HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-01-29, Page 8RiTCHIE CAMPBELUS
o 1610:-3�--ring moo S
AVe are .stowing a large assortment of
_,N r () 1,,N GiIAN. _NLEW PRINT$,
'GIU. JA Arff 29, 1900,
TilT, WIN It
-AT M Y" STORE, IN THE . . . .
as 1800 9 t
ComM"Cin" u- ,a[y U11 s " hillf�
ucoa re 81 LO rnulo
For a couple of weeks we willgive special. prices In BED -
Our $1050 Bedroom Suite can't be beaten! High bedstead,
big dresser witty a good-sized mirror, and large washstand,
golden Oak finish.
Other cheap suites at $12,00, $14.5Q,1$17.76,
An assortment of 24 suites to select from,
SIDEBOARDS at almost any price, If you want something
In the cheap . at $6,00.
style, see what -we have
EXTENSION TABLES --.Good strong tables, well finished,
lit 8,500.
A v 2. a U F. . I ;.Ie- 1. .... 1 -4
_-NEW DEL.NINE$ —Nr,,W CIIALLIN$ We will be pleased to show you our stock.
_NEW LACES 10. See wbat we have in hikt�grade furniture.
# NEW -CiNBROIDERIES, 11� The one great cha33,ce Secure
Watches, Clocl?.B7 Je Iry, Gold
OUT PRICES Ives, Forks,'
Rings, Silverwar
clear out, some odd lines and make more 01 -4
ill order to 10. 11� -4 8 At L oSI
space we make the following reductions; 01 0 s, etc., etc., -4
10spoons, Fancy GO .4
d Drawers, worth 500, for A 7,1 -4
20 Vell"inil."Vool, Shirts RrsmEN0E—F-XTUIcX ST. The Peoplel§' F
rt" all at your -4
Lblell'rowelling. worth 121�,,o, for own price. Gr,
ce.R Wool Dresq G )ds, regular Boo. for Orae
o,�,,gwr, res "I Inep
,20 ier g ttiO IN'm
for .10 PHONE 51 Furniture Store
p'j',' Z�s bo%,Y Shaker tlaunel, worth 12o and 14V 10.
li 25 110. services
r)o pairs add lilies Of Shkoe$, worth from '450 to 1�75'f �r in order to further reduce MY vwtOcl� I have sectired the
4 ... I...
The Jewelers' A*actioneer King," for one v
of Mr., J. H. Havill,
This sale is positively -unreserved. Sales every afternoon at 1 C
to n Yqrds in fin 4
P. -4
100 remunutq of DT"' Goo&', etc., from 'for Soo a yard Come and hear Mr. Havill sell. 'ret C�.E��,rm.e,*,,2 Saloeu(i.,-,vortliL750to$'a-00a-yarti, and evening at 8 O'clock. Zn
A fresh stock of Groceries. AL
Always CA h0atl, a' HALSE APK, J C &; wte I e r
4 '%M IE:
bars ("Outfort, 901 for .25 .4
♦6 pounds good F igs Rf AAiAAAA4&*AAALAAAAALAAAAAA*AA*AAAAAAAAA-4 Are determined to clear out everything in Winter Goods if prici will do it.,
X30 40�
2"1 E
I lieveebarge of HOWFOD, arvey The Tums ha% nutAority to arrange CARETAKER WAN Not fall to see the bargains we are giving
& CAMPBELL'S. V)idAeed store. dates and terms for nuction sales for ive r - un On
BrocUlebouli's Flour fur order. Pither Vt. s. Scott, of Brussels, or Thos. to until , " son 1, ' NDERCLOTHINCII,
1) to M 'It
I ,r,%,, III tff`16`v IN AIENi,s rnOYS' AND LADIES' U
Please call and give Me I Brown, Seaforth. t4 I I
t& �Position of Carroll f flinv ng lain IN MEN ,$$ AND BOYS, OVERCOATS AND PRIA JACKET8
tliodl, (.1111reli. e be seen on ap-
Mt. t ""I"re"' tM I
. tIwu.1a&',!t' . � MEN'S AND LADIES' FUR COATS AND CAPE 6
Miss Anna Bell Harmer of Drumbo I placation t .... IN M N
--------- - LOST DOG. W. T. GREEK' Boned, t and Miss 1 Secy. TrILAt IN MEN'S AND LADIES' FUR CAPS, COLLARETTES and MUFFS
MINOR LOCALS. —The Centre Bruce election trial open- I Bella Scott of Teeswater wero the guests i. A valuable SeoteJ, colli" (I �WALKER BROS.& BUTTON
ed at Walkerton on Tuesday. of their cousin, Miss Bella Taylor, last' .11ite'. hal- , on bat and IN ALL -WOOL BLANKETS AND DRESS GOODS
bi", t4withdarlt ro"I'lln-bob tall;
TaunarY thaw —T4r. R. T. Kemp, of Listowel was week. ans%,vtrs, to tilt, 11amelo o tal;- UNDERTAKERS. WINGHAM.
I Ig ,•r "f . . - wu %-I �.I,s -
—We had Our annual elected Warden of Perth county on was him and t, Ladies' Cloth Jaolets at 50e on the dollar.
this MissJeanDaIlA8, Of Wiugham, offl(.1�,, wingham. will stilta I ri r P(. Night calls at Button Block, or fifth I
weelt. arta rhl:
the guest of the Misses Baligh from 1.Anv )(t-.,ou found 11h.ppli" 1111
ce is being Tuesday. xloflet� and not -.- ,cord,1,411 )r ,av wt door south of School House, Shop op- 11,114ENsr BA�uGitiws IN CARFETI.�-30 ends Tapestry, Wool arid Union
—Next summerr's, supply of i --Mr, John Skilling has been temper- Saturday .—Blyth Standard. i , tae law directs. posite Macdonald block. I
harvested this week__ y tillMonday ,a, I Carpet to be sold at 25 per cent. less than cost price,
A=11. ATC -N -B
'WhIghaill P. 0.
of Arily engaged as leader of the Methodist Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Grierson return' OS Creat slaughter in Uen's Hats, Boots and Dubber Goods,
—.Alonday was the anniversary THOMAS HOLMES & SONS
Robert BurnS7 birthday. church choir and commenced his duties ed home Oil Thursday after several; C')11 1"ast Wa"n 11.
d through on Sunday last. twith friends in Parkbill anti ` BANKERS, Etc.
The G. T. R.pay car passe weeks' visi NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Issued. 'X0 wltnt-sWS V- GROCE RIE S.-12 bars good Soap, 25c. A (illl stock of Fresh
W Friday last. —The first masquerade carnival of the vicinity. Marriage Lleelises
iligham on January season will be held in the rink on Friday _x- Xoti,.(� is hereby given pursuant (1 (laired, Groceries at lowest prices.
W. H. Baer left this week on all e .1, t.. I t. .. ( in" ong,,( r cmt. large amounts: smalltu-� in
' Chap. its, fil-ItuLl Per gp r �jp I... � .. .. .. ... I I I � � -1 .
—Only three days MOM for evening;.also a two-mile skating race. tended vidt to C,10brL-1gvill0, Woodsto6k,elatitaa Easiest terms, 11gaipst the estatP of WRIT 21
bargains and January thaws. See bills for full particulars. 1 . 'r RICHARD HOLMES
tM�aitlaiid, Londaii and Wiughala friends.—ChUt011 I the Townldl) Of Nst Wft-1vftTIC`l 111 onut-
I of Rut -mi, widow. deeva�Qd- died #-it or
ofCour 2.5th dav i)f e0n1wr, A. D., The
—'Reanlar Meeting T. F. X. Carr,of the firm of Cassels New Era. "Ibout tilt- tho. Ai, Lxw, SOTACITOTt.
are p03%t1)Vv�)aitl-)rtO BAit Uda
0,. F.'OnFriday evening of thisweek. & Carr was in Buffalo last week and Elliott is -visiting with, her 1 (It.liv,�r �o U. N awtone. eitvr for t x, NIOTkitr PuBtac. &
re,,,.ulay monthly meet of the Airs. H. B. wior betore the 26 1 da". of Fe4ruary, A. 04cc-N.Text to IXOWM� Block TIOT -13'tlilding-,
while there he succeeded in securing sister, Mrs. (Dr,) Morris, at Gagetown, itw, their na V.4'. dtlres'hel' skint d0s�.-Ap- Successors to T. A. MILLS. WINGAAM.
town council will be held 011 Monday two carloads of stove coal. The coal all I a ful mt of vardetthir" of
Mich, Mrs. Morris has been in r-oor, vurtty (If
?Vening next. will arrive in Winghain early nest week. dialy iovytifled, and'that T. J. MAGUIRE
health for some months. tiny) holil by tl will pr,�eeed
itfierthe aid (fay theEkeetitors
_Last Saturday's freight train Froin —The TniEs has made contracts for toclistr'l)�ttetlipa,,,.qetsoltht- dpcea-,e(lalt-Ona ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE,
Mr. J. H, Alexander, traveller for the garl"Illy Miss Laurine Agusla hiser
'London did not arrive Ill advertisements from the G. T. R. and e factory left Tuesdty the par�i,.,,�Ittltlea thereto, hari,
Nviughaln Glove totlie claims of whiclitheysliall thellh, (SOPRANO) LOGS WANTED
0. P, R. for 1003, and announcement.% east. He tiet' tit is I
til 7 oclock Sunday morning business trip 2,, tit (Jay of Tauttary, A. D., 101
afternoon On a Da
—Tile 'young Ladies' Fortnightly from these companies will be found in principal cities of tile R. T_A,'.,N'9rX01N7E, TEACHER OF DICE AND PIANO. I
will visit P-11 the'Witt-ghallip.0 I - I
Arco=lts, Rents and XOteb COrl"�t " C'�u
Club Will meet OIL Monday evening, Feb- our advertising columns this week. veyancingdoile. — . I at Wingham.
Maritime province$ -
!Ind, ar, Mrs. Irwiu's- —Mr. Halsey Park, jeweler, is having -i ____ CONCERT ENGAGE51ENTS ACCEPTED*
_Mr. Fred Seifert and family, form- an unreserved auction sale of watches, Mr. Ludlow, of BuTfOrd,'Wa4 called to
gingham last week owill.9 to tile ':'FriOns Elliott, Frances' St.,IViuglia'.
er residents of Wingbain have moved clocks, and all kinds of jewelry. The illness of his father, who lives with Mrs. A WANTED. Rt--3IdenH.B. We are prepared to pay for
from Listowel to Preston- sale will commence to -day and will be s. Coad, We are Pleased to learn that First-class Maple logs __$14per X.
"Clock. JO vering. First-class Soft Elm 1098..., 1.1
_The regular Meeting of Camp Cale. held every day at 2.30 and 8 o Ur. Ludlow is reco Pi-iea-,T cast iron scrap. Highest cash NOTICE TO CREDITORS.
See TaIr. Park's advt. in another column. d Will. Clegg lee paid. First-class Rock Elm logy. Iti
,lonia,.solls of Scotland, will be held on principal 1\1usgrove ill
�Njonday evening of next week. —Master Chas,Elliott,son of Mr.Tlios. are in Goderiolt this week as a delegation I A N Tim WESTERN FOU'NDRY CO., First-class
'Ic A N A D
—Ur. Arch-Mc'Neil, Of East Wawa- Elliott, died at his home in 311ne Centre from Win ham School Board,reqllestingf I L111lited 18W4, Chap 38, that all Person,4 having First-class Beech
t a valuable collie dog. See on Thursday of last week. aged 0 years, the County Council to grant all increase 0 P P 0 R T U I T I E 5 Nvingbam, 'Tau. 13, 1003. elaims against the estate Of lames Shiell, lato
nosh has los of the Township of Last WaNvallosh tit tilt, All kinds and grades wanted.
i mouth and 17 days. Mr. and Mrs. inuationcliss work in tile public 0 C01"It" of HIM., Farmer, demased, who died b 100, 000,00 Bushels coorc cotton soot compoull(I - of 1)(1celubPr
ig advt. in another column. for cont on or aboAt tile eleventh day call and gq
Elliott are former residents of this town A. D. 1XI2, are required to send by post PV1
schools. is successfully nsed monthLad over - to n. vanstone, solicitor. for
big 1tite hiecittor, on or before tho isth day of yeb-
-Mr, W. J. Greer anno I and will have the sympathy of tile com- qparling was in London! Geatin Cro in 0:11toha in 1-?O� i �b 1 10 OODI,adles, Sale, offebtual. iesa8k paid or to onion
eleafing sale of winter foot G. 'Proportionate Yl I bi Alberta. As$ n 0 a 5 dmgglst for CODk*.3 Cotton Root Comm- A. D. 1903, -ess"' And
wear. See munity in their affletion. The remains Mr. F. their. names, addl
me. day With INIrs. Sparliug., and askatchewan, Zk..', as all Mixtures, pals and degarlptions and a inlistatement of partienlaris
bis a6vt. On the first page Of this issue.. $1 IThe Capada Fumiture f0l
were brought toW inghaln for interment. over Sun imitations are donegreions. Privet No, I of their claims and the nature of the security
arn that Mrs. Spur' ling irililons of acres of good laud b 011 .. V �ortified, and that
,e sed to le b degrees stronger, $3 per b6l (if any ilield by them duly, 4 prover to
—Tenilers are oeing , _,,11nongthe mazlystudents enrolled at though very slow, easy tvrmi in thu Xorfli-NVe.,t- 0 on after the,4aid day the Executor 1),
asked for the pos are plea tilt.
st=19. The Cook Company Windsor
ition of caretaker of Wilip the Canada Business College, Chatham, Iinmnse thnl� 'r and minvral r(t-)u. i in �tO" distribute the Of the decensedamone I
:hani ldetho- continues to improve. or Eeld receipt of price and two B -cent
it will be necess h Ay nritish os. i and 2 so' Id ana recommended y all pgrriv.,4 entitled thereto, having regal "rt.t, The nuttoll Fes-SqlIt Chair
and then have slots
Ont.. are:—Wina Jean Porter, Maud B. ti Date his of l(Vth111hahy`oiV1Tb%1Ln1
dist ell-Atch. See advt. in another Col . Alex the hospital for sOMO nie. ertl In oi)enin.-s for responsilile loruggists tu Canada. cissas JP4 actory,
umn, I Hanna, Harry Ansley', Wingliam, to the
i ds will be pleased Fruit GTowL.r,, wo. i and 2 are sold in Wingliam by A. L. R, VANSTONE
_T11e annnal poultry allow held 'a I D. Lamont, Bruzsels;Geo.H.Armstrong, file" Hallititon. Colin A, Campbell, 'R. A. Douglass Sollegirny m
ent. Wingham, Ont.
b week was the best ever i Exeter; Geo. E. Buellanall, Hensall; ill'PrOveln Write vour nuare.4 Canadian Vao�l and 17. E. Davis DrURRiSts.
xe �'?
r"'oderich lag 'S
Ileld in the county. There were about Minnie McLean and Alaggie MeAlurchie, for fro,- filit.,Crated booldets on
1100 Antrl,_S, which was nearly do -able Kintail -, Lilly and Mary Boyd, Amber- just think! Ag, 0 00 it for U) CANADA" and BrITN, It COLU3161A."
tht,tof last year. Mr. Thos. Bowers, ley; Alex. F. Medd, Constance. 00 suit for e * situ good t !in- A. ". NoTiNIAN, < AAjA^^^^AAAAAA0%^AA^AAM 1
matte to you der and to suit, Assistant oeneral Passenger Agill'
011ie qwck and I Xing 13t, sa4, Torun* 2,
nNO t This is 1he only work which lhoroughlY covers 1he Mire couthiel
Of town, was Vt sue&ebqJn1 exhibitor at Despite several Other attractions in 'at Maxwell's >
this show. the city, Tara Hall was well filled last >
night on the occasion of the concert giv- I get your choice.
on by the Boston Ladies' Symphony or- CLEARING 5ALE 0 F S*
is chestrA. The entertainment was the Cyclo a"awdha"Ift apt >
finest that has been heard here for years, I :Zth, tilt, S P
AtA01-TRE—In On 'Tan. A
and the Orchestra won golden opinions. Nvitt' AN
1,901, tin• Lff
sixtealn., T. J. =1911dre-a daughter.
Every member is a soloist of premier &L McCall, (nev 31i of
a% r
NVO weigh all our quality and the ensemble was perfect. -1 Spnl(.p street. Toront- Irr'
bulk goods A
Opera House,Wingliam, th" wife of ovo,ge k4eot t. forl'Wrly
on in. up -to -dare scale, one that Quebec paper. 4C
—no Tuesday evening, Feb. 10th. Plan Of I Iationver Col., onjallitlal"t, 13rd. Edited by L, H. BAILEY, assisted by 3
can always depend on 1
.:Is jewelery store. 5�'- W. K 6,
worL-. We set the indi- hal- at II. Pari In guess tsillli*1171ung, of,Wlnglrant) a datightv;.-f 121 Pootn 1,aMps �1 TINULLER, aud in-:Iny expert Ctiltivators an(l Botanists.
ttever Difflin WILHEL
ellitor at 1, 2, 3 or wh, l7th, tllk� of
number It should be, and yon IolhnoTilolb 1. atittught— Lamps that -vvero $1.12Z, now $1.("(1 In Four Large Vol�mes, 2,000'Pa,Ps Nv'th :2-'
V Iti. wif(. of f,
r h Islay PERSONALS, wooll.4-In Ilowlelt, On'Tal'. 13t11,the 1.25
knoW It N,,Vtr. LIPS
Mak, b -.q, (.,, -NVvod4: a daughter. 7 1. 1-30 tion of the vegetable world,
Mak, Inistakes, but the scales 1 glaa to have contributiomi te The Most comprehensive, clear and complete description
readers, If yox,
this cOlurnn front any of our re,
have vi:,jitors or se going away Yourself, -,&t, tit(. 110me of the - 'Ind. Convenient and practical directions for the Cultivation of all species of fruits, vegetables,
iu and tell purpose -tv a note to tllftt AWAR—CASPITORL 12
ul, or ijend v, oil 'lan. Z�t,
1. A. 'Ble1cf-1vt - flowers and ornamental plants.
di"llp ialflr(�,%f Listowel"to 91's Mary 1 ase.
Ixtclrc("i-ve us a trial groeery otdor, It.
mrd. Serviceable Suggestions on the marketing Of all kinds of crops, based on the ro.stilt
right, 10=0 of years of'exp6rleticod Observation.
NV,101 00at yoll of Exeter was in town, Parlor Laii1ps
* . "Ah
Sanitary 2
dibuour, aged -N Y6i%,; 111011t]24 111 1 Lamps that 'were S4.50, 110W $4.00 4tb. In short, an authoritative, attractive, interesting reference book, invalUablo
4� (I �-). 50,
lilary �Salt is gel 61 6.00,
()ar special Jar the last week Sollil lloaf8oli, oi in %oh, -was d'.),V". Centre, oil .1allitary to everjoile engaged In any forth Of agricultural WOTk, out out
still on, but this is visiting with big brother, Mr. Will Pear. -I gy,TtoTT-1n2IInvC'-] the last Volume b0ing just been issued from and mall
son, years, l E11101, - OUIX Sol' ',Tho-_(, nth. Absolutely lap-tO-d-Md,
of it. Come in and let 119 811OW month and Ti dftym- e
Y(avome Of the Values. ftoliss, TAIItL Gray, of WinglIAM, Is visit- ropr.-Tu TurnberrY - on Xan. 21st. X1 1e the press. at onte to
wife of T11013. Pape, Aged 74 years and 10 virtua & Col 32
flow Sell- 01,111, 1 Also 8013,10 beautiful Church St, Toronto
ins Tincknow ftiant 2.3,.H. Inst.. I Special offer
Xf,1A people UW our Tea And tinel, VA-.q6Toqr,-Ii*L LL140MA. Oft OW 2(0i t -, iid Hanging UW11PS
'Do YOT, 110,11jeS %Vent on a Visit to lAj�
Hall "It
G Mr. Thomas Y. is with sampleg of beaUtIftil illustratiolla nvffrring to vi to at1vPrt!-�t(,m(,.nt
or.t.-In (110th"In, ()It -tan- 11th, 9"r sorne prospeett fif CN elolknodia of Alklorlean Horti.
Holmes, in BruS9011, 0A Tydall, formerly of Ra4 Wa- at big re4uCtiong. A large bandi d free on application to tnituri in The Vingliffill Till'u-4, I
his son, M. I JI representing rare plants mailed . . villi
11I(.sk_;,A to ro- peit t
te 1 0 1,41,•1'%
Tuesday morning- "Jivrkmr.-In Blanforl, oil Isll- 1-*' ill, v4tration-4.t
by �t,
f t
Berge, of 14amiltoll, is visit. rpliet of flit. lfttpTqhft T,ittl(,, MIA sNUT
pe* -.4, agea *,A years, ll ,110 set, us before You brF. -vIRTU39 CO., TOrOntO
Ing voith her brother, .1kAttyor Vanstone, tilt! lite.Tp-t. Craig, of MOM
211olithl and I.J, dnvs
Tudho 34 ChUreb Str8et,
and friendis in tOW71- Xt coun-In Nyth, onyan. 15th. Xr.As.ge- -
Wd k*ro r;01twe r*ypr", tMan.,
coml), ag.pd
1<TXIrr,-11t'H11Il.ttS�1. ;,.b..,,fBru*I,�, visitd At, T
T. cm