HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-01-29, Page 44 THE, WING11A)l TIMS, JANNFAU 29. 1903. 1 71 !77, "T_ 101 4UV,(= neres, Daritig, the six yetirs Avid it egine to pass that after he'lutd, YOU want a sitive 18W, 44.147 entries w "ORTO "AN CARLOS advertised his. goods there came unto him 1, covering tx total area of 7,063,5 210, or 10 S great inultitudee trout all the regions • yearly average of 7,338 entries, covering! round about and did buy of Min. And JOHN KERB' JAS. H, KERR when )lie cQmpetito;s saw it they mar - an area of 1,177,%Q 4eres. 1 0 "Da""ORE Thereis little, doubt but that the Good ' Sorni;ardrrient Renewed by Three velledamong themselves, Raying, -flow PEOPLE'S POPULA German War VOS-013� to it that Roads movement will be thoroughly (lis. t this man is busy while we Irl the shape of 41, cussed at Huron County Council in 1903 have to loaf about our doors?" And he -u FALKE, spike unto them Brwh and Comb Theinteuttau. is, we believe, to itivitel PANTHERo VINE -TA, saying: ''Verily, verily, LL our goods are naarked in Plain figures., You can see the Reeves of the varloas Uunicipalitiea I I say unto you, in this fast age of push Case, HaWkerchief in ITurou to attend a raeedug: at Goder- and rustle it is easier for A camel to enter I a• A the price on every article. When we quote special " prices Case, Perf u Ines, ich during tlio June sessiou of the QO- A Vat 11or.0-eluout 1)?*^. X1.1y's uuratlon- the eye of a needle than for a business Council and hare the questi-m threshed —Tito XPort neturairr, tho Vire, and wall to flourish witboutadvertising." 4 you can tell by looking at the price ticket what special prices Hair Brushes, Toilet out. The Government Commissioner, in. w Stiort Tinio Could Not flo.seva. Mr. Campbell, will be itivitecl aud in ad. ean at this store.. • Articles, Ebony I Tar Sui,oke - 11nuthees Gnu* WING11.1�W MARKET IMMORTS, : M I A­dn the fl.0 0"Itinnil in December lie ore-, on a a numi-o-ocrown 'wi-crlla- Jan 28 1903. to Goous, etc., voti can 0 e I I heartily opproved of the above mention- jtV$ldent& Have rratesked. Corrected every Wednesday, afternoon buv the era very choicest by Cassels & Carr, • ed proposal. This matter of mod MarnciLlbo, Venezuela, Jan. 22.- 15 to. 2 60 •SPECIAL JANUARY SALE SPECIAL JANUARY SALE SPECIAL JANUARY SALE • at methods in roaclinaltin.- is rapidly g=11. Thlev German wur vessels, supposed Flour per 100 lbs.,IQ• ing ground and cannot be arty lougler ig- to 1,t, tho palither, Via;eta and Vallie, Fall Wheat 0 67 to 0 6-, San ar- Spring Wheat. 000 to 0 00 0 OF nor d by any Uunivipulity., Already began s11011109 the Volt of So 0 ............... 0 28 to 0 30 0 OF. 014, . . . less than OT townships have abolished los lit 10.30 ci*rloelk yksteiilay worlx- Barley .... .. 0 85 to 0 40 Cer•, 0811s no ilig. 'rho fort returned the lire. The Peas ......... 0 05 to 0 70 1 Ladies' Tailor"made 1811• 0 At aill Statue labor anda. large number of eng-agement -,vas in 1rogre." at I Turkeys, drawn........... .... Oil to 0 12 0% far ........ 0 60 to 0 75 0 otli%-rs will follow suit. ArIvauce steps o%.100% yesterday aft-rnoon. The Geese 9t 0 07 to 008 • Skirts and ���ts DRUG STORE have been taken during the past few Panther appealed to be not more E)u0&;, per p Years and old practices much improved than 500 yards front the fort.. Ifer a Ladies' Furs CLOTHIN I Chickens .......... ...... 0 30 to 0 (50 • Chocolates and Bon upolibythe aid of -road grading trach- guns were being flietl minute. Butter ..... ... ........ 0 18 to 0 18 the fort could not lie seen for the Eggs per do7 . .............. 0 IS to 0 18 Bons in boxes, ines andit more practical view of the clouds of sniol,�c, but it was Plain I Wood per cord ........... 2 00 to 2 60 Pathmasters but OW, that the Veriealvivai gunners stere• tal-en by 6 00 to 7 00 work the (�,erjj,.an fire spleudid- Ray, per ton ........ .... great difficulty is the want of uniformity. iviswering - Potatoes, per bushel. ..... 0 50 to 0 00 0 • TO ADVERTISERS. Webelieve it would pay any township ly, and with great I apidit". has -Apples, per bag ........ .-O 30 to 0 50• • rhe shelling of San Carlos Tallo�w per lb 0 05 to 0 06 regular prices for these per., • otice of changes ma t this to call all the Patlimasters together for create(l much, excitement among 0 15 to 0 15 A be left the Lard We wish to turn all our F tit, MEN'S OV4RCOATS Oui feot-fitting garments • tire veryv_� Dried .da a -Z ..... ..... into money this month, office not litter than Satur .7 no oil t1jis subjeet. German residents of this l'ort, who have protested against the action of ipples per lb ....... 0 04 to 0 0 goods AINN'S ULSTERS low, but we wish to elepal "AG -The copy for changes =Lst be left What do you thinks -Brussels Post. wool ................... 0 is to 0 15 and to encourage you to buy not later than Monday evening, 4 discount the war.9hips. Live I-Iogs, per owt ....... 75 to 5 75 e stock, so Tra offer you Casual advertisements accepted up SCHOOL BOARD, early we offee 10 percent off BOYS'OVERCOATS of 10 percent. off to noon Weduesdav of each week. THE JURY'S VERMICT- The Wiligham Sollool. Boarl met for hIEN'S SUITS Uenry Spence's Death Due to WhIsUCY LADIES' COATS EISTABLISHED ' S72. organization on Wednesday eveging of t last week. Members present -Messrs, Given ElitnWithout 111m,11010115 Intent Intending Insurers BOYS' SU ITS LADIES' Abraham. Douglass, Griffiti, Homuth, -The Thressllou Arrested. CAPES • TAILOR-MADE, • THE WNW THES. _Tho�t =L1GT%1. llUBLISHEU A" PROPHI MOR Kerr, and Moore. Neepawa, Mail., Jan. 22. - It will pay you to see me before plac- CAPERINES Foi- the month of January at • On Motion of Messrs, h'e'r and I-lenry Spence, deceased, came to bi:i lug your business. cent. SKIRTS AND COATS death on Jan. 8, 1003, indirectly, RUFFS, Ete. discount of 25 pet Griihn. J. J. Homath was unanimonsly (Iron the effects of whiskey ghen him THURSDAY, JAN. 29- 1903- 1 represent purely Canadian Com - elected Chairman of the Board for 1033. without malicious intent by ]Gilliam ponies. Win. Robertson was re-appoititpil Se- GoNvenlock, S. 13. Jacobs and Clif- They must go! for the month of January only. for the ford Murphy, on the evening of Mon- Farm Loans at lowest rates. Town 0 0 10 per cent. discount NOTES AND COMMENTS cretary and J. B. Ferguson, treasurer. 46 day Jan. 5, 1903." properties for sale, 0 Month of January only. wants Minutes of December meeting were I . We haven't room fur them! That Brookville milliner who �his is the verdict of the jury that must im. react and confirmed. I heard all the evidence gi,7en at the ABNFR COSFNS. 10,000, for lacerated feelings money in The following accounts were passed' coroner's inquest into the death of LOAN AND IN$URANCE AGENT. &e that there is even more and ordered to be paid: --R. Kinsman. Spence. limnediately after the an - reaches than there is bonnets! -Brant 0av- i nouncement of this verdict, war - ,.)rd Courier. work, ISI; Canada Furniture Manuf rants were issued for the arrest of turers, coal. $11' 2,49, W. Guest, cer1jr, the three men. mentioned. 1AILWAY 3 RUBBERS• Mr. Courtney's valedictory report sets $2; F. J. Lewis, w3oil, $71,81; Bert They were promptly taken into cus- I Orth most strikingly the commercial Grand Trunk'SYSTIM 0 FIW Remem' er our special prices I Reid, wood, 8,30; C. N. Griffin, supplier, Cody, and given a preliminary hear- 00, BROOMS ; ' dvance of Canada during the last quay- I . before Magistrate Gordoa seater- 1 0 Fresh Lake Herring arriving on Heavy Rubbers and Over. $3.37; A. L. Runilton, supplies, $1. 1119 -TO THE-- 0 shoes. �r of a century. In 18,;9 the cash turn- day. e% ery week. 25e, dozen 1R. H. McK%v, work, �1; Smith *0 We are just 11) receipt Of a large ; ver of the Darninion Finance Depart. Lake herring No. 1, in kegs. 82 25 Rubbers for S1.90 • Pethick, supplies, $2.85. CONVENTION OF SPOP%TSMEN. WINTER RESORTS 0 ey 9 shipment of Brooms, and th • lent was, $85,000,000; in 1001-0:2) it was, ThaPrincipal's report of attendance ID are splendid value. 821.2'15 Overshoes for 1.1.10 • 223,000,000. Exponents ofther Beauties of Rod and 9 Labrador Herring in kegs. 1.65 Overshoes for 1.40 and the annual rep )rt were presented. 1 0 The census returns show that the pop- I Gnu in Annual Conclave. ices, 15c, 20c, 25c, 30c, each. Smoked fladdle. etc. 1.80 Overshoes for 140 1 The attendance for D--cember was- i -0 , Ida and Go "r 201; girl.:�,,�02;,,tver.tgeatteiic)auoe,! Ottawa, Jan. 22.-Sroitsmcli are 0 lation and the area of Conad'all elt'es boys, * California., Mexic , F�ld• car very little relation, to each other.j l •a- arriving from leading centres of Ci 'lie acreagge. of the leacliu.� cities are:: Pnada, and the "United States for the the inas", annual jule0tiDg of the -Nolth Ameri- Wouipeg, 12j 30 sores; Toronto, 10, 1• 9 ANNCAL IIEORT. j including New Pupils Registered-b-)ys 26:3, girls 293: Call Fiss, rleans and the fanIOUS; 110t and Game Association. Hon. Springs of'Arkansas. MACDONALD B L 0 rN • 'rederict0n, 10,79,); St. John..'Q"; total 536; aggregate attendance -go. 15:3 : F. R. Latchford, president of the JOHN KERR JAS, H.KER9 lontreal, 5j 72; Vttucouver, 5,091. Lon- I association. came down from Torun- One way and round trip Tourist Tielrets tire average &0. d O'A rale, daily, giving choice of routes and step- 6 I to yestwtlk�y morning, aecomTlajue rincipal points, 0 W I H C H A 4 878; Hamilton, 3,9)0; Ottawa,' Classill ,r privileges at P cation -Part 1-111; PartIr-G3, ; by Mr. Montague, A. A. t�mlth, 9 Charlottetown, 2,400; Kiugst(W,'� Second book -10#; Third book 114; chairman of tK Fish and Game 'I ; Vi-,totia, 1, 'S_' 4; F onrth 1 -.00k -7,O; above Fourth boolo amilton; ro7; Qu(xbee, 1,9:1, Commission; Dr. 'Ualloeh, IT. Excellent Service 6.0-noton.. 'Mr. S, T. Ilastedo, Conimi;:-sicner 0 From eonnectians Fast fluse. LuxuriciuslY Fisheries for Ontario, and B3. Tins- a mointed. Parlor and 61eepissg Carry When an editor makes a. mistake In his Examinations -Part. I to Part II- ....... ....... .. , e Nva..'0011. I . . . . . . . ... I ley, Chk-f Gain Jq caper all the world sees it and call:, him. t 52, port Il t Meals 1, a la carte," -wrved in t.lxt% Dining and to Second to attendance are rnitod States Cor.sal Cate Oars, are not surpasskl in the best hotels. Aels. liar. When a private citizen 11101ces Jun. &a Jun. ;' rd to'Sen. erd-29: Henry, Quebec: J. NV. McGear.v, Bur- Tielcots, Foldors, and all infornintiOn On 8,n. st(i to 4th --42, Entialice exam.- lin.,ton, V+,.; Commodore & _)l 4 mistake no one knows it except a few E. T. D. Chambe-­s, Quete?, and 10 Vff ,7�4 riendi, and they come aromid and ask 23; Part 1 ,Intl. Leaving -5; Part I j J. D. McDONALD, 1 Jun. I Col. Butterfield and D. G. Smith, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. 1 he editor to keep it out, of the paper. MatrIculation-3: Part It Jan. Lmv ing i Chatham, N. B. A number of inter- A Iffhen the private citiz6n dies the editor! Keep 'ye on Second class -4; Total 2.11. eating rapers will 1),e'read, and to 11 our Me a asked to write up all his good qualities' night the annual banquc-,t talcec i, I ,ditor To ImUnce front 10N ...... .... �ud leave out the bad. When the The Goi-ernor General anii tile , IT 45 461 -!;arl of Duildonald will be guests. . lies the private citizen will say, Assesiawat................ 33 OW i Uoveruin­nr grant ... ...... 2(ic, oo" hat old liar will get his deserts."- The HIS HOLINESS JELL. : CoatismatJon Class grant..... 200 00; Nevelaild (Okla), Triangle. 42 Go I — Deputies [ Rumor in the Par!.; Chamber of , "�, "� ' ��aL ._-� I � �' ` In one of the factory editorials, which — Nests 11runipt Denial. Both Local Q Federal Tata,35J 1] i ippeared in several of the Tory papers 113yStilarios ........... .... . �tiMs 04 j rcLrig, Jan. 22.-Tt was rumored in th do it was stated that "iii.,,,tead 261 �.kt: .... ............... 17 -58 the Chamber of Deputlogycstei-dav �i_;making f -o ....... 35.3 00 that the Pope was dead. The Foreig-11 TNF ;tunes, many of tht, WIM EY PtQSS rs are losing money." Wile, Fnel, repaini, ere ..... ..... 371 07 1 once, however, has reeiied no can- i1mannfacture lays hand-, ........ . 40 51-1 i firmation. of the report. are they, and where? 'Vott cannot find Balance ou. The next session of the Ontario House Will be oxie I home, Jan. 321.-rThe rumor that them in Hamilton, and wo do not believe the Pope was dtact is without fol -n. they ate to be found in Galt or St. Cath.-' Total .. . ........ ...... . 111 clation: on the contrary, tho Pontiff of the most interesting ever held in this Province be snzovzt Principal. is well. Ile gave a number of long force, A. 11. Mr. itrineb. When tile 'N'. P. IMS in fO cause it is so evenly divided.. k Vtvuy of our manufacturers had long The reports were adopted by the; audiences yesterday, and his callers board. I included Senor Quirno-Costa, Vice - spells of idleness, and were glad if they t- - `would keep their eapital unimpaired. but i Prinninal Musgro­.- and Will. ClOgg, President of Argentina, and- the lat- Enthusiastic Torles say that Whitney will surely be ter's wife and family. The Pontifl 'now they am all. buoy. and their great were appoint?d t) interview County talked with Senor Quirno-Costa for MOUTH -1 ATERIN31 MORSEL Premier, and the Grits assuredly sly that Ross oss will. eat difficulty is t Co fill the or-lers whie.11, Council regrant, for, C)nunnation Class one hour. r-11 „ ,-roWd in upon them.-- Hamilton Times. Aid a wvN-t ;story Froin a sweet store. where Farm Labor Searce. C mmitt,tvs were appoititbi as f(;11 i only rhe puro4t lit siveot.-i are solol. Oar Call- In any case it will be a battle royal—Every division t. Striking testimony of the recent. 'o ),w: Toronto, Jan. 22.-Ths scarcity of Kinv6, tAN sty own stow of purity and It ' Northwest is furnished by i Tnp sirs' wraied bein--, Chairalan: - w engaging the; Adouv(-andie.; 4�!P.8triotlyfrwh, . farm labor is just no The cheapest as wollas 05 wth of the .11we nnd of the House will be cl e, with important Possibilities Fluanee.--E­ A. Dou.,lass, H. herr attention of the Ontario Govcrm4clit, ,he junq e annual report of the Department of 0. N. Grit!.n, and an effort will be made to bring Tn,- supt-riorityor our Interior, whieh sitows that in the, Alanagenumt.-W. Mocre, T. _�brjt_' about concerted action between the Chocolates, Bon Bons, Etc. for both parties. welvemonths ending June 30th last,: Dominion Department of Iminigra- �Stmll-v '!I(' (jawAilies-wesell daily. ham, A. E.: i�)7.1, Et/ ;n. Butrot. efree bomestead entries in the Cana-tion Boird. tht-n adjourned aud oil, tion and the Ontario Goveinment's: you watit to know every day jUst boW the fight is d,jan,NL'orthwest, ut-Emberod 14,433, v,,ovor- . officials In Gi eat, Britain to induce I J. BUOKLEY, all area Of 31 A."Ires, An in- .111vitettion of the new thuUnlan. Ue desirable farm heir) to collie to this gpinZ. The Star's Parliamentary reports, lIke every other o farm i Star Restaurant. se of o"40 ulv.rl,,s ov,,�: 11101, Dur- memb.�.,q of tll.� Plat country. There arp. I t,5A) 0 s n Ontario, and most of them. are elpalandth-, evAtived �)Y�wrs tit i - L L part of the paper, are free f rom political bias. the 2, Fears 1896. destitute of bei}). of Also, you want to; be posted on the Movements ------ 'Jiii-o;-co. Jan. I(I.-The -e ne Dominion House. Most important s are Tin- th question I tht! 4, W -1 "14 w0svl,� - coming before this session—the new Grand Trunk Pacifir, 4) ho.. , (1 a British Uith attka..". 1011ONT- Railway, Fast Atlantic, Service and otlier important hukillv�.,4 wis t)-41 ly At I T s ik tWojq t(., A S i, 1'ro, v ty. V.111,: e..j ().,I ;!*(, Wetmrni Cattle %laeket, ail tlwro wa4 0 Crust legislation. wl-a a marked initpro"tuent in t i� rr;,,,-4 of 1 have ta a trost therough, troups t," -t f!"(- J.') (-,I- 'f, IJ11agl'. Al- oxport cattle of the botter I- arl­s Th -114 to-..v ill -1 T,';e Uarket Dx!cery Bread is tl. on bo.: LI., was J. -,saythatforall(li- �f to' aily St pr*;Oi.non itself. Wilfte, Im it, 8*set of the langs -It nit Cr uhitro; rich, short points." Ta - fo to.vil-gr ire, the quititioli.;: It A Lead 110'rot=103), w -u-, Uix,oi, in'Aderl, balted CAT'NX. - J. E!ir'r I nlqy, lrcntov, �_P. t' 0- ZA bring "Iflatv_ . 10Y. -A !1elitilaiion it s you all the news of both Housc.5 NOW �rrk=w- 1' 1 11,114 41�,Ilivered ill just tho, way to r !(,d of 1�! Shipper -4. por ewt 5 -'-fl to li_-hi •. ......... . 1 4 'No Will V�Inr approval. ?.()djjeCd tilij k A • Aye, *-, `ut - every week day for a year and this pan r.,U I . ex6 � �n� ;k - won't Butebix, ;mAU'ly te) 11 P.. ")l V..Iv. Calil..)(1 as wet for $2.20. -'A it would, 11i,.- is- lhiit lit#- Cank-( I we V_ I ALL KIN03 CSF PASTRY W! I -65: "d to '(pit. sto"Itom It wwf, t w,-;.r)nft1= CAKw-S A ,-�ta dat.v •rkttf-�; (wit 1'._(I hink of being in touch with tft�, fit", ifAL.-n lar�. Cild'i-ts. Ji;w. we nev.;r J"is" Lun, #.t(, 'Ir. Viplfthj,�- '4tld lie would t�jjl- Cow% v-11-1)1tib f: I Chin- whole world's news for such a triflo, I I v. irv�p it..I flio latest 4 WiAl (:0,vi) =C. e Adt-: .1,(i- 203 111) 011 try. and. thp-to is no 00(1 of 4" S11111-:11AND LAMBS. *WdE V khids- Vc New 11ratIl in It. s(tilding to tile eity r (,411o'cp mviz, p;�r (.ss t, I. 01 tt,,,tx Loi. Iv. ­ Sir t said Mies or J)"istry. BORDEN LAV M aa •W1 TIIV'� UxOrhillg Sprina lambs, eaell :3, 5 tr ............ .. 14(up in the 1@0110 Z'n-_! 1�,. tvw�141 rpsicyli the• chb4, LOUGHEED. it ;wo 'Al t1w �4,illlllerkie Court hi wnct tf.� Presl%yteiian C Choice hogs, pnr owt. .1 .0 4 On, r ers 0 lit he ! -i I Send your o d 1 1. is i6 r,3, LU'llt :togs, ewt.. i, 11P I'Pplied: -Th ft. jj�,,­t - -#;I Per "Vt ES OP 1,01 t_11 W(grd 0f truth In it. It. i 5 75 IT r, I C.* Atm Heavy hogs, per cwt. ritt 11 1 m e Mai,41 of the uiat- I SONV *�e_. As 12%• f1l) Is