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The Wingham Times, 1903-02-12, Page 4
Flll� w .•. . y �/. '.1NY , I li i�i•k, w.:'M•'iN. .. 1- •'•--'_..........-- -"' ,�!„ Y,y; . . ... ,1�•'4r.�,..' - ,_ ` �.-.w•,.. } TUE. 7 INGI A31 TIUS. FF'a�#.Sul`ARY 12, . - �+._- 1! q ...._�... ..; ,...._..._._":. .:,--.:,..:> �.-'---^,�•+ _. _2222.._ 2222.._ - 2222-- �.. • CRiT--�+� BABt1�• � i]Iiirieeie oofllusi are' ixiir�la o! tirutelr� , ._ �1�1���►+�N#+�MM�lINN+•�1►'�!•lllN��M N you want aHURON COUNTY 1�Ow4cli,. �! rUi !NN• ��# 6iu. to l0iu tl,icik. It is 4•alculated, JAS, H. KER i . ROw to Maks'Thom Bright, 0t 004 NP.- t1100i0M, that ave: �+t triilriaia Peet of R Tlaa conucil Held its Jaxiutrrs ir18e3J{it; r cry ttwmd yERR AAC anunwellbaby. tirabarairi utiiizad yhtirly for ooAins in � , last week, all rise �anlberrrs�erseut ex"rpG � � ` iuu. '� PEOPLES POPU .AR """ORE Mr. Bowmen, of Morris, wlio wfia de., Tlra little oliap is mat t roti far the fun o> - -�- 41 - tin w tanned home awing' tea a sora foot. On it, Ha ariea 1:100,444e that is the only way a.ira 0*01e x4rkatg, !il�Il O!!!iflN#el�ii�M40�� pCp�01ti0*O��l��lr��Ml��O�S��s!_ !!O!!�!O!SlOO�O�fY+}!A! matiou it vvas decided tut Mr. Bowwan he lies of exprowli f the tact than he is Toronto, Feb. 10, --At the Western COFFEE Is the shape of a either in glia or discomfort. Most of y ORDERED SUNS SPECIAL 1 should receive his compemmdon the his little til aisles etre due to rove dis- Cattle Market Wda the healthy tans 1'lIh$h tld Comb t Satre as it he had been present. order the atonmtch or taoavels stud iE reported last weok as prevailing iu tiVe carry a splendid assortment Good Rio Coffee glean per lb Jfit: • ! W. H. Kerr, belug elected W&rden, Baby's Own Tablets are given both the butchers' cattle vias maintained, and of � jPorsteda, Serg'eg and No.1 G.P.Iilend Cot1'ee per lb 44c Cast, Handkerchief trouble and resulting crussuess -rill die Winter, 1 ibtins Coffee, 250 to 30C ma41e air excellent address, o0upratnlat- f, • sales parsed off at about the sante price4 Tvc edsSnits'lade to tit well, Gaols .� rf 41 aS, appear. You can tako it inokliei's word as before. There were suliicient offer- c cry and suggestive. for rt, and 1lSra. John 1. Sutlirrlamd, of look well, wear +sell, ,,1Q,00fair Brushes, Toilet A letter of condolence to the widow of Blisstield, 1S. B., says: ` I tltluk Baby's ingb ca keep the niarke4 steady, and so to $20,40.FRUIT l the late Ira Lewis, -vas ordered to br sent U wit Tablets the best zuedicine in tae nearly everything in this lino offering - Articles, on motion of !Messrs Connolly and Die- � warid for little ones, My baby was Vkry was „old. The utility -vas 'fair, there ! New Dates - 4 lbs for 25c h 011 }" y CQ��,tDS 3 for 25e = ' 'cross and used to keep use awaL-e half the barn n a unWber of good desert tions • Dates in pkgs• Goods, etc., 1011 Can Nan ;htom !night bbfore I got the tablets. Ivotvsha o p • Gents stand-up t,ullars 15c Sale Figs _ • Ou motion of '�i�ssxs. DLoLaau and ° , ff brou••li in boxes each - lOC i lOLiy ell+: very choicest , sleeps soundly, is good matured. and is amongst the common. Stu, n t ; Gents' �►'ing Collars l5c5e 1liiller,resolutions.congratuhitingJudges9 growing spleudidly" You can glye' forward, `Trade in export cattle did not • Gents' Double Collars - 15e Cooking Figs per lb these 'Tablets with perfect safety to" much improve, aux business wres trans. •• Gents'C'elluloid Collars 10c to 150 it Doyle and holt on their appointments, new born babe.. They are guaranteed to STILL GO! N G ON -erre passed, ' acted on the same basis as far as prices DRIED FRUIT • colitaila no opiate or poisQuous sleepy ', Tenders for county printing were re- I stuff, and are a sure cure for all the , were concerned as on Friday. • GFffTS' TIES . I ceiFed from the Goderich Signal find N minor ailments from which little ones The followin are Lite quotations: • Apricots, choice, per lb - 15C DOOR A., Ca pbell s D { g The cnrrect'1'ie f,ir Springy is astar and Llie Exeter Times, that of the : spcjr• $olci by medicine dealers or seat O Peaches, choice, per lb 13e . I post paid at 25c a lox by writing direct i c9TTiE• !!tele s+n +!ler than usual, in , w DRUG STORE Star being accepte;i, I to the Dr. Williams Medicine Co.,Brock- Shippers, per cwt... ..3 4 70 $ 4 80 • n 4 in hands anti knots Ladies Tailor •betide Skirts Prunes, large fruit, ;lbs for Z5c , pp , p • strings and Loath 10 ger cent,. off. The report of .railer Griffin showed the � Ville, Out, Do., light ......... , . 4 00 . 4 5G ! 25C to 50e each n Chocolates and Bon presence of eleven persons under his Butcher, or choice . , . , , UO 4 z5 • FLOUR ' Butcher, ordinary to Ladies' Fur Goods —Coats, , � • Bons in hog's. charge, three being insane, the rest Vag- good ..... . .......... 3 75 400 ! BRACES Capes, C..ps, Caperines, etc. 1✓xeter, Bread and Pastry Flour • rants. fall information given Concerniu_„ the y Butcher inferior ... , . , 4 oo 4 6L • nr • j 2222 , , 3 4U 400 ! �► Fine Brace, for Hien, .,oc to 50e —10 per cent, off, fires perfect satisfaction. VPa pThe Warden -vas authorized to sign a , finances. Stockers 2 2 2 2 , . l • Heavy iliac es for lien - Q5e have it, Prompt delivery. TO ADVERTISERS, i memorial to the Legis! itura, from the creat of $20 was given to the Chi!- rTTtn RS exD CALVrS. • _ Hays' Pirraea n - 20e Alen's Overcoats, Ulsters and iCounty Council of Grey, asking that the dren's Hospital, Toronto; $10 to the tows, each,,.....,.... 30 00 60 00 a u ' Notice of changes must be left at this terms of parsons eleete�i to mauicipal Prisoners' ,lid Association, and $'d5 to Calves, each,,,, 2222.. , 3 00 10 00 SHIRTS Suits, '25 per cent, off. �o FISH offlce not later tlipn Saturdity noon. fi termer! be two ears instead of one. the overs' Aid Aid ciatiou, nu SHEEP .... Lna2 0 ! Our Spring Goods are here T , 1 Lake Herring, head off, Z Tisa copy for changes must be left y sot later than Diotiday evening. � A copy of the Ontario $tacnes and a � The usual grants were made to the Choice ewes, per cwt... 4 25 5 25. � I+'ancv stiff front or soft front Special reduced prices on and split, reg. G5.00 reduced • Casual advertisements accepted up copy of the Municipal Worldwas order-; Public Libraries of the county, to the Yearlings, per owt..., .. 8 50 3 JO Shirt; 3lle to ; t.`?5. New Heavy Rubbers, Overshoes, to $4,50 a keg. 0 to noon Wednesday of each week. ed for each member of theconucit. Farmers' Institutes, and to the Agricul- Spring lambs, each . , • 2 50 3 00 o sty50 3 25 let, new colors. See them. 3 etc. T • Bucks....... , ..22,22 .. D 1 • EDUCATION Ai 14is7 rERS trial and Horticultural Societies. coos. LQV E,�`j T Ga ESTABLISHED ISV. A deputation of teachers from several ` Dir, Leitch and C. Howson, V. S., 1 Choice hogs, per cwt, . , 0 OD 4 50 � Dien' Wnol (',roves,lined Giaves � -Celts Huron Trout, 45,00 a keg. � schools waited on the council and asked appeared before the council in reference Light hogs, per cwt.... 2 00 0 00 • j y Heavy hogs, per c-vt.. , 5 o Get our supply early. This � %j °ar id I ll( A�Ti.`Q• for all increased county grant to schools to injuries sustained p the former last , fs 0 00 • and GanntlPts at reduced S - i1 lid 1I14,1ii yll ES carrying on continuation class work• fall, on Manchester bridge. The council j Sows, per cwt . , ....... 5 65 0 00 • rices tel Clc•s r, is a very low price. • e g Fels IlTaptha Soap. • H, la SLLIUZ T. Pvvt I&HER AND PROPRIETOR ? The Education Committee reported in recommended paymellt of $55, full I Stags• • • • • • • • • • • • • • - • • b 6 i 0 00 ! SHIRTING � �+lS • 1 favor of the application, and tlia Execn- amount of claim. • s Pare Honel*, per lb, - .10 FRESH FISH � i rcT\GHAN MARKET RUPORTS • 'We, sell the be -r, Shirtings ar. . THURSDAY. FEB. 12.. 1903. tive Committee recommeuded that the I The salary of County G1eritLane was, Wingham, Jan. `?8 1903. 12 C vd, worth 15c. Our Fresh Salmon Trout - 10C lb • county grant be made double that of the increased from $5U0 to $4UJ, the increase to be in lien of several small perquisites Corrected every Wednesday afternoon •@ close bracing enables as to dot g Table Sy rap in tin pails at Fresh Whitefish 10c lb • government. � by Cassels � Carr, • this. � 50C and .� 1.00 �s pA NOTES AND COMMENTS The amount to be paid the several Col - which he had previously enjoyed. h1r- Flour per 100 lbs.......... 1 65 to 2 50 0• � ! LAM 1iH l ISI I�EYS � Me. J. H. Legris, ex -M. P. for V. : legiate Institutes by the county, are: French, of the House of Refuge, applied , Fall wheat 2 2 2 2 .. ... , 0 67 to 0 67 @ A Y+T �� UL.I N S _ kinonge, has been appointed to the > { Me- Spring Wheat...... ... 0.00 to 0 00 New Dates, 4 abs for 2J The "Magical" will gran you • Goderich, 1.431,50; Cliutou, $2056 70; for salary.' Messrs. 0 28 to 0 30 O New Art, Dinslins at 7e, IOe, senat4'. [Seaforth, $1800. Lean and Young introduced a resolution Oats ...... ...::.......... • , more light than any other c Barley ., „ 0 35 to 0 40 1_r c, 15c, 20c. Broken Sweet 131,cuits and eliitnney, reg. laic, now 10c. The proiest against tiie election of lir.. lir, Jauies Scott rias appointed trustee i in favor of giving Dir. r+ud Mrs- French Peas • , , . 0 65 to 0 70 a - Turkeys, drawn..,. ... 0 11 to 0 12 �>� RAP��R�TTES ; Broken Soda Biscuits, A. G. McCay, Liberal Di, P. P, for forth of Clinton Collegiate; liar. James Scott, an increase of $25 each, but this was lost 11A Grey, has been filed at Owen Sound. ; of Seaforth, trustee of Seaforth, and on a division -yeas 5, nays 8. Geese, . • ... 0 07 to 0 08 a 6 lbs for 25 LAMPS ;lir. John Acheson trustee of Goderich Comparative atatement of estimates Duclrs, per pair 0 30 to 0 ,U a 'New Goods, Neic Patterns, New Hon. E. J. Davis has resigned his seat I Chickens ...... , ... 0 30 to 0 60 • Colors, 1 Uc to 15c a yafd, Reduced prices in Taney Lamps Gollegiate. and actual expenditure and receipts of Butter .. ...... 0 is to 0 is Leman Biscuits, 3 lbs for 25 to clear at 41,00 to $5.00 ` in the Ontario Legislature, and has been Eggs per ... . . . ... . . ... • • 0 is to 0 18 * They are very pretty. re -nominated. The fight will again be St Mary's High School made claim on 1602:- • • i>etwefin °1111, Davis and Mr. Lennox.. the Gannet! of payment for pupils from Estimated Actual Surplus Wood per cord ..........••• to 7 00 • LADIES' COLLARS I !limed Tea Cakes, per Ib, .10 • Heron council o iu that t h School and Administ'n of Justice racer w $sslu W 21123 sr ' Hay , per ton.......... • SPOON HOLDERS f l;lectiOns will tic held in Forth lark g S , D.Q. Jury zea+W lv24405 tits Y404 n Ladies fink Collars,. Collra.r • D. Q. Jury rand 000 W z4 ao 175 04 Potatoes, per bushel, 0x0 to 0 60 the matter was referred th the County Schools" - - - sero W WN:; apples, per bag ..........A 30 to 0 50 • Frames and Lace cellars, low Cookies, per lb, _ .10 A few Glass Spoon Holders to and Centre Bruce on February 26th. 'Gallo -v per lb , 2 2 2 2 ....... 0 05 to 0 06 • - Solicitor, t$moor management '1-101 0u '2121 s4 rs ei clear at 5c each. It ;vas semi -officially announced at tYruhts - _ l0u0 W MO W 840 U0 Lard ....... 0 15 to 0 15 . v prices, See them. • Jas Barr addressed the Council in ref- Counties, etc. tt)0 cru W6 tz the Parliament Baildinrs on Saturday erenca to certain mattes affecting Union mumcipil Governsn t 43W W w�2 W x97 10 � Dried Apples per lb ....... 0 04 to 0 05 O L®®Q��m,p�iplp®!!!!!E!f@llL���d!!la/t+I+DO!!@69 ►l�mA/Om00� iO/O!©!®Gt®lm0®O!!!!!!!!••• tau the Legislature would ones on Wed- + g btutionery, etc Moo am 04 tui Ba ! Wool ...... 0 13 to 0 15 • • I - ,_,_ ! • 5lesday, Starch 4• One cif tue ministers b vow is tear of sahoois lie 00 a was 04 a deficit of Live Bogs, Per cwt....... a" 75 to a co • � A D Qin LD BLOCK • -said that the cabinet bad not fixed the • x - of ; 1 JOHN KERG � a �� 9 JAS, W. KERR lett, but council to � iia action. ;c'`'n', cure of la uries, a�dehmt of i0u.x. and � - ���^ • S. S. No. 11 East Wawanosh and Hal-1,aceuaueo,u, za,+ 0u 1,1 t The report of Inspector Robb slio-vPd I ! " - - pxa0t clay yet, but w.inl�i do so this week, . �e�{ ! N G N A • unci {.tat ltiarch 4 would be the day. 89 school boards in East Huron, 124 in counts property a deficit of $107.03. Intending firks2&J Wd3etua'���� ��qg teachers 36 baiug male and 88 females. Interest •zap ttJ 3:.'07 a,Mr. H. J. Pettypiece, M. P. P. hers In iS90 the mm�bers were G5 males and Licenses 1101 W 1:-100 Registry office l OU W 1Gai 45 t tw `eteci his twentieth year as prepri-1 _ , �o 'I'- ab females. Ill 1890 fi:.S5 pupils -sere Lcavine the net annual expenditure on gen- � @'.i'QvS'�fD@1il49Ca!lGta actor of the Forest Free Press. The paper l tial accounts $tg00.b31ess than the amount e� I enrolled in East Huron rural schools; in I timated. , i5 >L' bright, newsy, little sheet, and is Debenture liabilities C7s0at 0o s It will pay yon to see me before piaci l 1902 4191 a decrease of one-third. Available Assets = �s u; inn your business. . " numbered among our most valued ex- 3veraba salary paid male teachers in ROADS �rD BRID3B8, moo, 4 aan as. We artist that Bio. Pettvpiece �' 1 teachers 279.67 I represent purely. Canadian Com- g 190 was $110.14 female $ Tenders for the erection of Benmiller , 3 may long be, spared to wield the quill, ; a decrease of $22 for the male and an paiiies. � f Drawn on the of #lad ,also to have a voice in the affairs off crease of 513 per year for the female {bridge were received, and that of F. Gat , I [gigue s (� t'�e pr+avince Grid; e, of Seaforth accepte i for the abut- Farm Loans at lowest rates. Town ! 'tf�• teachers; 52 changes of teachers took ments, and that of Hunter Bridge Co., :properties for sale. Some iut'erestin; resolutions passed by I place during the year. jj How often v'llEll you read Of elle pI'o- Kincardiue, for superstructure. ABNEa R COSENS. ;; ibe Patrons of Hus=ndry at their meet -1 The report of Inspector Tom for West � McKillop Council asked for co-operat ' C'eeClingS Ul Parliament you «'1Sh 3'Ou could i i:1g in' Toronto, lass week, Resolutions `IIuron show,rd the total receipts for'. L0A� AND I1'SZRAATCE AGENT. "SEC them at it." ion in reference to an act relating to snow > *ere adopted asking Dominion Govern- � school purposes, in this inspectorate, in- ` fences, but no action was taken- i � � f relent to establish a system of free rural c'lading a balance of $1500 from the A petition signed by 141 persons was re- t 3 AS Laurier in Stately diction and impaS- s maxi! aielivery; expressing the opinion ,,previous year, to be $78382. and the ex- ceived, asking conucil to grant $500 to- r TrunR �R+atA� I L W AAY I t sinned eloquence delivers his Speech On the r -� t mtall assessable wealth be equally as f peuditnre 61930. \o. of male teachers 3 -yards improving the hill. near Holmes- 1 and S T STEiyd hlld�2t, s ' t ses$ed; the property of railways, tele- c employed 53, one less than in the vine, leading to Forster's bridge. Messrs' y , �„�lr4 (Q,1 E lZ i gt$ 's and fele hone companies to be in previous year, and the number of female ; s 11 -TO THE-- when Borden anal sex sifts and Cr1l IciSES a,- p' p y Forster and Snyder supported the peri-BORMN —and Cartwright thunders, I proportion to farm property; urg K eachers 5o. one more than in 1901.: * ' a i Lion. It was represented than $300 ad- i 4 t tag upon the government the necessity Average salary of male teachers $381 ditioual would be subscribed privately. " WINTER RESORTS—while Fisher tells Rrlly, t of ap;,aintiug a commission with power $19 less tLan in 1401; of females $290, l 1 �"'r. —and 1villlOCli fin ilres, /'- t taregnLcte freight and passenger crates, , The Road and Bridge Committee re- Y inti $1 less thea iu 1901. Five teachers ha -e z commended that she matter be held fu ; f F Floridat —and Paterson explains.' �'Y*V. t prate against increased duties on ;taught over 20 years; Mr.. Geo. Baird,s Ca��f rnla, �f exico, Fani ' ;`;� �" ,'y � cultural implements; and that sub- ! abeyance to see what action gill be taken _ 3 S.o. 1, Stanley, Lias taught continue- ; b the Councils of Colborne and Coder- n s %eS you DTaRt to See them, C'c� fiction •C' of section 4 of Fruit Marks « ally for 42 years, and Mr. Tom says of , . y i r c ^ �' �� J Act a repealed as it seriously hampers ich township, neither haying yet moved ��e l�a�al�a0t$, '� ; —see ROSS count votes him ; Dir, Baird's beneficial influence ; , 1 t. {lg by exacting what it is impossible " ; Ill the matter. I,r ar f r_r ; \,•ry Orleans and the famous Hot j --and Whitney, the same. t has been reflected in the moral and in- ' bprinr of Arkansas. p a t to perform. tellectual excellence of these who have A resolution from Hullett council, ask- Onf way rnP round trip Tourist Ticlif•tes are i tug the council to take some action In r , , , See them all, just as alley' are In their `. passed through two classes. The results ; i on va.e-dei y, at w dial o routes and stop i of his work show that he is still in the 9 reference to the Goad Roads movement. ; over privilrbe, at prineipat points. most interesting moods —their -crucial ma- y 3lfr, T:Iomas Burns, one of the old ,on motion of Messrs. Lackhai•t ane meats, just as they stand with arm upraised 4+et pioneers of the section, and father'#rant rank of hisprofassian." There are A Young. IL was decided to call &meeting `1Cel�etlt SariilCa 96 rural and 4 urban sections in West ` or finger pointing. CARTNh/P,;fx of lYr. yhas. ii. Barns, passed away at at Clinton, of representatives from the P,nmpt cfmnections. Fast time. Lnxu�ioaslr h s r*ddence on Willoughby street east, d Haran. Two brick school houses were �• s erected during the Sear, one at Nile and, council municipalities, to confer with the appnintf•a Parlor and 5terping Gars. on "Wednesday last, in the 77th th year of .. council on the advisability of participat- . coral. •• a la carte." server! in the Dining and �%A'l• his age. De teased was well known and . the other two miles north on con. Cafe Cars, are not surpassed in the best hotels. RS©i1j Because, the TOs^^®i1t© Dallg' Star's ~ � West Wawanosh. i Ing in the grout to public highways. The t Tiefif•t,, Folders, and an information on ;'harden and ate , : �'ariialnent2rST reports die illustrated with waxy iii.xcli res;ieetr�d and the funeral on + Messrs Diller, Gantelen a-,nLcatiun to Arent~. 'ridaay was under the auspices ; ArDrtoRs AND EXAXDMRs, Connolly, and the t;lerk, wereappointed J. D. McDO\ALD, sketches drawn from life at the moment, you cif the Oral;ge ureter. of which he was a Messrs.Spackman,of Exeter,and Lane, a committee to make all arrangements'. District Passenger Agent, Toronto. life-lougmember.-LucknowSentinel. in connection therewith- they will e , get the most mitt impression of the way they of Goderich, were appointed auditors of ; v - it 1 inParliament. ,- 4 �° fc �a� and do tis ngs ` criminal justice accounts. I o ? In Clinton on the 10th, to further the ar- -~~ n The following persons applied for the raugememis. The aStar s O«n Sketch artist illustrates ' l position of county auditor; .Babson, the reports of The Star Parliamentary ](* ^ PC(G�� W Lawreum J. H. Lowery,Cliuton debates. QCs. W434dr, �F. 11. BailrlU`Oder4Cli;'i' E.. ;, 1 U Gi� chat �' Buys, Seaf�drtli'; W. Clegg, �4'i>z�Itmtn, , - You can get the Toroanto Daily Star P. W. Scott, Belgrave; T. Morle's,Wlsai �J ez ery week -day nett y ear along with this �' • ' ea; J. G. Morrison, Seaforth, .and D E _BaU Ou h� paper for $2.20. Subscribe direct or ROSS Munro, Auburn. Messrs. Lawrence � to � r [! S� �T and Oruro were appointed. , a °-•�• •• i hTOugh 0f�ice of this paper. RINGS GS s �c I had a bad cough for six � WHITNEY - g The !larger i3alipry Bread is sitter of count examiner were re- t seeks and could find ro relief ' The following applications for the , poi y until I tried Aver's Chet Pecto perfectiou itself. White, light, i - Q11 ' i .l l l✓s N. ceived:--•H. W. Anderson, Exeter; J. H. , •sal. Oitlgyone:fourth of the bottle street centre; rich, brarcii, short a � - �� +, 1 Cameron, Brussels, Mr.Freed,C,odeneh; 1 clued me. , crust. Nixed, molded, bake t _ ' grpn, Ont., � ge , - and delivered in suet the was' to � "' _ 1 •• �„!_ "''� ',� � !f ?dF:. ��, r -' IR00CHES ViandC meron-ver a pointe Anderson' L. Nnwn Ne�it y, ` ruin your approval, � , S'• yyy{ ,♦H T 1q ' F1: ANr ' Neglected colds a.sways .,,'•,•w. RAC1/LE S • 2222 ... YrY The insurance carried,by the county ' lead to Something Siio11°i. , is as follows: On court house, $12,040, , ALL KINDS OF PASTRY _• �� � :Y - Iionee of Befnge, s,000, contents They run into chronic „ -- bronchitis, pneumonia, WEDDtNd CAKES A SP£CMLVY .ill ;nf S OfeWeiTj :lliitl3$',000; outbuildings and Contents,t*0. J l 3' t y asthima, or consamptlorl, We have all the Jsteat fnachiii- • et1 the net earnings of his oMed far IWZ ion°t wait, but taltif: ery, and there i6 no need of z - � statement from the Registrar slao-v- 1T111aC1` notice. tobts'�NGG35,70--about leW t'twi tire, s a Ayer 5 Cherry PcCtoral wending to file city for pont MULCG'Ya 13LAIR x • previous year. Of this itaim the oftntp _ bread or pastry. ROGUES F1SHtR USt 29 SOon dS rOUr CO1] h receirbs $14M.45 ,sad the AegWrAx l S $ �.:..: MOctc begins. A few doses will • 4 EED Nile report at #dig Eitaiuit� sttmmittaee cure y01> t�iei'1. � ' � d • '' recommended the pryWtat of * 3mrge . �•�� oppotite Preel'ytex ail Ghurcli. Send . ..Y' O 'C�I. 3 K Tkreo,:. latdY�uoTi,car; ,,. _ 0''3, r , cwii%. ett., E+. most # , i her Oi >sCt attiiilt Abd a0ii1� ` aaW • ik a art rKtht tYr'.vf Lfs}s,�`r runt WIN ''�'` tllf+ Trftadr�t for tbo ra$e it Idit aids, t rat trw we. r• a ce icedt,, ar Aasia IRE ` iN� J. l . X3Eit W,1. .W1,.,uaam. F ,g1od JI �G &Fi. , ,which his report vr•t Preps Rua ties - I 1