HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-01-15, Page 50 1, a I TRE 'WING11AN TIMES;' JANUARY 15, 1903. I e Baby YES, IT IS TRUE.' News From -,Our- Neighbors,_ ThSick? Then probably its a cold, Th'' 13abiesi catch cold so e EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR READERS, and recover so slowly, 44011t, alowl low ve r+ What every day wifl be a hat w1dea,,ake TIm [BARD S 08 100rVOSIVIOdents, .0ominniatoato —Other W." , " "TIC', .1 1 Then, a single Ogbt that is Items Olip-pad 1prom is Ml Qr SX0144ar neccss�r fora cure, You just put g nowrcK. some sralcne in the vapor iier, light 0 'lie lamp berientli,and p] : January wearing ba The election for- Reeve or t1ais town. The vote for municipal council was as I -ice near the follows. —For Reeve, Jas. A. Strong 41 Ir in the s he 1),eatbes. ship was a very close one, The vote was crib. While baby sleep healing r Council. inflamed = Co!d loosens, Bargain ay as follows —Ituntz 8001, Reid 800, Tho Robt-W.AvIsughlin.270. Fo ined mein beat, and 411 Vote for Councillors was as follows:— lors—W. T. McKee 417, Jobb Spence troublecoases. It'sa perfect specific Donaldson 852, Bii,ptist 20(;.'.0al1ogh 2.12 367, Xohu Gowdy 843, Arthur Spotton for whooping -cough and croup. s MONEY WANTED I MONEY WANTED I Falconer 2.37, Jarvis 195. MeXague 175, 830, Philip Zimmermaa334. TheCtion. Valin-crrs,isrio is scm hv In, I lrwm im alld A,,V�go," Two tbougand 4dnilars' worth of NEW GOODS must be Howe 91. The council for 1903 is made oil, for 1003 will be: --Reeve, James A. L I last a lif!-thnv. and a bottlev( 11ARD CASH darinir the next few weeks. and to make up of Reeve, U. G, Kuntz; Councillors, Strong,. Councillors, W. IV. McKee. Jolla Cre&)Ipne. corn-Inte, VS 'a - lsnczgcentsnnd Secants x r 'Ar ontaln� " 'll O'C"I"' weoffer Immense bargains in, star . I.,. sale a griind success J. !Mllagh, Wm- Baptist, Jas, Dmabl, - Spence, John Gowdy, Arthur Spottoll, 111"llivs tes,irnonift free % `W t, VA-` department. CoMe along and, take advoritage of sell, Ge�, !I-alcouer. As briefly announced last weak, Al. C 11.1 .. I -ic. n., 1140 Felton st.`I&� "ep'-�7. the bitr diApounts. Please read our list beet Willits, of Howiuk, departed this .310 MIS, orf special reductions. G RO v W_` D LIR'S The CrItIcal Thoe of Mile life (11101M the closing , hours of 1902. 1 To sea our friend Willits around town a Mr, Albert, Howlett will build a new Ill between the years of fifty-seven house next spring and has purchased the nudsixty-two. Wi4cire's power slows few days previous 110 Ono would have neewsary white brick at Blyth. down, vitality becomes less and the pro• ever thought that it would be Ills lost gress of decay sets in, A: menus of ex. trip to to , town, but it appears a severe cold The trustees of S. S. No. 4 have c.n. 5 pleens extra heavy'Wrapporette, wide, fast colors, regularvaluo tending old ritue and rotiewing decreasing gaged J. J. Todd, of Rensall, as teacher loc. to clear out CLOTHING TORE is to take Forrozone after meals. settled ou his lungs and after a few (lays for 1003 and he commenced his duties, on F ancy heavy striped Skirting, rog, 20c, sola price, V19rorro one keeps up tile appetite, and in suffering from puoum 7 . onia, accompanied Monday. The yonu_­ lady reported as the formation of red, vitalizing blood, by heart trouble, lie passed away at the the chosen teacher declined to come. One piece heavy tweed Dress Unods, reg. 25o, now going at 11 imparts clearnom to the tiring brain, comparatively early- U. -e of 55 years., Extra heavy all -wool Tweed. wide, good value at 50c, special at; .140, force, energy And spirits fast when they Mr. Willits was John, Cook, iv., received a Wow Year's 5 dozen Men's heavy fleece lined Shirts and Drawers, 4 ea are needed most. To take Ferrozone. one of tile pioneers of - all siz gift from Leo Ham, ChWaullill Of Blyth, reg, 500. to clear at TILL FEB. I st regularly means adding from ton to I Howick, blivitigromoved from Wilm'Out Mile from China, The curiosity being 10 pieces extra heavy r, lannelette, wide, fast colors, reg. loc, silo .08 to life. L,trga boxes We, TP, to tile 4-Queell's 6ush" some twenty years or 0 boxes for $,).5D, at Druggists, or folly ft box of ituts. They were as large as 72 -inch heavy gray Flannel Sheeting, reg op, to clear Ri - 46 Pelson & Co,. Kingston, Ont. YeRrsftgO, audblis silica resided in this wuluuts with a thin shell and the fruit Heavv all -wool black or gray Frieze Cloth, 58 inches wide, reg - A. L. Hamilton, Sold by vicinity, and by Patient industry provi(1. ular price $1.00, sale price 75 Dr. Hamilton's Pills are Certain. ' ad a good home for himself all is like a (late, with a kernel inside of the Large heavy all -wool Blankets, reg. valuo 1,; 16 DAYS OF GENUINE d large data about the size of u filbert.. Ila also 1 4, gale price family- He was a native of the United received a white silk haudkorchief. Men's fine Regatta Shirts, fast, colors, reg 75c,, to clear at W CUT PRICE BARPTAINS States, but came to Canailti when quite The 100 acre farm of Albert Carter, Ladies' Cloth Coats, well made, to clear at 25 per cent discount Miss Janet Braddock, who has con young- He was always an affablo off 8th line, has been purchased by Juo. I Ladies' large For Rnffs, late style. reg. $5.00, to elect- at • $0.3. hand man and is very hi -lily Spoke?' Of Lawson, whose laud a4j­oills, it $5'..)oo. 1 4 pieces fine Eiderdown for childs' coats, reg. No, sale price 40 ducted a dress -making business here for byhisneighbbrs. He used to attend the 'It will pay you to come and see us, even if you live twenty several years past, hits given up business IF. S. Suott itiade the sale. This will! A line of Ladies' merpotized Sateeu Unders4irts, now stylp,rreg. en . - and leaves next month for Detroit, 03tigregational church, but since its re- give Mr. Lawson 300 acres but as he and value 5,1.50, clearing price 125 "miles awnfrom Win haul. This sale is genuine. Cost rice Movalliasattetidedat other churches, his sons are workers they will be able to 10 pieces fancy Silk Week Ribbons, all vo!ors, rap, �155e, sale price .20 y Mr. Alex. Taylor, $oil of our respected He leaves a widow andtenchildren. luck af ter it in proper manner. 5 pieces oll-wool Homesprin Dress Goods, 56 incitles wide, regu— Will not be taken into consideration at all It is a genuine townsman, Mr. John Taylor, was re- One daughter, Mrs. S. Willis, by a for. I lar value $1.25, clearing at ,cut-price clearing sale. TiiE REASON IS Our Store is too elected reeve of Port Stanley. The fine 100 aero farm of Robert Arm- I iner wife resides near town, Mrs. R. strong, lot 16, con. 4, has been dis- The largest car load or coal that ever Baxter,, of . ..... ...... . small for us. We must make room for Spring stock. We will C) ,,a to Blyth arrived last week, for the Joliet, Ill., and four sells and posed of by the well known proprietor, P� not carry over any goods from one season to another ; the first Blyth fl urmils, It was Pennsylvania fourdau.-litersat; home, The deepest to his son Robert, now of Bolgrave. for ,, sl)eeial sale Of will te'-weali, now goinit loss is the cheapest. coal and weighed 80,000 pounds, sympathy is expressell by all for Mrs. !$0P000. He gets possession as soon as the 0 Miss Murray,who taught in U. S. S. Willits and family in their sudden be. I fe.,tse of A. 0. Datnes expires. The latter U -ST ONE 1102MENT, VLEASE Newspaper advertising costs reavement—Wroxetor Star. has been grazing it, Mr. Ar money, so we can only take a small spa* for a few of our No. 10, East and West Wawaaosh, A mqtrong �t bargain prices during the autumn motiths, has gone to Valitable Advice to 1,1otl took up this farm from the Gavernment ISARD'S CLOTHING BARGAINS Port Burwell, wboro she will coach ters. in 1851 and moved on to it with his good I durin- tile present. year. If ),Our child comes in from play wife, now deceased, ill 1853. It was all coughing or showing evidences of an bush, in fact the only cloaralmi of any Boys, two-piede Stiffs, nicely made slid lined. reg. A.2, salo price C-1.05 The voting for the mernbors of Blytb approaching attack of Grippe, Sore Boys' heavy,two-plece Suits, good sfylis, all�wool, worth $2.00, 1� consequence Was five acres, chopped at BOYS' CLOTHING DEPARTMENT Council resulted as follows:—Joseph Throat, or sickness of any kind first McCoullol to clear at Stothers 1,30, Andrew Ale Nally 137, A. thin," got out your bottle of X r li - -2 21 Boys' all wool Halifax Suits, coat and pants, reg $2.00, - 6 �i lie. Blyth,Messrs, iind McBiio be• -3 10'Afen's Tweed Salts, all -wool, goad linin.-%, rer. $7. sale price 5. 0" W. Sloan 125, Dr, Milim 118, John T. Rub the chest tinct neek. with Nei-viline ing located there. The Corb,?tt, Brandon - Out price sale ...... ........ : .................. $150 and give internal closes of tell m Men's heavy Priem Pea Jackets, well lined. reg $3.50. going at Carter 85. First four elected. For drops ill and McCrae families settled in the Spring I sweetened water every two hours. This of j8-)3. Men's Overcoats in all the latest stylos:-88.00 oveq for $5.00; 19 pairs Boys' Odd Knickers, sizes 22 to 30, reg 79c, cut s.thool trustees the votu was a close one, Will Pre -Vent any serious trouble No NY't$7.50 for $6.00; $3 for $7; $10 for t12.50 for. If price sale ...................................... .49 as follows:—A. E. Bradwin 111), A. H. liniment or pain reliever equals Poison's Avery enjoyable New ears pary 6 only Boys' 3 piece Suits, all -wool Halifax Tweed, sizes 30 Plummer 116, David Cowan 113, Robert Nerviline, which is a necessity in every wast held at the residence of Charei 2.79 household. Large bottles cost only Wheeler, 4th line, on ThilradayJan. 1st, �o 33, regular $3.75, cut price sale ........ Slater 107. First throe elected. 25c. f at which 22 relatives assembled. made 1 ,11 otly Boys' double.b�easted'black and blue Se'rge Suits, tip principally of Wheeler's,Wilkinson's, 1i Oak Hall make, 'sizes 28 to 33, short pants. These They Father CConsumption, TURNMEP.I.J. Prcctor's and Anderson's. 'After a file I E. ISARn & CO222* suits are all wool and well made, regular 1,4,6 50 and Bad coughs, colds and cathrrh are re- Minutes Of 11100tilighold Jau.12th 1903 dinner that would gladden the heart, of $5.50, cut price sale .............................. 4.25 sputsible for more courrimption than is The members of Council buying sub: I any Baglishinaii, of turkey, plum pud-1 uptlosite Bank of Hamillon - 14khest price Paid for Ptod tracl;'ablo •even to horeditv. Catarrho. • scribed to their declaraeon of q'ialifi. I ding, &c, the young people went for a' ........... zone cures mora . quickly than ordinary Cation and of office toot- their seats, sleigh ride rultl in theit absence a short -MEN'S CLOTHING DE PARTMENT remedies because it is the only antiseptic- The reoyo in the chair, •am was givou and games ilidultzed yot discovered that is volatile enough to progr 9 only Men's Qdd Vests, sizes 36 to 44, reg *61.35, cut price .79 reach the root of the trouble in remote The minutes of last meoticig 'Supper over, Grandfather Wilkin - parts read i In - .4 only Men's Fulleloth Smocks, sizes 36 to 44, regular price parts of the lungs and bronchial tubes,' and adopted oil motion of Messrs. Mos. son was voted to the chair and although and inipregnato every particle of the air d K rove and nelly. he plead that ho was no public mall he $2.73, cut price sale......' ......... ; ............. 1.89 breathed with its boaliriv, germ-Milling � + vapor. Colds can't Inst tellminutes or Coupland—Rutherford—That by-law I filled the bill tip top, complimenting the + 4. Ew $9,00 IJENIS SUITS $5.50 coughs more than thirty minutes when No. I for the appointment of the men,- good looklugg trowd aud "sugaring off' 4S -28 only Alen's single and double breasted Suits, all wool, Catarrhoz.)llo is inhaled. It. clears 11080, hers of the Council, Road Comtnissiocl. the English in. good style. Sou;s, in- Fr e 1 .2. : 91 1 throat and air agsaas nno, sto some light in weight, some heavy, and some weighing I dropping, headnpolis, gandat orraodicatas on-ps ers for the current Year be read threestramorital music, recitations, &C, were 4. 7 lbs to a suit, sizes 34 to 4.1. These were made for tarril ft;m ail)- part or the system. Two tinies and Paased—Carried, given, a rule being laid down by the months treat��ient, trial size 25c. MOS,arove—Rutllerford — That bv-1aw chairman that everybody had? to sing a + AM + ston, Out. Frasar and Alft. kacEwen as andj�ors 0. the western trade, and regular prices were $7, $8 and 1 0. ,,9 a salt, cut price sale .......................... 5-50 Drriggistq, orN'. 0. 111alson & Co,, King- No. 2 for the appointment of Douglas 1$0119, tell a tale or treat to candles. K:]�- $6,00 YOUNG Alm -,,S) LONG PANT SUITS 8.3.95 Dr. 11.tiniltows Pills are Mild. t L 12 only Young Men's Long Pant Suits, all wool, sacqae for the currontyear be read three tinles 10m. 0 i 1 Rev. Jelin Neil r1rew out a large + avid Passed—Carried. shape. fine tailored, sizes 31 to 35, regular price 85,00 ET I 11; L. Kelly-0oupland—That by-law No 31, 1 crowLI last Sunday in the Prosbyteriau to $6.00, cut price sale .......................... 3-.95 John S. i + Oil W0d1;(-S(!ZLy evenal g, Dec. 3tst, rL 1903 for tile appointment Of church. Tlit-%'�Nlet-lioclistsNvitlidrew their 41 $1.00 McTavish assessor for the currout year I services on account of it being Presby- o. $1.50 ODD PANTS F OR IME N very happy (!vent took place at the home mr terian anniversary day. The weather 0' ,ill sizes, of C. and 3jrs. ItIlyn, .1xd, Ethel, when at a salary of $35.0o and $,5.00 pos 28 pairs of Odd Pants in tweeds and fullelotbs, was not the best bat the church was + Just arrived A cos of of Salmon Trout,nisi � regular $1.50 a pair, cut price sale ................ 1100 Miss Erna, their f,lurch daughter, was fees, be read thr03 times and pass,oa— + from Port Arthur, Caught in Lake Super'_A, $40.00 FUR LINED COATS $28.76 united ill rhe, bonds of holy niatriniony Carriod. crowded at the evening service. It. is + exp-_�cted that Rev. Mr. Anderson. -W 4. with George 8erntitl), of Dakota. At 6 COuPlancl—Xelly—That the resigns. ill I 't" A very choice fii1h. 3 only Alen's Beaver Cloth Coats, with muskrat lining, reg. o'clock, as the stmins of music filled. the tion of Mr. George Fortune as anictliber preach his farewell rermon next Stu- I<., $.10.00, cut price sale ............................ 28.75 . 0 horg:i, the Wedding March being played of the Local Board of 1-10,alth be accLpt- day. 14- Also a c --se of 'VVh1EeF1.1;1[1, cau-n-lit in. L 0. $12.00 OVERCOAT $8.50 by Miss Tents Welthe brido beautiful- ed—Carried. Mr. and Mrs. Kinsley of INIanitoba are 1 o %taying at Mr. Thus. T. Appleby's oil 4. NVinniperr. A ver\" S;: 1: �Sh, the —RuLlierford—That by-law 0 L 10 only Men's OVMOAtS, sizes 35 to 42, all -wool cheviot, ly attired in cronin ,ilk, trimmed With Musgrove 4� talma pockets, regular price 612.100, cut price sale.... 8.50 lico, c1liffou and ribbon, entered thi, 'No. 4, 1003, for the appointmolit of? Sanderson street. + which is excellent. parlor leaning oil die arin of her father. Wirl-1-lontuth a member of the Local 4' i Part of the village council wits sworn 4� I only I en's pea J.,Ielcets, lai-e storm collar, sizes 36 to 40, 1 in oil Monday. + who placed hur bc side the grootri. beneath Board of Health to serve three years. i And for the appointment of Chr�'e.taplier' made of heavy frieze, double breasted, reg 3.50, Out price -70 On Allonlay evening aboutO o'clock il a, boantiful arch cf evergreens and roses 10- wiwe. the pastor, Rov. 0. p, Wall,,, .13 Jobb a member of the local Boar; -1 Of; the fire bell raug and a largo crowd wns 1 0. ! attrizeted to R Black's residence, !he 4- A., B. D., ptirfornied tl,e ceremony, Health to serve the unexpired term of. 1 9. AT pipes from the furnace took fire. Some. I o car 't and part UNI)ERWEAR Aftor the umial congritulations the. coin- Mr. George Fortune, whose resignation, of the floor wore slight DEPARTMENT �at R I I FIR' pany adjutirned to ill(% dining room, has been accepted, also for the appoilit. 12 dozen Bleu's Wool Fleece Shirts and Drawers, sizes 32 whornb�o aur fifty and friends 111011t of Dr, Agnew, Modioal 14 _,1001; Air. Joseph Hayworth, who recently to 4G, regular price $1.50 a stilt, out price per suit 1.00 did ample justice to the good. things set officer for the current year, also the 'ef)ry them. Avery plfninant evening 'apPoilltIllent of Win. Fi 8 *tl lost, part of the lingors from one of his I nii i as, iVVVVVTVVVV7TVV7VTT handsinashootin- match isnow able C� Nvas spent in music, gauges a.,(1 snc.ial gallitnrY inspector of Clio Local hoard oi; i Health for the c, 1 to take his place in the harness shop. 0 Iallar. �l'ti(;bri�iewli(�idNve'.Iky)ow,.iaiid current year, be passed— i nianv us -fill presents. Mr. and Yrs Mr. R, Black shipped a car of wheat 'Mr. John B. Vogt who has been under! 1p e, a. s e L t i highly' estcoined, was the recinielib of Carried. Attentid"niq 1\1.osgrove—Coupland—Tbat the C'erk last week. -rriath intniid to go on a driving tour bi instructed to notify the auditors to ff These are few articles yOU Will 1-111d on our January I B the weather, is better. ll� vl-.dtl'ng11 friends tit, various Waves and commence the audit at the Treasurer's i Bargain Table. I Mr. John Knutson, is doing splordid, Of�"'o on. the Lmrtl of January next w(- ave the lead in. 0�x assori. tj although not able to leaveIs one thing h noy,.;'Sweat6rs, all wool, navy bine, reg 60c, bargain table prIve .39 hoino in Dak—ta, arried. the house, J� 11) 1, it I The to' Air. J. Brothauer is Navin- some i e ►- 011� . Boys' fanev wool Top Shirts, regular 501,, .39 InNviDg accounts were passodi nient of wool ,eat and leather soot 0,*!-('.'rs ill'� am p .20 , at dt and the qnes on the Bank of H raig done ill the Grand Central. Mr. Boys' Wool 110siPIT, SiZ05 5 to 10, reg -",5c Do. I Ic issued: 61cir Children's Hespital, To- ,�lnos Gofton has the job. All the block! Ii,.. marvol (if styl,,% quality and cl-.eapnc�,,, Boys' Black Carl Caps, re&alar 3 50. .25 j 10. I n ; Get the Most will bo p(tculdett ill the near future. Boys' fleece S Shirts and Drawers, r eg 26ato cc .111) roilto, $5, charity; Crleo, gason, OLIt of ?*OUr F400d C-1100011RUPPlies, Jeff, Mr. John Douglas, our populnr tin - Boys, Leather Mitts, fleece lined, reg 35,c .25 1 tc i smith and coal dealer is ontho sick list Boys' Kid Gloves, fleece lined, reg. 65C .30 You don't and can't if your stipinach r,-avel; John Burguss, q1_11.40, reg. of' 11 T, I' , 4ien's Wool Mitts, turday evening and intviy cue- D- 'T11 reg) ular price 2.5 )a is weal:. Aweakstompchdocorint(li- births, marriages and deaths; John. Bur- but is impr�ivin­ A car of t,,oal rvacbed 1 0* Men's Vatrdigan Jack-OtS, rc�(r Price 850 gest all that is ordinarily taken into it, !(a2st $4, elections- James Burge.,s, r.8 here oil Sa. E X N S 10 N cc , 4vo i(.11S '. Thos. Netterfield, M, e 1:0*110111! Wero founil for it. i P� 139 elections; S I Dl,. BOARDS- -Tile largest andt Men's Top Shirts, regqlal, brise 65c .... i I., gets tired easily, and what !6 4,zils to 1. IF T. It. Powell $8, elections; Geo. Co Men's All-Wdol 1.311Neiters, regular RI -00 A digest is wasted. B.Scott ot-11URCH NOTES. Men's Scatch Knit All.-NVO;)l Shirts and Drawer8, re- 65e .45 �S' I I of the latest desicyns and choicest wut.ds in it., n Among the signs of a7 wec'k rf 011litch plections; Eli h11liOtt,tilo,$T1.,1J0 I urls- I A meeting of tit(% Whighint Distri(t' 0 cc hard bosom Colored Shirts, regular 75e, after eating, fits of ner. herry sli-tre.LNIorr;s,13,ouiidary;Llli B1l0tt,J' pworth L.,atmo Nxecntive was held the manuftictturt' (if up-to-date furniturx.:. Alen's b are uneasiness It " - Il, ill Wilv.-!"alli onSatarday last. nous headache, and disagreeable belch. t11e,5.40;10. (Iratterldge, tile, 31.' '.. 'lliott" Wissionarysorvicos will be held in the I 33--,-N\re carry a coninlctt,- 'line of ill kin_L�• ti,' furtiiaF And a good many 11101 lines too numerous to mention. ing. L olo,tw,prilititig. P. I I Modlo list, church oil Sunday next. Rev. po- Conic with a little lnoney and take away a large parcel. 1 'XhaN�ebeciitroiibletlwitlidvsp"pt, i.N�lo,�grove—Cotil)],-n(I.-That this meet- Se o , t,'_Iate of Japan, r6id it form(r 0� years , and tried evory remedy I lz 1.0,r, mg do now adjourn. to meet in ih . , •111- 11 . I but never got anything that 1z"ve me relief pn,4tor of NVin;4inm Methodist churell, b. r3bildren's Toques: 50c, kind 39c; 25e kind 10c. until X tools Hood's Sarsaparilla. I cannot Clerk's offim 111novalecm Monday, Feb. will preach morning an(l evening, W i praise this medicine too lilghlY for tl10 good 4 ad Rev. C, pairs Wool Sox 25c, 9th tit 10 O'clock a. ail. c?orge Xtirby. the evaintel list 110 P6 Do - it Was (10110 nle. I always take it In the who lim beon etigniguil in evangelistic P. .spring 1 )ring and fall and would not be without Joics- Drimrss, Clerk. work tIlro'Ll"'ll 0111all, - the rapt WALKER RUB. & BUTTH It," 1V. A. NVIGMT, 3361100110, Out. a during -- ca �t 0, — . I I couple of yoar% was extendeda If to r Fumiture mid Uyaderkaldw-,. 960dos SarsaParilla I bt come pastor of the (1,01ttal NOthOdist; )w- T"E R. ile CROWDER Co. COTtallo,doldo,hoaraortem, and other threat 1 church at Stratford, lint has accepted ft '1�. Strengthens and tones the stomach rad ailments are Quickly relieved byVr%tjo,Creso- invitation to it PlQ"orShiP in the Metlao- 1* Th- Furnitn�c 14twe opposite thQ Pi-ist C)1' lee. I 1 10, ­ - WINGHAM, ONTARIO. the whdic digestive System. lene tablets, tell cents per be*. All druggists, (list church Dt Val -my, Alberta. I &AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAiAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA** %, 001 t