HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-01-15, Page 4T11K W14NGHAM TIME*, JANITARY 15. 19(Y3
ceding year, 4%4 the WrPltth OY410 All I ICAWV IWAWAXOS'". All thm having books belougivg to 00
e>tFirst con tali Wood WO hold in the Illuevaltl branch of the Witiglittlit
`Ou, wall't, a tit" 0 , VIloom, jalwl� for
members Libr#ry will, please wtarn thein at 0400
y The Provincial bye eleotioutt Olt Wed- present being. Jolla as the Library is ]low olwd, I JAS.H. KERR
iteiglay. of last week resulted in the re- and
Messrs John N. 1,11lis.Jo4ii Xonzlos, The. Ardt weetiug Qf the Womau, a JOHN KERR
And Gavin Wilson, councillors. Institute was held last Thursdwv Atter- of three supporters Of the ROSS Ar, , So PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE
t. Messrs, Brown of North Win, Booeiroft was qb, tit. Haviog each noon the parsonage, a goodly itumbor
Governmeu severolly subscribed to the declaration of women were present. -Mrs- LDr,)
pe tit, McKay of North Grey, and, Little of ilartlificatiou, And of office, the Hbovo Armstrong of Gorrie presided at the 0090"o "�0000"C006490"40
In the shape of a of North Norfolk are to, be QougrAtulat- ill tile Chair, tile minutes of Dec. meet- meeting and read a report on the
lug, 1902, were read itud r�Assod Woniatt'slustituteCotiveptiou that was
Brush and Comb ed on their splendid victories, The Ross 11 LL" our goods are mail,14ed in plain figures, You can s(.
Moved by Mr. Ellis Mr. Menzies,that. held at Q irlelph in Decoluber. The re -
i Government nowhasa majority of five P Porterfield be. appoiuood Clerk, salary port was v , try interesting And a vote of When we quote special " prices'
andkerchief ill the Legislature, wlth one seat, North $g5. Carried, thanks was offoredat the , close of the the prioe on every urticle.
Case, 1-1, A
Case, Perfumes, tufrenv, vacant. If the House wero. 1qulay Anderson was also re -appoint- meeting to Mrs, Arinstrong for her kind-
�cajjed together at oncetbis would be � Ott those ness in Starting the Society. Mrs. R. you can tell by looking at the price ticket What special prices
of 11)02 sula . ry $80, and JT Xa ha
Hair Brushes, Toilet its. Bone find Maxwell is pro-ident and MISS , t le
sufficient, to carry oil business.. If the aditot-s of accounts o Swan,Seo. Meetings will be held every
Peter W. Scutt, a 04 : mean at this store.
Articles, Ebony House is not called together before six 1902. third Wednesday at the residence of oue 0
weeks or two months, , it is passible that . Moved by -Mr. Ellis—Mr, Menzies, of themembers When things rtaitihig 1•0 - a
Goods, etc., you can
there tufty be more bye -elections. that Wul. Robinson be assessor for 1003, to Domestic economy will. be setissed.
80ary Sallie its formerly, 05. Carried. The next meeting will be held at the 2
buy the very choicest I 1Y SALE
"Don," in Toro ealt
aw Saturday NiOlt Bird of 1i It for 003—the Reeve residence of Airs, il.ohn Wasmait. The a SPECIAL JANUARY SALE SPECIAL JANUARY SALE SPECIAL JANUAI
,makes a lengthy comment recent i
at on the rec and Clerk and Messrs Jas. McGee, Wal- Subject "How to make broad" will be a
ter muGosviku and Jim McCallum: Dr. taken by Ruby Duff.
bye-eleotions, He said in part:—Every I McAsh,BeIgrayeXedietil Health Officer.
I one is iok of Ili,, Conservative cry of • OF. 1 0 IF OF
RMP COUILIlooicatiou front J. Russ Robert. julve) Stocir, 11tarifeks. 0
Foul playl"—flut bee-ttiso the con• soil again askilig, for a donation in aid Of TorONTO �Tfill. 13. —SUIP$ 11X all IIRVS
ilin As. 6" bell's science of Ontario iscallous, but becauseI Sick Children I 's Hospital,. Toronto, re- passed off actively at the Western Citale Ladies' Tailor-made
%Zeived, and oil motion Of Mr, Wilson-- Karket to -day, and values were firmly
the men who whiningly repeat this par -
DRUG STORE rot phrase have done so little to j justify Mr. Menzies, that $5 be granted for that maintained in both butchers' and export • s' Fun CLOTHING. Skirts and Coatptrpos(e cattle. The offeriogs wore light, find lade
Ov,� Carried.
Chocolates axid Bon ifts reiteration. The -Mail" comes out by Mr. Ellis—Mr, Wilson, that 7 the bulk of the stock was sold early in
I the morning after the bye-electiou aud: copies Of the MUElicIPRI World be order- the day. Some buyers. did uQz, transact •
Bons in boxo-s. ed for the council and treasurer for any business, probably owiug to the a
heads its Witorial On thF, result with the 903, Carried.
I smallness of the run. The arrivals were •
words "Every Seat, Stolen." The old The Clark reported that according to 63 cars, containing 050 cattle, 894 sheep,
TO ADVERTISERS. tune is grown musty, its catchiness is Oil the returns received by b1m, 118 rate, 754 hogs and 21 calves,
the wane, and the organ will have to pavers had on Monday, Jau. 5th ]list. The following are the quotations: tions: 0 Our regular prices for these per,
voted in favor of the bridge on river by- • We wish to turn all our Fur MEN'S OVE RCOATS
lee of changes must be left at this grind a new jig if it wants tit gather it law and 274 against it. The council CATTLE. •goods into money this month, fest-fitting garments are very •
office not later than Saturday noon. crowd. I do not suppose for one minute therefore cousidered that no further ac. Shippers, per owt ...... $4 75 5 45 4 low, but we wiiah to clean up the
The copy for changes must be left Do., light............ 4 00 5 Q'i a and to encouraLye you. to buy NI EN'S ULSTERS
not later thanMonday evening, that the bye -elections w, -re clean on tion pit their part was necessary to be Butcher, choice 6 75 4 ;do ep stock, so we offer you a discount
taken oil this inatter in tile meautitue. : early we offee 10 per cent off
OD"nol advertisements accepted Up either side. Possibly, and even probably, Avcouijt4,Of George Quinn, Andrew Butcher, ordinary to - BOYS' OVERCOATS of 10 per cent, off •
'is.,k. good ............. _ 3 25 400
a noon, Wednesday of each wee there was more wrong -doing on the side Auld find Win. John Jefferson for Stir -
7 which has everything to lose and pos- vices relideredas scrutilleers on tile vote Batolier, inferior ...... 4 25 0 00
sessed the resources and organization of taken outhe 5th of Junuttry last on Stockers ..... ........ 2 50 3 25 0
bridga by-law roceived, and laid over LADIES'
government, than on the part of those for rurther consideration. Choice owes, per owt... 3 60 4 00 • CAPES BOYS' SUITS I
,HE NEW TIMES. 1who are virtuous only because they are The Clerk was instructed to notify the Yearlings, per owt_... 4 W 5 25 0 TAILOR-MADE
LIJOTT. PUBSI(Elt ANT) PROPR11=011 poor. But, however this may be, tile collector to have his roll returned to the Spring iambs, each ... 2 50 a 00 CAPERINES
Conservative party can no longer expect. Treasurer not later than 1st Feb. next. Bucks ........... 1-10 , G . S , 2 00 3 50 66 For the month of January at a •
I Debentures were passed and signed 0 RUFFS, Etc. discount of 25 percent.
THURSDAY. JAN, 15, W03, to create a stir by general charges of the maser
of tile following accounts: Choice hogs, per cwt. 6 11�-' 0 00 0
sart the "Mail" advances. They had Fraser filid Logau, BLvth, 860 tile per Light hogs, per cwt..., 5 87,�12 0 00 40)
their opportunity, it at all after the Fred Toll and 'Jas. Wilson, $1.74; F. Heavy hogs, per cwt... 5 8T.ig 0 0() 0 They must go! for the month of January only.
THE COUNTY COUNCILS. elections of last May, but they signally Gutceridge, Witigbani,towilship account Sows, per cwt ......... 4 50 5 00 (3 10 per cent, discount foil the
fore the passage of the Hardy Act failed to live -a, in fall for tile ill 1002, $147.31; F. Got. Stags... .. • .......... I -. 2.00 2 50 0 month of Jantkary only. • Wo haven't room for them!
p. to their professions its
teridge, E. Wawanosh share of building %vjXqH.A:1*X MARKET RUPORWS
of tLe county. Councils were id pullishers of corruption. culvert (in southern boundary, $60, M11- Winghant, Jan.' 15 1903. •
P at
eldy in size and unnecessarily ex- 1 iticipal World account iu full for station- Corrected every Wednesday afternoon
ve. We have gone, however, to i I Pry and supplies etc., to data $7,12; P, by Cassels & Garr.
Cher extreme. There is not a pro- INAUGURAL MEETING. Porterfield, part expeiises of last m
1 1palelectiou,$35;do., do., serviou "let- Vlour per 100 lbs ........... 1 65 to 2 50
'Oi6sentatiou of all tile interests, e8 as F all Wheat .............. 0 68 to 0 7 0 •0 RUBBERS
ved and the money apparently I Clerk in 1902, $85, do , do , POst"20, Spring Wheat 0 00 to 0 60 0
The Town Fathers for 1903 Hold stationery and express charges in 1002, Oats,.... • .... 0 28 to 0 30 F I S I Remember our special prices• •
is not true governmental economy. Their First Meeting. 0 85 to 0 0 B R 0 0 M S
Barley .... .. .... 40 •0
MovedbvMr. "Wilsou—Mr. Menzie , 0 Fresh Lake Herring arriving
is division, for example, no matter I I Peas ............. 0 65 to 0 7 10 on Heavy Rubbers and Over -
that this comicil do now adjourn tildrawn..........a Shoes.
t the result of the election one of the Turkeys, 0 11 to 0 12 9 ery week 25c dozen
Committees Appolitted—Ji. rew Accounts Tuesday, 10th. Feb. next. Carried.* Geese, 14 ............ 0 07 to 0 08 0 We are ,just in receipt of a large `c
; Lake Herring No. 1, in kegs. $2 25 Rabbet's for 81.90
important municipalises con- Passed. Ducks, per pair .......... 0 60 to 0 75 : shipment of Brooms, and they 3 M 1; - 1.90
d will be unrepresented in the The inaugural meeting Of the town HLUEVALU. Chickens .......... ...... 0 30 to 0 60 •p are splendid value. ,2,25 Overshoes for
council Thetea meeting whichwas tollave Butter ..... .... ....... - Herring in kegs. 1.05 Overshoes for 1.40
ty Council, and a good man will be *1 for01903 was held in the coup- . 0 IS to 0 IS (a Labrador
home. Each village, town and -1 chamber on Monday of this week at been held in tile Presbyterian church Eggs per doz Prices, 15c, 20c-, 25c, 30e each. Smoked Haddie, etc. 1.80 Overshoes for 1.40
101 c am
-hip should have its representative! 11 o'clock it. in, for organization and Iftst Monday night has been postponed, Wood per cord ........... 2 00 to 2 50 0*
owing to the i clemency of the weather Hay, per ton ........ .... 7 00 to 8 00 a
if confiriod to one representative the I business. but will be b611(l on Wednesday evening Potatoes, per bushel, ...0 50 to 0 60 0
cilwould not be too large or very I The following members were present J -nuary 2 lst. Tea served front 6 to 8 Apples, per bag ...........0 30 to 0 50 a •
nsive. The Reeves vVould be the I ... 0 05 to 0 06 a
and inadi tile required declarations of o'clock. The program will be carried I Tallow per lb ........ :... 0 15 to 0 15 0
r parsous to represent their out as heretofore published. Lard ...... .... INN A Co '13% 0 N A L. D BLOCK •
al� . i Mi?s Aunic Oliver returned
qualification and office before the Clerk: to Toronto Dried Apples pbr lb ....... 0 04 to 0 05 JOHN KERR JAS. H. KERR
cip, ities, raid the off -lee would have
dignity if held for two years. The viz: — this week. Wool .................... 0 13 to 0 15 G W I N G H A' M
R. Vanstone, Mayor; Thus. Bell, W. Airs. Cleineut, and daughter of Virgil, Live Hogs, per cwt....... 5 75 to 5 75
le vote, would also be done "Way F. Vanstone, A. Dulmage, J. J, Elliott, `returned home after all extended visit to
. Win-gliasn and Blugale,,
to commend it S. Bennett, Councillors; R. jVjcjndOO, relatives In .0
It has nothing Mrs. 6. Scott of Vancouver, and .imo•m.. ...
we can see. It simply gives I t Councillor elect was not present. The Miss Mary Robertson of Bosavain,Mau., Intending I nsurem
r scoDe for the exercise of municipal minutes of last meeting were read and are visiting their sisters Mrs. J.awl Mrs✓
macy. if a minority gets repres- approved. R. Block. for It will pay you to see me before plac-
jtj& because otliqr parties are The following committees were ap- Will Patevzon leaves oil Saturday ing your business.
ited, and the same thing would pointed:— New York. Will will be inuch. inissed I represent purely Canadian Com -
in the Presbyteiiaa church and Sunday
L Z4
4.11 f
TMEs call. heartily agree with Bell and Elliott. His many friends wish him prosperity in Farm Loaus at lowest rates, Town L. L
u with the s �ffrHT
single vote, Executive—The Mayor and Messrs school, where he was all earnest worker. patties -
-e life. properties for sale. I r4 7 L
w. P. his fatui
our friend of the Mt. Forest Con Fitiatice—Messrs. Dulmage,
Rev. 'Mr, Aull, of Palmerstou, who 05
ate has to say on this subject. 0,)l OFFICE
Vanstone and McIndoo. ABNE R COSENS.
conducted the services ill the Presbyter-
Ilighain Waterworks—Messrs Bennett, Bell tau church last Snbbark, was a vera' LOAN AND INSURA AG T.
the division of which W- eloquent a ud inlpressivo_�peakcr and was 7
MIA11The two reprentatives of and Elliott. i,
Se he heard L [�l
apart. T rMessrs McIa- vory much enjoyed by those -w
ivi, are residents of East Na-Wa Roads and sidewalks
jnh 0and ngham. Blyth and West doo, Dnlmage and Bennett
s We do Oommunicationg were read from the
sit Me unrepresented.
Zdoubt� but that Messrs. Patterson Western Fonndry Co. in reference to `ir' •„ w `. - Y'
,v, 1 carefully look after, the assessment of their plant, the neces-
uterests of their divNiou, but we do! sity of it bridge across the river for the
that each innuicipality would be 1convenience of their employees and Loss 0 f Flesh
served if they had representatives. 1! themselves, and other matters. Referr-
kayors of towus and the Reeves of{ oil to the Executive Committee. you can
s and townships should compose; From We Wingbaill Electric, Light
fast, take Scott's Emulsion.
y Council. CO. re ch,,tn,-iD,- the incandescent lights
in the town hall to the meter system. when you can't eat bread
► Ordered to be filed,
OTOS AND COMMENTS I From tlieCliairmau Sick Ohildren's and butter, take Scott's
Manitoba general elections are,
for the fall of this year. Hospital, Toronto, requesting donatiou, Emulsion. When you have
also resignation of Dr. Kei,nedy as mern-
London News says that Premier. b I been living on a milk diet and e Tommijay
- o' the north oil Wed- er of the Board of Health. A MOUTH-WATERING MORSEL Vhat"S. the Pric
was the cock Moved by Coun.Dulinage—Bell—That 1 want something a little more
Aiida sweet story from a sweet store, where
tttlhat� week. I a grant of ton dollars be made to the the purest f sweets are sold. Our Con -
nourishing, take . Scott's 191n�eItllionery tell., its own story of purity d
Or McCallum died at his home in Hospital for Sick Childreii at Toronto. -_j perfection. All onr candies are strictly fresh, the market prices for grain :1
ville Ott Tuesday, He was a Con- Carried. Emulsion. I pure and delicions. The cheapest as we,1113.11.11 The farmer who already knows
1 the most expensive.,
. -e and was aopoluted a Senator 1 Moved by Conn. Elliott—Vaustone— To get fat you Must eat j The of our and produce need fear no combination of buyers when he goes
B7. .. 'I That the resigns cion of Dr. Kennedy as '- I Chocolates, Bon Bons, Etc.
fat. ScottsEmulsion
stated that the Conservatives have t member of the Board of Health be ac- IS a ! is attv.stea by tial quqz.titleswe sell daily. to market.
d to protest the bye -elections held cepted and that Dr. T, Agnew be appoint- great fattener, a great I
eek in Nutt.. - N
(,trey,orth Perth ed to fill the vacancy caused by such re- J. BUOKLEY, How often the buyers "get together
Nutt..on prices every farmer
'oith I strength giver. Star Restaurant.
signation, and that Chas. J. Reading be knows.
Dominion revenue for the past appointad a member of the Board of Those who have lost flesh'
riths is $3,579,007 in excess of that Health for three years. Carried. i
often has a farmer sold his grain in one town for a
t Want to increase all body!
Movcd by Conn. Bell—Benuett—Tlis
the pre -
corresponding period of
X. A. Morton and AX.Smith be appoint• tissues, not only fat. Scott's i! couple of cents less than the buyers were paying in a neigh-
edauditors. Carried.
Emu!sion increases tf boring market ?
aw.479, 1003, confirming I
fhe iem al!, From uUnfil
aboveapptment of X. A. Morton and bone, flesh, blood and It pays to keep posted on the markets.
'A. E, as audr.%vasatlir.-oIrierve.itims aupassed. I I A Dail -Y Star has the best market reports of
. : The "roronto
to. crust
Accounts presented and read:— For invalids, for con- any city paper. It has men who do nothitig else but study the,
4JMoffatt,stat.labor, Turnberry 1 60
troubled wlh Ball Bros , fumigating Bradley's valescents, for consumptives. The Market Bakery Bread is
suiaption for mane vears. At markets—who give, it all their time and attention, and you can
S*lj liouso .......... . ......... 2 CO for weak children, for all �a, perfection itself'. white, light,
tried AyCrla Cl,elry rcct�ral, A. L. Hamilton, formaldehyde sweet centre; rich, brown, short
il get all this information in the Star every weekday for a year
lih, cure(:." fulnigater. .................. 33 10' Who need flesh, Scott's ! �
U was $Peet Bell Telephone Co., 'phones fire. crust. Mixed, molided, baked fi D. P. 3o11y, AvOcft, X- ay to and your ow
mail's line ofllee� ........... 70 00 Emulsion is a rich and com- and delivered in just the W n local paper as well for $2.20.
a• iwiti your approval.
,tcr how- fi,,itd C. J. Reading, assisting Eng,illeeg Portable food, apd a natural you save a cent a bushel on only two loads of grain by
No mat .Davis..., .......... .... .3 00
or hom/ Id.130 1 Jas. xelson, labor .......... ... 3 0 tonic. vrill about pay the price, won't it ? Besides
ir cou. .1 knowing the prices it
J. B. Forgason, paid express .... 75 ALL KINDS OF PASTRY -world's news every day.
had it, Ayer �s
h7lvo A. B, Simmons, printing ballots 25) Scott's Einulsion for bone, WEDDiNG CAKES A SPFOIALtY thinkof being in touch with the
crry Pectorcl is the
Wingli in Electric Light Co.' flp-Sh, blood ,L,.,Pd nerve. to the Star or *througla the ofifice, of this
�Ihl_'19 YOU Cnn Mkc- o2ettiC lights, Dec......,.. 36 08 We have all the latest niachiii. Subscribe direct
S too rlSky tO Wait :as Brock, labor streets ........ 6 09 We will Send you i' Daily Sta-r and this paper for "2.-o.
ery, and there is no need of paper, Both the
you liave censum The accounts wera on motion otdored a free sample.
sending to the city for Your
you are cotlolvlrirt to be paid. & sure that this picture bread or pastry,
in the form of a label is on j--
iky ftc t a bott ?a C'i Tho Park6r Concert Company niatle it the wrapper of every bottle 1� 11�71
t - ctwal -1t Or=. pronounced hit at Tara Hall last night. of Emulsion you buy.
are al
11 wooft The entire propram was a rare music SCOTT & BOWNE, d irour. o V. 50
..y (i poSito Pticsbyterian Church. Sen' r "ers
&"*A: 100.. limo ilii rar Mit oral"'ev I treat And the artists will be long romoln. C m Lra�, STS, -P- ty
j"A.P. 11*1,i for 1 4
red in this efty.—Qafiboc Chronicle. Toronto, Ontario.
t X11• 0, qq�. ..A 1, 1 or n e I oiler % llovs,1,Wjxigbam, Friday evening, pp
IR 1-3 0
C. A's'sn CO., 110 IT �
If. C. ArLn CO Tim ::3rd. 7 WINGHAX
sor� and $11 all d.uggists.
. Liagaffim