HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-02-12, Page 14f
- .•'j
VOL, NXIZ,--- 1TO,. 1618, SVINGRAN', ONTA, 1'O, TU S A , FEBRUA111 12, 190 ! A
Wear (hear',%Shoes t>d liub>asr , FIREMEN A THE FK$TWE SQHo ,BOA'RO, CHURG DOTE$.
You. always day too mush _ BOARD. 1 a . ... .•
Shea Kit d by Dp $. ! The regular zn ting of the 00bQ.OI 1;iey- S. your h a boon pastor of the
Sheep ' .•-M--w„' For all Stvrna- " # d
¢ . } Mr, Jolla Nicht- Of Turntrcrry had rl. The 3i►lrtl Marr► :b']ramen lleltl tllier Bnarrl vgAs held in he council cltaTub . Clifford li'FeaU9te ptI Clhnrel. f,ar 2 r F
Wh 1 you Io i t1 iM number of sheep .vorrit,ol by dogs last third annual sap, br lx their rooms Iu on Tuesday evcrl g. Tllecewoe pres-
./week. When found three wore dead the town hell, ori = ,,Larsttay evening last. out, Messrs. Horan h (chairman). Moore, The regular clue eriy sacratmntel ser•
two others so ba, ly injured that they Iuvitaltipiis were nt tp the members of GrIfAti, Buttou, I oaglass, ;Kerr, Lloyd vices were held la -ne Metllpclist (:haurlll :; Douglas$
paradoxical., but true, Partin had to be killed, a d three. others more or the town council And other town ofil• and Abrahaiu. on Sunday last, fila pastor, I'wev, R ;
•0. early tree when biiyipg Crooke less injured. $0 ie of Mr, Nicholls clals, w1lo, with the 'in#tubers of the '1?he lrriulttea: of=rssvions inegtiug were Ilpbbs, oillriAtiil6 I M -
-* " because there Are so many differ.
: anti kinds of materia l fix,+d u . to
neighbors have Oko lost shee r is s Simi• o , + 1 .
p R 1 ' X ire And Iff ok: tK tl It Baer Cam anie3 read Aritl a roles.Y80
take the eye and rob the pocket• lar manner. p PP Rev. Votherlro wan, forinorly of7jou
Coustaut vigilance is requirod to r t e iii spent 11 r ncipsl's arport sues read, show" don, liAs been, apo-iwted by Bishop ly2e-
wades veru cola spial gttthorin The The P
fee undesirable goods from
early par of the Yen, g was pen. 1. tug tete fallowing Attendance for tate Egay to the arise of T1 1,11. to sucee d
r+ P , p e
e in it st k rl Drs. T. find J. S. Chisholm have re- orinv rasa ion fie whtoh al were in. r -
orR p g lip our . 'took. The
or y e t , fx l mo nth'- the late Father k arty,:
vYay to do it is tO
(rain the
moved to their new office, ill rear of 'vited toeurrouncr the tables 'which were Dept, Boys Gels. Total Aver, 8 i .
Pile best maitltfaptur0g, wnioh is our their former office. s . P T o twelfth an nal collvewtiou of the ,Special well 14400. with i.hpicest d0licAclea of , l a & b „k. -, t;3 56 AuRauru Union S batli Scltaol Assoc.at- :, We guarantee absolute
the season, oyste=s, of cottrse,:included. 2 26 i4 f10 50 { D
-- e+ I. Carnival and Skating Race. ion will be hel to the Presbyterian
FOR io DAYS ONLY After st1pPer, C ief SAttnorman was 18 7 4;i 41 I
Th fi 1 phnroli aG Anbur o Fids b Cure fir the moo dietracein
We have this `veal: s large crate - e est car11 if tete season wall bre called to the chats r mitt after woIcomiTtg M0 45 41 p 1t r y, a ruary
0th There wil be morning, afternoon .
of Toilet Sets- all-uew goods; rip held in the Wixlgha n skating rink on the members of ecouno l and brethren t 28 45 40 o g cafes, when +
old stools dulled -Over from..year find evening sessi tis and a, splendid pro- all fail.
Friday evening of this week. Prizes enid he hoped thea•. =would 'Ela spared to f, 2", :D a7 4, +
oods neo put-terunsbwhc li eye willgsel1 are offered for best"Stumes, and there have matt such,,. s. Ex -Mayer 7 30 gramme has bee arranged.
Everything ill Winter 'i iP will be a skatin r--,-re-two mile, heats- y P g g o"a 43 give his a tela) and your
at very' low prices.' g Clegg, on being c iced it oft. was greeted -8 W 4 tri 41 {,
at COST and BELOW. best two in three. The ice will be open „ He's a Jolly Gt d,: Fellow." He said -- -•-^ -- 50 cords of green wo vva ed. i' ' money will . he refunded ,
T to skaters after pr -es are awarded. Par- La Was proud of #-lo Present Fire Comp- 20J 21 431 3G i , } a
Note a few prices: Uolile early and got first choice, oculars are given •n posters. The principal also tate in his report i if we do not
$at y,
p any, and liked 'trlieir f aRuo of report QVanted-CAbinet inalrnrs so turner.
that the supply of lank forms for;
reg• Out extra well, PP P ,Apply tit once. Th H ug. Furan ore
Private funds to loan At lowest rate of monthly reports was almost exhausted, Cho. Limited, Berli . at.
1?naR [ A D., r, J. 1, liwin .was Culled and seemed
Men's heavy Overshoes, $1,60 $1.2Q 15 IAO ; . interest. Apply to Id• D= vzs plaased beyond ez-)teeAiom He thought and that he require l some additional o
A 441177 Hutchison 200 acres of land to b. sold be a 1st ; R
,, 1.50 1 Just think! A $ 00 snit for $12:00, 'a ilew lire ball six +uld,'be Procured, slid I chemical and physics Apparatus for the .April, cheap; 28 acres hard vv d bush a Nil A,
1.85 1'60 GROCERIES AND CROCKERY a $14,00 suit for $1C 00, with good trim- supplies {not culled) • good bir ing. ud fences; •,
Lades Sue suggested the G4ilgrogatiolial,, church seniorclasses. On In
I,aditjs' Felt Shoes, fur nein a macre to i'o . order Autl to -snit, - ` were ordered to be pr ,cured 7 miles. frOttt Wu,gbat i eat Wawau- ; ^'-"'--- -• •--~•••••-..•--- ,--- - -'
trimmed, - 1.75 1''35
Prompt. IleliVer Phone 59, - at Robt. ldox veli':=; Caine snick and property, which, be obid, was' central, 0811, T'or further pa " . flats apply to
Ladies' Felt Shoes, fur P . y get your choice. and there wo ilei • iiti.up-bili• pulls. The report of Iusp.ctor Robb on his Pp
'trimmed, - 1.50 1.15 recent visit to the sol sol was read and' , T• J. Mat:r_lt> . ! _
Ladies' Cardinal Slippers 1,35 1.05 - 1Vfr, J. B. %'ergistln,, town clerk; lues +
P "`` ordered to befiled, I wasasfollows:- 1 rt+
°i Felt GaiGors 1.50 - 1.26 The Con -se Concert in common vK1tn ether&; in a hnpiorons To the B Arcs o£Publ c School Trustees,onnain
it Felt love Shoe •- 1.00 ' 1.175 5 A LARGE SELECTION. mood;ancLinafeilrgnoclstorieshekept YERaO(jhALS, y- Fs EdUa`i n`
'' Felt lined sloe The third Iona It of the Wingllam the cot i pose Lumor, He W uglxtttn, - ,----f- x
c, •, 'Shoe lacod 2.60 2.00 Never before had I such a qunnh of farms popular concert nurse, given in the y x GRtttlPnieu —I he have to re art t t we aliall be glad to I are eontri'nitiona tc ; , n • .. ..
fine , ' 1,85 fotsale,asnow on the list. Inolia edea thin , g P ba (► . !
c 2. 5 thought it• seas to the peoples ucivautage { this colWun from any of oar rcadm•.+. It you * ►r
list are unimproved farms that may be bought opera house on rt sdoy evening by the I visited your sehool ,n Feb. 3rd. 4th, ; have visitors or purpose otug away yotuself, 1.
.4 c, r c 2.00 1.00 at from $20 to $00 an Acre. on the other hand, , - to have everythi g in. connection with 5th and bth. As used, I found the drop iu and tell as, or ae - a us a nate to that
s, ,t c• 5 1,45 t4ose looking for improved places may buy BQeton Ladies' -yyn:AhOtly Orchestra
1.7 such with brick: houses, stone stables and ail- the See lixotec sot ppisrattta of the latest school house and prR Maes quite sates.
., ,, 1/ 1.60 1.30 was the best ;vet given in the course, factor - STAATFORD, ONT.
vttuced Condition throughout at from 1;40 to an;l most improv' dldtid. y- You havtl a : excellent care•
0rhe intoi)ding pptucliaser of any kind of n. There was a good ttendance and, all are Mr. A. palma ,fife new councillor, taker. The teachers a e all doing very License Inspector Paisley or Clinton y A"
fII.•1)1 will 8ndit to his advantage to see me load in their gra ns of the entertain- - aatiafAeiory work, Wi tgham has all the
Your, Men and,
Ti U11? $CF.OTIIING before malting a purchase, went, was open for ew ight•enment regaiding advantages of a good igh Snhool ata was in town on iVedRaeday- } worth
a v
-T. J, MAQUIRE, firemens' apparalks, i.ud to Chief 'an- very tr]fiit-rust, I a , gOntlemen, p ' what are you worth
Men's fleece & wool Shirts, .50 ,38 Real Estate Agent. I Mi s. S, E, Event, )f Southam ton is ,
At cc ,r .75 -55 Oifiee-At Anyxclsidcnee,T eopeal state , - normacl fell this task- He enumerated 3:our Obe ant Servant. visitiugwitL Wiugh..m friends. That depends upon what soft are
„ 1.25 ,90 For. SAL,. 0heap-A bran new cut- P
ter. Geo. E. Xing the advantages o a uety fire hall and the j D. R'oim• (7onductor Iretaua and family are : worth to others. A business; or short -
W disadvantages of t11e; present one. Iia I The following scan is were orders moving to Rinaardin :this week. !rand edticatiort will alsvava enable
Men's heavy Caps, fn blue
Who Wants aarnl Two brise, hanaes, with 0r without hoped the counci would tape aninterest I to be paid: -C. J. R lading, repairs to ! sou to get a good pesition, but the
- 1125 1.00 four acres of land, will be sold at A. bar- I _, Mr, E. P. Paulin, :f Dashwood was education must he strictly first-class.
and black. - Ihave over 4000 acres of chole -3 farm lands at water pipes, pp
Men's heav Cas in blue for sale, fit 50, $5, 100, 150 and 200 acres, lots. in . gain. Also other property. Apply to in this matter; a it uvea very important. P P • . $3,ah, ,._ Ross, supplies, , .trlv8 us all •O
n black, P ` GEo. Moli`l.Nz1E. „ ' $G,SO „w calling on Wia liam lend this week. i Pporruniy to, tell you
and , - 1.50 1.15 Kinloss, Greenock, Bruce, lifticardine Huron .the ineeting lossc `Svitli Goa Save, , A. H, b9usgrov - and Wnl. Cleg" what we are doing for others.
31on's heavy Cap$, in blue , and Ashfield Townships. good Ian& with the King,'.' expenses to county co noil, $5.10: Boiler Mr: W• M. Davis, E., of BerIiu,
.75 (;0 good buildings to be sold cheap on easy terms. is — sYas in town a cot ;+le o£ da s last SveeL, W xlte to -day for our catalogoe
and bleak, - Also a good sawmill for sale, almost for n son.. Inspection And Insure alae CJ•, premium, Stade R
`li'[en's heavy Caps, in blue Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in con- The Pas ion Play.' :"
nectlon dein a good business, for sale Cheap, $10. Miss W. Alba Oil* holm is spending a Students admitted at qtly tinea
and blas 50 ,40 s The re. xodnoti of the famous MONrY To Loa+ at ia:, per jcent. on
ALln Bei a ono o e b anneal for le cheap. P easy berme of re &yzuent. Appy to A. Ths sa]aries of the aclierH and officers t few lunates visiting xiends In Toronto.
tradtt, lie %Wl Fe- AM, .n lAr$e.ttmount of .Passion Ploy b means of moving Dulmage,. li`eilt . loolIN {
ii on to loan: t: a eu c u .- art... • r> • cturea' ':v... b Mr. a Winghaul' were ordered to be lid, and the Board Mr,. Isaac Crowst tz leas returned home ` - ` I T
1n;N'1 AII,IT1C31TGiS, , ,ty rx p, .,aur ? .. >sit!...1?. ,,gi a • EL A. Ctillorto l,: c.: . Ind'ourned !! W. . ELL T i
„ tirsular4, lycz -. .fir. Clveue,,d T• ii e ,ilk rgeoliz,- Clots J,,.., ,from Manitoba wh re llehas beau ]even I
t1.8.;1tzxlio.xO_, -;pick out your. 3n the Wz > trcui r ,, s -.
Now is px uf,l pe ii Hottse last Fri- , , i
s are so low. .T. A. D3cIfEN•G» ' list and 5peciiYTiaG, Lj c ELL iv6B4 Afi , ., fair sii f,e rnoxit. 5. :-a: , .-. .. I"RI r IPA L
ilYinter Suit when price Insurance Ageriti. 71olvrood. day etvening, on r the auspices of the Throat will b at Win hath ou Monday,
just ten days to do so, arid: yon should [ Get J. Buckle 'o
R. G'. Church p , e y g y" 1 ce . n cigars. Jos. Ctolley, V. S., of Treherne, Mau.
j e'Ieadv antagc of this great sale.. - --- - -- - - , vv s fairly well attended. I'eU 2nd; Monday-, r,2aroh• 2nd; Monday, ,
The Passion Pla is a representation of .arch 30th; Monday.May 4th; Monday, , g g --
Prices of Suite, from $10.00 to $40.00. GEN AZ ZOC Z NEtiVS. JMane 1st; Monday. June 29th ,, Glasses st*ble, buys
at o f r if yon ttvan6na rid viciutt with cid friends in ! 'ia llam Mr. Aroh. •Campbc4l, hi. P•, xieclnreti"
Everything guaranteed first-class. the Iife .of Ch st, and the different properly fitted, office .at Campbell's bargain to T. J. 14 . Gulur. y ' himself in favor of rid railways by •
See HalseyPark's advertisement. scenes and; ins 3ents are deficted with. drug store, Wiitgham. Mr. and Mrs. A. Winter, of Hart-
> Do YOL: WANT A Feint?- A bargain at taking stoch-- or in: some similar 'way
A pleasure to show goods'. Campbell's Headache Wafers guarau• ife-like reality There was also quite a g bey, Man,,are cisitt ig with their cenain, i
teed to cure headache: panoramic trip through Ireland, present $5,700, lot.4 of Tnruberry, now m Wing- t Mr. H B. Elliott. ; only, ti
in scenes in, he principal cities and Facts for 8 siness Men. ham; 88 acres, 50 acres pasture, 30 acres ,
g p ' p ploughed, 8 acres bush; the best of soil; Editor W. J. Sh :rpin, of the CT 1:171" { The bylaw to tak $2sr,0(10 of Fick in
Romuth brosis A False Report. other places, iicb was ver interesting. The man a fishin does not usually get abundance of water; good brick house * he Huron, Brace rid Grey Electric
y S'• '4idette, uvea in tov on Saturdal-, nn
a pile the first .time a casts in his line. and bank barn; well fenced; good or- Railway wag clef ted in Cilborne,
The report that . alsey Park, Jeweler, Tho man who ads rtisea for the first shard. Possession loth of April. Easy gave the TSiiEs offic a fraternal call. Township Uy Four vases. -
Sign of the Big Bear. terms. Investigate at Orion if P
is giving rip bus' ass in Wiugham is The La a Duncan Fisher. time slionldnotbe ca ointedif lie fails g you want W. J. Neil is in T rorito this week at -
PP a good farm. Apply box 172,Wingham. Lambtou is entities to Glie sum of
entirely false an without foundation, The following from the Paisley Advo- tb get results from .t. If the fisherman tending a meeting the Executive of 135 000 out of the $1 j00,000 a ro r
MARRIAGE LICENSES He will be fou as usual at the old tate refers to he death of a brother of has no lack in ois3 lace, he doves to I the International Br therheod of Main- i ' ' ' pP grit"
P cd by the Ontario overnmeut for flee 1
issued by Fiteivit PATERSON, No- 28 Victoria stand; Macdonal Block. Mr, Peter Fi_ er, postmaster, of this another point and )acts in. his line again. Tax Exe tions. tenanee-of-Way Era !oyes. i
P g A improvement of file ceding roads.
street. iPinitham, O11t, No wituessesrec aired, town:- There is more 'ian one advertising Mr. H. B. E;liott pent a few days of
The report of the nreau of industries Mr. John Retch , of Brucefield, sold.
CRATON PORTRAIT. -Life size, for The late Mr. fisher, who died on .Tan. medium. shows the exempts n from taxation by the past week visiting with his parents { a air of 2- ear -o
$2,00, at Armstrong & Co's studio. 27th, after a all G illness, was a son of The newspaper= for the advertiser is in differe G at Ingersoll. Mrs. lliott, who has beets P 9 geldings last week
property parts tlf the pro- ; to a gentleman ire iu near Tavistock, for
Scottishparents dwaaborninOsgoode, the one which pings him in returns. viuce, van to list manufactories. visiting her sister, rs. (Dr.) Morris, at ; }
DOMINION „ ;which he received he handsbnie rice tl£
S. O. S. ' At Home." Carleton Co„ On The family removed Everything sinks into be- Those exemptions' Huron are Brussels, .Gagetown, lynch., eturned home with `$400. P
to St, Mary's, P rth Co , where he re- fore this. The l rning question is not 2850;,Blyth, auto tnotstated; Exeter, him.
Camp Caledonia, . O. S., will be "at $ The Goverume>t ]las decided to aboI-
„ ceivecl his early a ucatiou, and was then how many peapl may read an advertise- 5000 S $ 0, Wingllam, $16,- Miss Little left ingllam on Tuesday
home tothe memo ra and their friends $ , eafortii' lsh the close seas for fish in .tile Detroitapprenticed to a w ellen manufactttrer,iu went, lint hove any can Ue prevailed 000; 6oderich last for an estende visit, She will visit in their lodge room n the Mason block, ! , $12 , i00. River to lace anadians on an etlual
Guelph. At the -piratiou of the term upon to respond itis Basil to ars invitat- J with friends in H muton and Chicago ; p
on Monday evening, 6thlnst. Invitations he returned to his ome t take a short ` '—'- I footing with Uni ed States fishermeu.
ion to step forvv d and buy. for two months a d will spend several
have been issued f r the event, and a course at high scho under Dr. McLeilau - ! See J. Buckley's n n chis for • The directors o the Canadian Pacific '
leasant social rim may be looked for. K P months with her si ter, Mrs. McNau ;h -
P y now o£ the Hamil on Normal School bargains in pipes. Railway declare a dividend of
n [ l I to m Manitoba. ! 2 per
aiita • • • • • • • $2,900,000 House and tw lots on Catherine St., i
q s At the age of tvv my-dne Mr. ,'Fisher for sale. ripply oil the premises to CLrAnn o SALE—Our a continues Mr. W. A. Sill' lc, who has for solve cent, On the prof suers stock and w>:i
Eserue • • • • • • 12,900,000 Until the 14th o Feb. I will sell my leased the New Ha burg Woollen Mills. Mrs. S. C•riichriat, till March 1st. lylr . eeler won last { per cent, oil the c m'neon sink for the
1+10.00 suits for $1. 00, and $14.00 suits , time past, been a to ed in the store Of ,
for $10,00. obt. Maxwell, Tailor. where through inte rlty and large busi• 1/ week s $5.00 prize. P P y half year ended ecember last. There t
We not alw ya advertising off or , Giro, E. $I.- Messrs H. E.Isa & Co., lest last weal: .
ness capabilities, hi success was phen- selling. at cost, as ve have to make a+ • is a surplus for th 'half year of 13,°A2r
Farmers' Notes discounted. Wal rEn.-A t, y young man as yin- to take r. positio as traveller. During :
rover or ren ice to the barber lines• omenal. In 1859 h removed to Paisley, living and cannot eve that way; but in Try the Wiugham will fion rid feed '140.
Drafts sold on all points in Canada, P pP • order to ken a c an, up-to-date stock store for good Sour rolled eat, Crack- his stay iri Win ham Mr. Sillick made G
ness. highest ages when through. purchasl:ig the lura er, flour and wool- . P , P g_.
the United States and Europe. Apply fol ;va's axber shop. len mills. He ant red upon his new we will clean on the old and get neve. ed wheat, geron eal, rallam flour,, many friends, leo will be pleased to c ~~
Our customers o last years sale will j Tilson s rolled oats sp ' peas, pot barley, hear of has suss .se. a t •
SAVINGS DEPARTMENT -Interest commerc al entero se with all the en- tell you the valt they got. $1.1.00 suits ++and corn meal, a lowest prices. , ►vin 8inni Leading J lOE Store
Allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards,' Canadian Fess Association• thusiasm and aggressiveness of youth, ° for $10.00, $16. for $12:00. i Telephone, No. Chisholm Block, Miss Lena Sh w left last weel: for D
and added to principal 30th June and 31st! and' ever since, ti to two ears ago,,
Robe. Maxwell. Winghani. Chicago, where. he will enter a hospital
December each year. ' 'The fo. ty-fou •til ' annual. meeting of yI and go under tr suing As a nurse. Mrs,
the Canadian Proms Association was held When his health be an to fail, lie con t, „ -- __ -__ _ f
L. W. Hanson ccompanied her sister to
A. E. G IBSON, Manager. in Toronto last reek, the Attendance be tinned to carry o buisness in One or The Death of Bert Paterson.
ii. Pnnstone, Solicitor. lug the largest it. the history of the As- sher was ever lohese s l t swhat he con- ! WHY NOT C -U R E This week it is our very sad duty to evening of this week home On Tuesday ^ a.
aociation. Man_ matters of interest to chronicle the death of Robert James d
nev spat+er men x general were discuss- siderecl the best in rests of the town. ? her. R. H. H lines, super' of • Q v r % " ' tl
T H A T COLD ? . Paterson, third son of Mr, F. Paterson
HAMILTON: ed. The ( overi ient will be asked to In civic affairs he vas public spirited, I „ and ' the Standard Company's interests iriBANKrevise the Postal Act and regulations in He ser1red a numbR of years as a mem• I aged,
Bert., 10 years,
r , 5 betters known, was Pennsylvania, as visiting his uncie,Mr. s k
sever l particu]aiis, Mr. D. McGillicud- bet of the public a ool board, and alsoTilos, Holmes, anl.er, and his c0usin,R. .
W1 N M H A M A do, of Goderich, was the retiring presi- on the public librar board. In politics taken ill On Saturday a venins 'with Holmes, golmes, beers. Cr, here, last week. He u
appendicitis. An operation was Per' C ,d
i ice of roe• he was an ardent L exal. When he be= • is interested nth other capitalists in the
n dent, and Mr. H. J. Pettyp a formed early Tuesday morning and he ,
Capital paid rip, v'e 1 und, 00' est was elected t 5 the position. came interested in parliamentary elec- Ot4R - oil and gas teat welts now Laing conduct.' .
Reserve I, and $1,600 000.00, , P was thought to be doing nicely, but a ed at fie worsx,,and Walkerton and also
tion he event vigoro sly into the contest, P
turn for the worse set in and he died =
Iytosident-,7Oiry srtTAxtT. anger to press the the to the gates n£ .n the countie bisei: and I€eut. Mr.
viae•President A. G. R., MY. Just reoeived--•.iew spring prints, dress 1 early Wednesday morning. Bert was u Holmes Ilas.i Oited thousands of dol,!
i DiIaEC'Ylbiisr goods and carpets at Isard s. PP P l g • P ...,
:Ur: Butler,ps specialist in the diseases the o ositihil. He was alae a warm ad- I quiet,
Yu luu esteem by a large circle of lata worth or aeltinery from the >;T. C
vocate of tem emus 3 reform. Mr. Plah•
John Proctor, cern. 'Roselt. Win, (AiUsgn, M P. of the eye, ar, Iose and throat, Eyes er an active, falthfu member of the Bap- ` g Ftthe duties al a tlti vvhiCh apiotlnted to
A.W. Wood, M.P., A.33.Lce (TNrohto). y o (rinds. The bereaved parents, brothers over $800 pas to the Canada titrstoxus y
C{enpra131ttna1cor--J. TtT11178Utt. tested and glasses Supplied. Office op- List church in Paisl )y, and An honored
poslte St. Andrew's church, London, deacon for twenty-.ne years. In Dann- and sisters will stave the sympathy of . department, He is xtreatly pleased at: e,:
tllviiA a Bsuk--Hours 10 to !l; s aturday, 10 Ontario. ar 1850 Dir, %'ish:r took in marriage the community in their affliction. The the advance made by Ontario within., . .
g e o s ARE. cur
tp 1. DE+pbaits of fiance uptvardgreceived. In y) , ag are guAranteed to funeral tak04 place from the faiuily, rest.
tbiest A owod,git,I co)uputed on the Moth No thinks that Can.,
Miss Jane Stewart:- eldest daughter of break u an solei. the past few ears i+iid
vember and 31st Ditty eac11 year and added to p y Bence, Ticttlria street on Friday after.
Alex. Stewar ', and sister of J. A. r r r t ada should on be able to !fare a flag of
pritxeipAl. Has Beers l omoted. Rev, , Try them , ! f noon At x.30 o'clock for 'flee Winghani
special >r5eposits also received at current Mr. Tied H. Heath of London, well. Stewart, D. D. o Rochester. Ire six { her own. Holmes expects to return From all prices 'throughout tho stony
rAteg of interest, cemetery. and thR at t rangpzl :romotie fonrtla
known in Winghatn, and son•in-law, of months slits was c tied home, leaving lltro next in nth..
7)t!Afte on Great Jtritait; and the United - _ flown to two-thirds of nxdinar;r sig..
Atstes Bought and sold. Mr. Jas. Duffield, of ,his town, has re- her husband to sor ow for a loving and Ares. YOi" get the 131;;N1 Pi'T of is
TrAv eilere are notified that the8anknf Awn- ceived ilotiee, of his promotion to be very :gifted young ife. in September, OlUNC,] a TtlVearrnt our pros Aurtion Sala of househoi fnrnitur 1 this radical amputation of lWticmme
tpn At►d its Branehps issue CironlAr mates of , stock oforaugesell them cos.• e' prtlSts. ThRtm is no deerearso In is
STstfoat►I Prot iitr+IAI BankofEn land,Limited, special agent of the onfederation Life 1880, lie teas Again artied to Miss Mag• bnagies, cutters, bees an stlun .wrhiah tin be rAshe l tvithbut c iArge or iron• .. price fbr the'nex, , g ctivr + values, hist an CilorlplCtxcy abrinIly
i►11iii4 xuy part uftitb world, Assurance (+i0,, wlth head gtt rtCrH at aie Adair, secobd aughtof of the late . For Sale only by ,Y. trox tY,`c'Star" lutes rant. In Calf, i)n lriul`kRt fife ', bXi .yatlirda. .
w. 0dztSOUtp', Agent Toronto. Ile will lea o T,tludon iu three 'Thomas Adair, of 11 ronto, a woman of T+'eU.2lot t J 101 deism at1 tow It, in the selling price 1.
weeks to undertake t e duties of Isis rare literary cultn add Spiritual life. Why not patronire home 1'iilu r t ,and pip i@t g i
+ T.. DtC»1N'sON'. Solicitor. p WAITori
buy goods mann ttired, in Our town,
neer position. Mr. i bath was offmd Sho died in 18SG, leaving besides • her 0 IBBON tylionyon can Ke as .BOod or better comealoligand leave four, dor witli.the Western Ontario a mtgament of his"ht tftnd their thre childerh, Archibald M' • . , . y , .
Cha Tlstris and Weekly Mail and stili Star hour iii t t st xn the market, 'Win ham mill fl utr Tut, arid, store. :
value for your m ife Our Manitoba us', on can iaavR mance by uvnlr thcr
aapirm till sob J'annary, 1054, to stew - g
beoribers for$1.7;5. Promimm icer company, hilt prefer d to accept the Clntosli, tar$tlrs and Mwrg et Adair Dru1 itt and i iGi durst try, it and , at the Winikha?u Telophono, No 6 1t 1 Aelive r
who now also mo •rn the loft of an a. »rill flotiv to"A feet] stere. Tolephono Thos. " '
pg + Watt man r +viilsholnt Bioek, .
xiapeirre And old subaeribers of Mts.i tint! tl>owelwe ye ttra A•iitthethe impanyueAn for feetioustt, gentle -t;il indulgent father. x t to PO4 01"4 'i 'o.83, 43hisholul.Blook Winglixin, ; Winghalll, TV I a G REE r