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The Wingham Times, 1903-02-05, Page 8
t..7 ... ° .. + . { , ,X, ✓ i „ ,i`'4A1'nti:H,iJI, R,/ f/', ,,. 1 - N $ isiAatl.»°t , iboiml whorl SvtR +sthe rtirtutln s of fore- _ r i the to this as m Lrotu anY our roadctrs iia , ' - tao.am is r'ngai a t0 Ghintae iitrxTifk'1•a- W'e¢ tits! glaid tri is is aorltiib f:4iS E Tkt w 1 roto Nur gu rl$ elk'ay sol dt,tion. They a ked for alt incroused p fila a ngta to hat -- ^^ bead tax. 1 ben the last inermase . r I ,41 eo and tell tea, at. Pric 41 W" PLL ' Baa Marie fir 31'ilttid said that it &.4 ,l Cb1°K1Nie.1` Rq#' Beth$ eat Prcavittriet WAS put cit as an aitperiment and it I1r. P. Macri ,. AZ. F., is Qwata _ is"'Ur O Cot th@ Subsidies, not found satisfactory then it could c r R couch Sound this week: a of weeks we will give special prices in BED. E _ be aU ' #ill» ii till faxAward., , , I3 S DISPLAY OF 1>1t0Uit1 SITITIa , SID> 1l0Alil?S iin{t EXTENSION TABLE,S. e - V Pubiio Sobool l s for Robb,of Brua- OTTAWA CON RFN4_ aa;s, waleiutowii n Tpeuday. Quebw, Hewn BrunswicksantiiSPrince r JM • Mr. John ark, 4 Essex boa been visit, ' k,cltwar(i 1'sland Basi an iutut ciety Our '$10.50 Bedroom "Shite cant be beaten! High beds pAd, _ y ' y Ing at hicm!loins hire for a Jew days. ontarlo '"Coulia v,044, ; a ;A,, ,l4,01oa(ti . with the Xh15Rter of Justice and ktig dresser, with tt good-sized ailirror, and large washstand, l ' ATr. Allah, of .Wrdscir. Inspector of 8J[apel^ iIrE,Y,taly--#ti aulapextuulcr is 1;Ion, .Tis. SuWwrland, in reference to golden oak ilnish, , the Ilalifax aware!, of which these t! Castan.s offices xas in tawn for two Invest a..l'sritiou oiF lit in tiro provinces Svi iit their proportion Other cheap suites at $1',7, 00, $14.50, $17.75. ' _ clays this week. 'Moot repo i I?ulE to the hander? over to them, They itresentesi a An assortment of 4 suites to select from. Mr. H. 0• Bell eft on aatnrday'ast ou pptnl>wteu an the coti-A lau a test case to the Vinistor (it Jim - A trip to Now Y k and other American aE,haE,t Lange. , lice, which. in due course will likely ba ( ubiiiltted 1.p ttta Suvreaue Court, SIDEBOARDS 4111iaS at almost any price. if ynu want something S DE Q Wi citiesa 00. Toronto, .Tan. «'a.- Premier Rosa _ _ _ter In the cheap style, see what we have at 1pS.QQ. + 1 oth,Mr, and Nrs. eO. H. Mooney of Rip returned from Ottawa last ?110,11t, a,f- '-"" " - '' C, ley were visits. *with Winghaui rel• ter attending the conference of Via- 00 . 5: FOR ' EXTENSION . TAI3TaES--Good strong tables, Well niShe l,, atives over Sundt vineial 1'ietuiet a. tiyhon seen iit his at t,5 00, y' residence, the Premier e ptessod his. Mr. Sas, D. McDonald, representing satisfaction Svlth the latei!viety with Tho unders igne(i h: for sa 46 flrst•olass c t the Toronto Sta was.iu town on Sat. Lite Dondulon Cabinet on Tuesday aY- syiitlu t}1tei:sil%BO a 0 Ile blithe Nvou first We will be pleased, t0 show you Our 9t0eli. Large assortm6t OF LACE CURTAILS, at. last !n. i ternoon, All the I roS•inCcs had Lean nriaextLncknawan c:swaterfairslastfall. See what we have In bigl~.grade furniture, day a t rile uteresta of thut paper. represented, some hY one xuezud n Parties Elesiriug tv tnprove their stooic and CURTAIN lei U SL I ti S, APT S AT E E. N S, , tvit+lr to secure+ a good animal •houici r+ea filer. 11Xr, Robert Set, k vho has lasso visit the Gov(r iinent• as well as the kis- DAN Iia CLOW, • rwhit:•.hurch P. A. " . ' t Ing at hisaunvs, rs.xoIcenziaforafgw Mier, The conievencc of the various ART "NI USLI IN S, S I L K A L I N E S weeks left Mon My for his hove fill Provincial Premiers and their col- Lot 30, eon. 19, East Svawanoslt - leagues before approaching; the, Qo - " R A LL R ROSIA N D C R E. T O N N E S. .. Dalesboro, Assa. ernment was very satisfactory. There LOST DOG.Mx. abd Mrs, beet Marcln,who have sGemect Lo b0 no desire on the partbeen spending a f=.w weeks with friends of one 11rovineu to gain any advant- A valuable scotch (•01110 flog; good size: k' breast. and paws yldte; hair nit back :N,ci , ' I in and around VWn h4m. left Saturday age aX•pr the others, pis each accept: shoulders tipped with darlt brown.; bob tail; r 1 SPECIALS ra ed the basis of , population as on- , answers to tale name of Bob. An r acm!loA talc- RLSlDF1Cci*-PhTluglc ST. The People i E last for their hoot+ Jil Autler,Assiuboine, tirely satisfactory, The reception of I ing care of trim artdle.aviiig wale! aT the TIMES S. Gracey's former residence, Their many frieni6s wish thein. A ha the Provincial Premiers b the Gov- l Anr ' person ngh,nn slit he s(Yita i aftter till where 1129.1 t etatbettlln eceivo Furniture i ¢¢ ` 3li.incll Flannelette, regular ?c Gild 8e for - .Qsz happy y Anw Pelson found lceepiub 1 1 pt a 10 PHONE 51 rn lure Store and prospelious life ill then` new house. ernment had been most cordial, and iloftee and not giving word, will be prosecuttd 30 inch Wrapperette,. reg. 12 -le and 14% to clear .11 nrr, Roes expressed his confidence as the law direots. : Mr, A. Reid, gingham, carob here on P ARCFf, MrNEIL,,a, re alitW.ax.rn „ w,, r,el,+ estiaru+r,i11 72 inch all pure Table Linen, reg 50c, for 37s tli4t the plication would be enter- vingheni P.O. Sunday expressly to hear Rev. Mr, Man tamed. Wbethor - - - - any condition Can,1-,.East kytwanosh, - 1 G 1 inch reg 45c, fol'' ,35 Bing; his special ! iterest was lu the fact would be 4ttached 'to the Saint or dozen all Svcs,! heavy Hose, reg 25e, for I0 that he was a met ;ger of a congregation not he Swas unaRlle to lily, but he felt . CARE 'A R WAN 0. Mess Laurine Agusta Kaiser convinced that no condition would in Eastern Outari, some years age, over Tenders will be •ecei l b lE undersigned (SOPRANO) As there trrP a few of heseegd dress Reallnants. , be attached, if any, that would ill- i i 1 up to Boole on WEdnesda brunet 11th, for which Mr. Mann! ig s father was pastor, torfere with Provincial autoii i", or the position of Uaretalc the Wlnnham , t ` TEACHER OF VOICE AN PIAN43: will sell the balance at 500 to clear: Clinton New Ern, curtait the constiZutionai privileges . methodist chureh. p es can sera on al, - i plteaticu to the un( signed. ' -.-- s now enjoyed by the Provinces. W. J. C•REE . let "e y liecv. Tr,uyte, oar<l, We have opened a ;lour and feed store Concurrence Necessary.. CQNCPI2T ENCiACiEMENTS ACCEPTED. in Chisholm'a block. • Please call and : The arrangement could not be car - Watch for specials every week at leave your order. ; rigid out without the. concurrence of C A N A D I A N at gi QpS ji;+, 9_ QIl 4o Re;Adenoa H. B.Ianiot:,Francr5st.,Wing lain. . Howson., Hart•ey & Brocklebank the Legislatures of the difTerent Pro- P P O R T U N I + I S WALKER E ROS Ctc BMW WANTED. xr n T m - Tf -There is a gre t differenoe in the vinces-or, at least, a majority of UNDERTAKERS, WINGHAM. vY A , v .L E D . 'price of coal in lifYerent towns this. them -the I -rouse of Commons and Night calls at Button Block, or Fifth ' the Imperial Parliament. In a mat- 100,000,000 Bushels CAMPBELL'S. #0 i4 ,ewinter. Last week the Brussels Herald ter afiectin a trhan a of the consti Efrain Crop in. Manitoba in 1902, door south of School House. Shop op- isaid it local dealer was selling coal at tutiori, it Sva5 not unreasonaLle, Dir, proportionate yield to Alberta, Asslnlboia posits Macdonald block. Heavy cast iron sorap, Highest rash , y,. p,•p iy, p # , , , y ,O y i e $12.75 per ton, and he Atwood Bee says Ross s:Lid, to ase: the concurrence of and Saskatchewan. price paid. t it dealer in tbat town was selling' at $9I the provincial Legislatures, and or- iiinluons of.acres of good laud for sale ori T11> 4 ST1 STERN FOU iDR CO,, per ton. The pr be in Win -ham has eh their• concurrence would probably easy terms in theNorth•Wext• THOMAS HOLMES & SONS Limited been from X47.50 tc-N per ton, be ineffective with tho Imper!4 Gov- Immense timber and mineral resources in. Wingham, Jan. 1$, 190S, MINOR LOCALS. -Mr. Rogers,. bother of Mrs. R., eznment unless it was contirmed by British Columbia. BANKERS, Etc. Morris, was taken tt the House of Re- the Parliament of Canada. If the openingsforRinicbers,Fornie`r.,DairymEn, Marriage Licenses issued, No witnesses rip- NOTICE TO CREDITORS. - fnge at Clinton last week, He has. been g parties to the ratification of the pro- • Referendum Figures p P FruitCirotwers,Millors,2fechanics?rospcctor•, gnired. ' The official retwils of the referendum poised adjustment of the constitution miners, 11io rti a per cent. 'large aiaotwts; smaller in -•Aybraneh of th Metmlolitan Batik suffering from para]♦sis for some time. on this side of the Atlaittic all con- proportion. Eanie.t tams. vote on the Lign(r Act, as 1iub1lshed lir Write your nearest Canadinil Pacific agent NOTICE is horebv given nursitant to R. S. [f., - 'has been opened at russels. -Concert No. 3, Cts the Wingliam pop• this week's ontal'0 CT currod, the Imperial Parliament { for free illustrated booklets on 1, WESTERN RICHARD HOLM ES I8,4 , Chap 129, See, 89, that all periotic having -The late Sonat r Wood of Hitmil, On azette are;- would,doubt, g y Q_kXAI)A ' and "BRITISH COLUMBIA." oln_nis against the estate of James Sh1e}l, Int + r ' alar concert course, the Boston Ladies' For the .Liquor Act.__-. ,... , . 199,749 creat the dos edameiidnient atiiZhe ' BARRIMER n.T L,%,,W, SOLTCTTOR, Coffin(, Township of. East Watvanosll !mm the ,?ff an.estate vale .'d at over $1,000,000. Symphony Orcliest: •a will be held in the Against.... , .......... 103.542 A. H. NOTMAN, NOTARY pinoux ', S`c., sea County v Huron. Tarrant, deuy of , who died alteration of a, f©tv words in . the A. D. about the tired th' deg of Dost per i -The regular neeting' of the School Opera House on Tu :sday evening next. Ilritish North America act, so as to Assistant General East, Toronto :gent Office -Next to Ho1mEs Block building. A. A 1002, are required to send by post pre I Hing St. East, Toronto paid or to deliver to R. SrI the l8t solicitor for " ti on Tuesday -evening of next roes!:. ' Total majority for..... , . , . 96.207 provide that the pet capita subsidy the Executor, on or before the 1Sth day of ie'eb• ` -Morris and Tuwaberry Councils will Total vote 'poll d.......... 303,291 to the Provinces was to by based on. -- --- - - --- -- r - - - - --'- + ruary A. D. 1008, their names, addr:ssea Una Thepubllc ror ald certainly like to f set on Monday, :February 9th; East Total names o. lists........ 59G,934 the last decennial census,. rather T. J. MSG R•st u shiptiarl,nnciu ftidtstatementoEPartieular..q their claims and the nature of the security he. price of al step on a banal L .: awanosh on Tueaday, February 10th; These figures show that very little than on the census of .1801,. would The t cif anyllield•by them duly certified, and that t est Pawanosh ednesda February more thanitalf t e vote was oliva. the only 'change necessary.' CLEARING ,SALE OF ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE; after thesaid.day tile Executorwill proceed V, y P y INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. distribute the assets of the deceased among thn 1. y, parti.•s entitled thereto, having regard only t,f rbc Etti.et on oo say,the Blains of trliich he shall then have notio, . -•-Onr friend, itlr; F. G. Sparling. 18t1t. DfoxElr To LoA;\.-Money to loan. on Mr. itoss swag able to Say that, for Da ed e!us .w Happy gni=ie now., ' It !s a grand• Mr,H. Park's auction sales of watches, . t lei 10t1i,dayofJnirunryA.1].1^0. notes And notes discounted at reason- the present Scsafbn;, ihero was not t ' clocks, jewelery, c., held for a few able rates. 1lloney advanced on snort• ! likely to be any deficit, and the Accounts, Rents and Notes Collected. Con- R. S•ANSTONE --A M thonist church is to be days during the p I. week were very gages, with privileges of paying at the AMPS veyancing done. 5oii i oi>n or ii eP a t utnr. new , e a means of the Province, were ample to RESIDENCE -Leopold street. r ` successful. Mr. H will is a mood sec- end of any year. Notes and accounts , carr ori ever enterprise just. now ,, erected at HarristcEn next summer at " collected. Office -Beaver Block, Wing- { under conlem laiion p "Zi th a lar post of $15,000. tioneer. ham ROBT. MCIsDoo. P n g -•-See the famont re roduction of the i 11ir, Wm: Anel exon, of Muskoka - et. rovonue, there are, isovever," , he n r rp q P i added, large spheres of usefulness NOTICE 1 o CH'DI1 ORS, TED, Posslon Plarin tli Opera House on Fri- brother of Mr. Ric Anderson, of Bel- I monthly S l ooi Report rtn w uich the money toultl be applied. L ini;ri =R001i1' Lamps S -- LO ' GS WAN els evening of chi week. more, died on Tue day of last week, The emana ror tocnnicai eaucation p notice is hereby liven pursuant to R. c. 0. a' g Examination 'for January in Division i has become 'very urgent, and in view 2. 18J., Chap. 120, Sec, S8, that all person, staving -=The annual m ting of the Howick Mi. Anderson was ell-1-Twn in this A. eontiuuation cl :ss, subjects: -Com- ' of the Lapid growth of our nianufac_ Lamps that94 were $1.v95 flow $30, 1.20 o u against, ftEa ece of Mary w inth Coil or • i^ cr •yy 3hlntnal Insurance CO. roll! be held in vicinity. position, Euclid, 1 ebrA, Arithmetic! tures it is of the titmost importance ' 1,.75, I.50 ofFlnron, widow, deeea,E,d, who died on or '1 r e Town Hall n Friday, Feb. Gth. -Call at the T s office for Sale { to Canada, if .two aro to ,get a foot-' about the tile atiz day, of December, A. D., and Chemistry -D t imuni 400. " " 2.00, L ; 5 100'. are required to send by post prepaid or to 13!116, Doggers, Ca s, Bili Heads, State- n !told in the markets of the world, deliver to R. ti anstone solid or for the exevu- .• Xr. Jas. Toun , barber, will occupy Senior -B. MaeEtugall 0.43, A. Hobbs Agriculture mates many calls, and, tors, on or before the ,.6th clay of I•ebrnary. A. t11a store ill the M ser block, recently, ments;Invoices, Le ter Heads, Tags, etc. 323, M. 1\Tixon 320 E. Edwards 295, N. although we are doin • a great deal ,i) , and a ir full statiiiinent of particularsIf used by tha :Adnan e. office. etc. A neat and correct job at reason- VauStone 270, L. -leer 2u7, DZ. Robert- i tt'fth our limited means, there is vast their claims and the nattu•e of the aeetirity of a are prepared to ,pay for {. ' j. + s able rates. sou 252, G. Egiest 1nEl 237, P. Wynn room. for development, in that direc- Parlor I.afI7I95 age i Ykie HE id tlieuthei t_3 ceitiflcd, and that l --{,,lark Murray of. Underwood, ba Y. 7Ekertttors twill proceed First-class Maple logs . 1 per lt:' -Rev. R. Hobbs Swill deliver Ills .lee• 1 A. Pari: 211 _, Howson 2 1 tion. And similarly with, the de . Lamps that were 50 now '4:00 to distribute the assets of'the deceased among !:first-class Soft 111m,logs.... 14 en appointed Cl rk of the Sixth Divis I (), 0 ()+ R wands for development of our, natur- P the parties eiititIed thereto, ha rins rt.gaidonly tore on "The Mant q Man" in the Meth-; ; Hough 118, A. WiNon 110 (2), H. Wilson i (ml resources, such ns out mineraIs, r, « r 5.50, 5.00 to `heclaiins ofwhichthey shall• then have n0• Fust -class Rock Elm logs... , 16 Court of the only of Bence. i 1,00 5,50 e odist church on M rnday evening, Feb. 93 (2), J. Garrick ;o- (2y. Lind the opening up of new Ontario. ' Dated this':. *!.'tit day of Jrinunry. A. D., 1001. First-class Basswood Rigs, , , 1i"t ,» i --miss Jennie alker entertained a R, VAN6TO T);. First-class Beech to « 16th. The date b nrr changed from the Senior- S . Ds iscn 321 H. Pose 27 A clianee ror 2nvostrnent. vc,ughnm:, gs• , ..., . 1, t iauatutberof i`riehds at her home ouFran- 9th to the 1Gtli. b s E. Cnr 207 M. (trordon 231 A.Riutoul "In the acijustment.of the aceount6 9olicit. rforth, Esrcutors. k t* street on We esday evening of last Carry ' ---- - - -- A11 lauds and grades wanted -If you want o save mone order 209, R. Rose 90 L. Ansley 195, W. between Ontario and ;the Dominion, Also some beautiful y the Province of Ontario will r Cooks Cotton Root Coffi 0114 get our your magazines, netwspapers or other Isbister 197, E.. King 190, R. Runciman I doubt be called upon,, in a very short u r p Call and prices: 1liEr..T, asbind r;of Louden, haspnr Foreign periodical at the TIMES office. 191, L. Derr 180, . Crulkshanks 130 (1), { time to place to the credit of the i ialI and i sang' ng I_•'amp.s. Is suoeessfully used monthly by over . 'ch (Sett fl. i . '. Rnnclman s machine 10,o00Ladles, safe, effectual. Ladies ask ill be ad for work: nes It will pay you. a are agents for any I• Davis 90, C. S etwart GG (2l, O. Fer- i trust: funds of the Dominion the un- at big reductions, your drn gist for Cook's Cott6b $cot Com• g f *op. and Sv $ w t ,of the above publ' bed. guson GG (2), E,' ott 65 (2), I paid arrears on common school Pound. T kenootter,asallmixtures,pillsand The Canada Furniture 'Mfrs t°;91 4ik, I lands. This fund yields the pro- imitations are dangerous, leriee, No. Y, $1 pper o ,% t - box; No. a', 10 degrees stronger,ss per bole. No. Limlt(d. ' _Urs. F.G. Spar ing,`ivho is at London ._ -D ` Robb. Ai ens, jr., $ad one Of ! voice lnti'res t at 5 per cent, It would ler 2, mailed on receipt of price and two s•¢ent 0PrRATL : s his Kanas bad! cut while at work at rtt7tt • appear to be wise to invest in this stamps. Tree cook gnu►pasy Windsor; Oni. Vital continues to improve. Her • 1 , Call and see tis before you but-, W -Nos, 1 and 2 sold Ana recomnmeadedby all Vie Blittexi E.BC Fessmit C13atir • ; m friends will a leased to hear Ty y morniu tl c- vif f Dr. IR'. 3 Sp rlln4, i r - A s Lou trust fund as much in on aCipract c- responalble Druggists Sn Canada, , he chair facto o i Tuesday g, grant from the Dominion as practic- FetOr3`, this 1 lle vs, pleased will be laid off work for some time. Sparlt}itg, of Wingh :m s ; a son. a able. in order to increase' the L' net.- ° No. l slid °are sold in yinnliarri by A. L. R-ALKF,R.--In T„•lnberry, on February 2nd manent irlconle of the Province for FIamiiton, Colin . A. Campbell, a A. Douglass Win gy-h a it Ont. roving pie res, give an exacC -The Tnits is eased to Iearn that the tvlfo of Georg S ailcer; a son. 1 t) th pathick a on. a 1 the future. This cannot be dol}e all and J. y. Davis Druggists. .r MTLL it-At MoiL b4bank, Grey Tf>., ou Tabu - 'on of th famous i'asslolt T•?. Manuire, res estate agent, i6 re-._4. " urs 24th, the wife .f David ;`I. Miller; u dang}m- at once, but, extended over a few " e it in Opera House on :covering from ]ii recent illness, He ter. Years, will leave a cgnsiderable mar- 7ri'day' civ ing of t `s'week. was able to be tal n out for a drive on l MCDovALn-1u Ripley, on Jan. :t th, tine gin for immediate use. Once this aoa Tuesday, afterno0 i wife of D. N. XeD nuidtormerly e£ Bnlluore; count was squared, the Whole ad ii- ' A ^ 0r' NO '+Ai' M/yA1►l+,M/tM/ !/tAi(MJ4A IJeAn/tNVNNA» AV /MA/e/ MN AIfi a daughter. tional giant from the Dominion ' - C i -The Westmi sten Guild of the Pres + Alt7tiG1) could thou he applied for the present This is the only week which thoroughly Corers the entire continent /' fi byterian church wl11 meet on Friday ' BOxnv-McDO axn- At the >ti, G. chtirelT, i necessities of the Province. The poi- , t . 3 F: l evening of this eek. The a t, Lon 'reestvater, an Ja . 28tli. by Rev. Father Coro- ley of the Liberal party, that Untar- P g'` ellen, Beni. Bond , of Windsor, to Miss Oluis' lo, should keep its investments !n- - il l fellow will be a subjaet for debatf. tena daugiiter 0 Alex, McDonald, of Culross• tact, and if possible idered I them, Cyclepaedia Everybody Svel me. sArride'm p .sox -At the 'resar mo s- of - k the bride's psi' ts, in Hotrielc, near 1iio10s• might 'as well be considered til con- , --The open s ason for muskrats coin- j Forth, on Jan 244, by Rev. Mr. Ballantyne; noction -with this additional source Mr. A. J. Sander on, of Wroxeter. to Miss Eel- " Marmalade mencea on. Jan' let and will close Dray en A. Gibson, da ighler of Mr. and Mrs, Geo, of income. 1st, but no inn krats mag be sold during' Gibson. a April. The c ose season for hares and BAT Asx--STO t-• At the residence of the. r A erre ® ircuf tune y rt " iLl tasty likeanarmaladeff you use brides parents. wi Janunrr .,Nth, lry Rov'.'Mt. ( r,z,1 9,33z MORE, . E3 m of the heal fr011lmalade oranges. patridg+a !s fr Dec. 15th till nest Sept.' Stewart. Mr. Wri. 7. Balhigh to 11i,s Maggie 9 y l_ t Wo !lays a nice fresh shipment, also 15th* berrtgh daughter sf Times. Stokes, both of 0 rt i Total InereaNb in subsiates tbkod tui Edited U L. H. BAILEY, LEY y , assisted by Emttlt9.r sorts at lowest prices. 3yrovinetal,x remtery. -bliss Ire a A. Armstrong, a former : D10D resident of ckiiow, died at her home I HERDAMAX-111 Will Ilitiii on Feb. 14t, Rich- Ottawa, Jan, a9. -'Glee total fill- XVILHEL I MILLER, and m-arly expert Cultivators and Botanists, iardJ.Herdsman agec TuYearsand101uonths, crease in Provincial subsidies as de- : g T 2,000 Pages with 2, goo Illustrations. in London o Saturday, aged 1$ ears, In Four Large Volumes, > t shipment of y' R y tuna -In Turn .,errs , on February, 2nd, An- manded by the provinces wound rY g Miss Arirmst ong left Lucknow a few rhos Jobb, aged yeah, aumount to $2,150,80, but of this 2iM ►! . years' ago t study at the London Coit. FrstT0- •inPal lEv, on »T:tiiu,Ary' w7th,Dnncan amount, under 'the presont avra.nge- fist. The most coMprehensive, clear and complete descriptioll :of the vegetable world, ry and 6hina servatory0 Music. Fisher,brother0 i'UatIlta9terklsller,x,fWing• 'ill(, the Dominion liar to Pay, tell- .. ham,ageciB6yea :r. (ler the increase• lit eensus, to Malt- Ond, 'Convenient and practical directions for tete cultivation of all species of fruits, vegetables, s y,,, , , qA this Week, in which is ill• fir. G . A. Newton has this week liOL(iEr: ; In bt eels, on. January 2sth. Tiessio it.oba, British Colulnbiti, and Nibw flowers and ornamental plants. E ,,,t ded Cly Derby Tea S61%, 6o1a his h !la and lot On l:liiagonrll street }ala :rh Christopl et., b flow('! wife of Thos. 'H. 73rtirisWick sums ai.buttthig in all 'to .t + iI tird, Serviceable suggestions on the marketing 'of all kinds of crops, based on the result E; of Colored Caps and Saucer to Mr. G, 'Stewart, Mrs. XeWtoll i Iger, aged 23 !+'rtes, a months and 1 dap. 001Mnsin uAshine, on :January 28th, :f Fete's of 'experlenced Observation. of Toilet Seta, new shop,';!' end family will move to Toronto ill the I Midlida C000ry, ged 60 yetis s% 4 amontlra and ktl Lon Murray1y, Vo armcl o t a, left for : . 3 7umd twtawlas, orcin X2,00 tet $4.uIt, t eY•aX Lon ley, i<itivaGtltla, left Ser elogwat tt$Vns to ole !near in e, wI Mr, Ive iwtonhas been ! 0 days. !lento terda , Wtord Ir win , 4th, in short, an authoritative, attractive, interesting reference book, Invaluable 'pApLeit )n -In k lei, on Tsrntiary Atli, A'1,.Er y y g to everyone engaged in any fotni of ag riculttXral. Work, Oeur ki agaia eMplet , working inee the fist of Talluary. } Daawm, i elliie rioT t late Thos. Taylor, aged R • both 4xprosftd the opinion that the , Crit e)ut 191 y0m. WM Ilia to suit you. month a d 15 days. invreasad subsidies Would be given : 61:1'1, Absolutely up -to -dine the; last 'V`olnMe haVin just 'beet issued from , K J and mail ,• _...•.Ona orlling this week Mr. Sweets, (JIeAics ros -1n Atr:0oc1, eii ,7anuary wznd, ' • Geo, IC, Cranston veterinary surgeon, aged 2ii by the 13olninitln, the r'ess. of ming am, came doves here and: put- g p at 'once to yeiyi's: (!that. ieroi•IKEkBs' YO'antrs. .. , - ... _:. V'ir'tues Co, $'.i' 1100 o T" and Co Yee? chama t o fete drivei?!1 from 14Ir, l rttid• fps EE 1t - 1nZ t ,iGavrant>wll, on .7anttar * 7tttli, +y+,pribvinclal rery)rc ntatlY s r►! . . ford at T. Hill; the Jas. Scott, aged 7, ye'ars y ft church st, Tor onto Do. price Wag about . p.I`•..I, now fire the city had an inter- 1J e i'Y , V jC -- X800 fat a carie,--•Ltlloro Correa The'Tilti"s authority to arrap e tient. with the'mmubers of the Calif- d6nrVem in !Wort Xevr Era, dates and to s ftli: auett" talail fol', net :yesterday acrd put in a, f tronft A 1t Lege bttndsgme prospectus wltll samples qi beautiful lllustratlons neforring to your •advertNoment What V. . t of Btu at. 7"lloe» pare iTm !swot. of Balt having their rt.- of Cyclolmidiat,f American Harti. ld J. E. Stw;arts and Clogs. ' reptesentin-g rilre plants emailed flee on a,p;alicatlon to culture: in The 'Wingham Timm, 1 : i HrtiStl., ' pfesalitation firm 1'arlforamt , rMuced, shailba plomed to re"Ive prospt -fives, l ) S(sy , ' 1 :hem have mdc it bat of , 7 .: y GrtrvWhdtnndlna that- the population vanrpleilittstrations, etc., Alae full partieu- V r Wi aoba k serin i ot&rotor W% j, Cout r 'wfl prob bIr be h ld `aloog w i ir, delegation. on. 14f.p.,Co., larsrc•garxingprie . sears illomg with the delega.tichi. Name bis bet, Iia cormweed work loll the j February 9ti, . Annear Lire 19t!liEl. j 3'` Church Street, rifai}iag addrens - _ _ - . . _ __ +rrcwe f Tul*t Tmnatafttg. The t+tus- dart Ir,doldvti oarlalia>ra,7cii'ddtil rdtirow!t ' rc lsr t*t and Attnrrtt y-Elrnwr Cit? •y- t cofine of fixer t9e^Lr 'hacl +sthmrsn ta ar, w Te+llsavad 't`• deT+• - -- 6 O! {1ID' r3t1 OXdlrt. „lairatwb} de,i eitAWbtd, ld • t1 lllb", .1tittah Crniwliallrlit, had alt 044m 0 i 'i• h r