HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-01-22, Page 55-1 ° ~ / 0 � 4 Z THF, WINC,11AX TIMES. JANNUARY '212, 1903, eL A OLD, STOCK HERE EVERYTHING BRAN NEW AM IR L News Frolmll Our NeIghbors spot. little Tickling spot in throat? Felt as if your VENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR HEADER$. yo:ll could alnwst touch it with, 18Ar D, Clearing' CUt no Pke Sa U __C o-r-respotidents Communicate — Other your finger, didn't it? How' What W. Ideawake Times 1 11 1# 1,4 a NOW IN FULL BLAST Itema Clipped From Our 34=44ngos, but couldn't I It's easy 'with Vapoi� Cresolene,foryoubreatbe it. There's If yoa are looking for bargains in Meals, TouthW or Ooys' nothing in tbe- -world equal to it for January James B. Stretton, who recently va-' Mr. P. Gibbons is tiow a well-known stoppingthese tickling coughs; aud Suits, Underwear, ete, give us a call. onticil, the Queen's Hotel at Brussels, has breeders of Improved English Barks I Sant. too. For astlima, Everything Is marked in plain f1gures. Ire it a so J) ea bought the hotel at 13elgrave from Mr. hogs. The past fall and winter lie has bronchitis, catarrh, and "gO 7 of Ills Bruce atill will remove to till$ Vill - had splendid success in disposing =ivg-cough, its, the great MONEY WANTED I MONEY WANTEI The now proprietor and Mrs. Strotton good stock., Three of his recent sales remedy. 30 SNAPS IN STITS.-17 Afen's Tweed Stilts, All sizes from 36 to 44, Iliot it, vaPi.rrcs,!e-e lq P-ld In Mim1w rverywbere. regular price .57 and $8, e 45.50 should be able to care for the publio in are a breeding sow to Mr. Thos. E' it, bicirdliki; tht;vapf Two thongand dollars' worth Of NEW GOODS mull be eat price first A V,,,)u v r qO ll� 0 IIA1tD C�kgll (111,11ag, tile next few weeks rind to ma: class atyle. Toeswater; A boar to Mr. Rtl Ferrip, - C 11 1 h Ch "I'll 2114 1111 36. to 4 1, gena- Whitechurch, and,% breeding sow toUr. VAN;: succepq 'we Offer Immense bargains In every -SNAPS IN OVERCOATS, 9 only Overcoats, sizes, The Ladies Gril orgaulzpd in con- sate a grand departirl Come along and take Advbntage of ine all-rlool cheviot eloth,worth. $12), eat price .00 Wai. Ruddy, Illarunch, with Tillity, Church, met last -it -.1 1� 1 till N _T the Ill- dispounts. Pletise read our list Men's heavy wool fleece Shirts and Drawers, sizte 84 to 44, regular Thursday night at the rssidence of Archle IPI price 75e each, cut price sale 5o Bridges, East W4walil The follow- Weary Drala %vorll (if ilipecial reductions ina lailies are the oilloers of the Gaild:-- All fagged out, ideas fl.)w slowly as President,Mrs. J. Scandrett; Vice-pres., moltIsses, snall told energy gone 1 Tile The financial report, for the Blill bno) ancy that made work a tileastil Presbyterian ehurch for 19M hns bpou We have a lot of bargains too numerous to mention, so come Mrs. Arohie Bridges; Secretary Mrs. thatgoill A doctor would say Xou along and pay us a vitait. A ploasurf.,, to show goods, P, Procter; Treasurer, Miss Lillie Scan- are run down, enervated, neither eating printed This cougtogation. bas had a 5 plevos, extra, hpfwy Wrapperette, wide, fast colors, regular valtio drem Tile la -lies are in.i1dug all auto- ordigeozing enough. It's F orrozoire you very prosperous Year. Thototalrecedlits 15o. to clear out, gragh quilt, the proceeds of which will lived to brace tip that fitful appetite and for the year amounted tQ $094 07,alla tho F ancy heavy striped Skirting, rpg. 20o, sale priee improve wasimilation land digestion So total eNpenditara was $0,8.40, which ill- One piece heavy tweed Dress Ull reg. 25c, now going Fit, 'THE R. H. CROWDER CO. be devoted to some good cause. that lots of pure strong bloo(l will be I WINGHAM. ONTARIO. I formed to nourish the broken down Sys- eluded $153.3a Lpeuo-ii) repAirs on the U, xtra, berwy all -wool Tweefl, wide, good value at 500, Special At -40 tem. Forrozone will drive away the manso property. 0 dozen Men's heavy fleece lined Shirts and Drawers, all sizes, Why SnIM43 and Sil tired feeling, restore your spirits and Tog. 500. to oleilir at ZATICIAINT TAIME Nnwa—Aierlls Odd Shirts and Dral worth 60c, for 39c, Don't, Suffer any tuore with a cold in energy revive your ambition and Boys' fleece Shir's and Drawers, 19e. f JAMESTONNIN. 10 pieces extra heavy Flannelette, wide, fast colors, reg. 10c, sale, 0,� tile head, just carry at Catarrhozone ILI- strength for work. No tonio or rebuild. 72 -inch heavy gray Flannel Sheeting, reg 05o, to elvar, at .45 baler in your Yost l5ocket., use it now and or lilm Ferrozone—try it. Price 50--. per The annual report of the Jamestown =nd you won't have colds. Cat- box, or six boxes for $2.50; at drrtggbds, Heavv all -wool blaek or grayFi rieze Cloth, 58 inches vtde, Teg- ne knocks out a cold in ten or Poison & Co., Kingston, Oat. &ld Suirdav School shows the receipts for T, minutes, kills a headache ill five mintl by A. L. Hamilton. the year amounted to,,$501,39, all(l tile Largo heavy all -wool Blankots, reg. value 'N4, side price tig cough in half an hour. Hamilton's Pills Cure Constipation. balance oil hand is '15.02. Average Men's fine Regatta Shirts, fast colors. reg 75p, to clear At Inhale the pleaseut Oatarrhozotre vapor attenibil for year, 80 solitolars. The I Ladies' Cloth coats, well milae. to clear at 23 per cent discount five minutes four times daily and t will cure Bronchitis, Luug Trouble,Deafness.. WEST AVAWAN0811L staff of teachers for this year are: — Jas. Ladies' large Far Rafts, late style, reg. $--1.00, to (:]ear at 14 M a man oraniges Asthma and Catarrh in any part of tilt) The Council met a�.cording to Statute Strachan, Superintendent; Mrs. Jas, 4 pieces fine Eiderdown for childs' coats, rep. 50c, sale price system. Catarrhozone is the most ffireot Stracilaii, Mrs. A. Simpsm, Mrs. Geo. + modern and so! I antifle method, and is on January 12tb. The newly elected A line of Lodies' merreLized Sateen Underskirts. new style,reg. guaranteed to give satisfaction. Coll,. members took the necessary declaration Coombes, Misi Taylor, Miss Straeban, value $1.50, clearing price Now is the time for making marmalade and this is the place # plete two months, treatment, costs $1,00, and took their seats at the council board Jas. StrAchan, Jan. teacher,-,; bills$ Elsie 10 pieces fancy 6111,r Neok Ribbons. all colors, rpg 25c, saleprice to buy your Oranges. Here is an old English recipe that never 0 trialsize25c. Druggists orN.C.Polsoti;- ear. Strachan, See, -Treas. The schoolisin 5 pieces rilt-wonj Homespun Dress Gooas, ;30 lircues wide, Tega- &Co., Kingston, Ont. a healthy condition. lar value $1.25, clearing at falls. Just try it: The officers for last year were re-ap- I-Imnilton's Pills Cure Constipation. pointed tit the usnal salaries, W. E Taketwelve oranges and four lemons; slice thin, cover with four to -- quarts of water, let stand for thirty-six bours; pat oil stove Gordon and B. J. Crawford were tip. AVROXETEU. + nLYT11. pointed auditors. J. Brothaner was appointed assFssor -1 Special S and boil for one hour; then add eight lbs. of granulated sugar gale, of Whitewil 110-11, g 0i n + boil two hours longer. 0 11r, Morris Willows, of Birminglialli, The following cheques were issued: — and John Wendt, colleotor tit a racei,t 0 Alabama, is visiting at the home of his C01borue Township, wortc* on SOuth meeting of the village council. + par6nts here. Mr. Willows is an old boundary, $16.27; Election expenses au(I Mr. John Douglas is able to attend to + CANNED BEETS Blyth boy who is wirmiftg- fame and for- Supplies, $40; P- Watson, rePar"lg business agaill, + ISARD'S CLOTHING BARGAINS + We are just in receipt of a shipment of Choice Red Beets in 0 tune for himself. He now holds the bridge, con. 14, $1; Registration of i The saw mill is now I tinning. .4- large A' + 3-1b cans, 10c per can. 0 important position of assistant superin. births, marriageg and deaths, $10.40; stack of logs is arriving at, the mill every Boys' two-piece Snits. nicely maileand llnefi', reg $2. sale price 0 tondent of tho, People's Telophoue in his J, McLean, gravel, $14.90; Court room da.y. 0 Boys' heavy two-plece Suits, good styles, all -wool, worth $2,50, + adopted city. accommodation, $20; Collector's -salary, Another wedding in Wrvxeter in the 2.( to clear at 9) Mr. John McGill, who has been $75; Geo. McLean, gravel, $8.56; St. near f uture, 10 Men's Tweed Suits-, all -wool, good linings, reg $7, sale price 5.0 PORK AND BEANS IN TOMATO SAUCE Ill 4 village assessor for the past thifteeir, Heleris Public Library, grant, $20; Dnn- Miss Nettie Mulch is attending shop 0 Mon,s heavy F riez9 Pea Jackets, well lined. reg $3 50, going at This is the season of the year when people eat. Pork and Beans. 0 years, resigned this year, and Mr. 0. garmon Public Library, $10; Manchester for her brother here at prosont, Men's Overonatc in all the latest styles: —$0.00 Ll for $5.00; Just try a can of ours, put up ill tonlfttO sallue, 5c per can. 46 W Public Library, $10; Reeve, one day oil + Hamilton has been appointed in his Mr. -R, MeGaven, of Dakota visitfd $7.50 for $0.00; $9 for $7; $10 for $1S, W.N for + place. financial Statement, $2; J. Whyard, wita Mr. John Wendt last week. Blyth lodge, X#. 303, A. F. & A. Al, nails, $1,40; R, Moore, drain, con. 14,$4. A number of our yourig people attend' 4 has elected the following officers for the Council adjourned to meet on Wed- ed the ball at Brussels oil Tuesday even- -m—T -V=zm 94-M 0 ensuing year;—Bro. Frank 'Wheeler, 1. nesday, February 18th. ing. wellin 19 9 + 0 11 M. Bro. P. W. Scott, W. M.; Bro. W. S. MCCROc;Tir,, Clerk. Mr. David Myles has sold his d E. ISARIdy 00 AT, fNRI W Wm. Emigh, S. W.; Bro. J. H. Chellow to, Mr. Win. Johnston of Wilton fo IN b r + J. W.; Bro. John McMullan, chaplain; 5300. Bro. J. G. Emigh, treasurer; Bro. J. M. , W. 'Michie has routed tha 100 acre A ri Limber of on- Young p,,ople enjoy p MA ill Jill 1. 1 ild� 11 A'. 111.1,41aAlAtu Hamilton, secretary; Bro. James Hill, I farm on the 6th line belonging to John ed themselTes at the home of Robt. Me ill WALTON-1. Got Lame Back or Llolll)l n I... S. D.; Rro. Robert Vint, J. D.; Bro. S. i Mills, near Auburn, for a term of five Laughlin, 4th con. of Howick, oil Tues. A very intergating event. to6k plil at .-No need of that now. That sort of I oil Wedues- pain call be knocked out in short order, Irvine, X. G.; Bro. James Barr, Tyler. years. day evening. Mr. A. F. ZlacLareu, M.P. br -the residence of Goo. Grigg for Poison's Nerviline, 'which is live The annual meeting of the Morris Rev. Mr. Cosens, of Briissels,preaclied The annual meeting of the Howick Banquet at 'Bral Perth in the House of Contruo:v.' day, Jan. 7th, at 3.80 p. M." wilfill. Miss I - f urnish part of the f ands, and fo-.P4 times stronger than any other, petietrat- Branch Agricultural societywas held at in Johnston's and Browntown, churches Fire Insurance Co.will be held at Gorrie Brantford, Jan.. 36.—The annual Sara A. Grigg was united in the holy Lis at once through the tissues, reaches the Commercial hotel Wednesday after- on Sunday last. Rev. Mr. Swanu took on F riday, Feb. Oth. banquet of the Board of Trade was company for the erection of ft U_10 bonds of matrimouY to George Barrows, the scarce of, suffering, drives it out and i L I I $a thas gives relief almost instantly. No 11(il Jan. 14th. There was a good at- Mr. Cosens' work at Brussels. The tea meeting at Bluevale on Wed- lield last evening n the. Ker )� tel at Stratfor.l. The bnlldirlg,�: -in tile presence of about 70 guests. Mi magic, but strength that gives Poison's toudituce of well and Conn. Sloan The council elect for the current Year, liesday evening was attended by a num- House, There were about 130 gliest, five storeys in height and will fl* Mabel Barrows plaYell the Wedding Nerviline this power. You will, think made a vory efficient chairman. Mr. namely, Wur.Isbister, reeve, and Messrs. ber of peoille from this place. present. on' (bitario, Street opposite the AlbloL. March. The bride was given away by it magic however if you try It, pain goes I The principal speakers wer IT her father. The groom was assisted by so quickly. Sold by dealers everywhere Code, Shaw, Taylor and Jackson, court- Two good meetings of the East Huron L Israel Tartc. Montroal; Ilro�,. Rob - Earnest Constable, while Miss Gertrude in large 25c. bottlei. presented au excellent finqucial state- cillors, met according to statute on Jv Farmer's Institute were held in Wroxe- 4ertson, ottal 'M(s�;rs. 1), Dil ment, which was read an(I adopted. 12th, and ubsmilled the necessary de ter on Tuesday. The ml were ,;hire, Drockville; J. D. Henderson, Grigg acted as bridesmaid. The bride The total reineipts for the year were Iciarwom of ofnee and qualification and well attemled atic some good addresses Parisi; 0. B. 11opl, M.P., 0. 11. Wtat- la October, 3901, S. 11. B .Was cliaminglygownedill white organdie. TURNMERRI. $1346.00, and the tottil expenditure $1232. the council was duly organized. The were delivered. Air. Geo. Hood, tLe erolls, W. F. cockshutt, Harry Cock- 'conductor on a Now York Cevtu� slixitt, Dr. Ickes, Brantford, and E. Line train that ran between 0J, trimmed -with lace and insertion and was A happy event took place at the Metho - ()0, leaving a balance of 5 114. The fol- neove occupied the chair. The minutes efliuient; secretary, was tne �­uest Of Mr- 1,1is,11ijr, General Manager of the T., knierican Exposition and Nlagat"L adorned with white carnations. The dist parsonage in Blitevale on 'vVedues- lowing ofacers were elected:—Presidelit, of last meeting for 1002 were rearl and and Mrs. J. Brethaner while in town. II. & B. Railway, Ilainilton. I- . bridesmaid was also &eased in white day evening, Dac3mber 24th, when Mr. through his. train one day 41! going Mr. J. B. Tiernay; first vice-president, passed. Mrs. A. Willi$ and Miss Simpson, of [I lady hard her two daughters, riz orgaudie and wore pink carnations. Rev, Thos. E, Walker, of Cialross was joined Mr. Robert Forris;second vice-presitlent, On motion of Taylor and Jackson, Jamestown, were gnests at, Mrs. John The Wanstead wreck victfills still at � T. Wesley Cosous, of.Brussels, a former in the holy bonds of wedlock to Miss i i heen rendered temporarily penn-L"t, Z ol ergyman. Lindy Yeo, of tLis township. The cere. Mr. Win. Jackson: directors, Messrs. I Win. Clark was reappointed Clerk; sal- Gibson's lastinveek. 'Vicloria Hospital. are all doing very i tile loss of her purse on the-, George Taylor, John Armour, R. B. Me, i ary $1;,,0. Mr. and Mrs. R. Black werro visi ting al,ely. The physicitins state that in all unds. Condactor Dr 11:, After the ceremony the 00111l Silt mODY Was performed by Rev. F. Swann. Gowan, T. W. Sloan, 0. Ruddell, B. I Oil motion of Code and Taylor, John in Gerrit, on Tuesday. probabil itY several of the patientS Will cd the necessary fare to the ,down to a satallbuOus wedding dinner. After the ceremony the relatives an Livingston and Wni. Emig - I Watson was appointed Assessor for the bl strong eucu.-i to le-tva during tliis Nviiere they desired to go, aud t6­ py evening ,It. auditors, Z� The n'tiInGrous costly and useful presents intimate friorids spent a hap Messrs. S. Herrington and J1111110S Me- I current year; salary $770. waak. On F Aday the high esteem in which the at the home Mr. 1. J. Denman, brother- I Mr. Russel Sage, the eminent New !them to their hotel. Showed in-law of the bride. The Times joins Murchie. i Oil motion of Shaw and Taylor, Goo. York vapitalbst,aged S6 has been induced The furieril af tile late Mrs Charles reccived a letter bearing the IlliL youn." couple are held. ! Hood Nva� appointed memb6r of Board 12. in wishing the newly wedded couple a alter earnest persuasion to orroaftgo a Talot Avery, Dangaurion. wasone of the larg- in, postmark. When be openedi. of Health to iiet along with Messrs Laid- I st ever held in that sectiou, being it'; one thoustuirl dollar bill flutterec' happy and proarerous wedded life, I —The TinEs and Farmers' Advocate law and Johnston, also Dr. McA� 11 wits: to ilttend him through t, Ill crawdl The proposal to establish toll gates ill will be sent to any address in Canada'or ited Medical Healtil. Officer, stroeis and keep him out of the way 0 lenile and a half in lerigth. The :41oor. Brown was atoniShed the County of Fronterifto was defeated Ladelle and Fournier were hanged at tile U, nit I ,ed stttes till Talmary ist. 100. -IP01 L, letter, which was automobiles taid. remain in tile ILMl bearers were Messrs, Robert, Higgius. read tb Uto of 3,083 to 1,086. Dawson for a triple in urder. for.$1 75. Note the redilotion. Oil motion of Jackson and Taylor, W. old house oil lower Filth avenue, which Henry Draney, of Snirlough; S. Nichol- Thv letter recalled the EV-POsitl(I'l ,by a v . ..... . 11. Kerr was awarded the printing for Mr. Stigo persists in. residing, ces,ate 011, of Manchester; T. Little, of Dun-' tleu� -iiid told how the writer lin tile current year, price the spni,� a- impressed with Brown's court 7 7* last year, viz,,*,27. that till his old neighbor. of Goderich. Rev. Mr. Golldberg; kindness, and that the bill wasa',. On motion of Code and 1410,,. th, t)wn Tile oleL gentleman feels lilto , .4 ster still and attends his Offical br* �,a ted, assisted by Rov. Messri. Ruth- all,.e of Ilks deed. The,,l i,* Ad 10 an Clerkwas instructed to send for eig it i Young nothing to ller larly. With all his millions lie erfor,land Mu-Neighor. amount Solit was copies of the Municipal Worl Id for use regir C 'ouncil. lives its simply t:s a. poor man, and d Moved by Taylor, seconded by Vo(lo,. not relish anybody's --.sbsti _� in Ills If, title. But if lie Ilad not agreed 11 TTVTV,7VTVTVTTTVVVVVVVTVVV1 S n 1�ry SS that $51bo granted for stippli �s to Tu�, , daily ron. ave lockvd I 'L,. 111111 111) al his late illnuss. paid as follows:—R. Proctor, collector s ; it cided to se 40 succ .,fill West('! Corporation of Hullett, B. Balk wq)PI)d 0� loin- ff" '00 11 Ill ur ir IW` t; , ®R�l p Britain 1> ture, k33,30; Geo. Kerr, gravel Our , Ssort_ the facts about calmlm 11, fork aria Stewart. lumber, 40o.- W.: diliers Js [I and leather s( -at lark nomination o. iiient of wood seat , up fill.-Ilicial LZ Xerr, balance print abor tax, -ed 11 VhIff h LN go UP Nl,�� p,,-pecially in the morning front catareh, StrIl On motion of rillaw aull Jael�son tilt, Tlir� COVrilwL COMPAVY. d yc;-p. Ta., r7f-"O mh February. i1jl1%i1,.3 th- tasO. smell and hearing, 1DFB0ARDS--Th,1, hirgesta "l," 01, tho itch and affeets the appetite. 1111. tbe livinulacture f up-to-date furiliturc (,rily rk.(k*1, . M*., The to%v -1 is upl)IY19 f0r i To cure catarrh, treatment fault be coutitry'o' vall Tor i,y 1*, -114 in., ni*!,,l rthoonrug s,ssioll ; Coll Itil,.1ttirlill—alterative qnd tonic. .1 conlrletO line of all kinds (_�f funii, 11c t! to forin iwarr, better eqn,"Irivilt In 01M, rno.-A 111111ol't - 1111,1 tl., A 311"t" th,q with entarrh till, able acquire tho' 'IT ill for f()',Ir 11 011th 1141spl1_1 NVIork ILI, bratici; [if illo v­rv, Thl, llnw tq tlil- At th­ 1 11-1;0 of Ill" 1-0- i Of tile 1-10use. to on. , it to. lach�*-1 tf, IL1,101 V01 - -[!c., I -plant of tho Listowol ill antl E.11Tt"L'I u,itt rai"(4 blood. I had 11voome, (Its- armY rathi"S, Lri -'.It offit or lor the. tionit, Dis- I t1w ),-v 0-111111i'lly fill' it' year d-ibenturos to pnv for it. Tho pro - o Ulm it. It hag ,.q�jjor.aencr. rtilut, of tile Bovril 11 alph, the well-knOW11 flutbOT Cav-s catarrli—it soothes and strength- i li� gurated by I IT '()n. tig vue of tite lwst Jullim llv, and builds Th,,� Furniture, Store opposito tIve Post Office. Turger, CX., R.A., -,Vho Z; put !I' eAJI-01- In tl-.0 1101tltlD-2- j"lurnalist mill Nvar Corr