HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-02-05, Page 6Ir
IF 7,*7,r'
THE, 71110% FURUARN 5t IW#
we OW* heard a story told of ki ural]„. CUIR104 FAC'TS
k 1MV11 40% who, whil-a turning rk faulling mill and I I ()ermauy,m tAil,,ol; iloldier is a non-com-
A Cit
tawax with 4 viaiting minister,thought- rowsiqued off-leer, Of)” bill, ia height.
Southern Callfor4s Produces 22.000,-
loatily lot lawthumb, Catch in, tile cogs, -_ I
WfW with couwquetloes that need not be ell- 000 pounds of Hit N beaus annually
largod upon. The poor fellow danced of than world's, total pro- I
threa-fourth's 0 00 EA H
i'� No rejuedy, covers so large a fie&4 About, squeezing the injured member (luotiou. One ranohlntbe beau country
of usefulness as ST. J'AUL's WAVults, and grolulog loudly, while the, minister covers 1,00 acres.
pityill matil too,' To preserve or restore it, there is no better
. gly murmured., Voor While attempting to smoke. a pipe at n than
They are indicated whenever tliem I prescription for men, ivw;ien and children lbadl toobadill The wife of the "poor
couditloo, as, they tone Calouna, a young native girl aged a, They
a weal,
aud 1,rilig maul' utideratoods. tbluir or two how 8, set are to her clothim; slid Ripans, Tabules, The), are easy to taki
up the different orgaus eleven year
evk.r,%udsheaQted- "Pair maii,indeed!" After lighting the are made of a combination of medicines approved
was burned to death
strength to the tissues. N
said tihti to the minister, "Gang My"' . . . . . . . . . . match and used by every physician, Rippns Tabules, are
Palpitation of the heart, poor di- wi, ye; gang, awe' oot, and let him, nae a tobacco she dropped the burning
on her dress widely used by all sorts of people—but to the
ge$tio!l, sleeplessness, weak chatle-0 tao sivk, r a bit it'll ease 11hu, Ye I
L L- nerve %..— & % Tile hospital fit Mingo, 'Vganda, has in, ever da folks they are a veritable fricr.d
anxillia, and chlorosis, are quickly kqUol been destroyed by lightning. All 'tile
relived by $T. JAmus WAVril�s ;, they patients were saved. Tbehospital was in need. Ripans Tabules have become their Stan-
also repair the waste caused. by hard. Good Health is impqnihle opened in 1900 by Sir Henry Johnston, lard family remedy. The), are a dependable, lion-
without regular action 9K the bowels. AUS C-CriTLY Liccessful ' ccord, to
work and fatigue. A LIVER and was ffien the finest building in est remedy, with a long and s r
Laxa-Liver Pills regulate the bowels, ON AND
$T. JAD195 WAVURS dell cure Constipation, dyspepsia, biliousness, Uganda, its spire being visible for miles, yspepsia, habitu_-1 and stubborn
p stomach, sick headache, and tilt aff�etiolls Of the BOWELS The Tat catchers Cf Hong it have cure indigestion, d n, dizziness,
as food and send the nutriment estiou. Price 2r). cents, KKI LV constipation, offensive breath, heartb=
organs of dig been out oil strike for a week, during
through the blood, and 41s is the AAl druggists, TOE SYST�Nj palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular
strex.iggth, which the number of rats hilled sell from
honest way to get heilth and. rheumatism, sour stoma6h, bowel and liver coin-
, the . kind that lasts, develops and Mr Lloyd Macdonald, of Listowel,who CLEAN EFFECTUALLY; 4,666 the previous week, to .273. Up to plaints, The), stregthen weak stoi-oachs, build Up
-STRENG T breeds the energy which accom- has been in charge of the bub-agency of 4r. the end of August they had killed 08,665
3 f C
11,1W*H W V�l , 05 'Me5 R ; of the plague-spreading vermin, run-down systems, restore pure blood, good appe
Oft ru.l� f 7 plishes much. the Batik of Hamilton at Palmerston C,01� ADA S din
X 0 L and has bad a thorough training in the 0:1 tite and sound, natural sleep. Everyb6dy derives
ENqjCH;fH System, left last has left a legacy' safflejont to provide from a regular use of Ripens coiq 00 Canadian. Banking 0 An inhabitant of Farmouders, France,
t 10 "St. jameawaferis faralab a 5k constant benefit
most powerful evidence of the week for Oakland, California, where he prizes of '23 francs each Yearly for the The
.11)— A.A icreased power Of Medi- OVERCOMES ' Tabules. Your druggist sells them.
fivll vastly it scholars--male and I
VWjPr,V u. of j udi- enters the service of the Central Bank TIP ON two in -1 for an ordinary ocdasion:
- cantent by contuluaTIC most polite r e'
=. pharmaceutic Prepars- ruble le the town. The winners ale cent packet is enough
W011,511 M reallcan a 0 1 leave used them With inthateity. The Bauks in. California i'lAR ('0
Zoad -access when =Y ra+1ents are adopting the Canadian System of ITUA PERMANENTLY to be elected by ballot of their school fel- The Family Bottle, 60 cents, contains a supply
needed strength for a Fear.
Dr. Charles Rall. bankiug and have been on the lookout lows.
11: 4WORITAi Xng- for capable and experienced men who A%op The Swedish Antarctic exploration
all Bruqqi a Chard 1A
all Bruqqi are familiar with it to assist in introduc- ITS Bzq�--� ecelre-
St James ;V4fdrs are not a secret Ic ship Antarctic left Tierra del Fuego at,
november on its second
remedy: tnthenumerousdoctursre- Ing it- He was acoompanied by his the beginning of N
commending mt m to their patients yQuil — N U I N E — MANT'D -BY
request. ger brother, Frank, who takes a BUY THE GE summer expedition. The vessel will
lug mail the formula upon
W. here dealer,4 arenot selling the position with the same bank.
wafers, they are inniled upQn.rr- probably return to Port Stanley, Falk
nadian V F9. R TS1AFSy[?VPCq land Islands, at the end of February or
celpt of ;,rice at the Ca
St. JIM CO., 1723 Genuine Castorle always bears Cis 311. cm
St. Cat t%tj Y0.9,V beginning of March.
Catherine St., 3,�ISVQ4 fRAIVc,
Price irk Canada: $1 00; of Chas, H. Fletcher. CAL. 'rO NIV.
Six bottles for $5.00 15 KY
FOR SAL! BY ALL DRUGGISTS. PRICE 50e.FER 50M,% ......................dSidsdll
The Wise Economize
when li-by was sicic• we gave her castoria, And Make Home Bright,Cozy
When she ". s a Child, she cried for Castoria. ANOTHER EDUCATIONAL SHOW
d Cheerful With
t From the,.', when she b,,..e miss, she clung to Castoria. ,i n �'����ylfiy����%�!�*����9
wheu.he had Childre.,she gave them castoria. For Z. numWT Of YcArs Canadian
Another old pioneer passed away on I.o i rses*met with a rowdy sale at G V 1, am b inry 0,Ltrs. v
pric3s, and then came a reriod luring "HAN"D YE" be
ZNEL 5anctum Mill January 22nd, in the person of William U M
011inferesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. -nn th 3 best were i4a, o.ly sal
• h:cb e
IKellington, of Trowbri(Ige. He had "ble jjn�j inf�jvlor stocit would bardlY
Elt Moore bar, been appointed The Bell Davis is an exceedingly un. I been ailing for over a year -with kidney The impo,rtation of While there aro lually ways open to
bo given away. e in the home,
for the Deering Harvester Co. for popalar apple in England, and Canadian trouble but hart apparently greatly to- nigh class stallionst almost ceased and wise women to economiz profitable than
�ussels and vicinity. fruit growers are warned against colli- none are more simple oi
covered and was quite well until the (1,,o, trade bceame generbLIly demoraliz- tile use of Diamond Dyes. These
Children Cry for vating that variety for export. day of his death. The deceased William cd. During tbo laist tWd Or tbree years matchless dyes while they recreate and TiiE Ti-NiLs announces the following low - rate"
Used internally Hagyard's Yellow Kellington was born in the township rf -businiss Imas been gradually reviving, restore old garments to beauty and use-
fit, I f uluess, also renew laded table covers, Clubbincy Offers for 19o:!-o-
Oil cures Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Albion, County of Peel, Out,. 1827, In ln:l the pa,st year hait men it large ZD-
curtains, portiere, asghans and chair
�AST%j K IA., Quinsy, Pain in the Chest, Croup, etc. 1855, he married.Maria Andrew, who still numij,2r of importations of Pu-,e bred coverings. giving them bright and arti,.k- I Times till Jan. 1st, 1904 ........................ 61 00
The Trcialiurer of Toronto received Used externally cures Rheumatism, survives to mourn his loss. They catre !stallians for breeding purposes. The tic colors. One trial will convince you i
Stiff Joints, Contracted (Jords,.Spralns, the that Diamond Dyes are home, friends. Times and Weekly Globe, including the premium
ightly over $165,000 as the city's per- Strains, Barns, Scalds, Outs, and Bits to Wallace and farmed for 16 years from (jraugiit horse is undoubtedly aver Send your address to The Well., Rich- picture of Ontario's Lieutenant Governors 1 60
,,mtage of the street railway earnings in of Insects. . which place they moved to Elma, resid• inast'statisfattory type for the aver- ardsou Co., Limited, 200 Mountain St.,
Va. Glass bricks are gradually coming in- iug there until 6 years ago when they ago. farmer to breed. Good heavy Montreal, P. Q,, and you will receive Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, with
:The Hess Furniture Company's new I to use, and it is said that glass will soon 'moved to Listowel for a short time and Jorws weighing �ronx ' 1,500 lbo• uP- post paid new Dye Book, 45 samples of premium pictures, I Alone" and "Purity.". '.. 1 75
at Brace- be -used for making then*went to their present residence in v,-,a,rd3 and of good quality are likely Dyed cloth and full range of Diamond rM,,,s and Weekly Alail and Einpire, including your
Aftry wb,.,ch is being erepteft
.440 1 . , statues for pnbliO Trowbridge. to meet Ivit4 a ,ready pale, for,%olne Dye Mat and Rug patterns. choice of premium pictures, 11 The Doctor," or
ill cost $BR�00 U Lim, to come. such horse 1 11 Contentment." ........................ .
0 and employ 150 places, as it resists the corroding effect enj are 4 ract- 1 75
mft of the 7n�lier much better than mitrble An Aebing Back, able. vild easily broken and while
,%ri'd-di Troop Oil liniment is with0tit" or granite. Is the first indication of kidney disease ait-ing sale; can be readily used foT THE CLOTH Times and Weekly Witness ...................... 1 60
'peeption the most effective TOIXtedy for I and should be taken as a signal of danger alkv I Times and Western Advertiser .................. 1 40
LTlcers, Open Sores,Rheu- Children Cry for —a warning to use Dr. Chas6's Kidney. any sort of farm work, thu,% paying Times and Weekly Sun ...................... 1 75
tits, Wounds op, w1lich the fancy horses
J, Bites, Stings Of Insects, etc- Liver Pills while yet there i4 time to for th�ir kc "us bottle 25 cents. A avoid the dreadful paills and Cerfaiii VaT31Y do- Times and Daily Globe................I......... 4 25
*farbetween $14,000 and µl0,000 C96kSTORIA. fatalities of this terrible disease. This I To produce horses. At R! Profit- it is TRAT Times and Farmers' Advocate ............ 1 75
. . is no guess work, no experimenting when I h!ghly desirable that the best olas'4 of o C) C)
'ante be . en ascprtaiued as having been Mr. R. Tasker, of the 3rd concession, Toil use this prescription. It brings re- I I stallions be used. In order Times and Toronto Daily Star............ ........
I registered st'll
has been the subject of very s0vere lief in a remarkable short time, and be- to facilitate te theselection of Such stal-
tcelved by Treasurer Shambleau, Of a been i�M,
:tent County and not accounted for, affliction dnriDg the last few weeks, He cause of its combined action oil liver and lions, arrmgenients have PLEASES YOU We could extend the list, but it is not necessary. We can-
lost a brother in Hullett and a married kidneys, cures complicated cases which to ho)d At Grand's Repository, Tor
jAjebuoy Soap--disinfectant—is strongly cannot be reached by any ordinary treat- to, oat., on, 110 4th, 5th and (Rh of give you clubbing rates for any newspaper or magazine
wounnendedbythe medical profession as sister in Manitoba; his father, who re- Mont. r4,,,brjj,ar5r, �j show of Heavy Draught. The Qtyle that pleases the fashion
purhey, has been bedfast S,t,,jljjon;R with a prize. list all1OUnting blished. The above are our Fixru) RATES, marked down,
st infectious diseasca. sides in Har -whioll an interesting —and the workmanship that PLI
aAaftuard again with typhoid fever, and is only now get- The few scattered pioneers of the to $1,500, at V educational addroslaes pleases us—make a combination
v� Information has been received at the ting better; and his eldest son is at pre- Huron Tract are slowly but surely, pr=ramurl 0 that ought to interest every wearer so as to admit of iio reduction. Therefore there is no use
e, Goderich, that ilei
the Y, w1ir be provideA by expert horsemen. of clothes— a combination that
T. It. offle sent laid up with conjestion �f the thinning out, by the unsparing hand of Tht, bro2ders cl` hVaVY 110rilcs have for -oil asking for cheaper rates.
OKI On Tuesday morning, Jan. 200th som� time col to —and will bring 6-
k*,jjtjonof the Company to replace the lungs; he is also on the mend, Nye are death. mplain2d Lhat the :rcron- ought
pleased to say. there passed peacefully away, Mrs. - the. beginning, of here again and again. ase the weekly papers will be sent to new
usually held in the sat- lit each c,
reight shed with a new and modern to Horse S.Low,
I ter part of April or balance of 19o2 1-mx. The rates quoted
ture. -i the br,.,tll i Catherine McGregor, relict of the late May -%vaisaol late, as to be; inconvenient subscribers for the
Mr. A.141• Polley, who has been in the The breath of the pines i -s and sellers. Therefore I
of life to the consumptive. Norway Pine I Gregor McGregor, of the 3rd cou. of i Por both buyer Piles of goods to make the chows- are for either new or renewal subscriptions. All subscribers
ry business in Goderich for many and! Stanley: in the 70th year of her age. 11 it, bl-%4 been thought advisable to hold I
Syrup contains the Pine Virtues brit iao, that' private ingl easy for you—and every, price
has sold to Gundry Bros. Mr- cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, hoarse- The deceasedwas born on May 27, 18*24, Fe as ork was will receive the premiums advertised by the different papers.
-mg troubles br(eders, a,',. as stallion sylidit"tes ow -,is eyer the best NY
in the township of Drummond, C sold fo,..
e -WiR now largely devote his time nese, and all throat and it on. County vnd atll.er sac atony may have ample
o hitt farm in Goderich township.
which, if not attended to, lead to of Lanark. When nineteen, she, with. time 10 malas their selectiGn.4 for the
sumption. I coining s�.tnon. The dates have been V
-Worms affect a child's her father and the rest of the falnilT,!',,x,,d thus e..trlv in Order to. meet the 1AR"m "YOU GOING TO% HAVE
health too You're invited to call.
tr�ly to neglect. Sometimes they Fred Elford, of Holmesville, who has left Drummond find came to the town- wNh45 not only of exhibitors, but of
So convulsions, and death. If YOrL been engaged in addressing Farmers' ship of Stanley; here she was married to buy ir-ornafj party of the Dominion,,
Vapect them to be present, give Dr. I An Auction Sale thiS Fall or Winter ?
is pleas.aut Worm Syrup, which Institute meeting in several parts of the the late Gregor'McGregor, who settled I!"' d it i'� li'01" that the Sho%V;will be B. MAXWEELL. I
aye the worms without injuring the province, had to cancel his engagements . lib,,r,,Ilv Patronized both by exhibitors if you mite, it Will be tO YOUT 111t0reSt to
on lot 20 of the 3rd con. of Stanley, I �n-" k il HXQlT A11T TAiLOR.
iriid. Price 25c, last week,owlill; to illness, Helssuffer-1 - , F. W. 1301)Soy.
where she continued to reside till her I' "' come to the TIMES Office for your bills,
ing from pneunionia, and his many death. Stock
ny of the
AU agitation is in. progress among the -ige dates
he is Mr. Andrew Ross (lied sadd i for a
scoters of Culross and Greenock whose friends will be glad to learn that only at ! t We can arrai
boring .1luctioneers.
lies along the Blad River to have improving. Norman Kernightim, Of his holAe in IT%Iftilcbester, Kansas, oil
dredged. Mr. Andrew Me- Colborne, one of the brightest and brain Andrew R N,t HOWuheap 'I neigh
January 5th. And Ross was born
he river re
is, taking un ttative part in the agi- iest young men in West Huron, is talc-! in, Scotland, Oct. 15th, 1835; died Jauu- 9'W 0 Sale Bills printed while you wait, at
a` ten wry 8th, 1003, all the age of 67 years, 2
and itis idea is that the work ing the work left by Mr. Elford.
I � I ux
Butilow %P o d :1; "S IC'"
ebytheOntraioGovern-, Milburn's Sterling Headache Powders! months days. At the early age I
ry 1 J
nt. The st would be about 810,- contain neither morphine nor opium.' of 16 Mr. Ross left li's native count d__
They promptly cure Sick Headache. iand went to Ontario, Canada, and on. The ni,,,t secepssful farmers izi Canmla
adache a th MRMER'S AD ntaric
Neuralgia, Headache, He n it, rham,
en '0 of 1 Dec. 24th, 1858, lie Nvas united In inarri- eir Nvork. tho' ac' U W_ inc
�'y fo r areitsgreatesta miron.
Grippe, Headaolis of delicate ladies and teachings, and they, Z
I Its 'butors ard spedalllsts. 71-'
Oh!14 Readache from any cause whatever, 'age to Sarah troadfoot. When 29 years editors and contr. :E
Price 10cand 25c, of age he united with the P.-esbyterian ............... ...............
TW"IAN Church at 33rucefieId, Canada, and con-)
The year is "sick unto eclipse.'.' At FAK
y Of will regret to least French readers of omens Fir
time of his death. Mr. Ross came to d"I 68
our readers have tinned faithful in the cause up to the 0T `E AmE
death of Mrs. Adam Smith, VNIL To Eff TWO PAK'
The ill-starred 13th -I
&a= of the agreed to have it so. I VE 11 ADVU n '% K
I Raosas in the fall of 19S4,and the follow D CATE
&*jOTtlj,Nvho passed away Oil Monday falls oil the still more unlucky Friday I
lag spring settled oil a farm two miles, and HOME MAGAZINE
Jan. 1;)th. She had been an no fewer than three times, and,a, corres•i r(�._ L Ift. -__.
Tears. Her maiden - northwest of Blanchester, where lie i I ;Z the cream of agrioulturcC up Z� aV4
for pendent writes, as if this conjunction of PILLS contains lr,111�1. R! ryhotue In this district
sided up to the time of his death, and practical men Continue to real•
V- lizabeth. PerrX. and she was forebodings was not enough, it occurs cause it pa% q them acid be,=i,e th _-v want Z.
Smith was The death of Williani Loclihea(L one! Have Restored Thousands of the best. We want thousands ofne,wSull. 5:• E
I twice in successive months, while the illaplyo:i- -,; e
61 Years of age, AIrs. I - liki atesomethh, - E,
1 of the pioneers of Elma township, on; C,,ftad'1&n Women to THE WINGHAn T11't S
r of YeAts a resident of the third time falls in dark'November. The it We sooner ivu subsvribe, t1w rwra you 9�
will get. the latest ithd most interesting; Local
:to the family , 13th of the month fell on Friday on"y January 22nd, was not unexpected as he Health and Strength. X� Will supply you with
lem. From the ionic and Foreign News, and
iarucef.cia, gild after resid"I once in 1001.1 and that brought 'Mount: had been in, feeble health for some time. eeO. for ;=o many women to
to I I There is no n
'tbire, about ft year they came to Sea- I Pelee upon us. What may not be appre- I Mr. Loclihead was born ill Galston, Buffer pain aril weakness, nervousue9g) Z.
Ayrshire, Scotland, Dee. 1831. Hecanic sleeplessne5q, 8110Dmi.1, faint find dizzy A BIG is UN
6 years ago. I herided from three such coin.-ideuees?— 1 - TnE WEEKLY S
� to Canada !it 1854 and settled in Blinn 81419 and the numerous trouble,; which 'Z_
TO If-,ov^ to 7ou thkb Dr. Globe, d of sick-
and$ were I � tm
i in 1858, not long after the It. render tile life Of woman a round I son tal features are—Watket Reports that •are un-
opitment Is ace"'Vilt, ne,4s and suffaring. uall,-d for FULNESS and RELIABILITY.
olnta cure for each,
anti �b:, vin of itelliT114. open. for settlement by the Grovern. i young. girls budding into womanhood, 7-- eq tander" on current events.
and eve"' rove s and headaches, and 21 Regular contributions ls,7 "Sys
-jf%olu.r.4 bUM41LAraT 'A GUA TEED CORE julent. For In-111Y years be tADOlt an notiVO: W110 811ft With Pain r,4�,ociationiii and meetings of in-
bleedintVand T - NpI
iteed It. See tcq- RAN' blood watery, Reports of ConventloX. •
wihn;1aily pre8s�nd CLk yourneltlb- part in the municipal life of the town. 1 wIlOse face il Palo and Clio
,11 (_"V farrAers, dairymen and stockmen.
ttt�.think&it. yoneanuscitand ship, bcing, cOuncillorfrom 1871 to 1879 will find Milburn's Heart &t%d Netve terett, and value ,i
0 p,,11, helptheingr-eatlyduring this period. OFrER. Practical talks each week on Live Stock,
Daitying, FAtul
v,v bat,k if not ourell. CAe a 110". at hrl'or All Forms of Kidney Disease. land Deputy-11teeve from. 18"!0 to 18()Jl Wonjen at the ehiirk Profit, and other subjects.
K-_,?oV,13ATL`S& de of life"Who ard Crop Culture, seeding for
I — Farmers' organizations also claimed nervous, subject to hob flushe-4, feeling of
Olntm*ent' Iles, palpitatiou of the heart,
undersigned 16ruggist ain. et<!" are tided over SCRIBE NOW for
Y, Jan. 22nd, 311-3. DrOni a '1110 under8l much of his time. 110,was Secretary of Vns&ndneet tte trying time of :5
of this wondorful Z.- will nind to a TME5
-Prol)"'fed to AiVe the following,guarantee the Elms ("lleeso & Butter Mfg, CO. for or $t.m wo TH
Detrui ear& vmry issue if tbe
*Aftnt of 13M88014. died at big ONIY
their life by the uso
with every 50 cent battle of Dr Pett.! 22 years, front 1878 to 1900: and see.- relnedy. WL10113 . lie tF e75
t, Wd 40 Y, It is 1"; 1 ingill's Kidney-Wort Tablets, the only awonderfal effeeb Oil X W601611�11 front 1101V till 410 end of vp�;. inctu":11 _��Ot;tlx
hisloefth-, that positively I treaso of the n1ma, Flax Co. for eight it has " t
licauti6d,christflia'.4 Xlunbcr lor
be rentoved front f remedy in the world i pain.4 and twheg vanish,
His i Cures ell troubles from weak; or I I i
years from 1888 to 1806, In churell 18VAOT11, nl,%k c' Time i,4 money. Itead! think! act!
he was well known. bilitir'S Color to Clio pale cheek andsparkle &r a, free janiple copy if %ou want t`it vire will sand The Sun feed fOr the b1119lict Of 1002,
, 7nn TT 'A' "nv "ot wi't`
E __W
R 0 Ll
-4 kidneys:— matters he also took ftpromilient, part. 1twil;
dieftst f ottr order cit
Wt been very V190TOUS Of'' if cheerfully retu=ed it the to the eye. 3�
Money jilor lutiny years 110 noted ns Sec.-Trefts. They bulla, vp the System, renew Imb
before his plc t4c you.
afferer is not relievtd, Rud improved
CMgMt10EL of the brain,! after of one bottle. Three to six and elder of the Atwood, Prcsbytorlati vitality, imptov6 the apl*titc, tuako VZS D EEKLY ,SumTORON
on is a bottles efrect astonishing slid permanent church and was otto of thsArat members red blood ttul dijpej that weak, tired� A100P.
li,;tjej5, no-arabition feeling.
de"h, ltrg. ntr Hispartnerl . I
i cures. It not r6i"ed and cured, you of the LlmaVe e chilreli goo. PC" not, all * V6* H "ILL $END SAMPLE COPIES),
itt " late Pwtw
XeDonald waste no money. in life waa Helen Campbell, who pro- OLL btALZIM. LON00N, ONT to. T EY III—
Th.- T. Xllftrp co-XII111ted"toroultap onto A
I A.L. Hamilton, Drug&tml W'n9b4lft deceased hint by nearly nine years.
I *011t.