HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-01-29, Page 5----__.__:iJ
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sin Croup. ,:. di -Ws * "r(
t* - 7_11, __""_ale ,==��� - -, I . _.emsFrom. ,_ r The1. —ffil.
I I .. I., - . 0F*'..§U1T8.. 'AND OV � SAW # "
GOAT - r�r$ a �r �r�,
illi: g ion 18ARD's The tea ' 10 7R01S I' 11.1-1111-1 .�
�.. #�i R'Ir t.. *s r�rriksie
it1 Sollleholt•$ #ilat awful
sr Cil
_ . caufh, that hard' struggle
iii!'€ ows. Fhat wioeaWake Tres C4rreslltstlde7uis ammullxeata-- other folr air, can nese) be
for, � -•._ __.
I ed :From our .Vg olltzi,ngas. gattetJ n a littleprevent
fore. .
teras Cltpp hatldrd and prevent it,
G TRIC, B GAIN S WORTH I-t001i 1j\I x ��' : Keep �'apo•Cresolt ne in isle. house,
rof sxrrtt•;�, ciitl::vni -N-A r-. and tvhezt the children take cold tet �
Will. ��' r,„tit roturued, boate lost week On Tuesday eveain • them breathe -in the N.A c,r citlxi
9 "al
NQ. I.--14 only Men's Tweed Suits, 191zes �� to 4�1, worth .�7, after bela6 away ir. Manitoba for tz ant lfr Jliu. �0tlg. Dlr, g0 1 1
cut price evt n1n I p n the January C earin
1 Mrs. 4Tab12 RttGtlerfartt roceivltci a g. it right to the throat,
” con le of years. He intends to stay un- very Pleasant surprise at their home,
$4"75 dust where the croup lies, All Y.,..
NO. 2- It $ors' o.oiopiece rIcep, ail tonal, sizes 22 to. 2i til spring, lVlauitoba ROME to agree 12 coil., Turaberry. R1r, ltutherfar(I , ► h mets r•
ivortl. X2.00, cut price , , irritation sul)si(ies the caua 4
_ 1tG0 with It nl• !tis beets Su eriar,endellt of Ruoz Cllurch down and serious trouble is prevented.
'�'C• 8-9 onlyMen's and Boys, Rusoel McDonald is away it, Seafat th Sabbath Shoat at3ellaore for over t , i It Stever (ails to cure wboop,ng cough. I-,
y ' Qv°rcoats, Ito' two alilre, � WANTED � �•' ry
afur heavy, oral° light weight for pt, rice rit{vier where IIo lots secured a Situation it, a teen yearsAtttl isle luenlbers of r sgx, IAVapo creeoipne is s„id by orl,C,:isrs ever where, Mo WANTED a fur coat, wort h Erase ? to $10, alit Pfilae 6, r6 the School nl1111 , inrtudina tl,e Va or zW ere Two ! ildllifi8r(cl ditties' worth. t r
NO. 4•^8 and , fl.rniture store, gulp whichsttnutd last ul)fe,t1m,,t,nd � botxteof W r h of Nl,,,+,� y� .(;0(j1)c�,,,, n
Only 8101. S Overcoats, Siz(?s 4 to 44 tllatlo of nit. The young people of this village were peer zatid at his 11otuC to Show their app. P,es. le"ei Qomplete, gx.5� exrr8 �„p tl of . 1ARD p must TiE tr I npd i
14001 cheviot, raglan flask, elVeti collar, talwa, o I an of Ins seritces and presented sell 115er ns and so cents Iflustraredt:gokietGonraiti CASK durin r into
elgter.Allied at the }101110 of Mr. and Mrs, 1ti1rt atI(1 bLrB, RtzttterYord With Y ns tea Imonlaisfreeuirorrre ,lr•sG ntr'u. (^ the next few WIMIks And to Make this
Pockets, reads to sell at $12,60, our price to cltiac, t,7u Ab, $ate a' grand success, �� a aifer tr)mepSC3 bargains in ever
Q< 6--� p`� DVillia lust �, ill &Maud• t t?i Sa 4 NL 4s,,. rho lzultan C. New 1go:1;, t),S.A, y
Wodtfesda eveulug, Some chair, Cesare table, and a beautiful department. Cn2nE along and same advunta$s ai'
w(1 airs,Alen'sc.Tweed Pants colors and black, some
.'hey report a good bale, a „
friezes, etc„ reg tb2 and 2.25 a pair, out price sale $1.60 y�ln Wright, r 1I z>gilttitll, and read the foliowia ad- "-= `" ' the bid' disenttnts,
NCi, 0, h oulp Rlell's ll(.tVl er Cloth Coats, fur lined with a peop3e it da dance last GTltursda evening fi to tr ztUx� rI;I;, I Please lls:reaOut" Ildt
Y,t;Aye the sun dress=-. Bliss 31ay Davidson lades this wee,(! of EPecttil redllCtigpS;
gonufue muskrat lining, clot!. all wool 30 ozs. to T y
the yard, collar of Coat Russian atter, regular g. '° 1llr. Jaizu Rutherford superiuten• tatgccept a Positron it, th4+ Cliifur(3 post
hey ail xeport lr eery enjoyable time, dent of isle Sabbath School of IlUox, office. .
Price 81.60, stocL•tal:iug Sale pisco A goodly uunllier frons around here Church Belmore:-- \ µ
- !25.00 _ Ir I
tools in the tea-tlieetiug at Bluevale, last Mrs ROES,
e so nl ham visited with 5 pieces extra. lltrayy WraPPerette, .vide, fast Calors, re
.. � � . bE.att ru''x1t,-,-.•w'e, the luen)lier& of the Mrs. ,%hrl Robertson This ?vf1P1..
.,,,,_**%-C�T, , Ro H .. _ wick.
aforesaid school, ]lave mat tais evening 15c. o clear out reg vtlluo
_ ,
- 1.0
(� O j I
.Robert Sils ColPsOl is attending Strat wlthir. Your ]lame, for the purpose t1t Mr. JolPl,l1 Casvan, was in liarriston i I'at1Cy heavy striped Skirting, rQg, 20e, sale price
`� - �'�/� ford Business 27ollegP, esPre5sing in a tangible oi) Tuesrlay. One fete heavy IS
'° �� , .man catty our gra,tft- p' 1 tweed Dress ('clods, reg« 25c, naw twoing at "
Sere Ricl<tveu, oP Bttllnore, spent last ode to you Por rite many years of your Mrs. lwirlg, of Teestvater is visiting Extra Leavy alt woo! TweE d, tvirle o r I')
w��rc+�M, ONTARIO.
faiehfut and lorilht labor igx our midst. tier dau +liter ti dozen Dieu's hes • g -od value at v0(s, special At ,40
with silo parents, Mr. and Mrs, �'ouz very lite ht(s been at, example iiia P R 1' ' Mrs, Geo. Allen, at tile Ct I
t y tlePCe lined Shirts and Drawers, all t3ires,
._.. ___ _.,_. _.:___ _._.__.._.._._:.::_,.._. Thos, McEwen.
♦♦♦*♦♦♦+oe+�o♦�ow{►,ii♦♦♦�♦♦♦b♦♦O♦�A♦os♦♦(sy An inspiration to us far t;aod, and Ave station. ! res. 60Ct to Clear at
♦��♦�♦�♦♦ T llitvefelt that your teaching, is tllfg teach- A iuttnl'er of peopl(! ft silt the villAt;e i2•f ieces extra bea44 Flannelette, wide, fast colors - '8'i
K AiAtournclt and llutsel Trottr)Jet! tub of one, who himself believes tills attended the funeral of the lute Mrs. i , �1;• 10C, safe ,0$
w J word of Uod. Yat, hftye titre and again Pope IRS. Week, 1 ea y gray Ta']annel Sheeting, reg, EiSC, to CteAr At q�r,
A promptly satisfactory and for by your gaPstiotls, on this and that les- p i HOaularll rice ssi,00Ior sah;p price
Cloth, 68 lushes wide, reg.
* Aq ,3!� ♦ Cramps, Plain, Indigestioli, and Sunl• Son, brought the truth before us, s4 ales.- b1r' R McGrath. of Gerrie tvaS it, L P P , ,
f8�i� Oranges
♦ leer peal faint, is a fete deo c of Nor• i ' • p P o and so plait, that we could not help town au DLonc3Ay on busiue5s, I Large heavy RII-wool Blankets, reg, value $4. ,ale price 7,
viliae its stveeteue(1 water, Ne) Yilgt,o seeiag it. And aur desire is that, DLis Men's fine Re g 25
* + I i1 at once relieves pail, and 1a s 2 ti Regatta P a suifariug, er- teat!, which in substance is Christ., 311ay school it, F ot, it, WAS teacher
lu Hardin S !arts, fast colors, reg i5r, to trIear at
♦'` ft,%, y®,% -'V ,®,,e,,1�,�,%%'%�,� i radfcates the Cense of the trouble anti sink down dee into our lrffeetious and broth r g a Ladies' Cloth Coats, well made, to elear at 2,, per CPIIt discount •60
# ` cures perulaneatly, Poison's Nerviliue `•b1.nl forth fru C i l P Guest Cf 11ar++ -
is the best zreneral u our lives t' the honor e , R'.W. I• A. McKelvey over Sun- i ;; g I' n Stuffs, lute sty'!(., reg, � .03, tot ]ear at
\Ul4 is Ll1E time for tualciq marmalade s1rd this is the place s Internal pains I(nawut it Acts sa quickly of nflv. 4 pieces fine Eiderdown for elulds' coats, rem n - 8h:)
to buy Y a Hint wllo is our Salvation• We
Y ;ti0ur ()ranges, Here is an old English recipe that never ♦ B ) � vo faunc3 in you, as any one who de- Mr. 5, D McK(•1Vle ltasSrcur r i; A line of Ladies' mereptized Sateen Under6-i s, u Sal(? price ,40
uy 110 1 bobottle O .-LTsr d be without it. sires to da right, Will filld it, rot, tt safe natfou tvitil a St. Louis Medicinee i a sit., � value $1.50, clearing price iillt5, new&tyle, re,;.
,� f12ils. Just try it : ♦ uy a :.ac battle of Netvifiue to -day; its � and lasting, �
• all right, I i, friend. Please act opt frons a good salary, Cu., at i 10 pieces fanc Silir Neck Ribbons all colors, rp^ 2^ , 125
?'oke twelve oranges and four or th rt slice thio, cover with four j Haluilton'sPills Care Constipation. thio hands these
r zits as a shall taken of Y „ tit, sale price 20
quarts r)Y water, let island for thirty Fix 110urfi; pet i stove • ) 6 pi(.ccs aII-wan! Flomespnn Dress Goacis, b0 incises tviet+
suet boil for ot,o flour; then add eight lbs. oP gra12u1AGet1 sugar : Gil yo :rsei£ and bars, hie DeigStead, of C:orxie called au Air. ! lar value 1.26, clearing at , r(.ga•
r Rutherford Are cherished by us, We Jolrll I)au�tfts orl.Tltesday,
e boil two haurs�attger• IDLYTH. siueerely Voile tilat you )nay long be Messrs. Jatne.s A1ieu Aad `�. M. Rn}1, i� _
Spared its superintendtiar of our school, - . - ,75
I i+
"P ` The director, °f L'lvth pitl)liC library ud our prayer is whaa Your Nvork ani { iuson have laeetr appuiuted villa,. A{ d•
�""•• lust oil Frlrla - e
:� '
,p CANNED �, ♦ 5 4Cu1ng and elected the Out'%has ztll been done; that we each in ors. t 1t- i-' zgeciR•! y�.pe o>t wJh>itesseran• atm�t
t►t,� ♦ fallowing ot>iCers for the that hour may „ goaaa; a><st
year:—Clllafr• Y receive front our Master Mr, John Gibson is diatela<„
`i ere (lett ,j+ISt in ecce°pt of a shipment tIf Choice Red Beets it, 0 Dan, lir, 11. V, Hollnes; treasurer, )1Lr tine glad welcome, "We -1140!10 good atui � to Listowel, bur• otvil! „ to 11111 1
' ' Yaithftll Servant, enter thou into the o' , R to the1 n1t!d { '"�" >, �,
3 ih Caps, $. D1CI lnuou; sccxetary, Mr. J. A. of thy Lord, joy • avead r on TCTesdity t*Rs con,iielled tui .t=•-�
' IQC per call, ¢
` p ` Jackson, S, A. It was dCCicletl to per,- Sighed on behalf of the school. leave his loaci in this• rfllRgo. ;