HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-01-15, Page 3r ( :V IR 6 C' ,19 _ _ - . --• • -. • .. , 3 1. 41 I 1 N 'it .0 MESS 10, .O- " , . 1I:ANK 1'1� 4 1 1 as LUNG WEAKNESSo PREMIER IN OTTRA I 0 I IUSA. EYEN I 11UNDRE91 VE Y 11 The COOK is I)UF, TO POOR AND WATERY .... I, 0 Sir Wilfrid and Lady Laurier Are Official Declaration of Ail r. Litt[e's. I ;' � Ale c !i BLOW, _ _ --.- -.. Home Again, .: ♦ 0 M,saority :in Norfolk, I 15 . 7 1' Whv Some RooplO Qanno# let __--..--.,.-� Creditors of Anderson dank �t I �, , Of .a Gough, and Why it De- Qakviilo H ar'•heir Fate. velopeu into Consumption. WARMLY GREETED BY FRIENDS, R Mil l GQN iI ATUi.ATbD• °' (soil of th17 body--tllpy need ! r i I "PRIVAT'„11 R+,NKERS RIG. LOSSES bit The laf uod�t ill ld url to karya i""" "` o, to leo 7'pu,l' Said the rre1)iler, c,overnmsnt's TIctory Attracted Witt. s a P fl, s:Gu rant Pp y P "•and I'leueod to vat llomo ACalu?'- ' houlld alit(' strong • If tile. lt)Ilgs are not PPread. Attantiut►- i'r@Illlkr ltegp. Saye ^y (ion Strotrg they Ili tumble to 1'esist disPa8tl, Tiley'Dill ^.Short Slay is 31untroal " Thera 1s No Truth in the Itnzlior , Over sion,000 Totatiy e, Arltbt Nil l and that is the I-PASUn why All apparant- ],a Atonal -Sir 1Vilfrid Now In t A ,arum alrtitoo of .Accounting Ver �Q%'11l i �• 121b'filticl��t' 111 x�le kitcllexl ly simple cold clizlg,a. until the patient Iiyteellont Iiuuitl; and >toatly � a That DIr. Itsvle Ie dating to Ito. kI " grow& weaker slid weaker and finally t1re-Der, Pat Will Is,iao I the Same--lla Ill; of 11,1ziatltw; lleid aS, �� its aid 1101 1i(1i1z1S�ltil� SUtlps ' fills a catlsn tnptive's grave. Dr. 'Willi a Ifo' !('otic. � tasty gravies pi Paxed I tatornpot re. Kurth ><oric. let to Have 1ti Iat to hold s`11([l last C..11 � Wins' Piixk pills never fail to strettl;th lI (?ttawa, ,fan. B. -Sir 1YFlfrid X suer t) ( 1'reraiur Loss , Q�11 the socaritiels but i:1 a few Moments. It s'i1��' 'd�GS �*'1�0� ; tits lungs. because taf y luttike the rte v, i; t reached ihtx l'a 'ztatl 1 o-ul >ltt art t 7'uruttta. J illi. J, blood which alone call rlo this 1 , b Are 3 True Heart Toniell wise eaz'ly at itis t?lilco yesterday, + 64,000 1volth. and strell�tll to StOwsL flashes, �ragallts ri0h, red b l k b Nerve Food sod Blood Unrichere They build where ho teas greeted by itiatly{ meeting of the and every Otl1er CI1Si1 f01 W1111:11 1t is ci11-' •work. The moat 0ntpbatic Pr( 111 at }lis Pett rn front flet S u iu >s, Virgin- •tlr- f OAI.tiIlo, Jan. ?.-A axe( t' y 1'tillc Pills re -build 010 in, whcr, he «(tilt for rest and up and ronew all the worn out (lad want -d, friuttgs, who pei•sunally congratulat- ; de )oaltors in the private ban' of C. Dr.Williams'jObixiitseAtli(r t[ssuesofthobody9andrestoroperfecthe,tith 1 1 LO'ed. N(�COG W�14A1t]1Ss'1 (:11311^ lungs and cure consumption health. Ullile no forzual reception and vlgortothe entire eyv,e,n. ed hint. on the splGauill results of the p 1 Ga86 Of Miss, Nervousnesoisteepinesnese,NervousPr1; Wye-eluctiolls. lie declared his iaten t�• %�lldtrsnn b Alt was hold In tit@ „ ' fttages, is [welt to the was tendered hitt,.• thero were (}alto a nation. Brti[n FaK. hack of YI lity.. le a successes, at 4 S1lliail cost and at a 7 e Dltraudi of lit. Ellutond. Qn, tr acts of La 4r[ oe. Anaemia, Wort: and ti.,xt of entering innifediti,tely upon Town Iiall yesterday Afternoon. A y 1 Manch Elia f a a short Uot' c�e, Can 40 Wltillaut iss Duraud says. In the bzonth of wituber tit tLe station. 5l' 1111 Effects of Loss of ft..mejoryp palp11 flea of thu work of j•reparation for the ses- ' goodly L.sstimUlig-1 graeted tile cora- - F M y September, 11)01, I ryas visiting at tine Spcciall,• ra.pucstecl that nO leiel.)licm , the Heart, !toss ll energy, Shortness o1 sion, tills data of which he would not nLittee, couo-is-ing of John D2acdon- llome of att nude at L' Assontptiol), be tendered hill'. ii.tuong the C'.abi- ' Breath, etc., caneli po cutest by using, be Ili u, posiLion to announce for i �� Quo day we were out bratibg I got lily g N9ilburn fila, D, O. Cameron and George An- Ors tt ht cold. 'Phu cold net Dliilistersf to reet hint were f 's (Hemet and Nerve Pili$. some tilbe. ! drew. Aw-i�nee E. It, C. Clarkson feet wet and caught » d when I re. 12essrS. PrefoutLaine, DIulock, Fielding. 1'rko50o.abe<og3fcrSt.35. Allaloalarsor 1`o Truth in lite Itamor. seemed to cling to tate a m- lid Scott. Tn u:'1•, MII.uuis-v Co.. Limrrrw,'Purouto, Ont. On being sltutvn the rumor in a ' slid :secretary Pat is were on the _ turned house about the end Of bepte #t -__._ -- Cortservuttte worniab [taper that [.lutforxu. Mr. 111acxlonald was mOv- . .. w......, ber, Iwas(luitoill: I was quite fever• Sit•'hittld and Lady Lauber was ._..,. ._ __... lad no appetite, aurt the cough ed no I!uut at tile station, beyond CUni -US FACTS. bur. 'Davis intended to retire, thu , ('(1 into the chair. cif the uU- dales- ishI 1 P Premier said: 1 itors there were rawnt about '150. of Tiamilton. Ile wanted an investi- I .!\I y r: til 'hosp sal. ule+4 vin , i tleented to exhaust file. I began drNt6a. exionded greetings to their friends. Barmouth hetriogs tire findin[; a mar- � Is is no truth in the rumor ; D t la }:son is continued as as- �fltlan reaching to the botkOm. 1 way to the hospital. ing but did not get any better, and n' They drote inlnlecliatc}y to ihclr kat in Russia, lx. r '1,.e meetia- ad,ourncd to r,(, -as sera- Although the lvoman and Jaunar *, l00�. thH clootar told me that a OrL TlioOdoro stxaet. that Air. Davis is going to retire, ci- si,_rlce. and dTi I wag hu to n the( ftotn rub ble on ,Januar} 27, At `; p. til. daughters who perished were z(n Illy h113gE:. were affected, „ , ,. Cauflclft produces £�. 8•t. worth Ot min- I. lit lieu or ft�onl the . Ali .,,e: onding the luotion to can- Mr. Dfacdontxld said after the meet- feted under the name of ''rely, �ro tioll. At this tine a friend u17.ct to tie Houle Again." earls yearly er lxencl of her populatthu, Government. Dutjng illy Premier-, , (lane D. r. C.l,trkson in office, Mr. ing that the Palamrston i)rcn,,h had ward Saunders, a coachman, deck w cabs p ship," Air, Ross. added, "I have bee m, had reran tU fiP9 Il1P adt'1Sed the to DlontI.Cal, Jail. S. - "Iyell, I am 0 e y Pc spend loyally u 1 y t 32acclonald s,.i:l tint( the business paid only 25 cents on the dollar On eci them t0 hat•l be art his wife Dr. �Villiatns' I'inic Pills and I sent lad to sea oil, and pleased to be ! Torqury Co, pc»'ati0n proposes t0 spa . supported most and L y b. . tayD l began to 1; y lily calico acs, and the present vic its failure, wheleas it was generally I daughters. Saunders n said (111 for sixboxeh. Tho pills soot g 1lullar again. 1"lut news have you, the equivalent of a penny rate iu adver- g > «Els in a vi1;v bird (nese, and the little b little the conch )" was wV tory is largely owing to Liteattell- on ill understood that it had paid 100, been lie known ill 'l"OrlY, as I' flail ate,. a8 t y tit bcougr find how are tall tiler frict-s'. !j titling the town, 6 Y a staiaxnent runnel expression I where lie lintel fallnPrly, and A738 gtcew less severe. lily tulle- e (he }toasty gr,etfng exttnnctod to the i tion whish they gave to the organs- �1.lonly lugl:s on the faces fit the t t I strength returned, ane) e' Ile- t1. horned toad -a reptile which is not zatioa and to the (:!.cuss}un of the A M01 H EFTS CARS. : ed the former name when he call' better, illy g 11 -roup of personal and Political weetjug, I " Chicago. The young; wamaxl 1 to have a healthy color.. I 'used . '^ j teen' to Tlouaventure dC- a total unci TaomortsS-11118 'ustbeyu lao- public c stestions before the electors." , died on the way „at f,lenclS tt t0 4 a p 1 ! t`. l,. loon(; wiL; addcci to tilt Every Motber known; 11)0 ('0rs ant to the hospital �, eight ilexes of tr10 pills and ;vas tt,t+u :or,. l,:st, eveniuo to tveic()lno the Hr1 iu til(+ Lundou Zan. IC luuket like a qtr. i,uvi.' �(7ttN)uent. 1 coulatitlee oil it :talu:ing vote. One a ]tt(lr ettxld r, gnuFc, il�)rl j! Olis I slow be iWtecl to have be.n silo fully recovered. I am salve that Dr, I linister Of the I)ouiirion back 1 d ] once i s IIon. 11Ir. Dat'is fltsO derizd thu As a sesult � u ra, Geo. Andrmv )uubt, a.I d in(•xvr a (ed m, tit r ' dau itter'of ,Mrs. Perry. � n Y i-rinle D roar( and has a bristly bets t illia•nIS' P1Lk Pills SflPed lily life 1111(1 ,, 21 Soil.. rlhera were ire%- ' rumor of his. alleged re lirt;wu tt from. and ,),)lilt lia('d;)nald Ietired from. the varina i"c)r her first ba.►,y tilHlt+ia nIn the Ntl"o}e ratllzlly �snalred iJt)t. W to Urnac to 1 1lalzle. tiPhen tluUry it is s:ud t0 8r uirt x shall always spea'1r },n'atofully Ot then] 1 tied Fu her life me eft trying, In I he ant: Hon, Senators D1ahay atioUDan- pui,lic Ufa in t7.e niusL emphatic', cOnuf.itte:', on the ground that iheY n' rHrtaila til runje so Chipago, Jan. 7. -The entire f Such carps as these tell better th}ut Judge Zavc nc lion. P. a ellen 0Y 1)lt'ud frunl lire s}d,; ut Its head. learner. Rospect.ifig the North a Ork � hall ,:,! on a great deal cf tilne to little ills that are H• ,)(ver Of Dr. Willinms durand, g ,£,• e, I fly of Albeit 1!iilk-elsteln, consist more words th p deur, General xllalitt�Cr I lays of r' of the comptroller of I case, lir, Davis issued the f,llio,ving . the ItlatLlz•. Dir. C 1. r';son regretted all iuffln,s rand co(((lt; c?tlldr ", the s , font pei sons, was, asp hl Pink Pills. They cure all constitutional 1 x U ' r'ru k 1121, Alarso of the It is the pride P I statement:- ' the turn affairs had t.ikcn, and Ask- i ()lather•-r�peelfllly the yonag and int•x- c because the '>o right to the tl:e (.frand Trunk, , , ,_ I elle city of Westminster that the a Sunday night b}• illutninAting .%yealrne. s bees Y san.G cow tiny, DI1. Arihul l.anzcl `T am. not in a position to say ed DIr, Yotiw, to resign, Dir. Young 001011cefl mother -scare ely 1t11Otrs -,.,hat e root of the trouble jt'td build np the , 1 u(irault Authorities now rteeive a greater suns an thing tit present, lilt Lt little lilt-' 1(t'ulai to wit:u!raw, saying that he t•' (10. Ir, is to mart Hmert enciHS nP "It Their bodies tyEtle found yesterd . blood. That is why they never fall to ran, 1llyat0 :iccrftA�'y 130 , I Y Mrs. Langlois cf Lax Patric and the than the antler revenue of vise Persian t e1• on I will be at liberty to make a, � I ltd wnrl•el hard fur the settlement j>; n I tb7tt 13:tby s ()t+•jj'1'tsl,lersa,e t PPrf rl Cure iheuinntisin lumbago, kidney And 8 v, all n•01lip". There Tahla•ts nro sal JACK'S LAST' SAD AIZSSAG'". t y sellae}les in• A.isse.� Uftn,el'eau• Empire. During the islet half year, full f'nd conl!)Iete statement (villi re- rf the' il'7,ttrr sun(! ttl`,:t he and hi; ip: liver troublPF, hearlachcs, b „• j b: in>in Sir 1lilfrid and fulenco to the \01 til Park ['utast, f -,(lief h, ill :�:(1,u1.0 in cl:'!)osits. at pr fat, ly .'1 r for all tilt- n i1,nr al ' digestion, bihnusuess and all other blood The train n S • £Si0,421 has beta collected by the u£• ;stent; (,t littip o ,las And Sho ild eO•I- • Naive Agent zottnd Dead in A Iia l dealers Lady Laurier arrii,ed Shortly afturI. and have ruason to bellwo it will A.r. liacdonal:l opposed Young's :, diSeflSPR, Solei by all de k, 1'hC P2111tU itll,.lSte1 >aVC it, fi•ials of tl.e City council. , Ile one that wI:1 he Culinently eatis- appointment. I:O s:cld that the cont- Ietanl}y 1:A lcNptnin(eve P'e olanoSicknessvr, Street. I& paid at 50 cents a box or six 1)nxes for o'clOc a It is somewhat huuib.n n t0 our pride rat pry, til"t.� are yonn, n lin > dit'ect to th0 Dr. W31- hearty hand -shake to all who entered I ' uliita� hncl wor..l ci haul in this uxat- ; ITamilton, Jan. ^r • Aboixt it it . 1$,..50 by tt fl #, (-at-. All. cf course, wars inter- 1 ~ Tran.tferracl to Tatltn,t41. i fel• aucl were thoroughly ac(luainted 'c- es gnic•kl r-, ensl $aby'S prompt- ,light til+ deal! thou h stili st .. linins' Uedxcille Co., Brockville, Out. his a I and to know that attait(erl , Tahi,•reathanrinhe0rn«r[Hur•yl.prtinspt e g offered, int estcd iu the Prelnicr's !tG It t ! s tilt t of the iivitt �, roil of By consent of both parties yester-' Itith the alTair. I'ha ((uric of �,v met. bars, R. -1. LflRAe, Mountain. body of a nittn was found Otx Sift Substitute, are sometimesander sail t t t, p street, Examination of patsy . s rote t Ourself by see• sittisiaetiull wcs expre-sccl when it day an order of the court was made straightening up the wreck, and )a O It., says: `•I cnn rPronztlxend Baby's z on can altle ' P $ S, ilhantS' was seen that, al.hou ,h the Liberal , Pac•ifle SILVA9o. Until the advent of the Ing fall name Dr. W t I b transferring the p:la^0 of t+ }al for tile' wro •1( it was, was difficult. They Owls Tah:e s t0 all l'1+ thP1s ,vh0 have slowed nothing but a comb, a as„ that. tile „ • gained no o la la rititad on leader lead apparently }, (turbine motor these tiny Graft could out- hl-aring of the petition un�cl crass- htul cle ir•ed ixp some *11.1'00 in two Gs.,,ss Or dHlscAtrt cIIFLtren. If l'0} i agent's badge hearing the ntxttt, Plait Pills for Pale Pep P ff _ ter box. l:esh, he s�exned al. rt sari rigorous i still an * Strainer afloat. petition itt DIr. I avis' cttse fj onl hunts, 01.1 notes and securities. I lzuow hot' I (.0111(1 gat alum: o ithOnr, :lU (, unci two notes written #lie uvrapPtr areuud every 3 and that his vc]eo had 1'e;gained its Notvxnarket 'to Toronto, the elate Le- Mr. `1'ay or wanted Lo know what , ,> r a bacics Of aldermen's car . ',',T�k' wonted strength. Ile said he was Every t+IlegI ph pole Fn th9 remote tdve Th% rahl„ts are idrus. and , ., have dispose of th •iI ing rind for lire 20th last ; the Ohieetion was. IIe wonderod ' t•r4H f nm rn rites or p armful ciru s. and Alotlu.r and 11t his. t is poor J1 i Jackson Bros., toady tO go tO work Again. !districts oY 1�'oltvay has to 1)d eostiuuai' c;onK1.,L;tct;(u,,,,�, «bather anything «as dart. and , C1L1;••, d to a OOwdcr may be atintinis er that has dons this, Bury lily old And long established clothing busiuef s fir 11 i frid l.aut jer descri!:ed the l , tt stuffed on account of tilt) hears trr;•n;. A Lubinlll al cse And strort IIon. G. W. Loss was the r=(} lent g Hrl (villi asbsOlattl sflt'Htp to a new 1 Oru ]n Toronto." The second card ba at ClistGu to Flocl[;ess Bros., of that [;cart#ice Ol' the Southern clime he hAd i P !els )natlities «ere intIul( eel in. DIr• `bah'• field hti all drnigists or .v n . these words: "I took lily last d1r c'derl. "C ive lac Canada had I tvhi(-h have a intinia for climbing thu of quite a. number of congratulatory town. left, lint a AnGrew heft s'd to act «•i h RIr• { rtsail t►r 2•� cenCP a box by .t•ri'tin[,> (.i •Hct at 13arry Dean's, Hamilton. The Premier t} en S[vc Of his aged Pales fllld sitting Oli the Oruss beams. telegrams yesterday. Among their S'oulxg an(i tllc latter rcci[n ccatecl. ! t, tl,,, T)r. lvillialus' Diecllcihe Co tjtiiry at Darn's hotel showed tba. 7`hefc11o«inghavebeen gazattccl ills 1no!hcr whom he liar} not seen far sttayin, bacliwar(lsasd forwards nulil, tvesG telegrams from the Iramices of g then withdrew and Br ckville.(1))t, loan answering to the descrigt ' Prince Ildwartl Island, New 111runs- .lir. Iunn� e g I license commissioners for ]003. South some tinge and said lie must pay hex iu luauy ist,tauicas, th0 pole falls. tyle. ar'd (2uebec, and IIon. Chat les ' srs. Andrew find Macdonald were had bought a lass of whisltCy Huron -Datil G. Wilson, Peter Done- a Visit. thin lotat„d' CANADIAN FIRE VICi IMS. between 7 and 8 o'clock. Late ' Oapt. Dauvig,of Twtsl erg, has iuveut• Fltrcpatrick, Solicitor -C Neral. i >\.r. Clarkson rkson gave a rapid survey the evening Tom Nepham, identil. las, Iieury DO,Y+P. ZVf'st l:lnreIl-,TflF. e l aL life-saving, boat. It is shaped like tae l tt,i•r,tt Stsior.tit•N. ! r ' F is Roderick - of LhP basin• s : at Paiinerston and i Mrs. E. T. Perry and Her Two Children I the man by the badge And desf�'S Stevens, Ilugh IdeW11] a THE LENNOX ARGUM -NT. a globe, is eight feet (tide and six futd a l The official declaration in the (1fa':rill'. 'rhe former was begun tion as his brother -iii. Jc Robertson. half feet dural, curl cannot capsize. It North Norfolk: bya-LAL(tton was made about '15 -curs ago, with 8`5,000 � Burned or smothered to Death in Cardwell, who lives at 82 Fe i Argument IxevAn lit r)s( aodo IIatl o"' cart carr `e )asses,*ars and size. oI t I yesteld:ty by A. J. Donly, returning hirnished t:y DIr. C. W. Anderson, Chicago --Husband's Name Saunders. street. Deceased hi}tl,.,� .,w,,,,� -.. 1' me t Xie flit( lit N.)t e'anctucteci j - I a P I oiHcer. Air. Ll ale's majorit is 100. Itnd the latter in 1487, with 412; small child. Yesterdv, he ave )# for a mouth: Revised liguros in i\orth Perth give ) Chicago, Jan. ?. -Three persons p lvhen the Court Rose. � � Bir, Brown these wajc:ri ]es; Nrth (,00. Ile (lid not think that the lost their lives and a fourth was fat- his position as Haws agent On �OI'i+t 'air -haired pe)j,le aro sulci co be be Ji;Asthap)e, 2i)J ; Stratford, 1,;73 ; I talit:e!stou stcr.zities were worth I ally Injured in a fire at the IiOtel the G.T.R. trailts, saying he teas ABSOLUTE Toronto, Jan. S. - An apt) I hutch. This list was not yet in. Tho Iing to get a job in Copy's Found e cl cti .n )e- coming lass 1lunic•rouS than foxxner}y• ; bfurning(on, 1fi-total, X153. Mr. ct:s 0nlers' ''aper, :unounting to i SOmerset,atl eight -storey brief: strut- he inquest (till be hold at aootx argument in the I anile. I titLon was cult:menec(l at UsgoOde The ancient Hebrews were a I.ur•haired j DTOnteith's maiorttieS are_�T fins, lt2• 4 1:3,000, was considered by the coin-, sure, At Wabash anemia and T Ttrelftf day I'lSECURITYa11 yesterday nlorl iog, the court race, now they are, with t'ew ( xceptIOUS, I Wallace, 98; Listowel, ,) , Dlilver� xu]Itce to lie worth :+31,0:11). 'I he ,street, early yesterday. Three of cansistIng of l.hitf Justico Alc,s,, +.and I dark.. So it is in a lesser degree with i ton, 2 -total 2,14. Majority for S11,200 on Palmerston real estate ; the victims, DI's. E. Z. Perry, Aged - Sr I Justices Garrow, Alacllatlon, Dlaclar the Irish, among ((bout 150 year, ago n Brown, 2UU, with Llli.e not report- fifi 000, And Oakville real estate, val-! 135, and her two daughters, eight and _._.__ act. or !; lt)0 at , 81,000, 1 nide -years old, respectively, were \'arson i 1 at ,- death in l -u and D:cr�di.h. C,eorp;c \ burned or suftOeated to d �' 0 ..,.>�,o. 1 I<.(,'., and GrfayFotl Smith represent- dart. -haired person -,vas itIn1USL 11❑ ]Il•. �4hitnay surprised. The assets held by the Bank of ad the j.etiti:,r.e , allot 'falter Cas- known. ) ,522,825,1 their room on the fourth Poo Ire The I Yr. J. P. AVEi,11WY. DT.P.I ., the ITul:llitan amounted t0 fourth victim, a woman, whose name �'', en E,: hie sols, K.C., and l+ dlntuid Bristol the d I The Loudon ftnrl Cflledoniau Iusurauce 1^acct cf the Opposition, iS ut the whilt, tlu•re is abort $1,000 lett to i [las not beta learned, juinlied from recl:ondent. At the outret D`n'. Cas -;I the window of a room on the same t s <•Pl:; rttisccl the question of the juris_ CO. and live otlxer fire insurance coax- � CZucam Hotel, 1)w ]ng yesterday hc. esti ft the claims of the depositorsc. as-$ r�,7 fort lu:ldix: that it ( panties have withdrawn from business In ,had many Callers, who carne to die- 4235,1);'2' only `5138,!)00 was account • floor to the street. and was fatally ,�j r r diction of the co g I cuss the somewhat gloomy Situtlti011 DIr. Shaw said that of a total of ' i ' 9 ° c,e, r ` . hall no Jul indiction to hear the ap- i Paterson, New Jersey. The reason as- I created by till- results of the. bye-cl- $2:15,983 only $138,000 was so- hurt. Williaux A. Patter, a guest, peal ttl;rro corrupt bets were to be signed lxecl aro the fregtteu0y of striltC riots i actions. To A reporter he said: : counted far. . fro wanted to know Juut['ed from the window of a room .()pillions of Leading Physielaus- 0 one into. TTc held that it rho a �- i ,• on the fourth floor to the roof of a o ' S 1 T the fear of incendimism by Anarch- I "I alit solr_ewh;tt surprised at the where the nlouey (vent. r a cat! ttvo-story building' adjoining the ho- T have been prescribing call r for J ` tar3lAlAnCt in:ornAl 11('8, 1 CAxt rP¢a,nts 9 al ® peat was heard it should be limited A ( inn notoriously all i result of the contests s ill the bye-cl- Air. Cntns x on accounted fo Sr I tel. Ile sustained a broken ankle it vory highly.mr. J.1MI'PcHELL,-M.D. L the Livee r to those ett: a on which the judges' ists, Paterson being Y ections, because sly observati oils led deal of the loss by the holding ofFor bad d sa reed. It «aS dctieled by IAnarchist strougholcl• xne .to believe, aS I sti:l be:ieve, that had pa.I:er. Ile thought that S10,- (tad severe braises. The financial P,•ec l'Aof rice. Te bydralj;gi4ts,orby Piet? t Bear St;;r:atl7r© of g g loss teas about X2,000• onreee. STRONG, ,^w' ��if�, .- the court to hour the argument, sub- Tljo peach: is its original state was tL: the Government has lost round with ()00 would Account for the loss. The-' tis f7,liab tietixn, believed to be on T. STRONG, DTautlfActlmissz t';'f�;, jer,t to tltc Ob}cotiotl' oisouous almond, (110 fleshy parts of (hl- paella. It is ton soon io [,>o iu- hill lo8t :1:3,000 a -e:tr on this bac! i London, �� 4� ' Air 1Vatson first argued his case, P to any clCta]icd explanation of 11x- },aper. 7'Iw boot s Kaci not. been kept •- �' __._-__._ .._- ._ .._._ �✓ and DIr. Cassels folloNVed. lie was which were used to poison Arrows. For rcusons, which I may do later on." ! in st•ch shape ns t0 let them leanly ��s✓o�`b/,Y'�� siFil in the c0tu•sG of )lis ark*ument�thispurposC the pllint was introducedI ztloLtnnos trgnnloar. 0 holy tho firm stc:od. These badUIrsI �•_ �;� '�.�b� ��� ��� ��� «Ilan the court itdjurulled at 5 0'-; • bird altva v been kept On the books , f� L,. i& lr 1 Sea E(ac-Sl�lle V�:apacr Eetcty. , into Persia, ,when it rues t'ontld that Argument on behalf Of the petition-' -' P _ cl as. i trails }autattt)n and cultivati0u grAdufLt- i aj• }n Lite Lennox election uppPai was axul .gave them a lictjtiots sireltgth. ! 7'he argttn:ent will be continued, P 'tits and concluded yesterday. The \1'hiskeu' Air. Andrew s.li:t that. <n.y about ; r N -ti• -1) �� a ' 1 U�4.>'Fl,./ _ItIG• E ,. Tory vriaall, mad ru cony :,800 lit had i ills had bwn uneart it ' �! by `; . \ t; " El . ilii; nlorzliag, Tx' order to facilitate removed the poisonoasgrope Ic•rsnna! bribery cllal;e was thee- E ... tataloc ,v ,..• i the hearing, Vile court has decided to' ultimate]-+ produced a delicious fruit. I l d, whereas h( lett ur tllt:t the+ett i 1 oughiy thrashed out and judgl1lent i s e . o Fuel HElitUhdI .. i have the Otto argument. corer the ;1 est } _ � e._: � � __.._-— --•' I tt'as reserved. The laihery charge m:st t:e a t i,, start: cf ihex7t some- ' i CAB®�$ �41ti illYattiGs�. I Of the relit charges that. are to bei i against Jantt's ililsnn, ern which the tvi.are. lt. «us iulp0ssii 1u yet, ahat- RI� • , a+•aillrt the resp0u¢1e::t. 'sa>rsecl «'as ar bed ever nli:;ht to dune in t.ht, futur^ ! Fa ;,r^^9'e9C`,.:�.:� ^t.A. . �`Ov�A c.'3� I3SDL1!£e'�Oi ©ETC -01. Ate". 4 i`ti"�$.� 1o3Ei¢Zii861iiFdi~�S, ! 1'.ro.tght }, l itxial .Iucl}is di [, g ;;, ' + I by 'Ur. \1'at;on, but. lir. Cassels «ill Mr. i1'. II. Yonug ba:icred that the ,'"_. _�r� ;!` iv3c,,.�� �, asc_a #D �Y . ,tD it.3 .O acu? `2i'•�C°° l F®i1 'i"tl"e?M LIVERo l . Urn t hod lnadc lrtuu(;v, turd 1•c want- ': r� 1 ��il frpil aTiP�EIt9�l, = I1ci�:iP�':O SYIltt ..tiOL;):.IiS• a "%RNIN� i not reply until tt:i:; xxzOlning. The wr EM e* S 1 a1 to La.tc a thorougli investigation j 11 8���, llivtry cases and the charges of hit- :ons to n:a4e it al[+p:Lsent ahet•.ier, Filgs.�L46it'ii3iti�. i %'(ink or 3rona•eAl Drcidas to Tsetse11 ing llwa On aI,:cti:)s dly :re i:t the '"",' "h•r: rs ern t I,c`>,'. laHxtcldak, t7at�cryx(..1.1 F013 iEIEG®t4lPlE}fi0@1 S OOO,00O .tddit:onai St<.ek. the de[x) itols batt eo:tle hOl:esll- b;� °i „ I, )-t•, 1'1 t ` l , t::O })+;nalur C. 1': sanw Ilk)!, ion, the lo -s. • PaIL•.RZLtPP3t Nutr NAV,IC}y'MA-runt ! I I u 1 ,i i. 1 1.' , ,I 1 I , -t'` ill 1_ V Ie, , ,bc,G' I Aluutrca]', nt:c. .Tits, S. -At a spe I "" i'Fl COINQ l" Mr. 1 lar:,sten . aid that the I3an:t ! . \ , , ,'i 1 l r , : i '., a S, a't t•• ?b ceMslIIurelyVo3etallu�r a u hold lt: r tilt'll ✓ L.. _ I c:al lltctting Of til(: shat•chok- s of I Of llhlni:;:)u did T o e t ill filar )t, , i t , I.A.i1 ) .:< .l. ,i t, -.:) th,lt to I t Banlc Uf DiOntreal, he''cl te+tel-' ! s)lfF:cicnt to } a:. ihri( c:.lixu., ('nit ,�, ua,r of 1 1 .t 1.7c..1 u: 1. SICIG ir1EA[)ACtiB. 1'O ,, ;Iiia( I .f ::shirt:: h: CURE i (lily, it was unnnflnously cta:ic,tti t0 ; I fl' L:otr lira::( Cruor. to tt llaam Iter;;ass at ti