HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-01-15, Page 8M THE WINNGITAX. TIMES, JANTUAR.Y 11% 1%1 -The ianuttrynumber of il(t:Ki)wtuth Eta has it splendid Weturo of the 11telxt ,'�4 ter ri�P r�R�silN'i f ill _: bl'1'A-Of 015NNvetltiVOOomntittcoof tl,e Price Epworth League of the i'c ill€,ham Meth- odist, aclist w. Is n once was. People want �,. ('� r ' �HIE lA>� � B �•L1� �•-Iieilewtlls allcl flog subscribers litho of the attraction l been pouring into the Tigre during the on it ' t pretty articles now, as they always did but more thorn lie they want them of good quality, 'first few dtlyrl of January. Now is a a Food time to attend tn• this ilaportaut good to look at and good' to w r- that's the hind of Clothing and �.•' duty. See our Glubbin4 lis6 fn this Furnishings A. X Smith sells. tuying in the best markets, 11$ can afford to sell high-class goods t low prices. " Hest fitting," ORO , issue. f, �' exclamations of sone of our The hest suit t ever wnro, +� re theZ)1Lo(;k-wTakin6 -The old att county . on. T slay, will be ilei( at Gotlerinil on Tuesday, customers the other day; "'clod ought 14 frulil A. R. Snaith, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of Only it coat In �lringhanl, and hive again carried oft the Bald medal Mixt week. The prize list will ruts be, of popular opinion frons 1111 ttnpetitors as tar Tax selling first go tweell $500 a1111$U00, so that tho iuciuce. 1 eiothing is concerned. Is th 'e any pian or l oy in NVinghaui, ft uin nlellt should be stxoul*, enough to draw a the largest mini to the ata ie bats, who can. sae' that A. R. Slnith.'s 'very large entry list froth Hama and Clothing does. not give sat] at tion Don't think theta is teno, There outside poultry fanGiors and breeders. fore I Intend tostay In Wing) ata. SR come on for bargains for the stock tak e now on, aRes plaw ct>lllri[16Ville month of January. ,lt,ll.. next 10 s, first cls s gr piece Suits sizes' S, 2Uf ,30, :11., , 2, a Y Mri�l*7ras-In Cniloaa, on D t. 3r(i, the Boys, p 4 33 and, I stock- we will sell 1111 Anter = •111115 -11161 t)flrlilnzie; a daughter. short pants, going• tit - 0 00, $:3 50, 16.3,76, $4.00, $4 00 dart $5x0 In order to reduceour large Wst•rrr,-•-wlo%vtvr, oil ,Ian. 6th, tho wife If you see 1t in our Adv., it's t net 2 piece Suits at $1.00, $X, 75, $2, $2,25 Uocdd at great reductions duting the next thil•ty days. � of Air. xNitWIlite;uson. Boys,' Odd Coats, from 26 to 14•, for - - $1.7G HntYEX.-In Wroxeter, on tau. tend, tho wife Men's Odd Coats, all wool, w Ill wool lining, at $2 Tri of Wm. Howey* a son , - - - rgoo and $1.25 Men s heavy Pants, Al1A tIR•-On B. line, iiotvick, an Tan. 2nti, the weed 'alit& 1.40 --no butter in the trarle. FBLANKETS Pl, ly i SH E ETI N GS wife of Wna Adams; a son. Our heavy 4 verb: •day • Li vt7:iAx,-ln Blytlt, on Dec. 13th, tiro wife of Seip our linen's Suits at - $.1 00, $5 00, $6 00 and $7.00 for the neat ton s he lowest price Weal Blankets, l 1.rge size, Fltncy colored l7arders, at a. Saolvi0o t. -in lTu.lott. on Deeon,ber 111th,days.le o th t wife u Lindsay; .T H. F[ulic Hallett. on 4T tnuhterlst, the Call a11ri bee the latest std QYerCOats at t reduetioa of .1 off the regular sale price. MAA.i1Pti. I r re and white, extra wide. real;lar wife of TusephMannin.-i it son. A. ' � ��� CM.SHOLn BLOCK All wool Sheetings, grey HVr'10N-in Cairotat, oil Jan, ist, tate fvifo of reItie i,)n price - - .65 T. u. Hutton; a son• Price aJ04, a1I<1IL11I1:1) . Union Sheedngs, grey and white,, extra (vide, reg . lar �., ,. ,, , , �, � . ,, � k.:-.� �. ��. �.� •c�•t•�•� :• :., �••:' • � f Youso-Ismizy-At the Recto+•v. Wing - .503 ; •i•3't•g a Y�"t �••?"�e:3 <I.7•.'i ,1, price 05e, reduction rice -]lam.oulann:u L40%.byRev.Rm,i.owe,);obt. f _ Yonug,� of Nta ara Allis, Ont. fotm�riy of t fQli0wln 11l16S C"Ails, ,tcMiss Uer}inrdN iiu,suy, 1f Aiingtnra i Fa1Ly, N. Y- ,' jai + Glearint Reductions in h � � rleLtt07>-L17c1 r,E7oAV—Att11P u1anoP, Ford- { wick, on W, dnesday. Deo 31, by the Rev. A. B ,� + fete's and Boys' Salts and Overcoats wullfuu � Dob 1n, T,( ATeLeocl to M+ ss Mru0g . is Little,3 n�hn, oldest daughteror Alex. Littleaohu 4 00pUU •,lc' ail of Hotvicic , Lthdies' mantles MoAurnipt Fo07.'e-At °Na•oriln on Tan. nary 7, by R <v M:. Edaiet ds, F3 ell wick T. G. I '+ r ��1r8 of till kinds. NoArthur, bnllistor, Carivan, Munitoba,°to envy Dress Goods Hary Ann, d:tuginter of C11av1Ns 130010Son- forth.• '1• --Ladivs' )inti Gents' Drool U nderwear, and all other � BisaxATft-RAxvAttn.-At tltN rn idf+n" (f L tl,N bl Went;. Pitts, EthPl,op Dec Bernath, .. MY NECESSITY YOUR OPPORTUNITY y � goods. ('. F. wells, B. A., B. D, flea Bernath, of Daltotit, to Mist Erna , fourcll daughter of Air, t° heavy winter' d and Ails. C. Raynurd, Ethel, s _ A PH.&S :n-STrwAUT.-At 010 reeiciPnce oft , M Sirt151actlon guaranteed a t � y ••� Gew-ge srewart. cuu,in of the bride, Toronto, t• + nn DPeenilyor 31�t, by Rev. S. Ca,•••nthers, �• I have in stook a vert* large assortment of Ladies.' ,and. Gents' Oha h a Mr>tsNr, of Blyth, to Sadie, ttuughter I +� j l,.�7 of Mr.JmnesStewart,ofBlyth. . 1 `l' Watches; (gold li'tnge, 117annte(1 with diamonds, opals pearls and ,I, RITCHIEC AM P B p '0110 4 •` other precious stones ; Lovely Brooches ; Bracelets, Ladies and Siu7ati-In y W nnghnln, on Janua13th Cin• - ence M., illfant Son of Edtf9ry n and'A]iee Gents+ Chains; Silverware, Cased (foods, Novelties, etc., etc., + Snnth, aged it months and 10 days. I i. SU14c1b18 for Christmas. ,+ Dl nxr —In rouiwieln on Tan. .5, Ent liA � .b _ ... _ .... _ �.. _. y curs and 14 d Aoteicic. on Tan. 5, any, aged be SOI( a IsabPila be- '° ✓o Ml%3.R L:CCAL; . -Regular meeting of Camp Caledonia, lova( wife ofJohtBatb r aged 9.1 years and + As I must have money these goods will at +. 0 months. I Song of Scotland on Monday evening 1 rices duril;n the next two weeks. .g, ` (Tiles#CTtlh this-,seekhas made news - ROAvttolrla•-Ix1 aoi ttlr, off harcloy, Tan• p a . { next. ` 9th, ;Ethel Gladys, daut,•hter of Churns Rind- IIi v .moi, i toms it ver bCai'CC article• l ltottSo, aged 6 years and 2 months. I.1• SALE IS NOW ON ! •i• y i -W . F. VaiiStone shipped a car load 0Aitsoor•-In Gorrie, on Tun. 3t•h, wiliiaul •I• THIS SPECIAL I _r -F: ltl the T1111:s clubbing list before of ho •s and D. E. McDonald a car load I Carso , n;ed 8;yta r+ nn:cl 1 ntnaths. ° + WALI.Aei9-In Goderich, on Jahn ry Ist �' B[ 1�OiV ! SAVE MO EY! •t• prderill,g year reading; matter, of cattle to Toronto on Monday. Alexander WaltacP father of W. H. Wallace, Y1rmc ray of wint,ham, aged 133 Sears and .1: �; i -- ,t,,I t.telslullicipal conllcils held their i —The Young Ladies Fortnightly Club m11,t11s• t'•11b1111 ut t.1 nneetings an 1Tonday last. f twill meet Monday evening January 19th % A L E Y A R K - •:lir, L. J. Shelton. a former resi- i at the home of Miss Lorne Gordon. WALKER OROS. % OUT rm ' :h ,lent of Wiugham,was elected n. member 1 -,The statutory meeting of the Wing- � t � ?1Tacdonald Block. ,��W�LER •+ the WtIlkerton Coulton. haln ,School Board will be held in the � UNDERTAKERS. WINGHA3N. � + '-1Tt T. G. Tipliug who recently} Council Chamber on Wednesday even- Night calls at Button Blook, or Fifth i °O :• � �` �'4'�`� �`O�'•�� ��� • •• •'�' t"�� � r''K �t••i• �:� 3• b•*••§• 1••�•�•. t••i••II•d••?••€••1••l• 1.4 .� door south 0f aohn0l 61(55. Shop op• _ _ - _._�- sold 1, is gj6v ry llusIUM in Goderlch ing next at 7 o'clock. posite blaedonald block. t ' iuttn&4 to go West it, 1liarc;i. -Division Court sittings will be held -- city el-eltailge says a business mall in WingHam during the nreSent year as. �._ = �,�, _� 1 b. ran tell the ell muter of t1 town by Iook- , follows; -February 6th, April •nth, June sabe ?UX at tih.• ud vertising dart of the local iI 4th, September 10th, Nov 15th. rapers. t --The Timms is sorry to learn that Mr. Heavy east iron scrap. ' Highest cash --The Wing -ham merchants Have been T. J Maguire. real estate agent, is seri- I priee pail. Immense b I 1 11 busy stock for the past week. I ously ill. He hits many friends who Tim, WESTERN FOUNDRY CO., t 11y' The stormy Breather gave thein plenty ;himill wish hla speedy recovery. ! _n. - Limited ,•, AR qys Q INTER LOTH"li ttnSp for this annual work. - bit.Thos,Browu,auctioneer,basbeen 4C nteham, Jnn. l3, I903 G OUT �M --'rile This;& man was pleased to have i appointed agent in this district for this MEETII\''G OF THE a hand shaie with Peter Fisher, jr., one ; season of the Deering harvesting ma-1HURON COUNTY COUNCIL qday ins„ 'weekWe, e are pleased to see cbiuery. but will still follow his calling, huff' able to be around again after his an ctioneering.-Seaforth Expositor. Il BUYS' SUITS, I � S 1 S C H O ®L COATS AND OVERCOATS R C, O AT S severe illness. I --14Tr John Davidson leas (lone splen The Counei] of tat( C1rara}u,n Of the C,runty , 1 , ' did work with the snow law on Win-- 1 of Ilttranl will meet Ju t,1N count it chanil)•1� in { i annual meetins; of the Turn- { C p t tilt- rown of Umdetich on •1 u' et ly, the :.telt ]tam streets for the past Week. Mr. I day of the present nio tth, at 3 oilock r.ar. 11C l�rGtty' L1('llr Cllr O1V11 �110E. ]err kg'ricultural Society was field in � W. LAXE, cleric. l thA Ttnvil Hall yesterday afternoon. I Davidson thoroughly understands his >Jutocl a} C4�le, ieh thta L'Jthdayaf Tanuary,10o3. i Thi+ TI:l31s'goes to press too early to have 1 business. aatl�ort of the proceedings for this both formerly of Wing ! Albert Martin and MaryR. Stark I NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS , ham, were mar- Don't 112155 the January Bargains In this great e -- Reale( tenders will be received by the u nder- ried at St. Andrew's manse, London, by i signed for ".Che- Bliwrale Cheese uud Butter co. 1 -V, r. and ;firs, Halsey Para were at theRev. R. Johnston, The happy couple 1 41;L�imited(up to l2 o'elocic noon of tlfo 2stl1 dnv 11 U P e,1, to the members of the Metho:list 2muary next• ] ur the de:t,rint; of 111 senson'a are spending a fete days at the residence on cream on the different I•uute:,4. AL,,) for the I N 13 church cltctir. with their Husbands and , - .filling of the ic:• hon- frith shot) io0 tong off { of the bride's aunt, kits. McKenzie, Ile vs t t tust required. , tee txiorP of I . at d tl: sn f c elSANKH T STOUK SALE Our stock is again almost complete after out: immense Christmas trade, And here we wish to thank our numerous customers for theirzliberal patronage during the past year. Our aim for 1903 will be to have a still better assorted stock., with prices whittled to the finest point. If you are thinking of buying some 1 urlli- tore see what we have in —BEDROOM SUITES, SIDEBOARDS --EXTENSION TABLES, COUCHES .—DINING ROOM CHAIRS, Our Mattresses and Wire Springs are of the best mare A good assorted. stock of NVindow Shades still on hand •4Z1'e do a tremendous Picture - Framing trade. See our stock of Mouldings and get our prices 1 I I RusiDENCE—PATR1CX. ST. Furniture Dealers �. - S. eraaey's firmer rl receive And Undertakers, �t137a " jV(j Jj where night call, will recelvo ! i 9 y prutnpt attention, I'HOl\ E 61 Miss taurine Agusta Raiser bi tSOPRaN01 L 0 G T TEACHER OF VOICE AND PIANO. t at tl!/ iSighGd1Yb• *CONCERT ENGAGEMENTS ACCEPTED. Rosiden ef• H. B. Elliott, Frauees St., Winglial". We are prepared to pay for T. J. MAGUIBE First-class Maple loge .....$14 per 111 ACCOUNTAXT, REAL ESTATE, First-clllss Soft Elm logs.... 14 " INSURA1 CE AND LOAN AGE.b; T• I' first-class Rock Elm fogs.. • Arg " First-class Basswood logs... 15 " First-class Beech logs....... 12 " Accounts, Ron},y and iV-oto, Collected. Cou- voyAneing done, All kinds and grades wanted, RESIDE1 CE-Leono.d stref Call And get our prices. _ OAR FCR RERVIC -- wives or sweethearts, on Tuesday even- ' +fore leaving for their future home in i Aiso icer the Buttermilk bum the lncomin;; t s —_ � aha season's inake of butter. Tenders for drawing 1 sr very pleasant time seas spent II1 T uuder:i; 1 will lce e7' for •trice on Ili, �r � ASsinabOta. � cgrnln and for bnttertnilTt • hill state prtce per - - - - - • -- -- he E f � Canada arl��ture Mfrs.. $iC.ganics and Social Intercourse. linndred Mi. of bntter made, andO tenders or prelniaes, lot '313, 10, wawanush it Limited. tL it' The Parker Cent all have never been i • � ° � lar •e, Improved. En i e slllri• Boar, whiell . OrERATL\t: p y ice will state trice• nor tun of ire. The Com- 1 " he l ct5inesS mall who advertises ill excelled Here and we dO1lbG if over equall- i litany wit] only) a man to a. fist in storit•• ive, ]tits been &buten nt ngtil bl al shotvw for two little Cr uU circulation r+ . { untl the c•omatractot will hoer to pay ono `half j gears, and iia& alway. on ret] ticket. SII@ �llftOli 1tI lC!'Ci�SI9312 t� lltlil' pe er with + Gd. ,.eery nietnber of the Company 13 of tti tt n =cs. Any further inflrmtftion can be i AL o trace for sr a uttnib ,f Breeding I SIirl3etl to eau advertise what He has t0 all artist. They won a warm glace ill ortoted�indcir}fityaPcgl'to any of the AfanagerdDULM-AuEl 1 Ruff•&. fiyl anci.i nlnflhs ohl,tvitl nee been �'21.Ci03';"a bred front thi oar. NO (Ale oral one, fit ��T i JOHN BURGIMS, Seetr., ® for service nrP. (041i,rnerr far :tie. Xd ham Ont. sell Syvir ire it will be read by thousands the hearts of Hamiltonians, who will be ! Blueville P. O. I P. CxIBBONS. AIaruucll O. Wingham, •' within reach of Ilial, is like the farmer only too glad to ]tear them again. -Ham- i Bituvale, Tan. ; th, 1::53. r ^t bo soils Lis grain upon sandy soil and iitotlian, Ilamilton, Mo. Opera House, ;_._.. _ (!EpeGta tilt` z auto returns as the mail 4i Ingham, on I'xiciay evening Jan. 23rd. i Glu l� a� WANTED. • - - i AIc/ AAAAAAAA^AAAA �AAA!'+OtJ ^o%A A^Aoh^AAAAAAAAA AAAAAA^AAA A hAAAAP%'+A/+rMAAAAA✓ Ao%kA^A^AA^ eciia o•-,lv; on rich, well cultivated land. ! Plan of hall at H. Park's Jewelry store. "- AAAAAA/MAAAAM ) _ Ten :� will be recei. ed by Geo.. Mat le AAAAAA AAAA I or the owing prop, up to t a 20th of � � < This is the'oni work which ihorou iii silvers the entire continent >• ji of Januar. 110•,. 1 " !.... :. . . E Block 1-•-L ntprtwng three bit' trios s drat• Spooner's p0V11ti�i'6d r v, of o and ttt ( tier 1 atom s on of . stc 't side Free Gros -cries acid rockery i , of Tmephtn st e t I oleo':. sit ey. fir o Bl°ek2 Lots nclS C'or it's,ttrvft, with flee buildinyv; P7 t1, I eet Store, t +r Confe'. < 1 Not exactl%- but ave are sellinX_r� an lines at less than tu,uersandL'altei p,tt3 atifdfetvalthotw-, %pay Me 10 086 di 2 .> S� cllbiusic (:tort an P togla;h gallery, (i3ph Why? (Dvrllhng, wholesale price, �� hS , We Wanr sto A reduced before I31ork& Partlflo d, neuplecl n8 Gro wry. � le nl . , A Barber shup anti D edit (� rifo --A ggqt, d9ift411�ft Mir ,G&`Clli'Y1c TTC ln�, to take StOcl: at the +'n the month. Rend Oi7Cr t Bloclt d•••Dfrelli n 15511 ` d by ara?, with lot . , • 9 I �� #P' N D •• { I »and,'.() Brig* Terrace, t;re•"oiy*s surcev.' a ew tali'. Il`rt bUv C'ill`1V gild Often. T is IS Cilli' 1 Blocic, •Net bttcl hnttse !tilt tltis ,•axon, < t Iot 9 with or •]thout I, 3 or f r ner(s of lan l C Disinfectant q < attached. JANUARY STOP TAKING SALE, ! Teru,Q lrea,t,balanceI Ira- (mato Knits < Edited by L. H. BAILEY, assisted by ,• C tons, sareIII o.erfiv,.oeA% .ua,cn;er ! C JVVVa++'AIVNo1Vv i YOU R� P �E BENEFIT !ratpay:i,leyearlyat 1Surr cont. o tenant' y , }}nlfvoc ploy any of 0%)(-r csto bo removed ' � �� IL1I1✓I.M i11ILI.I;Imo,• and illclny expert C.11lti�"i1tOIS tin+� �7CitilnlStS. i inside of one car front d ty of s€'l ° t-Itluntt 1f s (x'li[1C:L1llt1llG + X� L�ULa x,1 1 lthei cln.entYaolong astlley p''v the reatc The best 1n the woritl; was rC In 1 our Large `%olumes. 2,C7t�0 I7Bgr�S ttIt11 Y,80U Illustrations. ., firm •tually to Laid purchaserattli rani rent awarded two gold medals at the 6 r Gold 1.);:at for 10 Powder, t iy 0 rasPecyte•r:'etnow t•]n li(a inizjin(-. for earl( bti..'ngj World'sY'air, Chicago, was used i �izc•, :1 for - 10 Sareelitnb reductions in illi , t 1st. The most comprehensive, 'clear and coo 'etc desert tion of the vegetable world. parately or in blocks. exclusively in the stock depart t p ` p' p Gold l)nat N ashillcl VOWder, talo lines from 20 to o per Gent. (#EO. DiC IiI:AiZIF. 1 � metlt at that time, r � ,� z;y ±size, 2 for - ,�; p -. < Wnd, C or file ultivntlon of all species of fruits,vegetables, t onvenient till( �raetieal directiot]s t` c s e . . ' s '• m]ae�rta7BtttttasrPowder, 20e size Iry Come in and look at the bar 6 ! Protect your ]tomes from cult- flowers and ornamental plants, SUM% boet Sulphur for - - 2a' gains. This means the above ! QST ®�� tagious disease, � 1 3rd, Serviceable suggestions on the marketing of all kinds of crops, based on the result 9 lbs lar at fial,toea for 2, tura3 ((1 fro the remfticgof the in ersig•' I of Fears of experienced rbwrvtition. askance Maple Leaf duality, till II discount off all 1'ancy (roods, + ned, Lot st, Co 11' East Waw 1as11, tut or, its use is adopted by the ]lest j �, 'ja 1.2120liar far - -00 Vases Bread and Butter Plates I abotxtt. w ;?9ttt of eve±ober. tcltcil t illi(' i fa,uilieti ill the Dominion. � trio 10r bar for - .UF ' , Saoutthol24th o% tee:;. u . white btenieI 1 4th. In short an autboritt£tive, attractive, interesting reference hook, invaluable tt 2J Bread Plates Cale Plates I:;nti shirttail. Arty 0thelsonlevf.7ack.. � to everyone L'ngap,ed in nClj' fUrill Of tlgriCUltilral 1101°1:. bbtra Ecllpt soap for - Trays, , r. I Artie,( l:naW41.1Z ling ht• whereabouts To prevent. such dltipases a>i t GLlt Gilt �lmeertt (nRI.Ml. ,,,tktp for :.3 y ` n , . 'tiro do'• will retvardfai V .ftnnniating i cholera, smallpox, diphtheria, 5th. Absolutely up to -date, the last volume llt'tving jtist'been issued from alld mail I ra s J eel St tt5, .thio Sates, .,f-ith InP. 114A U � xr,r , p the press, at ilea to tate .inMIS :Soap for 2:a " , a . y Win, n P. 0. i scarlet typhoid Anti other fevers, hing Powder, i; pugs .:a . Toilet Setts, Dinner Setts, sari ! - is easier, cheaper atx(11noxeiutelli• i . Blttty, Fi packatYes fox - .10 t ( gent and refitted than to heedlessly — - - — 'virtue & Co. $2 r g P>"er, ller ib Ater efts. Also Teapots, :i•y Hates 1 , # 0ook's Cottt,011200tr Ciompound , breed then] and afterwards on. Special 'Oile;�' Ghureh St, 'Toronto ret, per lb a- Bowls, jugs and Hates illiAdeavortocurotThemwitllrrlttticiuo I s mtccessfu]lq used martth]q by oter ; .lkvttm Ball PiGI.1Ctx for 2'i ;Irocl:ikl' haul i4'i1rE', 30,Oo6ltldias.Btlfe,efteetual.LadtoyatsY;, e it*s lb .2, - ' our druggistfarcooks Cando Root t:as•' t/rl A large llandsoine prospectus with samples of bealitiftil Illustrations of (."vola twilix (tit An ericaliHerti Errrprmtc P itCl , a Gran. �'itipKar ftrx y:a peed('. Take,no othr. as all 3tri tures, pills and tYVVl/V representing rare planto 'mailed free 'oil application to culture in The Winitkinin Tine*, I __ _. _.._ -_ , itnitatieng argil dnntterous. X' i , o. , $ l . ' o. shall bit pletrctxi to rereg{t•P prusifretii.. > t Cit711'h0 laurtar for 2:, lyes, «t+y, 711, Id dtgrers atringer,$3 par 1101. No, a t lniy r .,c a packe pe, Sold by yonf]rTf itlttvtratiou,, et(„ clay tun partial• +,.: �! Icing I9rtc ar felt ::r Ior2wsilMonrtodptofprieeslid two stent; t��t y� y� t;r y y '# Iar:iregarding Prlee. st��ain�t� Tho 1`rrrlk t<ennpunq 1Vindmr.011t. 11 t' YIP .L W 18 W0 .Lo�+`��lto ftwo a tlae+ oar Tms and I t pays to buy at � �•'sloe. f atnd 2 wti l and ree0lnmr,Ilded by alI t TtaMS'A:`1(x111; 1{ETTl:R, ri powdble Druggists t% Uttnada. M "th �� Church tree), ��_ t1 Mai'ing it hire+a ' Cf�li���Y aut� I N : 1 � �!y� Iyy�/� t Y,a1I lltt+t bre +ctrl 9n triin,thtlflf l+y A. fr. -tA6AAA ,A:lAdMltitiAAAA/�'/i 1AAltiAAhl11�11t1%Il Pe Vill'�,7v� t (tem tt.,rr• Cutin Jt. S lnt,3,+ li, li. A. lh,tt,..In+s r l 1 1J1i i i a■ cl T. S Dtrrlfc 'LJ�nlhiWA6/ti%`i%11%4