HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-01-22, Page 47 13 7`119 WIND* TAK ANXtIART 22, 19,03 *"*00000,4P I . I . RI-ChArd Kelm, X**Otx. 00000000000000", -,:;- a I 11,sl XG me. 11*1 TOWNTO, JAI 11F21(T*8 OUTT, im 41 W,-Tnde WAS slow 10 we have muell, pit asure want cattle, in to -day 4,ud prices w6ro JAS. H,,KEnn .riik tett di4s" were asst iN - i 0 DaUy Uld, and Elaoirs Omit al. the oil vwkat ft,044 the D'ILly.GloW, the two "low. lower all round. Export cattle were JOHN KERR it WJ%; Aglit 1L clot'k. di'a withh -i medatory notioes of Tit Atard wily from % quarter to halt A dollar PEOPLES POPULAR STORE wall sittlap, otiz ilutivr it -.iuv l"Itilig 149 COW 4 or gg.d the best butchers' oAtlfa WeVi) gin ;Iter lie;I11 Ur,44uq 14t, 141ol leaNvii io, ffQ1ra(*,, RK., Bi'trrister, nom of this low lower. Xedium butchers' *090000"00 surdlv., or earwig* and their 1,milred, A quarter I a the shape of a 'Ili hult had tivell illtvil-st. ifir a wkv - Iffolmestobesosp9kettof by the two cattle were about steady. One reason you can see cOR sd for ox LL our goods are marked in plain figures. QuNde, 411111 ill sail ly notiks thv Vier- leading papers cof, CAuadg. lid b -u "UP XIY 9'velX fort" law rices. "Aliz B,"h and, Cwnb Wry llwautt-d lqi in tilt- vWaxs. lit the offered wasa Whea We quote ,.special" 1)r1ces cere, and itifluenti% a si. xvnsiier s twuauti-tliv 1 tvil'a--it SIR , I friends in Toren. port was that the quality Com, H;1ftdkerchiQf ro;14.1, ca 1111jety-hyt,. to, by whom e h. respected and long, way from beltia up to the standard the priwe on every article, cial prices what spe to be There were quite % number of cAtle Of- I esteemed. go was and continues price ticket Verey the wou.411 illopv %I gh, tilo Aes Cam, Perf umes, you can tell by looking at t v.Lnvjl;s--lutd been Alt elective writer for the press OC that fered as export cattle which should, Hair Brushes, Toilet NIL;%; )lot the Bible. brt '114oroaii7s "Wakl- gnpublicatious. iiiamily acoordilig to tile buyers, have: been. left cit-VAudfor fore ean a dcu.'- In I, she hod. toad voltilort -ilia is ill the stables fpr .% mouth, to six weeks •t this store. Articles, E- bony chats es, more that, 0110i e Jim caused It I lb, -fliltieu to & problem I va. L c longer. Ti,ecAttlow.erauufizitsue(i.atiaI Goods, etc., yoa can Mr. Verov'h st;ter wits Lt meu-.bor of remo lfromToroutQ to Wlugbata to tilt- hfill­ Ikvld. w6low ­wIth mcaws." plactice his profession, hem lie enjoys • conditions AbrQrd are not. such at the time ; gprices buy the very ch.w­... as slit. always. said whell Introillived. To the flistilietion of being it greater travel- Prescut -4110 1" to warrant high i • SPECIAL JANUARY SALE SPECIAL JANUARY SALE SPECIAL JANUARY SALE LIM- Wt. IrM she was -111 eeho Besides being paid for cattle not Of tile y,;:ry at t.14 -e 11nitation--,li fact, 'Ur. Pit-rey ler than any other Canadian. lit I ottwolits. $he flad liept bouliv-40 covering every province of the Dowilliou chOiCORt quality And ant h,, Ott' . . OF vie%v her ierston-liertt-vtIv, and was and every state of the union he has tra. The following tire the quotations: OF. service to ung. 1wit and veiled till over the five continents and I OATrfolm. 0 Ladies' Tailor-made similar perfeetioll, in Iler througholi.t; the Island World of the Pat- I Shippers, per cwt..... .. $4 75 5 45 or Cahn A damPhells DO., ligh ............ It 00 a. W I Jai wife. Site wasli got'd Nvourtil, ft Ve Lu. He has b3on from the Alps Butcher, choice .. ... . 3 75, 4 201 )N 1 t 11 Perry wus, lit uoth I el 00 1111; Co'lla d arlv and to the Himitlayss an in the most remote Butcher, er, ordinary to a dies' Furs T U Skirts and Goots DRUG Nc*k-ed her devotion to her. I'll e. luteut, eared for ser w4h loyi,lj; parts of lndia, where white people can good .......... 3 25 400, Chocolates and Boa • tk%dt ilut wlivit Mrs. Perey as- a ild Although ounnect- Butcher, itiferior 8 2 0 ot) Bons in boxes. stilled tilt- rein's agat.t. the proalptillill . om or never go. t the time, Stockers ..... ........ 2 50 0 40 ed with the associ tit 4 press it 111 RS AND CALVES, I and ii-agO119 'Vent oil. Not ulll - =U Al hit extensive travels in, the East cost Cows, each ............. 8000 60 00 06 well vooked -.,Intl servea, b ' t 1000 0 the f0i'll be frequently Calves, each ........... 2 00 the Itlerost tribes Inuit never be ft r- him over $10,000. He was • RTISERS. - tlig:kr entertained by the R tj ills, (native kings SHEEP AND LANDIS. 0 Our regular prices for these per. TO ADVF g(-ttvii. lirs. kraiwil;i muA bayt, Ch OVSRCOATS y tin Choice ewes, per cwt, a 00 4 00 We wish to turn all our Fur MEN'S feet fitting garments are ver '•gotice of changes must be left at this fit. -T, tilt"' test, ttutilly m3k to Ilut ill tilts and princes) many of whom made 11 Yearlings, per cwt...... ...... 450 5 25 goods into money this month. e wish to clean up the #0. office not later than Saturday noort. cup or the l.eN er,•%L A,%as a falurie. Tlw rain and valuable giltS. The luxary, Spring laulbs, each 2 50 3 00 and to encouraLre you to buy t- 1141 N'S ULSTERS low, but.w lilt, on. the wrt.,lig side of the e1r) v a 50 a stock, so we, offer you a discount 0 The copy for changes must be left (:. . info AIT;. and splendor in. wbioll. the R111018 live,, Bucks, 2 00 & ea of 10 per cent, off 0 later , .1 fro1v t not than Monday evening. it to Conic almost beyond belief. In HOGS. early we offee 10 per off BOYS' OVRRCOATS 1 Casual advertisements accepted op 11'al't•fla's fave. lie says, is Of Choice hogs, per cwt. 6 121 0 00 a to Wednesdav of each week. '11 to be thst illit some of their palaces the tables were 4 %It-. Perey desired in,, Light hogs, per owb.. 5 571+ 0 00 ITS owiflil of solid gold and the chairs of pure silver. Heavy hogs, per cwt, 51 8714 0 00 MEN'S SU iit(,k his clip. then half .1 tensit I d - `sugar, lbeit. test aud, lilMlIF-aiter Nlg)-"- He had many iticaresting and marvellous Bows, per qwt ......... 4 50' 5 00 LADIES' COATS 'S' 1 21 50 to YS1 SUITS LADIE • ESMABLISHED 872- -ar still dao h-11). 20 BO ons stirring -the sug adventures. When he is in the humor to Stags ...... • CAPES • .s1mt.t1kIlIr,s the little tared e: +d fvr;;ot i speak about his travels it is a real pleas- •TAILOR-NIADE ,911d 1II.qpTs get 1111.wd. Theu Ute lord 0 URPORTS C %VX XG1Xz&N BrARKET **33.T11E WiNfinx T111ES when 1 Wits 8,111,4L. tire to listen to him. He brought back CAPERINES `%vondmed wh t For the month 'if January ata KBLL10TT.PUwzsUX1t "&ND PROPRIETOR the nitnuor SKIRTS AND COATS large amount of rarer Wiugham' , Jan. 211903 er cent 0 -in --re-ourrhIg tltltj ," Lind the 1-il,tly withiliul such a lar • of, ­ cariositips a I s to found a museum in To- C rrected every Wednesday af ternoou RUFFS, Etc, disconnt of 25 I Arabell1a illould t1thilc it ought to be I by Cassels & Carr. 0 • e THURSDAY. J-A.Y. 222. 1903. dune frtza halj-' t it' iltithing inure." 81111 In. a • Mr. llev-v and sister were good iWoOO routo. The notices of the Mail and Flour per 100 lbs .......... 1 05 to 2 50 0 They must go! for the month of January only. e Pen pire and the Globe are as follows: Fail Wheat ............... 0 68 to 0 70 Do 10 per cent. discount for the. ttud very fj rld q,r i"tile. *.Nlrs e -Mr. Richard Wheat._ -;7%. - 0 00 to 0 00 COMMENTS -Intl Ilia helpfulness. I From Mail and EmDir : 0 NOTES AND Now for Tbarean, r Ig 0 28 to 0 30 a month of January only. The Ron. Clifford jifton in an inter- A r- reads: loolety Is too Holmes, a well-known barrister, who aths, . . We haven't, rooni ri,r them - I Barley 0 35 to 0 40 ,heal), 'We weet at very short -Intervals, tise'd in Toronto for several years, .. ..... ... , pran i ) to 0 70 view At Winnipeg declared that he ex- I not 11.1vilig time to .1t,1111 -re Peas .................. 0 66 ttim LLOV • has had, by reason of family Changes, to Turkeys, drawn..... . 0 11 to 0 12 ;specte,& about. 40,000 A,merican immi- Nalue for eaeh (,iher. We weet tit I'll illi 8 to Witigham, out., to practise Geese, ........ 0 07 to 0 08 enter the West this year. three times a dily -.111ti give e;Ich Other remov 0 60 to 0 75 .grants to ev-1 his profession and manage the large D I .......... a, a new t.1"Ste of that 1PId 11111sty (.11 • Conservative At a meeting of the (Chickens ...... ...... 0 30 to 0 60 0 RUBBERS 1 ire. Wt- halve to ngrot- alt a financial business his father has there. 0 -onto on Monday it was de- I that we I Butter ..7: . .... ........ 0 is to 0 18 1 0 I held in Tor ( ortzti;i ser of rules ii-alled etiquette, to H* turival, however, does not Wholly Eggs per doz ............ 0 20 to 0 20 F 13 Remember our special prices His re 4 in 'Xortlt Perth, ilz;xl;(- this fre(itteut 111-ti'M t0lerablv, • ocl:48410 enter protests i - I sever him from Toronto, for he is still) Wood per cord .......... 2 00 to 2 50 BROOMS arriving on Heavy Rubbers and Over. v N74orth Norfolk and'.North Grey. I rid that we need Iii -t Pole to ol)ou t p, city, proparty-holderg, Hay, per tou.. . 7 00 to 800 Fresh Lake Herrinst shoes. 1, particulars were filed X-oudaY in the I x1-:11% Le-, frequelley 'NN-fililit for i OUO of the larg tion Potatoes, per bushel.. :::. . 0 50 to 0 60 e, ery week 25v (iort-n 1.90 all ;w,)-irtant and Marty ce.junnuil:,x- I and keeps a branch office here, atten , Apples, per bag ........... 0 80 to 0 50 We are just in receipt of a large, $225 Rubbers for S o 05 to 0 06 •hi pment of Brooms, and they Lake Herr;ng Nil 1, in kegs. S2.,25 Overshoes for 1. • 9t Center Brace protest proceedings against ........ tiou. hich ill reauira ire-Illeat business Tallow per lb - - .- .- 0 15 • shipment 90 V Hugh Clark.M.P.P. 40onservatiV0, stud I. -We Mr,,,. Percy had d'.svoyere(l " 015 to • I ti probably his ultimate return. Lard ...... ....... 0 04 to 0 05 are splendid value. Labrador Herring irl kegs. 1.65 Overshoes for 1.40 in. tbecross,petitioa against Dr. Stewart. Rt -(-rt t. She was "aid ])'lista` hev His father is Thomas Holmes, a promin- Dried Apples per 1b ....... 0 i• lie' 3 0 15 0 1 80 Overshoes for 1.40 0 years -lit- lind ]lilt nilly Wool ............. a ...... 0 1 to 11 Prices V There are 127 separate charges in the l'Or 11111 long . 1 15c, 200, 25c, 30a each. Smoked Haddie etc. 0 .37 in the cross -petition. alplivared at meals three thnes it day, eat banker and financier, of Wiugh' tm, Live Hogs, Per OWt ....... 6 75 to 5 75 : a V patiticit and out., who was for m,,%uv years. in the 006*60036001 020000000000004 bliz lut , coo the Ned Served, '& 0 Beside purchasing votes, it is charged 1 ell-vaige Nvas needed. time of the Colonist and Leader, eugag- IE against Clark that he was paid It, large I At the breakfast tal-le the next lilt), n- e.1 in active journalism in T6ronto, Mr. f. Conservative Assoela-; inn .lir. • ,*, -,viixeit eloquent ovur the T: sum by the Central id[olmes has many warm friends in this • I cit . who will be glad to bear candidate. The trial is ii; itif I tile nit Ii -abused hitt-hei of his IYE aJIe ' g Insu rerb Au BLOCK5 JAS. H. KERR tion to become a c, nirt,,, had made, a 11,114ig sPecult at i wt,fare, and wish him continued sue- JOHN KERR fixed for the 27, th, at Walkerton. - help e was %varmly applauded. I W I N C A M • the mcethig and I to • The annual meeting of the Canadian N (.-%r Was Mrs. Percy's thile. SlIt. lv..J- I From the Daily Globe: -Mr. Richard It will pay you to see me before plat- I'd she will, I Holmes barrister, -,vbo hs.9 sue our business. v Press Association will take place ill the I litt- est( -d ill "I'llt successfully ing y $00099800196864109 18660*60910 did her own 1vork," w business in Ti coudnotled it la Toronto for mss e4, a mWino"llam I represent purely Canadian Con - b council room, Baard of Trade Toronto, 1 the Av"in"ll 'N h" 14 onThursday audFriday.Feb- 5th and Marc- leas eve--keu or "M 0 several Sears, bas rem., *ve,ted il(.,r it, the Count practice s panics. li!rt d lit -lit. The family e'N y Of Haroll. to practice his 6th, The banquet will be held on the to remember each individtlal's tastes aitil i profession there in it business already I Farm Loans at lowest rates. Town . . . . . . IM eveningofthe oth. President McGilli-1 lik)fl ats utd to have her mind ever eent- 'Pstablished. Mr. Holmes has mauY ernes for salt. who wish him PrOP5 The speak. eivil" win her work, TLi( saino amount warm friends in Toronto, cuddy will be in the chair. hired" ser- prosperity ill his new home. Rehas gat -COSENS. NN, 2- M erawillbeHon.Geo-W. Ross, MeSsrs L--*: ft"111 found w"'11 the " with 11oronto as ABNER and "W-wys", Artnild -e- his connection w art's V716king AGE XT. ID 12TSURANOF NORTH it J. P. Whitney, Jos, Dawney, M. P. P-1 Ila is still a very large property-h0lder LOAN AN silt in thir'. afoxes.1 0 ITII)g ou A. B. Aylesworth, in this city He is a brother to the 'Iftte John R.1 it all cave from S t-r 1101119 at qobins olmG.Hollirtes,whoin his life time b` J6ha L3WiS, A. E, Ames and. W. K. hini;e, nvvt,r having "Thunday out and J fli I Me- hest know,, law e of the be yers ir $11r.On- aftor dinner." 31r- Pervy than w"Is On E ­ father is Thomas et ght. 'riturean7s ivvrd'4*, and n a,' le Toronto Mr. Homps' te jails The amber of committals to the ja 1,?. 1 Holmes, formerly a Toroato journalist, ke- I the ulluoill-Ouleut *b"- n private banker, '01 iTL,.s L_ !;g nnu now awell-know of Onrario, in th,- year ending Sept. 30tti, 1 1,erim- hi. wort' .161- f Wngham. Mu., 0 't,J0 This was 266 less than I for luvnth! R only two 'Who Was tit I!a, work in the Previous year, and iu, "Tht- hwnl lie oug - (-Litiallly .to Its i P) yestssince 1 s7l% vas the number le csl Z3 1 Lk IN I th­,t. ivus.Nlrs. Per . -Y's numvier. "W'Itnu I it thanithisyear. In 1873 the number was. I I C A .4.611 decide 11114,11 %V;ll suit Im.." steady decrease I It4 0 The h er 13j5W. use m t mi,. 114-re r Ipft the rollowill-C w tit spite of the lav( among the RUTS 'J'livn- she rested 'I, the I UT j,vristant maltiplimtiou of punishable 11painta'-Lis. Zug cumber of committals, boardil.g It' W for dovrcst -'-t. ,* st'llso Of the word. 1, NIERICA offc.nces, is gratifying. The causes her face i The walking sick, what T-117 -r fet- -r-111W "i'llille -'Intl pl, seems IIs AV We not easily determinedbut, it se it,. ' it,,, it, anximts L.-arei-sm her to suppose that there baa; crowd of them there are: xeasauable ai streng-th .-ni-reased Ix took %, more he Persons who are thin and V4 4 wz M., been a general imprOvement in tile of Ili— lit,lile life. N habits of the people with improved edn. I -%vaQ it, bla;m- Ina nww;nre that she i. 13 dlo;!rees ;b(- has weak but not sick. enough uw; it erv..iif NZ cation and refinement. as e ti rd week I ft '-Mlle lb!at wisTiliAL.. Th . to go to bed. 0 vf her abionev she I -l' -11, ;uten't. linig- X_Irr. cases" thaVs !A N10 P, -1 --*h@ 1, Chronic UTI -WATERING MORSEL t11% A 5 1 U4 The strike at ; 1"ut shc Nvl-;1.Iy reill.1.11, t! away Insill -11 Catharines, has been. settled, I e doctors call them, tr St. C Heir.fromhp.. -hatil" -oil that What the And a sweet -,t.3ry from a sweetstore, where her rt which in common En - I - In 'ouch with txl,'Eo Wo glish the purt .1%r, Inglis Wigle of South Gosfield, 14-t.1 Inved .U(- ;. (,;Zre '.117. 'i:uonly -t of sweets tire sold. Our Con fectioltery telL.; its t)wn s,tory of purity and aj was crushed to death by a dehorned bull. t, e:,. 114illie. p(,rfection• Alloareanwes arestrictlyfresh, 4 Thi- 11vrt-.v br(4wr ; :.ii lind nat nicans-long sickness. I 44ieious. Vhe elleariest as wellal; It S%nlucl Patton of Xiagam Falls South gure and dvc.. . t ex, -it of their youth- Covering the earth like a spider's web the cable winds its sinuous 01 vm thrown out of his cutter and killed. Vlw% lit.r rietilru '41110 To, stop the continued Thelsop"erlority of our Bolls, Etc. & The P3x1ter Gimpany have never been ` f.,ni,! kral,vlh In Az 111111.1latel loss of flesh they need chocolates, Bon. daily. way under seas, over mountains and plains, across continents to, Of - f ever equall. rrr-n, wn% a,kt-w -Intl is attested Ly tho (liasuntios rive sell ..xcelledhere and we doubt i it - . there were I Scott's Emulsion. For theevery country and clime on the globe. Every member cf the Company Is J. l3U0K"=V1 ed.pasts tiit.e. garnwivs Tht y Won a warm. place in feeling of weakness they $A artist. 1hpi. lsa,l lvurve,l tile Star Restaurant.' So when Is'-ing, Edward opens Parliament, or Emperor Willi= the hearts of isy . iiwr-inw-v :iia: tritiv..": 111.1i,e z tubo will be . s Emulsion. Of need Scott' ouly too glad to hear then,- agai.n.-Ham. pt -3, •dtt s the band, when the Mad MuHah breaks out, or a volcano in Opera Home, 31r. Per altil lict. lead iftonian, Hamilton, 90. It makes new flesh and 0. '1 *. .. ­.tA. v t.,:Illos V . -Wins ham, on r.rtilay evening Jan. M. , r l when South Africa seethes in war or pj ol .11 x1l at H. Park, to J The i crives new life the East Indies does the same, to the weak .7 ,.-3 Jewelry store. flone?.-Ifb -tem. Venezuela defies the powers, when rain breaks the Australian drouth '%lr,,, Amht-'Ilsy_s j cr 'ff - Emulsion I.N 11,;J lit- 4111! - Scott's E gets Ron] 1r or the plague breaks out in India, when the Empress of China sup - 7. t G.t ­ 1­!1*.4-'z4-. I thin and ,A-cak persons out Ir T tj V ut_r', tt? e ers or Japan negotlates a loan, It make press s the Box S I . a" I 44 of the rut s new, .1-1 air 1?a,1 ...... v i rich blood., strengthens the 0 crust -the news is instantly flashed around the globe, across oceans and i %nir-N. 1%..- Itmv de.0 AI n't 11 hwl !Ct+l, to nerves and wives al)petite' ,,, Toronto Daily Star office. The Star's Itx tZed tver*r, Far V ­t: 01 wel? The Market BalterV Bread is i continents right into the for ordinary food. perfection itself. White, llgl an any other paper's in Ontario. But A; "ir ter kair ;n, swee-, centri-. ; rich, brown, sbo direct special cableservice is better th ata froin eplii ing 4t 1;1'.; SCOWS Emulsion can be' molded, bak,d ' .rtTrilit. - . crus'. Mixed, all this cable news along.. with Your own local paper imejur.-a i - And you get t, etcas loncr as sickness -1 and delivered ift just the way 11.0 taken win'Toar approval. to Ir.11ti-Im klasts, and do good all the for $2.20. T hink of it -a single. word sent to you personaffy might scpm rricndsldns. If tile • time. COSI inore than the pricz of the Stairs, with its hundreds of columns fir splNuing is done on your ALL KINDS OF' PASTRY Theres new- strength for a vurholle year. of cable news, heid. it Ja3es f rk,.­,de WEDDiNO CAKES A tPEVALTY Sliar and flesh in every dose. I 'i c e of this papm DI, f(jr you, for every hair of i I ; Subscribe divect to the Star or through the of, it Wt your head is a fricr.d. we Nvill be glad We have all the lates'. IAaChiu- I can -1 lair AT; . ;n •to send Yost a few cry, and there 14 Do Ilecd (if Both the Dalbr Stav, and this paper for $2.20 for a ye"ar, tatty Rye b a 6`0`1 tl','I­ Io4 2 . IV 111C sending to the city fox' Your T1 21&ance will prevent th-. th;lkk Lt doses free. POOR ft-, -1!1", til"twit !ter. 96111% tiourd b bread Or Pastry. I t1be 704 !very t. tie Of ?i sitting. If thO VIU11110, it. %M er 0 Cribhz, begp#,I it w L D, LOUGHEED $g.0 X W*. A:! cw^; kv. SCOT'r & BOWNS , our ordnrs to MV4 lot. chelftist." . " M. . 0 0 A% 1-e -3- 1R 'its Torontot Ontario. .4 I-Ar-fb - "In I . "t, ** PRICE. n1JS,t V lA- _'k . t!JtbJ.'5; wj k. I TI Adfti;4. f T aMtNz, fx.jjj Uouse. mid $1, t •all *%r-d9lifs. ir"i low 'I, W. INGHAM