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The Wingham Times, 1903-01-22, Page 6
n �Ibl. �..V III ,-IAfp•MY•I.y,..y*,•p..,Fre%..wi,�,'.ww---•..�M•..+.r..r•r�"_M.Wi.•.V,�.. .•Y..wr .. � .._ .. .-.. .rr { ]- r.. THE WING11A)l JANUARY 151 1%3. •'•.w t'!1 +''' TIMES, m�xic the it, wf*k Iulltt h lo", R;aAT4BILL PASSED. ApSE• tNO, _ AU >utlM highly 0400tuttil' w -A re • ( _Y (luny 4;va I1ai)rra++ut7►tlrr} Y�iiett A tCkttlur tH(i I'e+di(le7,tWr b death. They twice h Mr. Win. (, 01114stNt Ault Xr. John Oulu- the .VwAl lttrelprovity Alesufuru int 11iog, two ilo%r imighbom Mr, QolliuSon •1.1440 t ,ti. Mouse. died vu k ri,fa after two wouths. illuesi w " . � �, �..! 'fF81S}illi;;tc)n, Jan. 1�):^^'Tho bill r(` FOR 00,001 HEALTH. from a oompileod ul of diseases. on' , - .� '? � ported fc0lti tlr.� 1F(tys and 1liclln's TollStdCSS rC[lolllltlGtCS ai11�C1- Now Year'* Mr. Opining Was ate* ' � f t ou11111 a '1'nuschxy to liawlE,e 1..J tie To preserve of restore it, tile:(. 1•s no better y , . r r• .� , s , Mello )ut lined are also subject to It. , tteith ral .sis, front which be ltevor, �' , � rt Unto n11 rile duties oil, foreign coal F� E 11 1'a y hi Exce'+fvarlpll•s};.ludsCau.�5it, also, recowred,d ingonTuesdatyluoruisgof ; _ � far it 1wrir(I of one year wtts 1)ta55ec) iJlmscrip ion for nien, 1vorne.1 111141 C1111� C;1 t11eYi y ` + it) s:turt (ro(r by the Ileus v Ester• l • , yr e iiltellectual toil and anxiety. 'lastweek. Bedi'I,entlenmu were,ila 'the 1, a ai S Tabules. 'Clley,• �t'e 1-s to take, Whey -„,.�- •[ ��'• ],lay sty lnacti:ully n nitarilrnonui Ovate � ,.� �i.1;.:, ti rATi$Flt a at+* peculiarly a0G11 yi•air of their' Age. The biareaved �3,:i` ��Y�+° Ir ,,. 251 to :1-•^thoye voting agalust it are made of a combination of meCi1C1i.0 1 'sil]�r ?1'ed Bim. � ' O nervous de- reltitivcsof eo(,h have the sincere synx- , ^ y beim.;• Tdessrs. Cushman (alit Jones of and used b • ever' physician. lUpans'Fabules. are i 3lz<llcatetk tl alts form .er (t,r, } F ? - ' , atlly of atony trl(u(is its their sora r1C� 1l,sAjoj (l ll f Al' o of Hest virtln- ililiky, as they folic Up tlleeutirE. Spy,y',- P , tout :Inti x Store the Ilt:rSey to t1lCl Aietiull. w lit, tllun(loll of llyouliag and 1'lttter- widely used b}- all Sorts of people --but iC? the CII s'.ri of 11eausylvan a, till Republi- plain, eveq Clay foll+;•tr the)' are .a veritable friend i slormal.coudition„ They are indica- For Cnts,Wonuds.chi1d1ains.CUapped `■ clans. • taut ion mental inertia and Hallus, Rilvainatibin, 6tiff Joints,liurns, , 9 111he bill was considered under the ill need. R' ipans Tabule li--V beconne• their stella ted; in w -a t , , t7 1 t Ou 4is , ' `j�• ; l Senile i1?eal:tlCSS. SCtilds, uta of l(kneots,' run 1, a , . ol'erations of a rule }which exit off darer family remedy, The- arc a Gf'1)£ 11M.a1)1C, lion. liagyaro's Yh•lloly Oil wilt Ile. ,� V' 4R nl)portunity to ainc•ul, The Only ox)- r found all-;;-cellout comedy, Fried `.'3 A4r.� Ci �1iLY est remedy, with a foil noel &t1CCe�1,iUl rCCord,,to Tlv�y coutailln1alcohai,notbeing ON � 'l AND 1a(:sttion to the measure cavo froln Y g l cents, All dwlera. f101110 of the member.; r.?presrilt.ing CUTe indigestion, dyspepsia, l.allitilc,l and stubborn z liquid reined Tbeircifeet therefore I 1 Much re Brat wvas felt onTaesda Tun. ^ l BOWEi coal statce, who expre:sed the fear constipation, Offe11i1 eath, 11C:li'1�Jilrn, dizziness, 9 15 not fi[13t ()£ tI mere 5tillltilallt, but b y' • ;'� l that the n(llulssioll of coal 1.tiue(! ill p . tonic and permanent. Gth,' IU the , anouucement belti-111140of F SYS„lee 1lcssn=, • ' the Reath of Mrs, 1Vm, Wilson, 7r•, of °,,. "�"�'•� �"� t'annda by Chinese would injure tile' palpitation of the heart, l , 11111SCular ST. JA3TV.3 `�rAVI;RS helpstoinacb, i M coal industry of their status. rheumatism, Sour stomach, bowel unci liver coirt- Ct1H'1:t11'GOilCHs91011 of Hullett. The iiia- t iw 3 ' digest food and :.end the nutriment 'k'�--� EFFECTUALLY, � Ti1H IikniE,9J't+tla w'tuly. mediate carie of death wire heart flub laillts. They stregthell weak Stollrc:l:i, build Illi s �t T WErwKn�° Ith"Ougrh the blood, and this is, the The llt•ulocrat€+, although they all P . tS tCNGdd O ;-� a 5 urea titins. Wilaoll was nearly 71) years ( b C,9 rp s?id)lxirtecl tine bill, took filo view rtln-CIOVCri sj'SteI:1Sy restore pure blood, BOCCI ar pe- ,1NfAECttFRR7.N�y,;tk lioilestwvaytaet11ea1thaltd"treilgllt,' sof age. liar maiden haute wag ,lana ,J°�.. �%N Si that it did not go far enough, say � i iCUNt'+ut1` tial l:tlJd that lasts, ele�Je1o15 and G�lD V�i 8 fife and sound, natural .,loop. x.vcrpboc.y c�erivs's. CTICHAL 1 `Beattie. She wvastheehleradaughteruf Ing that coal should go oil the fro, - constant KP!it1E8C000asT e � � br"Ci8lllCellergr wiliCllaccOni lislles list. and when the bill canto bael, Constant benefit frQlil It regular LIaC of Rillalda ,:• 11th Ct1K lTt171QN - energy the late Andrew Be rtie, Of Xdalemoor,. 1' (,f , 1 w - r r fr0nl rho Senate with a provision TabllleS. Your druggist Sella them, The flw'e- p 11uc 1. Dutafriesebire, Scotland, who a the da• �°t-�( R- ' PAIcj wwlllelt virtually rluced antht'ttcite enc airy T N cent pack 15 umil for all ordinal ' occasion, amparti^aiarr legs.(lwith ceased wan born. :Stile canna to Gttllada 1 � coal On the ti'oe list', that' applauded p 5 � ptt•Ey y _ nit Ss. Ja1a�s Waf w6 They Iiuve iu 1?a&9 anti wv(ks married to 'Mr. Wilson ' ���s L�d'tt• �� vigorously. The Family Bottle, GO CC pts, contain, :l s;lpllly htoa`c''t•'t est°, u ett"cDeFiEall;'titsefglinu>gprAc- i PERMANENTLY. Iviien a lues4age from the Senate rtcc,vhen employed UA ngtvot►� allont d0 cents Ago, She Ntts &inter of 1 itntiounced the paf-sago of the coal ret fora year. 91RiCE t.oublQs." Crt19e. Mr. AudrE.w Beattie, of Mcl1illop. t. Q 4 �^ RRITAIN'l,f AAiCR:CA 1 nr 7' - , , -* T hate kill wwitll an titin tuliuellt, lir. - Tt airmi�sham, Eur. r j� � � F VTSP Payne (Now Zor!:) inoved to concur all RtuGyiS 5 til-rrl d'' For a)v.,r sixty Years, ,- t`i tile alilE?lldilleilt. The at11et1dnYla111 . J :,/,JrrrsTr!'rrferrtzrr!rintasettcl , was adopt'Cd without division, thus , - : r re u.i�:lv!!:g)ru»rrrnuxrf,rfw m An Old and Woll-TliedRemedy—Mra BUy THE G€iVUINE—MAN•F'D' BY W1I1SI0w'R goothingS,1'rnp has been resell ptlsSinj", alta hill, . 0(� , Goal its 1'rc•ferkrfl Freight. „;T c-- t td�.,e.,,:arltirc^JurJne:[.,J:r'unser�xesf. for Sixty yearsl)y1n11lionsofinotberE ,9�3f��l��,j�� �(�_' '�/��/�Cq w'1)eredralersare tkotsell iug•tl a thalr Cllll(irElll wlllle taatl]1PL�, �vltll • (+$ iFw • a i^t (.% ` v lCashInaton, Jan. 15.—Ilepresoilta- _ R'r W •f[r they are Janliect npoit re. ' - '"""`•""”"::s.•+"•' reipt a•f J,n:ettt f'•• ritiacl;wi perfect success. It soothes the chilli I tSY! NfRANG E,NYq,Q rive I)tty'ton of \Fest vir);ltlia yestel'- 1•raJirlt: St. im-%W*rs-Co., 1728 softens the gnats, allays all paid, CUTPF 1 �,()�nY Cit, y� 'CAL.. $, a q N.Y.VQ r (leiy hits' )(lured it resolution to Guth- � WaoinCanada- $1.©9:- 8t. Glthar]ntJSt, Mantreat. iiiori-w railroads cri gagre•1 lit inter -state wviud colic, and is the best remedy for c Fog SAtF BY Rlt 0RLIGGISTS• PRICE 50r.PER BQTTI�, - +� •�+ +-� �'Sixl otil: s cr va,v0 a. i diallli m. It is pleasant to, the taste, ! coinnic• ce to transport coal from tlio [ n t (Sold bydrnagis "lie every part oftbt wit.es to the market in preference to world, Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its - -- - _.._-- _._.- ill oth(r friight for a perlod of OU . e • • • • • • • • • • o • • • vainp is ita(•adeulahle. Bi snre youns]; The annual nleetilig of tine Orange (ilivys. `lll` rea ution was referred - )F1'() nil for ilfi-s Winclnw's Sa^thing Syrup, and to the C onliuitt.ev ons Inter -State and e �" lodges it. the 9i.7rds di..trwt was held lu N forXi 'othv kind. l arcign Contuncrcc. l•,i e �^I �� `` - the Blyth Grange hall oil Tnt.sday oY ]':st •t i,r I.n'ert of th., i:utou. � o V LS Sanctum .Ii'Iill �I lweek. Tile following officers wwerr , r The body of the late Jam(:s G. Smith, elected:—District. master, Jiro. John Pini'W.oll:lnkk, Pa., Jan. vol i Cap- � f'� ,�,�p � � � ��� ��9, ,,����� ' I twin W. A. 'lditc-, gene, al supe, i:1t.n- Ire\ Y•' . /si /: /.' )i'.' /': l•` �: Y.S �•` 1•` r� ®.� %' I'o 1eC lro` P. ®•` Ps 9:. /•`�•` s'•'i' 0.restlJkg iaaragraptis from=our Exchanger I br�ther of Mr. Peter Smith, wwho was' Wilford, Dlyth; deputy district master, dent of tale (oul Cepaltwent of tine l• W �f' spa `iu sda of la• t iveek B. Gerry a r l: i?e ('onil anti-, t of0 a t'h+� com- . Hibbing, chaplain. killed in a railway accident at b )„ Bro. R. McMurray, BeBE)lgrave, t, tip. '.ins; s !lead cook has a s0 p ` 9 est- I inissiutt, said tl o cati tulle of the 1.11 - Minn., on Tuesday Jan. Cath, arrived I Bro. N. B. Gert Blyth ; recording see- Ilary of X2,009 w„'ear. dent of Brnsyelr for the past 4:, years, Ii y' ^ ` ion ill, o tine n1a r. its lit pro�.rut cent of for the past 1 year, ou Tuesday niglit, Jan, 13tH and the. rotary, Bro. Alex.Liaislimau, Marnoch; E.ollstiIutod, had thi ctc't of nlal.ing I,=*r, Darchani tnwvllsl p, Mune• al took place from the old homestead finauchil. secretary:, Bro. Fred. Gibb, the wwur!mion le':; eill(•icnt, cause�:l it TI1l, TIJILS announces the following ]Own- rate' 'a Misled a beet which di'eyttd t'03 the congratulations of numerous friends. I ,, t ••• x.bekrtirit”all CeviOUare.001'(tg, Mr. Garry. is about As active a.9lle wa3.I,OiithB 14th, ren. Of WPCs WawyenO6h. LottdeSbcrO; treflsnrer,Bro.klartiuArtn• tl'coltx,C,1(atSodt t(�vta•unyrtowwIrlavail Clubbing Offers for I x13 -o^- - F ; Mr. Smith was ecliductor of it timber strong* Auburn • director of ceremo uie> 9 a 8 „� 23 years ago and does not believe in a);aiusL other wworlanca anis lililited 9 Li 1 ' �06'g m I train lu the lumber woods near Hibbing Bro. James Gibson, Blyth; lecturers, th; carning capacity of the en1- Times till Jan. 1 ij; 1904 .... . ................... a 1 00 growing old, ! whin he was knocked off and met his Bros. rT. C. Mcl�lroy. fled J. E. Taman, t,layr s. ,�, Chl �d ren f> Py l©i j doath. He left dere about 20 years ngo. Blyth. Tile nest tttintial mooing will br ; Times and 11'Fekly Grube, including the premtuln )Deceased was a menmbar of the. Odd- held at Blyth. It was also decided ro picture of Ontario's Lieutenant Governors . ,1 GO atrnliilgs of the C P dl., G. T. R. � ° I followrs' Order and the hineral wns con- holt this year'i North Huron .12th of � ] Times and Family Herald and Weekly Stat', wcitll 1,re0lollial for IrJO). wore $75,675. ii !l ducted nu der tLe auspices of the Luck- July celebratiou at Blyth. The n)eetin." qu r� premium pictures, 'Mane" atad " Puriay." 1 i ra as largest yet recorded The ICO acre form of Ri(bard Roe, 3rd i now Oddfellows Lodge. h of the Scarlet chapter will'be held oilimes and Weekly Alail and Empire. including your 13. (::Perry lifts sol I his branch con., Grey hay been 'purchased by a Mr. � ► --- the 21st Inst. choice of premium pictures, " The Dcetor," . or rebut jaessin Dtingaunou to Ir, Tennant, of Elma, wvb0 will gtt possess- I FOUND AT LAST. I meg}a cerin " Contentment." ........................ . 1 75, xndersoli, of 11loore> eld. ion Next Spring. Thr+ price paid is said Hild Nervous li ostration Times and Weekly Witness ..................... 1 60, ,Rh Troop. Oil Liniment is nnsur- to be $3,390. Mr. R le,. will hold all A ]acts pill that is small and sure, . • ... , , ... . ,that acts gat,tly, quirlrly and rhorrnii;ll- ' Mrs. S. W. West, Drayton, Unt„ Times and Western Advertiser ' 1'40, Jv any liniment ou the market; auction sole oil Jfli1. 20th tinct will to states: X11 grot terribl Ian down a if you iteecl a quit of Clothes. 1:,,. ,. Pr It', that does not grips. Lana -Liver y ' nit y Titles and Weekly Sun ........................ 1 75 lEt nilclIt ac'cauaputielve gttaWHof tl oils bably remove to Sault Ste. Marie. Pills possess theses qualisitc. and are a li!'s11y became ti victim of nervous pros- o; sure. curet for liver Complaint, C:onstipa- 1 +ration. I had no appetite, seemed to Tithes tend Daily Globe... ............. i ......... 4• i precis, It i, put up i(1 larl,e If a child Pats rave7i(nnsly. grinds the I tion, Siuk Headache, etc. lose interest and nmbid ou' and 'could i ei�or the squall price of z5 cents. g p p y Hearing of W e'rP doubly iuterosttrl if yotl ; Times and Farmers' Advocate..,.................. 1 i5 f teeth at ni int' and ic•lrs Its nose, you I scar(+HI, drfly lit 'Self arbour. Ty. almost be certain it has worms and I Dr. Chase's Noryu r '.:d I used throe Tidies and Toronto Dail Star..... ................ _ `�0 Il; would likes to buy all th'sa Snit' 3' xperinient of publishing ±lewvs• t should administer without delay Dr, 1 boxes wwith great, benefit, gaining eleven goodness that yon can with your I a'on board a ship by meaus of i Lows Pleasnut Worm Syrnp. This` •Another of Goderich's old mei) has pounds. It made me strong and well iuonE.y. � We could extend the list, but ii: is not nccessarN . We call s trausmittHti news is to begin in I rem edy contains its civil cathartic. been removed in the death of John and I had such an appetite that I want- '' lire], days, CoNlry, wwhicil occurred on Thursday cd to be. eating half the time." lw•e you clubbing rates for 'any newspaper or magazine Mr. Alts. Calder. a former wellkuo w n. lt' � Jan. 8th at the age. of ninety-six Sears. „ published. , th recent disastrous railway resident of this section of Huron country, p h ' The above are Our FIxti) RATI•::� rilc''lrked down ails at� Valtsteard the Grand Trank � For some years his health 11nd been very Wnnl<1 you likn a go0r1 strop,,. i died at his home in Grand Rapids, Mich- Wali grreas (fishes' le,,, or tins witl serviceable, wwvnrable outfit—st 1- 1 frail, and for six months past lie has y ' 1 P 5 a ha'r paid out $60,000 in accident '• igan, on Saturday, Jan. 10th. Apoplexy � p Lever',; Dry :soap a powder. It will re 1 isb, (tress-v—one that would fit you So as to titC11111 t Of no reduction. Therefore there is no use 111 claims. I been confined to the house. The Aeceas- > j to )erfkction--sand that ivonld cost , was. the cause of death. At one time he move the t1reasc with the greatest ea_ -a.:,6 l asking for Cheaper rates. A' ed was a native of Ireland, and conlingr you exactly wwhat you think you H✓h I l d'1'�' Ii �dYyOr was associated with IVTr Clam Encino-; to Caua(la Pngraged in fartniu5 ou what' ! would like to pity , cion in the lumbar business, noel operas-; . " t Y , lit each Case the weekly papers will Ile sent to new p i is now James Glenn's farm, on tile Ao' alone in Hallett township, but ; ' 1 �' The rates quoted e(1 a sawn mill in Morris two and a lialf i i subscribers for the balance of I go,2 v.,ol•-% q eighth concession of Colborne. Ilea all over the county and elsewhere, will r ` a miles north of Blyth. lie was 01 years I ilevr:r married and had no relatives in it be. learned wvitll dew regret Gf the 1 + are for either rev oi- renewal subscriptions. All Subscribers of ane. ' p g Then let us rhotic you what Ive t 1 ulverage cost per week of each in- t this Country, and fifty years ago he.,death of one of I3uron's pioneers, in the can show you. will receive E the re1111UI11S 2iC1F'ertiSe(l b)' the different papers. 3% prnce I -louse of Refuge curing i male an agrPement with the late Mrs. l person cif John Cuiniug,of the 13th cola., }7 a'r just closed wvas ii7c. It wonlrl- The lesirlel,ce of 3Ir, Alfa. loss nil, Thomas Dark by which. she agreed to who passed awry on Monday morning, V�nueh Bice Belshazzar's feast,' on Lnckuowv was the scene of a pretty home i keep loin for the rest of his life, in con- Jaa. 12th at the age of 7.1 years and 5 1 , 1 _ ek, woud:l it? ' wedding on Wednesday, Jan. 1.1th,whon i sideration of which lie gave her possess- months. Deceased had been in failing, To (ay—to tlar)rrOwv--any c rt' • k - A, .�.3 I � 11i:s (,aster -ill -law,. Mrs. P., Proctor. was,ion • � � ���� � � �� Copulation of Witinipeg in 1570 , non of his farm. Both *Mr. and Mrs. Health for some time. Born int Devon- } _ a . Nowitis i 7 over S1,Ut10. There, united ill tniarrage to :lir. George Graham { Dark are now long deceased, but the � shire, lie came to this country whell i a } ' �° ` ,,.t of Garderieh. The carCinony was er-,manyyears „ R. MAXWELL. An A ac�rion Sale this Fall or VV inter ? I, l►rCe C`1nrC1�lresn At (il(in nt]CO8rinit v formed at Vigil no oil b,. the+ Rsv. Apt,. t beelcompfa tlifuldly a1,d generously observed � ofo has oyea yut 20 ears C1PiRguacousy,ge, living feaitd lt]len { ? I you are, it will be to �T€yur interest to CS now. ( Harris, ill the presence of the relative: t , �n I.S71 was 33. now it is over 10- by the famil � mow tn- to the Huron tract which was l fIIG11 Aitr TAII,()It. 'fnnip(sg is tlocv tie third city . and hililiediate friends of the uoutract- y in ata primitive state. Ino took up fl i eOa e t� ilT ` �1 � Office �i'©r your lDi�1S., tr'int parties. ' its point of postal revenge. I bush farm oil the lath con., wilich lie ' la � DeBpairr[t or L`eivg Unrest s w)on eonvertr•rl into•one of the finest in j a$trn'ss Sterlingr 11padnehe Powders oetiaine Casterlit ahray.- scare the ,t�,sat sn, � tilt � B Jeffries, 44 IIicks Ave., ithe neighbCrhood. 1Li was always a I pwnlPn prompt• relief from monthly : + Kivagston,(hit.,states: "I suffered ag„olly ! '� 1 A leave no ball after ea7r t,,ts what- , 05 Chas. 11. Fletcher. � with itching piles. Iu fact,I don't believe I hard worker, a maul Of sturdy and sterl• I de surf= you gPa *Iilbttrn'c. Yrs a i �that ally' person wwho has not had piles i iug pnii1piples. That he enjoyed the 'S cents. All deals rs. 11 can realize what I enilurr•d. The firstestsain and good will of his acquaintance (9 if w':•t�^:t r -sty wvrs sill:. uc gave her Caston •application of Dr, Chase's Ointment q )<3r. Stew<lrt, who wilt in Sally wv 1 hen ;,;rte was a Citild .:he crier] for Custorka brought relief and it has since entirely 1 goes without saylug, For a number of ftserve the twenty fifth anuiver- l Ultert ritet)^carate .friss, site clu:i!f to Caq. oria. curer] ole. I hope that this testimE)uial ; y ears he wvas ]:resident of the Morris Ilslri enteriu upon tl7e Irakt()rate l wol3cusi:OitatlCl?i13re:t,�licl;:tv.them cu:i+Oria. j will b 6 h emelutbyf.brin(k11gc comm 4kt to D-ilineli Agricultural Society, and wm pi}i great power of this oiutineut. deeply interested in tllorobred stock itn- a c•iturcit its Clinton, Ilan doting ... ,+ )erio(d had ail averag(• of six- provement, irivilln his attention specially tf 1 One of those eve±Its ill wvl;icil all people i . Co Cotswold sheep, Sufft7llc pigs andCr141s each year atnong the meni- tai.(, more or less interest, naluelyitwed• i Shorthortls. ? a io roll it-gatioll. dingy:, tool: place in the R. C. Churcis, j Th.,, rleatll of Jas. Iiaane,wvhbh ac^err- "= lrif7sl�y. r clnlnis-ioner of road ' Brussels. Ort Monday forenoon Jau.12tt1, ' till oil Fri(my, Jan 11th, brought to a close ,iArp* for the county of Huron, is M'w . Father Corcoran cffai•i:itlng. The . the life of one of Clilltou's oldoit inhabi• 1 i tasuderc for the colistrtictiou contracting parties wceja P. J. Ryan Of', tat±tu. Mr.Itean was burn iii Ireland; t Y H E � ®I j %utillents anil two I)i grs of eon• 12c1 illop and :4iiuniH Itow.ancl of �Vatten. i bark in the thirties and emigrated to I t - the bridge, ow Cr the I4Tttitlard J. i'�yttli, a brother of the groom. aete(d this country in i$.;l,sottling in :llontreal. � Hots l ACHESI ne.nmiller. tiatnrday, January l as best roan, and iss]'.amb of Soaforth i Itis stay there was short for in '51 lie! i i jLe lastAny focrzecivitnw teliderp. ; was lotirlesmaid. Over 1U0 rgu(sts wereentered the dry goods 1loasq ,of Lance r)r. i l:lvited MA although severe winter] ;:remain.� \ I tiVats0li, o. (xo(lerich, where he Jarar. '+• i wwcathEr hravaiie�l, a goodly cumber . err another two roars, and Bien came to; 5, ,a ]wiSE I ,, ,�, ! tins i ibl(.(l ,tit t11H residcura of the brirde's i Uhuton, wvhicli was P.olnp0aecd'af but it' stEi A 3:.;t 1: , to ((""Aijoud' I p4r€ pts at 'iv alvm to honor the nvt,nt, I fee Io llglises and three or four stores. E'1 !1r -'6t. n7 -". #• •• rt ! r crone rLYair °. � .. __,, The lean Will, 00,It9 ]vas then in bust, • � !I wEd „u.3 (,ser xg ,• Jj p , ' to ( , f ness aria it was with him that ho CUtu• c cAt:,ikl,r,Yrti9 .e' d rrrn i ', A GUARANTEED CUREn need the career of his lona life its a'• • (., c)r. k W. (hate ;i I , f6t ..o.. tr.ransn And i.s.•sxtu ! respeWtecl Clti7en of ('„"iiltOli. Ili 153 110 ! i For All tri= Of Kidney Dish; se ' irrr . � 'i i took unto himself a pirtcCr far life •inti + _ ,,, ahip of ;Stanley is about 7 , ` i the person of 14l_ias Mes sorry. y„ vetiug 1 >sh rer. Mr. Folin Lend, Who ' lite unrlersi ntd T)rti 'his ties with Mr. Coats shortly after his 11'7�.>rt VUU.r Di• ft*,t posit#on for twventy two l ' g agist ani fully' i' a Stt+YoCTs i, being 1ilarrled, lie started a small grocery SICK# -HEADACHES. ;< ge y�rors. having decided to re- " prepslred. to giVO the foltowhisrgnarsntc•o model froag4, c with every x50 cent bottle of Dr 15ctt• :store in a frame building situated wvhero � >plu1FC TClifiiCAl. of AsM h'1s been A ! ' , (°r,3d JacIcs01I s shoo store nowv stands., SPAaliiol0><C baring' so well kept that at vellliedy, illi the world Tablets, � positively 10roing out of busitless sonic yearn later Read-trllo Is nAt. of ltsrlf t (dtarasr, but lir Pod mi; micipalityr'kiafarldiil, 1 retires all troubles arising from weak or he entereA the cardilig factory of T. tit. i �r ii"iiervt t;�`ibowels.disorder of thetitom- pr, 'wwRyr obtained. i d1e�;vlonc; tcliecrfully rettlrne(1 if the 1`10ster. From this be sold goods o11 the! t8� fore ort can be cured you%u%t remove rt ( I y s 3 f rally `herrn ;success- :lifter nye of one bottle. 'Three to six assiste(I 111thard Irwin wvlro WAS then: l'titlsc•higgxli»}T Principle sufferer tis not reiievecl and inn !roved t rotirl for liix Ilrxt etntll0 err and to so • Mom into A pertPCt � bottler efreet nstonlabing and 1;errilanent � in thew ('Ievtlttnt' buyittexy. Re etas also burdock 'Blood Bitters wwitl Ila it for you. Tia'. 'GxFoOd I'XMWAy eurex. If not relieve1 anti cured, you treasurer of the Willix C",iiurck uttcya s ' (x17 all tla ri l wlRatew no ±nonelr. y ctiEnl. Price Z r w+: ` 4( liOoQ ikt7d oCCCI Iecl ot11C1F ysitionx of ltre>Xtilxt(A thrs+atemarli, liver no<l hnwwelw, A. Ts 1lan1ilton, Druggigtlt, i r .ngham p p 1t'n Ifl g i lle Worst will tears nip the whole Fyn - a X I , lam'to frill 1�mrath Etad victor. We can arrange dates for any ©f the neighboring Auctioneers, Sale Bills printed while, you wait, at THE TIMES ®x' 10 a a . ,.ria u •• -=K1lliii�uiCri i��i.'i'."•� i',4�."'''. TH.FFA E ARE T W 0 PAP" EIR1 •.S.`Ft.ita�l.7l.` d�li.?'�r1�3`�a�r"� �'� ' ',�' 4.�'7•"�4 s'",nsr.• J,.. R��..--'�w' ,aea$'i.��L�(gXS t Y '.S'ii'�i1�'-W'•[i."._,11,5"."`.:�,C': In .:very home irk tali disc.., -t �I � w T- , , I G "Awl Till � CWill supply you :vit:n the latest and that hitera9ting Local _ Home and Foreign News, and " ITHEWEEKLY SUN IM special Features xre-Market Reports that ara un- equaled for FULNESS and Ar-LI,A•BILIT11, Regular contributions )• "Bystander" on current evants. R,-porto oG converitio' .•,..ociwtiono unit meetlsigs of in- . :wren,• and valuta(, .i fa,rnlers, dairyrtntn and stockmen, s V=c0cal taika each weer: on live Stock, Dahying, Farm t Crop Culture, Freeding kor i rant, a -%S other sti"ejecta. T"r=Tz�w l s ; r 7 ► ar sal `:i l~ �,1 rd' . •... ... •,,..NIL , And vra w.3 s :-1 : !! Sun frs fa: 'w;1e ba;xnta of t I LCtt�ra! •'y (ltilr [la•t1c .' c�i; rCi;:icle. ikdulit(�Ai:Ai: 14ltadl 5iw. ,A. ... DDDR A NJ CAR 'f'3 YK W EKi"� $011, TORONTO, AND i t)nt. lox tr N _0099909W r