HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-01-22, Page 18TOL XXXII.—N'O, 1615. IVINGHA31, ONTARIO, THURSDAY JAN
JTARY 22, 190136 $1 A YEAR IN ALDIV
New Pos tore. Wear fxreWs Shoes and Rubbers, NOTES.
lage Stamps, Flour IF Fend 8 CHURQ�
Sir Willhin, ,, -Ck, Vostmaster-Geu, Messrs. How �J:r rey & Brochlo. The Aultual oongr q1tional mooting (1
oral, has decoded it the issue of a new b-tuic are, -wo upd f taxid., opening up a District rpge Lodge. the Winghant Presi yteriaa church will
for all Stomach Treables T
al lie
.Thank ond feed, stor in- the preutisoR ill Tito sena-ii �etJIJ7 of the L.'0. be hold ou Monday .1vening, Feb. rad.
deFiga of C sumqw, stamps, and, it he flour . m 0.
ribillittetl to I X :as held in Wilighanx Rev. Dr, Proulif Jut died in Loution, -
approves of 0111 , itra bear- Chisholm block, I lywoupied by Drs L. Dit�trlct L -Age 4
big all exquisite y guished I or a Ohio) "Ila as au office. Mr. oil Tuesday.afternokin, After trall
t t tinit; flT..udi.s. . sact. Thursday. He w ►s is Ilia Vild YeAr
You.. King Edward, he now stamps will go. Watt will have a rge,of the business, ing routine busin"i the followir1g, 0111, and was the oldest ember, of the L Douglass!
late use ill Jun or July.- c(rs were elected f0 the ensuing years--
don Presbytery.
WANTVD—A Apply a I). M., Jelin 0aseril re, Morris; 1). D. A. I; a meetiu- of le Strafford Prk
TIds store tenders Its sincerest thanks -wick Ron
I Brum Dr. •T. Olilsbol, , Wingbarri; Ohap,*
to those %yho to any do ret contributed House to ren near G. T. It. station. I tory oil Friday, ev, Dr. McLeod of Dyspepsia
to its success last year. Apply to T. A. UjIls, Mr. Stewart, Blot ale, Rec.-Seo., Ed., At twoo I wifs alto ted matleraEorfor. the!"
It is -cc which. Wingham F. 4 A. M. Sulitiston, Blueva Thus.
egrattiful. for A -o ultion next Nix mouth a.
its rtH to please have 0�veloped.
W, 11, Fargo i, 1,4q.. D. D.G. M.,A. Stewart, Bluevale; Treas , -Thoq. Abra.
Mr. Cu He Recovering, Mr. Thorn. The collectiousl of Sb Ptul's 01,urch TablWts
It dillizently strove to give it courteous 1, F . &A. X., )ViI 'visit Wing-harri lodge, hain, Wing,liam; 1_�cturer,
treat all alilce fill the flits, Mr. John T. urie, ex -Reeve of East, 86. QT. R. C., *4 Tui�4 -f C., Chas. Barber,; and Sunday Scho[il, for foreign mission
ecial Prices Feb. 3rd. ton, Blitevole; D..,
but the purest and
very. best of es, Wawanosh was I town on ri riflay last purposk.s. takou oilt Sunday lits.' amount- We guarantee an absolote
i All tile -ofilm-rs -re rv%w.sted to. attend a
it y9ar mperionott here has been nleaF:- -all meeting for rob Braid art Monday even.
it, th"'le
for the first, ti since lie was , till, ed to $41.. 3. ny
Y�OR io DAYS ONLY 1 an 0 find proatable, it lilts succeedc laid down, with (lt:,in y. Mr. Currie was ing, 26th. -4116t., 14d also, all the Post. I W.tNTF1).—A good, competent servaut . Special wFetinp of the Presbytery Of Cure for 11110 Most distress!
IS UOUt0a. confi o , bh�i S lit
Mi you. till, out- oustonters, over tied, t is I me for over three IMAsterst4ioca attend, T.IleD.D.G,M. girl, Nvages, s10 per irionth, TwOreal(Is Maitland will be )laid at W14 -ham OU
bit; w rather of a hardship 1 er be present if kept. 30 n to ODI
bty"s ousoomerit, en4oy all hin(bi oi , weeks and this
bill w
ls expects every x, b D. Apply to2vIrs. A. h. Gibson, Jau. 29th at I consider the �-`CaSes. When all 01hersfail
f or him, as this wa practically his firF;t Visit. resignation of Rr" IR: S. G. AndOrsou
succest; during the year j;eit entered ;his w
upon, is our wl"ll. possible ouhis, two', Give us a trial, and your
17,verything in Winter Goods personal experienc with sicknessd It A Buisi ss Change. and the appoint sue of a new OlerL. I
I'll I
We havophicedular gA orderforDlimor was the first time I e was ever treated he refoRded,
T and iau,ow. and Iroll6t; Sets, whIcli will be iri,,stock Store foi Apply to J. Outlielothill The Breeders' Advo- The Bishop ofHarou visited the Parish; MOODY Will
at co') pextweek, open for in4peLtion. by n libysic-ifin. � r. ' Currie's uially,11unintli. Cate, it Poultry, lgeou And Pet Stc;ck of Biryle oil SAday last; and opeuLd the
I friends lutes please( to see Ijitu able to ; pur, i il we do not satisfy,
A call �wlieltetl. CIIATOs TnmTUfo size, fcr papur publislitA t Petrolea, Out., new English clkluroh in that pltce. Rev.
Note a few prices :
Poultry Direct') E. A. Mill, ot Pxorrie. a former rector
1 be around again. I: conversation with $2,00, at Armstroug tF.- Oil studio.
Oulse(L. Tile Calla U
reg. out the Times.. man, Mr. 1irrie exprok!sed his at similar publicat ill of Woodstuck,011c. at, Bervio, Bssi�ted the —T'xshOI3 at the
price price gratitude to rat urn M4 oros, till be amalgamated
vjayers,pf Wingliani! 0 Match. The two pap
)VOrsiloes, $1.30 for the way in -whic i they stood by him 1 Tito tile opening serviovs.
Dienla heavy ( " � RN As lljl)�rso the'I"TIVILI)OAV enrling
46 1.50 1.25 1 1 itudoar the It f Th6 Ag ouglassm
HN L r 40 Bishop, Baldwin has•
in the recent Court CoUlloll election, eltih paid it fae0tv vl9l: to Win =ham "im
$I J.s5 1150 vocale, Bad vl,,�Iisl a at Fetroieti. TIAS appointed Uev, L. H. Buckland, of
11 -ell's fine
Ladies' Telt Shoes, fur GROCER I up I'ricla.y afterac - n last and ,laved n. MIll) ,lid nearly I,ji to lihe Advocate'$
1.115 1.351.1 1 Gravenhursr' to the reutorbliiii of Ohrisr,!
trimmed Prompt Delivery, PhOnO 59. - KONBY To Lo,,LN tit 4J.; per cent, on! frieodly •game vdth, ittexubers of tile I watt i
citcuitttiou, Bud w ally benelir,
-Ladies, Felt Shoes,- fur easy terms ret' re. M Oub, Att-je, end of the time I t it, fancy, Ski cauluil, tit Listowel. Tire rev. gentle.
15 1 15 Apply to A. loc.
trimmed, t loto lateres et ill iurile mail Ila$ tteepilted the appuintment, and
Laties' . Cardluni Slippers 1:85 1:0511 Dulmage, Kent Block, Nvinahalli, agi-eed to Play NJ ingliftm was two points cul its inailtIeLl'(111 ft'.cr asking.
Telt Gaitors IL50 105, �filiaad, lim. h\p miorox eucls, vera *09 Education
1*4xpeuted t� assume his duties there ou MOODY -Maki
1.00 Hbrber Goes Free. Feb. Ist,
ml N' 0 T I C E
44 Felt 10NV S1100 played arld* Lu4uow canitt out two
4 Felt lined Shoo 1.$5 1.10 .1 yoling Lnau im- Rev. 0. q. Keane, Whit"hurch was
jaced 2 50 2.00 Walter Hem. -1, i0o plentled guilty to'Points' lihoid. Tho llenall Club will W--- ---
it fine doing. Shot; of, prov4L-r ul ljIq1r,jAt10e to I le b et' bu�i- I LL,V% 14 lit t Sdtarday, atumflitig the
166. .0 2:2r) 1',851 If you want A house, ill Wingliam or time murder of Jcoeph Siston nearly tvvoi, visit Wingliara on F'riday eveiiing llvb,14 Illouhn I I CENTRAL
4. 2.1111 .(so aLy village or town within 50 miles, I was uronalit. It falitlIkI Of hi I Ili CIe, the late Jas. Kean
Mr. Keane ��, "no of the ii.-4tig youag.
Elmo) 145
oar shew yon the largest bollootiou ever; Yenrg ago, before QIAPf this week.. Apply'loUNtIsBarbur up. I STRATFORD, ONT.
1: 1.60 1.30 on list for sale in this. part. Justice Meredith Thursday, at Loudon, mail it, tile blettiodist church and by
T. J. .1VIAGUIRE, and was granted anew trial, tile. Crown 25 Years in Oddfellow• i nactirul al ill y -,%ill scop work his sorry' Young Men and Wornelly
prosecutor com—niting. A jury was I Dr. T. Olilblioln went to Fergus ou!.f )rii aal t) �:n respo..,ible' pcsi ion,
OT31a]ING Real Estate, and Instirance Agent, the Winghm pup Conceit Course.
V, IN DE BU L drawn from, an Ili,, spectators ill 01 , 1 , - what are you worth ?
8 Oct. III, Tuesday of 664 w ,ek oil a very pleasant Clinton New
S't'ool Shirts, .30 .3 court r �),tlt i ury leaving beau
That depends upon wliat -%-oil
75 5. .-40 2, Rvv. John Scott, D. D., who was pas- I
Dien's fleece & 5-1 nission. Twenw.►-five sears alto the:
00 1 Who Wants a Farm J? dischargPd 15' loilied the I. ). 0. 17, ill that town ! t,r of WiLiAll4in Alvih(,(li6t church some
It's Plea to , -'NorrIltuotbels.
not gull I after his Counsel had! hand education will always enable
THE FAMOUS andhewas invied by the Lodge to !t but %iho has recently
I have over 4,000 norm of choicl� farm landN: drfLwn attend tit to the fludiag of tho' valve -yearrs go, you to get a good position, but the
Men's heavy Caps, lit blue for sale, in 60, 75,100, 150 and 200 acres, lots In attend the rueed g oil Tuesday evening been PrIlivation must be 8trlCtIV fMt-ClaSS.
vt,goged in inip.sionary %Aotk lit
1.1.15 1.00 Kinloss, Greencult, Bruce, Rineardine Huron court in, th!a (-v lo of Gerald Sif ton, and Ryk
, , or CDR A11h
and black, and A.,litleld Townships. Good lands with: rl it, oider that Ili -y inighr Prebetit Min! jApfto, Illellcli a very acceptably in the; crive us till opportunity,to tell you
s heavy Caps, i a blue oil buildings to be % the Crown lit I declined to imosecute,
Mell? 1.13 io -old cheap Oil easy torills. 1 r Go U01 clIcirch ou Si.tridity last to good what we tire duing for others,
.4o a good sitivinill for sale, plino4t font gong. I jul,,o Meredit i ordered I lie jury to bring with it veteran's iewe'. Tile Dr. sPent'
and black, ft
Also a good lihicUsmith. shop (dwelling Ili cou- a very pipasallt tilliv nation his 010
Neu's beavy Caps, in blue 60 1 nection) doing a good business, for sale cheitp, ill (I verdict acquittal, which it Old. I O?Br.-k HO JS13, W.WGHAN1 9 Write to -day for our catalogue.
75 friends ill Fergu �. R's numerous friend,.; ge
and black, 0 ga7e utility illustrations of Studc�ut, admitted at any time.
A hotel doing good busineris tot- sale cheap. I
Alsonwagonp0op. AgenerulstoreNvirlilni,ge-I-lorbert%N-tis air freed.
Men's boaVY Caps. In, blue will joill with tit Tnirs in tile, wish; the pro re,,,s oftnli*sionary woea in thft
trade, live village. Also a large amount of
and black, .40 nione , to loan at a por cent. I or furrher par- FMAY, JA 23, 1901 9
�z- ared tu spend Many -attil. Tile many I riends of
llty )ears with us. W. J. ELLIOTT'
Vol rs apply to Highestpric.6 for turkeys. geeseAncUs, A that lie may be, 106 -couut�y.
.1, A. MCKENZIE chleGim, Potatoes, drieft plos, butter 1, Ray. Mr. Scot , were pleased to see anti
-ATJ ill IN, 4� SN 9(1, -and egas. lit% ib- 1`11,12KCIPAL.
ik�c q 'KI M;ibscribers hin, Ligatu. Clollections and stab 'UNINXI, Co..LTD. Will-Wl v Z
Now is 110 -Fe and Mo lots on catlitrillie
the tone to pick out your 1 only oil Moud.)Y, l 1 inst., at, it iJi,. at. Co S1 O's--riptions wei p taketi oil' behalf of the
-1; t
'Wititer Suit when Prices aro so low. the public ou Toesd , 20th lost. for sale. Apply oil time premiss so, and *.you should FiWERAL LOUL Nfl:AVS. I�p Specia Sesz' Mrs. 'S. UilelirLac. inic.siollary euxerpr6es of the church.
Pat tell days to do G oil-
-C, t, ' Plan atl-lalseyPa -'a jewelry store.
advall agU of t�ljis. gWab 21 Council By Ilia deat i of Rev. Joseph H. HiII4,. Tito, Parher Coii rt Compary
Prices of Suits, to $10.00. See Halsey Park's advel A special meeting f the tow pronounced ]lit tit' ret Hall la! -y"",
from 610-00 -tisement. - Mel 1 TICKETS 23c and ZSC CHILDREN 15. W,tigh-Cf-fltes Nuptials. Ion Sunday la ;t, the Methodist churf-h 101MMI,
all- at Nv 1:
E, verything guaranteed first -class. Campbell's Headache Wafers. guar Bug 0 grant as a rare inusioal*
teed to cure bearlache. there were present yor Vanstone nud; The marriage orXr. 1%lartiuD.NV . h � looses one of i a pioneer ministers. He; The entire pro rani
hi of Clinton, treat and the artists ill be long renre
A 7 •McIndoo Bell, Vanliroue. and Miss Clara Joultes. daughter Of, %vita born in t e township
pleasure to sliOW goods- Councillor., 11
Unreserved Auction Sale. Dulmage and Bennet . Tho Clerk read: Enterprise Cable News I John COjj1t(s. of 7:ast Wlkwatiosh,wbich 1 Lincoln, in 19, Ill 1839 he entered the. bered, in. this city.— trebec, Chronicle,
a letter from tit(,, We.- ern Co.,, Art evollintiouis oing on in newspaper- took IIaccv at the esidence of Mr. and INI. E. Church i d lit 1856 was ordained Opera House.Wingba , Friday evening,
1n A 'Unreserved auction sale of farm stock Wednes- as minister. continued !LL act,.vv'Jan V'rd.
Ho th Brusp I 911111�: implements allot 12, con 1, Mortis setting forth some disadvantagoa at1dutil. Theevenin paper has taken away !lits. L. Peareu, W. inglia tit, on
. I which they of w eek, was witnessed work until hen he was superanuu- I
MR I werb placbol, oil account of 'tho preetomituruce long enjoyed by the (lay eveuin�
t oil Saturday, Janlary 24th. Everything I A Few Cy 'cistris
Sign of the Big Bear. having no iin mediate access to the town iilornbig daily. -Ofacts are respons-f byo�,eroiiebtiitti,--�(iiiii-ite(Ifrieilds autilated. Dtiringlu lung career lie had
to be sold as the proprietor has ted Lying may be wick , but it is still
from their plant, and not being lit a po- ible for this. Our is that busy people guests. Tito cerei oily Nvns perfartuJid 1 cham-0 of Cmraf xa, Listowel, Tees.
his farm. Win, . . F raser,Drop; A MUC_ to read after their I fashionable.
sition to enjoy the to n's system of fire; have ulore thn by Rev. W. H. BT w3i, of Belgrave, as- water, Mount F)rest, Tara, Meaford i 0
E wen, Auctiollee-.. x leaving The faster a, nivin is, the slower he is
protection. A numbIr of other matters; day's worlz is do e, and the. second fact I sisted by Rev. R. obbs and Rev. F. J. and Thornbury circuits. Atter
23 Victoria �,r - was) i iding 1 about paying his debts.
Issued by PRANIC PATTIRSON, NO it, of Ashfield, The bride, %Tito S Thornbury he was appointed presiding I war(, luelitioned. Cruillingliani *; is that the big ws events happen for 0 . ate Luck is a miality ji certain thing to
iAreet.Win�-1111311.ont. NoNvituessegrequima,l Warited—S-eveoll farms to rent. was present, hi"the eve'llill" a and are fresher i van away by her eldest brother, John
Apply T. J. Mag -tire. t, pft . older of liuron iliitrict; for four years.,
opinion the a them. than when rved up next I or i Coultes, of East '1vV wanoill, was becom-; Then lie went to Meaford for 11 second sit around and wait
Fisi-i—Fresh w.Ate fish, trout, herring, d he went Girls who -would b y titled linsivands,
more direct means of access from the Then, too, nearly orybody is it t 'ted ingly attired lit w] ite orgaudie, while! term. After leaving Meafor
smelts, bloatert,, baddies, etc., at the ri; i must have legal tell er hearts.
town to the foundry. The members of ill the financial o - commercial , ets, the bridesmaid, MAs Bella Taylor, wore to Kincardine, w lere he received super -
"Star" Restanrai t.
A piece of a wom 'a mind is not good
THE the council discussed t a inatters fit all 'and these are pub shed led ii ever g papers, blue organdie. .Ton Pearen, a nephew anuuation.� For he last thir"pen years.
! for her husband's eaco of mind.
o. erf(riiied the duties of lie has lived in
informal -,Yqv for 'a time. Fill- of the largest C'I LSS, ill ie Toronto of the bride, p
-Nods of the con etation don't always,
Apples n the West. ally a motion was p ssed appointing: Star, twelve hon -a bef the morning groomsman. u1,,1tf the ceremony and sermon.
I u, the
comp, -ual Sall of OrY goods, ninutles. express approval f tile
0 1 10111. oreover lit the usual congral any ()ur art As an evidence od ]low inuch Ontario Messrs. Dulinage,Benn ttftudVanStono!paPer CA v -
DOMINION BANKI asai-t! and overcoats, is, -low on; 75c, ,31,00 and Evei'y cloud in %y have It silver lining,
.;12,) hoincspuri R, t mitin- a c believe it.
I apples are appro. fated in the prairie 'a committee to nscert in the cost of matter of gettin the world's news, The joyed a sumptuou repast and a pie SUc, 60c. and , 'at Only an optiAst call belleve
homes of Mauitobab, a well Dails, tar has its own cor- evCning Sens aft, Iwards spent. .2ilary, ;ioc; Frouch r1l 3 C �11 wool'. o
-known farm- erecting a f oot-bridge a rosq the river Toronto NV n,
0'1: -,in is uot in a calin condition
er, residing near Wlughain sent two and extending the water mains so as to regpou.�lent in Lo idoll, ai'd receives its; beautiful and cc ly presents attest tl.e 1 srylilsh Raglan rcoats, $55.50'. .1 nx.
nm, - when lie fill(Is it impossible to raise the
will occupy 1heir new 10 ,
barrels to his mi rried daughter out! give the found bles from him about everything popularity of the ridearldgrooni. Mr.:
I r" I t; re protectiou own I k�_ _. 1* vrijil.
there, and has jus received n. letter 1 service, and revot!t, lalut ta of, next regular of interest to C aindians: While 801ne'and Mrs. NVILUgh. will shortly take r -P,
-tile I ath of Mrs. Wynn. It is oll.1hpillt f r semi- men to keep
premises in papers are adv eating a Government; their residence it, Whighain, and have! De
from her ill which -lie says her children meeting of council. Pape
I - dway Ora- their 113011t1l's 811111V NNItea they have noth.
Mason Biock, 001)0- not only eat, the ap as without peeling subsidy to a ts ecial (!able service for, the lie.arty good --wishes of a large until- The followill" om the Mil . 1� to say.—Exclauge.
.1 latilan news ZSt"T bar of friends tot It life of happinessaud, ,tette of fast week refers to the death of
them, but also eat t 0 cores and stems The Tiers has authority to arrange Callatilall liew" pars, The Toronto
site 00, QuEen's hotel site said. it, won d not be well for dates alld terms for auction snli,s for has be,11 public lug for more than two prosperity. Mrs. Wynn, mot er of Mr. Uvol wynn.,
and Dr. Butler, specialist lit the diseases
of tIAs town:—T e (loath of Mrs. Jane of the tar, nose and throat. Eyes
]ter father to invite is grarldchildrell to either F. S. Scott, of Brussvhq, or Thos. years p-ist it (lit, cc Canadian cable service
Brown, Seaforth. The Car a., Ball Contest.
about Jan. 22nd. for it, .-eaders lid for Canada Wytm, rehet of he late John Wvuli - Of, tes�ed autiJ glasses supplied. Office, op -
oil or visit him over liero. o- they would bel
J It is u1nerprise )f this kind thathas pitwea Cont,,iewrable uterest and euthu"kism the -)lid con. of arrick, took place On polite St. Andrew's church, London,
Aikelytoeatevolithot esintheorchard,. Ont -win.
:sosearceare trees tit)( fruit onthofar! Turnbarry Agri'Ll Iturat Society. Tile Tnronto ,,car lit the lead o e all other is boing Inanif e hAd lit the carpet ball Tuesday mor 11 g at the residence of her
The normal ineetfiv of the T'LIVA)(Try; Torouto %niorniiig or evening, o,ong t imuiber of the f rater-
-western prairlds. colitests'l son. 0hrislop 1 . Deceased was about
-iety was held the 1. Until Monday, ()"year. (.J ag , and has been lit vary A. E. r, i B S 0 H, Man ager Agricultural Soc to' f
night I s"*h Matt held 1 d t I i e tort" r V feebli, It alth' r tit titin ;nal societies
Council Chamber Oil NVedoeSday after-. :he Mne"� feeble health e past year, It Winghairn's Leadinor Shoe Smie
NBY To LosN.—Molloy to loan, oil
1 MO. rhere was a very against kill Coon -.but oil that occasion 'Confined to 11 bed during that period. b
noon of last weer 1�
? , a t niourn her
notes, tuid notes discounted at reason- I ttendanev Of 1110 ineuilierg. 31r, J T cie the Soils 0 SCot- leave I death, three
mort. i goo( a the reprtsoutati- (10.
able rates. Money advanced on i I 9BFR 0013S i
Koffatt, the pro"idenrl Nvas in the
gages, with privilege of paying at the 11 J. .01, T R G Iriul wit-sted. Li ;.�aiue front them by a soils, Christ her, (�vorgo nue. llobert.'
end of any year. Notes and accounts chair, and tile ;,w et- ry rtnad tli,, aud- ;core oflit tol). Thi.4wa.-the first game and three ialighters, Mrs. Anthony,
collected. Office—Beaver-titors.-i-eport,Si-lilchkili wed that tile Sol. e (;arry a complote stock 'Won 1, the &oLhiiieii. and to fittlUgIY: Wynn, Mrs. Riebar(I Harper, Mrs. Jas.
ciety had Ila([ it very p ositcrotis year and Coln mcquoratt, tie C,,,vut the folloN�ing! Peterman. Mrs. Wynn has bee r ,i-
nfterpn,ving all Curren! -expL-mliture thert� lines werk, ponnt-A:— dent of Car- ick for nearly half a cvu-'
was it balance oil hal-A of $1.1,,%'218. A turv. a
M9 Death of a looser, The Dr-tellilftli � lv8:— lid vas very highly respected by
arve'Amau, sec- i
Capital paid up, $2,000,000-00. 1 Mr. S. Bennett was riled to Walton letter was read froul, 11.:1. -. —110-2 WATER BOTTLES flow loth till, ittle Im" iness bee all who kt.w leer.
Reserve V und, 01,600,000-00, this week by the de It of his father, i retary of the Fairs A:�boviatiotn of Out DcEght to b: rk and. bite;
•ProsidplltT(InN STVAUT, Mr. William Bennett, Ach occurred on arlar, re the annual nil-edug lit Toronto Their gadder limey till der day. Don't 3:te.
GE. S Ulid eat it a -Z der night. A watch swindler was arrested at BIG BARGAINS
1,4aturday last. The I to Mr. BenDett Oil February 15th aid 19tIL, and oil 1: __(',QX�DIXATI0'X SYRUN',
had rreachied the ripe ag of 84 years and n'Ot'011, the sceretary', Win. Robk�rtsojl. -1) V CER SyRI1N0E,,S Tho, S Drovimille oil Monday, He said liv.
_EAU Ji" VO 0I 1 11
'111, England, was appointed W tept e.mtir the wailtod to malte a short trip into the DTIMNG THIS
Ilow doth the )jjdnv,�s Maccabc.
1, zolin Prontor, Geo, Ronell. Wal- GibSon, A -P- Coming to this Conn y when lie was;! The officers elected weiv is follows'—, 'AJ6 rk and crow; Country to see re'latives, neceeded
A, Tonto M. P., A. U, Lee (Toronto), was It native of Col 1w. [ng. in 1 Honorary President, Henderson N AAL 'SYRINGES Tho)�Vtg1j(1)tiIt901lt111 livy hn(I an easy cinch, , and s
General Manager—y. TURNIAML, labout twenty years f ago, settli E1111 , lit getting a five dollar loan front a
T But found it wjuIdll*t go,which'MONTH I X
SgvInlrs:8ank—XorLrs 10 to Q; Satur(Iny, 10 Cobourg, where he r inaffied some three, President, J. J. BID eee- druggist of 'a golrl watch
to 1. Dapawns of Sl incl upwardgrecairtvl. livi -.�ud Vice lie valued it $30. Th-, watch turned.
terest al Ow(q.1, nu(I computed on the 180th o- 1 or four years. I o their inoved to, PU'sideut, NN- J. IIi Tit(- first Bee 1, -as a InOckliAg Bird out to be woletically worthless and the
Ivejaherana,vikmay earth yearand addedto TuckeraluithItONVIns ofratt, Secretanr Who laid, till � balls in lient, 1300TS AND
'p, being one of the President, John J. 1,-v
principal. having; Wit, Robertson;Trel"urer, It. A. Doug• int the .1tinet oil luail Of the ' 'jeotell- pollee platJd Mini U'litler arrest. He had
iia es of inte st 0 — TeO. have It line guaranteed 111all Is v till
apacitl Dbposits also rocelved vitenri-ent;ploneers of the —ron, Tract,
I IltVCEI for oil hint. a i atirked cheque for $1,504 be-,
settled In what 14 Iwown, as tho English 1,188; Directors 6S ]a 0 E S A T
I Ictloickedhi Cleall right off his feet.
;)rafts c,q (}roar Britain and the United ;settionient nearly a Xty years ago. About )Out, Maxwell, Thos. 1,1ternighail,W. Isilloislot, ncl%qh,abaul-,book tihowitig
tatLv Bought nud sold. ;
Travellers twenty years ago !10 sold Ilia farm ill J. Currie, C. A. T."intoll. John F. Link. The Outir lit. and the PqPOr 1111111 over A -Zoo o his credit, and three other
%Ilerg Oro notilled flint tholl-lillcof Ram- They thou flit
Alton slid it,4 Branehes i, Irenlar Rates of Tuckersillith and I 311glit property, nerilf later, R. A. Douglas!, Peter Fowler. they'd make it Chum- 'Watelles. He had a letter showing lie'
isle 0
noland, Limited,
whii,.1t can U, (141411NI Without charge or trou- Walton, whorp I lived tI e balance (.rivt. r,-; a Call and save utorley. put tllt.v to fieri qn(I fled when they
National Provinelal I'la"It of U of Anditorsj. ,`i, XCLeal, and 1,101it. Currie, six watches in Toronto
bla lit ally part ortho,%vorld.
W. COMIOULD, Agent Ilia life. lire, 130111 tt was it tiniet, in- jr, A good set of eirt:ers and directors Dear it said, froma,%wiolesale ilealer for 6I.N. This
V. solicitor. dustrions lliftll Of orling integrity and have been elected and AVinghain shoul Ll Campbells are inial w.,14 ill i�arrlston Inst week, but we
L. 33110KINS01 '�: WALTON That the '14 il heard f any victims, although
Christian charliete, ,and a stanuell, Lib- hilve It good fair in Septonilier, i,.Kv I T)w barge` -o "I
MGKIBBON :- - and the tailor itN 110
—Tile Trum', tintl WeoklY Mail allot I �rai !it polideo. I a partner ill life oiled. The TnIn, NVIII gdl 6 tho cftk�ers .11111 "I'llpli oil It pig(�011 wing lie at'rI Anita Lt nn. tab or of b e ople
Ernpire till lmt.lamiarr, 19011, to w directers all tile neqi1allee it van in; i)rq� tician I'lli Chi' 1) itir's shears were rathor,
tin about five years a 110 letwes, st himily Ist and Op Ifun:v e did bite it is safe to $1114 that .a
ass 0
I Have
0 r
y ,uiber,
0 V!,
Nvj I
L. ti
'0 j' to
'a., c
at -
r g'
v e In
-1 illt
0 lw�- /T 'i
.e, 9
Subscribers for $1.15. Troi;u i Aeture. fair a rec3l.d. i we IV nevekboar of it. HaTriston,
and Of 143vell, two join are Mr, S, Bell. Order to uuttko the 1,10 W11
of z, eft't'i Ofrle,�. g
to now and old subscribers �Ny
$Mpire, nett and Mrs. He y Lloyd of toNvit. Vreaker, And", Jatwof the 1119bland Fling.