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The Wingham Times, 1903-01-29, Page 2
_.___ ____.__-_ i +:: i , _ 11, n (Il {4 111 1 # ll k+, rl ljillt e1li 1,r:1Lr 4: . tl.11 l _ s _. __ " 18- ` t k6TABL1$i•?LD liars u cu AND GANAVAN bAM. i C, OOD 8I ,,,f,?Qp. I Census Figures Tile fine 1%3 acre fieri of Zoo. Smith TOWN IRECr ORY ' - - I FI•rnn the first volume of the Census lot 8, eson, 6, (xrey, flus been, .piirelrased -. THE 11! IN11IJA TIMES .. i.+ 1W T H i l ) by `rhes. Strlicliati, jr., of rice 3rd COtr., BAPTIST CIIUIiCi1--1;A,bhkLtll s'!rvlcc+a ak, '" Prat Itrg Built Attars til. fit. I,utvrettef 1!ltesas H l T INQUAN TIjt' ES. l I+1 t1te Secret of 11,041th, Vigor stats Hariil ; of 1JON, just issued the following figures, • Adam's #sluud-• V egottatlonN '% ltk • k3.1 0 Ii lin x TQR 6'84' and tattena sllgwitlg the watialils lltLli(Yyi. \vhO will get possession next sprung. 11 a ria and 7 P M. Sultday bCllool lit is PVB141811W «ceretar} of War. 1"aalria leia P 0 lum t Thu price was $G66U0, Mr. Smith, tyll0 3'30. p Ili. CaeiaEital pxaye InQetirig Good bl l(1-- xicli red bleed --ill the a.lklgs 3u each place, 1 it a Wednesday evenings. Re) . J. J, Pa ,- E ftY T H U R8 D6 Y 11!i S I N I N G , is tum oil aa,i highly esteoined resident, B.A.,pastor. W.-T-Chaprlaan, S.S• --as"- Bilfyttlo, 4 tin. 1 w2---'1'. y. nrliiclgo. greatest eaeniy thttt disease cart have. BAST IIUitON 1ztelsan, chief en *tl:der and (:tll: riut tldent of THURS]R.1#X. JAW. W, .903, It stimulates •every' organ to throw off rugl till Irish t4catela will retire from fartnlug and Will pro- Superintendent, The Tittles. Glllee, Beater $lock 6 WINQjIaM, ONTARIO. t1tQ Cralops (.,nal. and 1 . !i. dpnewt,ir .- : -- -- .. , any aiimeut that may attach it. Good II;..th 323 2;,8 .223 bubly Lake np residelxGo in Brussels. M, TIIODISTCuunou-Salibathservices sccr(rtaly to tlw illiuistor of Ran - .""•"""T` `"- """"T`•` ` '""' 'blood is the only positive cure for tin;;ll i a j „ „ at 11 a iri $rid 7 put. Snuday:School# ltt ------ loads and C4,nals of i'nlladit., y'eator-. - • .. 1 Brusst is .......... eta 263 401 ._. _, _. _ . ._.,._,*-_ .._. ,._^..:.-., -.. _ ., , . NOTES AIVR COMMENTS can3pZaiata as anaemia, nervausiless, G , w:30piu: BpworthLQ$guc;every llzon' TznatsOFSrilscnlaTloN-1jlperannurnin ilkiy consultkft mAjor Thomas W neural ill skip eruptions, tad}gsstiolt, (;res, ...., 93a Ft4 14130 da eve\3lln (=eltexal to er nkeetui * r g , p •_=_,,,,,_. y g p ' i advanvi-, ;;1.00 if not so pale. No paper dimeou a•i11o1IK, i'uiteci Status Fri gineer for Why Shautrl jot the 'Nor lands rhuetuatlsm> etc., because Lheae 111&eaS •a HGwiCli ........... $40 170(1 914. ^" $T *, on Wednesday evening$. ReV. R1Cllar(l tinttr tl till tali urk't at'r arE. l,alai, N cept at the thQ 11SIIYt31U (liSt1'3 x, tv itll 1'Cf01'PIICB of the Canadiau Pacifln ba taped the eiuiuOG exist where the blood is ood. ; . IiOlibs " p eptioa of elle ptabRATE g .. 1I°Tris ., i33 104i Stu , Pastola Dr, Fowler, S. S. Su t0 t.,Q laltaiYr)sft,ic,tt of the+ Cllnaclian r ch- The secret of good bl000l-rich, red. lite- _ Anvisklmisrxst RATES. p Legal and oti or , """ r _ erii3tendeut.. (OtOtnt31C1IC iG huil(1 ie duili in the liarltskl as the land of thefhrurer or a1i Turuberi' G0:1 (i;,(i ,J1 1 = c(innal advertiseukelttstsc per 7onpulTNlltur Ynr a. • ` giving blood -is lir. Williams,' Pink } ,^, ,. p T, P1il simYlrltrAv Clluuail,-Sabbath ser- first insertion), 3v per Lina far cacti subskcittet)t Nt. I-tawlenrf 111r Pr, 1lNt\ve.+.a Aciutan sr. London News. hills. Where these pills are lisod it t Wingham ... .... tibia u,0 703 N htseatien Island and ClillGils Island. c nth se - life, health Find vigor. Mr, lieb• r : er... , . , , .. 190 94 'OU ,t ff%% ,ipp . vices at Il ra to and 7 p in. baliciay AdvnrtlsNnl(+nts in Lecnl alumna n N chnrFNrl rP•ho reason fGi' the a Gns iltatioitV Because 20 years or go, a„0 a Conser- men -us l a of New W a Eit C2AGl''! of werethen, I e . t+rt Lee, a well known resident Ne. 4 School at Z.,iO p 11t. CTH33c cal prayer v. pectin per line f°1 blur itucitio t, nd G ctntti vattves.. wti4 tittre dominant made - I -^- --"^'^- -"'f i meeting on Wednesday oveuinga. Rev. Per linty for Nuchsubaeciaentittsertion. with Major Svxnons i, thus t.. + dalrr exempt Westminster, B. (..,Says. BefgieI be s 4,03 6i,la 5:)3M D, Perrie, pastor and S `'. auperinteu Advertk4ements of Lost, bound, Sir ed, in question will lie partly lit Amori- . a, bargain that they should be e . Pt gain uoing Dr. Williams. Pink Pills, my j ,. rtams for Side or to Rent, and silnalur tl,l f r can water, and will lest partly on for twenty spars,. and so worded it as to blood was u► is vera impure aanditiou, sourn HURON dent. Hrst month and W ,rents for. each suiasequitnt Aartel ic'an soil, if it its erect.acl ag a result, itch im les broke out Bayfield ......... 1.49 STANDING month. leavatt rn doubt its t0 whether the 20 and as earl y pimples ' 210 olio ' ST, PAUL'S OFI(lRCS, I':Pis['ox'Az-Sob• po1.-Titaoa RAmtss-ThN4oltowingta131N shows Nr°poseci. '1'hc: l'anklcliau Gine}alar m was to be in from the date of all over Illy body. MY appetite was Flay ............. 503 3:6 351 bath services at 11 a n1 and 7 pin. Sun- ourrates forthe insertion of advertisements have been in consultation \with thee yerlr ter a g » fickle and I was easily tired. I tried, t t ON Y r Q U a rant or front the date of tile selectins h not el Y HensaR........... 298 FEU 265 I clay School at 2:30pin. General prayer for United States Secretary of 11 ltr for ' g several medicines, butt tea did h i i I 1 t .. 11394 638 604 meeting on Weduesday evening. Rev. $VACS. 1 vis. sl o. 3 oto, I intro some time On the pr6imsition, and or pateating of the lands.--•C/lintou Now tile. Tlhen illy ttlife arged ins to try Dr. I F ul Fat ... , ... A, Wm, Lowe, Incumbent. F. Shore, S. S. HalfU lumn::........ $5.00 $35-00 $10 00 X4.00 , they were finally referred to.. major ' Bra. Williams' Pink Pills. I got half a, dq'Z- I Meitillop......... 36.4 12m -w OWN V M ER1 ITS Superintendent, Quarter, Column .,... 18.00 1Q.00 0A 2.00 Symons to ,discuss the proposWon in, f u which is en bozos, and by the time I had used Seatorth ...... 619 750 7:.1 SALA ATION < Itny-•St,rvice at 7 and 11 Advertisements without specific directions its entil+tty with hint. tI In. the Legislature o Ontario t them, I was fully restored to health, and S u1N 493 648 703 r^ will be Inserted till forbid and chargee record- After• the coufereico, Mr. Burbidge about to meet the fartli'ars as a class my skin -,vas smooth and clear. The Stanley what is just what the students of the a na and 3 and 8 p m on Sundayy, and nagsy. Transient advertisements .lust be paid f • t est medicine I know of for Tuckersmith...... U 0 63f5 113w FOIL EST CITY BiISINESS COLLEGE, every evelmig during the week at 8 for in advance, stated that ho and h:s assaclatrs had predominate, hilttllo eighteen represent plils are he b m to 1 oelr --- -, o'clock t the barracks. THE ,708 DErasTnli NT 111 atorlttKl \wltll an beCn very cordially iccNi\ed by !`Isla- (i ' r'll be fifteen late ors, p?irrf!'iug the blood. Sold b3 a l I c _ Y. tI. C. A. Building, Latldoli, Ontario, 1} extensive assortment of till requisites print jor Symons, and that they beliovecl qtly( s, There t i y cine dealers or gout post paid at 60c per 440`9 4341 4(140 tell can do after completing, their Business POST OFpriCl —In Macdonald $look, Ing, affording facilitierr not uqurxllect Ila the the American •(lovernllrPnt would cOn- twelve doctors, eleven merchants, t box or six,boxes°for $,2.50, by writing di- WEST HURON r n OMoo hours from 8 a 1. to 6:80 li Iii, type end ra ptpt coli oto cTittr fpr jillsty ell of P ti went to the •construction of the dam editors, nine manufacturers, four con- root to the Dr. Williams' Medicine CO;, p( Shorthand .,,I ill,, 1`hey need o Peter Fisher, postmaster. ers,Hand Bilis etc„ and the latest styl»H of as the Ixsult of the+ conforelice. The, tractors, four lumbermen, two udder- Brockville, Ont. Do not take it.. substi- Ashfialti.......... 113 1JG80 1 8 Pt lit;cal "pull., poll," choice fancy type for the finer classes of Print' dam in question will he about $QQ ' two drovers, two insurance tnte, or something said to hP ,,just as ; Clinton, .......... MEoHANICS IxSTrrUTn-Library and ing, tapers, ,, „ e' „ j feat Foil an cl about 1.5 feet high- t,0ad, The • just as good medicines Colborne 757 468 894 Ave you interested. l free reading room in the Town Hall, H. et ELLIOTT, R, t will be open every afternoon from. 2 t0 Proprietor and Publisher lifFLiol Symons stated tlti " , : agents, and a; cheese dealer, a financial never cured anyone. lGoderlell T ;101 1108 313 f , agent, a laud surveyor, a retired muerhaut P• "' •' Write for particulars. 5:30 o clock and every evening from 7 t0 would not 1i1t0 to say klnything fop Goderieh ......... 1184 1296 1428 ! 9; 30 o'clock. Miss Millie Robertson, T P KENNEDY, M. D... 31, C: P. S. 0 publication, farther than that his forwarder, a mechanicial engineer, a College re•opeus ,Tau. 5th. 4 Member of the British Medical Associn- report would be sent to the Notre{ • East WawaLosh .. 517 6GO 683 librarian. tion, Gold Medallist in Medicine. Special general agent, and an auctioneer. Pretty Clinton General Hospital. West Wltwauosh.. 474 1113 539 taffy of tiYar, aril some action would t nearly all interests aro represented ex- T TO YN CovxolL-R, VaustOue, Mayor: ren. OM66 hours -1 to 4 P m.. s Women 9 n cl ttild lie imp r ediatQly taken oil the ques- ll; The following article is from the pen a Will. Holmes, Thos. Bell, RObt. Dxt+- tion. J W. WBSTER4ELT,. - Prim3oinal. , - 1'i Copt clergymen and. teachers, of Dr. 3iclTanghtJn, of Brussels, tied J51z 0378 4908 , IndoO, J' J. Elliott, W, F. VauStouF+, If young :nen realized the importance speaks for itself: Grand Total....1.4714 IG374 1600 A. J. Irwin, Councillors; J. B. For- L,R. MACDONALDi that, the school has to do with Choir guson, Clerk and Treasurer; William roll RX11austednittl L'nronseleus. E .,It is generally known that we have a Front the foregoing it will be seen Clegg, Assessor, Wm. Robertson, Col- Centre 'Street Mrs, R. W. E Iwards, 3:3 Mo1Turray St., career there would be more studying . bll equipped hospital Zn the county of that ill East Huron those of Scotch ' ' , ! lector. Board meets first Monday even - out of school hours and less playing Iiuron> at Clinton, and my object iu nationality predominate, Irish stand}ng 't" ft1 raJ -'f fug in each month at 80'Clock. VPingham, Ontario. Br.tuttocd, Out., suffered for five years truant. The average buy thinks that writing this is to britt the institution second and English third. ! with Asia. u exhaustion, headache and attending school is a special ouilislllneu(• g I ' $ o Y SCiIOOLBoA1tD.--Ei. I{err, (chairman), dvt+Ft>pc3a. '•Tnepaius ill thehoati: would more before the public. I visited the In South Huroa the standing of na- gg I Thos. Abraham, J. 3'. Elliott, J. J. DR. ACNE W, almost drive me Crazv. I could notslee+p inflicted upon them by their parents but i Homuth, Wm. Moore, Thos, Bell, Wm. Physician, Surgeon, etc, but world want tliE+ fiotn in n;;ouy until Hospital on the 5th of this month, and tionalities is exactly the saute as in the Pleas 0 Button, C. N. Griffin, Secretary, Win. Office-Maedonald Block, over T. E. Davis' I fell exhausted and '0 neonSh, ions, k r once let him finish his studies and then was surprised and tlolighted to learn we East. JJ ?)3 Robertson; the past nitiu months I have .sad Ar, looks back with remorse upon Fula past' Treasurer J. B. Ferguson. Drugbture. Ni{iltcalLyatveradattheatlic had such a buildim, for the accoinmoda.t• in West Huron those of Irish national- Meetings second Tuesday evening in each Cllase's; Nerve Food a'td from a mere follies. Almost every titan can recall a D u month. skel«ton this ntodicine has built mo up ion of the public and the professic n. sty tomo first, the Scotch second, au(1 % ©u t d o the 1 E I t ? • T. CHISHOLM, J, S. CHISHOTIM in flesh find weight antis I ail strong tint time in his. school life wlilch he now The hospital is built of brick, and is Coll- English last. , PUBLIC SCHOOL TEAOIIERs.-A. H. X.11-,V,D.,C.M.,MC.P.s.° 3n1.mu1),CIe..,X0-Pr,o. }welt." It \vonld be scarcely possible t0 regrets for not having applied himself to vou}enny situated., It, Contains about 201 l Musgrave, Principal, Miss Brock, ry t 0 ff+t ! , l l it mute st.r(ngNr evilleuce °f the won- his studies, No boy with ordinary igen- I rooms iu all, the greater number of them I Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss DR Sr 4NIStIQIr I 1rNI iD ifa dert'l11 power of Dr. Chase's Nerweroo(1. 4 t ! 1 Jos. H. Bowman has disposed of his When you buy a snit of Corny., Miss McLean, Miss Matheson _ tal developtuent is ine:tpuble of becann, being fitted up as private wards. The 1 100 acre farm, lot 3, con. 6, Grey, to 60 Clothes they must fit rim -tit . Miss Reid, and Miss Cummings, PB YSICIANS, SIIRGEONS, Fera. ing a very learned man if lie i t19 t o [wards are of concenient size and are 1 Rich t,arditi, who recently sold ]its farm as well as look right OFF'ret';-rhisholm Block, Josephino street. Now is the rime boys, before t neatly and Comfortably furnished. The, . g BOARD OF I3EeLmf1-Mayor Vanstone, REstnEty°E-Ila rear of .block, on Patrick St., DEATH OF Sl?IVATCIt WOOD. , lu Morris, and will give up possession in %I 0 (Chairman), C. J. R jading, Thos Greg- where night tails will be answered. late.• -•Exchange. operating room is one of the mftin feat- i l2arch. Dir. Batvulau received 85,15p 0 cry, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, Sea- Brief ltevlety of Iain rariiamenttiry and It is said that there is a strong and urea of the building, being large and t They'll last longe retary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical PANSTONL, growing feeling in the Conservative j well lighted, both with windows and f Parhaps the Central hotel, Brussels 6 Health Officer R. Business n Career" ! BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC Hamilton, Ont., Jan. 22. --Senator' party that it is in need of a new leader. I sky -light. The floors are finished in , can boast of having the two oldest people % and that ill what gives you Privateana Conl nn funds to Ioan at lowest l; )% P y A. T. tYood died yesterday -morning S i Under Gyle roof. The are' Mrs. Thos. - r rate of interest. No Commiosioa Charged. t rt - As Meredith and Marter were thrown " hardwood, It Contains marble wash- • y value in el theS. WANTED -FAITHFUL PERSON TO TR.AV- ga •es, town and farm pronertr bought and at cJ.30, 3 Overboard, so Whitney is cioouied to star stands \with nickel plated taps, with a Mulluy.- whose homa is a little north 74) el for well nstablig1ted house in a few coixntien, sU d, office, Beaver Block. Winglicm. ` The late Iron. Andrew Trew \Y.aod p s• calling on retail merchants and agents. Local as Jonah. Who will he the next hoodoo? k plentiful supply of hot and cold water,1 of Wroxeter, but has teen a boarder at ¢ territory. salary $l0?1 u year and expetrses, wtts born at Mount Norris, Irelltnd, a r» the Centaal for some time and is under u Order your Suit or Overcoat payable $10.70 a week to cash and expenses ad- T A. MORTON, August 26th, 13'3G, and educated Is it Foy? rias Sam Blake aspirations?! hard and soft, with evorytlliug complete. ' vaned. Position permanent. Business suc• tl . Ciere. He came to. Canada in 1846. Whoever it may be there seems to be 1 The 'walls of the wards are tastefully I the medical treatment of Dr. Holukes,- % made by I cos:ifnl and rushing. Standard Hoarse, 804 BARRISTER, &c. y years; and Mrs. Goo. Dearborn bt., Chicago. , In 1851 he married Mary E. Tree- littlo doubt that, there will soon be an painted aull decorated, while the floors aged nears 102 Wingham, Out. man, of Saltbe°t, nnt,, who cried. opening for him. Perhaps money will are covered with handsome rugs, giving Brown's father,JolhaElder,a oea 99 years IIe was married again In 18(18 to have a good deal to do with the choice. the rooms a clieerful appearance. 'Chore Seldom, if ever, can two people of such E0 tI CLARKE9 ,j 1 n E. L. DwlcrosoN Duin.Ey Hor..,uus 'I ennie, daughter cof Geo. H. White, There is a yataning chasm in the ilia ,are five nurses in attendance, beside the au ttdvaiiced age be found under ono p l T U l i^ h Dn e Co m r a of Yorkville, Ort. DTr. yoodryas achine's treasur ,and with sue Taron- :matron . There \were three hnA jor oper- roof. We hear so much of centennarians I p the Shaw Block i B131 ie u vv D I ' OC & ,emir partner i r er business h anon, and a r senior partner of the large hardware tOnian creditor for;.; 30x000 advanced to ' ations at the Hospital on the day that I but we should thiux that Brussels Ca3h BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Eta. (Iruh of wGo'tl, Vcitk)ucQ . Co.; T'resi- the reptile fund, `iLEnd goodness knows l visited it, my own patient being one of I easily take the cake in that respect. i 6 ^ q T , ',j O CANADA. MgSEY To L°Ax. (lent of the 11timilt•on Art School, how many other liabilities, it is not hard I the cases operated or~. Ole the followings } }1 i 1 ia f. ,, i?11, 3 f t I __irector •uf. the 13a o Il l t ,,, -. OFFICE: MeyerMBleak, Whtgitn'ln' and 'irice-ProsideutAl thb ZTantiiton to see that a full purse -would be a great (iriythere were two difficult operations. Provident & Loan Co., Mr. Wood recominendatiou to the faithful. -Ham- X This number in two successive days is L1Ac PEE A new issue cf the SUB- AIt,THtOF J. IRWIN, D. D. S,, L. D. S. sat in Parliament in thol Liberal in-,.+ , Ilton Times. l not a usual occarrenco, but nevertheless HAS SCRIBERS' DIR,ECTOR ' terests from 1874 to j8rS, and ('_ tg Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania , __ , __ _•__ _ Iagreatmany good operations are done THE fEIIE T for the District of Western College of Dent and Bions of of the Revel again from 18rJ6 a Sena. January was , BPJ'ore. After. Ontario including the Collage o4 Dental Surgeons oL Ontario. Oillce appointed to the Senate January" : at the Clinton Hospital, and perhaps wood's Pbosphoaine, g over Post Office, Wingham. 21st, 1901. All Canada is His Friend. ; quite as many are done at County hosc, The Great EngZtsh Remedy. W I N G l3 A X Exchange, Office closed every Wednesday afterMonn Sold and recommended by all will be issued early in during June, July and August. Conservatives tvha yearn to sen Sir pttaisreceiviugCsovernnientaid. So far Greet London Daily That Leads ' , druggistsinCanada, Onlyreli- able mod cine discovered $ September. Orders f ri r Wilfrid Laurier out Of power do not only surgical Cases have been treated at it aeka r guaranteed to cure all T, HOLLOWAY, D.D S., Cacarrtl Cstnnot be Ctared want to See him Ottt of public life. rho Hospital, but ))xovisious are beir-g alp Ciompe torS, formsolSexual Weekness, all effects of abuse l new connections. changes yV. L.D.S. c. . With local a lications, as the Call- ' tziade for recelyinn a>i(1 treatin medical or eacess, bientai Worry, Eacesaive us^ of To-' oP NNw method for pninle'ss ex- PP ' 3 Ca - Fierce Crltie3 of Zr Wilfrid Laurier s t a g bacco. Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on eceipt address, Chari es of " '- not reach the seat Of the disease Ca- traction. Na Ooaahle. t o1 rice, one package $1, sin. $r. one wile ?lease, names duplicate entry of Special attention to the care find regulation tarrh is a blood or constitutional disease public slots havt never ceased co appre . cages other titan tuberculosis. Dr Gunn satiwttLcure. Pamphlets free to env address. 04 children's Lauth. Moderate t/ricaa, and all p >> e. of riyatequal-;isSur;eOu-iu-chief of theHospital,and WHAT EITERPRISE NAS DONE, Tho''ivoodComptany,Windsor,Out. na121e9, etc., should be workcarefnllyandskilfullyperformed.OfficE aridinorciertocalretitr0lxtnutttake in- eiate the exci,.lence a p himself and Dr. Shaw look after the i placed et once to ensure in Beaver Block, Wingham.' . ternal remedies. hall's Catarrh Cure is I af;}eS, , Wood's Phosphodine is sold in Wingham bq Office closed every Wednesday afternoon taken internally. and acts d}rCCtly Olt after Of r tents. Other doe- Colin A. Cam bull, A. L. Hamilton, R. A, their appearance. during June, July- and Ancust the blood and mucous surfaces. Ha11`s Wil.in:Z s„luiier imus opp0neuts, but no : P "t The Free Press is the Greatest News Douglass, and.. E. Davis. Druggists. -- - X Oatarrli Cutts is no; a clnack medicine. eneltiies. Opponents enjoyed each iew!kors, however, avail themselves of the COLIN A CAIQ1 PaELL JOHNRITCHIE, lttvaspreseribarl b ono of the bast onvenience oYthe Hospital and operate paper in « estern Ontario -Some I s r prospect 0f seeing clic Premier removed. - ^ " P P p' P GENERAL I:NSIIRANCE AGENT, physicians in this country for years jird from pottier by the result of a general ; ehere. To maintain a hospital like this Special Features -The Low Price LOCAL MANAGE' & is a regular prescription. It is Campos- eleCti+tu. TherO is n0 heart in Canada I is an expensive undertaking, and Ithink, at Which its Three Editions Are + ' A T" ® - ------.I------Wingham, Out. --- , ed of the heat tonics known. Comnbinecl that will not grieve by the thought of is la scheme that should commend itself I Sold. Willi time the best blood purifiers, acting lifritl Lariiier lteitt%= removed Pither' to the support of the County Council as I EITHER Ors• FULL OR PART TIME iOB PRINTING, AS. HENDEItSON, tvinritt7n. Out. directly o rho mucousOf ,surfaces. fire ''Wr I v U cJ LICEhISED AUCTIOYNI✓R perfect combination of rho two ingredi.- lublic fife b disease or.' yell as to the citizens of Clinton and the , The London Free Press Printing Are yoga satisfied with your income . Ic your including Books,' Pamphlets, Pqs.eers, Bill etita is what protluoPs such wonderful from power or 1 y nlllie generally. A count Hospital Company, Limited, have entered upon time fully occupied 2 If not, write u9: We can Heads, Circulars, 8ca., &c., executed in the best Akness. t' " y y the new year with fresh evidence of the give you entploymen , by the month on go(A style of the art, at moderate pricas, and on Fer m Counties n4 Horan .nal Bi specialty. Sales testitis in citrin„ Catarrh, , we`ndr 1 -- SVe , : r s e was spoken of; to be erected near Goder- t S tc cans or contract to pay' you wen for such i short notice. of Farm Stock and ImpkvnenYs it specialty. teetimOniala free. The ruil0ilr that .- z S ilfrid I.aul.c Etbundaut enterprise; which has always buwineaa ata you secure for us at odd times. We i. -b, and I think the County Council Of- acterized that newsiest and most employ both male and female representatives. I B°any Bo IN°' We aro pleased to announce All orders left at trio TruEs atRee promptly ji • f, (71)v drY, gi tq. Props., Toledo, Q. licaltlt is flailing has not been energetic- Char 3' hat any Books or Magazines left with us for attended to. Sold by drngjli5ts, Price 7 tt. l laps twill fartact a grant of one hundred dollars to- 1 wideawake of the big daili" of the ThN next three months is the very peA time to Bindini;, will have our prom t attention Tering reasonable. 11all's Family Pills are the best. ally c ontradiett• 3, but (,and t atilt our FCCntls. No depncit is rNqulrcti; outfit I' prices for Binding in any Style wz11 be given on a( e that the Premier may be -pared ' awards its maintenance. Instead, could ; west. No expense is spared t0 Obtain is abyolutel v Pree. We have the largest nurser- application to still 1 1p nOG a gra be ,leen rho One that hos `the latest news. fes in Cnn tda-over 800 acres -a large range of THE TIMES OFFICE, S. SCOTT, Brussels, Ont. _,•.,,,,, _,..__- _ .._ - , ._. . , ars of hcaltli aancl llappi- r r+ o valunbie new specialties. and all our µtock is , tO en ,oy lonr y" Thu management of this important Wingham. "> lrolito Telegram Conservative, ••. already a reputation, and which is more daily have jast established a special g1lavanteed as nepretiented. If you avant to LICENSED AtJCTIONEEIZ 'fess.{ 1'< P ! epre sent the lar+;est, most 3teptrlar and hest i''. i Centrally located, being decidedly more ' corps of vigilant news gatherers in every, , known nursery, write us. t will i,e Ave 1a prepared to conduct snlca in this section. section of thg western part of the Pro- your while, Spe ialattention given to galea of ftlrin Staolt rf Convenient to all parts of the county.' , ATONE & WELLINGTON, Toronto,Oltt. A ,.AAS° and mlplemcnt+. ,, vince. These special correspondents "'Canada's Greatest Nurseries." )•.: a . .,,-,,x(.,q Datm and orders Pall always be arranged at There kai. :lot many III=:u S4 years Of have had placed at their immediate ser- € '" r >tui -* iXt6'9^'jIf-4NCG the Tr ttr((orate. Wtngiaam. ; vice the telegraph wires Of the County + 7 -- •---LL':. - --. -_. . - `'; pe,vrho ursrattvith0utglassCS,twaik; P , . 1;_ ; , Ax, titles all irolla 8 'Zit wood like a `xlin remains of the late Ales.lfcSwaiti, ; an(1 can be retied upon to furnish in I phi ' who•lied in Red Jacket, :Bich., last quick. and crisj, style every Inappeniug,of Vtl y0ni1„ trial.. all•I a,) a:,g (Df tl FY ordinary interest. ' M. SS IlE11A SPAIiIiIVG i- y A. T. C M ! -, - ork that tuns to the, lot of meta. 'tet f • P t `l'hC s»1eaG ne\vS-Coll(Cting agencies of t .' a -. TParher n£ Pinno, Theory and Fletcher Music %I r , . roman endicitis,Arrnve l , Lu(:tt w tr:.t I tst wepk anti were taken to the I al,at 3'3 iy}tats "Johntly Hallow ,' ((f the \world will Contin :Q to supply the ; Method, itnpleg and Kfnder)tfirtrn. t.c . 'I:: 3s rt :tiaik'tbl • actio t r .`''1"nee of Iris brother -in -part, :lir. ' V;oe Press with Complete cable and tel- ; ® TRA. -r. P.9 i3Ks tiPaplL; pre pared Our Conservatory exctmtua• • .,! I^Intra, frons tvherP file fnileral • e;;raplut, rPget,.. l :ahilL Zle h:Is tial. uL*, a :alt his nl••ut:rl The sporting events of the day, wits: ( I GopymanTs QTc.Or na tr f 'I i rl't'a slag• to the Kinloss cem,)tP,ry. De- ' „ o Auwtine sendin a alcetrh and cieveri tion mr.P i Cr T "3 ' I 't 1 re adablo Comment u 011 Past and Pro- • = l oft ttv aseertato our o E. ES G A nw {: - ,t •factllt1C-S:t.Tnc••f i:, V, ,.i' :t5 ever P P P i set opinion Scee a,,,, er all ,J)j" . (>aeefl who way for several years P,tTi- ; spN !tivl' iurld nta ill all dNY)arttliClmtS Of r t invenfioa i•s a; nbnhly pnU-tnbin. Cn,nt 1111lien ' 1 I ,tl+)'t'-' On the section b the (s. T It.. 5}10rt ty}it Flt given In comprehensive tinnaetrlutlyrr:nOdr;nti . Ilandbnnlcon Pntentt RAnf y `, ... ++..+» y ! g .l SyrO ; n Pt free . oldrvt a one for nr -atop• patents, wI '<I r } » til inner, I aten.s taken tl'rnuab Rlunn P Co. rel;lde r J t. t L aek3h0w a (a'wE)1 a o: year, Ai,a f Ir a EA iIL a "t:; all Ziurxkr;i;t tl n('.ta lm:ap( r. the i+'iet:: srrrwinottu, t o,u u cinrcc, inthn ii OF VOICE CULTURE. , ` '.t:(Ia.l,atl. RNs, l,!Aus iu Canadian journalisin.' tt N -11t l 7 Lr-;; Test .. • »- Pressiiks Cr lhot:''Al)lP lteuplf!, aiaCl repro- i I - , 1 enf sfic Rk C4 a . Pap l€t rN ared for Conservatory ofMuaic - P / p ,. n 1 Iltt 4 feral 110 ni;h r Jatt. ! t til. '.'.S s. Jvn,tr, .- 1 Akan+isnt„ely f1seiennted \rrritt . irtrc st I. cxamrnation . - _.., ... . _ dnCtirin5 Of 5!:eL'e 3 of interest, Aro re •n• ' . I r tatireu tri nnq srleara8 i tura 1. 4'erre, • $', i __ _ __._. _ v r A "Gax Cl a+]' vas : a••(•t-u:(`Jol, relict of the W4 James - e- ' lady fnrllishvi. ' - t ,Venrtt ,nynrp:nots, V. bold l,y:.L' g h a tlei le g, VIOLIN g-Q to +B/ i1 n 5r Li C,))L of Iinll, t% passacd awe to the 108 1 ! - Mt1,ieII & Co€ ""tl3t tfi. - ;. F' :, t l I Niyu 1 e 5il,t y s~ Time latest enol accurate tnarltet rp torts 1 Sttl(ly tl'e-e zymr erns. Ttrey are for holm+, at €he age Of ",'J years. he lead izro made a spc.t iAlly irnuortatlt feature, i ssrauctt uutt .e.:..s 1+ ...1= .. ' :;1. it (l your guivanc,u. Yc u n' -.a not have them I,„r.n its de<<lsu'tu * ilFaltli for 9orne time. +I'arnmers and bu.aluess men who have ex- i 3i 1 MISS CAitflIl radon all, but if you Mace any utticai your nor• • ; pr!rieucod the value Of thetin reports fold ; ', t! -” of I,nndon ("ill «E+rwatnrg elf itiuQir. wits hN live- . p g. r `Ion$5}StC•tn is -t of 1'i t to the Mark, and a '9hr tinct her tilio'J.tii d t-attiti V e.5t and Set- t thein indisl)etiSrliltt. The Women's Paget l J 1 aleiia rt•t 0,,,, 1st: to receive a limited num- y ere Is a I otcd fill f( l' ence little extra es pei:7;u t: cf nerve force MAY . ti I (iIi lrt :i, :Ith (J:1 of Iiullett, whi sli ` i, a feature il3 aturllAy's Free iyress; it t * neer o. puptiti for instruction on Violin and RAILWAY TIMI; T'AELES. Guitar. Wog tho dmf .: s, I (t mlall. to izst then a \wit lerrres : and b that hard '!ontains interesting news for the wonleil ' _ i , . y ••--'-•••°-'•- i:evirlenrr--Stene h1ce1C, ever 3v, <;.1 attnr- 1iy 11C. styleand {1G Of 7r1.I11;5 W ltlto!cra:st:o, t 1 ;*m n, ndse and ligl:tj p t Of (}ritari0. AGH ONE of the Cline - +' I:A"-til? T11i XX RAIL'rPASf SYSTESI. ult' jewe•lty tor(+,1Yttii;htttri. ivi- 'It. .,, r,f the x3111"Cle of the face itod. \t,)i'is ra',Iti fau;,alrty v,aueh hag character- - A 9eriAl stOi y Of en;;raysill„ mtE rest is Diamonds fds iri the Brooch ;' y ^ Y L t n C i 5nf1F7Pn StaYlip*"3 s:r) )I1tim1V Of i;:i/' I1QOtiu' i0«1FlE!rrm tai" » , .. I a o1 T.Arl\s LEAVE 'FOIE n } .. (,.. q. I11 t'i.ii(; ti <1C 8lj'4'V1i '5 brings, Cr) "' . ttjClidiS; i .su 51C , , ^ r• il. "1 l) , a!uOng then n11moron6 'Otlier departmeIrts } a shown here is a f^sitles9 fi071den .................. O.GO a.m.... ,..10yt.rn 1g tl g P and jeil :a , .' alta Kz'nbs, dizziness atl,l f lui-ori converted it into a eorlltortable ( ° 9 r. i e"IAVIN1 AND THE -09r ti:, f , i'ashcsc+ °r rr thec es; iorcta:6 sty w ' 0f tilts popular journrll. , hnesn, Torosst+, Ent ,l(t.ni.. ,ria a.m.... 'i.O.,pY.ttt, j)7lW 13C i b1' 11riOtt"C 1 pair. Y lCineardine..11.10 a.m... 1.40 p•m.... 8.33 .7n. etV art of thclri' ' • ! it m:. • tvia v:altlal)le faviu. In Poorly life The I're(? Pros,; is now a ten -page y . I ARttivr•. FROM ittiSS SABA LOUIS MOOPIZ, L•Calil. s na retia• . .. . ev _ y , , t .„ ,e ' paper daily,witll sixteen pages oil Satter. ! 'this is our No' 4704, l el ,lit of I hCai at t•,'• . ,fct<,!nfisofvaear)nes:s Vx , ,VcC_t)o1 bocan o % 1)_e..,,lii,.r of tr113 p - lIiC11 CVC Se11 for 1i5 ^WZ ' Tune! li nP .. '.0.50 a.mi ii io n m.,.. .55 p"m. altci rr'., Ttrl,.tr (if :h:• xtsWr rint d rfro-: t a q a , M day. It is issrw in three f'drtrgn fi w , I+o d 11.10 a.m. p' Ontario, i,;,n, isar,.;i to rNaNtve a lien+f,•ri nttm• and dept :, 2 i.1 .C-bs of ititerest in the (,,,xit)C115t'Ct6Ylre 11 and over F r 81t1 a all>3 i , Palateryinn........ ir31# li.. + Iuornittty, two 'eloel. slut Qa,-ait,g, T1tG r guarantee the yualrty. Toronto & En.t.......... 1.40 p•m• • • • KM p.m' TM orv.'•`'tla fru• in tructiS7t ult Its-te and in lt,•; ,'.Fit only beelh a t Onsistent rnet .ber early niorning issue Covers the ,m,st L. IIAI10LD, Agent, Witiphain. t; „ r!i,fl l'ivPn t(Y )tI YiIU ° t so), .,,. q 1' ,'";ie eupond}tureofnerve 4, Write for our new catdofat. It e . ,Pe'iln. t a I i prPpavinr 1_ a , I. » 0 t;t•!I':.(,f, but her life has 0xionlp18yit,d the front live to emgat Yours a1INId Of other i illustrates an unliralted vitriety of RAILWAV. for t t t inI at, itt . v, > y Ci:ell t1lE•1°C' 1S It. `)W"v price fort* is " - . _ :• t _n tt.0 r't<ily Income, y ; Clto)se level ilrlct+N. A:v"ADIAX PACIFIC R it al ..c ,. '1• iq Certain to riesuli ). _ i,"I rlo.) Of her raster. Sho Was 11l• C{)tupetitGTS. It i5 Circultlte(l Ili (aVt!r C I e ttrl••n Ir ,: f itloelt. ewer W. (,. a iei- pi7ysir, t 1 1 »r l ✓ mi3Alivs r.1•:AVF' FCTe son'tit t••.\a Iry ! r •<., \, in-_ .. - tlild JC$tCY quality OI i'tClt 1 put sicrotler r,. *wQ f6 -r e in -act :t be t ity, tOtvzi and village its Western ()star- ; Toronto anet East........ 0.5! n.7ss,... i,43 .m.. _ _ :r aCe0n1- R• a4:,' ' 4, wo`e t* in I8,<lei" and iior COu-n- lO. The l.6m,, is d3 The year, dellva-r,'(1 , 1. kxw,&._L_,, r-. :: tits , .n berst be) a _. I Tceswater . ,..,..... 1.17 Tt.m....iU.•i : ] an. s•'l wi'lrl frig trie?li) y7A5 valuers b 5t larroP at any post offleo. he ti+vo o'clock and Atinlvr. F)aoM "9 Q t:;', it, t sriB -C10t 1 t 1Cii t C'31"s ishul l tr • .i• int•. C.,ha:.e's Nerve ' 1 y . • I I ' e aw 'reeswatc.r..- .. c.57a.m.....9.4IIp.m. ` l" J . . °, t ,- .'in Ccrlecf :cerci r iI l,aO4 i'r0c-%&;. Elea 11u 111«IC7 pr+ rte• tivcnin;; r diti0ns itrOF'ach $,a per annum Torouto)anri T;. ...... 117 p,m.. 10:43 r m. Vac ,% be s ." elerc, Ig Cent, (YinF ltam. rand tat t • lmv ng lives •J:rel• or r,t er Seel our newgoodsand prices. ff,1•pt 't'',++` 4 • ' " tint «'e w};:cll 'O ... > at y our post (,Slice. JevV - f ,T II AftiLlt, A *. , _ _ I f e• - , r@ 3TCL $e 1 17cara. , „ { 1 _.._- ..-_. _ art tIt-,i,•ry ty ilI-l,t,s;P nf.Wtu,ulrl lt;v1,r Z as Ctt °tr 0 Bile ever-lurrrasing eireulati0n lies - VanifearldAdelatde5lreefso iYAN'1'FIs. -AtrustworthYgentlenigT1orla(ly tNPt4t I'.ti„t foo.:Oein thoT)hna, ourlai-go dire t y ' S +r ; Gr .Ivf1,n1YS CII _- ' tnado it necossrtry to install the 'VE!ry _ _ in+•arh r.uutity to ulanalii+ bu!aiuory for an old r ire vInt ,::r 11,91: wi.l it twill tenet alit»,P indrea if Cants a , i ti s , ,tJfbtlt(1r P &t :1":_."fi) I' l:atestbultroVeafa,it-ritnnitfgpro.4saal"a)tl ;eStabli:dtt•l1110MUOf Nilid fintinelal::taadintt. .Voudo11ttr.teetNr•lrN:tttlter. WPi:llttt;ifaPatltee 1$!t a "' i „ " , ^: (th > Cit twill altV i 4 be tvel- i A vtraigbt. bond title NvXly cash salary of that s Ntl will fit •11 1,I Pattsn you lltav wilt morn 1'aa) 11% .. ala9 a'athority to ,1tral1:. ; , Vr:+ltors t 3 G 1 F y , KIH eD plaid t,y eh( t+k (•anIt Wvdnf• Atty with all for tTi' article a,r fita(Lt tha7 fit i4 worth. h31,nd : . rider: s and grins for au4S9ion 9alc i for < cC6mo Callers. .Cls(±'prCs.. 5 Call bo Seca l elpf•n;cc direct (rout hestlgnarteri+. Volley ;roll^ atl t-rom-ntent to the 1`rMt , au(i trpi his "' C gy tr w hale % ' it iwr V. l4. q. C lirasKI-1, of "i'ha)a. 'ifs opirati•!u at till! hourA cif 4 a. in, nild I , advanr ftp f"r r• tltemtsr;s. :tiatlal t•r, .;a,r (.Ca?:telt i 'th ..f tis ds;, u. your .,.t s atirl (,Il<:r W M* 4 E / i.;", ). )t, c i.it2! til. ' I irll!xw'.,.'3 I) Ili. p ° I3l(i, ., f It e roti, al fieb .. ■■ ■■■ W A tI NwI ■ tilt 11i y/ ,ft V ro f , - I ''.. r _ .,...__- All __ _ ___.._._-'moi'_...•_ w il`Irrrtr _ -.___ _.ttrrirrrrr_