HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-01-15, Page 6, V y Tlll4, W1 NNGIT I V. Pull `!"our walaht. Tho veblilenoo of Mr. Go% DaNdul-111. I Z - , -, . - 1 # . r.a. 11 r 11 . lubloaddress in -fore the .1.,s*nw 1 uric jarr Ift of Progsels w the ilvouts 0 411 Wr ­ ' I I .1 MOM olluesday, Jan. 7sh, ., ? Chamber of 0014 mlvo certinsouy oil W X ?14W rvoostlyeltoatd-, ""Pine final;, 00 00 HEALTH 0 theocoatilon in-ing tho wedding of Urs. 5 :4 1 good oidzell ill till$ WpUbIlo of Ours mail'$ giottr, Miss Ratio Dattoll, 0 it K 410 to pull III$ A Toronto, daughter of the late J(Alil, is that Il'o shall Ito W antl ]herr Nvilo. suffer front Dotton'. 6t titratford.-to Mr. R. A. Hull Ito shlilli, lint I*jt more. Nve,%, •I)jeloz or paill ill , the lunibar of Dorolt. aw, J )hst R)ii. ofll.jio 11 isseuger, but b4all (10, him 64-Ve i a the To preserve or restore it, illerC is no better tell. I rintt; eAVh goneratiou 09 us finds -svo men an ur, aull 1grs. hull departed with 040 f worl; d cl1ildrcrt than :swription for men, I take S`T% 1491ts NVA- nd; They Ura- Oteritooti train for Detrtj% where the> Nally 110 114 shall show .1lot only li N%.lIiC1r 1*,, Tes rLplark-AbIc Joi:lg this w.)rl; lit) Vri' ans Tabules. They, are easy to take, -ncdiciv,c3 approved tits hiflnellee oil fillIctioual dtlul ge- will in fqturo resilde, tho capacity for stilrdy holp blit, self. arc made of a combination of i rt panr, Ta A 'prill lie reg -r4 t' )r thi '44144s of every physician, bullos are thL. l;itJiit3•.;, and t. xe well to (10 119 and used by !at tolIC MA1011 OU IU4 -%Vhole 111 he the baclivior, v6hu Was b0119 tett8e(V I' athers.11 m by all sorts of people—but to t widely used Ill Inary .4yAcill. young Women of tile, club for out warry- X_ •The Llu-)QI1I Xisv.i O1M'n11ls`M,1 011 )--day folks they arc a veritable. friend jug, offered iu make tht. g4l wIlu'll. tile plain, cvct hav j,l,111,% v,. pjr bladder this Statement Of J.resident ne: their stan- s cure 5 o becor T, or Ill need, Ripa .abu.1cr vlabshoald elect his wife, lost to show tri)sllbles VmLl J)',Iillq Of A1iCtllr'l"OV1 f Ilriuc and clear- thelti. that lie was not averse to luat- bodies tile terie. philosophy of dard family remedy, They are a dependable, hones 11,:11)ing the lluiv o Ily. r,4 toll girl, welit to it cortier And record, to jtf;twlany ediment. ST-JA'AlEs riuA,) Alo 1"5 QCNTV LIVERrto, vail your wul,ht. D). uA i est rerned ,t with a long and r,.uccessful o6 potent se.xual wrote her choice oil it piece of pap. r ON AND S, be cure IEL W.W-n­s at There wer" e, a drag. DO 110i; let the twitV hori'l - indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual cmd stubborn disgaisjug her latudwrililla. j W arL. 4 heartburn, dizziness, pall the losid, v. hilae You walk M itli qlaol; i constipation, offensive breath ero are Ili- lullideo h ries w ho muscular tu,. Th b 0 uble Inetubers of the 011b, And the retialt heart, .6cepIcssneso ''k zip stonlaell, ()Ile vote fur each. Tile youilg palpitation of the h( ST. o": 'l VAvruis h- -tie SYS pull with all their might mull there are vcr com- TEN bowel and H tutriment man is still a bachialor, tint the club is r1l, sour stomach, bow rlleur diges elld the 1 .atis d, and this is the InAd r -fitihie suesIhs who PrOtOnd to ,all while oclh: , build 'Lip -AZAN-1 EYFE-CTUALLY; I lie pallia;, at ponlid. tliroli,,,rh. the 11100 broken up And its menabers are all , plaints. They st-mgthen weak stoin. y tire in reality not k) gethcaith and -strength, jt one another.blood, good appe- lionest Nvay dow passes often ru, n - n. systems, restore pure Too s1wtutor or the r4i'It ZV11TH10 WEAK. yelops and p L,verybody derives 9 ilm Mild that la:-ts, ders why tile (I '.1 11 rite and Dound, n kOTOMACh,W,i fliAg . Ja U wo river hoeps flicking atural sleep. q4erliN, ,IOHAJ IV cnergy which accom- 0i Ripans 'y I'l-ceds tlle 4:1 hip %%Ili (A Ile lots from a reg I -r use o go Years of one horse with the w constant benefit U 4RICHINE81,10DO'l Y"' 111611cs illuch, his ,late go he plesIlitis. It is because , Iox. McLaughlin, B.)wmauvilla sells them. The five- "Htc sTiTRI041 Tabules. Your druggist "T'Inva"00 of St. James Waferst I Out., NNlites 11111D 11'sr OV011151Y 3 ears 1e 0114 :S the 01.0 be whips is a suets{ who can I- overebtimott d, In The 11,0111 itelliL.g pileil- I PATION cent! packet is enough for an ordinary occasion. 01 cannot 1) 1 puffered terriblY a supply perhaps degoiVe the other horse null tile awl tirtrall-y 1vorib)en the y have st:vtu years ag; be inked a (Irtlggibt , C tile ulail The Family Bottle, 6o cents, contaia ondan-E OA for tile lless cure for pileb and wilt, iuLd BITUAL TV "a "Imot deceive motee:11.1, B0 t ineur., He oill- PERMANEN wliocliivci;liinia)lclf( f)dHliiiii and beds for a year, to Ube Dr. Chase's OLut It— :or. Cli2x1ts 11- Vcv"11, tlaut-d this treacluelit: ullt-11 entirely I -OF—'PRIC land.. Vitzgerald, Seat A I '. I xo cz , cc him down. If a nialt, stays in One 00111- 'PWBRITAIN4, [Z .0V cured, and As he has never halt any bord );now a1l- I I k-) k4 In of his old trouble considers his -1 , maniti long smow ft Ill$ llei(fll ItfIf is NNeight or Druqq 5f;AIAE fi I s ate tint a secrort tent unit retusirliable, on V AL whether he is pulling 11 " 0 -Til of time Ile saffer- pretending to woi k vbile romeolle else account uf the It. -ug (limb) V`iev& to thei buy THE GF -14 U tN.E MANT'D BY is pulling the load 11y throwing his tizzv sot.&.t rliejornsu& upvrt request. ed, shoulders against the collar. thay. i1eki, upon rL- ,,idelit Roosevelt's lionit Ix, strong I Mrs. W11 . ire lit, ti, I CAI NRN1AF1GSy1?Vr at lbe Caradian night Jan. Is ;: ;.; t t , r ce V11 .". J I — i 1,rincli - fit. Jan, 3 Wafers Co., 1728 t I 'J' %svit4'r yt% V4 "0#.t figures and phroses ItlLe hold of the St, Cather,sla. St., klont(Glil.r i -lunter, proprietcx " - N.Y. 1 0 Hiluter, Nvife, of Will, I " CAL. . peoples. 1juislionioro tifraitl Of being the Grip lic!tkkI, Seaforth, got UP to get FOR $AV fkY Att vPuGGI . STS, PRICE 501:. PER 1301tti pe 11, Six t1attles fOr $5.00 of 's y some, fatal Inis- clearly understood than Liticoin was, a drink of water. tud lie u -, (s the phra seology of everyday take :410 got hold Of a 91ASS ill NvIliell I OEUMAXT uOLIDIXG 13ACK. lite. ,Fall your weighl" is a Plasbic use iustvt poison Bud not isOticsill" and deServes to got firmly weeged into From -rs contelit%l, site drank from tile vess,A.'Refusest to Join WithlSirltain In pardan V I ,:lies Frotest. tile vernacalar. Mill 11 liters. , I 1, -,he very soon realized her mistake, and Great Britain's ly C RN L using the intuat.es i London, V Sanctum arc _,f the house niedi- th Jan. 7.— A. roeured. The doctors did protest in 0 matter of the passage the t 13 0 1 toresting Paragraphs from our Exclifinges call aid was p through the Dardanelles off .10 or T p-ovs) to you th-1 b Dr. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A.A.&AA&AAk Is n c%)r1aln A. pedo ' soat destroyers creates con ami-ilhAolate cure for e,%ch everything possible to r -ave hzwr life auk I sid- ab P1180 *24, e -O; 5, Grey. kliown as the Mr George Murray who has been in, d(.Spite d it is exPect0d. as .1lefforts.she died on Friday ierable interest, an. and every fo•'rn of ltvWng, f, as b Mrs. Hunter 52 'Years Of I not unlikely lard to the Isle i(linps,nd prot-u-trsr piles, lrot, 11 cell sold by P. S. Scott, the draying business , At Senforth for g evening .Iy to 12 At clause of the tw," inamigricturers imvn; uarnsiteed It. Sot, tes- a -01 rimontills in tile owly i-rps.; an-lasit ou"'0014b- over IT years, has dispose Of his resi- I age 111, 1 tile yon can ivo It and stmen Cu -,to d was all unusually Act and abrogation Of that G xnada L sud Inve delsoo and stable,also his stock and bnqi- - treaty of '. Pat -is, which closes hn­-ilVIiatt'1ovtIiink0L J+' tiractive looking woman. ;et your loonev bark if not ourall. Me,A bo -K, t the following low - rate M;vylej,_;, for t:x, in ii of ncss tollu'r. John Halskirk. who took I)aki-darielL S. .1 dealerser r .D1%l.1L1,sOX,DATl3S & Co.,To,.-onto, Tilt TI.Nli.:,, announces 'I'lle. London daily papers are -groat- to, hase"s oin,kn ent Clubbiqg Offers for 1902-0 .0hildren Ory'Tor possession the first of the v ly concerned at Ger ear. inany's refusal Irout Britain, British Troop Oil Liniment is without, A GUARANTEED CURE >ciq.Ao itself with U he $1 00 A ee ioll the most effective remedy for; .1,ho-igh she is a si.vilittOry of t Times till Jan. Isul, 1904 ................... sts I g 'U - Times and Wee)dy Globe, ngq R i A V" leers, Open SoresRhen. itreaty. including the premium nod, Disease. Inatism, Bites, Stings, of Ibsects, tte. Fur FOrMs Of WHY phissiltyl Circles. picture of Ontario's Lieutenant Governors .... 1 60 ofts$eu-Prs who 1,ought, At large bottle '25 cents. (,onslantinople Jan. stiLtiou, over the 0 1 1"" STAO%KS OF with 11"u-41 has vlgol'ollsl. ,, protested to tne Times and Family Ilerald and Weekly Star, s. Ihe urillerigned Draggist am fullY twin and C. W. Pollard. of Mam p: tipest to oiTe the follownig-nar-11teO T - sh Government against, the per- premium pictures, I Alone" and -Purity."... 1 75- -_Near 130) wore 2 376 t ,Li q I a Yorkelaire pi_zs, G Q1.1, Zo e-ut bottle o€DrPrit- mission granted in Septeinlier last Tirues and Weekly Mail and Empire, including your =,a-. rm eivel W,13 A2,6713 - 15, with .1 -s t1rN i s, r1W Only i to four unarined Russian torpedo 11 The Dector or of 19 t Darnes, that -wkph, E cirz _ C tic R I&Juev-Wort Tablet !X1r4?.A`;e over 11,101 t7,7 - it in the %Voetl that, positively 1),), to, pass through the THE BEST choice of premium pictures, M! r t it destroyer, 1 715- Z s mnl.:121 is.'• z;ja traw,,Ios arising from Dardanelles, into the Bieck Sea, un- Contentment." .......................... ,stir a curt's e7o 74. An aver dcr the commercial ilaq of Ru9sia,," Times and Weekly Witness ...................... 1 60, :tie as etlneda2.ys:— returceA if t T jb, pinp,; i4 the brr m 'I'lle Protest has caused 'Norway Fine t .2wW imffes'tts raz refieved an.1 Unproied !in .1jussian circles. t THiN GS Times and Western Advertiser .................. 1 40, virtneq and 1 --tft- Ln -1.1 T'xF_ 7_-0n bjittte_ Three to Kx ...... 1 75. afne-sr ns - Of ent, Times and- Weekly Sun .................. C.4 l;1j., * cnoXin TO HER, 4 25. k. tron:4dtbi. I'var-le- zZ svru antl 1.ermaneur you D a,. _!Fra!rre1h-ve.1 tx d cured, Times and Daily Globe......... ,d Irina tromb`!Pss! a few _re!s. dang ZN mM's A 77,rv-t-, T T(I T" wa,--e mo mf- oiving Her Tithes -an d Farmers' Advocate ..................... 1 7 =%=Oed to, lead to I P.?."- firs. Chamberlain's Tuct ri 2 20o win -L -am. i here to make gel, ts' suits of—variety N. W. T, 'E -. --ame vmas A. L. Hammflt4l-, D--uggLst,-, uttslinuti Prestige. enough toplettse every fancy to ton. . _ ': r,- out. All gratify every desire. Times and Toronto Daily Star .................... —AdIng 001z place in., FNatetc, 'Is '.-, - - - I Pretoria, Transvaal, Jan. 7. 1. t' :I; is not necessa . I - - of a --t- 0--A bn& teen a foz sa=e rz=e ef r doulits as to w We could extend he list, but We- can QVJZk on Nvolluesday whether the Doers Sallie tertain- glsc, -when Miss lung tronbte. _k famry gathering aS-lemlZed At the would participate in the en 'tewart , INVt-st rw.nts, given in honor of Colonial you clubbing rates for any newspaper or magazine rc _%Ir james S ,m. McAllister. con. i%lr&. f, h3me ot V I Fix Tour own price--clionsts Your give d in marriage to Mr. OhIldren Ory for evretary Chamberlain and zafte %Vawanosh on ChriStInAs. There -were' S FILED RATFS, marked down f B1,vth's prosper- 4-w1tr nre :eut ju_e. W, eson sr.,and. Mrs. )VIlson, i Chamberlain, wore alissipated. by the own loth—von know best what you published. The above ar I e our 1_9 Frl_:a3 1 0113 0 appearance of Generals Botha, Pe- need—we know bost the way to make ;3sjn, ss men. The interesting C larev, Cronje, all so a Az) a i4jKlA. together with their family, Jobu Cal d SlItuts, at the s to admit of no reduction. Therefore there is no use at the residence Of Mr. rs !,,n party ggh-ell by the Governor Russell, the Walkerton gaoler, born!; Mrs Win. McAlli*ter, and Mra. t za The attendance of the town asking 'for -cheaper rates. p.lirt, eonsin. o f the bride, i a I Robert Robt. McAllister. of this township, null 1, Sunday. for daui%ges as not lar -e. ace of 29 invited guests. Rev. is euteria.- all actum 'L Boers, however, W 'We see thn weekly papers will be sent to new Tos,.ph. Lucknow William, of tblS Mrs. chamberlain is Lact,fullY aid- t the fit, the finish, the In. each case the 'T Against the Council for aclopting an al- es quoted .Ut.1.-ers performed. the ceremony. 1 sbip,itnd Rev. Jas-Wils011-Glellcce- in; the Colonial '-woretary his workinanslilp, all through are pre. from t5e pr'apk*r- towl I I subscribers for the balance Of 1902 Fmm The rat 1 leged slanderous rep 1st f oulp.,juied, by there r -art- 1 pacificatory mission. When General cisely ns they khoUld be, and are SU S Mr. Russell was cbar ed Tiley Here aci . I to have you ItIfiased -,vith All subscribers Children Ory for i tv committee. ners in life and most of their familivs. I (_rj)IIje was introfteed, she at first golDg are for either new or renewal subscriptions. ed for goal par- 'did not catch his name, but inimed- what we make for Ton, frOol the Is supposed with nsing gooe The aged couple a:•e at the four seore I intely after she I,eard it was &neral :first lime you Put it, oij till the last will receive the premiums advertised by the different papers. ST0 PRI, I AN . I poses for his domesti- us - mile stone of life and. not a single break . I Crone, Mrs. Cisaamborlain sent for time you put it off. IC 1 Worms affect a eltild's health too in the family eircle. hint. And engaged Ill a lengthy con- I - Ul. on Monday evening I se-rionsly to neglect. Sotnetimes they I Im q I i eesation with the noted general. - I OING T 0 HAVEXJ. a If 'You azi YnU `kX kX begro t,z ST.-uat ,at jell,, it, Costigon Dead. A spllit of Win. Carson, of cause convulbious and lie th. susilpet, them to be present, give Dr. Genuine Castorin MAXWELL. jo took its flig'.It to that bettor !Low's Ploasailt WOrUl Syrup, NybiW of Chas. U. Vl4td ;Cr. I Tall., Jan. 7.—John Tt. this Fall or Winter ? WIT d Mr. Carson has been in failing juring the An Auction Sale 9 i destroys the worms without in Costs a11, one of the best hitown for some years and braved it child. Price 23c. 1 law -,0)9 in the west, d "0111)c(l dead at inic4H AuT Timou, If you are, it will be to your interest to, Ididly until the death of his life Den. Dark has sold his choice 100 Mrs when Enb:, *,v.1s sjcl; xvc gave her castoriZ his 'home Sunday night. Death came . lie he farm, west of Craubrook, to Alert Car- ;,%Vhcn site v"jF, - was r a1>0qt t*,vo mouths ago :when t qbi1d, site crieci for castorin. without warning. 11r. Costigan come to the TIMES Office for your bills•• u -son of TTon- John Costigan. no .`(jowa. Deceased %VQ -9 in Ili4 S10th I ',to rtleently disposed of his farm in' vpben tilie Iter, w a About 15 years a -O, Z_ -vVe can arrange dates for any of the: 1- $(y200. There , when she lind el-.ildrenelle 6,04-c t!12:n Castoria. canle to Albeit 1 11 . s And had been a resi -Put of Gerrie Morris. The price %va` , and since then hits been ora tiring sty for l, grpAt iinnib(,r of years, he it tire good buildings and a fine location- his profession at CAl" VY antl. Waz- neighboring Auctioneers. I NotftwChlr P Conservative And a memb- Heurietta 'OlIty Fraser, belOverl w_;f TAod. 1. trl *4uucli 00 Mr. Dark intends giving up farming null 1% ald, Tuesday Sale Bills printed while you wait, at 6thodist church.rt the will hold all auction sale on Thursday,: of MeDon. I died oil King unit Queen to eru!ae, of that hao dread disease, con- I London, Jun. -,.—The royal yacht, Ne, 11 out H 0 W u 9 fu%7 d -leaduclib Powders I . u(I iust. 11 will probably go to Prus- morning 1-2 ie :z ) years' jori:l wnd Al1wrt, has 1),cvn ordet- Iii _'S tj 21 erlin:z I fit tho early age of 2 L.Lmj filltr trier Xtitr morphine "Or 0011m, I sell for it time at least sumption, C. YET T I 1A.0i prompt N1 I and 8 months. ',,hp was born in Tees- ed to pwocOLd ill t IIA 0116 cures Siolc Fleadaebe. successful farmers ill Canada R' must s Lever's Y-7, (Wise Ilealfl) Disinfectant was a resident Of the BrediLorrancall, ubere Xi tt The iteadache of Lev owclers. water and Will ::7.- reild the FAMMER'S ADVOCAM they Ontario. N L - Wing ,tc,,1,3 of Powder is better than other p rham, ft(-.ar, licate ladies and c 0 ap I e of the death of ]ter Yllward and Qu"il Alexandra think aWout their work, they act I poll its front Any cause Whatever, as it is both soa--) and disinfectant. Y, Up Until the tint1se. teachings, and they are its greatest a aprers. tlisho tliirteen years ago wh(ill 51101 Imbarle for a, Clcri Its editors and contributors are specialists. parents, Tile is)caud 2 c. 'ittined I On Friday Jan. 2nd, Samuel Wake, at left for the U. S. where she roll P'. crews, j -woll-t (it clintol O -i, or of Gotierich town9bil) beOved one time resle Silu then rottirnedl Hied stovk of jewel - An. eut of rrussels, paid four or fiVe years, , lids parol Ilk Niatare's debt, at his home in ONVers And four Years ago last May was unitedlevy's FA"MER" .l`•q -, I that r. Lowery hall not city nit th'. Isr, n C;a-7,r ro Esm Walter, Arthur ADV b E at tit( hospitill ill Clinton at the M"ERS Sound. He is survived by Mrs. Wake; I y In Xing wil a -lit will Illove. to E I ; in marriage to Mr. Jno. 'MoDonald, then T EU ARE TWrh %g, to years. and 5 OPAT pujoying the best of health for I , qo ls, Charles, of con. .4, Culross. 5: -Will and Elgar. The funeral service, HOME MAGAZINE ;Z, Ty and down hill.• aftera, w%FIt's'. KES .'VasheldonStillday. I)dcease(l was tt oil N ew Year's inxiing i : % - - th"6 an(,I,%V.tq fast going e I I C V I • _ contains the cream thought, In every hoino in t. tr,)Wule was, such that nothing else illness nf congestion of the lungs, Alex- 14- and practical men continue to read it be - nn ilidustriOl"; MAIL 110 was. In Dyspepsia, B0.1192 cause it lays dicin and because they want ,it oil LIc best. Ve Varst thousands of new sub - fill ops r. I xvonirl relieve the con- the employ of tile Stilt Works while ander Wallace PaSs011, away at his 110 0 1 _ 1 11 Anfitted to the it in - e ell ngs ( f Pimples, -wribers Avila %villappbreciate sometbing good, ievitable in Bros I Jul THE WINGHA' TINES sels all(i woriced for the G. T. R. on West street, at t e good I I HeadaChOS, 0 you scribe, the more ;it - - elglity. three )ears. Mr. Wallace wns "i, R, As no latest and .. es* interestic Inflay last, The operatign AVOrg for, amtl time nor Local in Owen Sonud. W I IL get' Will SuPP1Y 70u Ivit'l t' Constipation, mfully perforrw!6, but n residents, bav 3 nforseen Lo of Appotitti, I I-Ionle and Fore'ign News, and lised internallv Hagyard's Yellow. one ofG io-ierich's oldest resid -.)aftersuch, thatureanlic oil cures Sorti Throat, Hoarseness,'jug lived there for sixty Years. 'Be i ival ti-visaros Salt Pheran, ism, wl wlhieb. knows no n Used WEEKI-4 VJL . elo. Quill -Ay, palit. in tile CIALSt', Croup, etc-: born at Kilinarnoek, Scotland, Aug-3 'O, 'Mill; da sen carrying him off tl) externally cures Rheamat Erysipelas, I .- A BIC; SUN ,turn. Stiff Joints, Contmoted Cords, Sprawls,19th, 1810, null in his young mallhoo(I I Scrofula, T H E-11 ng tile list of 11105t sneces9ful came to the country 'with his wife, At Its special features are-blarkdt Reports that; are 110 - strains, Barag, Scalds, Cuts. and Bites and all trOtiblog ! '. - I i;_: AIM 0 tha periost when the settlement of the equalied 'for Ir UILINESS and RELIABILITY, th, , aelivered, Addresses at tile of Insects. arlsing from the (_re, 'tt 74 "Bystanders' on current OV6111ts- -Id nusler tile, wiipices t). Oliver Rhy- Unroll Tract was attractin,g wide9pread. Stomach, Liver, Regular contributions )- On. NVedliftlaY Jan. 7 1 $1 Reports of Corivelltiot _,,Icociations and meetings of in - in the Old' 1;3%vels, 0., mood. I ;- Farm rs'Itl,;titUt28 Of OutIrlllt last nqs. of Goderich and Miss M. G. Aland attention both, ill Canada and a! Country. After 8116ttsojoilruitiToron-i a k- terestatid Value j._*.e dairymen and stockmen. %rag y. 0. Elford, Manager Of 018 Vergason, of Da field were United in Mrs. A.LiAltall,1110, :k g, #arm At to null Galt, Mr. and Mrs, Wallace 1310IN-fluIr. 011f.- I practical talks cath week on Live Stock, Ztdryirl no oil 11oaltry Statibli At 11011esville, marriage, 010 cerel Ily talcillg Place writes - "I I belleVe I I Profit, and other subjeets. the reSja(q1ce of the bride's father, John reached Gollerieli: in the fall of 1842), and Crop LCUItUre, Pceding (6r In, 'Vould Ilav(A. I 6"We Iit have been sileCOSRitnt Mr. Wallace established, the jowell ery nl$, g-tvo long ago i liag tha m3 vvieo q of Mr. Blf0r(1 V ergnsan, Of that village, the drawing 111t(i it net, been tot t SUZZ'GRIM0 NOW for Muter fintl Ilk3 left. oil Thursday room. being prettily decorated with holly business which, lie continued to the time 1111rlo'.1c Blood Ilit• t -C teve. Turm-rundoWn 'M r,, $,.6o u,q V611 tioncl to new Aulrerlillonk TIMES 7 so falfil the engagements Of It null evergreen for Elie occasion. The of his (leAtil, His was probably one of to oall till vNient I evervi",uc (if lite 10ARNIMSADVOCATL T1413 ONIY 5 y was perforine(I by, tile oldest houses in this trado 'I' the that I rould seareon I Zo froll; now till t,,L end of tool, inclutling the t-nd T14r,, V8F-Kt1'9' ,;ot1Z1 tba' tour. 118 91lettk8 twice a marriage coremon ly juwoi about the ';- I)cglutiful Christmas Number for botli yvrtrs Province, and lie Under stood his buslueggl 116a4p 1%,-.1swilsket Time is 1110110- Readt tiusiki tictl &i; And we will send Thi Still free for the balan the points and as meet- Rov j. pastor of tho Prosby. I --- cc of 1002• mom r a free aftinple copy if you ivalit to Ned a V, Ujue Scottish thoroftgisuess. In I aper. It 'It *a held every week day sonitY Rica tevian churth of that burg. to CL cr " It fo a6eq Stitt ill 7.1; pratt;ctd, up_io ,Jate armors paper order ;ftt 14_­ 1- was ix Pre Vterian and jut a nom; Illy Appetitts Illeam you. welub" or A(Iresses llewill givc mra; gone nn(i M-66 I 'bo 'dodd Health is impossible 1 politics a 11betal of the Libet-118,41WAY9 unM;io to do UlY ;kfter 111EEKLY SUKO Without reg action of the bowelfi.' taking a groat interest in political events i 0 4:6 11 A POST CARD TO THE ilsing two brittles of RU J* hto)wn rePAC)iro of subjectft founa in to deliver addreft"s oil LAXIL-Liver Pills regulate the bowels, ''ftn(l discussions. 'He was an enthusiastic I jiu gni Zit W11114"I W414 eo.ottd, S*od cure t,,onstipatjon, dyqeDF&L, bili0l( ')f"li""hl - Scot and & member of Inverness Camp T* 'ArmlyievollIMMUL 006N, ONTARIO, 'THEY VIVILL SEND SAMPLE COPiSi topicr, and we have no sick beaditcho, Rild fill affectiOn-5 e i tiand. 1115 wife it it tq ill, tirt4l tate• owt &U will be dealt With In (Yrobs of -digestion. Price 25 cents, i stylff of Sc.0 Warn *ill. Volluin. MAMW All drus gists, i y48r9ILSO. kin TORONTO, An , D FORE. C V