HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-01-29, Page 3-\ 47N
I I, 171,1_o :;_ 1 ; . . , _ I ; I I .1- I .., . - I " . - I --.1 - ", . , — - ..
. C' 14 Do ., I I—- .
" THE WINGRAX , 'TINH-St, JANITAU 2.4. 1903),
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.. GIRA :'AFSEACUS FOR NO',1111 OXTARIft'-pP,141
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STATEMENT. 1. MILBU I 1. I I VIM` I - 11 7,
,10 , . I L 1. -'— . r;/ 11 0 , .11
. P __ I I I _r . rr I . .,w
.. . Flo*pondant'4 I-awyer in tho RN I. For Collision of Two Freight Goorgoe Grant ,of 0VIllljW obqoep : - - I I
lie AsStIreSr r1ileUirlafle SUIrellerfif $00th Oxford Appeal,. --- :. -111, -
. -11
That . ; Trains Near Port Hope. Wbor-11 6tandardl$oaror, Xr -1 - - ... I.. 11 11 ;; j
I , r
% I 1 14 . - - I
. - '
.0" go I 0 10r DM HEADIFIR ITO r ____ __ . I I 1, 01 P I
ral , pli MR. S. It BLAKE'S. ENDEAVOR I T AND - TWO MEN KILLED ON 1O.T.R., CLUM MAN OF 33 YEARS, . I Impart's a nat vkf glow of ,
n,,Wr . __-, I I I " I
, The Saxav lKwIddInea CV041tall U 'tit ' 1111E P1 I and hebAll 1
'411 , y fflull NE LLS ' , wi, 'Qut whkh" 64 .
Saiiished His Pains, and . One PU0 n04 Placrodit"ll FOR COR41114t0v Y014330 S"o StAtion Agou k Coisyoutlqu pt j5#n,Verj on ygotop pp Ir . r .; _
, by 11jak Ass. , _ . our 1 _ I .Na , gy3t,401 is Always an easy ptcy to
Agonies. Arillother A*@,rl'WA . nowtonvillo Adulits . ,
, Ill It ;% Wip, An 11000AX411 0 r, te4
I , _d Qa04jd* _QR . I
1_1 )IV, (;ygpt $901ilrling e, I ,
. WEAK Th4t ,,lie j# to U10,11ile, But Said 4 COW$, 1CWHA An$ filfltilgnZaj, Whj- 12 ASO
. x4l; Ak DrAbo ?-Lloyd's Zvl4"0C;V 4104 9113;i of Vote* the 'N"InI4341041 I , _* r
I Wils A144de rnlinfil"olia "So, I L . n
. . - T1110 it" 3XIA4 T90 Mugu Nvoru _4k" .,t. t . , e.
'Tile startling unit happy etire8 -question of JU044101:10'a- I .1 ,-,,rn zrled in moiricatsof w4alztlos atw
'Wroliglit hy Paino's Ovlt)r:? Omn,pollud I I croos-Apposi. to no-404ro -yellowed th" jillently 1.110-IiIijum 0immkilir, I I I .
, r atiguc, Boyril is not mm.
ojeopjy I - , -utlauz f,
:for vizeumatio hufferers. h4ve, 14sustor. A"Went and I"ar"rist. I I
nien ewrywberts, Toronto, Jan. =, - Xr. s I I
Impre6sea noledical, . $1 III m ...... ..... .. I... 11 11 .. __ - 1. I . IW I p , ly a stiraulant, tiul: a 'highly nour i
244 to -day, the beist-prt utitioiiert,t,&t,o,re- Wake,. X.O., began argument In the They re,Wulel,ta the action or tho Port 11OPet. Jan. 22.-A Nvestbound Beaverton, .Tan. 23. -The Liberul-, A I I f I
bmurt 43%d lavlgorat,e the narvos. fLeight, No, $9 , 4a charge of Von- .2
I CQgnizing 1ho grt'at V411110 Of 0)" cOlu * Con"t of Appeal at Osgoode Iliall, . of North Ontario yubterday lionlinat- I I 11 I ishing food, C-:ntaining All the -
. They build up the so-vx, Ouctor George 14tinkett, left Belic- . I
it with. cojifi'lonce 090 , 440 DO OtheXI rant 'Pull 11110 I " I I
W , ad Mr. George Grant of urillia us 1 . . .
und, find prescribe yesterday An behalf of the respondent - t toy W zao* Ville yesterday afternoon at 3 o'cloci-z thL,11, . strcll&ythl nlwy propertjg$ of beof 7 !
3?airfela 061ery Compollud smolds, uu- They oure calldkflatl, in the approaching . . -0
Ded as a cure lorall the variefl 11) till) UPIM11 f"amIthe trial Judge and had orders to Incot, all east- I)() I i I ,
. 'a Nervousness, Sleeplessness. Brain Inhilon bye -election. The coaxon- - I I % LI a most coavgafeat Ana Ap- I
I =S tit rheumatfifil". At, WIR .t.mon decision on the petition to unseat F Folpitatilonor"beffloal' After, DO4134 freight. No. v2o, at XeWtOn- tivia was one ll the best ever hold A I
, 0 a , ! - . _; I
:its good work is apparent ill tilionsuil Vollald .Sutherland, the Consiervativo EM-51015,60MAGPIPPe. Faint P.111 -Dizzy vt3e, , The ellotbounia t in, It, in the ridIng,L petizing form. It can be : _-,
of Conadiall'bolues. Men 4114 W0111140. Inexuber-elect In South u. f ,',4. He Spells. Amaintia, 0eneval Doblilty pharl, of Uondmtor NVII ra I I . , I
d all troubles Mused by the oVz.* left I Ilani, ).roung, I . I - I I ,, L
devoted most of the tiale to An at- 411 0 , . We York at .','.*t5 p.m,, an 'nolmous 20411110, . - 11 pre-noxed in a mornent'. -,
lAme and crippled find utterl,v 1101ploss itenz baling , Own. _d All 1, 1. .
favill tile terrible diseast, ,tire being re- tempt to discredit Lloyd's, evidence. oured ot'llePS'. L hud orders throug)l to Ilort Ilope. One or two of tile upl.or townships: .i I I - , I L' . I'll . L .1. I L. .
und to show that the payment of fl& Tba.'a"g,"'.re"Ill ouro Wou. The Westbound train did not see 4 were not, folly reproswilted, for at- I . 0 1 Add a little boiling water
,*loved to Inetivitv. health and St3rongth. - 0D0,PerbQXtIr3for$l.2k Alldealarour a t, is Is a serlow, I ' . . ) . I . ..'' USe. L
9 F,31110's Celery Compound it; tho only Cy tvilts, as 10 admitted, by Suther- stop $191101 At NQwtonville, find push- tda(:1119 CO "lli1011 , I and it is reNiay for * , ,
. !w0dicine tilt% r. resulles and Savo -if the tie- land to I.loyd was I a TbO,T,MtlbUMCO.stif4itediToToatolOgt, ad On, only to run into the a , - matter In North Ontario. In 301110 I sk is . - L
I L a tip and not L ast I I 11 I L''. ,
I ring Victim who is tolol tilarbe or elle bl'160. lie would have sot up a bound troln. Tile crash was terifile. Cases it would involve " journey of j -%$M _.
I I Zpa, , . I . ,-,., 10,1101W
. ", . Wonrable. Dir. W. Uvriisette, X oxtou Part of Vii-itcharc."s, evidence as bei I - - 1"Uth onglaoS, two Illogula of tile 8()L Julies, Including a drive of 1-1 I. i I 'L . lqilmwpl I" III "I jq 441,01h j_ Ju, I I't, j I a I
't ... - -
v ..t 10 Incredible, a4 it iiii,pponod to suit t ng It is as it the people of _ - . .1 I L L I L I I L I .
I 11 WAIdt QfIe" says: lie bribe. It was a likely thing that lurgl?st type, wore derailed, and thar Inill.s. .. L I - -- . I 1 L ..
I . .4 jg been given lip to ilieby some r"llorident's case, but both Chief The cat -s behind Cola Stratford wero reqtdrL,d to come it) , . .1
. AvAl holl.-rs burst. h,
4al t I .pa doctors of tile Tjjjjtk$d Stfttee, rig's character shoul $3, (11 in all, were jammed together, The Little Ones Love I
-11,15ticO Uoss and -Tustice GArrow O' wan of I'L I . d Toronto to attend their convention, CURIOVS FAC T S. ;
I c I of' ,mada last fIntatila v3rribly interrupted, saying that if the evi- laugh when thus approached, and and bull ot tll,,Ixl piled hi,;j-I in a yet Leaverton is the mor.t central ; _ I
1, (# , ill, lid bad I(St till hope. buff -1190w - donce was to be aceol)ted it would p4ls$ on. Ulass of do.zi.1 tliat ut Once took vaint available. I I
ouieti frolix illanal4latory Thoull'UHS111 materially afruot tile whole case. Mr. Mr. D14RO took lip the question of fire, and burned as if'Inade or straw. Three-voraferea rigfta. I '00ndoll, Nvith six Irillion people, has f
11 :1 was strongly urged tt , ) UL, no'.` Blake was willing to let this laek of Jill Isdict. 1011, Clainling, aRhad : Malt 0 eAfa 't fogi
-0 Pai evi- The captbound was laden with The balloting resulted in a lipell I olily 1h lourders annually. The I'llited I 1: I
celer Mr. Vassels In the Lennox appeal, corn, and the wonstbound with an Ila- throowcornered fight between tliic i 'Stal-PH with 80 millions buS 10,V,00 imir. 11 ti
y Compound- I gave, it it tsial, dence Stand s.o tar us it worit to , I
and the first boltlo ditt. filie so winub good that the Court of Appeal has no jilr- Sorted cargo, collillris G In I 1
i l, show that Lloyd prior to the trial . ill . uch pork, excellent men. Air, Graf t finally I ders a ,year, i ,
j . Acoutinned with the Ined.olneautil Ilialri tol&jI that the amount Sutherland Isoijetloll it' such a case after a dlsa 'I 110 111(hinullable nature of the wrock- wou by a small lilaj I .
used seven bottles, when I fonuii illyselt gttva, bim was only fifty cents, but grQvine,it. by the trial ill riltification as ,,,, on ority, but Ids i k r Iltl-(,rop one 1j,"th of au inch Ili Ili. After tile babies are wearied, theiiV
dges, At". ago CITAted a 11"O that nothingeould 11 ous choici- : - 10 Irecessitir for feeding i )tell, with ex
perfectly cured; indeed, I 116YOr fell, "' t- lie sought to discredit the part tilat Watson will reply to this contention (ItUlnell and burned with a heat and EL ('f tho Convention was"uIrIllea liy hI,_j 8171PI-Pr Pillinot fall tit tiny greater speed 11
this morning. i I)OII&lv,. ille"gult" foo(Is. The bt%t pbyji
ter in jjji Illy life than tit prest-nt. I Ilse claimed tile pre -once of Young and 0(:rI'CnQss that bafflos de crjption. rivals wlLb, heartiness that auglw- tian Il fevt ill it sevollo .1111-4r0p.1; j 0. % strongly advoctiting the 13$e 0,
every possiblp ine Air. Make introduced tl-.e' cross-ap- 111gh Into tbi,, air th# , a L L - & falls "t
qtu. to tell Others ot Pritcliard during tile tran-gaction, _. flaula$ leaped, Col well for tile Unity of the XibOL-al., rarely i-xceed oile-vigth of an inch it, di- , Mitit Breultfil)gr Fond as the best die
Faille's Celery Compound, and Nvill al_ , Mr. blako took s0lno time In an peal, And (Ifter loviewing Clio evi- and back and forth until 88 cars, in the coming coottst. ,ni'ter isr,-arting. )(114 p8C'.kftg
AvaFs rtoollitylefid It, to Illuft ZrOnbl l(l endeavor to show thaL dence gave wily to N,ip, j,,jdIIl,und.nrIs_ sillashed to 1)jeces, I are , se . auleter. 'is Of %t*.
With IlipultuatiSial, Lloyd inigilt V -1 ,ething 2111'. (S is a young trian, who I Breakfast Food at 15 cents. Nvill mak,
reasonably have been looked uporiby tol, who arguca Vint, tbc onns, lay Inass or flanics. (larbon: perizils for eleetriv liglit com ' I
ul),in thr, Tic.. j !.I will mako all excellent candidate, Ile . e ; as m,ally invali for baby tis four Pack
. t nevs to show that Before the crash came the train Is a, son of Itov, I)r. Grant of Ol-jltl t ; elliefly fr sin one factory, v nitrolleil ill, 1 ager, of ally 450 velit. itifflut food. I
- Sutherland as a Conserva.tive, and, there Ila(] been a hiring, and not lip. crews h-uped, !
.1, I therefore, that there would be no ob- tint], witli the oxcep- (KII0.1collion), a nephew of Senator a i. American Trust. There are N iter,r, i Malt B-akfast Food i,i a preiligesto
I Another ot the pioneers off Huran Tp. ject in buying his vote. To damage .on tile roil)Ondent, to Show that the 0011 Of ILLITY Matthews, fireman- on Alcm.ullen, and a brother Of Xlh% It. ; f ood. ensilir and quicl,ly digrehted by t
I rigs had bell of fit ,or space, aud 510 men make 400,000
11 1)as passed away Ili I fit, person of , Xohll Lloyd's evidence, it was conterld*d It SlIPPliod withouthlre. tile w"WhRInd fitlight, mid Pwijaniln A. (;),tint of Toronto. He was bo ' ! little Oljv14,*Rlld while it. keeps tho sto
; Xv, Pattetson .had sworn that there li s-erl.st, brakenlan on t 11 car.mus a week. I aell strong and vi;zorous, it, also builds,
A , .Pollock, who died on Sunday, Jan. 18 Ill tboi Constable Fick )Ind gone about he east- in Burlington 38 years ago, and ill , Rds ,
,, the neighborhood paying money for had been 110 pt -0111190 to pay, and hound, es :aljvd witti sligilt, 111juries, 1,,I,) I wa 'a(jlni* I fit's)). b0110 Allid muscle. Reportit c
.4 tted to tile Lar, since, A transir of W=4 or(urs ou'Ar four I . .
: ing Ili frotu inottlers till over Cana,
IL -,At tile age Of (,14 years. The deceased 0% It'lence, bUt Counsel was careful to Mr. Brisl,01 asked It a. man should 'I lie crews wert, plilliv,strichell. Whell WIAVII thne he 1111-S liNlIctised law ill 'tbueh i,x 1.160 years. It is njost : III( di
, fl ._ bad been failing for moril thaD a Y011T, romark that it was not stated iba , really be put to tbo necossity of taka- Lay reco%cred thellstives, which Olil ill. lie I,, aa u-111111wiLly pleasill4t aur III a,rrmloiit.er;, ill )) t. toll of mai,mitimut reskillts front the uSj
1A _ 110 tried to buy fal-o ovid t in4l; witness's Wittl hill, Nvilen request- they (lid it) shorL ovolov, the' flames sveaker, (as lie proved ill a five-ruju- .
. WV. , but for some months bad becu quickly - Pnee. Fick Ing " SUIT1,N' or I iors free of charge for from, the locomo(!Ne :; , liall r b"Cl%11-4" it giveh of Mab;IJ,rvfd;faf;r Food its a dipt forth;,
. Wcliuiugl A hard working, sober at.d "'Ill .,eon Lloyd, nrld tilt,$ inference - cached itte spe(.-ch to tile cj)tivention), fluent tl enl 411 Ol;P0'Z',IIai1`v of Illeasuriu,; the babies, Try Nalt. Breithfast Food fC
11.90 on election day. the wrockage"an
Irae that Illoney might hav(.* passed , d ill spite of thler oil- and ejrjjv,-,t. of dark, complexion alld , dl' 1111" of the earth from VA"r 1111111Y ItIld WAR thm happy restlItf
I -careful inall be was. Ile caLuo &) Cana- n em, . The court adjourned at 5 o'clock, dutl.vovs; gained headway till the heat athlette 0ure. The, "XI. L".- Your (3rocpr caln supply you
da when. a youngluall wben thiscountl%y The credibility '& tile WItnesses, I In an lacradhAv-snort spneo of tiltle 0 The UnAoUnIr. ;
L drove willing S 6kers for the two lials- . !
; * Ivasail unbroken forest, Since then 1.1p Pritchard, Young and Spononburgli, ON A CHARGE OF TREASON. .SIL)g Ilion awa, Uour names went to t IF BABY COULD TALK. Tbundevtornis are raore frequout J,
' It Was contended, was beyond doubt, %,. It is Surmised. 11-ith , lie ballot.
I I has hewn a home front tile blish ano and had been so considered by Mr. a lur u that points to a certaiaty, O%er a dozeli nominations wew, . , 10WR than in any other part of t1w world
. I iVe benn buirica to made. tmt all re'li-ed except I , 1 Theaverage is Wuniat one Rvvry fourt)
Justice Street at tile trial. They had a four:-(.1corge I). Grailt, J. 1). tllt"' p I ' I am mire if luiby could only tall '
AAC,ded to his ($title until Ila saw Cl]1 lj' Col, Lynch Personally vired on urifisil that theY ht
L ? family Wnll provided for and in a mnjj- told what Lloyd had said to them ar. Troons In Africa -motion to l[ittiew,ij, . crisp, caught in Qe wrockage. Shier, ! '4a .., M 1 4. B U - j_ i list,,-. Sumatra has EG in a year and Ri,
. Attiong the Injure(I I-, IV. It. Butler . jw. 11, !Z;. lAngliam wid Air. R. 111, . .rnlllie , L'Attinble. Oil
. fortable way of livitig. ter having received tile nlonc,y. I -To 181WO'luclit; Overruled. Aw wolublurnise B"by's0wu Tablets 1 Janeiro 51.
I had said that Sutherian-d gttvo 1111r, , of Loill,011cill ' a b,..11,0111an on the ! Noble, Mr. Noble announced that 1. too. Their Nave pivetio better results 1
I-- .. _ 50 car truin. 110 Was badiv ; to OlUll 4111'. l7)vhor Inpilicine Ihave ever uged : C1111111tOwn, in ban Francisco, 11 'as fou
' - ts, and than at',the trial lick London. Jan. 22. - The ti,ittl at aik,,tboijia while Ile was ullowill - his nariv,
Bat-, bufule u, quorum of jLitigeq, of shaken 111). Ili. 90 4(fore the converiju3n, Ike (lid not f I
'm Lft - hold sWorn thAt it was a dollar. The I s toot is crusht d, and )r i iy little ot.a." This is tll rordiet - papers ptiblishe(i in Chinese.
qu0iftlon, Col. Artlita, Lylich, meinber of I'al- his cmidition is foot consideied seLl-I do L -e th- llolllillatioll col'sotluenti.y , Yor sot
Mr. Make Claillied, was, -4 till linothels Asho I ave iv ed Baby's ' .
; IL did Sutherland give Lloyd 50 epilts lialtiont Tot. lul.,'lway, oil the charge of oils. I till., vote foi- him vals xulall. The oth- , "In'
. l , Nil Twill -tis, and is tile very bt:st- proof I " f"I'tch Of t'llese over I 1, 00 difroren
I WIN as a tip or dill 110 give it as a bril-c? treason, by alding- and alietting, Lilt. A wrecking traill caule tip fron, i at- three poitt'd allaost e(jual Votes, lit) of lit -r mp(heille oil ll"l,qnal the -111 types are necessary, Setting 4,000 cha,"
. Ring's and the late Qt1coll's t'jej If 'r the q%dy relief -.Ind cure of the acters is a good d
, AUS 0 L U T RE All the avidenre that had credibility ilies ro!loville, but Ito t ack was not 1 about 50 each. & second b4llot re- I'll" . ay's work.
cndod, during the war in ,South Africa, coul- clearorl tkll aftef, 1-,, 0,olaeji , a le hilt aftel. it i (jo,"I'vill allllwnts of little ones. These
oil the face or it, counsel eon .1 Isulted ill tile Selve lVuly, - British Colunibia's now Government
Lei Dr. r-ilighain retil-nd, lu"t'ing 0111. , 'ral,lets (Ill-ki colic, I
want to ,;!)a,, that it h -d been but ,,,,,ad Yesterday bcfore tile -d train due in Torolito at 9.3.5 ,%viis I 111r. Shier and Mr. (.'rant. Al Grtmt i " Q011slipation, wur I
'. 0. U114 Air. AVAtPon [led called tho aj Ohlef Justice, Lord Alverstone, and stalled ,qt Port 31ope, all(l tile east'- sto ani h. diarrhotla and Fi asple fevers -, can 0111Y cOrunkflud a Majority of one a
tent ri3 (". che. Uie.l, ill) Colds, pivvent croup n1lay two in a houst, U h Natal Par
I I ton of the court to. tile fact that two other justices, The prisollcr bo ,Ind passenger train that loftvo.q iron oil the final ballot hy 8 to-, ! I .of 3R. I p a
, 1, S51URITYa the e%-Idencu of Yoioig, -,vilich he pleadOLI not gtljlf: y. To,ontO at 10 was, stallod at Low- I'llog" Noininateil. . thu irdr-ation accoutpanying the (tuffiri4 I liftinelit pa,vt ties are equal, owing ..to .v
1% U17. . I According- to O`tlo sentence of tile inaliVille for hours. The fLIll ' .,vore of tot-th, and aro positively gtirrailteed GoveruniAnt member being Speakor
%, , 4 , & -4 , 1.r, ,4_V,, -; , I claimed was corroboraLlon of ljoyolls list of nonihiations
I'll - - arraignment, the defendant was ." "rflwj,ar 1"v'Aicr. Ill rprmllw of as follows:- A. P, Cockburn, ex -'.%1. t0c-litain un oplare, All childron take ;
I - I't evidence,' had )lot been Impeached, I ,, moved, 0,nd "Klucod by the lastiga- too rti&islter, s 4 t.1 -'. 'I it. , -ton Shier, Mayor of braco- t t I r fldilv and for very youtig Infants ' and a Coalition Ministry is probtible.
.A 'ra
, Ce in u i In e, Mr. Make said that this cvidpj,&, o s t, Z. t P.; .), 1), , , i
I 1*4 - . . might well be takell as It stood, bL- tion of tile d.cvIl." Upwards of six- Agent Xel.)ougItjl adiulls that he Is bridgej Dr. Il. Els.. pilightiono, (Injilling- , rhk*.--;, call bf crushed to it powder. Yoll Lord Dudle r, Lr)rd Lientewtut of Ire
.) ty years elapsed since a treason trial to blanw because lie failc,l to plot ton: 11, Af. Noblo, U'-dwidIve: IV, .I. onit eer Fri. , 's 0% n Tablets from tiny n
I S cause it, showed that tile amount has betal held in London, Tbe lust Wilt a stop signal, btit lie I:lt ads Kcster, Zeph-,r: Dunctin Gr_ : druggiR at 2--i a box. py tile,;- will be la d, Ila,, signified his intention of con
paid was 30 colits and aballa, cX- i ferting the honor of knif.-lithood on Mir
, a e . Continuing, counsel doclared as that Of .1ohn Francis, u. yolith that Ili- has too 1111l'i II work to do. AT.P.. Gam .e. Illalh-(I,J)Ostag pvid, liy writing direct
%C',' C', r t , r ,q* that i W1 ebridge; (ICo. F, 131,11E
the evidence of Pritchard and Young I who ill-Od a 1)1.',tol at the last Queen Purther, the O.T.14. front No.wton. DeaA0Vt0n: Geo. 1). Gvurit, Orillia I,' 10 tilt' WbIliulus Aledicille Co.. Brock. C. B. Ball, F. R. 0. S., Regins professol
really weakened Lloyd's evidence, 'Victoria as she was riding down Con- '011e to Port flopa is i,ot doulilil- IT. 0. Th"Z, , Bravehridge; G"eo' j ville, (,fit . or Selivilecrady, N.Y. send
Ill I 0 1 of Snr,,t ry at Trinity College, DIWIti,
I and Suthorla,ild's to,sitinlony Contra- stitutlon Ili'l, ITe wils, condelinled ti,acliet'l. This is tilt, oilly portion of Thomson, Loilgrord 211jis; IT. I I , for our book oil I Ili t- ire a infants aind
. Little, Liver Pills to death, but tile ezltorlco was col.,1_1 the Ilue that is single track. ' irour f-laldren, Evviry mother .shouh, I Mr. Ball performed the recejit operatiox
11 4 Meted it Out of tile chaos of evi- . I Roach, Pea-vertoll; .Tobli Adanj,.
i donce, Sutherland's absolute statc "Itit0d to I]Tlp rlsoli -1 all t for life. , 1,'Ccve of Rama; J. D. Tudh0po, 31, Ila ve It. 'for appendicitis upon the Countess o,
- I
I . IMust Doar ."Nonatura ot -1 Anent agreed with Clio original State, The judgeN I oveirilled it motioll t"I MRS, SICKER'S C111LOREN. I P.1". Olillia, IVIII. sillith, I"I'aE.I.- I i Dailley. I .
, ) ment of Llovd, ol also with other quw-h Lva h s indictment, The At, - Ill id": Will. McPhorson, (Jannitigtou; I NVjj. Ij (Lbai-ged with robolory at Dul bliti I -- ------------ .
I all .. .... -
. I witnesses, 1'1 71QrI,(,1,1-(,,,,,,,,a,, ill all address, bLfl,tCdj Leare.q. flusban(ot illt(i 1 'ojtl- to j('111 ! 1. J. Could, 'Ar.1% , . .
__ _ I I ; .
1111 7' 'a court was asked it, ror- : il prisowr was able to prove lie ,wa,; fil '
:011 that. Lynch personally fired on Brit- - I Is
6 _ , Lt view or the evidence. tile couchl- tulles IVIOX Young Mull,
I I j sion of tile trial -TUdge, Mr. Street., ish trooi;s Ili South Africa, as well I , SOL714 OXFORD ARGUMENT. ;Klkenuy (iti,0160 tuilet; away, at the
i having diretted the firing. Lynch, Moritroill, Jail. 2n' Trs. Sicker, 1 ' I
. was not absoftitely correct, narriely,J I's : thite tilt, alleved offense was comnfltit. d. i I
I I . Sea linc-SliziRo Wr4l per Below. that at the time StItherland gave tile I be salt), was (I J!"Itish Subject, born I who lil-40d Ill 4 I rett-Y lit tic Col no y ; Appoal. Case I . 11 .. I
'L I I 1. I .. . Ili Australia. I x lllagw, riekly Albuny, N. V., and N%ho; Brought to .% Conclusion-; Witb tilt- moflf rii steel fraaning, -it , '' .1
V'exy aixuall und a. CM&7 i money to Lloyd lit) persoll thought Jud%anent Rcservett. . a
L ; is a Very attr.,vti%o looling, woniall. ; : building can Ivith .safety be carried to I a
After the conclusion of the evidence . I I I III 11
there was arty bribery or impro- for tile Crown, which did not I, 1 It,fL .....
I 40 take as s=gar. prfety. M in seve I find -.I half titries the dintia of ;
I _jiffer her husband a few day.,4 ago and Toronto, .Jan., 23, -The appcill eter
3 1 0 .. - - -
I 1 iroin that presented at th nolitil Oxfortl CL". was broll4b., ir,, biqe Thm an ordinai .r btisho,s,, .1' Opinions of L ending 11lr.%-sjciztjnl.
- L - I ton mucns. Couns , 1. proceeding, attempted to . 0 prollmin- w1as located here, ,by the police. will, ! the 1, .
- t 1 ary heaving, ai ,, Of Col. a man lialned 13urge.,z.s. Chief ('ar- " to it Conclusion late .vo
'-CARTERS r0fl DIZZIHES.8. i show thlat Young was not in Ile id the roadin .Nt r,dlly aflet- building oould be t-r"tolfl to a lit ight Of I linv.- i1spd W. T. 'Stra.11als Pj10-.kj)Ue fol
1 burn when the transactio Lynch's staternoilt, made I forc the rJantoo' and tile rciaLives bad a long 110011. Judgliwnt was r..s(r,id ou . .'ztorlittl.%;'tN-4 llasixit( rnalpilt!.,axid,---,,Ijott,t r
Sutherland Ill iii1erviow with the (oul b. but 'Mrs. I a.11 thice, points imoINI.d. I. 'M feet. . "
.FOR BiLl 133]SHESS. r in between committing muggistrate, the case was I I . rt ultl thIla frWit UnY Other r( Inoldy I lutv(
)TTLE * . and Lloyd I d. A. WIAHAM, MD.. Y,oj,don, out.
FOP, TORPID LIVER. I but Mr. ,Tusti,-(, Clavro N, I, adjourned. ; ,$il'IW% ' abs011ktelzv refl). -o'l to )ettari,, ! Eklinlind Drh tol, foe the rv.,q,on_ Clwilbmljzt Univer,ity is now, for the ' ILls"
I .
_' IVER I I hatua to her husband and four (hild- donit, completed Ills lixg . PrivoU.00, ri4)r:z,tleb.vtlx,ugg;.it,i,(,ra ,.Vxa,ti
FOR CHSTIPATION. sa,ving that it Pritchard's evidence" 1 1 ran, agod rospec 2 and I ! cros.4-aplival from tilt, dt-eisic 11 , , ' irs Of I )V- 01, I't-Opipt, of pti( v.
I were to Ile aCCIL'Illed as trut ol t". , . W. T. 9TW)INT0. Ijanuflolcturjjjg (?j*,t,jnjS,
", - 'PILLS. tively, 7. t, 11111o'llt ()I' tilt' fi t time for many years, alitead
f I ' L J02,(
. 41! I in politioiCl dIS141leflon. .
FDA SALLOW SKill. : Mill, then I HOT U4 AUSTR,ALtA. I vc1ars. The Ohld, bowe%er, induce,o 4 MrBalfour, Loadon. onatril,
I . I I trial itf(Igils, that Pattels.)II I I .
- I Young was In the b,irn at tile time, I I tile woman to give baok to 41fl.. "Ick- I likea proved guilty (1 hirillp': r4 s. ,%I:r. i tbp Dnko of Devotishiro, n,i,l,,-ir Henry _____
z FOR THECOMPLEXIGH I Ills Lordship thought tha.t young — '_ -
kmmv um'MUSTAPA , U . 'Unn Overtaken lit Ilurning Sogam (..,,,,' or .$700 of the ,1ji,3(jo -,%-Ijj ,h sbe had I lyai4n, in reply, gtx,%c it loii;g ie% -IL-%% Cat,il,t,.,I!.P.iiiiit,riii iii,,ir(-.qlloi!lTiii ,ity
01iti 't I'll .
I ts at I I U01 I I had been present, according to the VlhNo Inglent, to lycatill. ! tallelt with bar, and she a,.qj galoc tic) ,of t liv (l% iolell(c on the Ill.: i lfloi linell. Dresmaker's
ljoillt Ill tile C. i
I __ _ _.., , 4 1 evidence, but hall liot wished to all- I ' th.0 little gilL lklrs. Siclier sa,ys sh-e ! _0, Collel'idill
, I 'nit it, cis it would have been all ad- I Sydney. Jan. 22. -The heat wave likes jTOjjtj ,C,uj ver'y 111, I,,!, njId is go g "\Ath a I
_! I,),gtjj.j' trajl.,;Iut*ojj Of tLIL.etj(jt( I,(_,I% ' -_-
I -_
CURE SlQK HEADACHE. lllis ion that lie lind abandoned his I continues Ill part of New South 1 ing t:j ro.-IdL. bere pcvjljaj cIjtIy. 1 pf4 Lippli.-'d to ti . Backache.
__ . .
, __ I work. Lut Mr. Make ,still contended i Wales, ql,lora hai a been ,20 deaths. r e disputt'd I oints Ill 11"te Polivelliall". I Videnve
-.--.. I tile Sultill oxfold cas". I
I . )at Young -,vas llot prosent. A, su ar-caue field near 13allitiol, I, ' 0 Po ieeinav Peter Morris. Toronto, ,a -r.4
b" 1 Spain .I.,tiva ( 11,410 111111tIc". -_ --- ,
I t and a, man bting ovevta o,n I *iiat for vpure Ile was rronhlml with hall. womon
A Bad Breath I t'Chlef -J11811cD. 'ANTWI-S-1 iinderstnooll n, ad ,A- I :
' ,l,' j the flanics, iva-i; burnt to death. Pho. I r"linburgh, Jail. 212.-Th3 Spani,sh ! ro.- TRIAL AT ASSIZES. .1 engea ell ill
OL i - . that Pritchard's evidence, tu-.11 (olistiliatifill. and though Ill- 41-ellr IV
, 1"I""IA, "' noinelial saildstol-nis t -too o(CLI1. i I of Marine, Senor Sanchez f -4001 1110110V i0rIlWillcine, wns only olis. t1le,
I t A bad breath ineans a bad I Ile taken Without prcjudlclrig red ' 11tiOlster ar(lixon,
I --- , . . i
the respondent's clise, Ill Victoria, -'olll(' rallway tvaij).4 olill, 1 Tova, be-4ali. action yv-ster%lay I ofore j,1,r.jej,IIIjol, wi-11 tilt, rf"killf.s. 111, liow re
, in _4 1 lllk%v, , , I , I
., I% wilis.., It 14C I h I
1, stomacb, a bad digestion, a I Mr. Make hex'0 finally admitted, baling , . ., o,t_ Wo rk o j4 1:, .
"', to pr&e6d i,i tho ratti ,of ' tilt-, 0)(Il't Of :'Q Violt." to I'VeMci, rage Are (onnuille(l. efillitill-ur's [Ir. Chast. " Icidinev-Liver - 5.3 .,
i. - I i dllvs ltlakitlg- Z-:a- 11 .
bad liver. Ayer's Pills are' I that ),a had bini. -clf 13t,vil in-lai_)ill, to. a laile all. hour, while tl o i -tills won! ! 'Sn' o'(1m) (Voill the Clyde Bank E u- 't ?IIIS to 4 --frit"Ifl-A bf,viluse it I, 1&(l him - . I I . I
I L L.
. (Ionio to it carielu.sion ,Is to N1,11() und cleared aboud by'niell wit!) siloN t4s, : gfi'vel'Ing and lslllphl il .1i \ce-iav a, Mon. .)zr:. 22. -- Tho p , freqll t n fly , ,
livor Pills. They cure con- I' I' i 1 !if4 Vowpully ! . of his trou blp-mv aj, :,!elit. yonvallb , L
, low niany vure really in tile hapo at I I -, __ - ! ba-wit,v (,f tilt! vcjullllln .4 failtive to I 'he'e "11111 v Illeft. Gty.,C ,'vll, 1:0,)hl,- i, ourcd ofempon'tipoition h:r this trkatII,a I.-. ' havi. 41-on')1"
-1 ..
. L, Ili contract I ime four torpodo , U'llil ') W),_! , twet'-d ( f vzl-in.t ' tho 1 C_)ne pUl it dese. ' 17, t-eut Ox. I I,. f 11 (, i 1. . I I
stipation, biliousness, dys- i tile- tilliv- Ift, (lid not thi k It bad I - ,VII%Lol, i,in b . ith I -_
L 4 1 villeh aftoct upon tile Illaill j ever's 'K -Zl (Wise Ileall) M.4,04vt-ml 1 boat dolstro Vets Willell hall ))Pf'n in- i deatil of llellr. !-illcip.-f-, b y L ;011; . . .. -
will", thel , —.--- — back and '%.I I
I a, sick headache. 1 "lov.) 1'.)'V, -(1L -r dwitc(I itq Vw Ili I-
, Pepsi I quir,*Aloll of it tip 01v a. brib . , b,,.L',l, softell., 'tended for lose dilri-I til, ,Spu sh- Ili'll all I)Vol,dosv (if whisto-y' -,I-Lit'll .* . . , 'rr
I -ican war. . ( Nil! posoli to have N.L.11 firtiq il( ys. TZI ,
25c. All druggists. i Mr. Jostice Garrowlf a %.. . Anwi pnf, V.,ir., . i -
I I IL I . I L I . Ll one. of 1 die'v.-atert-tud disinfects, I . .4'. t . " I -
I I I I I - , these %litliesses. Pritchard foil ill-! I .----..---. !,Vtste;'Oa * Comli'ittml ,'.', .Iilig;,tlitte - ! 11111"'Itra"U'll
I Throw Oliell I U111W.I. i(kildoll to ,qalill dwil. li1d lo ;4e Between Pall, ujid Argentilift. - -
!. 1, I - mouatAelio or beard tL beauttriti, i , stillico. tvIls the truth, it Very 211a-j " . I . %la:-1,11de, 1) ,ving, tht- 11fledlo in th
; 7111aln.1.10i,"blaelt? ThPlIllike ' L
'i I I t0f iollly ailecis the will)](, ca.,4p, -wsltvs at Portage la Praiii.- 4% .
. the tj. r .Tohfmnos'ht-rg,, -Jail. 2-1. - Colonial I . rtolre, ,7azl. _11:21 -Tjll 11i.,"..t. .. Of 31111vtIr (1011:4111-tv dtvll, stitell, 14itall
i BUCKINGHAM'S 0YEtv*h'l$kelr9 . . I" I ake dealt with the j . Se.-rt_-Lury Ohninhoilitit, rov,fted 11 ; Mareh. Application itas becti at:a, L- P;wt-. az.it TO gr,;,,:i,si, S %Lti- ir G.A- i .
: foi- bull. I 11ITL'SItler 1V;1fl1S—I'()
l 11-11111or ill -r, i,ff 7 I l'il11It,i:. 1w.q Z'Wlll): lXe4i tila, I listalif Ivnidin
I 1, I lolitolitted I JD W 1"Oe"'I'S' i s- . I . 1 at tilt) -
rfollollilt (it ti, it - , k, 7111 -
I *SOm 00 DilunAls", Oft A. 0, NAtt'k Co., "ADNVA, N.M. I : which tile petitioners Jill( R 1.0 to kl, I 1111111her of Illint. reprOACIftiltilTs .11T , I te'h t fill tile lxll-k, make,
j evidmee, going Into tho detalls find I torday, and ttiolked ol vr tile Tailor .- C ainfl.-l- 'r, p'l-_ 1 ( Wer -8001
L ; 11011se Lenders llefeatod. It . , Zo Avol, 41illm
1 . : delloilildow t`es, Ill- .fll osh for all .qv .1 . -whPaii(I 11"lin. ,\ '(Prthilm
.... . the practice of p'lling'. I . , itualloll. T'C utrim'd It) throw o1wil ! I , .,,,iIri%-: ir ,
___,___.____.._____ ___ --..-- ----- - I I h wd I-ri-,k li _E'ai-t Afilva i lVa.'41111-0011, Oall, '-',!.--T)), Mom ()I 41.1)0.()41-1 to$ t.revj 'vlr,-"?,q!4j Ivo!jt qt ollt qj ,jill(I tli%?,Ir hl, ,jlih fail
; out large stalls of 111011C.L - fur such a ywsnlarld I " I re, T.,4 -A !
Purpo*sc. IJo asked tile court to for III(.. re -rllitfilg 'of liative laboi-, ! loadors m.cla do%vil to i --m e t I
I ' Ill' i' -f-11 tolegl'"' ': ,,,`zIIi, fk)" it ,orvict% ', -! r ,,, ki(Illey.'i g -f out of ordor, fl)
-vs . %L
r4how by its attitildi-, In tills Illatte ., ,tvii-aay %-.4wn till, 1:oust, ..I " (,I, ".I.can 11,11"_ . *
'I. 0 VV
j'l k!.;0IItijj,j. IV j ,
,(., ,-N and -,lid that 4 W.4 influeltee with Or.- 16,110C paills, zl-.-,,l Ow Avbolo ,s.,;tol
, i r 4L , of 1.1(3 to 11-18, r, .Ivvua 11:e ljl- Jil-_ - uia 1' , dlrllet -.! 11. *, S;g ., tol
I that It does not counteiianco Such I , the Fcavignl )flieo prevrdled Ugaildt'L , pille ('(1111.1! Xc bill, 1'el oI-fk.tt 1) L I 1 o. Warvola. . I 4. . tol
I 4 BI.JrTER la' t NVOIL,ld Et'%o he' th"o"VII olilln, i fl - __ grets hill of poison, w1liell the sie
t i conduct, and that, even it, as . t W . I ,
I Insular Affairs ('oininitiev, an'l I,Neapeil 11WI04 I.osag Ag -o. killnoy,; in 111AW110 to elhalillate.
I . I sald,i, the public hod hooll edlicaCed ,t,;) 1T " 11% — , ,\1nnt. -%d, dan. '. ._,. .
, Xpect proccofffil"Is of a sill 3111111IS a Leg. . . Inak,
L 1 0. ; adopte,ol tile silbstititte o!"er(li Is— *1 " . " ..4, -r sllwthl .111"JIV hk%
, 1 NJ Atts . I litillorill, for the intiodut-tioll of"A'I"l- J:j" J , Z) tt, ,j.i,j_',., ,.;f: TjollIA Guli- , X.) it, I. .
I N . . -
I ture, the hightst voul,t 1), j I apance, -Tati. 2;2'.-A reb ic, -Srinith, i t !', 011d, ',10I.j Ill -a"'.4 to son alva , alid 11&4 .IAI,11
A e hu put Itself oil i : orican euvr4nicy uivj tll(, Anioricitij I,tl_. ,I_ i . . y
I . 4 . record by I . I,
I L . *11 . I ,,4,r%i%k)t. of til I, haltil.
1T PAYS S,Vvllr Of ft"e'a 1",*10,:C!lt tit I)ksf,l*- . Systelli ill tile 61and'4. I - , an -1 lic,'Llip-r trjljjhje ,; ]Iztlop lior i
i.."'.1 Its J"(111111"ClIt ft', boing Strongly I V ), %x-fillo, tr"01.1go to board _Nt'. 5t t; coinage I %if .'-, . F,, aeho. di. i o4t-1 da: . Jg,41
j , againut thA pritletice 4) ; Pr1r."RMANZAT (-,; i t - ; miswvy. wholl.,111.11 vatgp. voillfor
. I f paying. f(; ' T.R. vxplc .s ut thl-; -,tatioll At 12 o" .,4 .qtrs f"ImIllivi. %Waivd " I
L .1. , ".. .;r'..,(! will frolit paill alld in-vig-or.-Itio,
4 : evidence. CL 1, F, 4113rahonlan lillim. 'hiM lor it -
I 1-4 (Io.vl, yknsUrday morl,ilig. slipped III)d - , 1 o - I, Zhol f Hed Vr. (1.wil s
I , - ` I 1'. L , 4`l. : , '
-, oro Iv.-,, Iwing 1 Stratford, .Ifin. _113,-Ilolocrt ytj* ,%, . . -, u u, lim,l* , A
apgo , 'Ili , ! I
Arg nt. -
,ument oil tile pertionfil VII, "S A lifider till' . %, .,.,I- wrsteza eall be I ahle -
I & . ehi rth of the . lInt, . El It
toncluded ill all appo''d to tile colirt i VI tl v 1,11(!! , 81111- I was 4 G.T.R. britkowull, wits J,jjj4 d i. I
I V In 0,I or liclow , I .1 itott, INillit N% Pitellor*s 11aekm4it- Kit
to find instead of its hii.ving beeit vs f ' I to a bottl. the. yards Il.'-fiv .NesIvIAlly wbill. 113.11- —
. . lio-, Tqlqvt ..
r 0 A 1) V I,' RLT11,i V I titblit'lled that Sluthorland -I)rilled OfstllchseVore diaca.ies asscroffil.l, . "'lnlovef ___._ ; ill -4 a coupling. DellA.1,iod jva,Sa..(j,! 1.3hm-olligrauts" lit lill'; r, . ..
:Uoyd, that till! tiling rould Ilot have. 1`1111tihig sores, salt fliatini or ec. "Itilled Ill, n, Ulvic. , (if Robert Yulv. (,.Ir.l,,. I)ridge qt- . I VIL 10!1, 'IaI). _', .,.-jt lja, '?,-I,'Na tic. I AOTP.6 1111LENDIDLY. I
46 hallpolled at fill. . ", Will Mas alhlitt '25 yoar,i of . ,.,; .,j -
?(.,.tn,i, sbiagla,;, crysipelasand t ' s"lle ,, vrk- I it Xuvolu V.;!y!-4 ,
. I Charge 70, that.. I'll epli(lil King itrIl,k,e , Ull- TWNA, ,T' -Ill. '-22- - A intin Immold agW. 'a " - !Iir'-,i at. .-i,,'mvtz, 1.1 W411, -r 'Stm
, I .
I I I -O!'.1
IV. G. Volillis $2 lit llji ol%oll In part cer, as Ilreli its bolls, blotelies, pill). . Clilm " l(kiliel-all wits ffillod cle lgl in I -.-- — k, . I ,11%1;,jj - iI!,fll,1th,:j ;" Nfl"O.1-j- il-rlia, 011*., 'mt,1 !let, pstwoma"'I Ivi
,A .
- k v t1w w ods 11ililt, A011111tiliti. hist IlIpAlt. ! Proviaelal Veos Inereaslog. !'ll 1 -sr "" ll!"':'ig t""' 1411 AlItT , f)p.,
col stipatiofl, sick headach . pjr,,Ij(-r,_j I ip-lij,ho, K..,IIje,.-,rte,j1vts
I payment of a promised bribe. U04 . Ito bad tt,.ni woiigdiit at .-,I idilinqr ; rT,1,ronto, .1 11. ,, 3. Tho fell, ;AL, ait-st 111L, ItI114111 ill heez, * I- - ill- , I Irf z bielLatlie ill
- - .4 V,, , - follo-A". I x;l) wo,
then tahell uty. Aft% Mate volltrildvil cpsta, and till disor(lor.i (If tile. lop'4 and from warl's, oil 1+4 f I,,, for, 4. iat tO it 11 % ith '44"! *U"Al'; ,
-e I'll I I Tu", j that the whole story was but lilloth. I a _ -111* Mdil, - Tr,1111)7 fw ,,011141 V0111`4, Uhivil
.11 IN 1?111'13 )Ilel-t- 1 inill
stflillacb, liver, kidneys, bou-cls ' it. is tnitiont that on, vir m.."I'l"i-nd 'I'd I)-,. the 11roNinvial Seer0larl," la l I ., " 1100 t . -
; " of III% Illethods vNell by Ilie Ill- i ; 11 1. -vs i "verr'shou, till int-rett"t. of liko'll.j. - s'I'l.- , , - -i CIL I . I I liak -,%.ts , I lo *,) , tfillg sa vloit) kIn I Iva
I and bloo(L ' I had l%!,.I%et1 him. L - _ .
11tiolIfIrs to IlIttko 11AME-nev. It waq II, t __ 14! f '17,14, 30 ll y - tro;4,10
1.1tirdock Wood 11jitteni -ONWIVS ,*)(W, of 1%hich *%'),,',,1(' 8%us for lvttvi.., I iwvv %%. I I I Itito sli "In't,,, 441 1 grot ef. hott
Very Illiely thilig that. ; &M. Th0 U&O I ocelt)ls twiro 81(17,. AW Vor juloalk. , uod.. Th ty
flw.' should I 311t(t in Allft-Awit, , "Ittawd, .1all. L'U'.-Tioa, S.411,1 :0 - Of !I:. PitI-I.I.r*, Ux! olviu X.Mnw; l`.,tbI
111Mt 801t -1 Man Ilko Volillfs to av-1 does its Work thoroughly. flatt'llt and licellu s, 11" A
n;d conn- ', ; Ailt" Acco ,n;.;jIG.(i 111% ill, ,wjlot III,
- Ott.11%%-4. -Tiln. _'1L1,-Th1T1ua.q f .--.— - . . I 1
3 '
'i I It, 1,
- I
I prouch Ling In tho ljolip j1uit 114% 1 - IT. Mr. 10AW4 t 't, : w ',*,f,,I. ,f4,l!I,-6Ir,-. Th"%(N'tA,1j1.'&A`
" ` pletely, So people know that Il lic, by, ;or 2.33 3-cill-.4 vit" tivas i MI. T. X. I)ol -rtl M , I A%ifk!l%.,f)ri1I.A.vV*, lhi,l
01001% Would revelve 11loney to I'mi,l) viLwily 1111ell Alf I ? IV.Allov'lv, 111.1% 111111toulpill. . . a"110 k , Iten-14 I*V
. AAdL then 111W , I (it, I In "OL 1'eb .-, for .,-;,kT% 1"y j!j,* ,._ , ,,. v . ! % , ,,, ,. .1; f 11,1, 0. twt_l 1',pt ,'w I;!, . ;.f'*A'f
I , V, 0 I , 68 , 1.4)IIII 1 ( d T.m atiov ,-I,, I'vW-'all for .11III'A'a 01. I ae 1 413 i 4' plil-11, .34'0. ,% box, ZI, 311 Ilen-4gig.h ot
.jQ I I 11,11, cureq them tboy're curzd , (Alillvi,-t, dit-d lasit nk,,ht utwa
I I . out that it" W11S it I il ; .Ilzll. 03`
, Y411118. 1 M4
M lZe Ij * * i sf ay c u re I ,.Is ztflevil fro injlu niza. oro's. . M.0, T11F.Illt, zlxv Pw_I1XWk_,1%j
I 4 .
1. I ,
I I , 4 ,
&' ---------LL . ..... "L..--l....-----..L.-,.I- l-,.-.-j ....... _,______' - I - , AM&--_ _4010., .&* --I", .' LL '" . 1 I
L_ _-A'W! ......... ---0, _ NWWjftM._ ' L ' -, " 'L I . ... .. ...... _,"'.." L., ' . - . I .. __