, each, choice, clean-up prim, Saturday .39 Page and family have been residents of ing; Smith & Per -hick, 20o for spikes. % . - : I)rt(-,-
I Moved by Chas. Button, seconded by
Blythfor 23years and daring that time Coupland and Kelly -That this meet. Jtio. M. Klein, tilat it complaint is made CORSETS
were. always highly respected and es- ing do iriw iLdi OuTn t 0 meet i 11 the C' lerk's by any put. ties of a iiy nuisance existi ng :q Good strong CorsF blen's C-intimin Juvl�pts, heay.v ribbc-,L
i. and 7
wear.regulai price 05c a Mv,F011-1
teemed. May good luck and abundance office, Bluevale, on March Both, at 10 anywhere north of the 0th con., inoInd- my price 0
of prosperity follow them. to their new I o1olock a. in. -Carried. int; the same, that Mepsrs. Wicks and GAUNTLETS
THR' E"• H. CROW"ER (X" home. JoirN Buncii.:ss, Clark. Grant attend to the complaint, and that _2 Men's hearT blackustrachau (aurlt1v,7;.
On Friday morning, January 30, Mrs. Messrs Klein and Kuntz attend to any- Heav,.�, all Nvool ribbed' cashmprc, hose, heavy facing.", rogulav PrWc- "Al.,21 V.
• regular value 4-.-c, to elear lit *1,50, rt vbruar:� inica
Oil Mary Ann MisKimmtugs, mother of INIrs. thing south of tile Oth con. -Carried.
Men tfitters R McCommins, passed quietly away at Newfoarldl.
aud. The following acconnts were passed
WINGHAM, ONTARIO, the residence of her daughter in the 81th Since cheiiitrodtictiniiiiitoNONvrOli"(I- andauthorizedto be paid; -Robt. Wicks.
)Find of the now Inhaler Remedy, attending meeting mileage, SlAO;
yearofherage. She got up and dressedl 1, H. E. ISA" & co
herself and died a few minutes after- ,Ctttarr)iozouP.,'l the treatment of
catarrhal diseases has been, entirely rovo- Robt. Grant, attending meeting and
-,,rares while sitting in a chair. The lutionized. The old-time snuff and in- mileage, $1,40; Jac. M. Klein, attend-, ite Bank of Hamilton Higrhest prin. paid far Froduce
maiden name of deceased was Mary Ant ternal medicine has been cast aside and ing meeting and miles e. $1.80; E. G.
teaks born inKadvy_a�rpaigll everyolie is Inhalilig, Catarrhozone; it .
QQ01C ours, she �v pearl and throat ill two 11lin. Kuntz, attending; moering and it,,
county, Ireland, •and emigrated to Cana- clears the 1:
+***#440 0 000 *0 4 d
ates, auis veryagioeable and pleasant, 1$1.80; Chas. Button, attending meeting
+ da about 50 years ago, settling in Mc. Ito use. Catarrhozone is a wonderful t and mileage, $1.20. i The Brum Connty treasures` teported
+ Xillop township, where, she lived till once for Cont-,lig,Colds, Catarrh, Asthma,,
+ Deafness. Moved by Robt. Grant and Jno. Al. rhursday of last. week: Jonathan Put- I the receipts for 1*0(��) t�'D "be 87, 'K$65,68,
+ q5y tU&v 0 1890, when she moved to Sunshine. Her Bronchitis, Lung, Troubles and Deafn Klein, that this Buard do now adjourn rly of Brussels. pa�cz2(1, o-, er i and the expenditureV2,815,21, Ivaving
M AM "I 1 0 el ieves quickly and cures permanent- laud, forine . I ,
husband died in 1883. Sli� was tile It T to meet attain at the call of the Secretary to the ? rem-ri, S a balance- of $,,050,47. The sair, of $2,5
0 great •GREW 0 ly. We advise our readers to try Oatarr- at majority Th3
0 mother of a larga family, the majority 1, - I o •th,� East -%nd Webl, Bruce
ozone. Price $1.00; trial size 25c. or Chairinaii.-Citrried. , was gr tutet t
+ were brou,ght to Stratford oil Sahlrdftv 0
+ 10 of whom predeceased her. The remain- DruggNs, or Polson & Co., Kingston, Cr. -As. BrrTo-N, Secretary, for inter' Tea�
+ morning on the 11.45 train, - �hera lustitatO
The good old-fashioned kind, makesyou think you 0
0 lug children are four sms %lid one Out. t ment in. Avondale cemeterr. Tile late are right in the maple bush, 70c per jar. 14' daughter-i)avid, in Toronto; James ill Dr. Hamilton's !Aandrakeand Buttertin - Z -Is
16 United St,,ttes; John, in Morris; !qaac,
Pills. Mr. Patland was 83 years of age. I
14. 0 ETHUL. lived for 25 Years in Stratford, leaving
# in Vancouver, and Mrs. McCommins, in Z; about 7 ars ago. 1- leaves Le -
4 Blyth. Thia comi-annity was greatly sadly there ye, 11
+ 0 e daughters,al. nPR.
4 surprised oil Wedue9flay Jim. 28th on hind him two sons and thre
BLUE PLUMS—A choice article in light syrup, * - The holne of Mt. and Mrs. Alexandermarried. rpho remains -were accomP
+ 4 Causes of splitting Headache. Mcl)onald, Calross, was the some of a i learning of the unexpected dQinise of all
put up in 2-1b cans, 10c per can. Poisons accumulate in the blood anf+ anied by W. Bloomer, of Toronto, a son-
• arts of the 1 most happy and pleasant event on Wed. J old highly esteemed resident ill the of deceased, at Whose home tbe"L
spread every moment to all E) Toes in-law
nesday, Jan. 28th, when their daughter person of Mrs. Lawrence Dodson.
0 r died. Mr. Patlawl was R native
body. The brain beconiss conje,,ted, I day she had been callilig on a few neigh-, latter . I The matter of feed is Of
Is -come out here 'WltI1
nerves ieritated, and the result is that I Christena, was united in the holy bouc e of health and of Euginua, having I
+ STRAWBERRY PIE PLANT ---Put UP in awful headache. I of wof1look to Mr, Banjamln Bondy, 11, bars enjoying a fair share ell the troops in his younger days. I-10 was tremendous importance lo the
-lb cans, makes delicious pies, - 10c per can Ferrozone is nature's own remedy for' deman livinglin the neighborhood of oil Wednesday morning about sev
hendaohes, it is a blood strongthener and gou I,- was quite ill with pneumonia 11, Soldier for over rcleven years. Deceased
ng Windsor,. Ont., �vhere Miss McDonald o1oloc -9 farmer. Wron- feeding iS
pilriner of litleommon merit., it lasting I despite
lived in town for some years with his
potent tonic, and the greatest invigorant has resided for some years past. The, and heart failure nssarting itself des son John, now of Ripley. Mr. Patland
all chat could be done she passed quietly loss. Right feedin- is P-0fit
and health maker known. Headaches marriage ceremony was performed.iu kindly old gentleman Past. 0 0
CANNED CITRON S —,S ornethi 11 very tasty never bother people that take Forrozone away at 1.20 p. in. Her maiden name was
I •aftor f�ach meal. Buy a box from your the R. C. Church, Teeswater, aster was Margaret Holland and she was born The up-to-date tarmer knows
this time of the year, in 2-1b cans, • i dding party drove to the
0 • (Irvggist, for b0c. By mail from Polson 'Which the WO
1 5c per can Co., Kingston, Ont. Sold by A. L. home of the bride's parents, where a in York CO., Ontario. When 22 years
catarrh cannot be Cared what to feed Itis cows, tcl - t
of age she was united in marriage to her
Hamilton. aepared,
01 ver Coln- sumptuous dinner had been p. bereft husband and shortly after With local applications, as they call -
OP IDr. Hamilton's Pills curt- 1i and to which a large assembly of happy now be locality andloollted, they not reach the seat of tile disease. Ca- the most milk, his pigs t:-'- -et
came to this lo I
guests dirt arnple Justice. After dinner tarrh Is a blood or constitutional disease
4), beingamongthe pioneers. Next Oeto- .,i order to curo it, Yoli Must take il�- tile most pork, his to
• had been served those present proceeded and i
Sevoral horses mselves, both yonii.- and old
in Bolton have been do to enjoy the ber would have been Mr. and Airs. Dob• ternal remedies. Halls Catarrh C.rc is
MIR wapks sous golden wedding anniversary . De. taken internallY, and acts directly oil (ret the niot e -
AI R UP! F I N 1 stroye,.1 on ac-otint, of mi outbreak of Ii,play, the greatest enthusinsin, in till the ceased was aged 7 .2 years,5 months and 7 the. blood and inucouS surfaces. ftall's Scie--c'.
U I glanders. medicine
•pastimes. Quite a while before the day I Catarrh Cure is not a quack
Mitchell Town Council has made a days. Mrs. Dobson was generous lienrt- the besi But how z0bout
It was prescribed by one of' the children
had faded away the Ilight fantastie" 'I ed outspokea yet kindly, industrious and physiciausin thisconiatry foryearsand
08- 4
...... grant of $100 towards the orection, of it i was bving triPPed- it, a MoFt lively man- 1� egnIarprescription. It, is tom P Are they fed -,tccord'!-,,-e to
I . had th(A esteem of the community for her s ar comb ted
gymnaslum. ner, when anotheT throng arrived to I I
many good qualities of head and heart 1 ed of the best tonics I -OW"'.
Henry Eckstein, founder of the village share in the reception which without I ' I with the the best blood Purifier science, a botic food if lf,)�.ncs
TVVVTTTVVTVTVVVTVVT7VTTVTV 104!," 4 his United sympathy is t xpressed for the; directly on tile rutteous surfaces. Xhe
is dead at that plitce at the doubt may be consid(,red the best t
bereaved, espaially the buiband who perfect combination of the two ingredi-
4 agq of years. uelghborhootl has been honored with in g re soft and undevelc-pezi. a
has such wonderful
not been enjoying very rugged i tints is what produnes, Solid for
4 Wintl.t*,'.. is makirig enquirl- into the 11 HuMber of years. The bride, during Mr. Dabsog "0111tH ill' curing, CatarrIl.
qcl, , ,
1 health during ilio past full. n-7,�,;s4e. 4)
ot, lannielpal ownership of the the ceremony. wail assisted by her sister, 1 te"tiniolliftis flee. esh, 2Lk,
-'s years of age. rJ), t�, C,1jLrMry, & Co., Prop, ToleJ6,'O
[is I
.4 f Miss Kate, and looked quite pleasing and are thin aiM Nvc- to
eloLtr'-]: ht plant. ..k and a b! od
44 1 e - -A Sold t)v druggists, Price 75.
"DOM, .41 i family Pills are the best,
F u r n "18 1; 1 f last week Charles Davis and attractive. in a nice sait of blue broad Hall's
9 4 cloth with trimmings of white, the nernia?
Ed. Eryans of the 4th line, Morr;s, sawed !rtid, cj�td.q, boarsea-s-, and other throat food if there is .1
No. Is one thing wt, have the lead in. Our assort- split, and piled.seven cords of li'lrdwood gCootil was supported by his brother, nilitientq are qr.,e1:1,V r0lev, 91 by Cresolelle
Mr. Bondy� and itinde a very pleasing ten cents p0;.. bey. Alldruggids Scott`�s P"mulsion. i" a MIXed
n v.gbt aurl a half hours. Sometimes a man gets very tired. Of
110ment of wood seat and leather seat diners is a impression oil fill.. 1he many presents, g because it takes so long to
ent I Joseph Tompson of Brant killed 11 pig doing nothing food; the C(- d Liver 0`1 in it
of which Mrs. noudy was the reci
cheapness. in wllic�111 S11,01 i recently that Weigh0d 800 pounds when: do nothing.
c)f style, quality and I bolokeiis t1he high esteem
al - fie,
in the Back 4 dressed Its girth was 5 feet 10 hlohei' The amigratioll figures for JAPliftry m, -z es bincid and �j,;cle
is hold by iter friends. The happy
torpid or 11 01 Englisil"I�rsons, 75 &!etotb,
L � show that001 �ptjrqlls of a wetil couple left on Tuesday Feb. 3rd, for laud its length 6 fWt- apd Soda inak.,, hon
condition of the kidneys or their liorm. near �Vindsor, and if good 1 James Shaw, WhOse farm aejoins 1)4 Irish ana 2,058 foreigners left to Itake the Lime
nnd •are a Warning it is extremely -in Canada.
► octant is wishes are an omen of success, their: Brussels, 'recently IT10b with it serious 4� tip their residene( and, brain. P; is tile KL�,�Clard
100. EX T E, N 10 N TABLES in great variety. A I ha"Aa.4"us. to neglect, so imp ost bright loss. INllia head of cattle were allowed , r, 1,
1* -41 a hmal:y netion of these organs future lfe bids fair to be lit S said at Ottawa that the Grand I
110. cOulmoTily attended by loss and pros' to go ink and, scientific f,,:+d for (,.,_-'Jcate
0� stock •-4 1 Div), le I t powus. to the river at noon to di will ask 5,000 to 7,000 Acres Of
. 4, (if 1-.1ek of conrage, and son The D�)ardof Health Ineb In the town I N�hen they were lOokefl, for about 1,30, laud and $0,000 to $11,030 f-AsIl bonus Per
SIDEBOARI)N3 The laruest and best selected $to 4' 1 Trunk
and choicest woods in Use Ill -4 1 t-. .,,. y� ,lolomy foreboding and de- i children.
of the latest designs a .4. . I. hall, Teeswater, oil Feb. 4th. 1003. Tile were found submerged In tile cold -water, mile for its newpacific line.
A I rSlA1w:vlwy. J
the manufacture of up-to-date furniture. , i .I %N.. And menlIX,-TA Were all present. The minutes the ice Navin brolcon down with them i caluant.9 found ill sonth
•i,. i*,l with kicluey trouble, - Among the (10 Serid for fiet
,a,.Vf of tile ltt.�t meeting of the Board of DeC,'rotidering it finpossiblo for them to get � f tho Red Eagle
We carry a complete line of all kinds of furniture. 1.111(iVellio. Without beriefit, and finally I one of the ttuilngls' sfrica, was an Order o
11(loals t4araninirilla. After --read and
11�!d to try ere on illation of out without help to Air. sample.
I -e e, the Kaiser had presented
i det Arid wag � which
I I the irs, licAlle I felt so much better that I Aobt. Grant a110 Jno. M. Kleim. were bud digappeared under Qle ice Put Mr. Kruger, seeing no Mon- I'd quo CX tt. l: ,:M I*
4: rt.).-thua4l ;ts use, and Mt bottle.4 made 1110 1 notreedvercd. As speedily as possible', Kruger- t',- tol'lg of a 1411. 4 WA tilt
Jan. "*hon Tily little girl was it kdooted. d tile document among a �%�allner o" Vv&. )f-6 of
not 1,ppp anytiAng on her moved by Jklo. Al. Klein, seconded by the others were extrivated but wore 80: QY ill it, file and left both it A114 the I 'ItIELin Via N."t,
ilv t to, number of bills, A we €; ave litir Hood's Sarsapto chilled that before they could be. go!
IlItS. TMOU South Africn.
tap, Nvoifit-djurg, ont. to be in possession of on!
It is now said
Eph B lbetotenight. Thelosg will toot lit) Boss-
ALK Ros. & MIYU0J. Al A$ ix- I E,. 0. JCulltz. that. Robt. Wicks be Chai�- cott Bowne
lal&ll of this Board for the year stables 2 halt died antl 4 others were doad hills behind �11110 he lett S &
W, BUTTON It URS till all -'English officer, The Kaiser V011 CHEASTS.
be well I
bod-Is Sarsaparilld 1 carriedI Torot%to. 0otarlo.
Furniture and Undertakitig. A coluninnie '450
ation received 10170111 1111. ibly from 4000 to V-) - 'I
kidnev, -.110 liver troubles, to- I aq then by 1� stance 111(i Mr. Shaw; Pleased when he hears tilt-, story, AW Air.
J ell Xmitz w the Seoretary, fottnllat3 ciren .1 and $4,1-
J! liev(s tiso back.. and builds up Cha itrugor will receive no more t6legrains.
The IiarnitilrO Store OPPOsit(i the V08t OftleG- g the bloattl to grant him a, Per- is vyllipathised �Vitlk in his loss.